HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-11-04, Page 1CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 1915
will pay 'a subscription to any address
in Canada to end of 1916 for
ing ate the
Wheat 850
additions' totte oT1 of Hydro users :Oats 850.
E. J. Courtiee, Miss McTavish, Mrs. , Barley 45e.
H, B. Iver, Mrs, Grile)tnfst, • R. Jones' ' •Butter 24c to 25c,
shop, T. Cook's barn, John Stephen- Eggs 80c.
son: Live Hogs $8.35.
LITTLE LOCALS. COMING 1N '1'O CLINTON,. 55r. and Mrs. W. T. O'N,cil announce
er, who expects to Mr.: and Mrs. Jelin` Carbert this the engagement of their thirds da gi'
Mrs, H. B. K to E.
leavo this week to join her two weekmovedin from the fourth of SiitiftjCureerit Donald
son of D..,
daughters ,•et Braiitfotrl, has rented Mullett and until 'their ,ovvti place on So s Current, the ,, Sono to Mrs. De
herTIie place to Ic, Harry tthe tat: Victoria street ise'acottageaon 1Ret- 'place quietly of November tenth„
Tato place on Ontario street the ]at= ed in the McCorvie g
ter has occupied for some . time istenbiiry street nexi St. Paul`s church. FORMER CI PI%EN, ILL,
owned by Mrs. R. Kutch who will DO NOT WAIT. Mr T. 11• Watts was called' to Tor -
herself, reside there at the expiration
of, her terns .as Matron of the House An Exchange says : When a member onto on Thursday Last owing to the
of Refuge. of your family dies you naturally it'ok severe illness of his father, Mr, H.
for some reference to the event in VV. Watts, foranerly of Clinton. Al TOWN COUNCIL: your local paper, but one cf the mast time of writing he has not returned
Atthe council meeting on Monday difficult Case's in a newspaper office is and the condition of his father as
evening it was decided on motion of the getting of facts relative to births, not undergone much. Change
e -
councillors that work on the drain on deaths and marriages. In many cases i ion tof wlspecial stwas ie pane gn wait -
C. Middleton's property be Proceeded the editor is unfamiliar with the . de-
with, the work to be done under the 'tails of the life of the deceased and have to oauser undergo anoperation
supervision .of Mr. Middleton, that the map not know the s:lativ s personal- ton friends are hot nature. 'that Mr.
tent of town hail for the concerts ly. Now, the properway
to do given by ,the Model school be remit- one of the latter conversant with the Watts' recovery will not be long de-
ted, that the council give :the sum, • of facts and necessary dates to call at layed•
549.28 to the British Red Cross So- the newspaper office and give them,
ciety, thus bringing up the sum col- or to' 'write themthemdown on a piece of WESLEY (tIIi RCI7.
lected for this purpose to $3,000, paper and hand it in or mail it. The
editor will gladly put it in shapehe.
PATRIOTIC NOTES. tiie paper, assured that the linithed
Tomorrow afternoon in the council obituary will he free Props et -
chamber there will be a jam. shower tor: Remember this and act on it
for the soldiers and an exhibition of promptly after death conies to etre of
soldiers' cofnfotts and Hospital' sup- the family. DO not wait, for the
plies. It would interest all .more in editor wants fresh news.
the .work of the Society, if they ST: PAUL'S CX-IURCIh
would come and sae these supplies,.
and a civart or pint jean of honey, The theme of tic rector's sermon on
marmalade, maple syrup or ;jam will Sunday evening last was 'the "Fes-
be gratefully received and carefully tival of ,All Saints." H0 pointed out
Packed and sent as a treat to the the value of such a special day of
'soldiers. couimepnoration at this time when so
The Society acknowledges with many men and women were sacrifice ft LUCKY SOLDIER.
