HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-10-21, Page 8Clinton News -Record October 21st, 1915. Jackson Falb Style Show S' OUIRCHOICE LINES OF FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR ARE READY We invite an inspection of the Season's,Newest and Best of Shoes for Men, W6rnen and .Children—the Choicest Shoes and the Best Values the Country's Best Maker's produce Come to seewhat we are showing in Footwear for . the Fall and Winter Season ! It will affordusgreat,pieasure to have an oppoi tunity of showing you the,manyrstyles I Our expert Shoe Service is always at your coni- roand and we solicit your consideration FRED. JACKSON OThe Good Shoes Store. 1 Better School Shoes I Does. Your Boy Need New Shoes? If he does let him try a pair of our boy's heavy solid leather school shoes, They will notdisappoint you in wear and are very moderately priced. We are also showing a special line ef girl's shoes which cannot be squalled in town. Try a pair, they are the best value your money can buy. Men's and Boy's Clothing. • Our stock of ready-to-wear clothing is now very complete. We have men's tweed and worsted suits from $6.50 to $15,00 and'.black and blue serge suits from $1U to $18, Boy's Suits:From $2.50 Up. Boy's Pants from 50c to $1,50 per pair, Men's Odd Pants from $1.50 to $4.50 per pair. Having placed our orders for our clothing before there was any decided advance in woollens we have all our clothing at about old prices, Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits More Business OUR SPECIALTIES. Singer Sewing Machines. IL is not necessary for us to say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for themselves. They are without a doubt the beat household machine made. Ityou contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over with ns. Ostermoor Mattresses are, good. mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15. Domestic 'Vacuum Cleaners. Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a week you will save all your sweeping and dusting. Free trial given. Price $12,50, Columbia Grafonolas. We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma- chine you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we will play it for you. Bali & Atkinson S Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store. Phone 104. N. BALL Phone 110, J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 186 1 seasonable Goods. Stoves s and Ranges. Stove Boards, Oil Cloths, • Coal Scuttles, Cinder Sifters, Etc, Brantford RubberOOfin g—mansion, grades, suitable for a R mansion, chicken house or hug pen, " We have a high grade roofing paint same price as the ordin- ary. A good time now to prepare you! roofs for the bad weather. Dr. HP,SS s , Stock Food, Poultry Panacea, Instant Louse Killer,: 17t.e. Sherwiipaints, varnishes, stains, etc, white nmWil•lfams, leada and linseed oil. Rifles, Guns and Aunmunitton. Willow and Wire Root Baskets.' Charcoal, two bags for 25 cents. Dustbane in barrels, half barrels and cans. HARAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES STANDARD FASHION BOOK 1 9 1 .o.. , New. Fitted Coats. . which have full flared }ups Norfolk and Sports Coats Nipped Waistline in Coats and Dresses Smocked, Shirred, Tucked' and Gathered Dresses Princess Dresses in various styles and Jumper Skirts are the latest, up-to-date features, and together with many other beautiful styles will be shown in. the • STANDARD 'FASHION BOOK For Autumn With each copy you get any Standard Pattern FREE 20 CENTS AT THE PATTERN COUNTER W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest Always the Best. p, „r•a p sl t Sauna a h.. Miss Carrie Steep has taken a posi- tion in Toronto. Rev. Mr. Chambers of Newark, N.J., visited Mr. and Mrs, D. N. Watson last week. Mrs. Clara Rumball has returned frau a visit with her sister, Mrs. Cornell of Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Anna Jenkins lett Saturday for Toronto where stn will spend sev- eral weeks with her brother, AIr. J. 1. Jenkins, Mrs. L. Lavis of Wingham and her children were guests fora few days last week at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Shipley. 