HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-12-09, Page 44 Goderich Township A. splendid patriotic concern and lecture was held in St. James' cliurph, Middleton, on Friday e ening last. The church was very prettily decorat- ed and the order throughout the ev- ening was all that could be desired,' Solos were 'sung by Miss Fairfull of Clinton and the incumbent, Ret W. Moulton; while the chem rendered Sev- eral choruses in excellent stp'e. The Chief feature of the evening was a liowerful address on "The Warr, by Rev. J, 13. Fotheringham, rector of St. George's church, Cock:ricli, The proceeds, amountiirg to twenty-five. dollars, was very gratify ing 'and a tangible proof that the PeePle'of St. James church are striving to "do their bit." The annual Christmas tree and en- tertainment will be lield. on ;December 2151 when there Will be a program of music, readings, etc., in addition to a comic play, 'One Speaks French Hero" which will be given by the young people of Snnulerhll. A special Christmas service will be held in St, James' church on the nine- teehth 'at eleten o'clock in the fore- noon. The incumbent will take. as the subject of his discourse, "Glad Tid- ings of Great Joy." Special Christ - rims music by the choir. At its last meeting 'Unity Club fin- ished up all work for this war.. 'rhe next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Il, Hibbs on the first Thursday of the new year. It will be a business meeting and it in requested that eery member male it a point to be present, Mr. and Mrs, Ham's of Mitchell visited last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Bert Lebb. Mrs, Will Churchill, all the friends Wends are very sorry to hear, is still on the sick list. The following is the report of S.S. No. 11 for November . Sr. 4th Elsie Ferguson, Purl Churchill, Ruby Churchill, Perna Elliott. Jr. Sri]. -- Francis Powell, Richard Welch. cr. 3rd—Clitlord Castle, Howard Currie, Glen Ferguson, Frank Welch. ;r. Sud —Elmer Le Beau. Jr. 20d—Arthur Le Beau. Pt. 2nd—Elmer 'Prick, Stanley Hanna, Oliver Ferguson, Laura Cur- rie, Alfred Le Beau. • Primer—Meivin Elliott, -Verna Colclough, Dorothy Welch, Max Le Beau.—Erma Teacher. H°oleo's ille i Court Selwood will hold its annual ltangret at the home of Mr. and Mrs„ Mulholland on Tuesday evening next, .. Mrs. Geo, Sheppard and Mrs, Geo, Proctor have both been quite seltlous ly ill, bet we are glad to report they aro improving, ' Reeve W. 11.. Lobb is in Goderich this week attending county council. The local W.M.S. licl'd a very sue- • ces:,lul meeting in the Mclthaiist church on Wedneadap afternoon Miss Gray, daughter of Mr. less Gray of 'the 9th eon:, who has .spent five years in Port Simpson, and who, is now on furlough, greVe a splendid address on her work there. among the 1ndlans. Mrs. S. E. ]lick of Cloderich, District Organizer„ was also present and gave a - talk. Mrs. 'Leech former district organizer, who in at •pr eettt visiting her si ter, Mies D. A. 'I'fiilnies, also contributed to the success of the meeting.:' Re- freshments were served at the close. The 1'Iolucesville young people have accepted the invitation extended them. by the Clinton Ontario street young folk to visit their Teague next Mon- day evening. A number of folks from here took M lh chain concert In Victoria atteet church, (Federici), Thursday evening. Thc pastor, Per. 13•. J. McCormick, preached at both services last Sun- day. His; morning theme was "The Four Men." 1, Cor. 1-3, 4, Everyman has In him four men : The roan the world sees ; the man as seen bye your friend ; the elan you see yourself, and the man God se:s. In the evening lie preached on "Public ,Spirit," and tnade a plea for, a more unselfish at- titude toward the church and the Em- pire now in the threes of an unprece- dented war. Mrs. Will, Sheppard, daughter of Mr. Geo. Tebbutt, arrived home from Saskatchewan on Saturday with two of her children. She will remain for a couple of months. Mrs. Eldred Yeo, who has been vr.,iting at her father's M Yarmouth Centre, arrived Monte on Saturday. Porter's Hill Mrs. Sophia \VCSteli and daughter Annie visited last week at Mr. Geo. Vanderburg 's. Quite a number of the farmers its this district attended the demonstra- tion held at 0. W. Fritter's. sliop last week, Bethel Sunday school purpose hold- ing their Xmas Tree on Dec. 23rd, an interesting item on the program being a matrimonial mock trial. Our thresher, Mr. Jas. Harrison, is still at work. IIe seems to find threshing, to do after the season is supi'osed to 1)0 ciosed. Bagfleld Capt, J. A. Ferguson returned on Saturday after wending a very sue, cesslul year on the great lakes: Messrs. David and William Stur- geon, who weer" engaged .in fishing aft Port Stanley, returned home Satur- day. St, Andrew's 'church S.S. is 'busy maldfng preparations for the'.r Christ- mas tree to be held in the town hall on the ctening of the 23rd. 