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Chilton News -Record
December 2nd, 19I5
S. ligeS
' ewing Machines.
It is not necessary for us to say anything about the good quality of
Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for
themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with ns,
Ostermoor Mattresses "'
are good mattresses: We will give you thirty nights free trial and if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
Every house,shouid own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner.. They will
clean your:rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will save all your•sweeping and dusting. Free trial :given,
Price $12,50.
Columbia Grafonolas.
We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and
you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct, talking ma-
chine you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we will
play it for you.
Ball & Atkinson
-Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directorss
Store Phone 104.
N. BALL Phone 110. J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 186
Special Sale of
At a Big Reduction for Saturday
and All Next Week.
Several Second Hand Heaters and Ranges for Sale at
Good Value—Prepare for Winter by using Brantford
Roofing—Beaver Board—Window Glass, etc,
Good Storm Doors for $1.50
2 Bags of Charcoal for .25
Bring in your old Razors for the the Boys at
the Front, many more are needed yet. We expect to
make another shipment in a few days.
A man likes to buy his shoes at a store in which
he has confidence—where he knows that the shoes are
the best, and that he will get real honest value in re-
turn for his money. In other words, Sir, if you buy
your shoes here, you'll get satisfaction, as well as shoes
—not an advertised, fictitious value, but real shoe
We've a just right shoe style for every man's
taste and special requirements, We're men's shoe
specialists. Shoes at $2,50, $3.00, $4,00 up to $6,50.
There is no copyright on these prices, Any store can
quote them. It's our shoes at the -price that tellsthe
story and we trust that we may have your considera-
The Good Shoes Store.
® Redingotes
Fitted, Draped and Plain Bodices
Draped Skirts
Bouffant Hips.
Chin Collar
Gauntlet Cuffs
Many New Styles of Sleeves
are the latest up-to-date features, and
together with many other beautiful styles
will be shown in the
For Winter
With each copy you get any •
Standard Pattern FREE
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best,
Mr. W. C. Robb was in Toronto on
Miss Ross Lavis of Sealortli was at
her home in town over the wee:c-
114r. and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart were
in Toronto tie latter part of the
Ste.,J'ercr illunnings is in Toronto
where he intends to remain for
some time.
Miss Mulvey of Wingham visited Miss
Rands of ,the Motel school stall over
the week -end.
Pte. Edgar Pattison was up ''fool
London spending the week -end with
friends in town.
Mrs. Miller of Stratford ie, the
guest this week of her sister -in -late,
Mrs. James Mahaily.
Mrs. Bartlett Lavis is visiting her
uncle, Rev. Mr, McKinley of Sea -
forth, for a few days.•
Air. and Mrs. Hiram Hill spent Sun-
t-day as tete guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Gies' of the Huron Road.
Sirs. W. Fay lllapes of Seattle, Wash-
ington, is the guest this week of
Miss Florence Cuningiiame.
Mr. A. T. Coyer goes to Ilderton on
Sunday next to speak in the inter-
ests of the Dominion Alliance.
Mrs. Foster and Miss Dawson of
Varna have been visiting this week
with Mr. and Mrs. Pctay' Couch.
Major Ranee and Captain Dowding
were up from London spending the
week -end at their respective horses.
Mr. J. A. Irwin was in Windsor over
the week -end and out Sunday preach-
ed missionary sermons in that city.
Pte. Hugh Grigg of the paymaster's
staff, the 33rd Battalion, London,
was a week -end visitor at his home
in town.
Miss Tuckey and Miss Beverley of Ex-
eter have been guests at the Monte
of Rev. E. G. and Mrs. Powell dur-
ing the pant week.
Rev. Frank C. and Mrs. Harper
spent Sunday at Kippen where the
former preached anniversary ser-
mons morning and evening.
Miss Edna Wasman is 'sanding a few
weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. R.
Little of Essex, arid on her way
lionte will visit London -friends,
Rev. Mr. Ross of London • was the
guest last week of his daughter,
Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn, having conte up to
speed Dr. Gunn and Miss i.'sabel off
on their journey to Europe.
Mr. D. Cantelon has gale on a bus-
iness trip west. lie will go as far
as Edmonton and will be absent
several weeks, probably onlp . re-
turning hi time for Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. 'Turner and -babe
and. Misso Mayftid Arlin of Regina
aro expected next week and will
spenilethe Christmas vacation at
the parental ' home, the • Ontario
street parsonage. •
Captain Rev. Dobson Peacock, Mrs.
Peacock and child, were guests over
the week -end of Rev, J. A. Robin-
son and Mrs. Robinson at the rec-
tory. Captain Peacock and Mr.
Robinsonold d friends.
Miss Emma Lavis left Monday morn-
ing for Toronto where s+he mot a
party of friendat and v,'ent on to
Los Angeles, California. She will
viedt several points in tife southern
States and will he absent some
Mrs. A. Hooper and Mrs. .1, May at-
tended, the funeral of a cousin, Mr.
