HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-10-21, Page 5etober 21st, `I91s Baton News-Recalyd Goderlch Mrs, (Dr.) Bean of Ilderton was: the ;guest, 'of her parents Rev. J. E. and Mss. Ford, at, the Victoria 'ictoria streetpar- tsenage for a few 'days last week',; Mrs: Chas, Tweedy and little g and - i; racer. +Cl ir T,weedy, returned d 'last Week from' a visit with Toronto .'tri - Mrs, Forrester. and Mrs. (labels of Pori; 'Elgin „were the guests fast. week 01 the former's sister, Mrs,• Gundry. Mrs.' Geo, A. Hoag of Ottawa was the : 'rest st'we k of his son 'Mr. g la e , J. A.'-Ifoag of the Bank of Montreal -stalf• here. St. Gcre' b g sschurch will hold their arveat: thanksgiving services on. Sun- day next. Mr. J. J. Inkster, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Janes Inkster of town, wlio en listed and is now in training in Tor - lento, was rendered a banquet and presented with a gold watch by ',his friends at Lethbridge, Alberta, prior "to leaving that town to take ,up his military r duties. • S - Miss Hattie Belcher, daughter of Mr. E. Cs Belcher of town, was married ,on ' Wednesday of last week` to Lieut. •Cr. R. Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cr. M. Elliott, The marriage teak place at Niagara -on. -the -lake, where• 1Lieut. Elliott is in training for over- seas service, Seaforth. Mrs. H. C. Box los been visiting ler parents in Strathroy. Rev. D. Rogers conducted the anni- versary services in the Methodist church on Sunday week, Mr. Rogers is a former pastor and is always wet - 'come when he returns to town. • 1VIr. and Mrs. Fred Twieis and son .have gone to Brantford where Mr. Twiss has secured a good position and where- they will reside in future. Mrs. Wes. Mothers and her daughters left last week for their hone at Bow Island, Alta., after spending several months with the lady's mother, Mrs. John Warwick. The Misses Neil of Stratford visited their brother, Mr. Oscar Neil, for a Ow days recently. Miss Susie Tovell and Tier niece Miss Ruth Norman,of Hamilton are guests at the Route of Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Stewart. Messrs. W. R. and A. G.• Smillie Trate returned front a trip to the Coast, Miss Irene Murray of Hamilton ]las been visiting in town. Mr. George Rankin has returned to �. Ifs home 1 t n ne m Philadelphia odea lit after 's' a e �i i p a t a with his brothers, Messrs. James and John Rankin of town, and b s sister, Mrs. 1I. Hawthorn of tigmondville. Mr. W. fMet{ay of Toronto spent a 'few days .last week at his home in town. • Mr. Alfred McGavin was in Detroit for a few days last week, Mrs. John McTavish is visiting her parental home in Ingersoll. Mr, A. Craig of Olds, Alberta, has been visiting his sister, Mrs, Wnt, Ar- •ehibald of '1'uckersmith. Wingham Mr. A. Schaile of Berlin has been ' ,aged as bandoastcr by the .local band. Mr, C'roinhie Dallas, an old and es- teemed resident of town, passed away on Monday week at the ago of seveit- ty-line years, Mrs., (Rev.) John Holmes or Lams bath was tite guest last week of her ..,;son, Mr. Dewitt Holmes. McKillop Towship. Taking up mangold's is now fir order The crop is verli good, Quite• a number are engaged dying their surplus apples which are likely to bring a good price. A bee gravelling the 'church sheds at Bethel was held one day last week. Mrs. S. J. Bell is having a visit from a married sister whose home is in 'Toronto. Misses Jane and Della McGavin were along the Leadbury line one dap re- •"gently collecting jain and ,jelly for our soldiers and the young ladies were al - no prepared to accept money for pat- riotie purposes. 