'filo annual meeting of L.O.L. No.'6 for the election of officers was held M the' Orange 1ta11 on Monday even- ing whin .the following officers were elected : Master, Robt. McMurray. Deputy, John Parker. Fin. -Secretary, A. E. Erwin, Ree. -Secretary, Geo, E. Greenslade. Treasurer, Jelin Tippet, Chaplain, Rev. F. Rickert, Lecturer, Clitlord Pollock, D. of C., George Castle. Committee Wnl. Elliott, Percy Tippet, Nelson FIeard, Carl Hus- ton, Wm, McDoal. Messrs. D. Shearer and 13. Ander- sch of the Sterling Bank were in- itiated into the .mysteries of the Or- der after the election of officers. , Mts, Cowie left last week for God- erich to spend the winter with 'hot sister, Mrs. Thomson. Mr. John Pollock, who has spent the past three years in the west, re- turned this week to his house. Mrs. W. J. Mernor and cheld are spending a few weeks with friends at Zurich and Elmira. Porter's Hill The Ladies' Aid timet at the home of Mrs. John:Mc('lure last Tuesday. Bethel church has reorganized an Epworth League and 5 preparing to do good work during the winter months. A number of the boys of the neigh- borhood treated tliem:wlvos on Mon- day evening of fibs week to a goose dinner. It has been suggested. that each boy tale a lady friend with ittnl to the next dinner. Don't be selfish, boys. Stanley Township Mr. W. Glen sold a fine pair of horses this vveelc which Have been sant on to the Montreal market. 'The price was satisfactory to Mr. (filen and be is some judge of a horse. Clinton "News -Record Sea"forth: Mr. Tretlieway of Stratford wpent a few days at' his home in town. Mrs. Wm,, Thornton was at W m- bhrop last week, Miss Mabel. Bullard of Winthrop, vis- ited Miss Ella Chesneyc of -` Egmond villa last week, Mr. IL Huelier of Stratford has taken a position with the Gieig Clolthing Company. Varna Mrs. 'Com Johnston of near God- erich is visiting lilt parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. Mrs. Scott and daughter of C'hioago are visiting relatives here. Rev. J. Foote of Thcdforti is visit- ing his brother, itir. Wm. Foote, who still continues very il,i. Miss Ruth Reid is visiting friends on the Parr .Line, Mr. J. McAndrews of Dakota is visiting friend& hereabouts, Mrs, \Vill Foster and her little nice, Miss Marjory Rathwcll, are visiting in Toronto. The election of officers of the Varna L.O.L. No. 1035, held on Tuesday ev- ening last, resulted as follows : Master, A. Robertson. Deputy, R. Rathwcll: Chaplain, (leo, Beatty. Secretary, C. Deihl. Fin. -Secretary, N, Reid, Treasure], F. Weeks. I). of C'., ;T. ,Stinson• Lecturer, S. Rathwell. Committee, .7. W. Reid, W. Rath - well, (', Foster, J. Rathwcll, W. Logan, December 9Th, 19i5 Mr. and Mrs. E. MoFaul have ar- rived home from Union, where they spent the summer and autumn. Mrs. McCormick lias returned from an extended visit at Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other points. Mrs. Joseph McCiinchey and her s'ster, Miss M. Carron, visited at Brucefield lasj+ week, Miss Bingle was up from 'Toronto last week attending the funeral. of her nice, the late Mrs. Shea. Mrs. McNaughton and Miss Grotto, have returned to their' ]tome at Chis - ether*. Mr, D. Nash of Harkeriley ]tad the misfortune to get one of his, Lingers smashed one day recently while working a cutting box, Miss Fairbairn of Sacratusato, ('al., and Miss Marion Grant of St. Marys were the guests recently of their un- cle, Mr., S. G. Houston. Mr. Frank Smart motored over from Detroit recently to visit, his mother. Prof. Beale of the Education Ile• partment was in town last week and game the students a talk on hygenios. Mr, George A. Sills, contractor far the plumbing of the neve Public school at Mitchell, was at that town the other evening attending a banquet in conn(iction with the opening exercise's. Rev. G. McKinley and Mrs, MaICin- le}i were called to. Gravenhurst