HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-10-28, Page 2G. D. McTAGGART M. D. McTAGGART cTagg Nl ark Bros.. BANKERS --- e GENERAL ERAli BAN1iiING BUST-- N -ESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED. ;INTERDST ,'-ALLOWED ON DE.-. POSITS. SALE NOTES TUB, CHASED: - II. T. R ONCE - NOTARY .PUBLIC, CONVEY'- NCER, FINANCIAL, REAL • ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT - TG 14 FIRE INSURANCE CFFICE, Fertilizer' We carry a Complete Stock of° Stpne's Natural Fertilizer., No better on the market. Hay We pay at all seasons the.liighee market prices for, Hay for 'baling. Seeds` American- Feed Corn, Red Clo- ver Alsike, Timothy and Alfalfa. � FORD .. McLEOD R CLINTON. ALL KINDS OF COAL WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on Band: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD lime 3 in• and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. oeeuped by ooper. um every Thursday, and on any day for which ap- pointments are made. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week -day. Mr. Hooper will make any appointments for Mr. Cameron. CHARLES '11. HALE. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licences HURON STREET, CLINTON ORS. GUNN do (;ANDIER Dr, W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr. J. 0. Gandier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. -Night calls at residence, Rattenbnry St., or at HospitaL /RTIC posit the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. DR. J. W. SHAW -OFFICE-. RATTENBURY ST. EAST., .--CLINTON DR. O. W. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit. able glasses 'prescribed. ()Ace and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St, DR. F. A. AXON - DENTIST - Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of, Chicago, and R.O,D.S., To- ronto. Bayfield on Mondays from May to December, GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. immediate arrangementscanbe made for Sale; Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by stilling Phone 13 on 157. Chargee moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. How' is Your Cutlery , r - Supply You know that Jewelry Store Cutlery is out of the com- mon class. At least, OURS is. It carries a distinctiveness - an air of superiority, that comes from being made with the greatest care and ut- moat skill from the highest - priced materials. If you can use some of this Cutlery in your home, you will be proud of it every time you see it on the table, Carvers, cased, $3,00 up. Knives, Forks and Spoons, $1.00 doz: up. Knives and Forks, steel, white handles, $3.00 doz. up. Let us show you our Cutlery line. Let us tell you more about why it is the most desirable that you can put your money. into. W. R. COUNTER JEWELER and ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES. FORTH KIDNEYS Pe• ps Your EYS are out of order. Make the doctor's test. Examine your urine, ,It should . be a light straw color tf.it :is •highly, • colored, reddish or deep orange if the odor:. is strong'. or unusual -if 'brick dust?Corn uceir is.' resent•,+look'to the kidne -s. They: are out df order... Get"GIN PILLS atone, and take • them regularly.: Rheumabsr, Sciatica,;L'umbago, "'pain in the back, groin or hips -all point to weakness in the kidney or bladder action, and the pressing ncces- -, sity for GIN nLLS. Gin Pills are; worth their weight in , gold because they drive these pains. cleanout of, the. system. 'They only cost 5o cents a box, with theabsolute. guarantee of satisfac tiouor your money r back. Six boxes for Ec.3o, or a free " treatment if you write to National Drug & Chemical a•Co., of Canada, Limited. Toronto - Ont. r4 NEWS-RECORO'S NEW CLUBBING RATES. FOR 1915 RUSSIANS GAIN NEW SUCCESSES KING CALLS UPON HIS a PEOPLE . TO COME FORWARD POR BRITAIN o:al 7VI'ati festo Asks for ,More and.'Yet More fien to Voiwnteer to S.cure Victory for Empire A despatch from London says': King•Georgehes "issued an appeal to his subjects 'to .comeafor'ward volun- • tarily and aid 'Great Britain, in her fight•against the Germanic allies. The message follows: "To fay people: At thisgrave mo- ment in the struggle between my