3,VIr, .and Mrs, W. Jackson and Dr, and Mrs. Shaw left Friday for Denver, Col., to attend a 'ticket Sellers' Association convention. They will be absent a week or more Messrs, David. Steep and John Far- quhar were on Goderich on Sunday visiting their sister, Mrs, Chas. C'opp. They were accompanied by Earl Steep. Rev. Frank 0, Harper returned Sat- urday from spending a few days in Toronto and at Hillsdale, the par- ental home of Mrs. Harper where her father lies critically ill. Mr. and Mrs. Burdette and their two little sons, Goderich, were in town on Tuesday attenuing the S.S. con- vention, Mr. Burdette is the mech- anical superintendent of the Signal. Lieut -Col. Sutherland, who will ad- dress the patriotic meeting in the town hall this evening will, while in town, be the guest of Mr, and Mm. H. P•. Paull, who are old friends of his. Mr. A. Scotehmet of Godericii visited during the past week with his daughter, Mrs. ,1. Townshend of the Base Line, Mr. Scotchmer litres to get bank among his old friends in and about Clinton. Miss Bessie Porter, who was one of the passengers on the Arabic which was torpedoed by the Germans, and who went back to her sister's lionme in England, intends sailing for Canada about Oct, 27th, Mr. Chas, Shaw, formerly of Clinton, canoe over. from New York City_ last. week to join his wife, who had been for ssteral weeks a guest at the home of her aunt, Ilirs. T. Jackson, Sr,, ane? who accompanied hien home, Mr. Thos. Stewart of Bluevale accom- panied by his son William, his daughter Mary, and his brother, Dr. Stewart of Toronto were in town on Monday on their: way to Lon - dont where Miss Stewart underwent an operation m the hospital on Tuesday. Mr, John Parker of Stratford • is spending a few days in town with his sisters, Miss Parker. and Mrs. Dodsworth. Ile recently hail a.tnild- attack of typhoid and has not yet fully recovered 11:otit the effect's thereof, but it is expected that a short stay in a town When the water: can het drunk without 'boiling will fix trim up, Mr. T. Cooper, son of Mr, H. 5. Cooper of IIelena, Montana, was in town on Saturday for a few -hours visiting his aunts, Mrs. A. J. Mor- ris~, and Miss Minnie Cooper, and other friends. Mr. Cooper repa:e- scuts a!' wholesale lroiise and takes a trip to New York each autumn and front there ran aver''te spend a few ]tours with .his relatives here. Mr. Dean Cour:tice, son *of at •. Mr, rd Mrs. le. C'onrtice, who holds a teeponsible position in the "water- works department of the city of Toronto, has found e opo for his musical abilities by ,joining tine ehr, r of Trinity Methodist church. Ile is the third native of:Clinton to 'he come a, plomber' 'of this choir, the others being Eddie Sheppard and Miss Sadie hneti It ad e Ho has a morn bership of fifty, being one of the largest. -hi the elty, with twelve paid singers among its :members, and its annual enol to the r4iurch, including the salary of the organist, is -nearly $8,OC9. are A [Special Feature of our Dress Goods Stock We have them in Black and Indigo in Worsted Serge Cheviot Vicuna Priced from $2.75 to $4.75 yard. A list of New Fall Mer- chandise. That Fills. Our Store Today ALL OF IT IS NEW New Silks New Suitings New Dress Goods New Coatings New Coats New Furs New Waists New Neckwear Attractive! Women all over the world this Fall will be buying i Diss COoDs for their Fall Suits. Priestleys' Dress Goods have stood the test for more than a generation. Made of the finest grades of silk and wool. Blacks and Blues have come back and you will find them in the fashionable styles this fall. Buy early •while our. assortment is still complete. Among the most popular lines this season:— Parma Poplin, Wool Andaline, Double Gabroon; Poplin Royal, Crepando Cloth, Silk and Wool Crepene. ALL OF IT IS GOOD New Buttons New New Galateas New New Cambrics New New Shirtings New New Ducks and Drills New New Repps and Piques New Sheetings, Cotton, Linen