HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-11-04, Page 3Clinton,Nevvs-Record Goderich.. -Mrs. George MaeVicar and little sou have returned from a visit of set oral weeks with ;the lady's parents at Floradale, Mee, Michael O'Reilly, „.who a couple - of weeks ago slip; ed fractur- ing.hor'hip, passed 'away .at. lice fipple here on Friday week, She had been a resident of Gci:lericli for over fifty years 1Ter Husband'- and &fit'e daughters servise. Seaforth. The remains of Mrs. 0. W. Rut- ledge, wife of the editor of the Mark - dale. Standard, and daughter of. Mrs. Buggin of down, were brought 'here last week for interment -'and itlandban k cemetery. The buried inMa Y funeral .took place from, the home of Mrs. James Beattie, a fester of the deceaseds Mr, M. Y. McLean, who has been quite ill for some weeks, is able to he about again. Miss Susie Govenlock left last week' on an extended visit to the west. Miss 'Bessie Hays is visiting friends in Detroit and Toledo. Mrs. James Archibald has returned from a visit of some weeks with her son at Dunnville., Mr. Walter Haines, who has been on the seat of the Doininion 13anlc here for sarin time, has been trans- ferred to Dresden. M'?s. Ed. Boyce has'eeturned home after a visit with relati:cs in ciiil'etint parts of the west. ' Mrs, Lett of Guelph is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A, E. Colson. Dr.Atkinson and son 'of Detroit were in town last weds visiting the farmer's mother, Mrs. M, 0. Ches- ney, who has been 411. Mr. and Mrs. Mitoliell;of Flcsherton motored over with some friends and visited for a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. Mr, Alex, Clardno, another of Sea- fortlf's pioneer residents and business men, passed away on Wednesday ev- ening of 1aeet week. Mrs, Roht. Smith lids been visiting. in Ingersoll. •Mrs. W. D. Bright and Miss Dobell were in 'Toronto last week. .14 Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ba'ssow of the Bronson Line enjoyed an auto tri{' to Port Huron recently with Mr. Wal- lacoe oI .Saginaw, Midi, - Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnson and 1aniilp were guest's of the former's brother, Mr, Thos. Johnson, recently. Mr, and Mrs. George Clausius .rre at Tavistock last week attending the funeral of a relative, Miss Amanda Mousseau was united in marriage on Wednesday afternoon of last week to Mr, Melvin Smith. Rev. G. F. Breevn was the o'liciat- ing clergyman. Mrs. J. Hey, Jr., and Mrs, 11. Fritz are in Toronto as delegates irony the local hrauch of the Woancn's Bettiiute to the 'Provincial convention. Tlie children of the Public school contributed thirty dollars io the British Red Cross fund. MVIr. and Mrs. IL I•ungblut visited relative's hear Tavistock for a week- end recently'. Blgth • 1VMes, W. P. Me0augbey visited 'with Clinton friends last emelt. St, Andrew's ()helot intends hold- ing its anniucrsary on Sunday next, Professor Davidson of ICnox College will 'lip the preacher of the day'. Mr. and Mrs. Waugh of Hamilton visited Mr, and Mrs. •,h enigli last week,: Mr. Waigli was at one time G.T.R. agent here, ' Mr:°War. Mlles is still confined to the Wingham hospital where he un- derwent an operation recently but he is recovering :nicely, Mr. and .. Mte, I,. Kennedy, and daughter of Winglana visited at. the home of Dr. Blackall recently, Mrs, W. I-1, Lyon and little daugh- ter of Loedesboro were . the guests last week one day of the lady's sis- ter, Mrs. 0. Floody,. � eT lis e vo n fro ,m Ben Mason is .e o n b his recent illness and is now able to walk about. Rev. J. L. Homes of Lambeth, a former pastor of the Methodist church here, called on old friends in Blyth last week while on Isis way to visit hr's son in Winghain. Mr. A. W. Baker of London was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Allison over a week -end recently. Mr. Baker is a member of the 'Imperial Quartette, London, and sang a solo in the Meth, odist church while here. Mr, and Mrs. C. I-1. Reese were in Toronto last week attending the Con- vention of the Provincial Sunday school Association. A literary society is being_ formed pn the 2nd concession, of Last Wawa- npsh and no doubt some knotty ques- tions will be threshed out, during the coming winter months. Dr, Annie Ross is the moving flgnse in organiz- ing the society. Mrs. R. Wightntan has been ap- pointed by the local branch ,,. of the Women's Instituto as a delegate to the Provincial convention to be held in Toronto next week. Good Morning 1 Are yon a News - Record Subsoriber ? ear About Births I3IROWN.