HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-11-25, Page 8uBulgar General Fights for Russo.. HOW TO CURE SPIES AT TIIE FRONT. RHEUMATISM Illustrated By An Incident Related•by a British Sapper- The Disease is in the Blood and Must Be Treated Through There, is no limit to the daring and G effrontery of spies in France, and so the 131oo'd. necessary is it to take everyprecau- almost as many way of tion .against them"that conversation There arebetween soldiers and civilians is view - tors. rheumatism as there are doe- ed with great disfavor by -the authori dors. ` Most of these treatments snare are.ties. The strictest orders:have been sdirected at thesymptomsthey and are con- idsued to, the troops that no "informa pan andd successful stif if Butrthe the tion is to be given to anyone, either pain the- stiffness. the pain t and the stiffness return particularly civil or military. if theatient has been exposed fly The daring of spies is illustrated by p an incident related by a sapper, Si son wass. Thisi shows from that"the systemenils Section, R,E.,'now in France. On Sig - son was not driven the one occasion' two officers. went into a tism can by thetreatment relieved innumber. employed. Rheums-one signal office and peremptorily bbe e ;a of ways, :but there is, only one way to demanded certain information. They, cure it, and that is through the .blood, were both of high. rank, and at first acid that the officer . in charge had not the expellingaesthe : poisonous ;„1'1""t si•a"ieicn. But the British causes the renew and enrichins and blood "th ,proved their undoing.They were ness. To renew and the blood there is no medicine can equal Dr, cunning enough to avoid words begin - Williams' Pink 'Pills, which go right nine; thus, but the fatal "dis" for 1 "this" slipped out, and soon they to the. root of the trouble and cure Pp rheumatism to . stay . cured. The fol- were looking down a couple of revol- lowing is an example of. what Dr. ver barrels while a sharp voice said, Williams' Pink Pills can do in cases "Hands up." That was the end of kind.'Mr. Henry Smith, S. their spying, tersely says .the sapper. of. thisOn another occasion a dispateh- aerear was says: -"For upwards mf rider went tearingon his motor; cycle a year L ass's victim of rheumatism t inful form The trouble by " a field, in which a, man was in a most Ps ANTI -TYPHOID. VACCINE. How the Preparation Is Made at a French Institute. A recent article in La Nature de- scribes how anti -typhoid vaccine is prepared in Prance at the Institute of Val -de -Grace, where Doctors Chante mese, Vidal, and Vincent have done such remarkable work for humanity in the great field of protective medi- cine. • The vaccine is polyvalent; that is to say, it is a blend made, not from one, but from many different strains of Bacillus typhosus. The vaccine is, sterilized by the momentary;, applica- tion of ether, and contains no living elements; It is put up in small am- poules, or; glass vials, in sets of three, each of which contains one billion dead typhoid bacilli. At. every. stage id the preparation of the vaccine, aseptic methods are most vigilantly enforced.: The article warmly praises the workers: "Only those who have lived at the laboratory from Septem- ber, 1914, -to the early months of the present year can have any idea of the activity that prevailed there, and of - the jndefatigable zeal of all, men and women, mobilized and voluntary workers- directors of laboratories, preparators, Red Cross ladies, hospi- tal orderlies, all working together." lou hip Suddenly a ballet went was located in my legs, and for along P g g+ time was so bad that I could not walk, through his cap, twisting it round his d®� Save • The suffering. whichH® I: endured can head. The rider increased his speed, to. only be imagined by those who have rounded a bend hi the road,` and met a b similarly afflicted Doctors' motor -lorry. Soon three soldiers vent n began trying other remedies but with stopped and spoke to the ploughman, T been aiYour Eyes treatment did not help me, and then r out for a walk across the field. They , . ry This Free Prescription no better results Finally I