HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-10-21, Page 7PALE, FEEBLE GIRLS
Weakness Generally Comes oii
as Womanhood
Girls upon the threshold of w
heed often drift into a decline in
of all care and attention. How
one sees girls who have been s
and lively become suddenly wea
pressed, irritable and listless.
the dawn of womanhood—a cri
- the life of every girl—and In
meastrek should be taken to kee
blood pure and rich with the re
of health. If the blood is not he
at this critical stage the body is
ened and grave disorders follow.
WilliamsPink Pills have saved
sands of young girls from what
have been life-long invalidism o
early death. They are a blood-bu
of unequaled' richness, strength
weak nerves and producing a li
supply of red, healthy . blood w
every girl needs to sustain
strength. Dr. Williams' Pink
have proved their great value
and oyer again to young w
whose health was felling. Miss
Me Duffield, Eramosa Ont., say
"It gives me great pleasure to
you what Dr. Williams' Pink
have done for me. When I was
preaching the age of womanho
suffered greatly from bloodless
or anaemia. My work was a dra
me, I .had no appetite and never
rested in the mornings. I e
scarcely walk for five minutes
time without taking a rest. I
troubled with severe headaches
things looked gloomy indeed,
tored for a long time and got
little, if any, benefit. / was adv
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
did so, and after taking them fo
time, felt better. I continued tak
the Pills until I had used sixbe
when I felt like a new person,
was again enjoying splendid hea
I vvould strongly advise any girl
Is weak or run down to try Dr.
Hams' Pink Pills."
You can get these Obi from
dealer in medicines or by mail at
cents a box or six boxes for S2
from The Dr, Williams' Medicine
Brockville, Ont.
One Yorkshire Mill's Contribution
War Office Weekly.
The chief argument advanced
the enemies of compulsory mitita
service is the danger of crippling
essential trades of Cleat Britain, a
particularly the industries engaged
the manufacture of, war material.
Idea of the tremendous scale on whi
war equipment of every descripti
is being manufactured in Great B
tain is found in statistics relating
the textile industries in Leeds a
other Yorkshire towns where mil
• big and small, are working night a
day to turn out huge quantities
khaki cloth not only for the Briti
troops but for those of the eines
well. The belligerent troops are no
taking to wearing khaki and the oth
•allies are evidently doing the sam
-r•g4 for French, Russian and Italian off
cm; are often seen wearing kha
uniforms of the regulation type.
In one big mill in Yorkshire 2,00
miles of Khaki, about fifty-six inche
wide, is being woven, dyed and tur
• ed into 200,000 complete suits for so
fliers in a week.. When the war star
ed how and where to get khaki an
tailors to make it up into garment
quickly enough to keep pace with re
mmiting and needs of the forces in th
• field was almost as serious a problem
•• as that of inducing men to enlis
Both these problems, however, wer
solved with equal rapidity.
Royal Economy Not New.
The strict economy which the Bei
tish Xing and Queen have exercise
• in the royal household as an exampI
to the nation since the war began i
no new thing in the present dynasty
Strange as it may seem, Queen Vic
toria was more extravagant in th
royal menage than either her son
Xing' Edward, or her grandson, King
• When Teacher Has the Habit.
"Est is best, and best will ever
• live." When a person feels this way
about Postum they are glad to give
testimony for the benefit of others.
A school teacher writes: "I had
been a coffee drinker since my child-
• hood, and the last few years it had
• injured me seriously." (Tea produces
about the same effects as coffee, be-
cause they both contain the drugs,
caffeine and tannin).
"One cup of coffee taken at break-
fast would cause me to become so
nervous that I could scarcely go
through with the day's duties, and
this nervousness Was often accom-
panied by deep depression of spirits
and heart palpitation,
"I am a teacher by profession, and
when under the influence of coffee had
to struggle against crossness when in
• the school room.
"When talking this over with my
physician, he suggested that I try
Postum, so I purchased a package and
made it carefully according to the di-
rections; found it excellent of flavour,
and nourishing.
".in a short time I noticed very
gratifyieg effects. My nervousness
disappeared, I was not icritated by
my pupils, life seemed full of sun-
shine, and rny heart troubled me no
"I attribute my change in health
and spirits to Postum alone,"
Name given by Canadiaa PostumCo., Windsor, Ont.