peo- ple and a highly organized enemy, who has transgressed the Jaws of na- tions and changedathe ordinance that binds civilized Europe together„Isap- peal to- you. "I rejoice in my Empire's effort, fortstlhe-ss fffrsea efiro shrdludluu and I feel pride in the voluntary re- sponse from my subjects all over the world, who have sacrificed home and fortune and life itself in order that. They Deliver Fierce Strokes on Ger- man Centre and in Galicia. A despatch from London says: The Russians, taking advantage of the re- moval of German troops from other points on the front to reinforce Field Marshal von Hindenburg for his drive at Riga, which seems to have been checked, have been delivering some fierce strokes at the. German centre on the Styr and in Galicia. In all these they have had at least initial successes. - The latest offensive by the Russians was assumed north of Tarnopol, where the carrying of 'Austro -German positions gave the Russian soldiers nearly 8,000 prisoners,, two howitzers, and a number of machine guns. These prisoners, added to those taken near Baranovichi the day before, make a total of over 14,000 Austrians and Germans captured in two days. Reassuring Mother. Edmund had just begun to attend the public school, and had found a new friend, a child of whom Ed- mund's mother had never heard. "Who is this Walter?" she asked. "Is he a nice little boy?" "Yes, ma'am, he is!" replied Ed- mund enthusiastically. "Does he say any naughty words?" pursued his mother. "No,t" replied Edmund, with em- phasis, "and I'm not going • to teach him anyl" WEEKLIES.: News -Record and Man &. Empire 81 63 Newe-Record and: Globe Newe•Reeord and Family Herali and 1.88 Weekly Mar News -Record and Canadian16U. Countryman _. News -Record and Weekly sun 1.85 News -Record and. Farmer's Advocate . 5,0 Newe•Record and Farm & Dairy News -Record and Canadian Farm .... 1.83 Newe•Rccord and Weekly Witness 183 Newe-Record end Northern Messenger 1.60 News -Record 60News-Record and Free Press . 1.85 News -Record and Advertiser- 5.85 News -Record and Saturday •Nlght..5,50 Ncwe•Record and Youth's Companion 3:2i News -Record and Fruit Grower and 7.T3 Farmer . MONTHLIES. Newe-Record and Canadian Sports.�3 28 man . News -Record and Llppfneat a Maga 3.25 sloe : .....::. .......:: ..., DAILIES. Newa•Record and World ........„....,83,35 News -Record and Globe News -Record. and Mall & Hmplre' 380. Newe•Record and Advertisers . 2.85 News -Record and Morning Free Press 3,35 Newa•Record and Evening Free Presse 2:93 News•Record. and Toronto Star . 2.95 News -Record and Toronto Newe -.-. 2,95 IF what yon want Is not in this 11et let us know about it. We can supply yno at leas 'than It would cost you to Bond direct In remitting please do so by Poat•oalce Order Foetal Note, Express Order or Rea, lamed letter .and address, W. J. MITCHELL; Publisher News -Record The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company � Head once, Seaforth, Ont. DIILECTORY Officers: J. B. McLean. Seatonta, President; J. Con. - Wally, Goderieh, Vice•President They E. Hays. Seaforth. See.-Treas. Direotere. D. F. ` McGregor, Seaforth J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; Wm. Rinn, Sea. forth; John Bepnewere, Dublin: J Evans, Beechwood, A. McEwen, Brueefleld 3. R. McLean, Setforth; J. Connolly, Goderlch;, Robert, Persia, Harlock, Seaforth; W. Agente: Ed. Hinckley, Chesney,. Egmondvillet J. ,W. Yeo, Haan". vibe; Alex Leitch. Clinton; R. S. Jar• muth, Brodhagen, --- Any money to be veld Ln may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at Mitt's Grocery, Goderloh. Parties desirous to &feet' insurance or transact tended tohon appication'to any promptly above officers addressed to their reepoot- sve post -offices. Losses Inspeotod by the director who lives nearest the coone. -TIME TABLE.-- Trains ABLE.-Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICII DSV. Going East, depart 7.33 a.m. to 44„ 3.03 p.m. •cc , " ,c 5.15 mm. Going West, ar. 11.00, dp. 11.07 a,m. " depart 1.85 p.m. " ar 6.82, dp. 6.45 p.m. " • departs 11.18 p.m. If ar another.riiay not tnhefat'the free Em- pire which: their ancestors and mine have^.bu11t :I:':ask • you"to . make, ;good these sacri$ces. "The end is riot in sight. More men', and yet more, are wanted to keep my armies in the field, and through them to secure victory and,;, an enduring peace. In ancient days the darkest moment has ever produced in men of our race the sternest resolve. I ask you,.: mento$ all •.classesa to come• for- ward voluntarily and take your share in these fights. "Iri freely responding to my appeal you will be ,giving your support to our brothers who for long months have nobly upheld Great Britain's past traditions and the glory of her arms." HEALTH A Few Don'ts. • Don't poison, yourself , with tainted air by staying in poorly 'ventilated,/ overheated, crowded, foul-smelling places. Fresh air does not cause 'neumonia or any other disease,; hit is neta8sary thsitatif, in win- ter as well as in summer. Don't injure your health and•lower your vitality by over -eating,• or ex- cesses of any kind. Good general health, maintained at a high stan- dard by right living, is the best pos- sible safeguard against pneumonia or any other germ disease. Don't indulge to -excess in alco- holic liquors. Those who become ad- dicted to alcohol reduce their resist- ance to pneumonia and increase the liability of death from it. Don't sleep with the bedroom win- dows closed. Night air is purer than day air; ' it contains less dust and fewer germs. Don't permit direct draughts to blow on you, whether in bed or not. Don't sit around with wet feet or in wet clothing. Don't permit anyone who has pneumonia to pass it on to you. Treat pneumonia as a "catching" disease. CLINTON, ONTARIO - LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV.' Going South, ar. 7.33, dp. 8.05p.m. departs 4.15 p.m, Going North, ar. 10.30, dp. 11.00 a.m. " " departs 6,40 p.m.. Clinton News -Record Of British peers of the realm no fewer than 177 are, or have been, serving in his Majesty's forces during the war. Spinach was introduced into Eng- land in the reign of Queen Eliza- beth, as also was the cucumber, whilst celery was introduced to Eng- lish tables by a French prisoner in 1704. There is a Cold Day .Coming CLINTON, - ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1 per year, in advance; $1,50 may be charged if not act paid. ko paper diaeon• tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the pub licher. The date to which every subscription is paid is, denoted oe the label. • Advertising Rates -- Transient ad.. vertisements, 10 cents per :non- pareil line for first insertion and 4 cents per line for each subse. quent insertion. Small advertise- ments not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed,", oe "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 85 cents, and each subsequent in. eertion 10 cents. Communications intended for pub• lication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, 'Editor and Proprietor.; Whr not prepare for it by ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley Coal. Nona better in the world. Hone l'hone l2. Office Phone 40. A. J. HOLLOWAY • THE CHILDREN OF TO DAY jnst as they are -in their io• door play, or at their eitdoor play -they are constantly ttf• tering temptations for the OperAlki( i.et r[ kepi, them Gar vin' 5' they ere not, Let it lies?p many uth-r ha'e penings that are n n..ur oe. pleasure to you.; R1lOWVNII:S, $22 PO $121 KOI)AiiS, $i '1'0 $25.. Also full stock of Films anti Supplies. We do Developing and Printing. Remember the place: T H rAt.Lr8 O. E replaced by another -so if there is nobody to love try gardening, a course of instructive reading, charity work. Anything that takes, you out of yourself, as 'the saying is, is re- juvenating. Keep young inside, for it is. the • • slump' of the spirit. that; brings the first marks of age. RED CROSS NEWS. Salvation Army has already pro- vided the Red Cross in England .with e'l tt iinotba a.hliuiatices and three motor lorries, each manned by Sal- vationists. Scottish women, have -given an. X- ray motor ambulance for use in con- nection with Red Cross work in France. It cost £1,000 and represents the last word in the science of radio- graphy. It was equipped under the personal supervision of Mme. Curie, the