HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-12-02, Page 6December 2nd, 1915. Clinton News -Record • Summerhill Smith and little daughter; Mrs n of Port Huron are visiting the lady's another; Mrs. John Johnston. 'tf Lead - 'buryand Alm. John Scarlet o 'bury here .guests . at the home of Mr. Tyner oa Sunday. The many friends of Mr, J. Wet- 'kins were sorry to hear of iris sudden illness on Wednesday last, •he being obliged to undergo an operation. . At time of writing he was doing as well as could be expected, Mrs. W. Mair is visiting her Baugh - ter, Mrs, Il: Brunsdon of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. 'r. Mason- stent Sun- .dayi with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc - Brien Brien oF. � Bullt. Miss M. Moore of Clinton spent a few days as the guest of Miss Me rien. B r ace fie ld MVTrs, Seeley and family have moved to Clinton. Mist, Aggie' Beattie has returned �.-'home ,from an extended visit to Lon - elm and Pond Mills. Mr. and Mrs. George Swan have •got settled in the house vacated bY. Nixs. Er Pattison, Mr. Swan has been appointed station agent here and •ifheir many friends welcome them. 'back. The Kelly mission circle had a very successful bazaar: on Friday ev- ening. Tlie girls did well, clearing one hundred and twelve dollars: Anniversar39 services were held in the Methodist church last Sunday, 'services tieing at two thirty and so- ,en ev:en o'nlock. Rev, Mr. Casens of Lon- don was the pteacher fes both ser- vices and preached two +excellent ser- mons. Miss Grace Stephenson rof Clin- ton and Miss Rose Peppef: of Tucker - :smith assisted the choir. Miss Steph- enson sang a solo at the evening see - vire which was much appreciated. Ivlr. Fraser of Bayfield occupied the with Col. Otter and three hundred in the Presbiterian church men of the R.C.R. and a composite don, township, on pulpit , 'last Sunday morning. The sciences regiment of the Househbld Artillery, in the evening, were withdrawn on arrives at Southampton, England, November 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. account of anniversary services in the:. yesterday. The varrangefnent in that James Leecli, a son. Methodist church, the Rev. Mr. Woods the Canadians Deaths •i the evening service.: four daps and then sail for. 1•,ome, aMrtng at g Mr. harry: Little lido a cerya sue- Tile Baptist congregation held there McLliOD—In Goderich, on .November oessful sale on Thursday. anniversary services on Sunday, when 20th , Ann, daughter of the late Miss G. Marks has returned liome from a very pleasant two months' visit to her friend, Miss Forest of Castramont. • Mr. Alex. Mckenzie has moved in- -to Mrs. Mustard's house, Mr. Len. McConnell having putchiesed Mr. Mc- ICenzie's prorerty south of the vill- age. Miss Jessie Cochrane is the guest of lier sister, Mrs. Hugh Cameron: Miss Jessie Grainger has. returned home from visiting Clinton and Sea - St. Helens. Mr. John McGuire has returned from the west. Ile is looking halo and robust. Miss Mary Little of Moraiogton spent the week -end at the home . of, her fattier, Rev. J. Little. Min; Susie Webster ctrl scent a few days visiting about St. Helene. Mr. Melvin Irwin of Kinloss spent the weelc-end with friends about here. Mr, Chester Taylor visited over Sunday wild'. Westfield' friends , Miss Taylor From •near. Sealortli is spending, a few days with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Webster 'et Fordyce. Miss Nellie Brooksq ls has rL r ed from visiting her aunt, Mrs E. Pur- vis of Kinlose, Ashfield :leiends Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in. Clinton at the Opening of the Century., Taken from the . Files of The News -Record of the date indicated. Clinton, Nov. 29th, 1900 Mr. Israel Taylor of J3ratnpton is spending the week -end in town. I -Ie had just returned from a busiiieai trip to Vancouver.. Rev. E. B. Smith has received an invitation to become rector of the St. Agnes church, Carberry, Man. He supplied thee° for a couple of months during the sunnier. Mr, John McClacherty's cottage on Joseph street went up in smoke oa Sunday morning, the second fire with- in ten days. The transport, IIawarden Castle, Blgth Mrs. Frank •(lank Li ittle returned recently, from an extended trip to the west, i Miss Ella Graham of Stanley