J. It, McCoonybe oi, Luean, on Sun-
day. last.• ..Lucas 'is the birrtilplace
anti. fernier holno'of titin ladies and
i trey Met:many old bands on this
occasion. '
Mr. Buyer 1
Do yon need. Underwear? If you do and appreciate
good value when buying it will pay you well to visit this de-
partment of our store during the next few weeks. Although
wool has advanced considerably during he
past year we are
still offering:most of our lines at old prices.
See our men's heavy pure wool at $1,00 per garment.
Men's heavy ribbed underwear, mostly wool, at 75 cents
per garment.
Fleece lined at 50eand. 75e.
A full stock of Stanfield's unshrinkabte underwear in.
different weights at,lowest prices,
Don't buy your rubbers without Srst,giving us a call as
we are showing a bigger stock and better assortment than ev-
er before and prices are the very lowest possible. We can save
you money on your rubber wants if you givens a call.
Plumsteel Bros..
More Business
Mr... 4Ym. ,Simpson returned Home on
Friday 'last from .ti' three months'
stay at Lawson in the Province of
Saskatchewan. Be went to help in
the harcbsting and threshing, but
not all of his time. was so spent,
having to take an enforced rest of
seven weeks owing • to meeting
with an aeeident in which his collar
bone. anis two of his, ribs were frac-
tured. .However, and notwithstand-
ing, on the whole be enjoyed his ex-
perience on the breezy, prairies and
added twenty pounds to his avoir-
Your Guide
the k
Unknown in 'Underwear.
You can tell at a glance whether an Underwear garment is
warm; whether it is comfortably soft ; whether it is well finished.
But :
Its wearing power remains obscure. So does its resistance
to the wash -tub. How are you going to know positively that it will
resist the hardest wear you can give it for several seasons? How can
you be surethat it will not shrink ?
We answer : Come here and buy a suit of Stanfield's Un-
shrinkable,Underwear. Careful making has given it stamina.
Opposite The Public Library.
EE gip!
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67,
Men's Store
Merchant Tailoring and,
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Mrs. Archibald was ijl Gocloricli last
Mr. D. Shirnalun of Seaforth was in
Clinton yesterday.
Pte, .Elmer Beacom was tip fropl Lon-
don over 1111 week -end.
Mr. and tuffs. Melvin Clark of Coder -
tell spent .'Tuesday in towel.
Mr. and Mrs. ,John Linder spent a
couple of- days .in town this ween:
but Have returned to their home
in 'i'oronta.t
Messrs. J. A. Ford and Angus Mc-
Leod were in Goderich on Monday
attending the funeral of the latter's
sister, Miss Ann McLeod, who was
buried in Maitland cemetery that
Mr. A. Conl4', who Has been in the
boys' clothing department of the
Eaton store, Toronto, for several
years, and formerly, with the Jack-
son Mfg. Co., Clinton, leaves this
week for Havana, Cuba, where he
will go into the hardware business,
if the surroundings suit hint. ile
will be. accompanied by his wife.
MI:. and Mrs. John Bonthi'on have
been spending a week or two with the
mother of the former, Mrs.' James
130nthr0n, before leaving for their:
home in the west.
Mr. Win. Login of Southamptonat-
tended the funeral of Mr.',James13au-
thr-on here recently.
_ Mrs. john McArthur of -London has
been in town as the guest 01 tier
brother, Mr,• Berry Arnold.
Rev. J. Morrison of Sarnia visii.01
It the home los eoasin, Mrs. .1.
Carlisle, recently.
Mr. Elmer .Drake has taken a pet,i •
tion vt Itli Mr. C. Joint i11 his cloth-
ing store.
Mrs. Wright of the State of Mirh-
igan lias been a fittest at the home of
Mr. D. W. Foss.
Mr. nnd Mr:
James S)
is 1L
been visiting 13alrield friends
Miss hazel Drake is visiting in
Stratford. -
Mrs. McIntyre of Port Stanley has
been iiele visiting her mother, Mrs.
James Sparks. •
Tiro reinains of the late -James
Bonthron were 1aic1 to rest in 1lensall
cemetery with Masonic ha 101:5 101
urday week.
Ma:. and `Mrs. George Trott have
returned to , town after an abeenc0 of
some months, Mr. Trott has been n1
the west in the meantime..
Mr. and Mr:s.. Hugh McDon tid and
family have returned tb.-town 1'.i,m
5't,. lldarys and. have settled in the
Lang cottage in Nelson street,
T11e ladies of Carmel church bad a
very successful fowl supper and 011
ter:tainment Friday e,'eniu,g Week
which attracted large crowds and was
considered to be of a high order,
Good Morning I News -Record neans
News -Leader. Are you a subscriber 1
114x, George Youngblut returned from
the happy Feinting ground at Parry
Sound. He reports the deer are not
so plentiful, although he secured one
0(1 his trip.
Mr, L. Cameron of Lucknow
preached its the Presbyterian church
on Sunday.
Airs. Geo. Dawsal, Sr., is laid up
with la grippe.