their grateful thanks the following ing their lives for the cause of truth
donations : and righteousness. Mrs. Walter King is one of the
Mrs. T. Shipley . $ 4.00 The Ladies' Guild held their regular most indefatigucable knitters in the
Women's Association Willis monthly meeting on Monday after- Women's Patriotic Societyand she
Church . $25.00 noon and completed arrangements for usually pins a note in her socks or
their "Work Day" sale to be held scarves when they are' ready to he
PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCERT. December 2nd, shipped, Several times she has heard
Clinton needs a bigger hall, 'l'lris The ,Junior A.Y.P,A., held a Hal- from the lucky soldier: 'wh_, has been
was demonstrated forcibly last week io,we en tea on Monday week and the given her manufactured article for
when the. Public school put on their 'special committees 'of boys and: girls wear. On Monday she received a let -
patriotic concert on Friday and Sat had made such splendid arrangements ter from a soldier in Belgium who
urday evenings and on each evening for the entertainment of their guests had juin been given a pair of her
the hall was caowded to capacity that all who were fortunate enough socks aid he informed iter • that he
and people were turned away to be present thoroughly enjoyed the had also been given a scarf of tiers
A patriotic gathering is sire of evening. The leaders of the 5oeiet}t before leaving the training camp at
hearty 51ipport in Clinton but, the en- have the hearty congratulations of London last winter. This particular
tertainnient put on by the pupils of members of the church on, its sue- soldier boy will begin to think that
the Public sohool was of 'so high an cess, Mrs, King is his special good angel.
i order that everyone came away de PASSING OF REV. WM, \1"Vl)T , SL CC`ESSF L I, BAZAAR.lighted with the program and those
fortunate eaougli to obtain seats ti,, Rev. William Wade, one of the The Women's Association of Willis
first evening told all their friends pioneer preachers of Ontario, passed church 'hold a bazaar in the council
about it and they were the more an- away at the hone of his son in Fort chamber on Thursday afternoon last
xious to attend its Saturday, The ' William on Saturday last at the which proved to be quite a fl :CUSS,
hall was filled each evening at half ripe age of nearly eighty-seven years. Mrs, J. W. Elliott and Mtn. Bunter
past seven, much earlier than that The late Me. Wade was a native of had charge of the homemade cooking
on Friday. - Cornwall, England, and carie to this booth ; Mrs, King, Mrs. H. Alexander
'l'1•e whole program went off with- country when about nineteen years of and Mrs. A. J. Grigg of the fancy
out a ]aitch. The choruses were well age. Ile first settled at Port Hope work and aprons and Mrs. Chambers
sung and the tableaux and drills well and thereabouts he continued to re- of the vegetables, etc. Afternoon tea
execu%d, side until he went into the ministry was also served and a number came
Miss Dairy Nediger recited very ol the Bible Christian Church. in at nix for a more substantial
well, indeed, ' Nobody s Child , lit- 'rhe work of a ti,inistes in there meal, As a re's'It of a- return from
tle Miss Florence Rorke sang very early days was anything but smooth all scones the ladies had a tidy
prettily, and Master Toni Jackson, and easy. The circuits were large, suns to their credit at the close of
in khaki uniform, also sang as a cur- covering the ground now covered by the day. They are donating tu'enty-
tain .raiser. Mr. Fred Thompson three or four or five -circuits, and Live dollars from the proceeds to the
sang the solo "When the Boys entre the circuit rider', as the preacher was Patriotic Society.
Home," the school joining in the called, had to share thee Hardships in- DISTRICT OFFICY?RS.
chorus. cident to pioneer life. The work
'rhe "Colors. of the Flag," was a had no .place for weaklings and it The following officers were cleated
recitation by four boys on the colon any such want into it they probably at the Epworth League District Con -
of the Union Jack and was very got out again, lot the then who vention held in Blyth oft Monday and
well done. The Snow Fairies" travelled, the Bible Cliristian and Tuesday ;
was a dainty dancing 'song by Pretty 'Methodist circuits in Ontario fifty or president, Rev. W. Conway, :Vuburn.
little maidens all in white. The In -
sixty years ago and who have lived Int vice, Miss M. Atkin, Goderich.
dian Boys were ten boys in Indian to see the vast changes since Have 2nd vice, Miss Lucy Stevens, C'lin-
dress singing "John. Brown Had a been Wren worthy the name. ton.