Post= comes in two forms:
Postern Cereal—the original form--
musts be well boiled. 15c and 213epackages.
Instant Postum—a soluble powder
--dissolves quickly in a cup of hot
water, and, with ezeten and sugar,
makes a delicious beverage instantly.
20c and 50c tins.
Both kinds are equally delicious and
cost about the same per cup.
"There's a Reason" Sor Postum.
.s--eold by Groc,ers,,
omen -
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It is
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National Duty in War
Prom The Round Table.
London; Eng., Sept. 22.—This war
is not merely England's war: it is the
Empire's war. The Dominions are
not sending troops merely to help the
14Iothe1,land, They are sending them
because they are no less determined'
than we are to overthrow Prussian -
ism, to liberate Belgium and France,
and to secure the future of the Bri-
tish" commonwealth as a whble. We
sometimes forget, that the British
eommonwealth is one state, and that
all its self-governing parts have an
equal interest in its fortunes, an equal
title to share in its counsels, and an
equal responsibility for its welfare.
Even though our own constitutional
machinery ie defective, we must not
blind ourselves to the fact that, so
far as the issues of peace and war
are concerned, the Imperial Govern-
ment speaks for the Dominions as
much as for the British Isles. They
cannot shirk that responsibility by
pleading the absence of adequate re-
presentative machinery—at any rate,
if they have not availed themselves of
the machinery of consultation which
already- exists. Nor can the Domin-
ions, if they are to act as really self-
governing communities, absolve them-
selves of their responsibility both for
the conduct of the war and for the
terms of peace, by pleading that they
have no means of controlling Imperial
policy if they on their side do not
avail themselves of the constitutional
machinery which already exists. The
British commonwealth is one •state
comprising five nations. It is at war
for its life. No practical man can
doubt that the governing •nations of
Which it is composed should keep in
the closest touch both over the con-
duct of the war and the negotiation
of peace. No real co-operation is
possible by letter or cable. Complete
understanding can on/y be arrived at
as the result of personal consultation
by responsible men meeting together
at the same thne round a common
table. No such consultation has yet
taken place. That in itself shows
how little the communities of the Em-
pire have thrown their whole collec-
tive strength into the war. If they
are aver to do so, such a conference
cantot be long delayed.
• Liberty and Discipline.
Having overthrown tyranny within
our own borders, and extended the
power of control over public policy on
awide franchise, we have grasped at
the privileges of liberty and forgot-
ten its responsibilities. The doctrine
of the liberty of the individual has
been preached to the point that he is
often held to have the right to dis-
obey any law of which he disap-
proves, The duty of the citizen to
serve the whole of the rest of the
community has been overlaid by his
loyalty to caste or class. The nature
a the state—the foundation of all
civilized life --is no longer understood.
It has even been discredited through
a shallow association with the Prus-
sian perversion of the idea, • In con,
sequence the principle of service, of
obedience to the law, which is the
basis of the state, which alone can
give unity, coherence and well-being
to a great community, has grown
weak. Hence the state itself is weak
and unhealthy through lack of that
.A child's health depends upon the
state of his stomach and bowels. If
they are kept regular and sweet the
little one is sure to be healthy.
Baby's Own Tablets are the mother's
best friend in keeping her little ones
well. They act as a gentle laxative;
are absolutely safe and are pleasant
to take. Concerning them Mrs. David
Label, Ste. F'erpetue, Que., writes:—
"My baby was so troubled with consti-
pation that he could not sleep day or
night. I gave him Baby's Own Tab-
lets and now he is a big healthy boy."
The Tablets are sold by medicine deal-
ers or by mall at 25 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Fifty Per Cent. of Some is Nothing
More Than This.
If the Man from whom you buy
ice cream uses gelatin in making it,
the chances are that you, get only 50
per cent. of. the real cream you pay
for and that the rest is nothing more
nor less than air.
Gelatin has no place in •pure,
honestly -made ice cream. In some
states its use is foxbidden by law.
It is used by unscrupulous manuSac-
-tutees because it makes poor cream
look rich, and also because it inflates
the products fully 100 per cent.
• This practice enables him to reap
a huge profit by converting one gal-
lon of poor cream into two gallons
of a product that looks just a» good
as the most rich, simon-pure article.