'This good work is being dome under: the auspices of the Women's Institute of Walton of which Mrs. J. J, McGavin is president, St. Helens . Miss Vera Webb of Winghani spent :Sunday tvtth Miss Margaret Miller. Miss Bertha Courtney of Tluron is. vi n•ting friends around St. Helen's, Miss, Pearl Todd visited friends in Wingham, for a few days this week, Dr.. Jas. Gordon of Ottawa attend- ed the funeral of the late Wm. Gor- don. Miss Iva Switzer, who. is teaching school below Toronto, visited Miss Edna Woods over the week -end. Miss Chrissy Miller was 1iome from near Stratford where' she is teaching school, • The Misses Liiie and Mitna Ruther- ford spent Thanksgiving at their re- spective lhomes. Anniversary 'services wili be held in. Calvin church, St. Helens on October 24th and a tea, meeting will be ,held the following evening. The induction of. Rev. John Little .L� "into St. Helens and East Ashfield will take•ptaee Monday, Oct,' 25th at 3 'o'clock p.m. Rev. Mr, Cranston of Palmerston will conduct the services morning, and evening on the 24th inst. The funeral of the late, Win. Gordon took place to St, Ilelens cemetery on Thanksgiving and was largely attend- •ed. The deceased was only ill for a 'couple ed 'days and his death was a shock to his friends and agquainiancee. He leaves a wife to mourn his depart- ure. He was• sixty years of, age. Mr, and Mrs. ,l'as. Irwin visited at the ' glome of the latter's father one. T days last week. Mr's. Robinson, of Wingham spent a few 'days visiting friends around •St. Helens, The People Of Stanley Say: Y I'f we can't' go we cangive. -Tie people of the 2ttc1 and dirt' of` Stanley held their Red Cross box social at :elite. home of. Mr,.. W. clait last Feiday evening.. The meet- ing opened with Mr, ,W, (Sten,. the ex - reeve in, the chair, • who gave a very interesting, speech on the war as it is at present;, The next %Scalier ,ivas. SVIr:. •Tliottlas' Fraser wlio with trite patriotic spirit said, "England had asked for help and if we can not take tip the sword and gun we can open the Purse strings with a liberal liand,.ant help send •sotne eon -dote to our young snen'w110 have gone•to fight our battles for country and home." Councillor G. Hanley , "'Pie -eounci is up against a problem to solve, I the money ,was raiped by taxes the poor would have to pay as well as the rich„ He thought every true Brit- ish subject "should give ' cheerfully without compulsion and stand bytIt+ British flag. The company was also favoured with; a stirring little sgeedi from Reeve Lobb of Godericei township, There were some line patriotid songs and fife and Piano music between speeches. The auctioneer, Mr. G. II, Elliott, then took the platform and cheerfully ull y disposed • of the boxett. There was some very brisk bidding. The kale amounted to over sixty-four dollars. There were one hundred and forty people present. Marriages YEO-SC'ARLETT-At tile parson- age, Yarmouth Centro, en Oct, llth, by Rev. T. J. Snowdon, El- fle M. Scarlett, nice of Mr. Snow- den, to Eldrid Yeo of Goderich township. ' FRASER-BRAMFIELD At the home of the, bride on October 20th, by Rev, J. Albert Robinson, Nellie Mae Brimfield of Clinton to Henderson Fraser of Thornton, Stoma county. GREEN -FALCONER -At Bayfield,' M1 1 OC'Cr v tV Mac- farlane, rob 0 h by Rev. t lI• c �. a , [organo, Margaret .Clarkson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jolla. Falcon- er, to William Mc:Hardy Green of Colborne township. McLAREN-STERLING-At Bayftpcl on October 20tii, by Rev. A. Mac- farlane, Charlotte, youngest dao- ghier of Mrs. Win. Sterling, to Hugh I). McLaren of Port Elgin. DCIG-C 1RR HL' : [, i RS - At Blyth, on October 9th Mary Carruthers to Joseph Doig, both of Winglfant, Births PIU'KETT-In Goderich township on Oct. Otlt, to Mr. and