noted French scientist. German War Office has a regula- tion.which provides for the detention of prisoners' letters for a period of ten days. This accounts for some of the complaints of non-delivery which have been made. Turkish prisoners taken by the French at the Dardanelles are con- centrated in one of the Aegean is- lands. They are allowed to write to their families, but the Turkish Gov- ernment so far have made no ar- rangement for a postal entente. The French have overcome the difficulty by dropping the prisoners' .corres- pondence over the Turkish lines by aeroplanes. A Linseed Poultice. Swiss Red Cross has affected the exchange up to date of 8,800 French ing to hear both sides of a question? Heat is the great object of a lin- and German soldiers who are incapa- Kimmons-Not unless you let him seed poultice, so heat everything con- citated for further service. This do all the talking. ettria:,,laaae' ESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, OCTOBER 31. EVERYBODY NEEDS PURE, RICH BLOOD 11 Pure blood enables the stpmaclj, liver and other digestive organs to do their work properly.,' Without it alley are sluggish, there is' loss of appetite, Lesson V. -The Boy roach Crowned , fometimee faintness, a deranged state of the intestines, and, in •general, all, tete symptoms of dyspepsia. Pure blood is emit -tired by every organ of the belly :for the proper per- fol5rtancet'of.its •iunaliens. I4S d's Sarsapaina makes pure blood, and this is why it -.- is so sue-',- cessful in the treatment of so many diseases and ailments. Its acts di- rectly on the blood, ridding it of, scrofulous and other bunions. It is a peculiar combination of blood -puri- fying, ,nerve -toning, strength -giving substances. Get it today. King, 2 Kings 11. 1.20. Golden Text: Prov. 14. 11.• I Jehoiada•'the Priest, Pledges the • Soldiers, to Fealty (Verses 4-8). ' Verse 4. Fetched the captains over hundreds-Theusual 'sub -division (see D'eut. 1. 15a Exod. 18. 21, 25; and es- pecially 1 Sam. 8. 12; 22. 7; 2 Sam. 18. 1j. Of the Carnes and of the guard-- This word is• used only hereand in verse 19 sand in 2' Sam: 20. 28. In 2 Sam. the reading is "Cherethites."' The marginal reading here is "execu- tioners." The Caeites'•were a particu- lar sort of military bodyguard. 5. He commanded them-Jehoiada wanted, first, to protect the young prince's life and, secondly, to guard the. palace. Athaliah would have at the French army authorities and will tempted to take the life of Joash had shortly leave for the front:.( she known he was alive; and the Their main utility will be to insure troops of Athaliah might attack, the, the health of the soldiers fighting in king's party. Hence the particularity the trenches or resting. in the canton- 6.of the priest's orders.' ments. The chemists attached to each Atthe gate Sur -Then gate3of laboratory will analyze the water the thethe foundationaeehi(send theCgun 23.5)• soldiers drink and the foodstuff At the gate behindswift runners brought to them so as to insure their guard here means the swift runners perfect purity. They will also con- tvhowere ]rept very near the ,royal' rof the disinfection of the front line palace.. If thhy wase favorable ry trenches whenever that is possible. Athaliah, in this case, it was very A secondary phase of their activi- of ire ary to. have a .special company- ties from' which; however, much is of men at hand to, Beep them in cheek. 'a. he that cometh wfthiit`the rankle=xpected, will be the analysis of new -See 2 Chron. 23. 7. German methods of attacking by gas II. Joash Is Crowned I{ing bombs, liquid fire or gas clouds. Each laboratory has attached to it (Verses 9-12). • • either a skdoctor or an expert 9. to all that Jehoia analytical chemist illed with trained labor- da theDid priestaccording commanded:=Jehoixda atory assistants. was "the prime mover," and so care- ---e.-- fully had he prepa'Ied the movements What It Was. that both the priestly and military Willis -The last time I was here guards carried the plan into success- ful execution without any confusion. you 10. The spears and shields that had mark which you found on the wall. been king David's -Those David took Did you solve it? - in war from his enemies. This was Gillis -Yes. It is evidently the the custom of using captured war place where the rain coming in from implements (see 1 Sam. 21. 