last wealr on account of „he illness of their daughter, who is in the sanitor- ium there. Mr, R. E. Cresswell has returned from New York. Good Morning ! News -Record means News -Leader. Are you a subscriber ? St. Helens MIH. Cran:d'icc is visiting her sister at Guelph. Messrs. James and Elliott Miller have been busy sawing wood in this neighborhood this week. 14Ir. James Baker has finished chop- ping grain for Mr. .101111 Joynt. Qui le a number Iron about here at- tended a few] supper in the Methodist church, Luckno..w, on Monday everting, Mr, john Duthie lust, a valuable cow the other ela}'. AL'. Chester 'raptor was in 111,'th the other day and traded ' s driver and buggy for t Ford. car. .4 nunilier from Mere are attending the Winter Fair at Guelph 1( this week. Mrs Mc\ ittic is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. \Vnl, Taylor. Mrs Ramage bas returned house af- ter visiting her daughter, Mrs. r, Purvis C ommuntan s r t nest will be held in Calvin church 011 Sunda}, prepara- tory 5 rvirc held onFriday. at eleven o'clock in the herenoon. Rev. Mr. 'Duncan of Luolnow will officiate• STORIES. S. TSM✓ WAR S ) ,' L1(.Ll t 1IAS The uuiarkabI" 'the C11- • e increase m e cDaily News - is the. ulatl ole of The 1 all Y beet evidence of the'fact that if, you give the people the siert of a paper • r .L' er•- they want the}. will Lala it of iu p once to any other, The average man class truth- ful; woman. wants a [filth enterprising well edited, • well printed well illustrated -newspaper. That 15 what The Daily News aims to be With sr.ecial correspondents to all the European centtes it 15 able to give the real- news of the w•u. first,- The irst.The News -Record and The Toronto Dail} News can be securer,. for one year for •$2.35. Send your subscrip- tion to this office. The, importance of producing largel}t and at low cost, is not likely to be overlooked on the farm. But, after all, the question of success or failure an the farm turns on the selling end. The Weekly Stin in it's market reports and in its suggestions as to ea -Opera- tion greatly el tion m selling has very g eat } helped progressive 'farmers in this important ,particular, Its editorials are always instructive and are never tuned to sunt the !'Interests." The Sun will make a very useful and most acoeaptable Christmas present. Bluevale The barn 0f 114r. D. Miller near 13luevale was burned to the ground Sundae night. The season's crop and some implements were in the building. The neighbors were soon on the scene and were successful in getting most of the stock out. The cause of ilio fire was Nig upsetting of a lantern. Zurich . Mrs. 1'. Farewell and child have been' visiting Dunnville friends. -Mr, Wm. Lehman of London was a visitor at the home .01 his mother far a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. " ilex, McConnell of Varna were guests at the home cif Mr. Wm. Lamont on Sunday week. City, 1 Mrs. Yost and son cif I3ayr y, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mr. L. Foster of the Babylon. Line. Mr. Pater Lamont was kicked on the knee by a heifer one day recently and was laid up for some days. Mr, and Mrs, John . Brenner . and Mrs. John. Gallivan attended the fun- eral of the late Henry Racey of Stratford last week. Mr. Racey was a resident of Zurich for some time and was very well known here. Miss Veda Fritz spent a few days recently avith friends at Grand Bend. Miss Ethel Jacobe, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, S. Jacobe of the 14111 con- cession, was married at the home of her parents' on December 1st to Mr. Garnet Datera, son of Mr, and Mrs, Henry Daters. The ceremony was performed by Rev, G. P. Brown. Mr. A. Horner of Varna was a week -end visitor at the parental home recently. Wingham Mr. Gordon McLean has returned from the west where lie spent 11' harvest season, Mr. E. B. Walker, manager of the local branch of the Bank of Commerce for some years, has been transferred to! Shelbourne, Nova Scotia. Mr. Wil- liams of London has taken Me. Walk- er's place ]fere, Mr. Chas. Gander had his' arm caught in the scathing machine at the flax mill one day recently' and rather badly bruised. Mrs. Joseph Underwood has re- turned from an extended visit with relatives in Howick. Miss Fap Morton of Toronto is vis- iting her parents M town. Mr, R. J. Spicer has removed las fancily front Owen Sound and taken