HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-10-21, Page 4Cita **Nowt,. ecoid• Bonfield. Bonfield; .. 1 lrettvodlinS was cele- - t au. f t Uut 'rt t dI. ' • , John 1'aleoterat eleven o'clock on Sterlin�on Wednestlay of this tyce a when-lieot dutChr} evcgas hta4ca at the home of Mr • and Mrs solemnized .at tie leNobfMls.. Wm. Wednesday forenoon f title week i3gsh^ar- when i•atheir t} tt ) t hl,t Matgo teLlotto; to rte, was h aln t l yn Married i Cd to _ 1 1 . son, was united to marriage {o Mr•1t h1 4Laren of Pait'1k ,aIlta Tard Green of C blborn4 bidal couple took their township, heharmiub cleat was moon under an aroh of handsomely de- . a quiet.one,.only relatives and a flaw emoted Bens.They were un_ Artecded and only- re atives "and 0 being resents le owremaz}, friends h g 1 was performedRev, A. Macfarlane. } b' The , i ride who was given ;away by bride, her, entered th tier Cai e parlor to the music of , Menc'bblssolui'S Micros played by Mts. aFerguson,raes,'T+er • and took ben I place beside groom rooin,i.n front our a bank o1 ferns. She, wore a handsome suit of brown chiffon broadcloth with sable "fur trimmings. and.Carriecl a bou- quet i ' net of .white roses !.' The couple 1 , unattended. After the ceremony and S wishes had been extended when good ' Ito the bridal pair all rcpairethe, d to dining room where '0 dainty luncheon wan sowed. Mr: and Mrs. Green af- terwards went to Goderieh where they tooe the afternoon train for London, 1'lamilton and Toronto. The bride's travelling cos -thine was 0 tailo'letl suit of navy'' blue serge with blouse ' of bine ninon. She wore also 0 black s to The etc o • white p S with v $at w velvet gifts were both numerous. and costly testifying to the esteem in which. the brides is hold. The, many friends wish them all happiness and peosper- ity, few friends were present. Rev., ' A, e marriageh Macfarlane performed t1 t'. Mi;s. Laude' MOLarell; tera,not} tet: of the groom, played the we,.ddin g march: The bride ride looked very •pletdy agown - in , on of ivolg Siile,crcpo de -eltene combined with brocaded cr4pe-de- ahene and carriees a shower boquet of roses and orchids. • . After the nue- • tialknot had been tied: and , .good Wishes hod been oxteeded all sat down to an elaborately 'spread table and the newly -wedded^, pair lett im- mediately after for Seaforth vhere they took the train for a hotieytiioon trip to Toronto and Detroit. The. bride travelled In a smartly tailored suit of navy blue gaberdine with hat. to match. The groom's gift to the bride was a well filled purse, The bride is a well known and popular young lad and the esteem in which .i. many friends was is..held byhe } c she f; number o •t 11 11111 b amply evidenced lip the' beautiful and useful gifts of which she wan macre the recipient, IIeartly congratulations ,and good wishes are extended. Word was 'received on Tuesday of the death of Mrs. F, Boyd, sister of 1VIrs, James Johnston of this vil- lage. She died at Bartlett, 'l ennosee, on Sunday morning, 'cher funeral took • place in Kincardine on Wednesday of this wreek. Mrs. -Boyd frequently Vis- ited here and was well knower by man31 residents, of Baylieid. Mr. Jame's Wamslc}', who has . been ngaged with McKenzie & Mann the west tiering the past summer, ,itns"'returned home.' Porter's Hill. Jilt kins of: Mr, arid Mrs. .Wn:: t, rtlu • leis o II w Wits, o mt T3oliiiesNillo and spent Sunday at the home of Alts Chas, iMcPliait; Mies itavellc, Who spent the past wreck with friends M tete village, re- turned to her home at l31evster on Tuesday. A public meeting of the residents was held in the town hall on Monday evening lot the purpose of appointing committees to canvas the village in aid of the British Red , Cross So- cictp. Rev., A. Macfarlane was ap- pointed. chairman and it was dis- cussed as to which was the best way to proceed to raih the money, by direct appeal or by a grant from the council, 1 t was finally decided to ap- point collectors and" canvas tlio . cit - Sons. Rev. A. M act clan e es ch u 1 pul- pits with tcv. e2. D"urnet of Blyth on Sunday last, Mrs. •Parsons is visiting at her son's, Illi. Robe Parsons of i1ills- green, this week. Mrs. Fred Stanley and family left on 'Tuesday for Toronto where Mr. Stanley has accepted a position. Mr. R. Batley, manager of . t115 Sterling Bank, Sehringville, was home for Sunday. 