Mrs. William Pickett, a son, ROUSE -Its East Wawenosh on Oc- tober tit, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rouse a sou, SOU'I'I•IG 1'1'E-ln Seaforth, on Oct, 11th, to Mi. and Mrs, W. E. Southgate, jr., a, slaughter. FEAR -In Morris township on Oct. (1t11, to Mr. and Mrs, Rap Fear, a laugh ter, 'l'I-IOMPSON-1n Mullett on October 81ii, to bit. and Mrs. - George Thompson, a daughter. (IOVIh.R-in Londesboro, an Octeenn: 7th, to Mr. and 'Mrs, William (levier, a daughter, GiIITFI-In Blyth on October 12t1i, to Mr. and 'Mrs, H. Smith, a son. BAILEY -In Wingham on Oct, 11th, to lir. and Mrs. A. F. Bailey, a ?ton. ELLIOTT-On the Goshen Line, Stan- ley, on Sept, 28t1f, to Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Elliott, a daugh- ter, ROSS -In Exeter:, on OctioLer 7th, Co • Mr. and Mrs. David Ross, a daughter. COLE -In Morris township, cm Oct. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs: George Cole, a daughter.. Deaths DILLA-At Alameda, ,Cal., on Oct. 5th, Mrs. Wallace Dills, formerly Miss Kate Barry of Clinton. LE 'POUZEL-111 New York on Oct. 11th, Harry St. George LeTouzel, formerly of Goderich, agrd 12 years and 4 months. TI-IOMAS-in Goderich, on Oct, .14t11, William ,Tames Thomas, aged 55 years, SMITH --In Blyth, on -October 12101, the infant son .of Mr. 'and Mrs. II, • Smith, STURDY --In Godcritlt township, on October lath Elizabeth Rout- ledge, outledge, wife of Geo. W. Sturdy, ag- ed 60 years. CHANT -At Unionville, on October 11th, Christopher % Chant, fath- er' of Mr. II. 13. Chant of Clinton, aged 80 years. DON'T FALO T ATTEND J'HE PATRIOTIC CONCERT LO BE GIVEN BY TFIE PU- PILS OF THE CLINTON PUi3LIC SCFIOOI, IN THE NEW SKATING ARENA -on the evening of - FRIDAY, October 29th The boys and the girls of tlic school are preparing an excellent program of. patriotic s'ong's, drills, tableaux; an recitatibns. Iiia big foetid) of the evening will be "The Assembly of, tate Allies," in which ,righty pupils of the. school will bake part. No one withinwalking or - driving distance can ,alford to miss this great cotuaer'e. The proceeds are to he given. the local Patriotic Gantety; • Admission 25c, Programme starts at eight o'clock sharp, doors open at half past seven - 1101,1'T MISS THE KID -DIES' i NIGHT.. . The' t'Voreen's Association or., Nuns C't s Wt li, s C to rc h intends' holding, - A. BAZAAR —fn Atte-- —=ori-- :HUS Aft' rn C RDAYoon`' Oetob r ' e 28th` The ladies will be pleased to receive donations of farted work, plain sewing, vegetables, home-made baking, home -Made candy, etc. Proceeds to be us- ed to defray expenses of re= d:c . � orating, the Sunday, 'school room, part tobe given for'. patriotic purposes, THE JUNIOR' A,Y.P.A, OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH WILL HAVE' A H1LLOETN TER in Owen Memorial Hall on the evening of MONDRY, OCTOBER 25TH from 5.30 to 7 p.m. TICKETS 10e. TEACHER ''WAI'1TI5D FOR S,S. NO. .5, Goderictr Township, second-class professional', duties to commence January, 1916, Applications re- ceived up to November 150. Per- sonal applications preferred. Apply, stating salary, to R. Y. "ox, See. - Treasurer, R.R. No. 1, Goderich.. 07--4 -IOIISE AND LOT FOR SALE GN Matilda Street, Seven large rooms, Waterworks, Small Orcliard At present occupied by Mr. Albers, Hearn. Will be sold on easel tenet.. -C. B. Hale, 07, LIVE POULTRY WANTED TO 13E delivered each Friday forenoon, I-Iighest price paid.-117eAsii & Son, Varna. -07 !'OR SAf,I:,-AN .ART SOUVENIR heater. -Apply tb Mrs. herb Alex- ander. -05 FOWL WANTED, TO BPI DELIVER - el every Tucs:lay forenoon. Highest market price paid. --Horner Ings, Varna. -66 THE ANNUAL MEETING' OP THE Clinton Horticultural Society will be held in the council cliantber on Thursday, November 45i, at 7.;30 p.nt, A good attendance is desired, -i)S. D. McTaggart, President ; T. Co tile, Secretary. 