up residence in town. Mr, S. ('loakey has returned Nome from the west, Mrs. R. V. Dunlop has been visiting friends in 'Toronto. Mrs, Mainprize of Acton spent a few days in town last week as the guest of MIs. Robertson. Mr. Main - prize has been a patient in the Wing - ham hospital., ROD AND GUN. December Rod and Gun, published by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock,, Ont., is on the news-stands and is replete with interesting stories of outdoor life, besides the usual depart- ments devoted to (Guns and Ammuni- tion, Fishing Notes, rte., eta., wtiieh arc well maintained. Some of the stories noted are The Hunter's Christmas, Tliree Polars and a Cree, FIector,: A Story of Dog Devotion, Northern Camping Trails, A Just Retribution, Sailor- of the Woodlands, Newfoundland Caribou, Adventures of Nols alias 01ie. 1. new department which prbnnises to be of special inter- est is conducted bin Arthur Ellison ` and devoted to the interests " of dog loversunder tine caption of • • The ' Kennel. • DIVIDEND No. 35 Nol iee Is hereby given that. the usual Hall' -yearly Dividend at the rate of SIX PER CENT. per annum has been declared for the six months ending December 31st, 1015, upon 1 he paid-up Unpita' Stock of the Us.mpany, and the same will be payable at the offices of the Company on and after Janu- ary 3rd, 101 6. The Transfer Books will he closed from December 20th, to December.31st, 1015, both days inclusive. The TRUSTS and GUARANTEE Company. Ic11AN TFORT> JAMES J. WARREN, PRES:IORNT, L[151ITEU, TORONTO CALGARY, E. B. STOCKDALE. (1-axaRAL, 111As:vct;10, Mr Farmer, tteition You need a Gasoline Engine. With Inbar .o high priced and + f,an unsaLisfacLory, it saves you money and trouble. You want an Engine to live out your time and perhaps that of your Son, • You will only get this by buying the best in material, design and workmanship. The "Premier" Air -Cooled Engine is the King. You can vat deny it truthfully if you know it and others, -r Only Thirteen .J Shopping p� g Till Days Left Lef Christmas. Special selection of books at 50c, including all the popular authors such as. Connor, Cody, Hall Cain, Oorrelli, McClung, Marion Keith and others. Orders Taken for Pri- vate Greeting Cards with your name and address printed $1.00 per dozen up. THE NEW FICTION A Big Lot, $1.25 to 1.50, Christmas Number of Montreal Standard ready Dec, 18, price 25c. China Department. More Popular Than Ever. Chinaware Always Suitable For Presents. Toy Department on second floor as usual, dolls, games, sleighs, etc. Christmas Cards and BOOKLETS, the most Innes we haue ever shown, COOPER & CO. CLINTON. Santa Claus Headquartars. 11014 YEARS 'WATER-COOLED ENGINES were the best. von could get but were always a source of WORRY, TROUBLE and EXPENSE. The proof is in the following extract from The International Harvester Uo's "Engine 0 erato r'Guide, pnge 42 . Freezing the water in the water jacket on an engine cylinder and thus •rack'n of the cylinder is a comm r Iron gives ihusa.. i oa occlr once in winter, ro ort heat-veryrapidly, consequently it quickly returns to the temperaturof ti mna )here. Now,un the the.surrounding i 1 as the sheet: of water around cylinderis ver chin it is evident that if h water isno taken out of the very the war. t L en cylinder night,it will freeze if the Lenrperetore ddrups belwo w freezing.. Water in bulk retains ins heat much longer than a thin sheet of water,conse- quently onse- 1uentl he thin sheet in the water Jacket will freeze on some nights when i� standing near th i a of i e on a aril of wale o engine will note en have a crust c n g v its surface. The emphasis is ours— z �Vhytale. the riskof bursts or furring with lime when r g up you need not. The "Premier" Air -Cooled Engine gets over all that. Hundreds are in use working satisfactorily everywhere. The 4 Horse Power Engine is the Farmers' Engine. It grinds 400 lbs_; of barley and buckwheat into finest pig chop per hour. Will any other 4 horse power do it ? Don't buy a gasoline glutton. The Premier is a very . small feeder. Read the following extracts from testimonials from Thomas Love, Jarvis, out. : I" also find it easy on gasoline, it uses much less than some other Makes of engines. 