HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-12-09, Page 6December 9th, I915
Clinton News -Record
Ring and. Country Need You.
Froud all the returned soldiers and
'front supply committees d'n (Large
M storesconies the callfor more
socks' for the soldiers. Canada is
:suppl in,, so tnanyi men to fight the
Y 6
battles f the Empire that, the work
1e o
0f the women is vitt out for r them in
The supplying of well -knit, homemade
rooks, for which- the demand is liter-
ally aBy unlu uteri.
.A slander against the Red Cross So-
siety has been going . the, rounds ' for
the effect that sup
some .time tosupplies
of socks and othet things made and
donated by the . women of Canada
were being sold to the soldiers in. the
*trenches and to others. This has been
proved to be utterly without foimcs-
t tion. Red Crossss supplies go
• direct
reach the
is and d oot,
to the hospitals not
.inert in the trenches at all and ever},
:article sent to the hien at the front
is delivered with as little delay as
possible to (those in need of them,
Anyone who is
deterred from helpingin
i 'alongin this good work by the fear.
thattheirlabor of love should be
'made thebasisof selfish gain by any-
' •one connected with the Red Cross or
Patriotic societies should take the
-trouble to get reliable information 're-
garding it. This office is in receipt of
documents which will convince any-
one in doubt of the absolute reliabih-
ity of those in charge of the 'sup
plies intended for the, soldiers.
Do not waste Una then, ladies.. If
mot yet practised in the gentle art of
knitting it is comparatively, easy to
'learn, many have done so since' the
war began and have done excellent
work already. Begin on a scarf or
wristlets, then take to-. socks, which
is deneribed by those who know as be-
ing fascinating work. One has said
she liked knitting because it "didn't
ttake any brains," 'sire meant that it
wassoothingand not brain -wearing
in. Comparison with many other kinds
•of "work. Your King and country
need the product of your knitting
needles. Learn to°'knit.
Good' Luck to You.
"Major Rance of the 33rd Batt.
Beef Raising in Canada.
There bas been issued at Ottawa a
-new edition of I3ulletin No. 13 of the
Live Stock Branch,"Beef Raising in
" available at lioa-
Canada. It is a on 1 P
.ki n. to the Publication Branch of the
Department of Agriculture, Upwards
of one hundred pages, 'end nearly as
many" lialf-tone illustrations, eceivey-
ing valuable information are given.
Among the contributors are many of
the best,inZd'med and most exper-
ienced beef raisers and experimenters
in Canada.
A section is devoted to descriptive
;accounts of the various breeds of
beef cattle raised in this country,
•while practical information ten breed-
ing, rearing, Housing and marketing is
:Oho; contained.
in dealing with the finished steer it
is rightly, remarked that to succeed
the requirements of the purchaser
must be complied wild. The stan-
dard of the beef market Iiao changed
greatly in recent years. The bullock
that commands the highest price is a
compact, well finished animal' weigh-
ing not more than 1,500 'lbs. cu foot
and if he weighs only 1,200 lbs. he
will fetch the top figure, provided he
'has the form, quality and finish:. Ev-
en the thousand, pound "baby beef'
'is looked )for by the belt buyers on
this side of the Atlantic, but such
cattle, are not •,shipped abroad, Tho
change is greatly to the advantage of
the producer, as other things being
equal, the younger the animal goes
10, market, .the less is the cost of
food and the greater the profit to tl:e
-qiredi rtet...Tn secure delicate flavour
ani tenderness a certain proportion
•cal fatis necessary and this should be
incorporated with the flesh or lean
mewl, rather than appear only as a
covering to the muscles, The great
secret in producing a carcass of beef
is to treat an annual in such a way
that the fat grows with it during the
entire period of its life time. It is
unfortunately the too common prat
Mice of Canadian beef raisers to pro-
duce all the fat that an animal
,carries in the course of a few months, •
put n in this w
of C the fatn a
LVu l 0
is deposited on the outside of the
carcass,; it is large]}1.wasted, -as it
is useful for little eiea than tallow.
'Tire caroa'ss that dresses out showing
specks and streaks of fat throughout
the lean tissue commands the highest
price. The only way to be sure of
primo qualityy is to,maintain tike an-
imal in good .condition by, a system
of liberal feeding froni birth to me-
ha=:turity. Then the finishing period is
..comparativelyshort and the carcass
,produces the highest desirable marbled_
fulls.' .Jaiiics Machure ihre ' was in
Preston for a sew days last ,week.
Mr. Ed. McMillan has returned from
an extended visit in the. west.