• Most of the United States now have
standards for ice cream to which they
require manufacturers to conform.
Fourteen per cent. of butter fat is
what good, ice cream ShoUld, contain.
Dishonest manufacturers cheat their
customers by heading them a produet
thickened with gelatin, gum or ren-
net, which contains only front 6 to 10
per cent. of butter fat.
Few of the public and even many
ice cream manuftcturers fail to real-
ize that there is such a thing •as
cream being too rich. Experiments
show that cream containing 18 per
cent, or more of butter fat is not as
satisfactory as that containing 14
per cent.
If fruit is used, the amount of but-
ter fat may be reduced to 12 per cont.
without impairing the quality of the
Always So.
"Now, my son, you are married. Be
what a man ought to be."
"How do I know jest what a man
ought to be ?"
"Your wife will famish full plans
soilless spirit which is its inspiration
and its life.
• The greatest problem of democracy
is to cmnbine liberty with self-disci-
pline. An autocratic State gives to
its people organization, efficiency and
power for 'any ends it may have in
view, but zit the terrible price of un-
dermining the sense of responsibility
in the community and of converting
its members into blind and obedient
Servants of anothees will. All Eu-
rope is fighting the evils of the sys-
tem, where a narrow Military and
aristocratic caste, inheriting the tra-
ditions of Biernarck and Frederick
the Great, worshipping dominion and
power, regardless of honeur, ruthless
of human suffering, has organized
the inhabitants of two great empires
as the means by which they are to
seize for themselves supreme power:
There can be no peace for ITS until
the attempt of tyranny. to, establish
its power whete liberty before has
reigned has failed. Democracy diff-
ers from the opposite danger. In its
distrust from autocratic' power it
forgets that corporate discipline and
individual service are as necessary
to the healthy life of every com-
munity of men as liberty itself, and
that when it has overthrown the
hereditary authority which imposed
the it has to discipline and organ-
ize itself. This •war, in one of its
aspects, is a spiritual conflict between
liberty and tyranny, between the
principle of right and justice as the
foundation of international relations
and the principle that might is right,
in which truth is on our side;. in
another it is a contest' between the
idea that the primary duty of the
citizen is to give loyal and unselfish
service to the community of which
he is a part and the idea that the
primary right of the individual is to
ignore his duty to the community
if he chooses, in which truth is with
the Germans. How discipline and
active service of the state is to be
combined with democracy it is not
the purpose of this article to suggest.
It is manifest that we have hardly
begun to solve the problem of creat-
ing either the spirit or the machinery
necessary to the full working of the
principle of self-government. To
destray the power of a king and
transfer it to an eleetorate is ob-
viously only the first step, and the
machinery created to enable an auto.
orat to control his subjects is ob-
viously not that which will best enable
a commuaity to govern itself. But
these are questions which must be
reserved till after the War.
Meanwhile we can begin to cast the
beam out of our own eye by building
up the foundation on which all heal-
thy democracy must rest—a strong
sense of our responsibility, as citizens
and of our duty to serve the corn-
munity of which we are a part, The
chief difficulty in the way is not
organization or even our enemy, but
our reluctance to put pressure on our-
selves. Once we have made up our
minds to do that, the battle is half
won. For in grappling thus man-
fully with ourselves there will be born
the spirit of unity and high courage
which, once alive, will not only carry
US to victory in this war, but which
will be the sure foundation of a bet-
ter world when peace is come once
Electrically Charged Pan May be
Used Against Pests.
A quick method of killihg flies and
other insect e is to exterminate them
with electricity. Any one Who has
electric power can make an effective
fly destroyer.
To make the contrivance one se-
lects a fair-sized dish or pan, which
is covered by a non -conducting sub-
stance, preferably of wood, having
an elliptical hole cut across the cen-
tre. Lengthwise of this bole a coil
of wire wound on a core of wood is
placed. This insulating core is made
preferably three -cornered or pyramid
shaped, the apex uppermost, so the
fly or insect which is shocked whet it
comes in contact with the wire wound
core drops off into the pan below.
The core is wired closely, and just as
S000 as a fly touches the wire a con-
nection is made and the insect is
The wires of the core are extend-
ed by cord to any electric light soc-
ket. No current is used until a con-
nection is made by the insect touching
the wire.