town- ship visited for a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Jos. Sims, Mr. Alex. Nixon has returned from .1/gingham hospital where be underwent an operation. Moore. Joeepli and Win. Grey and John Barr are exhibiting stock at Guelph this week, Mrs. James Beatty on, Tuesday of last week died at her ]tonne in Blyth. She id survived by her husband ance twe daughters, Mrs. Chambers. an Miss Eleanor E. -rhe funeral took place on Thursday last, the interment a being made in Kincardine cemetery. bit. and Mra. Frank, Metcalf and Miss Metcalf have returned from •tlte' west and will spend 'the winter in Blyth. Mr. Metcalf has no been ; en- joying good' health for some little time. Klppen, The 'remains of the late William Riley were laid to rest in Baird's cemetery on Wednesday of last week. The deeepsed diedafter but a few aveeks' illnbss. Mr. Riley:, who was seventyi years o` age, was a native of Ireland but tante to this country Many years ago and had been in this section for thietyi years. ' He was. well ktiuwn and highly esteemed here, Fin had no relatives hereaboets. Tell your neighbor The News -Record is the News -Leader.; Marriages D[MON T—TIPPCt—A.t Bayfield ' .on Nov. 25th, Alice E., peengest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John. Tippet, to Percy Diinont. oI De- troit. JOIINS'rON-WILLIS—In-Ashfield on Nov.. 24th, by Rev. Mr. Gown, Habtie Laurenia, youngest daugh- ter of Mrs. Martha Willis, to John A. Johnston, both of Ashfield. Births .. ANDERSON -At Hensall, on Nov, 201,1i, to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Anderson, a daughter. COLEMAN -On the Parr .Line, Stan- - ley, on Nov. 20thi, to Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman, a daughter. CLARK -In Bayfield, on Nov. 21st, to Mr. and Piles. Peter Clark, a son. BRUNSDON—in Blyth, on Nov. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bruns - WANTED—A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, one who could sleep at hone preferred.-1p iJ y at Ontario ario street parsonage. —13 FOR SALE.—A WHITE 'BRICK, 2 storey(; 10 -roomed House on the cor- ner of Princess and Spencer streets; cellar, town waterworks and ► acre of. ground with apple trees and stable. For particulars apply to- Mrs. E. Holtzhauer on the premis- es. 13-1 Rev. Wm. McGregor of Durham was Robert McLeod of Goderich town - the preacb;er of the day. The enter- ship. tainmcnt on Mondays evening WAS a ICNRESII AW In Goderich, on Noy - great success. ember 19th, Sarah Jones, wife of Dr. ,Weekes 01 London was in town Mr. Albert Kneeshaw, in her 67th on Friday evening and assisted Dr. year. • Thompson in putting another plaster M 1RTYN—In Goderich, on November of Paris cast on Mr. John Medd. 24th, Angus, youngest son of Mr. Mr. Fred. T. Jackson has returned and Mrs. Donald Martyn, aged 4 from Omaha, Nebraska, where he has months and 21 days. been for some months past. IIe in- LIiNK—Tn Crediton, on November tends remaining permanently in Clin- 18th, Dorothy Eilber, relict a8 ton and will again engage in the re- the late Samuel bink, aged 50 years, 11 months and 2 days. forth friends for a couple of weeks, tail shoe business. .`Regina" is a handsome pedigreed Watch of the finest Swiss construction that is to be the prize in a bpecial Guessing Contest that should command the at- tention of every man, woman and child. In order to emphasize the fact that "Regina" Watches are superior in every way we have selected one of the best movements. with a handsome ease, which will be givea away absolutely free under the following conditions : A11 guesses to be in our hands not later than 10 a,m. Saturday the llth. This jewelled "Re- gina" adjusted watch will be in our show window where everyone can see it. The first person guessing neatest the number of hours, minutes and seconds the watch will run with one winding will be award- ed the prize free of charge, all guesses to be in our hands before 10 a,m. Saturday, llth. Result of the competiticn made knowa Saturday evening, Dec. 11, The contest is absolutely free to evEryone and has no string to it in any way. There is no charge whatever and no one is put under the slightest obligation. The idea is to impress permanently on your mind the fact that "Regina" Watches are of such perfect and