1 for-, the tit ' U 3t ties has `Mies, Battles • `I ho M 1. tune to lose,a fine two-year-old Rolf . last' week:, T: nd'. Ml:, and Mts. W. Vanderburg b Sii�nda at her ', children Y two Ur,oth0t , M Clinton.'Mr.. Wm. Proctor, Ct •'s Mr. and Mrs. James Scott were Iv E; daughter, stost:r at filo home, , q their •Mrs: Wm, Stewart of the Bayfield, Raati, mver the week -end. - hereabouts at- tended' t- ()cite a riunlbCr, from, 11 d I the patriotic : social at:tiro ten e< p i Olair of hone of Mr, and Mrs. Stn. Y • townslii last week.- All:re- Stanley P ott a good. time: P Taber returned' and Mrs. Rey 7 ab Mr. n Y a house Monday alter a honeymoon trip to Woodstock and Stratford. Mr, Taber is assistant , blacksmith here aiid his many friends wish, him much happiness and pros:erity. They also welcome his bride, whose home wan in Woodstock, and: ]lope her life here niay be most happy.• ivlrs• Copeland entnrtainod a ,num- hon of the ladies of Bayfield on Sat- urday evening when a towel shower was given Miss Charlotte Sterling, prior: to her marriage to Mr. B. D. ` MCI,aren of Port Eight on Wednesday of this week. Lieut. Alex. Aikens of the 33rd Battalion, who enlisted from here, spent Sunday with friends in the vil- lage, bit James Johnston was in Kin- cardine sardine on R'elnesSey attending funeral of the late Mrs. Boyd. The Chino Guild of 'Trinity church met at the rectory Wednesday even- ing and gave Miss Lillian - King a handl,crehief mid linen shower. spoke of the influence's that have been at work in Germany making her what She ;is today., Be traced her bis tory through h theages,. e sfrom the time and F1tins tis •Vandals of the Got , , speaking of the riser of PCussiA and- ; c of the 'nflueule ' s tin tUe s lnttet t ,noting r moles I'ted •i thl � nd 1ta ssli s R � LtIU 0 F Sa I r a: crick •lir the Great, W lo was renesented the last :c ntprYsbY ,Bismark, wlilase ' con- - 'policy of cUlood , cath' iron taken 1 a nr i with Lhe ;.aching of <sucli men:; Hoot on• �? the as Bernhax@., llavq, made Germany nation w4 not o Yi li v t da . The address, was. a.great effort;' ands greatly' enjoy- ed by all; FridaY Forenoon, - Sid r,' appointed'to.con= ..doinuuttee i ti or file matter .of a contf. bu an for n atriotic' ,purposes'''presenteil 'their re- port and recommended that each tea- cher subscribe as liberally as possible to 'the, patriotic' or Red Crass fund in his .Oe. her own • scetion and left, the anmunt to be; subscribed to a vote Of the Asoaoiation. On motion of Inspector Tom sec,ondec by ids. MacKay the Association donated two • Hundred dollars to the British 'Rod Cross fend by a standing vote, The'election 01 ;officers was ' then proceeded with, with the following re- nelt ; President, J. P. Fiume, B.A.,' Godericli ; Trice -president, Miss Link- later,Crediton ; sa creta cS easur, r ,W,, H. Johnston, Kippen; Ceencillorb W. MacKay, Hensall; N. Fhggins., Bel-. gave.; Miss- Jean Murray Exeter ; Miss I. E. Sharman Godericlt ; Miss C. M. Johnston, Carlow ; Auditing committee, G. S. Howard and W. Mc- Kay. • Mise J, M. Spence of Winolielsea took the subject of !'A Busy School" and taught that the first essential is the 'spirit of cheerhd co-operation of teacher and pupils for tee advance- msent and well-being of the whole, school• Miss McDougall continued the din cession of a Busy School and in a clever way showed the advantage of training the children in ways