-In Clinton, on Oct. 1 iii Le Mr. and Mes. -Jamee Brown, daughter. `• .CANTELON-in Toronto, on Oct, 31st, to Mr, and Mus, U, W. L. Cantelon, a daughter. I u`;10IAT—In' McKillop, on .Oct, 23rd, to Mr, ', and Mrs, Neil Klein, a son, MOYLAN—In McKillop, on October,. , 24,th, to Mn send Mrs. Thos, Moy- lan, a. „son.- CeOLDING-e-In Seaforth, cm October 27th, to .Mr• and Mrs, W. Golding, a son, COULSON—'in Hallett, on 'October 22nd, ' to Mr. and Mrs. ".Phomas Coulson,'a son. ` Deaths O'REILLY-In Gocletich, on October 22nd, Margaret wife oe Mr. Mich- ael O'Reilly. CARDNO—In Seaforth, on October 27th, Alex. Cardno, Sr., in lets. 89th year. ALDOUS—In Goderich -,• township on October,, 23rd, Mary Stewart, 'wife of Mr. William Aldous. WADE—At Fort William on October 30th, Rev, William Wade of 'Clin- ton, aged 80 years, and 9 months. Goderich Mr. S. E. Hick has returned home after spending several month's in San- forth managing Col. Wilson's drug store. Mr. and Mrs. George King were in Toronto last week attending a double church wedding as friends of the brides. Mrs, J. H. Marshall and Miss Haz- el returned last week alter a fort- night's visit at Ottawa.. Mrs. Mar- shall was attending the Dominion 1fi, C. T. U. convention: • Mrs. McPherson is spending some menthe with her daughter, Mrs. Moro of Boston. Mrs. Wnt. McCreath is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Nellie MacDonald of Goderich was wedded ai:. St. Peter's church net Wednesday of last week to Mr. Thom- as McDonald of Port Huron. A gang ui men have been at work erecting a new bridge over the ti. T. R. tracks at Seaford. Mr. Herbert Palmer and il'Iiss Abi- gail Mills were quietly married at Se. (leorge's church on Wednesday of last week, Rev. .1. 13. Ieotheringbam performing the ceremony. l'bey have taken up residence near the salt works, where Mr. Palmer is employ- ed, WANTED. — GIRL WANTED A'I' once.—Apply at the Graham Howie —09 Dungannon Mr. Stephen Medd has rc6urned frons the west. Mr. John Bowers is spending a few weeks wale Goderich and St. Thotuas friends, Mrs. Lott of Wingham has beett twee on a visa to her sister, Mrs, sanest Deft, Mr. N., h'. Whyarcl has been ap- pointed Division Court Clerk, suc- ceeding, his father, the late James Whyard. Miss Clara Beatrice Monk, deuph- ter of Mrs. John Smith, was mottled last week to Mr. Robt. J. Williams of Goderich. A SQUARE PIANO POR SALE.-: Mrs. E. Herman, 'Victoria street. -09 Wingham Mr, Walter Haines; who Lias been transferred ]'torn the Seaforth to ' the Dresden branch of the Dominion Bank, was in town last week visiting sparents ;sur. a fess' days. Dr. and Mls. Hafi,bly have, gone on an extended visit to friends at Tor- oabo and Lindsay. Dee Stewart,forni- erlyt of Bclgrave,,15 looking after the Doctor's practise.' PIANO FOR SALE, _SQUARE:— Will be sold at a reasonable price. Address P.O. Box 263 or enquire at The News -Record Mee. —09 FOR SALE. -A STR.A.N4 CUTTER with Blower attached.—D. C. Gal- braith, Bapfeld P. 0. Phone 4 on 159, Clinton. -09-2 Marriages PARK-I3EAT'PIE—At Ontario street parsonage on October 28t11, by Rev. ,S., J. Allin, Jean Keefer Beattie• of Clinton, formerly of Galt, to James H, Park of Mid- land. McDONALD—MacDONALD-In Goder- ich on October 27th, Nellie F., fourth daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald:. of Goderich, to Thomas McDonald of Port Huron. PALMh;:R—MILLS-in Goderich on October 26th,, Herbert" Henry Palmer' to Abigail Mills, both of C4odericl. NIOISRINTI—Pla'N N IN G'PON-Ln Crod- ericli on October 26th, by Rev.' Mr, Hamilton, Annie, second daughter: of• Mr. T. Pennington of Colborne township, to Cameron Moliring of Stratford AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE AND Horses at Walter Wallis', 1st con. of Goderich township, on Saturday, Nov. stir, including 30 stock steers. —0, J, Wallis, Peeprietor ; T. Gun- dry, A.uctionerr. —09-1 FOR SALE, AN s IMP31RIAL OX-. ffutd Range, in perfect cendifi'on, al- so a few other l ouseholil : articles.— App;y to A. J.