07-2 FOR SALE. -A, WALL i-4ITU:1Vlel) frame cottage, known as the Iies- sian property togetlier with one- half acre of land, on Huron el rcet. Will be sold at the rigid' price. -C'. B. Hale, •07' AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Furtitture.-Mrs, Wtis, Grigg has in- structed the undersigned to sell by public auction at her residence cor- ner King and Jcsnpli St. on Sat- urday, Oct. 23rd at 2 o'clock, her household effects consisting of bedroom furniture, tables, cliairs, a large chest of drawers, chinaware, glassware, Imperial Oxford range, wood cook stove, Lawn mower, gar- den uutensils and nuenerors stater articles. Terns Cash. -G, FI, El- liott, Aaictioneer, -06-2 uetioo Sale --of-- 30 Mich Cows and Springers. The undersigned have instructed Mr. T. Gundry to sell by public auction at. Marquis'. . Barn (one-half mete• north of Clinton) on - at 2 O'clock, A herd of 30 Milch Cows. The herd consists mainly; of milkers with, some springers. They ; are ' all good young' cows and their time of freshening moll be made' known on the day of the sale. GUJ.RAN'I'TSE-Alip , cote represent- edto be in calf, and proving not to be within. sixty days of dale of sale may be returned and money or note will he refunded. TERMS -Ten months' oredii or dis- count at the rate of 7 percent per, N, MARQUIS &'C, F NEELY, PROPRICT.nRS. 1, GUN0416', Auctioneer; •.AUCWION• SALE OP 50 COWS' AND Young Cattle, -Mr, Geo. Ifel;sod has instructed the undersigned .to sell' ,by public auction at p, J, Wal-- , lis' Barn, Clinton, on Sa'urlsiy_,. Oetojdt 23rd, ^at 2 o'oli3'c the 'fol- _' rowing "'-1 'new raflker,' w'r 3 sodue iia, Decetnher,'•'- 6 cows`dee in lrti h= • ruery,"Jr Jersey cow Milking', dtta,iu March, 9 cows 'duo in ' 'March anti April, 2 farrovv,cows, 8" spring slit- , ves, Polled Angus,.20 b'wo yrar aid' steers,' nice feeders. ' Guarantee -Any. .cow esprosented.to be in calf e and proving not tobe within'60 'days of dame of sale may be returned and money, or note will be xefuadod, Terms -Six ince/ills' cred1 t tie ds- count at the rate :of 6 percent • ' pc r annum; -Geo. Holland, .Props! ter • T. Gundry, 'Auctioneer.. ., --0:7 AUCTION SALE 07' • HOUSEHOLD Elleots'.-Mr, H.: Wilts*, executor of the estate of the late Mr. ''Plies. East, has instructed Mr. Geo. H. Elliott o t to 'sell by public auction at the Old Family Residence, Maria St„ on Friday, October' 22nd, com- mencing at 2.30 o'clock'sliarp, tlie' following': • 1 kitchen range, wood or coal, in, good condition, 1 coal heater in good condition:, 2 beds, 2 matrasses and 2 sets of springs, 1 wash stand, bedroom chairs, 2 complete setsi s of dining gro t f tr- niture cat efs ti p matting, ng, and oil- clotii, 1t lounge, 2 kitchen tables, 4 lamps, 6 kitchen chairs, ; 4 uphol- stered paring chairs, 1 lawn mower, Garden utensils, numerous other ar- ticle's. Terms :-Strictly Cash. -H. Wilise,, Executor G. H. Elliott, A uctioneer. -0T-1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Effects at .corner of Queen and Princess Streets at 2 o'clock on Saturday, Oct. 3051. Terms cash. - 'Mrs. George Potts, Proprietress ; G. Id, h;lliotit, Auctioneer,_ -07-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK nx and Impleent-Mr, J. Ii, Wise has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at lot 29, Huron Road, .'Puck Fri- day, orsmith o+ Prr L day, Opt, 22d, tite following gen- eral purpose team, oow to freshen in January, 2 cows to freshen in February, 4 young cows with calf at foot, 3 steers rising 3 year's, 2 steers rising 2 years, 3 