In order to attract the fly or insect
to the fly killer, the dish underneath
IS partly filled with glycerine mixed
with denatured alcohol, which gives
off a eweet odor,
Any insect not killed at once by
touching the charged wires is drown-
ed when it lands in the dish.
samara's atummet Cares Burns, Bto,
Yachts have been made wholly of
The Egyptians belieaing that dead
people needed the things they, have
used- When alive, sometimes killed the
favoeite slave and horse of the dead
mane 'In India, for the same reason,
widows were burned with the corpses
of their huebands,
ISSUE 43—'15.
CheSt CoJd aait.,tioargeoesS
• Quidly. ftobtod: „Aw4y.
"Nerviline" Gives Speedy Relief
and Cures Over Night.
Got a cold?
Is your voice raspy—is your chest
congested or sore?
If so, you are the very person that
Nerviline will cure in a )iffy.
Nerviline is strong and penetrating.
It sinks right into the tissues, takes
out inflammation and soreness, de-
stroys colds in a truly wonderful way.
Rub Nerviline over the chest—rub on
lots of it, and watch that tightness
dieappear. Nerviline won't blister, it
sinks in too fast—doesn't simply stay
on the surface like a thick, oily lini-
ment would. If the throat is raspy
and sore, rub it well outside with
Nerviline, and use Nerviline as a gar-
gle diluted with warm water. Just
one or two treatments like this and
your voice and throat will be quick
normal again.
• Just think of it ---for forty years the
largest used family medicine in this
country—Nerviline must be good,
must quickly relieve and cure a hun-
dred ills that befall every family. Try
it for earache, toothache, coughs,
colds, sore chest, hoarseness and mus-
cular pate, in every part of the body.
Large fafteb,Penze bottle, 50c.; trial
size 25c. at all dealers.
Hair -Breadth Escapes at Home and
on the Battlefield.
This war has revived the old sub-
ject of the value of little things as
life -preservers.
It was only the other week that a
private in the 4th East 'Yorks Regi -
Ment was saved from a severe bullet
wound by the cigarette -case which
he carried in.a pocket over his heart.
The missile lodged in the inner cover
of the case, and part of a cigarette
was torn away.
There have also been similar eases
reported during this war, notably such
curious life-savers as shaving -soaps,
tobacco pounehes, hymn -books, pews -
papers, etc.'all of which' seems to
suggest that a sort of armor plate
worn under the tunic would »assist t
minimize the loss of life in battle!.
Whether that is so or not, it is not
my business to explain here; but it is
rather curioas to note that in London
and other populated towns there are
annually numbers of hair -breadth
escapes from death.
Not long ago an incident occurred
in a provincial city which ought to
dispel criticism about hatpins and
their danger. A lady, wee Passing
beneath a first -floor Window garden
when a heavy flower -pot fell. It came
down with great swiftness, and, had
it struek her head, would certainly
have killed her, or, at any rate, most
seriously injured her. As it happen-
ed, however'the flower -pot struck
the lady's hatpin, whence it bounded
off on to the pavement. Of course,
her hair was much disarranged, and
her hat also; but she owed her life
to her hatpin, nevertheless, Another
extraordinary escape was of a man
walking along an uneven cliff in
semi -darkness. Somehow, his foot
slipped, and, to. his amazement, he
found himself slidieg down into a
horrible chasm. He had been slid-
ing for a few seconds, the while he
tried unavailingly to stop himself,
when suddenly he received an awful
jerk, and discovered himself hooked
on to a stubby little branch by his
watch -chain! It was in this position
that, a little later, in response to his
cries for help, a rescue party found
In connection with the Houndsditch
affair a year or so ago, at which it
will be recalled, a company of 'sol-
diers were called out from the Tower
of London, it was reported that a
piano-ftner had a most marvellous
escape from being shot. This man
followed the practice of some old-
fashioned doctors, who used to keep
their wooden "sounders" inside their
grey "toppers," and placed his tuning -
key inside his bowler-hat—a little fad
which also saved his life. The piano -
tuner found himself in a dense crowd
of people which congregated at the
beginning of the affair mentioned,
and in trying to get out into the side
roads, came within range of the fate-
ful window. Suddenly, a bullet whizz-
ed towards him, arid, entering his hat,
lodged half -'way in the key -handle.