guaranteed reliability as to be good for a life -time of satis- factory service. It is our way of doing a little effective advertising and the expense is charged to advertising account. Ask any of your friends who own "Regina" Watches to help you guess correctly, The prize is well worth striving for since the "Regina" ranks first in high-grade reputation and merit. All contestants must came to the store to register their guesses and sign the coupon. Store open evenings CLINTON, •H. Helluar Jeweller and Optician,. ONTARIO POULTRY WANTED FOR WIIICII' the highest .market, price will 'be paid. Deliveries received every morning ,Monday to Saturday in- elesiv'e. Properly prepared Milk-. Feds are North a little more and we are prepared to.pay it.—W. Mar- quis, R.R. No. 1, Clinton, or Phone 14 on 166. -87 FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 17, PT. 18, con. 8, Goderich township, consist- ing of 100 acre's. 30 acnes !Mowed, ready -for spring, 3 acres orchard and small fruits, balance in grass. Frani° dwelling, two good barns, Good land. 7 miles from Goderich, 8 miles from Clinton. -Apply to Bert Holmes, R. R. No. 2, Clinton, or phone 6 on 254, Goderich, —13 IIEADqUARTERS F 0 R FAIR - bailie -Morse Engines. -1 lt.p. .Engine with Pump ,Jack $48, 2 li.p. Engine with Pump, Jack $90, 2e. n.i'r. I'n- gine $93.50, 5 h p. Engine •1:50; 7 h.p. Engine 8225. :,Mso Fleury Plows, Grinders and repairs. --Fere sale by E. H. Epps,, Varna, Item 14 on 178, Clinton. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON Matilda Street. Seven large rooms, Waterworks, Small Orchar:l At present occupied by Mr. Albert Hearn. Will be sold on cue}, ' tens. —C. 13. Hale. —07 NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—IN THE Estate of William Isaac Wiley.—No- tice is hereby given'that allpersons having claims against the estate of William Isaac Wiley, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, yeoman, decensed, who died on or about the 12th clay of November, 1915, are required to de- liver to the undersigned executors or their solicitor on or before the lst day of January, 1916, a full r ' °)alias together f theft statement o 0 with particulars thereof and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by af- fidavit. And take notice that alter the said last mentioned date alto said oxeciutors will proceed to dis- tribute the, estate of the said de- ceased amongst the persona en- titled thereto having regard. only to such claim:, as they shall have re- ceived due notice and in accordance ',herewith. Dated at Clinton, Nov.. 191t5.—Thomas Wiley and John Sys' now, Varna, Ont., W. Brydone, C.lin.on, solicitor for the executors. 113-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1N T1210 estate of \Walter Weston.—Notice is hereby given that all p015005 hav- ing claims against the estate d' Walter Weston late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Hur- on, yeoman, deceased, ,who diel) on or about the 3rd clay of October, 1915, are required to deliver to the undernigueed executors on or before bbs 4t11 days of Jan- uary, 1916, a full statement of their claims together with particu- lars articu- 1us thereof and the nature of the securities, if any, held by 'them all duly vetinecl by affidavit And take notice that after the said last men: tioned date the 'said executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the acid deceased amongst the per- sons entitled thereto having regard only t1 such claims as they shall 9iave receive: vire no- tice and in accordance there- with. Dated at Clinton, Nov. 30th, 1015.-0eorge Vanderburg, Porter's 11111 P.O., James R. S'ter- ling, I'or lei's 11111 1'.0., Executers. 13-3 LIVE POULTRY WANTED TO BE delivered each Friday forenoon. HIighest price paid.—MeAsh & Son, Varna. 00 MRS. J. JOHNSTON, WI -IO FIA$ taken over the agency for the Spir- elia corset and who has lust re- turned from Toronto' where a largd school of corsetiers convened Mt; four days, is prepared 'to meet the needs of all old and new custom- ers The Spirella' is "different" a perfect -fitting, flexible, made-to- order corset, allowing every muscle frill play. Calland ask Mrs, John stop about corsets and accessories. —02 FOR SALE. -A WELL SITIJAI'ED frame cottage, known as the Hes- sian property together with one- half acre of land, on Huron street, Will be sold at the right price, -C. B. Hale. --07 APPLES WANTED ALL KINDS INe. eluding evaporator and choppers, Will be received at the Grand Trunk Station. Highest market price paid. -D. Cantelon. —04 Good Morning 1 Are yon a News. Record Subsoriber 7 FOR SALE. -THE BUILDING FOR- merly used as a carding mill at Walkerburn, Township of rlullett, is offered for sale. The frame is a splendid one, two stories, 24 x 36. o —R. F . 