steers one year old, 7 spring calves, fat cow 4 years old, Massey -Harris binder, Frost & Wood 0o mower, Deering e n hay g rake cultivator, disc harrow, Sea - refire harrow, set diamond harrows, riding plow, 2 walking plows, settl- fler, lumber wagon, platform, spring wagon, set bob sleighs, buggy cut- ter, fanning mill, set double harness 2 sets single hanues's, Melotte crease separator, Daisy churn, set of scal- es 2000 lbs, stock rack, stone boat, hay fork, car, ropes ' and pulleys and numerous other articles. About 15 toots o liay in barn if not sold before' elle. Also a quantity of household effects. -Terms: -All sums of $10 and under cash, over tint amount 12 months credit will be given "on approved joint note's or a discount of 4 percent, for casli on credit amounts,' Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. -J. K. Wise, proprietor, Gundry, auctioneer. -05. MRS. .i. „JOHNSTON, WHO HAS taken over the agency for the Spir- e1.1a corset and who has lust re- turned from Toronto where a large school of corsetiers convened for' tour days, is prepared to meet the needs of all old and new custom- ers. Tho Spirella is "different" ; a perfect -fitting, flexible, made-to- order corset, allowing every nutscle full play. •d'all and ask Mrs. John- ston about corsets ant accessories. -02 APPLES WANTED ALL KINDS 'IN, eluding, evaporator and choppers. Will be received at the Grand Trunk Station. highest market price paid, -D. Cantclon.-04 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! In the Matter of Frank William Evans, Insolvent. • Notice is hereby given that the Move named insolvent, Frank William Evans of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, carrying, on bus- iness as a Flour and Peed Merchant, in the said Town- of Clinton, has made an assignment of his estate`, to us for the general benefit of his creditors under The Assignments and Preferences Act, The creditors are notified to meet. at our office at 442 Yonge street,. (opposite Carlton St.) intife•City of Toronto, .on the twenty-ninth day of October', ,11915, aft two o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of receiving a statement of the insolvent's affairs, for the appointment of inspectors and the giving of direction's with refer-' `ence to the, disposal of the estate. All persons claiming to be entitled to rank 011; the estate mustfile their claims with us on or before the twenty-third day of November, 11115, after, which date we will proceed to distribute assets b the as. els tlrerebf, having regard to those claims only of which' We shall then have received notice, and vtve will not be liable for: the said assets or anyi part thereof +o any person of whose claim we have not Hien received notice. Dated ,at Toronto, this 1,9th. nay, of October, 1015. • WAGNER: & I•IARDING, Assignees,. 442 Yonge' St., Toronto, Ont. ' W. H. MALE, i)inec,r, Building, 140 Yonge ,St.,, Toronto, Ont. Solicitor for Aseignees. • PIANO FOR SAIaE.;MUST BE sold at onto a square piano with 'ifandsot3e ease, Apply to Box 255, Clinton. -06 $50: WILL BUY A 14 hap, GASOLINI?'. Eaigine suitable for 'farm work or could he used as a portable. The engine is in good ,. conditions-Applyto,B , 146, Clinton P.O. --06 IIOUSE FOR SALE ON HURON street, Comfortable , place with good; cellar, stable anis small 'gar- dSn,For particulars:,apply to Jas. ,Appleby, -05 • NOTICE. -ALL ACCOUNTS NOT hada by the 1st of Nove,rnber will be placed in other bangs for etd- leetiou.-J, Sertitoii, OG -3 MILLINERY , L RY SIIO 1 ._ .I HAVE. JUST opened out a. millinery shop in the store lately owned by the late John Whiddon, where I will be, propelled to 7ceep in stock all 'nihil of ,milli i - cry and also to make, over ladies' and children's hate: -Mrs. J. W. Merner, Bayfield., -05 MENS AND CHICKENS WANTED, highest market price will be paid. - W. Marquis, R. 16. 