was ad and one of them held out his hand. vised to try Dr. Williams" Pink Pills, The ploughman took it, an e n and although . I- had begun to lose minute was on his back, with a knee faith in medicine, I finally decided to pressing in his chest. The other two give, the pills a trial. .I -am very soldiers searched the hedge, and found grateful now that I did so, for aftera rifle and cartridges concealed there. taking eight boxes of the pills the So the ploughman was marched off, 1 trouble completely disappeared, I was and as he was not in uniform, he was tried as a would-be murderer. Do your eyes giro you trouble ? Do you ;Cheney wear eyeglasses- or spectacles? Thousands of people wear these "windows" who plight easily dispense with them. You- may be. one of these, and. it is your duty to save your eyes before it IS too late, The eyes are neglected more than auy other orgaff of the entire body. After you finish your. day's work' you sit down kxF and rest your muscles, but how about your :ss`?�� may- °ty °" free from pain and could walls as well t eyes ? Do you rest them 1 You know GEN. R:ADKO DI11LITRIEFF, i as ever I -did in my life. I have since ,. you do not. Yon read or do something else that keeps your . eyes busy; you work A Bulgarian.. who is one of the most taken the pills occasionally as a pre- - - -..your-syea until you- go to bed. That is trusted and capable officers of the cautionary measure, and I cannot MEANING OF HALF-MAST. ally o0 many are sea that threateneyes, lin» Russian army. 10 is reported fusel speak too highlyin their favor. tial or total blindness. Eyeglasses are be will lead a Russian army, 1 You can get Dr. Williams' Pink A Sign That the Dead Man Was: merely: crutches; they never cure.. This against Ills countrymen. SENSES OF TREES. Perseverance of a Poplar in Sur- mounting Obstacles. , Mr. James Rodway who is the curator of the British Guiana Museum and an eminent botanist, declares that plants have at least three of our five senses -feeling, taste and smell -and that certain tropical trees smell water from a distance and will move straight toward it. But trees not in the tropics can. do as well. A resident of an old Scotch. mansion, says a writer in the Scots- man, found the waste pipe from the house . repeatedly choked. Lifting the slabs in the basement paving he discovered that the pipe was com- pletely encircled by poplar roots. They belonged to a tree that grew some thirty yards away on the oppo- site side of the house. Thus the roots had moved steadily toward the house and had penetrated' below the foundation and across the basement until they reached ,their goal, the waste pipe, a hundredand fifty feet away. Then they had pierc- ed a cement joining and had worked their way in. There seems something almost human in such unerring in- stinct ancl perseverance in surmount- ing obstacles.. Pills- through any medicine dealer.or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 3' THE GUELPH WINTER FAIR. The Largest Live Stock Show Held In the Dominion. • From a small start in 1884 as a fat stock show for Guelph and vicinity there has developed the. biggest pure- ly ,agricultural exhibition in the Do- minion. At first only fat cattle were pro- vided for. The classification has been enlarged frond year to year, including first sheep then swine, later a dairy test and poultry were added. In 1909, a horse show was added, and this year a start is being made with breeding sections for cattle, sheep and swine. The judging of poultry will be com- pleted by Monday morning, Dec. Gth, and prizes placed on the coops, so that visitors will be able to note the prize winners. The dairy test will be completed and cards showing the re- sult posted on Monday. As each class of horses, beef cattle, sheep and swine is judged, cards showing the catalogue number and the prize awarded will be put up on the stall or pen so that the ideals of the judges'" can be followed by the -visitors. All beef cattle and dairy cattle- will be stabled • according to classes, and sheep and swine according to breeds. The comfort of visitors has received considerable attention at the hands of the Fair