of in- dustry, using sahccil games to interest idle children as well as adopting new ways of teaching old 'subjects. She uses a book entitled Bible Story in Question and 'Answer by Rev_. Geo. Carson to interest her pupils in the Bible. She would awaken their in- W. H. Teachers terest in moral and humane issues in Convention. by appealing to them .for such things as the Sick Children's hospital, con - The thirty-eighth annual convention sumptive hospital, fled Cross Fund, of tate West Huron Teachers' Associa- etc. The discussion was nontinued by tion was held in the Public school, Messes. Tom," Howard and Dr, Exeter, on October 14th and 15th. Strang. The chair was occupied by `the Pres- Mr. J. Dearness. introduced the sub- ident Mr. Geo.' Mawson of Idxeter. _ jeer of learning to read in three Mt. Tom spoke 01 the number of months. 1Io did so by explaining that changes in teachers in the public there were some subjects taught in schools mentioning that t there were the schools of lftY years ago o that hardly mentioned now but vice Rafal Y wi$1 27 teachers out cd 1110 in are ha schools who are in the same 'school as versa there are subjects taught nonv they were in when the' convention stet in schools that were not named thee, last car, Following this thought he said me: S ihodi in teaching had also changed Miss a\„ E. Cott..fLt introduced th^, 6 r subject of Art in the junior 'classes very materially. One of the greatest changes in n and in an interesting and lucid man- ner be found explained her method of teaching teaching to read, the sub'cch after three, about twice a lytics Bailie spoke on 'rhe School as weak. 1Ier pupils provide the objects a Social C'ectre, To counteract the and all in the room draw the sante exodus from the rural districts she, object. in the autumn she has Iter advocated making the school a centre class draw trees and flower's. Anoth- of interest for all the Peelle in the ec flay ibeyi draw the same object section She would have a literary from memory- 'Hie pupils are ire- society and would provide a lecture quently required to illustrate stanzas course in 0 eryl school house. S Car s t k School Mrs. Snydero c n literature 1 0 , st' s C 1 , Car - lessons, poetry opies ar non o dens and in delightfully pleasing lessons. (oPles, are Hanle from host 6 1 1 g cards, etc, Colors are introduced with manner exlfl tinea hes work in her the youngest pupils because of the in- school garden. She believed it t:e+tsr teres t. Pastella Pencils are need in to have the children's gardens at preference to watercolors, Then with rather than at home. There is a class of teacher's Miss Cotisitt taught a good Deal of work in conne tion how to draw an car of corn, Proving with school gardens but it is inter- esting.that she was a master hand in the In regard to s:'Iinol fairs rt'e Leaching of drawing. Samples of her thought the 1cache): should oegm to pupils' work were distributed for the work for it a lead ahead She tun- pupils' of the teachers: sr'dered school gardens, and fairs lielp- bis, Win, MacKay recti an excellent fel in leaking farm work agreeable. PaPer on Yout Country' Needs You, It was decided to ask the county full of inspiration anal help to, all. 115 council to aPPoint a uistrict 1et:resen- si:o'ie of the necessity of industry the 'tative, influence rd the teacher and supreme Friday Afternoon. necessity of the present Hour. Mr. G. W. Shore of Dashwood 's - bit J. Dearness( 111.A., of London ttoduced the sub;ect of physical train- N•ot1001• School, discussed the Synthe- ing and chill and in a paper that :vas Be method in Composition, well written and read he advocal tar Afternoon Session Physical training Sot' its inflamer. cu f the' tail- in 'health L the.generalo n Iaspeutor Tom spore upon S.cilool Regulations and Examinations and eluding digestion, the nervous system, gave a large amount of information