HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-12-09, Page 5December 9th, 1915 sk Clinton News -Record 5 Xing and Country Need You. From all the returned soldiers and "front supply l ! committees in (large of stores comes the callfor more socks for the soldiers: Canada is ...supplying so many mien to fightthe work battles of the. Empire that the r out otent itf them t of the women is cut o the supplying of well -knit, ` homc-tnade. socks, for which- the demand is liter- ally sunt i ainited. .A slander ligainst the Red Eros ,So- •ciety has been -going the rounds for the effect that eu lies :some time to t, pP of -socks and other things made add -deviated by the women of Canada were being sold to the soldiers in. the 'trenches and to others, :This has been proved to be utterly without foundu- f -ti n: Red Cross supplies ,o • direct to the hospitals and do not reach the .ineu In the trenches at all and every,' sartie1e sentto tine men at the front j' is 'delivered with as little delay as possible to those in need of them. Anyone who is deterred from he Ip in g t• along in this good work by thee fear ' that their laborof love should he �r'made the basis of selfish gain by any- -one connected with the Reel Cross or Patriotic societies should take the trouble to get reliable information re- garding it. This office is in receipt of documents which will convince. . any- one in doubt or the absolute reltabfle ity of those in charge of the sup- plies intended for the soldiers. Do not waste time then, ladies. If mot yet Practised in the gentle art of knitting it is comparatively .easy to learn, many have done so since the war began and have done excellent work already. Begin on a scarf or wristlets, then take to socks, which is described by those who know as be- ing fascinating work. One has said she liked knitting because it "didn't take any brains," 'she meant that it was soothing and not brain -wearing in comparison with many other kinds ,cd work. Your King and country' need the product of your knitting needles. Learn to knit. Good:Luck. to You. :Major Rance of the 33rd Batt. Beef Raising in Canada. • There has been iseeed at Ottawa a 3 f the Bulletin . o, 1 di' C I o few edition o ) Live Stock Branch "Beef f 3 aisin6 in „ a )lica- Canada It is available on p.I on to the Publication Branch of„ the 1 Department of Agriculture, Upwards • of one hundred pages, and nearly as 'many half -tone illustrations, convey- ing valuable information ate given. Among the contributors are many of tiic best:infde'ned and most exper- ienced beef raisers and experimenters in Canada. - A section is devoted to descriptive aceoants of the various breeds of beef cattle raised in this country, r d- ' �va 1 information ee 'while nracttbn h a ing, rearing, liousing and marketing is :also; contained. in dealing with the finished steer it is rightly. remarked that to succeed } the requirements of ilia purchaser nmust he complied with. The stan- • dard of the beef market Baste changed greatly in recent years. The bullock that commands the highest price is a • compact, well finished animal weigh- ing not more than 11,500 lbs, eta foot and if he weighs only 1,200 lbs. he will fetch the top figure, provided he has the lore, quality and finish, Eve en the thousand pound "baby beef" ' is looked iter by the best buyers 011 titin side cd the Atlantic, but : such -cattle, are not , shipped abroad. The change is greatly to the advantage of ' the producer, 'as other things being ,, equal, the younger the animal goes to market, the less is the cost of food and the greater the profit to the lur'r. To sccuee delicate flavour -and tenderness a certain proportion t of fateis necessary and this should be i meati ra:ttmer til n arrear nal 'Blyth tili rs. James MeeMurelile ' was in Prestee for a few days last week. Mr• Ed. McMillan has returned from an extended visit in the west,.. Mike Beasie Jordan of Brussels was in town for a fortnight 05 the guest of Miss Eva Jewitt. Messrs. 