The Clinton News Record, 1915-11-25, Page 4Clinton News -Record' November 25th, 19115 Wiiigham Miss Belle Moose of Ripley is spending a fevv weeps with Mr. and Mrs. Rat. Groes.:• Mrs. (Dr.) Spence s; ent a fete days lad 'week with Mrs, (Dr.) Bruce. Mr• John KeleY left last week for. Ireland, going via New toric, • • Messrs. hater and George Ainsley Of Winnipeg and Wesley Ainsley, a`• Regina Methodist College, were walled home last week owing. to the illness of their father, . 11Ir. Wm, Maxwell :of ,' Leamington has been reviewing old friendships in -town and vicinity. • .. Mr. Win: Simpset and- his- - sister, Miss :Isabel, returned td: Chicago last - week' having been called home 'on aceount of the death of their:. mother. Dr. and Mrs. Mahood and children Missed nil^ the Iowa,a bi. Sioux City, Mahood of Ifordwieh visited at the hone of Mr. :Jolut Galbraith recently: Mr, and Mrs. F. Buchanan spent e :couple of days with their daughter, Mrs. C _J. Gregory, London. 14Ir, R. ,8. K i4L'op, teller in the local branch of the Bank of. Commereo for some time, has, been transferred to St. Cathatincs. Mrs. A. Thatcher and daughter, who have been visiting ie the east for some weeks and who were' the guests while in Wingham of the lady's sister, Mrs. W. A. ir'ryfo„ lc, left last week for their home in Brjtish-C'ol- Belgrave Germany and the U. S. (From Tho New York World)) .( .Weare assailed on o ery side by•or- ganizations notoriously operating in behalf of Gerntiany. Never before in all history has a nation at war or at peace suffeted'so Dutchr from assassina- tion, bribery, to bery and ineendiar- i&11i We aro slaughtered if we Work in factories of which ^ Germany''- asap - approve;. Wo are In a state of siege, industrially and commercially. Out labor is bribed ; our p'tspo:ts are forged. 1f Germany dries not like the destination, of our goods,:tl'o torch is mysteriously applied . to . them. The commodities which we send abroad, if alispleasi-ng .110 •Germanyl; carry with thein bombs that are expected to blow ship, passenge)S, clew and cargo'. `tri destruction. A• people at peace, we can Barr no peace. that is not hall- marLed by 'Germany. It may be that the German Govern- ment in directly responsible for those conditions. 11 so, it is making war upcsc the United States •as truly as it,evre, made war anyvyhere.' Don't Believe Such Yarns (Kincardine °Review^.) {rlier'e are people who circulate stor- ies about graft iit conuection with the Red Cross or the Patriotle,Fund and they ,do, it to disoaurage collectilig for, these purposes.. They do nob want to gLvo and this is the More cowardly i 1 way of avoiding it, The tto b e is aiat 50010 generous people who 'want to help and do help ate influenced byl. these storir'i, • Charles Centres has mored his fam- ily to Bite:ale and Robt lligg•ins has taken posiession of G e farm recently purchased from bit. Gacuisi. John Dearlov e, who has been em- ployed' by Robert Harrison for some time, has enlister'. to seri. Iiia ging and country arid is now in training at London. George Jordan has the fo:ndatien laid ,ca which he purposes erecting a new building to lie used for chopping• It will take the place of the one res cently bsrned. The Governor-General Is a .Warm .Friend of the Over -Seas Club. I aril nu:oh interested to learn of the splendid response which the Oyer - Seas Club has been receiving' from tile: Dominion of Canada to its appal to provide tobacci and cigarettes for our brave men at the front. A total of 261,000 collected from all parts of the Empire in twelve months is a result which I think we can all be proud of. I was particularly inl crested to hear that 'such a large sum has cone from Canada. I feel "sure, that it was a very wise move on your part, mak- ing arrangements to supply Canadian manufactured tobacco for the Can- adian troops. The fact that 1 -he Central organiza- tion of the Over -Seas Club has ad- ministered this large sllln of money without dcdt.osing anything whatever for expenses, from the generous sub - seriatim .S of residents oven eas, is, I ant s.tre, one of the contributory causes to the great success of the Over -Sera's Club 'tobacco Fund. Yours sineerolp, GREY, Why Is It ? (From An Exchange.) Why is it, it is often asied, that people .in small towns can find no bet- ter business than playing into other people's affairs, and then exaggerat- ing the truth in regard to the same. People who pretend to be Christians, who attend church regularly, who, in the sight al their neighbors ate gen- erous anti charitable, yet vvflo, with- otlt the slightest provocation, pick up some little mistake, or more oiite's, at nothing, will so scandalize one as to ruin 11is or her reputation for liie. While they would not steal from them worldly goods, yet they rob flim' or her of what is more precious than gold—a good reputation. Why can't people practice the ebristianity that they preach and "do unto others as you would have thele do unto yea '1" 'The German lie factory is operat- ing in 'Toronto and all ever Canaria," said Col. J. r1,. Cuiuo, M.P„ in nit -- ng a couple of instances :- of tales where. Canadian women were alleged to have 'been the'recipients of notes from civilians in 'Canada and the `United States for 'sockswhicli were knitted for the soldiers originally. l ]rat lie .travelled faster than a that . in •'D Don't cirri 111 like train o y aYa Put your hand up to your -no_e when you hear it as you know that a skunk is near. We got all the socks and the mittens that were sent to us last year." • Tho Red Cross Society, nailed one ream who was accusedof starting that story, IIe did not admit having 'said it but "If I did," he added, "I' had no authority and no foundation for the story." IIe invade a declaration to this aleect to save himself from prosecution._ During the month of October the Galt waterworks pumping plant pumped 11,796,190 gallons of water, a record for one month's pumping. The Cabinet at Athens has been called 'to define the attite('.e of Greece inwards the Allies. IChris. Kemple, •an employe of the F P. Coombe Furniture Company, i Limited, 'Kincardine, had firs left hand badly cut while operating a jointer. Germany's most important military- question at present 1s to supplvl that nation witii provisions, ' The Serbian army et 1lonasl'ir is being reinforced. Ready- To-Wear ead - To- W ear Garments OOUOH & co. Dry Goods end House Fnrnisliings PURCHASE HOS NOW Prospective i'nr pnr- cbaSere are advised I eat although our stock was never so large nor so Var- ied in assortment as it is now --L here are to great. nnuiber of novelties in mink, fox, sable, lamb, wolf and other favored furs ---1 hilt will be quickly sold before he, real cold vvealhee sets in and there will he delay in duplicat- ing these novelties. 135 sure and see our immense range of high class furs before Buying, MILLINERY 1ITs ppt on sale one table. ti' Ladies' Irimmed hats, all new styles, values up to $4 00. Your choice $1.98. MOIRE UNDERSKIRTS 51.50 Just to hand this week live dozen ladies' black• noire utidetskirts, sizes 38 to 42. if these were bought in the reg- ular, way they would sell for $2 0(1. Special for Saturday $1 -so. LADIES' AND MISSES' WINTER COATSI The coming of cold win- ter makes you think of a nice warm snug fitting coat doesn't: it ? Hive you seen the big values we are offering in those smart new styles 'in our coat department ? Several ere' goods to choose' from and mak- IOW waves every garment a brand new up-to-date style. Goder'ich St. George'a church has already went Christmas parents to all the boys at the :front who went Brom that el:ixch. Capt. Cyril Carrie, soif Of 11fre? Carrie: of tewn has been appol'ited Chaplain of -the' e' 6th Canadian Batta- lion which IS now at Shornelllie, County Mr. � M L , Lane, son '.of Cot t ,y Clerk and Mrs. Lane, visited the parental Home' last week,,` He has en- listed for overseas service. He was with the Batik of Conunerce, Revel- stoke, B.C., and enlisted with the 541h Kootenay. Battalion. If You Must Drink. To 'tile married man who cannot get along without his drink, the fol- lowing is suggested as a solution of the bondage of habit : 1. Start a saloon in your house. 2. Be the only customer. You 'i11 hale iso lieenSe to pay. 3. Give your' wife two dollars to buy a gallon of whis'ay, and remem- ber, there are 90 drinks in a gallo't. 4. Bray your d tabs from none but Imo ; and by the time your first '.gal- lon is gone she will have $7.00 lo put in the bank, and $2 to start i r bus- iness again. 5. Should you the ten years and centime to buy booa from her, then die with snakes In your boot(, she will have money 'to bury you re- seeetably, educate your children, buy. a houe, and lot, starry- a decent lam, and quit thinking about you Me. Samuel Cade • has returned frog i a trip to the west. 'Vim. 0. T.. Hopkins was a delegate front the local Mission Circle of the Baptist church to the meeting of the societies for Ontario West held in St. Thomas , lana week, . Mrs. F. W, Lctkey fias been visiting friends in St.' Thomas and Detroit. • M'Cliffordy McCartney has neer -home from Detrain nursing a sore hand which lie had severely burned from handling some electrical eon- trivance. - 'Miss' Jean Nairn returned liotne last week after a 'via i. with friends at Walkerville, Windsor and Detroit. ' Mrs. R. Bt Smith has gone to St. Louis where she will spend the win- ter with her son. Miss re. Macdonald has returned to Detroit alter ;trending the summer at her gnome in town, Miss Margaret Isabel Leonard,, daughter of. Mr. anti Mrs, James Leonard, was married last week to Mr. Chas. E. Craven of Detroit. • The members and adherents of Knox church' voted on church union the first two Sundays in November, strongly dis'avoring union. The total votefor union was 0118 hundred and thirty-six, that aga'nst five hundred and eighty-nine. 