1, Morrison, R. R N o Auburn. —02 STRAYED. - A SPRING CALF strayed to the premises ce the un- dersigned ndersigned at lot 88, Maitland con., Huron Road, late in July last. The owner 22511 please prove property, pay expenses and take the animal away: Wm. 17. Johnston, R.R. No, 2, Clinton. 12-3 AUCTION SALE 01? 37 HEAL) 01? Beef and Milking Strain Scoteh Shorthorn Cattle.—The undersigned auctioneers Have received instruc- tions from Mr. John , Barr, to sell by public auction at 12,30 o'cioek, neon, ,at the Commercial Hotel, Blyth, on 'rhersday, Dec. 16th, the following stock., that is to say : 9 cows supposed to be in calf, 5 cows with calf at foot, 7 two - pear -old heifers supposed to be in calf, 4 yearling heifers, 4 heifer cal- ves; 6 hulls over eight months :old, 1 grade heifer, calf, 1 grade steer calf, 2 grade cows supposed to be in calf, 1 roadster horse- eight years old, 1 heavy draught horse two years old, 8 li.p. gasoline engine, crusher and roller. The cow's are all in good breeding sliape, sighing from 1200 to 1000 lbs. bred from imported sires and dams, The heifers all of the Blood Royal strain, and the bulls are thick, low: set and smooth, fit to head anybody's herd. This 'sale is without reserve as the proprietor has leased Inc farm and implements. Terms —12 months' credit at 0 per cent—John Beer, Proprietor ; Thos. Gundry, T, E. Robinson, Auctioneers, —12 The BEST Flour. We sell the popular brands of Flour and would appreciate a share of }lour patronage. BRAN and SHORTS We sell Bran, Shorts, Chicken Feed, Etc:, and would like to nil your order. MEETING 01? HURON COUNTY Council -The council of the oprpor- ation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in, the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday the 71h days of December next, at the hour of 3 o'clock. --W. Lane, Clerk. Dated Nov. 22nt\, 1015. ' 12-2 Prornpt Delivery Ile deliver: goods promptly to any part of the town. D. A. WATSON Victoria St., Next the ITospital. Headquarters For Flour, Now is the time to buy your winter supply, of Flour. We carry a full stock of the following brands : PURITY, 'EXETER, TAV- ISTOCk, LIS'TOWIOL, . FIVE ROSES, MII,VERTON, LON- DON, WHITE PLUM4111 (Pas- trP), also a braid of Breakfast Food macho from Choice Man- itoba Wheat at 6 lbs. for 25e. For to make your Bens lay this winter we recommend our Laying Meal, Beef Scrap, Oy- ster Shell, Bone Meal, Grit and Charcoal. We always carry a full line of Bran, Shorts, Low Grade Flour, Olt Cake, Molasses Meal and Dairy Meal, highest prices paid for all kinds of Grain. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 109. - There will be GOOD. NESS in your CAKE FOR SALE, A NUMBER OF BROWN Leghorn Cockerels ''They are from imported stock and are a choice'. loft.=Apply) to John Cudmore, Holm esiillc. —08-6. mess It you buy your Christmas Groceries at Johnson ••& (o's Grocery. Our Fruits hale been care- fully selected for to snake the Christmas Cale taste right.. and a visit to our store will convince you and our prices will suit you. Raisins 2 lbs. for 25e, Selected Raisins 2 packag- ee for 25e, Seedless Raisins per pack- age •1555. Currants 2 lbs. for 250. Prunes 2 lbs. for 25c. Heinz Mince Meat per M. 20c. Mince Meat 2 lbs tot 250. Extra quality of Peels— Lemon, Orange and Citron. Highest Price Paid for Rutter ' and Eggs. 1V8 Pollhtry Wantod We are in the market for all kinds of live and dressed poultry at top market prices. Poultry taken any day at Clinton and every Wednesday, morning at Holinesville. Milk -Fed Chickens. We arci prepared to pap extra prices for properly milk -fed chick- ens ready to kill. We pay Spot Cash for all poultry on a quality basis. Winter"E ggs. We are expecting high prices for New Laid Eggs this winter. Now is the time to get )lour flock is good