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Clinton News -Record
Octol)et. 14th, 1915
. We invite an inspection of the Season's Newest and
Best of 'Shoes for Men, Women and Children—the
Choicest Shoes and the Best Values the Country's Best
Maker's produce,!
Come to see what we are showing in Footwear for
the'Fall and Winter -Season I
• It will afford us great pleasure to have an oppoi-
tunity of showing you the:many.styles!
Our expert Shoe Service is always at your com-
mand and we solicit your consideration 1_
The Good Shoes Store.
1 Better School Shoes
Does Your Boy Need New Shoes?
If he does let him try a pair of our boy's heavy
solid leather school shoes, They will not disappoint
you in wear and are very moderately priced.
We are also showing a special line cf girl's shoes
which cannot be equalled in town.
Try a pair, they are the best value your money
can buy.
Men's and Boy's Clothing.
Our stock of ready-to-wear clothing is now very
complete. We have men's tweed and worsted suits
from $6.50 to $15,00 and black and blue serge suits
from $1U to $1.8,
Boy's Suits From $2.50 Up.
Boy's Pants from 50c to $1.50 per pair,
Men's Odd Pants from $1.50 to $4.50 per pair.
, Having placed our orders for our clothing before
there was any decided advance in woollens we have all
our clothing at about old prices,
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits — More Business
9 115
New Fitted Coats
which have hal flared hips
Norfolk and Sports 'Coats
Nipped Waistline in Coats and Dresses
Smocked, Shirred, Tucked' ,
and Gathered Dresses
Princess Dresses in various styles
and Jumper Skirts
are the latest up-to-date features, and
together with many other beautiful styles
will be shown in the
Singer Sewing Machines.
It is not necessary for us to say anything about the good quality of
Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for
themselves. They are without a doubt the beat household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk 11 over
with xis. • . •
Ostermoor Mattresses
are good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will
clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will "save all your sweeping and dusting, Free trial given.
Price $12,50. •
• Columbia Grafonolas.
We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and
you will say,they are the hest toned and the moat distinct talking ma-
chine you'have heard, Come in and ask for any record and we will
play it for you:
Ball & Atkinson
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104.
N. BALL Phone 110, J, D. ATKINSON, Phone 186
For Autumn
With each copy you get any
Standard Pattern FREE
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best.
,aralt I 1111111141tRupiunlilliN
. I
hi sa Dhlle O'Neil wars up from Tor-
onto for the holiday.
Miss Jean Mair was up from Toron-
to for Thanksaiving.
Mr. E. J. Howard of London was in
town on Wednesday of last week,
Miss Ida Walkinehaw was with MP -
ley friends or. er the week -end an 1
Miss Jean. Chidley, who spent the
Pact year with relatives in Winni-
peg, returned home last week.
Mrs. George .M. Mackenzie . lett on
Saturday to send a couple of
weeks with het parents. in Toronto.
Mr. .T, T. Mustard and son oE Tor-
onto sent the week -end ani holi-
day with friends in towl.
Mr. anti Mrs Kenyon of London were
the guests for a few days last
week of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atkin-
Mr. Dean Courtice, We's a -holiday vis-
itor at the earental home in town,
that of Mr. and Mrs. E. Cr. Cour-
Mr. Fred, Rumba11 of London and.
Miss Georgina Ruanball of Holmes -
villa were guests over the week -end
at the home of their sister, Mrs.
J. A. Ford.
Mr, J. R. Rumball of the law Cern
ea` Kilirner & Irving, Torontci, aeent
th week -end and holiday at his
home in town,
Krs. Jos. Guest a Winghan1 spent
the weele-end and holiday at her
old home on Albert street, resi-
dence of Mrs, T. Mitchell.
'Miss Sadie Mahaffy has been unable
owing to illness to attend to het
duties in Hellyar's iowellry store
for the past fortnight but it ia
hoped she will soon he quite het -
self again.
Kr. Jos. Townsend came up • from
Toronto for over the week -end. To-
wards the latter part of tbe month
Mr. and Mrs. Townsend purpose re-
turning to Clinton etc again make
their home here.