Had the implement of this man's
profession not been kept in that curi-
ous position, it may safely be assum-
ed that the bullet would have entered
his brain and killed him.—London An-
Alcohol Gives Way to Tea.
The restriction of the sale of spirits
in England has resulted in a greatly
increased consumption of tea, and
even though the new laws regerding
the tme of alcohol should be relaxed
after the war a large percentage of
people will have acquired a perman-
ent taste for nature's stimulant --tea.
Undoubtedly the consumption of tea
is increasing throughout the world,
and will continue to increase at a
greater rate during the next few
years, and until the supply can cope
with the demand higher prices for
tea must be expeeted,
ing it.
• Why is it that nothing tastes quite
as good as the thing that doesn't
ageee with you?
A lot of people go on peaising "the
good old times," and hoping they
will never crime back.
, If there is any particular thing you
are really fond of doing, you may
be quite sure that, sooner or later, a
SOCiety will be stetted to suppress it.
Suppose education is a good thing.
All the same, this world is full of fa-
thers who have to support sons who
know ten time as much as their fa-
thers do.
Salearfre Eluintent tor sale everywhere.
Many a Treasure of Ancient Day• s
Has Vanished Completely.
What becomes of gold? queries The
Chicago Journal. It i$ one of the
oldest metals in human use --there
are gold heeds dating back to the
stone age. it is an object of almost
universal desire. It is proof against
almost all the influences which de-
stroy ether metals, and it has been
mined in enormous quantities, yet to-
day more than two-thirds of the gold
in use has been dug since 1840.
What becomes of the rest? Where
is the gold that set Jason wandering
into the Black .Sea, that filled the
treasures of Croesus, that paid the
terrific tribute which Persian kings
assessed against the Punjab? What
has happened to the yellow dust and
"electrum"—an alloy of gold and
silver—which negro treders brought
down the Nile to Egypt for four or
five thousand years? Ancient gold,
like that ef modern times, Was used
for money and for ornaments, but
both have disappeared. Where?
The most enduring of metals, and
yet the most evanescent; perpetually
sought and yet constantly eacaping
the hands of even the successful seek-
er—that is gold. »What is the reason
for its curious elusiveness?
Wooderlul Illwades jr0Jj
On Weak Stomachs
By Dr,. Ilamilton's Pills
There are despairing men and wo-
men by the thousands in this City
vvhose stomaclis keep them in con-
stant misery that can be quickly re-
stored to vigorous health by Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. We know of /70
other medicine that possesses the
power to kindle into new life the ex-
hausted energies of chronic stomach
*raters. There is an extraordinary
power in Dr. Hamilton's Pills that
searches out the weak spots, that
braces up the delicate glands and coms
plea win:kings of the stomach and
bowels. There are invigorating,
stimulating tonic ingredients in Dr.
Hamilton's Pills which are derived
from powerful juices taken from
',are herbs and roots, and these are
ientifically combined with other
medicinal products so as tc> assist in
itharmonious and proper working of
the entire system, The ingredients
of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, coming from
the great storehouse of Mother Na,
ture herself, can be relied upon to
be harmless. Guaranteed results fol-
low to all who use Dr. Hamilton's
Pills for Stomach Weakness, Gas,
Sourness, Headache, Biliousness or
Constipation. Seekers of the better
health can not do better than invest
25c. in this health -bringing family
Ma sh
ny Directions in Which the Briti
f Could Save.
Only when the items of our ex-
penditure are examined in detail can
we fully realize in how many direc-
tions we could save and assist the na-
tion to find the 23,000,000 a day ne-
cessary to carry on the war against
Germany, says London Answers.
Gentlemen used to figures give us
the appalling information that the
average spent by each household in
the country on strong drink per week
is 6s. Od. If this sum were reduced
to 3s. 3d., we should save 180,000,000.
Ten years ago we drank 10 oz. of
tea less per head that we drink now.
We could easily revert to the old
quantity. If we did we should be 20,-
000,000 lb. of tea a year better off.
One pound of tea ought of make 150
cups. How many cups does this mean
a year? Three thousand million!