Little Indian, Ere." "The Hallowe'en Among the ci euits under Mr, 3rd vice, Miss B. McCool, Londes-
Parade," a witch's dance by a num-
Nadc's care were those of Uxbridge, baro.
her of little girls in witch's garbtlaraPosa, Colborne, Ingersoll and ntli vice, Howard Lawrence, Sea -
and flowing hair. and in the dim lights Clinton, Be<aides this he spent a i'o'ta},
was very effective. Tenting on -tate couple of years serving the Church in 5th vice, folies Marina Irwin, ('lin-
Oid Camp Ground" was also a most ,the State of 1Vis0rusin; tem,
effective scene, soldier sitting around Clinton was his last charge as al- Sectetrary, 'Miss Lily. Taylor, Ulyth.
tlic camp lire singing the touching
song. "Just Before the Iter the union he retired from the ac- Treasurer, Miss WO Treleaven,
Battle, Mohr tive ministry, and Inc some years' of -Dungannon.
et," wan' also accompanied by a tab- ter he resided in' Dakota. Ile re- District Representative to emifot-
leau of soldiers in. uniform.Btitair turned to Clinton, howeter, and here 1'erenec, rllev." 1, A. McKelvey, s" a tableau, followed "The Sailor he made his home until alter the Dungy+.ion..
Girls," a petty motion •song• death of his wife, which occurred' in
The flag- drill was ane of the prof June of 1012. For the greater part RAG AND PAPER DAY, SUC'C'ESS,
best it not the prettiest drill guven. of the time 'since be has lived with
'Knitting" was also a, pretty tab his son at Fort William, where Ms As Monday la'sb broke bright and
leau and song,• and "I'm on My Way death oecurrcd. clean and as observant people wended
to Dublin. Bay,"was ung by severalInc was an old man and full of their way about town it was seen
Trish boys in costume. }ears. He had seen much of lite dor- that on altnost every verandah. and
The A.sscmbl}'• of the Allies was
ing his long sojourn ]fere and be had doorstep there were bundles of papers;
doe his duty as he saw it, endeavor- magazines and rags and it at tree
brought on early in the evening, those
taking Pap;t marching up fife 0entrr, li,, to follhw. ,in the footsteps of the became apparent that the people were
aisle and taking their places on the. Master •whom he loved. Now he has bound to make the effort a success,
platform. First came the general's of entered_ into nest, a rest -Which ino one At Hall past eight the heavily load -
the .different armies, flier soldiers in would grudge hie, eta (trays began to appear ,and soon
A family of three sons and two the depot for sloritig was one c;1 theuniform and carrying .the flags of the
different countries, Britain and her daughters survive : William L. of busiest plaCaa in t'oavn. Some mem-
allies and also her colonies and do- Fort William, Ralph IIs of netts hers of the W.P.S. were there and
pendencies being .rcpre aeritated.