•,Grigg, Jeweler. -08. k1.PPI,ES . ANJ) TURNIPS FOR e Sale, -1 have a emant;ty 01 winter. apples for sale at 75 cents+ per bar- rel at the orchard, buyer$ to fur- nish barrels or hags, The slips are $1,25 per barrel. I alsohave a quantity of first-class Swede turnips at $1.15 per drill, Buyer 'can take one or, as many drills: as needed. e When ordered 'apples or turnips can he held until re uved,-7boa. Pen- nington, R, R, No. 2, Clinton. -08-2 FARIII FOR SALE, BEING LOT 21 on the 5th con. of Goderich Town- ship consisting of 120 acres, 11 acres in fall wheat, 40 acres, readyi foie spring plowing, 7 acres of bush, remainder under grass. Small or- chard. Concrete house. Good barn 53x80 with stone foundation, Cement silo. Water tank and Wind- mill at barn. One gtla.tee rile from Porter's Hill,—James Hamilton, Cl in ton, —09 KEP:PER AND MATRON WANTED. —Wanted roan• anis tvi'fe io taleo charge of the Huron County peouse of Refuge and Farm in connection therewith. Duties to commence ear- ly in December next. The under- nigned. trill •receive applications . up to the 7th clay of Dneeunber, 1915, se that these can be placed before the council .at the December meet- ing. --John 'Torrance, inspector of 1'I. R., Clinton..Dated Nov..1.st, 1,915. —09-2 SALE IREC+ISTER. Thursday, 'Nov. 25t111 at lot 10, con. 2 Stanley, favi''' stock, implements and household furniture.—I1. Little, • prop. ; '1'. Brown, auctiodeer. -09 TEACHER WANTED FOR S.S. NO. 5, Goderich Township, second -crass professional, dut'es to commence January, 1910. e Applications re- ceived up to November 15th. Per- sonal applications preferred. Apply, stating salary; to R. Y. Cox, See.- Treasurer, ee:Treasurer, R.R. No. ]t, Goderich. 07'-4 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE CeN Matilda Street. Seven large rooms, Waterworks, Small Orchard At present occupied by Mr, Albert, Hearn. Will ,Ile sold on easel ferule. —C. B. Hale. —07 MRS. J. JOHNSTON,- WHO HAS teelfeli ,over -the' agency for the Spit- , elle, corcet and' who has gust '.re turned from Toronto where a large' school of corsetiers convened Mit; four days, is prepared to m'ee't the needs of all old and new cuetom ors. Tho Spirella is "different'! ; a Perfect -fitting, flexible, made-to- order corset, allowing every )nusole full play, Call and ask Mrs. John, stop. about cossets and accessories. -02 LIV . POULTRY WANTED TO I#P) delivered each Friday forenoon. Pligliest price. paid.—McAsh & Son, Varna, —G7 C'LIN'I'ON 0IIBEN'1'URI;S FOR Sale.—The Town of Clinton will re- ceive offers up to Nov. 1501 inclus- ive for all or any part of an issue of fifteen debentures, each of the amount oft $500.00 and bearing in- terest at the rate of 5;1 percent, per annum. Interest payable an- nuallp on Sept. 1st. Oilers to be addressed to the undersigned, from whom any further particulars may be obtained.—D. L. MacPherson,' Treasurer. —09-2 WANTED.—GIRL WHO CAN DO plain cooking to aseiet in general housework. No washing,. Good hone with all conveniences, $20 per month. Young woman of good character, competent at her work and of cheerful disposition. Cah ex- pect wage increase in three months: -Box 509, London. —00-2 F011 SALE, A NUMBER Ole BROWN Leghorn Cockerels They are 1ronr imported stock and are a choice lost. }Apply. to John Cuelntore, Helene esville., • FOWL WANTED, TO BE DELIVIOR,- ed every Tues1ay forenoon it:guest' market price paid.—Horner w Ings, Varna, • —06 FOR SALE.—A WELL SITUATED frame cottage, known as the P. es- sian property together with one - hall acre of land, on Huron si:reet. Will be sold at the right price.—C. B. Hale. -707• APPLES WANTED ALL KINDS' INc dueling evaporator and choppers. Will be received at the Grand Trunk Station. Highest market price paid. —D. Cantelon. —04 HENS AND CI-IICICENS WANTED, highest market price Will be paid.— W. Marquis, R. R. 1, Clinton, or Phone 14 on 66, —87 FOR SALE. - A HEAVY DRAFT' colt .coming two years old, also a • cutter nearly new. Apply to P. J. Welsh,' Base Line, or to . Robert Welsh, •Clinton: -08. FOR SALE. -A (4000. RADIANT 1Totne'Heater,' with 'oven. ' Will be sold cheap. -Apply to Mrs. Bennes- toil, Isaac street, opposite Oliver Johnson's house. —08. ANNOUNCEMENT! FOR SALE.