1 lately used it for mixing concrete. We built a wall contain- ing about 1100 cubic feet of concrete and it just used 5 gallonsof gasoline to clo the job and I can say your engine cannot be turned down by anyone who horsepower engine. will give it a trial, Note this was a 7 g From The,Tackson Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Exeter : In figures your engine has cut the cost per h.p. very nearly in half and after three years experience with your engine (which runs steadily nine hours per day at an average load) we are able to say that it has given us every satisfaction at a cost of about gallon of gosoline per h.p., and we do not want anything better than this. From the Exeter Times, Exeter : Our chief satisfaction, however,is'in its small consumption of gasoline. We estimate it uses about a gallon a day on our small presses. In eight years the repair bil has been a minor matter amounting to very little. We have no hesitation in recommending it. WE COULD WEARY YOU with testimonials all to the same effect, satis- faction with working, durability and SMALLNESS OF GAS CONSUMP- TION, Remember We Give You Thirty Days Trial. on condition that 1, on do not buy the Rival without having the same trial fol' comparison. Don't Heed "The Knockers." The Rival Agents wto know not the truth, Already we have found several lineal descendents of Ananias in the locality. Poor Fellows they fear ."The Premier" 'for when ,A.ir-Cooled comes in Water•Cooledigoes out. A. F Corti 'x.., CALE and'they will swell the ranks Of the unemployed. nnor Machine Co. Ltd, Exeter, PROPRIETORS, WATED IJillets for Soldiers —to be Trained in Clinton for Huron Overseas Battalion Board. and lodgings will be wanted for a hundred men. All who can accommodate boaders are requested to send in their < names. First, those who can supply lodgings and meals. Second, those who can sup- ply lodgings only. Third, those who can sup- ply u -ply meals only. State number you can a c- commodate and prices you will charge. These will be required d for weeks. wThe period of twenty a y will be guaranteed bythe pay onand will bpaid the 16th s and the 30th of each month. - Send this information at once to C H. B. Combe, Lt. Colonel O. C. Huron Overseas Battalion. 1 r• 11 FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces you willfind it to your advantage to inspect our stock and see the bargains we ar-fgiving. We also carry a good line of violins, pianos and organs. Our undertaking departnient 18 up-to-date in every re- spect and weguarantee the best of satisfaction. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over store, Phone {6 28 1 Ready- To -Wear -cougH Garments kTf isFurnishings Dry (foods MA Horse children's worth have entire pend from. for ;-'' 11 P f. • 1 1 j I I� Annual Today attention for collection. on $3,50 best s lilUi 'Ili talLaA i and coats this all of to choice. - ! 4 hi` we announce of sale these $5,00 .."e ,",,,,,A, tet - =y,a Al.' k�,' w�� +� � �{ t. 11 C< {I �fF+5 it t, � k, rp il , F, I' l ` t`1t � t 1 fi `' • $i3 4,,d ' d-` �• f r fit.ert t a I� I I I 4t •+ u . L d 't,.1 r a:: -1, u_.:, z , I ,�.� ,rhe it t' . of Coats. Sale to do. not each is good. fifty Come qtr ,I a rN 11 I it it G I,1,t r'9 Ladies' of 4th." The an orf coats early r jt Il�,tl,��'.• � t 1l.. fi7 ,c. 're" p ladies'' style YOU 0 r,� .e,. „t 4: y , r 11 1 In p . s t: , a; and They are coats we M the can de- to choose Saturday . r �lti�rt�t. er Sale December Children's our Annual December commencing Saturday, December every lady with coat buying are all new garments. There.fs The quality of material tar for satisfactory wear. About less than the regular price, December Just six only sizes 30, regular:price. Sale of Ladies' Suits. ladies' suits left to clear. A11 new styles, navy and black, 38, 40 and 42, Your choice of any of the six suits half the " About $1.9a. Millinery $1.98. fifteen ladies' hats left to clear, values up ,to $5.00' for Moire Three COL' Saturday Underskirts ' $1.49. dozen ladies' black moire underskirts, all sizes, very special $11.49. Clinton "News -Record Sea"forth: Mr. Tretlieway of Stratford wpent a few days at' his home in town. Mrs. Wm,, Thornton was at W m- bhrop last week, Miss Mabel. Bullard of Winthrop, vis- ited Miss Ella Chesneyc of -` Egmond villa last week, Mr. IL Huelier of Stratford has taken a position with the Gieig Clolthing Company. Varna Mrs. 