Rev: F, C. Hareer 18 ab.sent in Tor-
onto attending a meeting, of 11:e
Knox College Senate to arrange for
the ope,ning of the college ' semen
anal the report of the manna of the
fall examinations: •
Capt. Clausin O'Neal, son of 1Wr. and
Mrs. Frank O'Neil of Moose Jaw,
Sask., formerly of Clinton, who fa
in training fbt overseas: service,
will be martial shortly to a daugh-
ter of a pr.orninent citizen: of Moose
wirJaaRvo. y
East of the Royal Barak,
Winnipeg, And Mr. Carl East of
the main branch, Toronto, are
home this week for the wedding of
their eester, Misa Mao, whish takes
place. in Wesley chardi this after-
Mr. Chas. Dronaltison, travelling rep-
reseqtative of the SawaaaMassey
Companyt of Hamilton, 'was in town
on Friday last, 011 'his way to Wing -
ham after a visit at the parental
home in .13ayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Kemp came up from
London on Saturday and remained
530 Me
we6,-temili(11 MwrilS, S4tlieKerne
a ,
Many old friend's were pleased with.
• this opportunity of meeting ' them
again. '
Mr. W. Siebert, formerly of havve,
was in, Clinton. for a few bailee on
Saturday on his way to visit
friends in -the northern' part of the
county, .. He has 'enlisted for, o\or-
Seas seryiee and lids' been. in train-
ing at •Neagara.:-.11c eyaatier etpeets
.1,'id'a be, ,sitaietlYeSenV to- England.
r: K. Mann, 'tailor in the ' Meal
branch of the Maisons Bank; has.
• enlisted as a priVate is , Machine
' gun section alt Hamilton' and leaves
on, Salairela3 to go into trainsng.
Mr. Wilson took a ' Co 755 of train-
ing at • the military school and
qtialified as a lieutenant but wish-
ing to get started at once
and finding a . vacancy, in this com-
pany in his Imam city ho enlisrea'
in the ranks, following an example
set by many of Canada% best
young men during the past year,
,StaMinable Goo0s.-
Stoves and R an ges.
Stove Boards,
0 i I Cloths,.
Coal Scuttles,
Cinder Sifters, Etc.
vt.n.sa,suitable for a
Brantford Rubber Roofirlg—rnansion,
cbieicen house or
hog pen. We have a high grade roofing paint same price as the ordin-
ary. A good time now to prepare your roofs for the bad weather,
Stock Food, Poultry Panacea, Instant Louse Killer
Dr. 1 -less' Etc.
Lams-, lead rand linseed oil.
paints, varnishes, stains, etc„ white
Sherwin -Wil
Rifles, Gups and Ammunition.
Willow and Wire Root Baskets.
Charcoal, two bags for 25 cents,
Dustbane in barrels, half barrels and cans.
Heres Your Guide to the
Unknown in Underwear
Y9.11 cari,tell at a glance whether an Unclerwrear garnient is, warm ; whether. it
'is corn
fortably soft ; whether it is well finished.
Its wearing -power remains obscure. So does its resistance to the washtub. Flow are
you going to know—positively—that it will resist the hardest wear you can give it for
several seasons ? •flow can you be sure that it will not shrink ?
We answer: Come here and buy a suit of Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear. Care-
ful making has given it stamina. And it is guaranteed against shrinkage.
Opposite the Public Library.
• Women's Store
Dry Goods and •
House Furnishings
Phone 67,
7 ' Men's Store
Merchant Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
About People You Know The News From Londesboro.
Miss Maud Torrance is • M Tbronto
this week.
Mr, Nixon Welsh wa's halite from
Toronto for the holiday.
Miss Caveat of Winghain , was the
guest of Miss E. Chidlele over the
Mayor Fred jacksan stent Thanks-
giving Day .with his brother, Mr.
Vkalter Jackson, wt Brantford,
Mrs. A. Seeingbam of Woodstock
spent the week -end with her par-
ents, the Chief and Mrs. Wheatley.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Alcook of Hain-
, ilton were up spending the week-
end and holiday in the old: home
town. '
Mrs. E. Walsh returned' to her home
in Detroit on Timed* after eni„oy-
ing-a pleasant _ visit .with old
friends in Clinton. '
Mr. and Mrs. Basaviek of Toronto
Came up for the holiday "and Mrs.