—THAT WELL SIT- uated house at the corner of Rag- lan and Ratteribury street's is offer- ed for sale. Electric light, water- works and soft water. Stable. Will bo sold at a bargain- to settle up the Brickenden Estate,—Apply at Jacob Taylor's office. —99 FOR RENT. -100 -ACRE, FARM ON the 13ayfeeld Road, 21: miles south of Clinton. Well cultivated, good brick house, bane barn and other -buildings. Two wells on place. Or- chard. For further particulars ap- ply to—Mrs. John Wigginton, Clin- ton, P.O. Box 231. —96. We beg to inform the public Chet we have taken over the grain depart- ment from the Gunn, Langlois Co. and intend keeping -the :stook ftp to its degree of completeness and will en- dcavos to giro the public satisfaotiou both he our 'Flom: and Feces Depart- ment and also by paying the Highest market price fox all kinds of Grain.. THE OHl VROLET CAR.—;MR. J. W. Nediger has secured the agency for the Ohevrolelt motor car .and has made medigaments to store'` this samples at . the .gel .e Care . Works, t „•,✓ —00 . Jenk ns & Son. FOR SALE.—THE BUILDING b'OR- nicely used as a carding Mill at Walkerburn, Township of dullest, is offered for sale. The Lraine is a splendid one, two stories, 24 x 36. —R. Morrison, R. R. No. 1, Auburn. —02 Live Poultry Wallted WANTED ! A: wide awake salesman to represent a Financial Corpora- ration in Toronto as local agent. Good remuneration for right man. For full particulars write Room 1601, Royal Bank Building Toron to. Room 1604, Royal Bak Building, Toronto. No Tronble We are in the market; for ail kinds of live and dressed poultry at top 'market prices. Poultry' taken any day at Clinton and every Wednesday morning at IIolmesville. Milk -Fed Chickens. We are prepared to pap extra prices for prceeerly milk -fed chick- ens ready to kill. We pay Spot Cash for all pout -ley on a quality basis. Winter Eggs. We are expecting high prices for New Laid Eggs .iris winter. Now is the time to get ytour flock in good condition. Call in at our plant and we will give you a few pcfnters on How to get Win- ter Eggs. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. To make Soups that are appetising, Palatable, delicious and very nour- ishing for the young' as well as the old and especially : for the sick room. Olark's Soups are recommended by us for elver and every tin be brim full of satisfaction. Put, up in dif- ferent kinds, such as Tomato, Vogel', able; Chicken, Etc. Price 10e per can. Try our Wellington Salman, a very 'good salmon, 150 per tin, 2 for 25q. We also Carey other lines of Sal- mon, Maple Leaf or Golden Net, both high classgoode. We are now putting on our own delivery, starting 'Monday, November 8t1i, so phone or leave your ordeal at the Store of Quality, where it will receive our 'careful and prompt at- tention. Elighest Price Paid. for Butter and Eggs,' ,Johnson & Co. The Store'of QHaltiy. 11. THE CORNED STORE Live and Let Live Ammunition for Cleaning up the House. Before the winter arrives .when the doors and. windows Mast he kept closed, every house should be thor- oughly cleaned. Suinmer itteans an accunxulat0on of dust and dirt and perhaps disease germs so that a careful cleaning sup now may mean rte doctor's MIN this winter. House-cleaning becomes very easy with the proper helps which we nave in abundance. Just look over this partial liste of important lines and let us show' ytou others. Powdered Ammonia an inrlispeu- sihle cleaner, Sweeping Pow.ler kills the germs in rugs and ear- .pets. In addition see our lines of Liquid Auunonia, Powdered Borax, Lye, Silver and. Metal Polishes, Furniture Polish, Brushes, Brooms, Knife Pol- ish, oto. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Anything You WANT DONE IN THE LINE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGH- IN21, .PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. CALL AND GET OUR PRIC- ES. ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAPEST. BYAM & SUITTER. Samitary Plumbers. Phone Do You Know What This Label Means ?. It is your assurance of perfect satisfaction in old or new work. .In- sist on getting. Canada Cement. A frill stook on hand at all times. Hemlock sills cut to ,order, Shingles exx and xxxx. Sprace and pine dressed sidings and ffooringst. Metallic building 'Materials. Lehigh Valley coal, all sizes. Steam coal. Smithing coal. 'Fide, all sizes, eiders in the yard or delivered on the job. Cedar posts all sixes. 14 -inch slabs, a bargain. Anyone in the market for anp o the above lines will do, well to get one prices. JOHN .B. MUSTARD B rncefield,