New New Blankets New ALL OF IT IS REASONABLY PRICED Linens Towels Towelings Aprons Draperies Ribbons Velvets Knitted Goods New Gloves New Hosiery New Corsets New Laces New Embroideries New Underwear Ne v Raincoats New Unbrellas Women's Store Men's Store Dry Goods andrtowN, IV.lerchant Tailoring and House Furnishings Men's Furnishings Phone 67. Phone 103, Personals. hIrs, McGill of Chesley 13 visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Axon of town. Mr, I-1, I). IIcIstrop, M'eaford, has joined the local branch of the Mol - sons as ledger keeper, Mr. Mountcastle of Dundalk visited his sisters, the Misses Mountcastle, for a few days last week. Mrs. J, E. Brooks of Mitchell was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cantelon, for a couple of days last week. Mrs, Bartholomew, who has been vis- iting with her daughter, Mrs. H. E. Paull,, left on Tuesday to visit friends in Kincardine. Mr. Robt. Gardner, late e,8 Hamilton, son of Mrs. Gardner of town, has rented a house on Dowling Ave., Toronto, where he will reside. Miss Lillian Dandier, who lies been a guest at the home of her brother, Dr, J. C. (randier, for 'the past fortnight, returned to her Home at Newbury on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. I1. B. Chant were at Unionville last week attending the funeral of the former's father, who was over eighty.. years of age and who had been ill for several months, Miss 11. 1. Graham of Seafotth, who was one of the speakers at the Sunday school convention held in Clinton on Tuesday., has been the guest dor a few days this week of Miss Kate McTaggart. Miss Eva Stevenson, who is spent's:rig a few weeks wilt her tester, Mrs, J. Cuninghame, has just returned from a three months' trip to Cali- fornia, visiting her brotlfer, Mr. J. C. Stevenson: at Alameda, and many friends in varices .parts and also taking in the Panama Enposi icon at San VI:auciab. Mr. Ernest Iizard is up from TC,acn- to visiting at the oldhomes,tea,l on the 14th 0011. Goderich township, IIis father, ,Mr. Jos Irzard ' is ill the many friends of the family hereabouts will regret to lear:n. Next; week Mr._Ernest Izzatd leaves for Monti:eal to take charge ., of a store to be established there by the firm with which he has been asSoci succi for several years. Mr. Iddo Crich returned on 3aterr"iyy froin Saskatchewan where he :V.,81.311 - ed in the harvesting and threshing. He says that undoubtedly the yield was big but thiol; the coutinueli rains since the witting have played the mischief generally in lowering the grade and adding very muds. to the cost of the threshi'rg. While Mi. Crich enjoyed' his prairie ex- perience fie did not contract • the western fever and Ontario, partic- ularly this portiou of it, looics better than ever to him, London ROad Mrs. I. Dodd • of Clinton s cut the forepart of this week with Ian: daughter,,' Mrs. G. W. Layton. The E. L. will be held at. Mr. John Ashton'g on Tuesday evening next, Holmesville Mr. Eldrid Yeo and bride arrived home on Monday evening on the euv- en train after a honeymoon spent in Hamilton and Toronto. SIrs, Yeo was a former Holntcsville• girl, being the daughter of Rev, Tilos, J. Snow- don, formerly pastor of the Methodist church here. We welcome the young couple and extend to thein best wishes and heartiest congratulations. Sunday, October 31st, will be ob- served Here as Epworth League Rally Day. The Epworth League choir will lead the singing at the morning ser- vice and the pastor will speak. In the evening. Rev. Dr. Rutledge of Clinton will preach. The Brotherhood 10 connection with the Methodist Church met on Monday evening and made arrangements for the observation of "Men's Day" when a large choir of oven will sing. On the following Monday evening the an- nual dinner will be Served and the proceeds given to the British Red Cross Society. The men are en- deavoring to secure the finest musical talent for the occasion. On WcAiosday, 'evening of last week the niembors of the Women's Patriotic Society served a hot supper to between fifty and