Miss Mabel •Erratt Is spending a
few weeks with friends in London,
Mrs. J. Cassady+. of Edmonton is
spending a month with lief patents,
Mr. and Mrs. McPhee of Colborne;
Miss Annie Sturdy returned home
after spending a week with friends in
R. H. Munroe of the 71st Battalion
stationed at Stratford, spent Sunday
at his home in Auburn.
Mr, John Taman of Seafoirlll spent
a few clays with friends in Auburn.
Alrs. T. W. Riddell spent a couple of
days with Mrs. A. Halliday of , Goch
Mr. and Mrs. P. Walsh of St. Aug-
ustine Sundayed at Wm, 14'eaver's..
Mr, John Short, tonsorial artist,
who has been spending a few days
witli friends at Brussels, returned
AIr, John Stalker Sundaycd at Mr.
John McGee's of Poet Albert.
Mr. Oliver Lawson returned home
from the west on Friday.
John Million spent •Saturday can-
vassing for the Benmiller nursery Co.
Auburn will be decorated with orna-
mental trees next summer, Having 'se -
oared quite .a number of orders. The
people of Auburn should hand their
ordcrs to Jahn Mole who has been
-doing business for the company and
IS still open for -orders.
A union week 'of , pra,y'r of:pns on
Monday evening next in the I3aptist
church when Rev, W Ceavvay, the
Methodist pastor, will give an ad-
dress on, Religion in Life.." Tues-
day evening the meeting will be in the
d Rev. i 1 . La
AleLlrodrst church n
pastor or •t c Presbyterian
will s eak on, "Why We go to
church" • Wednesday, e. ening the s.tb-
ject will •be, 'PI:ayer,". address by
Rev. J. K..Fairfull of the, I3aptist
church, and the meeting will be in the
Anglican church ; Thursday, in the
Presbyterian cllureli, Rev. W. 13, Ilaw-
' kins, Anglican.. minister, being the
•s2eh!ker and the subject : "How to
Study the Bible " and on Fr•ida,y ev-
ening there will be a grand rally of
all the congregations in the Baptist
church when the s'ibjeCt will he "Mis-
siocis" and dillerent phases Of the
question will be taken up by 1)1)1
Young peoples .societies of the several
churches. Each pastor will preside at
the service in. his Own church.
Deand Mrs. P. Maoclonald. of Lon-
don were in Wingham for n few
days visiting old friends.
Aur. Robt. Harrison has returned
from the west where he went on one
of the haricot excursions. •
The News From Londesboro.
Mrs. Taylor left Wedneslay for Tor- ,
onto after spending a week with lien
sister, Mrs. J. Lashtn.
Miss E. Spindler of Lucknow spent'
Sunday at the 110100 of Mr. T, 1
Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Toronto of I
cupied the pulpit of Burns' church on �
Sunday, his suhjeAA being along the
line of church union.
McKillop Township.
The box social by the people of the
Methodist church at Winthrop in aid
of the Red Cross was a complete 'suc-
cess and a, good bunch of nlone3r was
taken in for this good work.
Miss Maggie Mulley, who was an
invalid and confined to her 10010 for
over five years, is now so well recov-
ered that.: she is able to be about and
can walk a mile or so without being
unduly tired.
Mr. Peter Gardner's hay press is
on the rounds pressing liay for ship-
ment. 'Tlie price for hay is fairly
good this season.
We regret to report •a rather batt
ac0:dent which Happened to AIr. Jos-
eph 1lackwell a few clays ago. Ile
was working around a gasoline en-
gine when his clothing caught in the
machinery with the result that his
fare and body were badly bruised. It
is not at time of writing evident
whether there are any broken bones
or not.
Airs, \'anEgnrond has bean in Tor-
onto .and her daughter, Miss Ruth,
tante over from Bradford, Pa., and -
spent a week -end with her.
Mr, P. Robinson has returned from
Ilerschell, Sask., where he spent .:lir
pant couple of months,
Mr. E. C. McClelland, teller in the
Dominion flank here, has been trans-
ferred to Baden.
Mr. Lewis ,Alkinson has returned
from the west where he spent thu•
Mis's 1' Cresswell has returned from.
a visit with friends in Toronto and
Miss Bessie Hays returned last week
after spending a month with friends
in Detroit.
The !t'uckersmith council met 11:1
Seaforth last week and passed the
bylaw authorizing them to issue de-
bentures to raise by loan the suer of
$5,000 to he used for patriotic pur-
Mr. W. R. Plant, agent, and Mr.
Crank Lee, operator, at the station,
have applied to the G.T.R. for re-
lease so that they nmy enlist for ov-
erseas seri'iee.
Mr. and Mrs. jos. L. Grieve and'
fautily have proved to Dublin.
Miss 13nlle Eecgan has gone on a
visit to friends in Bay City and Pon-
tiac., i1)tich.
AIr. W. G. Charlesworth, agent for
the Harvester Company, has been re-
moved to Kitchell.
We are interested in where you get them, Whether
you buy them here or elsewhere, you owe it to your-
self to see what we are showing in
We aim to sell the best shoes procurable. To show
more of them in better variety and style than anybody
else. And give you greater value for you money than
any other store.