'Com Johnston of near God- erich is visiting lilt parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. Mrs. Scott and daughter of C'hioago are visiting relatives here. Rev. J. Foote of Thcdforti is visit- ing his brother, itir. Wm. Foote, who still continues very il,i. Miss Ruth Reid is visiting friends on the Parr .Line, Mr. J. McAndrews of Dakota is visiting friend& hereabouts, Mrs, \Vill Foster and her little nice, Miss Marjory Rathwcll, are visiting in Toronto. The election of officers of the Varna L.O.L. No. 1035, held on Tuesday ev- ening last, resulted as follows : Master, A. Robertson. Deputy, R. Rathwcll: Chaplain, (leo, Beatty. Secretary, C. Deihl. Fin. -Secretary, N, Reid, Treasure], F. Weeks. I). of C'., ;T. ,Stinson• Lecturer, S. Rathwell. Committee, .7. W. Reid, W. Rath - well, (', Foster, J. Rathwcll, W. Logan, December 9Th, 19i5 Mr. and Mrs. E. MoFaul have ar- rived home from Union, where they spent the summer and autumn. Mrs. McCormick lias returned from an extended visit at Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other points. Mrs. Joseph McCiinchey and her s'ster, Miss M. Carron, visited at Brucefield lasj+ week, Miss Bingle was up from 'Toronto last week attending the funeral. of her nice, the late Mrs. Shea. Mrs. McNaughton and Miss Grotto, have returned to their' ]tome at Chis - ether*. Mr, D. Nash of Harkeriley ]tad the misfortune to get one of his, Lingers smashed one day recently while working a cutting box, Miss Fairbairn of Sacratusato, ('al., and Miss Marion Grant of St. Marys were the guests recently of their un- cle, Mr., S. G. Houston. Mr. Frank Smart motored over from Detroit recently to visit, his mother. Prof. Beale of the Education Ile• partment was in town last week and game the students a talk on hygenios. Mr, George A. Sills, contractor far the plumbing of the neve Public school at Mitchell, was at that town the other evening attending a banquet in conn(iction with the opening exercise's. Rev. G. McKinley and Mrs, MaICin- le}i were called to. Gravenhurst last wealr on account of „he illness of their daughter, who is in the sanitor- ium there. Mr, R. E. Cresswell has returned from New York. Good Morning ! News -Record means News -Leader. Are you a subscriber ? St. Helens MIH. Cran:d'icc is visiting her sister at Guelph. Messrs. James and Elliott Miller have been busy sawing wood in this neighborhood this week. 14Ir. James Baker has finished chop- ping grain for Mr. .101111 Joynt. Qui le a number Iron about here at- tended a few] supper in the Methodist church, Luckno..w, on Monday everting, Mr, john Duthie lust, a valuable cow the other ela}'. AL'. Chester 'raptor was in 111,'th the other day and traded ' s driver and buggy for t Ford. car. .4 nunilier from Mere are attending the Winter Fair at Guelph 1( this week. Mrs Mc\ ittic is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. \Vnl, Taylor. Mrs Ramage bas returned house af- ter visiting her daughter, Mrs. r, Purvis C ommuntan s r t nest will be held in Calvin church 011 Sunda}, prepara- tory 5 rvirc held onFriday. at eleven o'clock in the herenoon. Rev. Mr. 'Duncan of Luolnow will officiate• STORIES. S. TSM✓ WAR S ) ,' L1(.Ll t 1IAS The uuiarkabI" 'the C11- • e increase m e cDaily News - is the. ulatl ole of The 1 all Y beet evidence of the'fact that if, you give the people the siert of a paper • r .L' er•- they want the}. will Lala it of iu p once to any other, The average man class truth- ful; woman. wants a [filth enterprising well edited, • well printed well illustrated -newspaper. That 15 what The Daily News aims to be With sr.ecial correspondents to all the European centtes it 15 able to give the real- news of the w•u. first,- The irst.The News -Record and The Toronto Dail} News can be securer,. for one year for •$2.35. Send your subscrip- tion to this office. The, importance of producing largel}t and at low cost, is not likely to be overlooked on the farm. But, after all, the question of success or failure an the farm turns on the selling end. The Weekly Stin in it's market reports and in its suggestions as to ea -Opera- tion greatly el tion m selling has very g eat } helped progressive 'farmers in this important ,particular, Its editorials are always instructive and are never tuned to sunt the !'Interests." The Sun will make a very useful and most acoeaptable Christmas present. Bluevale The barn 0f 114r. D. Miller near 13luevale was burned to the ground Sundae night. The season's crop and some implements were in the building. The