Every male over sixteen years of
age in the country smokes an aver-
age of 83 oz, cigars and tobacco a
-week. Half an ounce a day each is
too much. We can easily save in
Meat is another tremendous item
we could curtail. Cheese has an
equal food value. And peas, beans,
and lentils will eke out whatever meat
we have 'wonderfully.
ouroc oi
AskD t -
about this ftod formulae. It's Dr.
Jackson's' Roman Meal. 30% whole
berries of wheat. 35% whole berries
of rye; both granulated, not ceushed.
25% deodorized and tasteless flax-
seed and 10% wheat bran. It makes
delightful nut -brown porridge, pan-
cakes, bread, and all baked products.
It nourishes better than meat, pre-
vents indigestion and positively re-
lieves constipation or "money back."
At all grocers, 10 cents and 25 cents.
The Chinese language is very dif-
ficult to learn, for, although there is
no alphabet, it is necesary to master
about twenty thousand syllabic char-
lidinar,trs Liniment Chn•ea Dandrult
"What a terrible cold your daugh-
ter hese,
• "Yes, the foolish girl. She Went
tint the other afternoon, in her sum-
nier furs and neglected to keep them
haoked about the throat."
REMEMBER ! The ointment
you put on your child's skin gets
into the system just as surely as
food the child eats. Don't let
impure fats and mineral coloring
matter (melt as many of the
cheap ointments contain) get
into your child's blood Zain-
l3uk is purely herbal. qclo pois-
onous coloring. Use it always.
50e, Box at All Druggists and Stores,
Fe ture
Successful Pen
makes the
Ask to see this now type. There are also Safety and Regular Typo,
Illustrated book/et sent on request. Avoid substitutes.
Sold By Your Local Dealer
L. E. Waterman CompenY, Limited. Montreal
HO;---SL1,; DISABLE MEN. von
Changes in Atreospherie Pressure by
Explosions Are Odd.
Not hysteria, but the most profound
nervous demoralization may result
merely from the blasts of wind pro-
duced by shell explosions, according
to the London Lancet, which gives
*mine of the observations of Paul Ra-
vaut, as related by him to the
Academie de Medicine de Paris.
M. Ravaut observed a case in No-
vember, 1914, where, after a shell ex-
plosion, a man was carried to the am-
bulance station suffering from para-
plegia, which is a paralysis of the
lower half of the body. In March,
1915, the explosion of a bomb a trifle
over a yard away left a man paralyz-
ed on his left side and unable to speak.
In both these cases all feeling had
been destroyed in the paralyzed parts
and there was nowhere any external
wound. The second case got well in
twelve days, except for some stiffness
in the left leg. -
In another instance an explosion
made one victim almost comatose.
Violent headaches and deafness in the
left ear were observed.
The explosion of a mine near a
trench sent another man staggering
for help and talking incoherently. He
recovered in ten days,
X suit me. have over two hundred on
my list, located in the best sections of
Ontario. All sizes. FL DaWSon,
----A= _
Pacnriessweeeneo NEWS 'AND TOE
Offices tor sale in- good °merle
towns. The most ueeful and interesting
of all businesses. Full information on
application to Wllson Publishing Clem-
SanY, 72 West Adelaide St., Toronto,
internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late, Dr. Bellman htedloal
Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
Tun arca= earwax. To ATTEND t
Yong° and Charles Sts„ Toronto.
The demand for our graduates during
August and September was•four times
our supply. Commence now. Calendar
free. W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Send for the 1018-16 Edition of onr
34 page., illuatretod, of beautiful far sets and
Fur garments for men, women and eltildro.i
IT Is FREE. Addreos:
Room 152, Banana fldUdjng Tovonto
Such eases, thinks M. Revaut, are THICK SWOLLEN GLANDS
pdhueeto the swift change in atmos-
a have ThiCis 'Wind
pressure caused by the expio,. that make a horse Wheeze.
sion. This causes hemorrhages in; eRs°Crhoke-down can b
the nervous system. They are more , reduced with ' ' e
common on the firing line than
hysteria. ,
On the Safe Side.
"So you intend to be a soldier
when you grow up. Don't you know
you'll be in danger of getting killed?"
"Who by?"
"Why, the enemy."
"Then I'll be the enemy."
Corns Applied in
5 Seconds
Sore, blistering feet
Cured 1r001corn-plached
Wet can be oured
gektractor in 24 hours.