'Nibs 13e.,e;ie Jordan of . Brussels was
in town for a fortnight 00 the guant
of Miss Eva Jewitt.
Messrs: 1;:. 0. Cltarleswortli, .Joseph.
and Wm: Gray and .Tolin Barr attend-
ttended the Winter Fair at Guelph last
week. All had exhibits there.
Messrs. Wm. Cockcrline and George
McGowan rettarned'last week 'atter a
stays of some months in the "wed,
Mrs J. C1; Ileliron was in 13rnssch.
last week visiting 'relatives.
Mr., John Fetes .has .gone to Niagara
where he expects to be engaged at
win -
care • mer forthe his `'trade as a Pe
ter months.
Mr, I. ll. Brown was in London
last week . undergoing a slight opera-
tion to :his nose.
Miss :Ella Graham of Brucoftelel was
married at the home of her sister,
Mrs. lances Sims, on No. ember 24th
to Mr, James A Broadfaot of Tuck-
erstnith, Rev: W. 0. Turner perforat-
ed the ceremony to tire' presence of
only immediate relatives.
Captain R. R. Sloan was up : from
London spending a week -end at his
Borne recently.
Messrs. Guy and • Ghia ' B1adrall 'at-
tended tate annual convocation of the.
1tlocha Temple Mystic :Shrine in Lon-
don last week,
Miss 13irons has returned. to, Brus-
sels after spending a couple of ' weeks
with her father who has been ill.
St. Andrew'schurch gave a major-
ity of eleven against union with the
Methodist and Congregational' oliurch-
es in the recent voting. Tho majority
was much larger in 191,2, • ',however,
only forty-five toting for union on
that occasion.
The county council is in session this
Rev. Joseph Elliott left town last
week and sailed this week for Fag=
land and will engage ' in recruiting.
Mrs, Elliott will spend the winter
with friends in Montreal.
The Misses Hutchinson have bone to
England for the winter.
Miss O'Grady) of Stratford is t isit-
ing her sister, Mrs. O'Brien,
Mr. Arthur Townshend has ret:irned
from a visit with Newaantu,u'g
Mr.. and Mrs, Fred. Davis returned
last week from Calgary where • they
spent the sultana. Mr. Davis has
decided to geniovc permanently to
WY and Will leave Goderich in Jan-
uary. As hods obliged to spend a
good part of the year looking atter
Itis interests in Alberta be has con-
cluded that it will be to his advan-
tage to reside in the Alberta cit}.
Miss Olive L Ivl'askeil of Colborie
was married in St. George's oturclt
on ltedneoday morning ot last week
to Mi. E. T. Edwards of (lodenc'h.
Atter a hone}mhoon trip they will tate
up their residence in Goderich.
14Ir. George Porter, who has 1,1et1
manager of the local telephone office
for twenty-eight years has rt Urea
and Mr. A. H. McLachlin, acting men -
ager, has been transferred to Strat-
ford. Pir. Rap Ruuthall of Clinton
has taken the position of commercial
and ]slant department manager, Mr. 17.
P. 14Iarlra of the Tatler cic •itemcnt go-
to Clinton. When Nit Porter took
charge of Ilia telephone work ]here
there were only seventeen subscribers,
Mise Jennie Wells of London was a
tveeir;end visitor at her home in town.
Mr. Robert Mackay left last week
for New York and sails from there
to Bermuda, where 11c will s:und the
Miss Dell Mitoheli has been visiting
t_,triends in Lucknow.
Mrs. Alex. Ross, who returned from
London recently after undergoing hos-
pital t teetmuent, is much improved in
health. •
Mrs. T. Neelands attended the wed-
ding of her sister at Oakville last
week.. •
Miss Anna Madge has returned from
Mrs. it. Bell has soldher farm to
lien son and intends mowing into Hen-
Dr. Crocker: of 'rilsonburg spent a
taw days with his daughter, Mrs. E.
S. 'Hardie,
Tl1s funeral of the late John WeldOn
Todd, who diens on Thursday aged
thirty-two years, took place on Sat-
urday afternoon to Union, cc:netbry,
Miss Case, a trained nur:ae, who has
been visiting her brother, Mr. Frank
Case of town, left last week for St.
Augistine, Florida, She accompan-
ied. a patient from Baltimore and will
probably spend the winter in the
Mr. McKenzie of near Brucefteld has
purchased tlfe residehice of tite late
Henry Pfaff on the corner of Queen
'and Elizabeth streets.
"Ile bachelors and`beneuicts gave- a
dance in the hall on, Friday ' week
which was a !test successful affair.