neighbors were soon on the scene and were successful in getting most of the stock out. The cause of ilio fire was Nig upsetting of a lantern. Zurich . Mrs. 1'. Farewell and child have been' visiting Dunnville friends. -Mr, Wm. Lehman of London was a visitor at the home .01 his mother far a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. " ilex, McConnell of Varna were guests at the home cif Mr. Wm. Lamont on Sunday week. City, 1 Mrs. Yost and son cif I3ayr y, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mr. L. Foster of the Babylon. Line. Mr. Pater Lamont was kicked on the knee by a heifer one day recently and was laid up for some days. Mr, and Mrs, John . Brenner . and Mrs. John. Gallivan attended the fun- eral of the late Henry Racey of Stratford last week. Mr. Racey was a resident of Zurich for some time and was very well known here. Miss Veda Fritz spent a few days recently avith friends at Grand Bend. Miss Ethel Jacobe, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, S. Jacobe of the 14111 con- cession, was married at the home of her parents' on December 1st to Mr. Garnet Datera, son of Mr, and Mrs, Henry Daters. The ceremony was performed by Rev, G. P. Brown. Mr. A. Horner of Varna was a week -end visitor at the parental home recently. Wingham Mr. Gordon McLean has returned from the west where lie spent 11' harvest season, Mr. E. B. Walker, manager of the local branch of the Bank of Commerce for some years, has been transferred to! Shelbourne, Nova Scotia. Mr. Wil- liams of London has taken Me. Walk- er's place ]fere, Mr. Chas. Gander had his' arm caught in the scathing machine at the flax mill one day recently' and rather badly bruised. Mrs. Joseph Underwood has re- turned from an extended visit with relatives in Howick. Miss Fap Morton of Toronto is vis- iting her parents M town. Mr, R. J. Spicer has removed las fancily front Owen Sound and taken up residence in town. Mr, S. ('loakey has returned Nome from the west, Mrs. R. V. Dunlop has been visiting friends in 'Toronto. Mrs, Mainprize of Acton spent a few days in town last week as the guest of MIs. Robertson. Mr. Main - prize has been a patient in the Wing - ham hospital., ROD AND GUN. December Rod and Gun, published by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock,, Ont., is on the news-stands and is replete with interesting stories of outdoor life, besides the usual depart- ments devoted to (Guns and Ammuni- tion, Fishing Notes, rte., eta., wtiieh arc well maintained. Some of the stories noted are The Hunter's Christmas, Tliree Polars and a Cree, FIector,: A Story of Dog Devotion, Northern Camping Trails, A Just Retribution, Sailor- of the Woodlands, Newfoundland Caribou, Adventures of Nols alias 01ie. 1. new department which prbnnises to be of special inter- est is conducted bin Arthur Ellison ` and devoted to the interests " of dog loversunder tine caption of • • The ' Kennel. • DIVIDEND No. 35 Nol iee Is hereby given that. the usual Hall' -yearly Dividend at the rate of SIX PER CENT. per annum has been declared for the six months ending December 31st, 1015, upon 1 he paid-up Unpita' Stock of the Us.mpany, and the same will be payable at the offices of the Company on and after Janu- ary 3rd, 101 6. The Transfer Books will he closed from December 20th, to December.31st, 1015, both days inclusive. The TRUSTS and GUARANTEE Company. Ic11AN TFORT> JAMES J. WARREN, PRES:IORNT, L[151ITEU, TORONTO CALGARY, E. B. STOCKDALE. (1-axaRAL, 111As:vct;10, Mr Farmer, tteition You need a Gasoline Engine. With Inbar .o high priced and + f,an unsaLisfacLory, it saves you money and trouble. You want an Engine to live out your time and perhaps that of your Son, • You will only get this by buying the best in material, design and workmanship. The "Premier" Air -Cooled Engine is the King. You can vat deny it truthfully if you know it and others, -r Only Thirteen .J Shopping p� g Till Days Left Lef Christmas. Special selection of books at 50c, including all the popular authors such as. Connor, Cody, Hall Cain, Oorrelli, McClung, Marion Keith and others. Orders Taken for Pri- vate Greeting Cards with your name and address printed $1.00 per dozen up. THE NEW FICTION A Big Lot, $1.25 to 1.50, Christmas Number of Montreal Standard ready Dec, 18, price 25c. China Department. More Popular Than Ever. Chinaware Always Suitable For Presents. Toy Department on second floor as usual, dolls, games, sleighs, etc. Christmas Cards and BOOKLETS, the most Innes we haue ever shown, COOPER & CO. CLINTON. Santa Claus Headquartars. 