HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-12-09, Page 9Clinton. News -Record
December 9th, 19It
Is Jos( Arolllla The Corner
and a lot of people are planning their Christ-
mas purchases. We believe more than ever
this year that the needed things of the home
will be purchased in preference to notions
which do not represent value in 'terms of util-
ity and service,
The following:is a very desirable list to
choose from, many articles at reduced prices.
Rayo Hanging ]Lamps
Rayo Table Lamps
Carvers. in Cases
Scissors in Cases
Bread Knives
Pocket Knives
Pearl H'ndl'd Pen Kniv's
Automobile Skates
Smoothing Iron Sets
Carpet Sweepers
Hand Sleighs
Mitts and Gloves
Perfection Oil Heaters
Alluminum Ware
O -Cedar Mops 50c to$1,50
Clothes Wringers
Nickle Plated Ware
Tea Pots
Coffee Pots
Serving Trays
Crumb . Trays
Berry Spoons
Cake Forks
Meat Forks
tiugar Spoons
Tea Spoons
Desert Spoons
Table Spoons
Salt and Pepper Sets
Nut Cracker Sets
Tea Kettles
Bath Boom Fixtures.
A Nice Lot of English Enameled Ware:in
Teapots and Jugs.
3 Electric Lamps at Reduced Prices, Cut
Glass, Berry Bowls at a Big Reduction.
A Few Second -Hand Stoves at Big Value,
.Singer Sewing Machines.
It is not necessary for us to say anything about the good quality of
Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for
themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with us.
Ostermoor Mattresses
are:good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
Every house.shou!d own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They, will
clean your,rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will save all your sweeping and dnating, Free trial, given.
Price $12,50.
Columbia Grafonolas.
We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and
you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma-
chine you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we will
play it for you.
Ball & Atkinson
Furniture_Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104.
N. BALL Phone 110. J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 185
Fitted, Draped and Plain Bodices_
Draped Skirts 1
Bouffant Hips
Chin Collar l
Gauntlet Cuffs
Many New Styles of Sleeves
are the latest up-to-date features, and
together with many other beautiful styles
will be shown in the
For Winter
With each copy you get any
Standard Pattern FREE T'
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best.
�nr n,wum' „I'
_.— nmWd le..
Mts. R. IVI. McKay of Blyth visited
Clinton friends last week.
Mrs. Bean left on Friday toy visit her
scar, Dr. Bean of Tlderton.
Mr. Newman C'luff has gone to Strati -
ford to take a business college
Miss Morrison of Brucefeld was a
week -end visitor at the hone. of Mrs.
R. J. ('left.
Mrs. A. W. Sloan of Blyth was the
guest last week of her daughter,
Mrs. Wesley Walker.
Mrs. Dowding left Monday for Lon-
don to sayt farewell to her son,
Captain Dowding of the 33rd, which
battalion leaves (his week for Eng-
Mrs, II. W. Cook lett on Saturday Inc
Toronto to mend the winter with
her daughter, Mrs. George Bbyer.
Mr. Cook expect:0 to joie her at
'Christmas time.
Miss Jean McTaggart is in Hamilton
assisting in a 'convalescent home for
returned soldiers. Thus everyone is
expected to do bis or het share for
the good of the Empire at this
Mrs. T. Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. A,
J. Holloway and Miss Hattie Hol-
loway were in Exeter on Wednesday
of last week attending the wedding
of Miss Ida M. • Rowe, a grand-
daughter of the first mentioned lady.
Miss Clara Ferguson, nurse, of NOW
York City, is spending a few weeks
in town with her sisters, Mrs. W.
Carter and Mrs, Cardwell. Miss
Ferguson has just returned from
San Francisco, California, Having
taken in the big Fair.
Major Rance was in town on Satur-
day, his last visit before leaving
with his Battalion for England., and
received many a warm handshake
and God -speed from old Clinton
friends who hold him in :high es-
teem and whom good wishes, go
with Bim as he goes to do his
"bit" for Canada and the Empire.
Mr. Israel Taylor of London has been
the guest of Mr. James Stevens for
a couple of claps this week. Mr.
Taylor has been very ill and though
now slowly improving he will re-
quire several montlis• of complete
rest before he will be himself again.
IIe has accordingly made arrange-
ments to spend the winter in the
sunny south for which lie expects
to leave about Christmas week
when it is thought Mrs. Taylor
for will
have srifligiently recove cd from om the
eliecls of the operation to accom-
pany! him.