Board,- seating accommoda- tion having been provided for seven hundred more people than in any. former year. There will be judging of h000es every night from Saturday to Thurs- day. In addition, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings„there 'will be, a competition for officers' chargers and a riding- exhibition by the 29th 'Bat- teiy, which' is stationed in Guelph. A series of lectures will be deliver- ed each day of the show upon live stock, poultry or seeds, and will be so arrangecl that the visitors will be able to hear the lecture and see all of the judging. A new feature this year is a judg- ing competition between the different counties of. the province,* each county being represented by three men pick- ed. ick ed by the District Representative, Worthyfree prescription, which has benefitted' the of Universal'Respect., eyes of so many, may stork equal won- Perhaps you have noticed that don are yell, o r ye fro tiles to tdlsiiDDpeucuna' whenever a prominent person dies, it by mngla ? Try tUla proscrlptien, Go especially if he is -connected with the to the nearest wide-awake drug store and get a. bottle or Don•Opto' tablets;' 611 a Government, the flags on public build- two-ounw bottle with rvnrm water, drop ings are hoisted only part of the way in one' tablet and allow it to thoroughly 11,1g°1010',„,7,1 furs liauid bathe the eyes up. ' This is called "half-mast." Did mes dally. Just nota holy you ever stop to think what connec- t�ueclnflawnietio ewillatirl appear Don't be tion there could be between a flag afraid to use it ; it is nusotutety Larm- that was not properly hoisted and the less. Mnay alto aro now blind might have death of a great man? Ever since saved their eyes bad they started to care f tl i tl TUI I simple treat flags were used in war it has been the FINED FOR MISSING WORK. inanition Workmen Must Pay Dam- ages to Employers. That certain Sheffield (England) munition workmen have-not realized their Iine.of duty in these times, war evidenced at the Sheffield City Police Court, when Mr. W. B. Esam and Mr. W. R. Carter had to deal with niany serious cases of alleged slacking on the part of employes of Sheffield firms, now engaged on work for the fleet and the army, B. Burdekin, solicitor for one of the companies, stated that in three months 370 men lost 15,000 hours. Allegations of periodical drinking bouts were not infrequent, while it was proved that the men were often wont to take Limeoffas, they pleased. Dr.\ Hadfield (Doctor of Metal- lurgy) gave evidence in support of his firm's cases, and appealed to the beneh.to deal strictly with the delin- quents. Horace W. Walker was summoned for 87 4s. damages for neglect of work on eight clays. The bench awarded damages amounting to 35"7s. 6d. Mr. Burdekin stated that the damages were not the point in the summonses. The money went into the firm's war funds. Charles Smith was summoned for losing 1041 hours, and the company asked for £8 4s. damages. Mr. Burde- kin stated that the defendant had periodical bouts drinking. De- fendant saidhe had beensufferi g from gout. The bench awarded £5 and costs. William Henry Wake was summoned for 84 9s. damages for 81 lost hours, and was ordered to pay 82 2s. and costs. T. Townton, a blacksmith's striker, for neglecting GETS. V.C. AT AGE OF 18. Lance -Corporal Dwyer Held Trench Against Germans. The youngest soldier of the British army to receive' the Victoria Gross is Lance -Corporal Dwyer, who is only 19 years old. 'He won the V.C. for hold- ing, single-handed, a trench against the, Germans .during the ' fighting around the famous Hill No. 60. He is now back in London on a short leave from the front and is devoting this time, which has been granted to him • for a rest, to recruiting work. He ap- peared the other day in Trafalgar Square and delivered a stirring ap- peaifor more recruits, which . was loudly applauded. Acting Corporal Issy Smith of the Manchester Regiment is the first sol,. dier of Jewish faith to receive the Victoria Cross. Ilis reward was giv- en him for having assisted a wounded comrade over 250 yards of ground un- der heavy shell fire at Ypres. POPULATION OF IRELAND. An