circulation and rot the con atimn of and advice which was tete helpful. physteal defects, Mr. J. Dearness, took up the subject Rlrs. 1T. $err read an ie I; uvting of Nature Study, and in very thor- PaPer on Blackboard I xcr'iees. She ougli manner, after showing the tea would have, plenty of out Pies .,n the Speed Contest. • sons ,for his contentions, he siioaved hoard to keep the children beet', and Rosy Winters, .Jelin Hey, jr., 1st ; that Naticre Study is not merely in- n order that no time be lost, that Nellie 0,, A. Dunkin, 2nd. forming children of the multiplicity of these be Placed ulacpon the -board Dairy Products, the foots of nature, but it is en the before the opening of school 25 pounds butter, Mrs, F. Wolfs, 'T, contrary developing their powers by Dt Strang stoke on a theser;attnn- Brawnett; 10 pounds butter, Mrs. F. the appropriate reactions on selected ation sohetiie for the teachers. ITe Weeps, R, G. Reid ; 5 pound's, Mrs. J. experiences and phenomena. Learn- deplored the tack of petmanrucy In Stewart; , \ L. Steep ; home made ing names, making collections of the teaching profession• 130 tullcved Stewart, , • . 1. Steep J, Decker,madd natural objects, and even school • gar- in some plan of superannuation `be cheese, C homemade 3, e Woods, dcniing may be almost useless fop real , cause it would tend to the stability , co Keegan ; homemade canned,r.fruit, cducatiotu. Natuna Study is a method of file Profession. '1'lic scheme should F. Keegan, J. Deckeker, sr. ; honey, in more than a hotly of subject platter, be founded on a true actuarial basis, connU, L. Beatty, t, Pollock ; honey training; of the child's mind through Teachers should look on the . 5 t'rlecf in jar; 1'. Clark; L Beatty; collection his sense activities. Taken altogether not from a selfish standpoint hitt of honey; L. Beate}' Uoinamade it was an admirable address.. from the 'sltandPoint of the greatest oreao, R. Snowden,Beatty Grieve; maple Mr. Howard in a vory interesting good to the greatest number, sy,rud, Joao ,de, rt. Huston manner' enumerated the various stops Dr. Strang followed in which he grape wine, n Ste ods F. Keegan in which he taught science in Fifth claimed Ute reason why Canadian old lunch, Dr. Metcalf, W. A. Bald Class. In Zoology and Botany he had boys are not enlisting is not because well ; buns,; J. R. Sterling, A. E. filo specimens to 'bo studied in the the Canadians are afraid to do their Erwin; coodcles, llr, Metcalf, R. Snow- den having file pupils bring the duty but it is because they do not den ; apple .pick Jas. R. Sterling, A s7ecimens where possible. fully comprehend that this is as much Halliday. Miss McDougall of Stanley :read a Canada'swar as it is Britain's war. Gram and Seeds. good report on file rural teachers coca- The Resolutions Ce}nulibtee' submit Winter wheat, G. A. 'Cooper, C. ferenee in Guelph, reporting the ad -.'ted the following resolutions a Trumner ; red` winter wheat, Joliet vantages of osganiaing Progress Clubs' which were Oersted . without a dis- Hey, R. G. Reid spring wheat, J.K. in salmi -1s, the bet that in Denmark ' senting voice. Wise ;, large, peas ,J. K. Wise ; smalh the rural church, school, 1. That we respectfully request the g , pd togs and -Peas, C. Trumnor, J, -K. Wise ; six teachers' homes are grouped together, I cotmty, council to appoint a district that the school be made the social : agricultural representative for the rowed barley, J. K. Wise; William 13: centre, etc. county of Huron. Battler;.; two rowed barley, J.E, Wise, 2, That. in the opinion of the teach- it G.Reid ; white oats, J K. Wise, Mr, Howard, another delegate gave J R. Sterling ; black oats J. R. o synopsis r le Mc He asfs. ideas wiI n West Huron the a People are Sterling,, •7. K. Wise ; timothjrseed, on 'Rural Problem: He (Mr. MeD.' wising to furnish men -,and money for ' the successful ; prosecution of the J. K. 