11014 YEARS 'WATER-COOLED ENGINES were the best. von could get but were always a source of WORRY, TROUBLE and EXPENSE. The proof is in the following extract from The International Harvester Uo's "Engine 0 erato r'Guide, pnge 42 . Freezing the water in the water jacket on an engine cylinder and thus •rack'n of the cylinder is a comm r Iron gives ihusa.. i oa occlr once in winter, ro ort heat-veryrapidly, consequently it quickly returns to the temperaturof ti mna )here. Now,un the the.surrounding i 1 as the sheet: of water around cylinderis ver chin it is evident that if h water isno taken out of the very the war. t L en cylinder night,it will freeze if the Lenrperetore ddrups belwo w freezing.. Water in bulk retains ins heat much longer than a thin sheet of water,conse- quently onse- 1uentl he thin sheet in the water Jacket will freeze on some nights when i� standing near th i a of i e on a aril of wale o engine will note en have a crust c n g v its surface. The emphasis is ours— z �Vhytale. the riskof bursts or furring with lime when r g up you need not. The "Premier" Air -Cooled Engine gets over all that. Hundreds are in use working satisfactorily everywhere. The 4 Horse Power Engine is the Farmers' Engine. It grinds 400 lbs_; of barley and buckwheat into finest pig chop per hour. Will any other 4 horse power do it ? Don't buy a gasoline glutton. The Premier is a very . small feeder. Read the following extracts from testimonials from Thomas Love, Jarvis, out. : I" also find it easy on gasoline, it uses much less than some other Makes of engines. 1 lately used it for mixing concrete. We built a wall contain- ing about 1100 cubic feet of concrete and it just used 5 gallonsof gasoline to clo the job and I can say your engine cannot be turned down by anyone who horsepower engine. will give it a trial, Note this was a 7 g From The,Tackson Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Exeter : In figures your engine has cut the cost per h.p. very nearly in half and after three years experience with your engine (which runs steadily nine hours per day at an average load) we are able to say that it has given us every satisfaction at a cost of about gallon of gosoline per h.p., and we do not want anything better than this. From the Exeter Times, Exeter : Our chief satisfaction, however,is'in its small consumption of gasoline. We estimate it uses about a gallon a day on our small presses. In eight years the repair bil has been a minor matter amounting to very little. We have no hesitation in recommending it. WE COULD WEARY YOU with testimonials all to the same effect, satis- faction with working, durability and SMALLNESS OF GAS CONSUMP- TION, Remember We Give You Thirty Days Trial. on condition that 1, on do not buy the Rival without having the same trial fol' comparison. Don't Heed "The Knockers." The Rival Agents wto know not the truth, Already we have found several lineal descendents of Ananias in the locality. Poor Fellows they fear ."The Premier" 'for when ,A.ir-Cooled comes in Water•Cooledigoes out. A. F Corti 'x.., CALE and'they will swell the ranks Of the unemployed. nnor Machine Co. Ltd, Exeter, PROPRIETORS, WATED IJillets for Soldiers —to be Trained in Clinton for Huron Overseas Battalion Board. and lodgings will be wanted for a hundred men. All who can accommodate boaders are requested to send in their < names. First, those who can supply lodgings and meals. Second, those who can sup- ply lodgings only. Third, those who can sup- ply u -ply meals only. State number you can a c- commodate and prices you will charge. These will be required d for weeks. wThe period of twenty a y will be guaranteed bythe pay onand will bpaid the 16th s and the 30th of each month. - Send this information at once to C H. B. Combe, Lt. Colonel O. C. Huron Overseas Battalion. 1 r• 11 FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces you willfind it to your advantage to inspect our stock and see the bargains we ar-fgiving. We also carry a good line of violins, pianos and organs. Our undertaking departnient 18 up-to-date in every re- spect and weguarantee the best of satisfaction. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over store, Phone {6 28 1