Beswick is remaining for a fort-
night with, friends in town.
Mr. and Mts. Gns Collyer and chil-
dren spent Tliankagiving in town
as the guests of the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Steep,
Mrs. Disney and her,son litble Master
George al Guelph were in town for
a feav days of the past week as
guests of Mrs. R. Graham,
Prof. and Mrs. dhant of Totonto
were guests at the home of the
loaner's brother, lare, H. B. Chula,
from Saturday until Monday.
Registrar Coats came down from.
Goderielll on Tuesday to attend the'
funeral •-•61 t11121 late Roeert Muth,
manager of the rhinos of Refuge,
Miss Eva SteevarSon of ,Teeksen 1 itv,
in here this week the. greet
01 bee sister, Mrs. Ouningliame,
and for the Cleniegliame--Eaatwed-
. cling today. • , ,
Miss Dora Barr retexned ,to Strat-
ford Normal on -,Tueselay after
spending the holidays at the par-
ental home, that of Mr. and Mra.
Isaac Barr.
Rev. E. G. Powell and Masters Gor-
don and Earl each took part in the
program- at the Thanksgiving en-
tertainment at Londesboro on Mon-
day evening: -
allre.• Devitt 'Of -BlacksteeC and Miss
• Pearl Foster of . Sandwich wore
guests ovee the week -end and holt-
dap of their aunt, Mrs. J. 'Kerr of
'Victoria street, , .
Kr.' mid Mrs. A. Annie left on Sat -
dap for their :home at Port Unioe'
after a weal's stay with the lady's.
`siateks, Mrs, •Je ,,SouPhcombe and;
Mitai Washington.
Mr. W. S. Downs was in Brantford
on Saturday.
Mr. Ogle Miller spent the holiday at
his home in town.
Miss Rollie Mennen of Toronto s•peret
the Thanksgiving holidays at her
home in town,
Miss 011,c Floody of Toronto son t
the wee.k-end and holiday with
friends in Clinton.
Bliss Florence Deihl of Paisley spent
Thanksgiving with her grandmoth-
er, Mrs. J. MeGarva.
Mt. and Mrs. George Gardiner of
Toronto were gees•ts on Thanksgiv-
. big' of Mr. and Mrs. W.S.R. Holm-
Mrs. W. S. Elliott of Toronto spent
the Thanksgiving season with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Lind-
Mr. Thos. Watts and his little son,
Master Albert, visited in Toronto
and Bolton Saturday to Tuesday
Mn. and Mrs. Snyder of S. ebringville
spent the holiday period with the
latter's sister, Mrs. Veneer, of the
Gravel Road.
Mr. A, Lindee of Toronto has been
up to visit his sister, Mrs, J.
Do:g, during the past week. Mn,
Doig is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. John Emmerton of
Pine River sacral, a couple at daY S
this week with Mr. and Mrs. John
Emmerton of 'town.
Miss Mulloy and Mae Gertrude Nor-
ris of Toronto were guests over'
the weelieend and holiday of the
foemer's sista, Mrs. Twiteliell.
Edgar PattiS011, 110 resigned the
Position of rT,13.. agent at Bruce -
field to enlist with the 7Ist Batts -
spent over Sunday with • his
IlcoPle in town.
Mr. R. Hawkins of Hamilton, who
was accompanied by his daughter,
Misa Frances, visited with his son
and Wife., Me. and Mrs. T. W. Haw-
kins' Sunday and Monday.
Mn. W, .13, Taylor, son of Mn, and
Mrs. Jacob Taylor., for a cotmie of
years, or se claosical master in the
Nenanee ('alle,giate, lies joined the
stall of the Galt Ciillegiate; a
iebroteachee at. -1111 advance
,111 >airy.