The Clinton orchestra funished music
and the dancing kept up until about
three o'clock. After paying expenses
the treasurer Banded over to the Pat-
riotic Society sixty-eight dollars tor
their: Red Cross. work,
Mt,.called to
Nem. Scott a cd
. l'ife'r. S was
Philadelphia last week owing to the
her brother,
death of , Dr. W. J. Roe.
Misn Roe of 13elgrave ;accompanied
Taylor �f � t. l o
J. S t
Mt. .. A.o ,
formerly principal of 'the Wmghani
I3igli school, was in town recently
calling on old friends•.
ti'A'1 SOO-MASKELL-In Goder iclh,
on Dec. 1st, Olive. Laura, daughter'
of Mrs. Edward Maskell, sColborne,
and :Edward Thomas Watson, 'sou
of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Watson,
r- r
DI\IsEy'-BOWLIn Exeter on Dee.
1st, Thomas M. Dinney to. Ida. M.,
daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. :Robert
N. Rowe.
DATARS-JACOBE-Iii Hay, on Deo. ,
1st, 3
h' Rev. G. P. Brown Ethel,
a t,
u r
d hteof Mr, and Mrs. Solomon
Tacobe, to Garnet Deters of Haytownship.'
FEAR -In East; Wawanosh on Nov..
29111, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Feat,
a son.,
COOK -In Hullett, ou Nov. 2711i, to
Mr,' and Mrs. Thos. Cook, a daugh-
CARTER -1n Wingliiam on Nov. 20th,
to Mr. and Mrs, .Fred, Carter, a
S1EWART-In I-Iensall on Nov. 271fh,
to Mr. and Mts. Robert Stewart,-
a son.
ANDERSON -In Hensall, on Nov.
30t1i, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur An-
derson, a daughter. • '
JENKINS-At Minnedosa, Manitoba,
on Nov. 20t1i, to Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Jenkins, a son, (Harry
Woods,) •
• Deaths
L1NN Tn Toronto, on November
311t1, William Harland Linn,
nephew of Mr. W. S. Harland of
Clinton, in his 32nd year.
ANSLEY-In Lower Winghatn, on
November 28th, John Ansley, aged
82 yearn, 3 months and 1.5 days.
BEATTY-In Blyth, on November
23rd, Theresa Rayt, wife of James
Beatty of Blyth.
MAKER -In Grey township, on Nov.
30111, Mrs. James Maker, aged 88
years and 8 months:
A.0 U W ELECT C" 1 Odi FICERS. ' •
'Phe l U.0R held their annual
Meeting on 7 uesday evening and el-
ected the following officers :
Master Workman, .John 'Torrance,
Foreman, ,J. 13. Shell;
Overseer, T. Dodd.
Financier, J. Denfbrd.
Recorder., W. H. Manning.
Guide, F+. Bawden,'
Watchman, :Robert Fisher.
District Deputy Govenloek of Mc-
yKillop was present paying an official
visit to the local lodge and there
were present also Past 11. 19:. Morris
Goderich and Reeve Fingal of
Auburn. After' the business "of " the
e}•ening had beenconcluded the mem-
bers adjourned to Babthll's restaurant
and partook of refreshments,
Distrust is increasing hi 1 T.•ul
garia. end !Turkey, And coni ...iu!'ans
between these nations, is-threetimed).
day, December 7th, a lad}t's wateli
and fob. Nance innide the watch.
Finder. please communicate whir
owner or leave at News-Recorc, of-
fice. Reward. Irl -1,
1-Iullell intend bolding a Christmas
Tree and entertainment in the Or-
ange hall, Summerhill, on the ev-
ening of Dee 22nd. Recitations,
Dialogues Music, also a playlet en-
titled 'One Speaks French Here."
Athniseion 25c and 1(10 Propeess
•lot British Red Cross, 14-2
'I'EL1:PI10N1. MEET1NG,--''i 1IE t1N-
rival meeting or the subscribers of
the Timken) root Telephone System
P y
will held i Walker's r' hall, Bruce -
he n ail r s 1 al 3 t
field, on Saterday, Dec. 18111, com-
mencing at 2 p.m. A. full atten-
dance of subscribers is requested as
business of importance will be dis-
cusned and the new dittetories will
be distributed. -Thos. G. Shilling -
law, President. 14-2
The Salvation . Ariop will
have their
when a good program will be
given ocahsisting, of dialogues,
recitations, etc. Santa Claus
will also appear. Admission
10c., the proceed:, to assist M
Sunday school work,
I have bought Mr. Robert
L. Moore's Laundry Business
and being now in possession I
respectfully ask for the path:oer-
age of the. people of Clinton
and surrounding country. I
guarantee Iliai any articles you
leave with me to be laundried
will be done in a satisfactory
way and promptly, for in this
way I hope to increase the
business. Goods called for and
delivered to any part of the
Charlie Lee.
Stand next to ..Johnson & Co's
. Grocery; ,
GUIs ate4
Higli Grade Stock. -Mr. George Hol-
land has instructed the -undersigned
to sell by public auction at the
Hotel Normandie Barn's, Clintons on
Saturday, December 111If, at 2
o'clock p.m., the following : New
Milkers, Forward Springers, heifers
and Steers. This• is your chance to
secure a Winter' Milker.. Guarantee:
Any vow represented to be in calf
and proving not to be within.' 30
days of date of sale can be returned
and cash or note Will be refunded.
Terme : 0 months credit on bank.
able paper or a discount tat the rate
of 6 percent. per annum for: ca'sli-
Geo. I-Iolland, Owner ; T. Gundry,
Auctioneer. ' 11-1
housework, one who could sleep at
home preferred. -Apply at Ontario
street parsonage. -13
strayed to the premises cd the '.un-
dersigned at lot 88, Maitland con.,
Huron Road, late in July last. The
owner will please prove property,
pay expenses and take the animal
away: -Wm, H. Johnston, R.R. No.
2, Clinton. ' 12-3
Young Cattle at 1.30 o'clock on
Monday, "Dec. ,20th, at lot 17, Mait-
land con. -W. H. Lobb, ()Avner ; T.
Gundry, Auctioneer. -1h4
Beef and Milking Strain Scotch
Shorthorn Cattle. -The undersigned
auctioneers liave received instruc-
tions from Mr. John Barr, to
sell by public auction at 12.30
o'clock, noon, at the Commercial
Hotel, Blyth, on Thi'irsday, Dec.
lGtli, the following stock, that is to
'say ; • 9 cows supposed to bein coli,
5 cows with calf at foot, 7 two-
pmr-old heifers supposed to be in
calf, 4 yearling heifers, 4 heifer cap
ve's, 6 bulls over eight months old,
1 grade heifer calf, 1 grade steer
calf, 2 grade cows supposed to be in
calf, 1 roadster horse eight years
old, 1 heavy draught horse two
years old, 8 li.P. gasoline engine,
crustier and roller. The cow's are
all in good breeding shape, weighing
from 1200 to 1600 lbs., bred frond
imported sires and darns. The heifers
all of the Bleed Royal strain, and
the hulls are thick, low set and
smooth, fit to Bead anybody's herd.
'Phis 'sale is without reserve as the
proprietor lias leased 1110 farm and
implements, Terms :-12 months'
credit at 6 per cent. -John Darr,
Proprietor ; Thos. Gundry, T. E.
Robinson Auctioneers. -12
We can give
employnient'to a
few more Knit-
ters, etc. Apply
at once
Clinton Knitting Co.,
Leghorn Cockerels. They are from
imported stock ail are a choice
lot.-Applyl to John Cudi lore, ITolm-
esvi l le. -08-6.
store31, 10 -roomed house on the cor-
ner. of Prineesb and Spencer streets;
cellar, down waterworks and 1 -
acre of ground with apple trees -and
to -
ricin• rs apply 0
stable. For pa i a a1 P }
rend -
Mrs, E. Tloltzkaner on the 1 s
es. 1,3-1
con. 8, Goderich township, consist-
ing of 100 acre's. 30 acro* *owed
ready for spring,' 3 'acres orchard
' 'incl ,mall fruits, balance in grass.
Ftame dwelling, two goal barns.
Good land. 7 nines from 0oderieli;'
8 miles front Clinton.-XPply to
Bert Holmes,, 11. R. No. 2, Clinton,
or phone 0 on 254, Goderich. -13
Estate of William Isaac Wiley.-No-
tiele is hereby given that all persons
having claims against the estate of
William Isaac Wiley, late of the.
Township of Stanley,, in the County
ot Muron, yeoman,,decejased, who
(tied on or about the 1211t day of
November, 1915, are required to de-
liver to tite undersigned executors
or their solicitor on or before the
'1st day of January,. 1910, a frill
statement of their claims together
with particulars thereof and the
nature ot the securities, if any,
held by then all duly' verified by af-
fidavit. And take notice that atter:
Sdto said last mentioned date the
said executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate of the said de-
ceased amongst the persons en-
titled thereto having regard only
to snnh claims as trey sliall have re-
ceived due notice and :