1e. 0. Clinrleswortli; Joseph and Wt Grayn. and john Bars attend- ed :the Winter Fair at Guelph last week. All had exhibits there. Messrs. Wan. Cockerline and. ,George McGowan ret reed last week,alter .a` sta;i of some months in the wed. Mrs.. J. 0. T-Ieffon was in 'Brussels last week visiting relatives. Mr,. John Petts tial gone to Niagara where ho expects. to be engaged at his 'tradede as a carpenter for the win- ter months. Mr. I. H. Brown was in London last week. undergoing :a slight opera- tion to his nose, Miss Ella, Graham of Brucetield was married at the home of her sister, Mrs. James Sins, on November 241h to Mr. James A. Broadfeeot of Tuok- ersntlth. Rev., W. D. Turner perforat- ed tate ceremony in the' presence of only immediate relatives, Captain R. R. Sloan was up from London upending a week -end at his Borne recently. Messrs. Guy and Glen. Bladrall at- tended' the annual convocation of the Mocha Temple Mystic Shrine in Lon- don last week, Miss I -irons has returned to, Brus- sels after 3rus-eelsafter spending a couple of weeks with her father who has been ill. St. Andrew's church gave a major- ity or eleven against union with the Methodist; and Congregational church- es is the recent voting. The majority was much larger in 1912, • thowever, only forty-five voting for union on that occasion,. Goderich. The county cceuieil is in session this week. Rev. Joseph Elliott left town last week and sailed this week for F'ng land and will engage in recruiting. Mrs. Elliott will spend the winter with friends in Montreal. The Misses Hutchinson have bone to England for the winter. Miss O'Gradyt of Stratford is t isit- ing her sister, Mrs. O'Brien.. • Mr. }Arthur Townshend has returned from a visit with New. Hamburg friends. Mr. and Mr's, Fred. Davis returned last week from Calgary where they spent tife summer. Mr, Davis has decided to 2enmove permanently to (al gar} and will leave Goderich in Jan- uary. As he is obliged to spend a good part of the year looking after his interests in Alberta he has con- cluded that it will be to his advan- tage to reside in the Alberta city. Miss Olive L. Mabkell -of Colborne was married in St. George's e ierelt. on Vtedneelay morning of last week to Mr. E. T. Edwards of Goderich. Alter a honeymoon trip they will tale up their residence in Goderich. stir. Ceargo Porter, who h::•+ 1100 manager of the local telephone . office for twenty-eight years has retired and Mr. A. H. MeLaohlin, acting man- ager, has been transferred to Strat- ford, Mr. Ray Rumball of Clinton has takes the position of commercial 'ani plant department manager, Me, 0. P. NT rice f the latter department P 00- a g ing to 'Clinton. When MrPorter tcoi. charge of the telephone work here there were only seventeen suhseethers. Mist Jennie Wells of London was a weekend visitor at lier home in town. Mr. Robert Mackay left last week for New York and 'sails from there to Bermuda, where he will eeend the winter. incorporated with the flesh or lean covering to the muscles, The great ,secret in producing a careaSs.of beef is to treat an animal in such a way that the fat grows with it during the entire period of its life tame. It as unfortunately.: the too common prac- tice of Canadian beef 'raisers to pro- duce all the fat that -an animal .carrion in the course of a few months. i Math of the fat put on n this Way is deposited on the outside of the carcass ; 1t is largely wasted, "as it is useful for little clue than tallow. The caroa'ss that dresses otit showing 'specks and streaks of •£at throughput the lean tissue commands the highest price. The only way