'wise, G. A. Cooper ; yellow deplores n, shdepowing to hothrural judging fr m the outspoken corn, R Blair, A. E. Erwin; dent population, showing it to be in a war, •bu'tl cg g ocorn,,',T, Snowden, "R Snowden; deplorable condition in pertain conn-. sentimentofeach eonununity we feel sweet corn, Jas Campbell, J, Tough; s periali v Huron, the cause be- that the failure of the Government to V. eosin, A.E Erwin, R, Pen ties, e P SA, 0. o , ing file getting ricin quick idea, intra prohibit the sato of intoxicating,seeauof hale field beans, A., Halliday,.17, goons is detrimental to file cause of dugC� ion of farm machinery and ymd enlisting.. Therefore we would earn- 'Talbot; Pen - high i cost of living when unena to ed, Fruit, Remedies suggested were consolidated :estly entreat the `government to pro-, schools shorter hours on the • farm, hibit the sale of such liquors during Grapes -Mrs• ,Hewson ;: collection of laborers' homes built on the faros, the Continuance of 'the watt. ,- grapes, Mrs, Hewson ; !collection of m- all taken -in connection tvitli telephone 3. It' is the opinion of this cenven- pies, J. R, Sterling, F. Keegan ; pot - rural mail, delivery, etc, tion that the P.S. arftllmetie is in- lection of winter. apples,, W. A, Balk- '' - Plvening Session: adequate,' and that rt should be re- well, 'R, G, Reld ; collection• hall ep- At eight, o'clock a large and enthu- Placed by a book' containing a sulii- pies, • J. 11. Sterling, W:" '• A. eiastic tneeting was held in filo opera ;cant nensher a1, graded exercises for Balkwell, ; MGann,Re.3. ; R SpStst- Rouse. ' all classes 'ling. , 'Rev. Canon Tucker of -Leedom -'There were' 116j• teaoliors present. berg, V. Keegan, :J, R. Sterling ; col. re. Prize Winners -at . >t Ba field• Fail Fair. rie in - Following iS a list of the p 1e w fold Fa 1'Past ; t the Ba l nets a Y 110550=.t. G moralpux ose-Urood u a re, John Hey, john & R. Reid , foal, A. Elcoat ' J` J. & R Stein ;two Year' old, , phn Decker, sr,; frst " nd second One:Year r ., 015 as J, Flannery, -.Thus,. Brownet ; team ';Tolin DeckerGeo, Penhale, A,gciculture---Broo,d mare, J. & R. Reid J.. Stewart ; foal;: J. Stewart, J. R. Reid. two year old, J. R. Sterling, R• P'ehl ale, one year': old,. J. R. Sterling,, • 1. Evans+; team, VVm• Glenn, C. Trueniner, • ear old L. "•'Heavy DSanght�Two y , Anderson, Jas. 'Heid ; one year old, , re. R. 'Keys; team, Wm: Stephenson,' Sterling, Roans a oo mare, ter -Br d J. Decker, Jas. Reid ; foal, ..3 Decker, 1 , jr., Jas, Reid ; two year old, Bert feels; one year,old, J. Decker, jr., D. McDougall ; team, J. Decker, sr„ ; single, A. Duncan, M. Elliott. Carriage -Brood snare, Louis Andea; son, John Mudie ;.foal, John 11ey, jr., L. Anderson; two year old, J. Deck- er, sr.; one year old, Jas, Flannery single, C. Eilber, Ed, Werra ; 'gentle- tnen's outfit, 0 Eilber, Edi Wurm ; lady driver,Mrs. Pd. tar, Miss Decker. Cattle. Grade -Milch cot', Wm. Stinson, E. IT, Wise, first and second one year old heifer, le. II Wise, first and sec- ond ; calf, E. 1I, Wise, first: and sec- ond ; ecand,; steer calf, L. Anderson, J. Rich- ardson ; two year old steer, Wm, Stin- son, first and second.; one years old steer, L. Anderson, J, &-R, Reid ; fat beast, Wm. Stinson, first and sec- ond Durham -Milk cow, Beatty Bros., E. H. Wise ; two year cold heifer, E,, II,. ',tile, Beatty Bros. ; one year old hei- fer., 5. H. Wise first and second,; hei- fer calf, A. Elcoat, E. 1I. Wise ; ball calf, 1., H. Wise, first and second. Jersey --Milk cow, Jas. Johnston, first and' second. • Sheep. Leicester -Aged ram, A..Elcoat, E. II, Wise ; ram lamb, ewe lamb and wether, lamb, nt Elcoat, all prizes. Lincoln -Aged ram, Thos. Snowden, Geo. Penhale ; ram lamb, Geo. Pen- hale ewes, Geo. Penhale, Thos. Snoiwden; Shearling ewes, Geo. Pen - hale, Thos. Snowden ; ewe lanb, 'Thos. Snowden, Geo. Penhale ; wether