1, Clinton, or Phone 14 on 66. -87 FOR SALE, -HOUSE AND LOT corner Isaac and Dunlop streets, Clinton, Two story frame, eight rooms, electric light and water- works. With or without stable. Wi11 be sold on easy terms. -Oliver Johnson., Box 463, Goderich. -03 FOR SALE. -THAT WELL SIT- uated house at the corner of Rag- lan and Rattenbury street's is offer- ed for sale. Electric light, water- works and soft water, Stable. Will be sold at a bargain to settle up the Briekenden 'Estate. -Apply at Jacob a b 'Pal ' s office. Yoro -99 FOR RENT. -100 -ACRE FARM ON the Bayfield Road, 2-.r-- miles south of Clinton. Web qultin'ated, good brick house, bank barn and other 'buildings. Ta'o wells' on place. Or- chard. For further particulars ap- ply to -Mrs. John Wigginton, Clin- ton, P.O. Box 231. -96 FOR SALE. -THIS BUILDING FOR- merly used as a carding mill at Walicerhurn, Township of dullett,, is offered for sale. The frame is a splendid one,. two stories, 24 x 36. -R. --Morrison, R. R, No, 1, Auburn. -02 Poultry ahted Now that the .poultry fattening season is approaching we are in, a position to handle all your poultry at top market prices, - New Laid Eggs We are 'still paying a premium for large clean new laid eggs not over four days old. It will pay you to take the very best care of your eggs and seII them to tis where you re- ceive city prices for choice quality. Have you .tried Gunn's Easifirst Shortening ? Better and cheaper than lard. Now is the time of year to use our cured meats. A fresh sup- ply, received weekly. Seed Wheat If you want good seed wheat that will grow -call on us before you buy elsewhere, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to.date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins. HOW' ABOUT BREAK- FAST CEREALS ? : In our window you sec a display of Robin hood Rolled Oats done up in sanitary packages. Robin hood Rolled Oats is made from choicest of nature's favorite grain and is especially treated and rolled' into flakes. Once Used you will always; have it in .tate house. It es put up in family size packages which we are selling at 2.;50 per package., • A partial list of Breakfast Cereals' which wei carry in mock : Robin Hood Rolled Oats. Robin Hood Wheat Porridge., Quaker Oats,.. Quaker Pulled Wheat and: Rice., Keliog's Toasted Cora Flakes. Kellog's Toasted Wheat Biscuit, Shredded Wheat Biscuit. Krumbies. Grabs Nnt's. Roman. Meal', late, FIighest Price Paid for Butter' , and Eggs, ,Johnson & Co. The Store of Qnaltiy. Successor. to S. Barr. Phone 111. "hone orders promptly, ` attended ;to, YOUR' GLOTF117,5 GLEANED, RE HOUSE FOR SALE 01/ TO RENT, paired and. Pressed and , at the on Raglan street, Two acres of shortest po'ssihle notice, Both Lad: land, brick house, electric light and les' and Gentlemen's clothes. We waterworks 'llstable.-D. sma Cast - guarantee to do good worlr, Also talon. -03? having bought a machine. I-' am pre- pared tc, French Dry Clean r Ladies' Suits, , Gent's Suits a d all kinds nds of woolen clothing including ,Sweat - era, etc. • All orders promptly at- tended. to Rooms' over Grigg's jewelery Store. -Wm. J. Jago. -55, CRE M A WANTED. - DAIRYMEN MUN having cream to sell write to us for cans.. We supply two cansfree. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each`' month, cheques' payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with oat honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on Arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of I{inborn may leave their' cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. -The Seaforth Creamery, Bog 486, Seaforth. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Ammunition for Cleaning up the House. Before the winter arrives when the doors and windows 'nest be kept closed, etery house should be thor- oughly cleaned. Sumner titans an accmnetlalfton of dust and dirt and perhaps disease germs so that a careful cleaning tuft now may mean no doctor's bills this winter. House-cleaning becomes very easy with the proper helps which we base in abundance. ah taus t look s• 00 over r this partial list of important lines and let us sliow you Others.' Powdered Ammonia an indispen- sibfe cleaner, Sweeping Fowles kills the germs in rugs and ; ear,- pets. arpets. In addition see our lines of Liquid Ammonia, Powdered dcred Bor a1 Lye, Sillier and Metal Polishes, o toes Furniture " u e polish, Brushes", Brooms, Knife Pol- ish, oto, E. E. IIUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Anything You WANT DONE INTf)7 - I' LINEr 0 ROOFING, EAVETROUGH- ING, PLUMBING, FIEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. CALL AND GET OUR PRIC- ES, ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN OHISAPEST. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. F-4–• The'„Clinton Garage Open All Night, The season is now oa for Gasoline Stoves. Why not buy, filtered gasoline out of our Bowser pump, which passes the gasoline tbroubh fine screens and a filter. Prices always the lowest, We keep on hand a stock of Automobile Supplies and Bicy- cle Repairs and do all kinds of repairing promptly and at a reasonable charge. Auto Livery in connection. J. H. PAXMAN It is your assurance of perfect satisfaction in old or new work. "-In- sist on, getting, Canada Cement, A full stook on hand at all times. Hemlock sills cut to order. Shingles vex and xxxx. Sprace and pine dressed sidings and floorings. Metallic building materials, Lehigh, Valley coal, all sizes. Steam coal. Smithittg coal: Tile, all sizes, either .in the yard or delivered on, the job. Cedar posts all sixes. 11 -inch slabs, a bargain. Anyone its the' market for amp of the above lines will do well to get our prices, JOHN B. MUSTARD, Brucefield. Phone 11 'on 149, Good Morning 1 Are you a New's- Record Subscriber 3, Warning . Owing to repeated 'trespass, ing and stealing of apples we are compelled to iasue the Warning that in future all Trespassing on the faint of Major II. T. Rance will be proseeuted according to law. By Order, Geo. Cordell, Manager. Raisins Owing to the war; Raisins are very scarce, we have been fortunate in securing a few valencias, and offer them for sale Saturday morning while they last at 2 lbs. for 25c. Also New Sultana Rais- ins, Seeded, Figs and Peels, Buy your fruit early. It will pay you. W.T.O'Nei11- CEUNH We have on hand a car- load of Portland Gement and all orders for same will be filled promptly. 4e m: JOHN [ IUTTON, LONDESORO, We Aim At Quality injinstalling;fur» naces, in general plumbing and tin• smithing, THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 83. Are You Troubled with. ach Head hes? +s+ Il so the cause array be eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relieCand ' cure. It is worth trying. Come to us and we will make a careful test of your eyes and tell you what is the matter and whatyou need, In our long experience in the Optical business we have made a great number of examinations and it is a source of much pleasure for us to know that our fittings have invariably, given great satisfaction.. If your,eyes bother Nou Dome to us and Iearn the reason why. it T A. J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Good Morning ! News -Record ,means News -Leader, Arg you -a itubscr(ier li