to be sure of prime quality is to,maintain the an- imal in good condition by a systems .of liberal feeding from birth to ma- turity, 1'lten the finishing period is 'comparatively short, and the carcass produces the highest desirable marbled beef. Wingham Miss Dell Mitchell has been visiting ;leiends in Lucknow. Mrs, Alcx. Ross, who returned' from xI ondon recentlyl atter undergoing hos- 1 rtieatntent, is much impxo:red in 0 `" Wingham Mrs. Tlio's. Scott was called to Philadelphia last week owing tothe death :of lies brother, Dr. W. J. Roe: Misty Roe of -Belgravo accompanied her, Mr. • J. A. 'Taylor of St. 'thoraas; formerly prineieal of 'the Wingn'sni High school, was in town recently esilang on old friends: Marriages WAlaeo.N—MASKELL--In Goderich,' on Dee. let, Olive .Laura, daughter, of Mrs, Edward:Maskell, Colborne, and Edward Thomas Watson, ' son of Mr. and Mrs. L R• Watson, Goderich. DT\NL)-ROWE=1n 1 u t r on Deo. i e 1st, Thomas M. Dinney t,o, Ida -M. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert' N: Rowe, DATARS—,JACOBE-Tn Hay, en Deo. 1st v r I . Brown, Ethel, by Re C. } Mr. Mrs. daughter of M . andSolomon o ,o iacobe, to Garnet Datars of IIay township. Births FEAR—In East Wawanosh on Nov. 2911i, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fear, a son. COOK—In Rupert, en Nov. 271.11, to Mr.•and Mrs, Thos. Coo'c; a daugh- ter, CARTER—In Winglham on Nov. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Carter, a daughter. STEWAR'l'-In Hensel' on Nov. 27111, to Mr, and Mrs, Robert Stewart, a n. ANDERsoSON-1:'n ' f-lensall, oil Nov. 30th, to Mr. and Mks, Arthur An- derson, a daughter. ' JENKINS—At Minnedosa, Manitoba, on Nov, 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Jenkins, a sou, (Harry Woods.) • Deaths Ll\N—In Toronto, on November 30'.tii, William Harland Linn, nephew of Mr. W. S. Harland of Clinton, in his 32nd year. • AN;SLE Y—In Lower Wingham, on November 281h, John Ansley, aged 82 yearn, 3 months and 15 days. BEATTY-In Blyth, on November 28rd, Theresa Rayt, wife of James Beatty or .Blyth. MAKER --In Grey township, on Nov. 30th, Mrs. .James Maker, aged GO years and 8 months: • LOST,—IN CLINTON, ON TUES- day, December 7th a lad)1's watch and fob. . Name imide the watch, Finder please coinmunicate with owner ot: leave at News -Record of- fice, Reward, Irl -1, U S S. NO. 12, {1ODERICII AND Mullett intend holding a Christmas Tree and entertainment in the Or- ange hall, Summerhill, on the ev- ening of Dec, 22nd. Recitations, Dialogues Music, alsoa playlet en- titled "One Speaks French Here." Admission 25e and Tlie. Proceeds -for British Red C"ross, 11-2 Hensall 1VIrs. '1'. Neelands ' attended the wed- ding of, her sister at Oakville last. week. • Miss Anna Madge has returned from Toronto. Mrs. 1t. Bell has vaid her farm to her son and intends, mewing into Flen- salt, Dr, Crocker of Tilsonberg spent a few clays with his daughter, Mrs: E. S. Iiar:die. Ti's funeral of the late John Weldon Todd, who diet:. on • Thursday aged thirty-two years, took place on Sat- urday afternoon Se Union cemetery. Miss Case, a trained name, who has been visiting her brother, Mr, Frank Case of town, left last week for St. Augistine, Florida. She accompan- ied a patient from Baltimoreand will probably ;spend the wiener itt the south. 