condition. Cali in at our plant and we will give you a few painters on How to get Win- ter Eggs, loomemmonemminmemnememus HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT on Raglan street. Two acres of laud, "brick house,- electric light and waterworks, small stable. -D. Can- telon. —93 FARM` FOR SALE BEING LOT 24 on the 5th con. of Goderich Town- ship consisting of 120 acres, 11 acres to fall wheat, 40 acres readyi foil spring plowing, 7 acres of bush, remainder under grass. Small or- chard. Concrete house. Good barn 53x80 with stone foundation. Cement silo. Water tank and Wind- mill at barn. One quarto mile from Porter''s Hill,—James Hamilton, Clinton. —09 GUN N, LA NGL OIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER NEB STORE Live and Let Live For Your CREAM WANTED.' — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express' charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques Payable . at par. We pay, the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test: Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity , oh Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. —The Seaforth Creamery,' Box 486, Seatortb. CVrislmasB�km� YOUR CLOTHES €LEANED; RE - paired and Pressed and at . the shortest possible notice. Bothe Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes.' Wo guarantee to do good. work. Also having bought a machine I am pre - Pared to French Dry Olean Ladies' Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms oved Grigg's jewelery Store.—Wm. J. Jago. -55,. Front many lands there have been gathered together in our Store the finest and most tempting ingredients for the Christmas baking. We welcome one and alt to inspect these goods. They w111 bear the closest analysis for we selected them from among only the most choice of samples. Kindly order all goods for holiday baking as early as possible as some of them. are going to be short this year. •Let us suggest a few of the more important lines Seeded and Valencia Raisins, Juicy luscious fruit brought in for the Christmas trade. Currants from Pat - res. We have been fortunate in get- ting in a supply of currants in spite of the trouble in. Greece. Shelled Almonds and Walnuts. Peels of all kinds. Iv-eincemeat, just the thing for the Christmas dinner pie. Extracts, all different kinds. Canned Vegetables, Canned Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, Asparagus Tips, Poric and Beans. Johnson & Co. The Store of Qualtiy. Snccesscr to S. Barr. Phone 111. Phone orders promptly attended to. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Anything 'You WANT DONE IN THE LINE OF ROOFING, 11AVETROUGII- ING, PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. CALL AND GET OTJRR PRIC- ES. ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAPEST. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary, Plumbers. Phone 7. •azt a ess,-.....sesE ®• • OP, if) We )recommend This Coati We )encu it's good. It's unusual richness in carbon makes it burn long, evenly and complete y. LEH 9 G;H VALLEY ANTH RAC TE The Coal That Satisfies is always uniform in quality, very' free from slate and other foreign matter. Although much more economical than ordinary coal, it costs you no more. Phone us your order for prompt delivery. JOHN B. MUSTARD Brucefield, Phone 11 on 140, New Fails. Some kinds of fruits are exceedingly scarce. We have full stock to offer : New Seeded Raisins (Dragon) per package 10e New Seeded Raisins ,Monarch) 2 packages 25c New Seedless Raisins per package) 15c New Seedless Raisins (loose) per lb. 15c New Valencia Raisins per lb, 18e New Currants per ib, 15c New Dates per lb, 10c New Figs per Ill. 10c New Peels, Prunes, Apricots and Peaches, Sugars The market Is very firm and will advance. Note our low pric- es, Good Morning 1 Ate you a New's- Reeord Subscriber 75 HECLA FURNACES LEAD. Call in and see the ad- vantages over any other make at R. Rowland's Hardware Store or Phone 5,3. THOS. HAWKINS. Does Your Watch Need Repairing A watch that does not keep good time is little better than no watch at all. ' Entrust your watch to us, we will spare no effort in putting it right in, the short- est possible time at most mod- erate pli:ces. A. J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage. Licenses.