'the Misses Nairn have returned from a visit with 'Toronto friends, The death. took place on Saturday night last under most distreseing cir- cumstances of Mrs. James L. Thomp- son of Nile. Retiring in lien usual spirits, site returned downstairs 'about 9 o'clock evidently Tor something to drink. A few minutes later - upstairs she was found in convulsions by her husband. A. doctor was immediately Summoned but could do nothing, death taking place a • few minutes af- ter his arrival. It is thought she took poison of some kind, whether in- tentionally. or by mistake. Coroner Dr. Hunter and Crown Attorney Seager were called and they. decided to hold an inquest. A postmortem was performed and the contents of the stomach will be analyzed. Besides the Husband two young girls survive. • The Farmer's/Wcelcly -Sun is not a patty bade/ 1t'»deals with all 'public questionf'�fearlessly 'and it deals with these gtlestions from the standpoint' of it ccm$idsrs the best interests ro the farm,believing that the inter ests,of the farm are identical 'with the interests of the country. as a whole, A journal of .this class should have aPlace f ever1� farm, li ere, Mitb' You� get incombination v can 6'r' t The News -Record at $11:85 a year. l'he French. Government proposes a Bill to fix prices of necessaries of life and thus reduce the high cost of liv- ing. Word has been received at Kinmount that Pte, Hector Dawson, son of James Dawson of that village, liak ;teen killed in action. in Franco. He was with. the 41111 Battalion. WIIIMIMMIMICEMMISMem What About Wall Paper ? Would it do as a Christmas Present? Just think a while, is it not likely that Christ - 10115 presents this year will be of a lesa frivilous nature thart iln former years ? Something that will brighten the home longer than just during the holiday season is what will be needed, something that will bring cheer to the recipient for months maybe it year or two, Whether you want pa- per for parlor, dining room, hall, bedroom of litchen,t,w'e can supply the goods. The prices too are much to your ad- vantage. Zurich Mr: and Mrs. Finkbeiner and Miss M. Kerr of Milverton were visiting friends in town for :a day or two re. W. Cooper Co. HERNIA (KNOWN AS RIIPTURE) Mr. and Mrs.. V. Gerber, Jr., are spending a few weeks with friends in lndianna. Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Des,jardine' of . S .-erepta visited friends in town re- cently. Rev, Mr. Liebcdd of Listowel v,,c here attending the funeral of hie father-in-law, the late Solomon Mar- tin, Sr'.,- ` Lila, the eleven -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich of the Gos'len Line, South, died last week alter but a short 111110ss, THE REV. TRL R. ITICKS 1916 ALMANAC. The Rev. Trl R. Hicks 191'6 Al- manac is by far the finest, largest and best ,user :before printed. The Ricks storm anti weather forecasts for 1915 agate hese Proven their truth and value, and this eMen3id Almanac for .1016 should find its way straight into every home and office in America. The Rev. Irl R. hicks Magazine, Word and Works, and his unique Almanac. should always go together, both for only one dollar a pear, The Almanac alone 'is 35c pre- paid. Send to Word and Works Pub- lishing Company, 3101 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. .. THE NEWS TOLD IMPARTIALLY. The Dominion and Provincial Par- liaments will 500n convene and thele can he little tl1upt but that several questions of firs, ,mportance to every citizen in Canada will be dealt with. No paper in Canada covers the ces- sion of the Dominion and Provincial Houses more fully or more impartial- ly than The Toronto Daily News. The News -Record Lias arranged with The Toronto Daily News to take subscrip- tions for both papers, and upon re- ceipt -of $2.85 both The News -Record and The News will be sent to our address by mail for one year. Send your subscription to this office. Subscriptions for. eN9R LOAN IflION Qf CANADA 5l2 0,/0 Applications will be forwarded by us, allotments procured and other services rendered free of charge to subscribers. - Telephone or telegraph us at our expense for any , :information as to the Bonds, or formalities connected with them. Weredict a great success for this Loan p , appealing, as it.d.es,'to the wealth, the pride, the business instinct and the patriotism of Canadians. , To insure allotment application' should be made at once. A. E. AMES & CO. Members Toronto Steck Exchange Establtiahsd Investmens Union Bank Building, Toronto isae BankersUnion King Wiest 6.5. col. May St. FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS 1 We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces you will find it to your advantage to inspect our stock and see the bargains we arefgiving. We also carry a good llne-of violins, pianos and organs. Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re- spectjand we guarantee the best of satisfaction. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over g store, 28 Phone 1112. 