sixty young peo- ple from Clinton, It was the inten- tion of 1lie young 'people to walk out but the evening turning out wet they were unable to do so but nothing daunted, they secured inoc'rs of travel and.came out for the sapper wliicii the ladies had prepared. It was a good Supper, was thoroughly enjoyed ann as a conseipiciice of the gathering,. the ladies had a nice little sum to add to, the treasury of their society: Stapleton. To celebrate 31e eighth anniversary of her birthday little Miss Clare Steep invited hi a number of her young fiends Tuesday evening and in partaking cif the dainty supper pro- vided by Mrs. Steep and in music and games everyone present liad 'a real merry time. '11v3 guests before de- parting wished their . hostess many Happy Returns of the 1)ay. Goderich Township Aar, and Mrs, John Jamieson and Mr. and Mrs. i-Iarvey Janlains desire to thank the School of Commerce anti the memo trrends:for their, kinchteds'i3O then ,in the ;Lurie if thbir:• sad heir-. 7,he?death ocetirred cit Sunday of Mrs. George W. ,Sturdy- of the 8tt concession after an operation, for ap- pendicitis. The deceased lady, who. was in her sixty-second year, was formerly Miss 'Elizabeth Routledge. She is Surv it ed by her husband and e t h nd 31x sons two Howard, and Reginald,,. at home and four in the west The funeral t:iolc place to Colhorne eleiil- etery, Good Morning 1 Are yon a News - Record Subsoriber 7 - The News From Londesboro, Several cars of sugar beets were shipped front this station this week. MM. D. McGill, of Blyth spent the week -end as the guest ed IVliss Scott, and Miss 0, McGill visited with Miss Ivy Roberton. Mr, and Mrs, John Brigham of Blyth spent • Sunday at the home of Mr. ']hos, Millet. Mrs. Chidley and Miss E. C'hidley of Clinton spent the week -end . as the guests of Miss S. Barr. Mrs. Stalker is spending a few days with Auburn friends. Mrs, H. McGill of Aubutn spent a few days this week at the home of Mr., and Mrs, D. Geddes. Miss F aneic ,Jackson of Clinton was, the guest' over the week -end of Miss L. Vodden, Rev, C. C. •and Mrs. Keine were in Clinton on 'Tuesday attending the Centre Huron Sunday school conven- tion: - Wingham Mr. A. J. Alderson, who is moving to Hamilton, was presented by the St, Paul's Sunday nchoo1 of which he wa's superintendent, with a hams• some suitcase, Mr. and Mrs, John Menzies and Mrs, John Cochrane and son have returned home, after a few weeks spent wi di friends 111 the west, , Hullett Township( blr. Albert Townshend of the Base• Line lost a • valuable mare on Tues- day. Pte, Rohl. Anderson in training al. Carling Heights with the 71st Batt. spent over the week -end with Mullett, and Clinton friends. ^ Messrs, Ernest and Will Townshend were cveek-end guess with Staaicy township friends, Miss Eleanor Townshend has been visiting friends in Stanley township this week and took in the :ripper at Turner's church on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Qiilgley and Master T. J. ,visited Hullett l.o vuship friends on Sunday. Wingham Mrs, Kent of Brantford has been vie- iting heir sisters, Mrs..Engene McDon- ald of town and Hors, Chas, Elliott,, of the Blucvale Road. Mrs, William Blanchard was another old resident wisp was Galled to her re- ward last week, She had been a resi- dent of this district since 1876, Mr. J, A. Allen has bean transfer- red from the local branch of the Dom- inion Dank to the Seafortit branch. Mrs. A, McGillivray was in Detroit. for a few days reeentl31 visiting her son, W RtJ1BERS! For Everybody. Every man, woman, boy or girl should have a pair of good rubbers at this season of the year. Wet feet always travel the road that leads to the hospital, and it is quite often a short trip, We've the best rubbers lnade we sell no other sort, forpoor`, b ' 1 rubbers bels are worse than. ] o rubbers at all. All the new shapes and heels.necessaryto fit the newstyles p s y es of tall shoesare to be found at our store. We fit your shoes with sort of rubbers that are Just Right in style and price. S. CHAPMAN PaoNa 70