TheP Aberdeen, South Dakota and Mrs. E• did fine wort. but they could hardly
came the rulers of the countries. G. Court -ice, Mrs. Wnn. Tiplady and have managed the bulks of the bus
l'liose representing Xing George and John Wade of Clinton, mess without the Help of Dental Wren
the Czar were particularly well got The tcntaf,is were brought to Cli'n- Nato, sympathizing with the cause,
ten, up, or perhaps it was because ton for interment, the funeral taking' -came and offered their services inch
Canadians are morefamiliar with
looked most, realistic with place from the Name. of Min L. G, Were gratefully accepted and the work
their appearance: They certainly Courticc yc�':er:clay altetnoon, The went on all day. Loads of boobs,
their close short service. at tine hese was tot- papers, ere, came in from the sur -
cropped 'beards and their reutatitable lowed by a Public service in Ontario rounding country also and when the
likeness; the Czar being somewhat the street street `eliureh, fire pastor, Rev, S. J. last load had been stored there was
taller of the two. ,Min; conducting in Rev, 1)r. Rut- sont.e • grossing: as to tyhether there
• Principal Bonk was marten of ter- ledge and 'Rev. E. G. Powell also as- was a, carload at not. As there
6 '
emcees and ins his opening address he sisted and the ahurob choir led in, the was a difference of opinion it was de -
pupil io t�helriglest terms of the singing. The pallbearers wer:e;':John tided not to slip until Saturcla}l of Summerhil1
pupils ol the Public sel'iso celieefare Gi,bbings, Hatrison�,. Wiltse, 'Levi next week and in the nietintinie any- (,,,,,
the close of the .performance lie; had Trick, Henry Plumsteel, Japes Cot- one at town or country who has not Mr. and Mrs. T. Mason scent Sun -
the mote reason to • be . proud.. or also Playnialiand A. J. ,Coartiee of Holmes_ oontributso,eclleaving imay sftlll'hleaunve a chance dayl the ghosts of Mrs. Mason's par
them, villa, After the simple but impressive to do o'bdles at the Bu
erns, Mr. and Mrs. W. J, MeBrien of
The Clinton orchestra gave several service the remains were conveyed to council .chamber any time before that East llet{
selections and.'ed the acet>nn- the quiet "Clod's acre":at the• edge date. The members of the W. P, S. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ball were vis-`
pat>antent los the several choruses on the town' and reverently .laid to 'wish to thank the following gentle-, icing with Gederich•iriends en SIM
by the school, rest, there to await the resurrection, tier for bit it assistance : ' Me$ n's. ilaly.
'Phe concert was a great, success and of the lune, May, Rathvi*ell, 'Tyndall, Tiplar)y, T. Mr. and Mlle W. Biggins visited'
principal,.teachers and pupils and: all cconl anied his Mason, Minis; Walker, Gooier, Was- with Colborne friends on nt clay.
who had dor and
to do in the pre- • Mi, W. L. Wade a P
paration for and carrying out of the father's remains fronice Font from Toronto O'Neiln McTagn'artl and and
also te. felssrs. , d Mr.
Mr. aiW.lF7rsMair
See ]3cultsdon
en -
program ,' are i,o, be lieaxtf131 congrat- and Mr. Dean Courts supplying treks, ' of Blytl. , '
ulated. Was here; for the funeral,
' sr
e NeWsReCQrI
Firs Ray Rumball will receive for
the first time since her marriage on
Tuesday afternoon next and after-
wards on the first ;Tuesday in the
Sunday was young people's day.
The pastor preached in the morning,
choosing an appropriate theme, the
Sunday 'school held their rally in the
afternoon with an open session and a
good attendance, and in the aiming
the Epworth League rally Was, held.
Rev. R., J. McCormick of IIa'nies-
villo, president ol the district E. L.,
had charge of the service and Rev. J.
l'. Knight cit Mensal] preaol•cid a stir-
ring sermon 011 "Citizenship," The
choir rendered special selections at
each s§rvice 'and in the evening Sirs.
T. Edgar least'sang a solo.
After. a `celP'le or se years; residence
in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Jos. 'Pown-
send leave'returned to Clinton anti
are again located' in their cottage
corner Ontario and' Kirk streets.
Sir. Henry Oalies of Goderioli town-
ship wishes to announce the engage-
ment of his yctfngest :daaughte: ,
Celist0 Gertrude, to Mr. George - A.
McVlbtie of IIuliett, the marriageto
take place about the middle of the
While returning •lroni the north on
Sunday evening last and •a anile or so
south of Listowel Mr, Otto Fink tan
into a big rail whicli had. been delib-
erately placed .across the ' roadway.
'Clic result was a serious break in his
car and were it not for the kindness
of Rev,.Mr• Lang -Ford on 1 istowel,
who drives: a similar make of. car and
replaced the broken part from leis
own Saxon, Mr. Fink would 'not Have
been able to get'hem tlia'b - night,
As it was 'it was far on the way to
midnight before tlte_liglits of Clin-
ton gladdened liis eyes. Rowdyism
s.tch as that of which. Mr. Fink was
the victim can not be tolerated and
it is up to the constables to locate
the guilty parties.