9; 2 Sam. the roof meets the water leaking up 8. 7). from the cellar. 12. The king's son -He was so de- signated to indicate that he was the An Eye to Business. rightful heir. The Insolvent -Tell me; is it a Gave him the testimony -A part of crime to be poor? the law of Moses (see Exod. 16. 34; The Lawyer -Not in this state, 25. 16, 21). This was in token of his sir: The charge for my opinion on authority (see Deut. 17. 18, 19). the subject is five dollars. Pay my Clapped their hands -See Psa. 47. clerk and go out quietly. 1; 98. 8 TO PROTECT TROOPS. French Army to Have 200. Travelling Laboratories. Two hundred travelling toxicologi- cal laboratories have been 'formed by 1'"I'm trying to get back to my poor Could Handle Both Sides. old mother," whined the tramp. "She Simmons -Isn't Barker always will- ain't seen me face for ton long year's." "I believe you're speaking the truth," muttered the old gentleman. "Why don't you give it a wash." meted with it. While the water is movement has been temporarily stop- boiling put your basin and plates in ped owing to difficulties raised by the German Government. Henrie Durant, the Swiss gentle- man who founded the international in your. basin, then shake in your lin-' Red Cross, after giving his fortune to seed meal quickly, stirring with a the -organization, lived in great power knife until you have a smooth paste; your knife is then ready for spad- ing. Empty the poultice on to a piece of Women of Dover, England, have warm rag and spread quickly and contributed over a thousand gifts of evenly all over within an inch of the Jewellery, much of it valuable;. to a edges, which fold over to prevent it special War Anniversary Fund for coining out. Wrap over a singlethe Red Cross. thickness of loose butter muslin. • I In -a report on the prisoners' camps Now place between the two hot in Germany made by members of the plates while you take it to the patient. ! American Embassy at the request of Test its heat on your face -when you Sir Edward. Grey, it is stated that can bear it, apply immediately, Canadian officers interned at Bis - where ordered -no good purpose is chofswerda have complained that served by applying a poultice too when they were 'transferred from the hot. I front they were: compelled to travel Children are often difficult to poul- with Algerian black troops. tice but the trouble may generally be'' Every English post -office is now a; overcome if you run some olive oil collecting depot for books and maga- over the part that is going next the sines to be distributed to the soldiers skin, the oven and warns some rags -linen for preference. When the water boils, pour spine ty and obscurity until, in 1901, he received from the Swedish Govern- ment the first Nobel Peace Prize. and sailors. There is no need to pay postage or to wrap and address the Health Hints. parcel. By this means there has been Pepper -a teaspoonful in half a cup secured a large supply of reading of, water -is a good remedy for material, of which there is a constant diarrheeo, no food tobe taken for hour afterwards. • an need.; The London Moaning Post, speaking of No. 2 Canadian Stationary Hospi An exercise that acts as a check to stooping or as an antidote to the in- tal-an establishment with 500 beds, states that it is a palace. It' has a - effects of the habit, is to walk about great domed entrance hall, fine stair for ten minutes at a time with the cases and galleries and vast salons; which give it great exterior magnifi- cence. In details of organization and Mistress efficiency it is said that it could scarcely be improved upon. head up and hands clasped behind the back. Mahogany furniture and hardwood trimmings can be polished beautifully by rubbing repeatedly with a mixture of linseed oil and turpentine, . in the proportion of two of the former to one of the latter. The mixture "feeds" the wood and brings out all its best qualities: When a cramp comes on take a good long string -a garter will