Putnartes Ex -
by "Putnam's" soothes
!away that drawing pain, eases Instant -
makes the feet feel good at once.
Get a 264, bottle of "Putnam's. to -day.
' Perfectly Pardonable.
"Have women the strength of mind
to conduct themselves in politics like
men? Could a woman, like Caesar,
have refused the crown?"
"I think so," said the lady ad-
dressed. "Of course, she might have
tried it on just to see if it was a
is the best:
Mathias Foley, Oil City, Ont.
Joseph Snow, Norway, Me.
Charles Whooten, Mulgrave, N.S.
Rev. R. O. Armstrong, Mulgrave,
Pierre Landers, Sen., Pokemouche,
Fountain -pens are tested by an in-
strument called a micrometer. If one
piece of the mechanism is out evert
a six -hundredth part of an inch, the
micrometer rejects it as faulty.
Fre nch
6%-5 yra yield about 1i%
convertible lit your option for
from 10 to 20 yrs, as per public
' WIRD your orders for all the
Anglo-grench Bonds you need
while you can get them at 08. in
the 1100.
We had a large Syndicate al.-
iotment but fear it will be all
taken before the 20th.
Wing commitments at once
to be sure of '0, share in this
good thing,
Trust & Loan Bldg., Montreal,
also other 131inches or Swellings. No blister
no hair gone, and horse kaptat work. Eco
nomical—only a few drops required at an ap
plicatiom in per bottle delivered. Book 18 free
ABSORBINE, JR., the aetiseptic liniment for
mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful,
Swollen Veins and Ulcers.$1 and $2 a bottle at
dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free.
It 1, YOUNG, 9. 1 1,, 510 Lyman Bldg., Manna!, Can.
AbsoriAne and Absorbine, Jr.. are made Is Casula.
I Will Gladly Tell You
It is it neW way. It is something %bee-
lutely different No lotions, Sprays or
sickly selting salves or creams. No at-
oinizer, or any aplaaratus of any kind.
Nothing to smoke
or inhal e. No
steaming, or rub-
bing or infeetiona
No electricity or
vibration or mas-
sage. NO powder;
no plasters; no
keeping in the
house. Nothing of
that hind at all.
Something 0 a w
o n difteren t —
something delight -
fill and healthful
—something tn
stantly suecessftil,
You do not have
to waft, and 1112.
ger, and pay out
a Tot of money,
You cam step it
over night—and 5
will gladly tell you how—TAME, 5 arn
not a doctor and. this Is not a tie -timed
doctor's prescription --but I am eared,
and my friends are mired and you can be
cured. Your suffering will stop at once
Ince mato.
1 AM FREE --You Cala Be Free
illy catarrh znade me ill, /t dm
ulled y
mind. It undermined my health and Was
weakening my will. The hawking and
coughing made me obnoxious to all, and
my foul breath made even my loved ones
avoid me secretly, My delight in life
Was dulled and rny faculties impaired. I
linew that in limme to
e lt would bring
an untimely grave because every me-.
inent of the day and nigiit it was slowly
Yet surely sapping my vitality.
But found a cure and I am ready to
tell you about it rutin. Write me
Send no money. Just your name and
addrees on a postal card. Say; "Dear
Sarn Rats, Please tell Inc how you enrol
your catarrh and how eon Cure mlne.
That's all 3,ou need to say. I Win under-
stand, and I will write to you with corn -
Plate information, rann, at once. DO
not delay, Send the•poetal card or write
me a letter to -day. Don't think of turn-
ing this page until you have asked for
this wonderful trm
eatent that can do
for you what it has dene tor me.
SAM 815881, Room /52554.
142 Mutual St. %%route, Ont.
OW ---You Can Have
A PgRFECT Co-p»xtn
arg010 Aogb.
50e, 75c $1,..00, $150
USIT has solved thc problem of beapty. Ilo uee is bring-
irtg back the Sreshness and bloom of youth, and driving
away, wherever used consistently, the wrinkles of Worry -
and age. Used for centuries by the femous beauties of the
East. Guaranteed free from hair growth. Your druggist has
snn yaun DRUGGIST TO -DAY.
476 Roneesvalles Avenue, Toronto.