211:. Me envie of near Bruecfleld has purchased the tesidence of ' the late Henry Pfaff on the corner . of Queen and Elisabeth streets, The bachelot:s and heneeects gave a dance in the hall ctn Friday week which was a umost successful affair. The Clinton orchestra furnished music and the dancing kept up until about three o'clock. After paying expenses the ttcas'irer handed over to the Pat- riotic Society sixty-eight dollars for then: Red Cross work. ' A:0 U W: ELECT OFFICERS. The h.OL V � held their annual meeting on Tuesday ,evening and el- ected the following officers : ' Marler. Workman, John Torrance. Foreman, J. I-1 Snell. Overseer, I. Dodd. Financier, J. D,unford. Recorder. W. I•I. Manning. Guide, F. Bowden.. Watchman, 'Robert Fisher. District Deputy Govenloek of Mc- Killop e-Killop was present paying an o,liui;yl visit to the local lodge and there were present also Past D. D. Morris of Goderich. and ' Reeve Fingal of Auburn: Alter .the business of: the evening -had been concluded the men. - bees adjourned to'Bertliff's, restaurant and partook of refreshments. Distrust - is increasing loo ,; Il:ul. ga. and Turkey .and e tt .ati s r between theke nati 1J •hrct-n,1 W • 'rl.'LEPTIONE Mi;ETIN(4.—'IIIE AN - Waal meeting 01 the subscribers of tfle Tuckersnith Telephone 5 sto will be held in. Wallets hall, Bruer- field, on Saturday Dee. 18t11, com- mencing at 2 p.nt. A fall atten- dance of subscribers is requested as business of importance will he lis- cusead and the new dirttetaries will be distributed. Thos. Cl. Shilling- law, President. 14-2 The Salvation Arnty will have their' C'FIRISTMAS TREE . THURSDAY, DEC. 1611i. when a good program will be given cutlets -bins, of dialogues, recitations, etc. Santa Claus will also appear. Admission • 10c., tile proceedo to assist in Sunday sohco'1 wort.. The MOORE LAUNDRY CHANGES HANDS. 1 have bought Mr.. Robert L. Moore's Lau;rdry Business and being now in possession I respectfully= ask for the patron- age of the people of Clinton and surrounding country. I , guarantee tea' any articles you leave with me to be laundried' will be done in a satisfactory way and promptly, for in this way I hope to increase the business, Goods called roe and delivered to any part of the town. Charlie Lee. AUCTION SALE 00' 30 HEAD OF High Grade Stock.—Mr. George Hol- land- 3ol-land Ilas instructed the undersigned to x11' by public auction at the Hotel Normandie' Barn's, Clinton, :on Saturday, December' 1111i, at 2 o'clock p,m:, the following :: New Milkers Forward Springers, Heifers and . Steers. This- is your chance" to secure a Winter Milker. Guarantee,. Any cow represented to be in calf and proving not to be within 30 days of date of sale can be returned and cash er note will be refundee. 'Perms -:."6 months credit on bank- able paper or a discount? iat;the rate of '0 percent. per annum for cash. -- Geo. t3olland, Owner ; T. Gundry, Auctioneer. ' 14.-1 WANTED—A GIRL FOR GENERAL Housework, one who could sleep at home preferred.—Apply at Ontario street parsonage. -13 STRAYED. = A SPRING CALF strayed to the premises of the un- dersigned at lot' 88, Maitland con., Huron Road, late -in July last. The owner will please prove property, pay epensesand take the animal away. -Win. H. Johnston, R.R. No. 2, Clinton. • 12-3 • Stand nest to Johnson & Co's. Grocery, A I �I antaa , s1• We can give e?ai >loynient to few more Knit» ters, etc. Appiy at once tee: AUCTION SALE 0•F COWS AND Young Cattle at 1.30 o'clock on Monday, Dec. ;20th, at lot 47,' Mait- land con.—W. 13, Lobb, Owner ; T. Gundry, Auctioneer. —144 AUCTION SALE OF 37' HEAD ' OF Beef and Milking Strain Scotch Shorthorn Cattle.—Tho undersigned auctioneers have received instruc- tions from Mr. John Barr, to sell by public auction at 12.30 o'clock, ncson, at the Commercial Hotel, Blyth, on Thursday, Dec. lltli, the following stock, that is to say : 9 cows supposed to be. in eall, 5 cows with calf at forst, 7 two - pear -old heifers supposed to be in calf, 4 yearling heifers, 4 heifer ea- ve's, 6 bulls over eight months . old, 1 grade heifer calf, 1 grade steer calf, 2 grade cows supposed to be in calf, 1 roadster horse eight years old, 1 heavy draught horse two years aid, 8 Ia.p. gasoline engine, crusher and roller. The cords are all in good breeding shape teeighing from 1200 to 1600 lbs., bred from imported sires and dams. ?'lie heifers all of the Blood Royal strain, and the bulls are thick, law set and smooth, fit to head anyhody's herd. This kale is without reserve as the proprietor Lias leased his farm and implements. Terns :-12 months' credit at 6 per cent.