Increase Last Year Over the Pre- • vious Year. The report of the Registrar General of Ireland for 1914 shows that he - land's decline in population has been arrested and also her prosperity'in- creased if the number of marriages is a •criterion. Last year shows a popu- lation of 4,381,398, against 4,379,012 the previous year, with the lowest emigration rate since 1851. Marriages gained 33 per .cent. over 1913. Im- provement is shown in the matter of illiteracy, which' is rapidly dying out. The figures of husbands _ and wives who signed the registrar instead of making their mark give 94.6 for hu@- - band and 9L4 for wives. "As regards illegitimacy, Ireland compares favorably with most coun- tries," says the report. Thera were only 3 per cent. of illegitimate births in the whole country. Ulster' showing the highest rate of any county at 4 per cent. ; and Connaught the lowest at .7. The general birth rate shows a slight increase. ` A drop of .8 per cent. in ,the death rate is also noted, "old age" heading the list of causes, with tuberculosis as second. Last year's death rate was 16.8 the thousand. Minard's Liniment Cures Copra, 8sc. The man who knows it all is never too full for utterance. The Turkish mother loads her child with amulets as soon as it is born; and a small bit of mud, steeped in hot wa- ter, prepared by previous charms, is stuck on its forehead. • pintas Fon uaLE. FARMS ALL SIZES - S l'OC Grain, Dairy or 'Fruit. Wheh you want to buy,., write •I3.: W. Dawson, Brampton, Ont, t DNEW0PAPE1tai POE, SALE].. WHAM JOHNSON LIMITED. The Old No. 494 St. Paul St. MONTREAL Established over 38 years as Raw Fur Dealers No inflated price list from us. Send us your Furs and get the highest market price. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND. JOS Offices forsale In .goon Ontario. towns. Tho meat useful and intoreettng of all businesses, P'u11 Information Ori application to Wilson Publinh1150 Cora., pany, 78 -West Adelaide St., RAW PUSS. TRAPPERS, ATTENTION l RAW YY l0ura wanted. Gat the highest prices with reliable assortment, Send for price9 list. H. TIaintowiez, retail. manufacturer, 101 Main Street, Paterson, N:7, roR SALE. ' (' t ACEOES, 14 IN SIXTH 0O0 cession p'ranitliu: $G000.. Louisa Wilder Blrltendale, Muskoka. MISCELLANEOUS, C/"'� ANCER, - 800040RS, LUMP,"' 80110. V internal and, -external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment, Writer Us . before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical Co„ Limitod, Collingwcod, Ont:' BlIIA4A� , _ _ W andottes "None' Better." Winners at biggest shows. Good cockerels $2, $3, $5 each. Catalog free, MARSHALL es MARSHALL. Box. W. - Niagara Falls, Canada., or tem u mc. a saFurs nave Advanced me t b t it 1 if ti in mnttt his work through drink for eight.h11) tanagers. Wegive iberalgradea for or conquering nation above that eau to save yam oyes null you are likely costs, 7s. d n , a -marve ons y" C ec ve ' fur velue#neashandduiekreturne. Wo as et cases. Now tient you havo been days, was ordered to pay the £- with A f T Ilii t rued don't delay a any, but do wuatyea, 6 , John H. Howson and. J. # w 't t d f f i Iter Of the inferior or vanquished. When to thunk us ns lops is you levo for pub- Green were each fined £i, for losing a an army found itself hopelesslybeat- dishing this prescription, The 4ebove, Drub .co. is Toronto ion. ml the above days work. George Neill was :order - en it hauled its. flag down far enough' for the flag of the victors to be placed above it on the same pole. This was a token, not only of submission, but of respect. In those days, when a famous soldier died, flags were low- ered out of respect to his memory. assed from eastern to have the flag of tho super- nu times The custom long ago p 'purely military usage to public life of all kinds, the flag flying at half-mast being a sign that the dead man was worthy of universal respect. The space left above it it for the flag of the great conqueror of all -the angel of death. WISE WORDS A Physician on Food. A Western physician has views about food. He says: "I have always believed that the. duty of the physician does not cease treating the sick, but