lamb, Thos. Snowden, first and second, Fine wool -A. Dunkin, all prizes. Fat Sheep -T, Snowden, Geo. Pen - hale, Pigs. Berkshire -Aged hoar, Thos, Snow- den ; brood sow, Thos. Snowden, 7t. t mas • months, 7,10 six non ' 1 n• r s 1 wee a Soo boar , d • sow Sit 5C" n 0 Snowden, first and o months, R. Snowden, T. Snowden. Yorkshire - Boar, W. B. Bntticr ; sow, Thos. Snowden, R. Blair ; hoar six months, Win. Battler, 11• Blair ; sow six months, Wm. Bat't'er, R. Blair. Reel pigs -Aged boar, T. Snowden ; brood sots, R. Snowden ; boar six months, T. Snowden and R. Snow- den ; sow six months, T. Snoavden and 13 Snowden ; boar any breed, R. Snowden ; sow any breed, R. Snow- den ; bacon bogs, R. Blair, R., Snow- den, ultrt 1 Po J S Battler, - m ti L l W S 0.ltol fns IIowue dark bialtmas J S llowttc, first and second ; B. P Roci's D 11, Wise, first and second ; W. P. Rocks, W. Battler, A. Copeland ; B. Spanish, W. Batilei, .1. 14 Howrie ; White Leg - hem, A. Halliday, 1:: II. Wise , Brown Leghorn, J. S. llowtte, first and sec- ond ; S. S. llamhurgs, Wm. B. llatt- ler, first anti second ; Black Hom- burgs, J. S Howrie; Red Caps, 1t•ni. 13. 13atLies, first and second; Rhode Island Rods, C. Trunnion, first and 'se- cond o-cond; Andulasiains, •J. S, I-Iowtie, t:• B. Battler ; Wrh110 Wyandottes, C. Trimmer, 1s 1T. Wise ; Silver tv'3an- doiites and Iloudans, Wm. Battles ; Buff Orpingtons, W'nl. B. Battler, 0, 'l'rulnner ; Black Langslians, J S. 'Cowrie, first and 100oucl ; Bantams, Wm. B, Battler ; Pekin. dudes„ R. Snowden, C. Tru mner ; Rouen ducks, s v " E. 1I. Wise first and second laloie geese, Wm, B. Battler, first anti sec- ond ; A. 0, V. geese R. Snowden, C!.• 'I runner• ; A. 0. V. turkeys, R Snow- den ; Black Minorcan, Wm. B. Batt' ler, first and second. Wingham f B s �sels Mr. c r Miss Stella Gerry o ru and Mrs. Royi Willis of Toronto and Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. McNab of Dungannon were guests at the hotpe of Mr. and Mrs. W. 73. Willis for Thant:sgiving. • Mrs, Orpee, of Toronto has been a guest at tike home of Mr. and Mrs. Phippen. • Miss Maud Davis retui:ned home last week after a visit with 'Toronto fri- ends, Misses Maude and Olive David of London have been visiting at the home of their uncle, Mr, Fred Carter, Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Gregory of Lon- don visited at the hone of the lady's. parents, Mr. and Mrs: P. Buchanan, last week. Mrs. Roy Nctterfeld has been visit- ing her parents at Denfield, Mins Maud Davis returned ]tome last week after a visit with Toronto :fri- ends. Varna The Women's Patriotic Society packed and shipped a bale of clothing last week containing : thirty-six night shirts, six. hundred and twenty mouth wipes, ninety-three wash twelve handkerchiefs, seven pillows, eight pillow^.cases, three towels, six pads, a roll of bandages and a parcel ofcotton an linen. They have on t d l c n o knitting handl a quantity of yarn tct it•tin g and will be staking up a shipment of field comforts soon. Messrs. George Faster and Ted, Clutter have been busy building a new House for Mr. Vie. Elliott of Gedericli township. Miss 1lauuah Ward of Scaforth Cs visiting relatives. and friends around Read - Y To -Wear Garments GOLJGH &GO. Dry Goods ads andd[I • once Furnishings lam. ': cn ` as � The Are?, rere. Nearly every conceivable design and color is here in ail sizes. Every beautiful novelty from home and abroad is here. All the new floral and conventional desinsaand new shades are also on display. The won• derful beauty of our new rugs can only be appreciated by a personal visit you will find our prices the L,owe.ct Quality considered. A.slk the well posted women where you ,can get the best value for your money in hosiery and. she will money unhesitatingly direct you to our store. She knows that here ycu will find extensive assortments of well made hosiery, , Prices range from 