The delegates to dint con rent on at
Blyth oft' Tuesday were : Mrs. Allen,
Misses V,tatse, Levis, May, Potter,
lioltzbaver, Walker, Finch, (lraelis,
Judd anti Connell and Mr. Geo. Web-
ber, • -
At the League meeting on Monday
even'ng Miss Pearl Shipley gave a
recitation and all' took part an a
specially prepared responsive selec- felt.
tion. The pastor presided. The funeral on Saturday aftefnca,r:
1'S young people's rally service
!vas largely atletide:l, among those
on Sunday e-QncIU was well attended, from a distance wlio were present
The x ellen caddresed bac delivered
an excellent adciiess was delicereci by Inc the occasion being : Mrs, I rtat-
Mr. De Witt Covens on enee'.ty hart, Mrs. Il. - Win
Butler and Mrs. -
First," based on the words, Is the Collins, hlrathrot Mr. Giles Jen-
yowng manAbsalom safe." loins and slaughter, 'Liss :Lille, God -
Next Sunday eiening the pastor mach ; 'Mr. and Mrs. lin ('ole and
will Preach. on the sub,'set, "Fattier 'les, 19. Geddes, ]leigrate ; Sirs. 'Son." Communion will follole Robe, Shedden, Brussels Mot .1. G.
the public service of the, morning. Medd and 155'8. L. C'i'c:e, Clinton ;
Fellowship meeting at 'ten a.m.
Mr, James Webster, Toronto and Mr.
and Mrs. Jos_pb Acldisou, IBEucclield.
WILLIS CHURCH. The pallbearers were : Giles Jenkins,
7I. Lyon, Wm. Lyon, A. Jamipstm,
Nearly two hundred dollars were Wm. Brigham and lfim. Armstrong.
raised this last week. by four- the Mrs. James Webster and family 10-
Ibe WOousn's to the cHurcli, e Weey,.
tic. Vk .Missionary,
s Association, the Ween- sire to extend their sincere thanks to
en's Missionary• Society, bide (lass. the frimnds and neighbors lot the
Club and Covenant Bible Class. kindness and sympathy, shown them.
Thatis some areal work,
in blink bereavement.The uunister, Rev, Ile C„ Hawn
will have charge of both services of Bagfieid.
Sunda} next. In the evening Et.
Harper will begin a series of ser- On Sunday; next the Sacrament of
mons on, A Chain of Christian
Graces," 2 Peter 1. 'Phe subject cu, the Lord's Supper will be Sacrament of
be moi will be : ".Religion a cd by the Rev, A. Maetatlane in St.
administer -
Man's ,rob." Andrew's church,
The 1•lallowe'en social of the Coy- Mr. F. A. Edwards attended the
enant Bible Class given in the lecture: funeral of his cousin, .David IVloArtiiur,
room of Willie church on 141o11day ar-
enfng teas most. 'successful Iron every
point of view. 'Che pretty leoture
room was well tilled bp a large
gathering of Happy young people and
many older young people, too. Some
hadlowe'en contests and a good pro-
gram of snag, music and readings
were much en-oyed. The Sunday
school orche:itra ticomn played better ;
Miss Elsie Farquhar: sang as a Bodo,
"The Boys of Canada," Mr. C. 1).
1301101t gave a couple. of readings of
an inspiring natute ; Misses: Anica
Hill and. Jean Simpson suing) a• -duet
and Miss, Hatt.e Greig proved to be
a .good accompanlsle. Rev, F. U.
Harper was chairman. The proceeds
of the silver collection amounted to
about fourteen dollars. Tasty lual-
loyt'e'en refreshments and candy, were
enjoyed and the lieratty singing of
the national anthem brought the hap-
py gathering to a close: •
James Webster, : Pioneer of
Hullett, Crosses the• Bar.
On Thursday Morning last tie -
passed away at his bonne at
desboro one of fire most, plot
pioneers of Flullett township in
person .of James Webster, his a:
follawing an ,illness of some wee
The late Mr. - Webster was bora
Banflsi'nire, Scotland, and came to
this 'country when quite a yotthg man.