that we owe it o humanity to teach them how to protect their' health especially by hygienic and dietetic laws. , "With such a feeling as to my duty I take great pleasure in saying,, that, in my' own experience and also from personal observation, I have found no food to equal_Grape-Nuts and that I find there is almost no limit to the great benefit this food will bring when used in all cases of sickness and convalescence. "It is my experience 'that no physi- cal condition forbids the useof G rap e- NutsTo persons in health 'there is nothing so nourishing and acceptable vinever was' looked up to by the vice to the stomach especially at breakfast ice eve as worth of the attention to start the machinery of the human P y system on the day's work. of a well -boon man. All its principal ,0. SHORTAGE, OF CLEVER -HUNS. Not Enough Autocrats to Run the German Army. . WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS Thousands of mothers throughout Canada have written of their thank- fulness for what Baby's Own Tablets have done for their little ones. Among them is Mrs Frank Wright, Clifford, Ont., who says: -"I would not be without Baby's Own Tablets, as they were of great help to me when my little boy was troubled with constipa- tion and sour stomach." The Tablets cure indigestion; colds and simple. fevers; colic; expel, worms and pro- mote healthy sleep. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - -'1' In ten years 800 persons were found guilty of murder in Austria,, but only 23 were put to death. Minard's - LinimentCuresDiphtheria,. Dangerous. Miss Caustique-You shouldn't smile so much, my dear. It is dan- gerous. Miss Passay-Dangerous? Miss Caustique-Yes. When a smile lights up your face it might set off the powder. The East Prussian and Pomeranian families have by nomeans a mono - 'poly of high posts in the German army. In that army there is a point the advancement of an officer known as "die Majors Ecke"-the major's corner -the doubling of which is purely a matter of merit and effi- ciency. The finest blood and most re- fined arrogance that ever came out of Prussia will not carry the incompe- tent officer round it, and, perhaps, considering the sire of the -German staff, there are not enough clever Prussians to go round. So, side, by side with Von Fallcenhayn, Von Stranitz, and Von der Marwitz we find Alexander von Eluck, son of von Mackensen, whose father was a coun- try squire; Friedrich von Scholtz, son of a minor official in Flensburg. Von Emmich began life as plain Otto Em - much. As for the German navy, that ser - "In cases of indigestion I know that, a complete breakfast can be' made of Grape -Nuts and cream; and I think it )s necessary not to overload the,stem s.ch at the morning meal. 1 also know the great value of Grape -Nuts when the stomach is too weals to ,digest other food, "This is written after an experience of more than 20 "years treating all planner of chronic and acute diseases, and the letter is voluntary on my part without any request for it," ' Name given by Canadian Pestinn Co, Windsor, Ont. Ever rend 11 7 above vo letter 7 A new 0n0 0000000 from l_nc to time. They lyre genuine, ante, and 0011of human uterest, - officers are middle-class men. Grand Admiral Alfred von'Th•pitz is the son of a lawyer; Admiral von Koester is. the son of 'Hans Koester; , a well- known German dramatic poet; Von Pohl, chief of the Admiralty staff, was plain Captain Pohl till 114 return- ed from the China expedition in 1899, and Von Mueller, head of the Marine Cabinet, 'was the son of a manufac- turer of agricultural implements as remote from the sea as Chemnitz in Saxony. But Germany is but a par- vCn i at sea, and has not yet acquired. the cult, of "old naval families." it le en insult in Prance to call any" 1110. "a melon." r �ilirii� III `�� FOR HEADACHES, BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION Nearly all ourminor ailments, and many of theserious ones, too, are traceable to some `disorder of the stomach, liver, and bowels. If yOu wish to avoid the mis- c ch acidity, of indigestion, heartburn, n M, flatulence headaches, constipation, aet a Bost of other distressing ailments, you must see to ;t that your stomach, iiver de bowels arc equal to. TRY the work they have to. do, Itisa simple matter to take 30 drops of Mother Scieel's Syrup daily, after meals, yet thousands of former sufferers have banished indigestion, bil- iousness, constipation, and all their dis- tressing consequences in just this simple way. Probit by their experience. As a digestive tonic and stomachic remedy, Mother Seigel's Syrup is unsurpassed. 