Major. Rairce, Adjutant McLean and
Captains Dowding- and Sloan 0111118
iip from Carling Heights last even-
ing, retelling again this femening,
'The Clinton' Club took advantage of
the presence of..Coweamen Ranee, and:
Dowding to present each. with .
bea;utifill '
Mr, ..r,;6.:61") Tarlor Of Teroath : is. 'id
town this week and purposea • re-
maining laratil next.; De has not yet
entirely recovered from the efteata of
. the accident he . Met with limes
months ago .and is obliged to ,use. a
Cane. It laril a. like old times, to see
the genial "Jake in, Our midst
again and he reciprocates by saying
Without any hesitation . that not -
'Withstanding all the attractions of
the city pleasing recollections of
) the pld ironic town • will always
have fITS'i1 place with ISbn,
Mrs. G. I -Tolland and Mss Lillie
A/fennel:I, Toronto, sent over the
the week -end and holiday at their
parental home, that of M
Mts. George Mennell,
Mr. John Jackson, who is in his
88th year, retuned Monday from a
visit of Several days with his
daughter, Mrs. H. Steep of Toron-
to. There aro a number of Yoe
old men in Clinton but reone, carries
his year's easier than, this pioneer
business man.
Misse a Eleanor and Jennie Mains 1
and Mrs. Wiseman of London spent
the week -end and holiday at the Moine
cf "VIE. M. Mains.
Mr.* Chas. Crawford spent the holi-
day period as the guest of his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Kunkle of Niagara Falls.
Mr. W. Holtehauer spent a few days
with Berlin and 'Preston friends.
Mr, and Mrs. D. Floody of Blyth
spent Sunday at the ironic of Mr.
George -Brogden.
Private Orrin Cartwright of Lon-
don was home for Thanksgiving.
.The anniversary ear:elms in connec-
tion with the Methodist church were
held on Sunday last, Res. George
Jewett Of Blytli being the preacher
of the day and delis erect two very
fitting 'discourses. Special music was
rendered by the choir assisted by
Mr. and Mrs. 1). Geddes. Mr. J.
Stalker of Ingersoll rendered a solo
at the evening serice, The -fowl
supper on Monday evening drew the
usual large crowd, taxing the seating
capacity of the church to its uttnase.
The program was as usual of a high
order, including vocal selections by
Messrs. Carthew, Robinson and Mae.
cc, Myth ; readings by Rev. E. G.
Powell and 'Wasters Gordon and. Earl
Powell, Clinton, and, Mrs. C, C.
Kaine and addresses by Re 's, J. G.
Reid, Lonaleshoro, G. Jewitt, i3lyth
and J. W Hibbert, Wingham. The
total proceeds amounted to nearly
three hundred dollars.
Miss Sadie McCool is sNuding a
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
We regret to report,lhat Itir, Jam-
es Webster lis not improving.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar of London
spent Sunday and Monday at tilt
home of Mu. E. 141011.
Mr. Wm. Lee 10 limping nutelf the
same and we horn soon to be able
to report steady improvement.
Mrs, D. Woods of Paislep spent a
few days with her brother, Mr. John
Mr. and Mrs. W. McDowell of field were guests on Sunday of Mr.
W. Brigham.
Mrs. Van. Taylor of Clinton called'
on friends hero on Thanksgiving Day.
Mies 13. Brogilen spent Sunday andl
Monday at her home here.
Corn cutting and taking up roots
are occupying the time and , energies
of the farmers hereabouts and they
are glad of the fine days we. hale
had this week for the work.
Mika Nellie Medd of ladinehealea
avant the Thanksgiving holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Medd.
Rev. Mr. MeKintete of Seaforth will
conduct ane iv 0:teary s.r,tices mn th3
Constance Methodist church (In Sam
day, Oetotam 2451i, at half rest two.
and seven; p.m.
ew Fall Footwear.
The New Fall Shoes
are sh"-
incr for t h e
new season faithfully reproduced all, the style features
of the highest priced custom made. • We can meet
every possible requirement you may have in
our line at moderate expense and guarantee thorough
satisfactioo with every pair.'
They are refined styles, made of the best materials
and easily take the:lead for quality and value,
, We are showing an especially good line of wom-
en's shoes in all leathers, buttoned or laced, at $3.50.
These we have received and placed in stock.