A man likes to buy his shoes at a store in which
he has confidence—whera he knows that the shoes are
the best, and that he will get real honest value in re-
turn for his money. In other words, Sir, if you buy
your shoes here, you'll get 'satisfaction, as well as shoes
—not an advertised, fictitious value, but real shoe
We've a just right shoe style for every man's
taste and special requirements. We're men's shoe
specialists. Shoes at $2,50, $3.00, $4.00 up to $6,50,
There is no copyright on these, prices, Any store can
quote them. It's our shoes at the price that tells the
story and we trust that we may have .your considera-
The Good Shoes Store.
ere's Vour Guide to the
Unknown in Underwear.
You can tell at a glance whether an Underwear garment is
warm ; whether it is comfortably soft ; whether it is well finished.
Its wearing power remains obscure. So does its resistance
to the wash -tub. How are you going to know positively that it will
resist the hardest wear you can give it for several seasons ? How can
you be sure that it will not shrink ?
We answer : Come here and buy a suit of Stanfield's Un-
shrinkable Underwear. Careful making has given it stamina.
.tt,JIx lei .
Opposite The Public Library.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67.
Men's Store
Merchant Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
About People You Know
Mrs, Harry Fraser was in St. Marys
last week.
Miss Jessie Ford of Goderieil was in
town on Friday.
Mrs. Peacock, wife of Captain Pea,-
ea-cock, chaplain of the 33rd Batta-
lion, and her littl'b daughter, Mar-
jorie, are guests at the rectory,
Mr. A. J. Grigg was in London on
Monday bidding his son, Pte. H. B.
Grigg of thc,Paymaster's staff, 33rd
Battalion, God -speed as lie left for
Mrs, James Wallis, who has been
spending some weeks at 'the home of
her son, Mr. C. J.. Wallis, leaves,
tomorrow to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Garrott of.Londosboro.
Mrs. I3enderson, who lias been spend-
ing the past few weeks with her
mother., received a message on Sat-
urday evening to the effect that her
husband had been taken suddenly ill
and had to undergo an operation.
Mrs. Henderson and Mrs, Shepherd
took libo early train for Toronto on
Mr. Thomas Smallacombe, a former
resident of Clinton sued brother-in-
law of the Messrs. Sliipley, was a
shareholder elf the Maple Leaf
Milling Company, St. Catliarin s,
whose big mill was destroyed by
fire Monday! night, entailing a loss
of, it is estimated, $260,000. Mr.
Smallacornbo was for several) years
oonnectecl with the mill.
Mr. Buyer I
Dn yon need Underwear? If you do and appreciate
goof value when buying it will pay you well to visit thfs de-
partment of our store during the next few weeks. Although
wool bus advanced considerably during the past year we are
still offering most of our litres at old prices,
See our men's heavy pure wool at $1,00 per garment.
Alen's heavy ribbed underwear, mostly wool, at 75 cents
per garment. ..
Fleece lined at 50c and 75c.
A fail stock of Stanfield's nnshrinkable underwear in
different weights at lowest prices.
Don't buy your rubbers without first giving us a call as
we are showing a bigger stock and better assortment than ev-
er before and prices are the very lowest possible. We can save
you money on your rubber wants if you give us a call:
Mr.. J. D. Atkinson has been in Ex-
eter this week.
Reeve Ford is in Goderich this week
attending the meeting of county
Miss Elsie Farquhar was in Blyth on
Tuesday evening assisting in the
program at a patriotic concert.
Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Archer have
returned to Griswold, Man,, to
spend the winter with her daughter,
Mrs. Macdonald.
Mrs. I3. Hooper of Exeter, whip ad-
dressed the local W.C.T.U. on Tues-
day evening, was the guest while
in town of Mr, and Mrs. A. Hoop-
Mr. Owen Atkinson, w!io mine up on
business connected With the new
Huron Regiment, was the guest of
his uncle, Mr. J. D. Atkinson, one
day this week.
Miss Beatrice Greene, who has been
visiting for some time at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Jenkins, Tor-
onto, is expected home in a few
days. Mrs. Jenkins may accompany
her to remain over the holiday per-
Major W. J, 0. Malloch, a native of
Clinton, a son of the late 1), M.
Malloch who was for many years
principal of the Public school here
and later Inspector of Public
schools fox East Huron, is at tl.e
Dardanelles. with the' lm'
'l'eronto ,Base Hospital.
Mr. Chas. Beadle is busy moving a
liousc he recently purchased from
Mr. W. J, Parks and intends making
a butcher 'shop of it.
bit. and Mrs. James Plowman and
slaughter: arrived home from the west
last week.