He stopped first at Whitby for a
time before coming to Mullett where
he, settled on Lot twenty-seven on
the eighteenth oonccssion. The coun-
try ivas then forest and lie had to
literally licw out a home to huu-
self but tinis he slid and made a sec-
cess of farming and of the raising of
Durham tattle, Aftett over 10513'
years on the farm he retired from its.
labors, settling in Lonclesboro about
twelve yea as ago.
Inc; is s•uvived hy his wife, who
was :Miss Alexandrina McKenzie', and
five of ifs six children : William om
the homestead, Joseph of the . 13th:
concession, James of Toronto and(
,Mrs. le. Saville of Clinton and 81150.
Isahell at home. His eldest; son,.
Alexander, died in 'Dakota about four-
teen years ago.' He is also survived
by four geandchildren, 50 nootlieers,
A. 1V. and \Vin. Webster of 'Wtnghani;'
and one sister, Mrs. George Addison
of Mullett.
Mr. Webster was a Presbyterian in
religion, "being a lifelong member of
Knox Church, Londesboro, and in
Polities a Liberal. He was an hon-
ourable, upright man and was of a
kindly, genial disposition, and was
highly esteenr.cd by all who know
Min. Being a kind and thoughtful
husband and father the loos in 1115
own family will Ire the more lieen11'
at London last week.
Rev, J. E. Jones administered the
Sacrament in the IVIethodist church
on Sunday morning last.
The directors 01 the Bay -11
cultural Society are prepare,
out all prize money awards
late Fair.-
air.Mr, George Cuttle of S'
guest of his 'cousin, Mr
Miss Alice Tippet o
Home on a visit.
Mrs. Logan, w•Ho" dpen
summer with her dein
Samuel Cleave, returned
Lake, Michigan, on TuesdaY•
The e Sterling 1Bank will give the
Varna branch a three clay service in-
stead of two.
Special services lot Heart snatching
will be held in the Methodist church
services of Newspapers, all week. Frei'. Mr. Sennett of •Benmiller will assist .Rappellad Mrs.
(From The Brantford Expositor,) the services.
Mr. Percy Wanless, who for someNev aeaeer publishes'', are as'eal to..tfine was at VictoriaB.C., and lat-
do what, is edicof no other calling. er at Dundee Ont,, is visiting at the
They are expectet d to give twice ; parental home.
as mdfvidua,ls to the various sub Mr. and Mrs. elastin sent Satnr-
sc1loli on list's for patriotic purposes day and Sunday with friends in Blyth_
which are publishers
, them, t Mr. John Reid, ;Jr. of a the Parr
and , put whit t by, givingm Line has 'baleen -a' l asitias in Iltamil-
•bbs .that Stitch is to diene ton and intends. moving to that city'
Hama -
the eti'ef support of Clic business shortly,which they conduct, Jnernalists are Mr: Join Uuncain of London,tv who,
willing to bear their fair share of the has been visiting his brother, has re_
common sacrifice, but they do not turned.lfcme.
expect that bbs> alone elbould be Mr. Spain:ow and his gain;;', of Hien
atttcad to make
double sacrifice, who have been building abutments, un-
der the big. Bannockburn bridle,. have
,completetI their, wenn,
g3rluCeflelti Mr. and Mrs., Allred Austin v isitett
over 5anday in bbs home of the•
Mr, Hair ,Little has purchased a. farriers brother near Biytb. Mr.
house in C.oderich. 31 is located on Ausbi 's brother' Thomas and wire'
Cameron street, is a new red brink, from Dawn, Missouri, are_ also visit-
M short a cosy looking residence: ing at the homestead to sea tlueio.
up, and lino, Chet about:th take mother, 81(5.' Thomas Aughin, vho is.
op their .shade there; about the tfr`'t 'old and failing in health, It is saves.
of next moth. years since Mr. 'Phomas Austin was,
home, but altogether he has reside&
at Dawn, Missouri, for the past thir-
ty-six years.noulPsonen
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