28 NEW 1915 INVENTION RETAINS RUPTURE WITHOUT PAIN. COSTS NOTHING TOINVESTIGATE. Mr. Egan's new appliances are rapidly taking the place of the old-fashioned trusses because these new inventions aro constructed to assist nature and are free from all cumbersome fea- tures. Complete comfort awaits you: Correct holding will be experienced from the start Yon will enjoythat absolute confidence of being able to do anything at any time or anywhere. This will relieve you .of mental unrest .and worry. Phis should make you fuel like a new person. These new layout -ions are intended to meet the eeds of men, women and children. ren. Stop wear- ing useless foreign made trusses and end your Ware troubles at small cost. Delays may bo dangerous; tear off coupon now. THIS FREE RUPTURECOUPON Upon presentation to J. Y. Egan, specialist 449A Yonge street, Toronto, who will visit towns,below,cntltles bearer to free demon- stration and examination of samples. Aske at hotel office for room number. Note 'dates.' Clinton, Rattenbury House, 'Monday and 1 uesday, Aix DA v AND Niesum' NOVEMBER 29'rra Ater) 30Tax, Godericl7 Bedford Hotel, DEC. ism, MADE IN CANADA, WAR LOAN DOMINION OF CANADA Issue of $50,000,000 5 p.c. Bonds Maturing 1st Dec., 1925 Repayable at par Ottawa, Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria. interest Payable Half-Yearly—Ist June, 1st December. ISSUE PRICE 971 A Full Half -Year's Interest Will Be Paid on 1st June, 1916. The Proceeds of the Loan Will Be Used For War Purposes Only. Ia the event of frite te issues (other than issues made abroad) being made by the Government, for the purpose of carrying on the war, bonds of this issue will be accepted at, the issue price, 1)7:4, plus accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash for the purpose of sub- :@,'ilitirns't0 such issues. - - TIII'1 MINISTER OF FINANCE offers herewith on be- half of the Government the above named Bonds for subscrip- tion at 076 payable as foilows :- 10 per cent on application Sid January, 1010 20 " int February, 1916 20 " ' 1st March, 1916 20 . " 1st April, 1916 20 " 1st May, 1916. The instalments may be paid in full on or after the Srd day of January, 1916, under discount at the rate of 4 percent per annum. All payments are to be made to a chartered bank for the em -edit of the Min [stet. of Finance. Failure to pay any in- stalment when due will render previous payments liable to for- feiture and the allotment to cancellation, Applications, accompanied by a deposit of .ten per cent r,( the amount subscribed, must be forwarded through the medium of a chartered bank, The hank will issue a provision- oA receipt. This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada and both principal and interest will be a charge ripen the Consolidated Revenue Fund, Forms of application may be obtained from any branch of any chartered bank in Canada, and at the office of any As- sistant Receiver General in Canada. Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars, In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be applied towards payment of the amount duo on the January instalment, Scrip certificates payable to bearer will be issued, after . allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts. When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money, , they tnay be exchanged for bonds with coupons attached, pave able to bearer or registered as to principal, or for felly register- ed bonds without coupons, Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made through the chartered banks. The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paidaby cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupons will be payable free of exchange at any branch of any chartered hank in Canada. Holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds with coupons, payable to bearer or registered, without payment of any fee, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert, without fee, into fully registered bonds without coupons at any time on application in writing to the Minister of Finance. The issue will be exempt from taxes—including any in- come tax—imposed in pursuance of legisiation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. Tho bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 dr any author- ized multiple of $5,000, Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. The loan will be repaid at maturity at par at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the'ofbce or the Assistant. Receiver, General at Halifax, St, John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto,' Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria, The books M the loan will be kept at the Department of Finauce, Ottawa. itecognized bodd and stock brokers will be allowed a commission of one-quarter of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications which bear their stamps. Subscription Lists will close on or before 30th November, 1915. Finance Department, Ottawa, 22nd November, 1015,