—Joiin Darr, Proprietor ; 'Phos. Gundry, T. E. Robinson, Auctioneers. —12 Clinton Knitting Co., FOR SALE, A NUMBER OF BROWN Leghorn Cockerels, They are from imporicdi stocl: and are a choice lett.—Apply. to John Cudmore, Tlohn- esvillc. —08 -6. - FOR SALIS.—A WHITE BRICK, 2- alore)1, 10 -roomed house on tic cor- ner of Princes's and Spencer streets; cellar, town watcrworJfe and acre Or ground with ti Pp le tr ccs and For ' • 1— '. eat:dalliers til' r'S 't 1' to — Mrs. I i i e a stab o a 1 pp. } r mrenmis- NTrs. 1.. llottzlraue on the premis- es. 1.3-1 FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 17, PT, 18, con. 8, Goderich township, eoneisii- sng of 100 acre's. 80 acreei plowed ready for spring,' 3 acres orchard ' and, small fruits, Balance in grass, Frame dwelling, two goad barns. Good land. 7 miles from Goderich; 8 utiles from. Clfnlon•—lpplY to Bert Holmes, R R. No. 2, Clinton, or phone 6 on 254, Goderich. —13 POULTRY WANTED FOR WHICIT the highest market price • will be paid. Deliveries- received every morning Moedap to . Saturday fu - elusive, Properly ,prepared Milk - Peds are worth a little more and we are ,prepared to. pay it,—W. Mar -1 gtiis, R.R. No. 1., Clinton, or Phone 14 on 100. —i17 HEADQUARTERS ' P 0 R FAIR banks -Morse Engines. -1 h.p; Engine with Pump Jack $48, 2 li,p. Engine with Pump Jack $90, 2e n•P. I'n- gine $93.50, 5 li,p, Engine 4350, '1 h.p. Engine $225. Also Fleury Plows, Grinder's and repairs.—For sale by E, H. Epps, Varna, Phone 14 on 178, Clinton. ROUSE AND LOT FOR SALE GN': Matilda Street. Seven large,' rooms, .Waterworks, Small Orehar.l At present occupied by Mr.. Albert Ilearn. Will be sold Id ' on c as•' tenet",' �� -0. B. Hale, —07 LIVE POULTRY WANTED TO BE delivered each Friday forenoon. Highest price paid: MCAsli & Son. Varna, —07 FOR SALE —A WELL SITUATED frame 'cottage, known as the Hes- sian property together with one- half acre of land, on Huron street. Will be sold at the right price. -C, 13. Hale. --07 APPLES WANTED ALL KINDS INe eluding evaporator and choppers. Will be received at the Grand Trunk Station. Highest market price paid. —D. Cautelon. —04 FOR SALE. -THE BUILDING FOR - needy used as a carding mill at Walkerburn, Township of xiullett, is offered for sale. The frame is a splendid one, two stories, 24 x 36. -R. Morrison, R. R. No. 1, Auburn. —02 NOTICE TO CREDITORS —IN PHE Estate of William Isaac Wiley.—No- ties is hereby* given that all persons having claims against the estate of William Isaac Wiley, late of the Towmship of Stanley, in the County of Huron, yeoman,, deceitsed, who died on er about the 12th clay of November, 1(115, are required to de - lever to the undersigned exsottbrs or their solicitor on or before the 'est day of January; 1910; a full statement of their' claims together with particulars thereof and the nature of the securities, if any, held, by them all duly verified by af- fidavit. And take notice that alter the said last mentioned' date the said executors will proceed to dis- tribute the estate of the said de- ceased amongst the persons• en- titled thereto having regard only to such cleime as they shall. Have re- ceived due notice and in accordance therewith, Dated at Clinton, Nov. 3011i, 10115. -Thomas Wiley and John Sparrow, Varna, Ont,, W. Drydene,! Clinton, solicitor for the executors; td3-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE estate of Walter Weston.