25c to $1,50 a pair. Uiiiinery. - For Saturday we havearrangeda special ••ecial show- ing of new hats and an unusually large collection of large variet that no trouble ' untrimmed hats such aY will be encountered in selecting, one that will''please,ila every respect, October 21st, 1015 pears, F. Keegan, R. Snowden.; fall Niro W. Messier ; whisk Bolder Mtg. P earS, M r s : Toss R. . Sn owden ; Winter inter 17owrie, M rs'. Rq , s ; br ass' wool s, M rs. ears, F Keegan, I. R. Sterling.; Pea- A. E. Irwin. Mr: Ross,. ;'kitGhan cho J J, R. Sterling apron, Mrs. J, Stewart, Mrs.:luaton; pints Thos. Btownett T S,Twr1e, darning 4t socks, Mrs, J Stewart, prune, lhos.:Brnwnett, Mts. Voss ; {ate Ross, ledice' underwcaro-Mrs.w. Heston • Roman nut.. 11115tt 3'•, R, Sterling; Merger, Mrs, i , .,, a. Spies, s. G. - . 1; � Dr. Metgalf ; liar Mho t t;l G. 1. Reid wo i Spies, J.R,' St thug, IL G, l , vrie • '5. • 0! c lf Mt H Dr. eta , ,'r D M - e w danger, Yellow Crabs F• I{cegatl, R. Sno a 6 , s J. R. I Sterling F. knitted quilt, A. '1I'alliday, F. Kee-' 'den ;;..Red Crabs, 6, fascinator in wool, Kate ; crochet *n J.R. a I{ee an ; T{fngs, J,.Richardson, 6 k, st a ; woollen socs, ' : 1 li, U 'tcxlin Ross Mrs, 1 .Sterling , Greenings, J. R, ,S g> , .e,ss, woo lei A. Mrs. J. Stewart, Kate Ross , 1 >. . G. 'Reid ,,.Ribstpn Pippins, w RMr. Huston • Ross s 1 Tt, �G• Itcid';' 2q es. Pippins, gloves,"Mrs. r .3. 1, r{ to ' � ,• Ster- woollen mittens, Mts. Ross, Kate Sterling Wa Hers, J, R see ,i, 11.' g ; b ling,. hooked, Mrs. 1Iuots's, C 'rruutner ; Golden, I3ussrts, J. Ross ; rag mat , ho , R r ltt 0, 1lt e ti . Golden Rus- .it; Keegan; plaited mat, Kate ate, I %o1sas1_ ; sets, JSterling,. Sterling,, C'Pruntuer ; 1tis, Ross.; patched quilt, cotton, Blenheim Pipeline J. Richardson, G. Mls. 'Q)rl Grieve, Mrs. Ross' motels- ; Snows, F. Keegan, J. R. ed 'malt, cloth, 3. Decker, sr., A - ' lila ; crochet quilt, Mrs•. 1lowrir, ""�: y Sterling. Vo7etaUles. Decker, r. ; silk quilt, Dr. Metcalf, Earls potatoes, R. Snowdeno C, Mrs. ( sr. I Dr..) Grieve; collection ladies' er C. Trunmer, work, Mrs. Howrie; Mrs. W. M,ern Trimmer ;late potatoes,Mrs, ;(Drc) R. McMurray Yellow Globe Mangolds 4rochct loco in cotton, c in Grieve Mrs. Huston ; knitted' lace T.lds, e C R. Snowden ; intro: Man -Mrs. Ruston, Mrs,_. Hindu ; fan- gids, T, Cameron ; Field Carrots, R. wooly .. it, W. A. Balk - g e apron , Mrs, Husto , Penhale, T. Snowden ; Table {.aTabl Ycs, Tonic Mrs, Dr. Metcalf, Jas. Campbell , Table well ;. bcrerille lace, M 'lough, A. I3alliday ; oss. Cabb e John Rand Flowers. Dr,. Metcalf, A. IIallidaY ; Plants a Cauliflower, Dr. Metcalf ;, Muskmelons, Large bouquet of fiewers,•Dr. Met - Jas, Campbell, IT. Keegan ; Parsnips; calf, ; small bouquet of flowers, Mrs. ' 3, Decker, sr:, J. CairnpUell :largest Rowson,. Dr, Metcalf ;Dahlias, 1)r. Pumpkin, Wm. B. Battler, R. . Blair; Metcalf, Mts. Hinde ; Pansies, Mrs. laI• est squash, T. Catneron, 'T. Snow- Heise, .Mrs. Howrie ; Geraniums, Mrs, largest sen ; Yield Turnips, R. Snowden, R.Mrs,. Hewsonushias,MGladiol- Stnitli ;, Watermelon, Jas. Campbell, us, Dr. Metcalfe ; Frs. ITew^ Balkwell ; sugar beets, J. R. son, Dr. Metcalf ; foliage plants, Mrs, Sterling, C. Trumnel ; White -Celery, :ITinde ; Asters, Dr. Mela:alf, Mrs. Dr, Metcalfe ; Winter Radish, Wm. B. Hinde ; Glosania, F. Keegan, Dr. Battler, R. Smith ; . Citrons, A, Ev- Metcalf ; Begonias, Dr, Metcalf, Mrs. ans, R. Smith ; Potato Onions, R. Hewson ; bouquet of Sweet. Peas, Mrs. Smith, A. IlallidaY ; White Onions, 17otvrie, Dr. Metcalf, R• Snowden; Red On- Fine. Arts. ions, R. Smith, Jas. Campbell ; Ye1- pencil drawing, Mrs. Ross, 0. ELL tow Onions, Dr. Metcalf,' F. Keegan ; ben ; crayon drawing, Mrs. Ross, A,L, Red Tomatoes, Dr. Metcalf, A. Haiti- Steep ;• water coloring painting, Mrs. day ; Yellow Tomatoes, Dr. Metcalf, Howrie, 0. Eilber ; oil