Miss Fern Patterson has returned
:tome from Toronto.
Nie J. Anderson of Dungannon
spent Sunday with friends at Auburn.
Mr. Josepli Irwin and son were
guests on Sunday at the home of Mr.
l'oltzhaucr of Londesboro.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Alex. Kilpatrick at-
tended the funeral of the latter's
father, M!:, Johnston of Bluevalo, on
Saturday last.
John Medd, V,S„ formerly of Duh-
gannon, left. -here last week for Fer-
gus, wiierp he has purchased a farm.
Mrs. 1V.fedd- and. family joined hien on
The members of • the Auburn Brass
Band gathered at' the Orange Mall on
!Wednesday, to spend a social evening
together. Darling the course of the
evening Mr. Dioiceson; read an address
to Mr. Gordon Johnston, who leaves
shortly for Clinton,' and Mr. Ed. I-Iel-
wing, on behalf of the (band, presented
him with a handsenre watch fob.
Mr. Johnston made a suitable reply,
thanking his friends, for thei •
The News . From Londesboro®
MIrs. Fred. Youngblut was taken
suddenly ill this week but we !lope
she mad speedily recover.
Mrs. I). Gcdc,_s spent Tuesday with
Blyth friends.
Mr. John Spindler: of Luclorow
spent Sunday at the :terns of Mr.
Joseph Lyon.
Mr. John Brunsd,on spent Tuesday
with Blyth friends.
Mr. Chas. Lee is working with the
G.T.R. bridge gang, who are putting
in culverts on the Huron and Bruce
Mrs. D. Floody of Blyth visited on
Monday with her parents here,
Mr. and Mrs. 13. Taylor of West-
field spent Sunday in Londesboro with
Mrs. M. Mains and Miss Lizzie spent
Saturday with friends at Blyth.
Hullett Township
Messrs., W. Carter and Bruce Medd
each have fowl at the Poultry Show
at Guelph this week. Mr. Carter -al-
ways carries old a number of prizes
but JVIr. Medd is a new man in the
eoulerp business, that is he has not
exhibited before.
bit. Owen Reynolds returned last
week from the west.
Mr:. and Mrs P. J. Reynolds re-
turned Tuesday atter' spending thio
week -end with relatives in Guelph.
Hullett Township
The following is the report of 5.11.
No. 5 for November : Sr. Illi—JMar,Wy
McCool, Flossie Gibbings, Gram Vail -
:len. Jr. 4th—Lilian Cartwright. Sr.
3rd—Rose Gorbutit, Perey Gibb!
Wellington McCool, Arthur Wap -
mouth. Jr. 3rd—Rosalie Crawfnr:l.,
Dora Veaden. Sr. 2nd-1lar,;.iret
Brown, Jenny* Garbutt, Sr. 1st (a)
—Laura Snell, Evelyn Gibbings, (1-
vfn Cartwright, Edith Garbutt, (b) --
Charlie Weymouth, Charlie Brawn.
Printer—Iiugh Radford, Warren Gib-
bings, Harry Snell, IMerb Vodden,
Berta Nott, Plhner Danby. The best
spellers are : Sr. 4th—M. McCool. Sr.
3rd—R. Gorbutt, Jr. 3rd—R, Craw-
ford, Sr, 2nd—J. Gorbutt. Sr. lot (a).
L. Snell. (b)—C. Brown.—B. M. Mao -
Ewan, Teacher.
Tlie following is the re^ort fo"
November of Union S. S. No, 12,
Godericlr and Hullett Standing giv-
en according to daily marks : Sr. 4tl,
—Mervyn Farquhar, John Townshend.
Jr, 4th—Bessie Lindsay, Mary Wright,
Sr. 3rd—Jean Farquhar, Hilda Forbes;.
Nellie Bea.coelc, Jr, 3rd—Douglas Hol-
loway. 2nd—Eddie Johnston, Mabe(
Nriglrt, Norman Wright, Walter For-
bes, Robert Johnston. ist—Russel
Jervis. Primer—Ada Biggins, Ray
Mason, Elva Smith, Elmer Sander-
son, Violet Watkins. 1':.. ITollaucl;
We are interested in where you get them, Whethdr
you buy them here or elsewhere, you owe it to your-
self to see what we are showing in
We aim to sell the best shoes procurable, To show
more of them in better variety and style than anybody
else. And give you greater value for you money than
–any other store,