2015 C ?7'DIER a nes ;t� 9 Y. prescription by mall, 10 your - druggist cannot. k "HERRING SOUP." Scots Guardsman Tells a Remarkable Story. Private James Law, Scots Guards, has returned to his home after spend- ing eight months as a prisoner in Germany. He was captured on Janu- ary 25th. About 100 of the enemy entered the trench where he was and Law was wounded id three places - the left thigh, chest, and right shoul- der. He lost much blood and became unconscious. He was in a semi -coma- tose condition for nearly four days, and found himself in the hands of the Germans. One big soldier attempted to bayonet him, and was only re- strained by a humane comrade, who confided to Law in good English that war was a dreadful thing. He re- mained in hospital for ten days, and was fed during that period entirely on hot milk. Life in camp was Very miserable. Those who were able to work were sent out in batches to pull ploughs, )barrows, etc. Food was very bad and, according to Law, would not have been given even to pigs in Scotland. Black coffee was served without su- gar or milk and so strong that the men could not drink it. The "food" called bread appeared to be composed of potatoes, oilcake, and bran. It was soft and damp, and would, said Law, have made a splendid substitute for Putty. It was indigestible and made most of the men 111, Latterly Law subsisted almokt entirely on food sent from home. Even worse than the bread was the "potato soup." The prisoners were given plenty of a wa- tery mixture containing an abundance of potato skins, but it is Law's belief that the sentries got the potatoes. Another dish was herring soup -with the herring in a raw state -skin, scales, entrails,` eyes; and everything mixed together in a bucket. Postcards took a long,time'to reach home.: If the writer' praised the Ger- mans the letter was passed. If not, it was destroyed. On one occasion a German corporal interrupted Law, who was engaged in playing a game of cards, and pulled him off his seat. Law learned afterwards that he had been treated' in that way because he did not salute the corporal! Ile re- fused to do so even when he knew the truth. Many of the German sol- diers were downhearted regarding the issue of the war. One man said that. in peace time he was given a bread ration of 4 pounds per day for his wife and children. That was now re- duced to 1 pound. A publication call- ed the Continental Times was issued to the men purporting to give correct war news. The soldiers re -christened it the "Continental Liar." Twice a month the Russian prisoners were forcedto hoist flags in celebration of supposed German victories. Law was examined by German professors three times before being exchanged. He has almost lost the power of his right arm, ,and his left leg is stiff. He hopes to improve, but does not expect to return to his former, employment asp a miner. Ile enlisted after war was declared. Tor, Nnw1,00 Stec, conrrAnII 5 Duns AS 4,0511 AS 1110 0500 SIZE SOLD 00Sec rita BOTTLE. ed to pay, £5 damages. Charles Cha- ple was ordered to pay £4 damages for aline lost.' Samuel Coldwell," a moulder, was ordered to pay £3 and costs for losing time, and Robert Jen- nings was ordered to pay £5 and costs. A FAMOUS DOCTOR WRITES "Dear Dr. Jacksons: "I can truly say your Roman Meal is a veritable godsend to humanity. It has. proved all bat miraculous in my Bands. I prescribe 11. freely for Indigestion, neurastlleala, anaemia., and all undertoned conditions, but especially for constipation. In this batter condition it has not failed me in a single case." Roman Meal is made into delioious porridge, pancakes, puddings, and bread. Ask your doctor about it. At all grocers', 10 and 25 cents. The Comforter. "I understand Mrs. Green is very ill." "That so? What's the matter?" "The doctor thinks it's pleurisy." "Oh, my, I must hurry right over to see. I know dozens of people Who died of that." Two of a Kind. Father -Whit do you think of a boy who throws orange skins on the Pavement? Son -I don't know. What do you think of an orange skin that throws a .bran on the .pavement? Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, -Last winter I receiv- ed great benefit from the use of MINARD'S LINIMENT in -a severe attack of LaGrippe, and I have fre- quently proved it to be very effective in eases of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. HUTCHINSON. Impressment -the seizing of men for the Navy -was practised for cen- turies, and did not become obsolete till just before the Crimean War. Sometimes the, crews were taken from foreign ships on the high seas. Granulated Eyelids; �� Miliard's Liniment Cure0 Garget in Cows Eyes inflamed by expo- - sure xP havehcat market to means er •are, es a No comm ss,on. r, e o ny nr ee �r ee 1 mazer COMPANY copLS teSi.Louta, Ms Every Irian realizes that he used to be a chump, o- sure to Sun, Oust ancl Wind es quickly relieved by Swine. Eye llemedy. No Smarting.. Comfort. At lust Eye. C e Your Druggist's per ottle. Markle aslveiTu25c. ForBookelihcEyelr ek Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Oatmeal is , generally adulterated" with barley -flour to give it a whiter appearance. Minard'e Liniment Cures Distemper. Officers and crews of some British submarines have already nice sums to their credits, because the Admiralty AW head of e Ards a bounty of £5crs p the cre,?is of enemy ships sent to the bottorn`reven if those aboard are not killed or drowned. ord1113AMICRA ABM Purely Herbal -No poison-, ons coloring matter. Antiseptic -Stops blood poisoning, festering, etc. Soothing -Ends quickly the pain and smarting. Heals ail sores. 50e. Sox'. All Druggists and Stores TD. 6. ISSUE 48.-'15. Red, White, Slue, Croce, Silver, Black Poxes, Seaver, Lyhx, Ete. R A tt ,mss Wanted frons 011 seotions of Canada �q� Every raw-ftlr ehipder it'ita is ncef ig gr a better outlet for his raw furs should write at once for our price 1151. Wo aro F'U ERS In.0. postt5On do 'pay top market prices, and will. do so at all tent s: Let us bear from you. Seed for Our Price List -Now Ready. We Env Ginseng. Reference by permission: 17nion Exchange National Bank, New York, STRIIC8 Es EOSSAII, Inc., Exportere of and Dealers in RAW runs 140 WEST 28th STREET; NEW XORN Victrola IV $21 With 15 ten -inch double -sided Victor Records (30 selec- tions, your own choice), 534.50. Easy Payments if Desired. A Genuine Victrola for Christmas is both a gift for the day and means of entertainment and happiness the year round. It will bring your :our fireside all the delights of music the world has to offer -vocal, instrumental, dance and orchestral; and make your hours as socially. pleasant as those you have enjoyed when listening to the Victrola at the homes of your friends. There are 6000 Victor Records from which to choose. You can get ten -inch, double -sided Victor Records for 90c., including any of your favorite selection's of standard and popular songs and instrumental pieces.. Any of "His Master's Voice" dealers will -lot you hear them. If there is not one In your vicinity, notify us and ,we will see that you are not disap- pointed on Christmas morning. BERLINER G7RAM-O-PHONE CO., Limited. 601 Lenoir Street, Montreal DEALERS rN FVERIC TOWN AND CITY ONE PESOS PROM COAST TO COAST VICTOR RECORDS -MADE IN CANADA LOOK 'POR " 85S MASTER'S VOICE " -TRADE 110A8,:S. Other Victrolaa $33.50 to $400. New Agencies "Considered. Where We Are Not Properly Represented. 32ND ANNUAL' Ontari R Y Provnc p _ ter 1 F1 GUELPH ECE BER 3rd to gthl 115 CANADA'S oldest and biggest WINTER FAIR. In theArenayou ST STOCK produced on the ' will see the M1J BEST FARMS in CANADA and in the Lecture room you will hear how they were produced. YOU cannot AFFORD to miss it. Single Fare on all Railways. WM, SMITH, M.P., R. W. WADE, President, Secretary, Columbus, Ont. P'1 vlialnent Buildings, Toronto, Ont.