painting, A. L. Wm, B. Battler ; Peaces 'Tomatoes, R. Steep, Mrs. Howrie ; Kensington Smith, J. Decker, sr.l painting, Mrs. Roes, Kate Ross ; pen Ladies' Work, and ink sketch, Mrs. A. E', Erwin, llecti n o liandketcitiefs, Dr. -Met Mrs. IIowrio ; lustre painting, Kate Co o d I lf Mrs. J. B. Lavin ; Irish crochet Ross, Mrs. and ; painting ion silk, t New les. Just to hand this week another shipment of la- dies' fall and winter mantles and suits, Be sure and see our very large range before buying. y. lace, Mr. Metcalf, Mrs. W. Merner ; table plats, Mrs. Howrie, C. Eilber crochet work, cotton, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. J. B. Levis ; crochet work,wool J. Decker, sr„ Dr, Grieve ; bead neck- lace, Dr. Metcalf, Mrs, W. Merner ; embroidery, $• Huston, Mrs. llowrie ; eyelet embroideay, Mrs, W. Merner, C. Either ; five o'clock tea cloth, Mrs. Howrie, C Either ; child's dress, fea- ther stitch, Dr. Metcalf, W. A, Balk- well, embroidery in lace, Mrs. 1low- rie, Nlrs. W. Merner ; collar and cuff set, Mrs. 11059, M,rs. Hooton,; drawn work, Mrs. W. Merner, Mrs. J. B. La - vis ; bedroom slippers, Dr. Metcalf, Mrs. W. Merner ; Battenburg lace, Dr. Metcalf Mrs. IIowrio ; doylies, Mrs. W. Merner, Mrs. Howrie ; plain Band sewing, ie ; hem - 1:5" Howe i r M Eilber, C. PU , stitching, Mrs, Howrie, J. Decker, sr; eyelet embroidery, MTS, Ross, C. Eit- her ; sofa cushion, T. Cameron, • Mrs. Howrie ; tea cosy knitted, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Huston ; etching, Mrs, Ross, Mrs. 1Towrie ; modern cross stitch, Mrs. 1Iinde, Min 'W'. Merner ; braid- ing, Mrs, W. Memos, Mrs, A, E. Erwin ; Irish point lace, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. 1lowrie ; Honiton lace., Kate Ross, Mrs. Ross, ; hand made button holes, W. A. Balkwell, Mrs. IIuston. ; centrepiece, Mrs.' IIowrio, C. Either., floral tinted centre -piece, Mrs, IIowrio, Mrs. Howrie, J. Decker, sr. ; snapshot Bayfield scenery, G. E. Greenslade, W. A. Balkwell ; burnt work, Kate Ross, Mrs. J. 13. iLavis ; Itanfl painted China, Kate Ross, Manufacturers. Single harness, L. Beattp, J. W. Tippet ; double harness, T. Cameron, J. W. Tippet ; twisted yarns, T. Bcownott ; woollen .yarn J. Decker, sr., T. Brownett. Tell your neighbor The News -Record is the News -Leader. I 1- WANTED NOW ! REL I A BL 'I; SALESMAN TO AOT' AS AGENT IN H URON COUNTY. PAY WEEKLY, outlitifree, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Our ag- encies are the best in the business for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guar- antee deliveries in first class condi- tion, Nursery stock is selling well this year and good money can be made in this district. For particulars wri I•e Sales Manager, PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONT. - TRY ONE 'di Pl:C1 ORlAL REVIEW PATTERN . 'We recommend them because we know authentic, they are far in advance of any other pattern and never fail to sive complete sat- isfaction. Costume 0402-115. They save at least from one-half to one yard { of material on each dress on account of the P area ted Cutting and Construction ion ,11 Guides. 111E FALL FASHION BOOK AND OCTOBER PATTERNS now on sate. Costume 6410-155, W. Cooper Co. CLINTON. NATIONAL PORTLAND GEMENT We haye'just-received a carload' of the sane old brand of Portland Cement which has always given you such com- plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements. You cannot make a mistake using the National. S. J. ANDREWS, Clinton FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces you will find it to your advantage to inspect our stock and see the bargains we arelgiving. We also carry a good Ilne;of violins, pianos and organs.: `<1+a10. Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re- spect;and we guarantee the best of satisfaction. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over store, 28 'Phone %Wm. 28 i^ ,.1