do- He once: refused an invitation as fol - wind it round the leg over the place lows: that is affected and take the end "Mr. Arthur Blanks declines with, each hand and give it a sharp pull. pleasure Mrs: Wood's invitation for one that will cause a little pain. In- the 19th,, and thanks her extremely " stantly, the cramp will depart, and for having given him the opportunity the sufferer can return to bed assur- of doing so." ed it will not come again that night. Through Strife. When one begins to grow okl, at least ,in years, pleasant and cheering Oldbach="Marriage must be a thoughts, which are in themselves the happy state -hand in hand' through best of medicine,. must replace life-" gloomy, hopeless ways of thinking. Longwod-"Not' hand in hand Ever y interest that departs must be hand to hand." In Society. Arthur was very proud of his Old World manners„ and never ,• lost an opportunity of displaying his knowl- edge of the ways of refined society. FRENCH ARTILLERY PREVENTS ASSEMBLING OF THE ENEMY Germans Planned an' Attack in Force in Belgium But Were Stopped by Allied duns A despatch from Paris says: The Germans attempted an attack against the French lines east and south-west of Givenchy, but were repulsed. An- other attempt was made by them with no more success in the valley of the Souchez stream. Friday they pre- pared for an onslaught in the envi- rons of Lombaertzyde, Belgium, with the usual preliminary artillery fire., On this occasion the French artillery dispersed the enemy before he had completed the assembling of his troops for the attack. i �uBA`iC iOSANDS ARE IN LEADING LEAN CITIES Riots of Daily O-currertct as a Result of Shor:age, and Ever.-Increasina•,Prtce• of Food Products A despatch from New York says:, articles of diet is acutely felt, alcor In spite of the offlbial assurance of the German Government that it is able to cope with all problems grow- ing out, of a shortage of food supplies, neutral 'travellers returning from Germany is most serious, and that while the Kaiser's armies are fighting the leading powers C of Europe, the Germans .at home are experiencing very bitter suffering as a result of. the .ever-increasing Mice of food pro - duets. The shortage in necessarY ding to these traveller's, throug tou the empire; and riots of grave pro- portions are occurring in the leading cities. These statements are borne out be the German newspapers, which have been permitted to publish accounts of the scenes in the markets. confined to The food shortage is not co Berlin, According to the Tegeblatt, the commissariat, arrangements to supply the German troops at Galli- poli have broken down hopelessly. In a protracted artillery duel in Champagne the French guns succeed- ed in silencing a very violent cannon- ade directed against the French lines in the vicinity of Tahure, Massiges, La Harazee and Le Four de Paris. Efficient work of the French guns also is noted in repressing German artillery attacks to the east of the Butte de Mesnil and in the vicinity of Ville-sur-Tourbe. The German aviation grounds at Ounal, between the Argonne and the Meuse, have been bombarded by a French aeroplane squadron. Vrittittito Those clean - smelling, fleecy blankets - those immaculate shoots, towels and dazzling linens -owe the very essence; of their cleanliness to Sunlight Soap'. Ono cake of Sunlight is easily equal to half of a woman's labor at the wash tub. Saves all the rub and wear, and not the slight- est injury to hands or fabric. Allthis because Sunlight is all pure soap -a $5000 guarantee backs this state- ment. Try Sunlight Today FOLLOW C. DIRECTIONS id8,t ,,t q;T,tegi::&w::•+^,..z.,�lX'+b'f Atftk'cYr2:0.3s'S 1nT There isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, side headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, ete., if he or she will take Chamberlain's Stomach.tnd Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the. whole system. Take one at,• night and you're RIGI-IT in the morning, All drugeids, 25e, or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 16 v .^j'., , ,n ,.styyw_ . t ; 2z .'n"r•:� :. TRO v' e,:• ^C_•z:di_k `fit ,•:�r:let•is.,.o.�lazr�� ,:fit � s�fr L� �,+