—Notice is, hereby given that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate . of Walter Weston late of the T wnshi P County oi Goderich, in the of Hur- on, yeoman, deceased, mho died on or about the 3rd day er October, 1915, are required to deliver t' rite. undersigned execui»Fs on or before the 4th days of Jan- uary, 1916, a full statement of their claims together with particu- lars thereof and the nature of the securities, if any, held by diem all duly verified by affidavit. And take notice that after the said last men- tioned date the 'said executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the .said deceased amongst the. per- sons entitled thereto having regard. only to such .ol'aims as they shall Have recelvca doe no- tice ' and in aceoedancc' there- with. Dated at . Clinton, _ Nov. 30th 1915,—George Vanderburg, Porter's 11111 P.O., James R. Ster- ling,, Porter's Hill P.O.,- Executors. 13-3 The BEST Flour. We sell the popular brands, of Flour and would appreciate a share of pour patronage. BRAN and SHORTS We sell Bran, Shorts, Chicken Feed, lace and would Iike to fill your order. Prompt Delivery Ile deliver goods promptly to any part of the town. D. A. WATSON Victoria St., Nest the Hospital. Headquarters For Floes_ . • istime to \ow the your winter supply of Flour. We carry a lull stock of the following brands : PURITY, EXETER, TAV- ISTOCK, LISTOWEL, FIVE ROSES, MIr,VERTON, LON- DON, WLIITE PLUME (Pas- try,), also a brand of Breakfast Food made from Choice Man- itoba Wheat at 8 lbs. for 25c. For to stake your Hens lay this winter we recommend our Laying Meal, Beef Scrap, ON- ster Shell, Bono Mead, Grit and Charcoal. We always carry a full lino of Bran, Short's, Low Grade Flour, Oil Cake, Molasses Meal and Dairen Meal. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Grain. W. Jenkins & Son. FIAUR AND FEED. Phone 199. There will be GOOD. NESS inJ our CAKE If you buy your Christmas Groceries at Johnson 1 Co's CI rocery. Otis Fruits lime been care- fully selected for to make the Christmas Cake taste right and a visit to our store will convince you and our prices will suit you. Raisins 2 lbs. for 20c, • Selected Raisins 2 packag- es �c es for 5 . Seedless Raisins per pack- age k - age 15c. Currants 2 lbs. for 250. Prunes 2 lbs. for 25e. ileine Mince Meat; per 11). 20c. Mince Meat 2 lbs for 25c, Extra quality : of Peels— Lenton, Orange and Citron .Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggp. Johnson & Co. IVIRS.'.J. JOHNSTON, WI --IO' HAS taken over the agency for the Spir- ella comet and who has just re- turned from Toronto where a large school of corsetiers convened foil four' days, is prepared to )meet tlfe needs of all old and new custom- ems. The. Spirella is '(different" a perfect -fitting, flexible, made-to- order corset, allowing every muscle. full play. Call: and ask Mrs: John,• s ri' aide about corsets and ecce so es. -02 Good Morning 1 Are yon a News - Record 'Subscriber 3 The Store of Qualtiy. Successor to S. Bari. Phone 111. Plione orders promptly attended to. ive Poultry Wanted We are in the market for all kinds of live and dressed poultry at top market prices. Poultry taken any day at Clinton and every Wednesday morning at Holnesv111e. Milk»Fed Chickens. We are prepared to pap extra prices for properly milk -fed cliick- ens ready to kill. We pay Spot Cash for all poultry ore a quality basis. Winter Eggs. We .are expecting liigli prices for New Laid Eggs tltfs winter. Now is the time to get }tour flock in good . condition, Call in at our plant and we will give you a few painters on How to get Win- ter Eggs. CO. N GUN , LANGLOIS0 l'he Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live For Your ClirisiMas B akiug Front many lands there have been gathered together in our Store the finest and most tempting ingredients for the Christmas baking. We welcome one and all to inspect these goods. The} will bear the closest analysis for we selected them ('root among only the most choice 01 samples. Kindly! order all goods for holiday baking as early as possible as some of then als going to be short this year, - o Lot us suggest a [esof the m0re important lines : Seeded and Valencia Raisins, Juicy luscious fruit brought in for the Christmas trade. Currants from Pat - rax, We leave been fortunate 0e get- ting in a supply of currants in spite of the trouble in Greece. Shelled Almonds and Waltwts. Peels of all Binds. Mincemeat, just the thing for the Christmas dinner pie. Extracts, all different kinds. . Canned egetables, Canned Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, Asparagus Tips, Pork and Beans. E. E. HUNNIFORD FIOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT on Raglan street. Two acres of land, brick house, electric light and waterworks, small stable.=D. Can felon, —03 LIVE • AND LET LIVE ' GROCER.' Anything You g WANT DONE IN THE LINE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGH- ING, PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. CALL AND GET OUR PRIC- ES. ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAPEST. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers, Phone 7. FARM FOR .SALE, BEING LOT 24 on the 5th con, of. Goderich Town- ship consisting, of 120 acres, 11' acres in fall wheat, 40 acres readyt foe spring -;plowing, 7 acres of busk, remainder under grass. Small or- chard. Concrete house,. Good barn 53x80 with stone foundation. Cement silo. Waterk i.an and Wind- mill at barn. One quarte:l mile from Porter's Bili, -James -Hamilton, Clinton. —09 CREAM R WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to ,sell write to .us for cans. We supply two cans free.. Pay all express charges, and issue cheques twice each month, cheques nes at par. th payable We pay, the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those is the vicinity of Kinburn may leave theirdream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cane and give us a trial. —The Seaforth Creamery, Box 480, Seaford. We Recomi send This Coal C l'e We know it's good, li s unusual richness in, carbon makes it burn long, evenly and complete y. . LEHIGH: VALLEY ANTHRACITE. ,. The Coal"That Satisfies quality, uniform in lity is always q y, very frProm sland other foreign matter. Although much more econoatemical them ordinary coal, it costs 'you Ino more. ' Phone us your order For promptdelivery. . liver.Y • JOHN B. MUSTARD Brucefield non* :lion 148, Good ,Morning 1 Are you Record Subscriber 1 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, RE- paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Also having bought a machine I am pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All oxders promptly at- tended to. Rooms oven Grigg's jewelery Store.—Wm. J. Jago. -59 a News - New Fr�ifs. Some kinds of fruits are exceedingly scarce. We have full stock to offer : New Seeded Raisins (Dragon) per package 10e New Seeded Raisins ,Nlunai chi 2 packages 2:ic New Seedless Raisins per package 15e New Seedless Raisins (loose) perlb.l5e New Valencia Raisins per Ib, 1Se New Currants per lb, 15c New Dates per lb. 10e New Figs per lb. 10e New Peels, Prunes, Apricots iwd ,Peaches. Sugars The market is vote, firm and will advance. Note our low pric- es. - T.fl'Ne!1 a ° c0 HUCLA FURNACES LEAD. Call in and see the ad- vantages over any other make at R, Rowland's Hardware Store or Phone 53. THOS. HAWKINS. Does Your Watch Need Repairing ? A watch that does not keep good time is little better than no watch at all. Entrust your watch to us, we will spare no effort in putting it right in the short- est possible time ,at most mod- erate pliees. A. J. GRIGG ' Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses.