The Clinton News Record, 1915-10-14, Page 6HE 0()LDEN KEY
Or A dventures of Ledgnrd."
By thee Author of "What He Cost Her."
n thought came; it lay like a small but
ll threatening black shadow across all
those brilliant hopes and dreams
which were filling his brain So far
he had played the game of life 08
hard man, perhaps, and a selfish one,
but always honestly. Now, for the
first time, he had stepped aside from
the beaten track. He told himself
that he was not bouid to believe Da
Souza's story, that he had left Monty
with the holiest conviction that he was
CHAPTETe XVII.--(Cont'd).
"Well, I am glad to ten you this at
I bit moreamiable! Nieely lively d n -
e'er for the women I must say." '
any rate," he said. "I always liked "One isn't usually amiable to guests
your father, and I saw him, off when who stay when they're not asked,"
he left England, and have written to Trent answered gruffly. "However,
him often since. I believe I was his if I hadn't much to say, to your wife
only.corsespondent in this country, ex- and 'daughter, I have a woed or two
cent his Solicitors. He had a very to say to you, so fill up your glass and
•adventurous and I am efraid not a ii$ten."
very happy time. He never wrote , Souza obeyed, but without
cheerCully, and he ' mortgaged the heartiness. He stretched himself ont
greater paet of his income. I don't in his chair and looked down thought -
blame him for anything he did. A fully at 'the large expanseof shirt -
man needs soine responsibility, or
some one dependent upon him to keep
straight. To be frank with you, I
don't think he did."
dad'," 'the murmured, "of found as I .expected that , you have
front in the centre a which flashed
an enormous diamond.
"I've been into the City to -day as
you know," Trent cohtinued, "and I
course he didn't! I know I'd have been making efforts to dispose of your
share in the Bekwando Syndieete.
"I can aseure
"Well, he drifted about from place "Oh, rot!" Treet interrupted. "I
to place and at last he got to the lcnow what I'm talking about. I won't
Gold Coast, Here I half lost sight of have you sell out. Do you hear. If
him, and his few letters were more you try it on P11 queer the,market for
bitter and despairing than ever. The you at, any risk. I won't marry your
last I had told me that he was just daughter, I won't be blackmailed, and
off on an expedition into the interior I won't be bullied. We're in this ±0.
with another Englishman. They gether, sink or swim. If you pull me
were to vieit a native king and try down you've got to come too. I'll
to obtain from him certain conces- admit that if. Monty were to present
sions, inchading the right 'to work a himself in London to -morrow and
wonderful gold -mine somewhere near demand his full pound of flesh we
the.village of Bekwando." . should be ruined, but he isn't going
to do it. By your own showing there
is no immediate risk, and you've got
to leave the thing in my hands to do
what I think best, If You play any
hanky-panky tricks—look here, Da
Souza ru kill you sure! Do you
were running," he said, "for the hear? .1 could do it, and no one would
peoplaaweee savage and the climate be the wiser so far as I was concern -
deadly. He Wrote cheerfully for him, ed. You take notice of what I say,
though. He had a partner, he said, Da Souza. You've made a fortune,
who wee strong and determined, and and be satisfied. That's all!"
they -had presents, to get which he "'You won't marry Julie, then?" Da
had mortgaged the last penny of his Souza said gloomily.
inecnne. It was a desperate enter
prise perhaps, but it suited him, and
he went on te tell me this, Ernestine.
If he succeeded and he 'became
- wealthy, he was returning to Eng-
land just for a sight of you. He was*
so changed, he said, that. no orie in
the world would recognize him. Poor
fellow! It was the last line I had
from Min." You'll excuse me! I want a breath of
"And you are sure," Ernestine said fresh air."
slowly,.' that Scarlett Trent was his Trent strolled through thee open
partner?" window into the garden, and breathed
"Absolutely. Trent's own story a deep sigh of relief, He was a free
clinches the matter. The prospectus man again now. He had created new
of the mine quotes the concession ELS dangers—a new enemy to face—but
having been granted to him by the what did he care? All his life had
.Kin'g of Bekwando in the same month beeh spent in facing dangers and con-
es your father wrote to me. . quering enemies. What he had done
"And what news," the asked, "have before he coukl do again! As he lit
you had since.
"Only this letter—I will read it to
• you --from one of the missionaries of
• the Basle Society. I heard nothing
for so long, that 1 made enquiries,
and this is the result." •
Etnestiee took it and read it out
"DeAr Sir, -In reply to your.letter
and inquiry respecting the where-
abouts of a Mr. Richard Grey, the
matter was placed in my hands by
the agent of Messrs. Castle, and I
have personally visited Buckomari,
the village at which he was last
heard of. It seems that in February,
18— he started on an expedition to
Bekwando in the interior with an
Englishman by the name of Trent,
with a view to buying land from it
native king, or obtaining the conces-
sion to work the valuable gold -mines
of that country. The expe,dition gems
to have been successful, but Trent re-
- turned alone and reported that his
companion had been attacked by bush -
fever on the way back and had died in
a few hours,
"I regret very much having to send
you such sad and ecarity news in re-
turn for your handsome donation to
our funds. I have made every en-
quiry, but cannot trace any personal
effects or letter. Mr. Grey, I find,
was known out here altogether by the
nickname of' Monty. • •
"I deeply regret the pain which
this letter will doubtless cause you,
and truiting that you may seek and
receive consolation where alone it may
be found,
"I am, yours most sincerely,
"Chas. Addison."
Ernestine read the letter carefully
through, and instead of handing it
back to Davenant, put it into her
pocket wfien • she rose up. "Cecil,"
she sMtl, "I Want you to leave me at
once! You may come baok to-niorrow
at the same dine. I am going , to
think this out quietly."
He tocle up hiA hat. "There- is one him only with a sort of coarse eon -
thing more, Ernestine," he said slow- tempt. It was marvellous how thor-
ly. "Enclosed in the letter from the-oughly and clearly he had recognized
missionary at Attra was another and Ernestine at once as a type of that
a ehortee note, which in accordance other world of wornenkinde of which
with his request, I burnt as soon as I
read it, eI believe the man was hon-
est when he told me that for hours
he had hesitated whether to send me
'those *few Imes or not. Eventually
he decided to do. so, but he appealed
to my honor to destroy the note as
soon as I had „read it.
"He thought it his duty to let me
know that there had been rumors as
to how your father met his death. point! His sense of proportions was
Trent, it seems, had the reputation a altered, Inc financial triumphs were
being a reckless an<daring man, and no longer omnipotent.. He was in -
according to some agreement which dined even to brush them aside, to
they" had, he profitedaenorinously by consider them -more ae• an incident in
your father's death, .There seeins to his career. He associated her now
• have been no really definite ground with all those plans concernieg the
for the rumor except that the body future which he had been dimly for -
was not found where Trent said that &elating since the climax Of his 'sue -
he had died. Apart from that, life is cesses had come. She was of the
held cheap out there, and although world which he sought to enter—at
your father was in delicate 'health, oncethe stimulus and the object of
his death under such pandit:ions could his desires. He forgot all about Da
not fail to be suspicious. I hope I 8ow.a and his threats, about the
haven't said too much. I've tried to broken-down, half-witted old man
put it to you exactly as it was put to was gazing with , wistful eyes across
me!" the ocean, which kept him there, an
"Thank you," 'Ernestine said, "I exile—he remembered nothing save
think I understand."• the wonderful, new thing which he
' had come into his life. A month ago
CHAPTER XVIII, he would. have scoffed at the idea of
there being anything worth consicleia
Dinner at the Lodge that nighewas ing outside the courts and alleys of
not„,a very lively affair. Trent had the money -changers' market. To -
great matters in hie brain, and was night he knew of other things. Td-
' not in the least disposed to 'make con- night he knew that all he had done so
versation for the sake of hie unbid- far was as nothing—that as yet his
den guests. Da .Souza's few remarks foot was planted only on the theesh-
he treated with silent contempt,: and old of life, and in the path along
Mi'. Da Souza he answered only in which he must heW his way lay many
fresh worlds to conquer. To -night he
told himself that he was equal to them
all. There was something out here in
the dim moonlight something sug-
gested by the shadows, the rose -per -
who opened the door for thene return- fumed air, the delicate and languid
ed to his, seat, moodily flicking the stillness, which crept into his veins
ceumbs from his trousers with his ' and course through, his blood like
serviette. magic.
"thing it all, Trent," he remarked *
an aggrieved tone "you might be a Yet every now and then the same
gone to the devil as fast as I could if
I'd been treated like it!"
"Whye the great Bekwando Land
• Qompanyl" she cried. "It is the one
Scarlett Trent has just formed a
Syndicate to work."
"Yes. It was a terrible risk they
"No, I'm hot if I will!" Trent an
swered. "And, look here, Da Souz
I'm leaving here for town to-morro
—taken a furnished flat El Dove
Street --you can stay here if you wan
but there'll only be a caretaker in th
place. That's all I've got to say
Make yourself at home with the por
and cigars. Last night, you know
past all human help. Yet he knew
that such consolation was the merest
sophistry. Through the twilight, as
he passed to and fro, he fancied more
than once that the wan face df an old
man, with wistful sorrowing eyes was
floating somewhere before him—and
he stopped to listen with bated
breath to the wind rustling in the elea-
trees, fancying he could hear that
same passionate cry ringing still in
his ears—the cry of an old man part-
ed from his kin and waiting for death
in a lonely land.
(To be continued.)
Strange Questiong • and Stranger
Answers. •
Curious' indeed, were some of the
beliefs ofour forefathers, to judge
from the little volume; entitled "Curi-
ositiei of Nature," published in 1637.
Like most books of the olden days
this one is dedicated to a peer—in
this case to "The Right Honorable
William Lord Craven, Baron of Ham-
sted, &a.," and the author, after re-
questing. "gracious protection," tells
his patron that his "handful of Curi-
osities" is "devoted unto you' by the
Heart and Hand of a Student, Tra-
veller and Souldieri"
The somewhat astounding. informa-
tion is conveyed by means of ques-
tions . and answers. .
Q.—How is it that the Hare sleeps
with her eyes open?
A.—Because her eyelids. are not,
large enough to cover her eyes. The
like also is it, as many doe report
with many other animals, as the Lyon
Classification of subjects did not
trouble the author, to judge from
a, these three questions and answers,
w which follow one another
s' 9.—What is the hardest thing to
i?e learned?
e A.—To learn to know himselfe.
Q.—What dost cast from it a
1, greater heate than fire?
A.—Beauty, which setteth not onely
on fire those that touch it, but also
those that a farre off doe behold it.
Q.—Why doe Pullets (their throats
being cut) survive after it longer than
A.—Chickens and Pullets haVe
smaller sinews and veines, and there-
fore life cannot so seem leave them.
Quite an original explanation of the
desire to be rich is found in this:—
Q,—Why doe men seek to avoyde
A. -Because it causeth them often-
times to decline from the right way
of vertue.
Women come in for their full share
of notice, but alas! our author does
not appeal: to have held them in very
high esteem. For instance:—
Q.—Why are women more covetous,
more crafty, • and more revengeful
than men?
A.—Hy reason of the weakness of
their enature; for being net able by
force to support and maintaine them-
selves, they betake themselves to
craft, covetousness and discord, which
Caesar said was the Mother of As-
But neither men nor women can
become hot headed. Note this:—
Q.—Why did nature make •rather
the brains cold than hot
A.—For this main reason only: to
temper and moderate the heate of
the heart, to the end it might serve
in stead of a Fan or cooler.
Marriage is summed up pithily as
Q.—What is marriage?
A.—A Paradise on earth if her
laws be observed, briCa hell. in the
house if her statutes he broken.
But perhaps the finest thing in the
book relates to the "invention" of
kissing, a matter about which many
sweethearts have no doubt bed their
arguments. Here are the facts, as
set forth under the headieg "01 kiss-
ing, a token of Lo"—
Q.—How is it that this net is so
much esteemed and used of Lovers?
A.—This was first invented by the
Trojan Wives, who being tyred with
the long and tedious travailes by Sea,
and being now arrived in the plea-
sant Coentry of Italy, and loath that
their Husbands should any more put
to Sea, concluded amongst themselves
that while their Husbands were now
a shoare, busied in the Conquest of
that Countrey, they would fire the
ships, and by that 'means to quit
themselves of the fear of any further
travailers, which they put in effect.
But when they considered the high
displeasure of their husbands likely to
conie upon them with Death, they re-
solved upon this way of pacification;
which was, that at the returne of
them, every wife should use this kind
of weIcome, by kiesing him on the
Lippes, which before •that time was
not used and knowne; which when the
men perceived, wondering and amazed
at this novelty of anthraces, became
indulgent to them, and pacified;
whereupon, ince that, it 'never went
out of use, but grew rather more and
more in request.
a pipe and walked to and fro, he felt
that this new state of things lent a
certain savor th life—took frone it a
certain sensation of finality not al-
together 'agreeable, which his recent
great achievements in the financial
world semed to have inspired. After
all, what could Da Souza do? His
prosperity was altogether bound up
in the success of the Belcwando Syn-
dicate—he was never the man to kill
the goose which was laying se& a
magnificent ,steck of egiAderi eggs,
The affair, so for as he was concern-
ed, troubled him scarcely at all on
cool reflection. As he drew near the
littleplantatiorrhe ever forgot all
about it. Something else was filling
his thoughts!
The chahge in him became physical
as well as mental. The hard face of
the man softened what there was of
coarseness in its rugged outline be-
came. altogether toned down. He
Pushed open the gate with fingers
which were almost reverent; he came
at last to a halt in the exact spot where
he had seen her first. Perhaps it was
at that moment he realized most come
pletely and dearly the curious thing
which had come to him—to him of all
men, hard-hearted, material, an utter
stranger in the world , of feminine
things. With a pleasant sense of
.aelf-abandonment lie groped • about
searching for its meaning. He was a
man who liked to understand thor-
oughly everything he saw and felt,
and this new atmosphere in which
he found himself was a curious source
of excitement to him. Only he knew
that -the central figure of it all was
this girl, that he had come mit'here
to think about here and that hence-
forth she had become • to.him the
standard of those things, which were
worth having in life.Everything
about her had been a revelation to
him. The women whom he had come
across in his battle upwards, barmaids
and their fellows, fifth -rate actresses,
occasionally the suburban wife of a
prosperous City man, had impressed
he admittedly lcnew nothitig. Yet it
was so short a time since she had
wandered into his life, so short a time
that he was even a little uneasy at
the wonderful strength of this new
passion, a thing which had leaped up
like a forest tree in a world of magic,
a live, fully -grown thing, mighty and
immovable in a single eight. He
found himself thinking of all the other
things in life from a changed stand -
monosyllables. Juhe, nervous and
depressed, stole away before dessert,
and Mrs. DaeSouza aeon followed her,
'very massive, and frowning with an
nil' of offended dignity. Da Souza,
A Powerful Geyser,
The Waimangu Geyser near Rotor-
ua, in New. Zealand, the largeSt geyser
on the island, which in its period of
eruption threw huge coin/Tins of wa-
ter, Math mud, racks, and, stones to a
height of fifteen .hiindred feet and
more, but which fer ,the.past. eleyen
years has reraeined hasi.egain
become active. .1.± 'recently blew out a
new crater, eighty yards long by Sev..
enty-five yards wideeana about twenty
feet deep. In that fitet extilosioe, dur-
ing which it hurled mud and stoneS
more than a thonehnd' feet into, the
air, it formed' twenty inud-"holleee6
that threw mud thirty feet high,' and
opened seven broad steam hetes, from
whith steam „escaped under 'great
erupts:. 'Seine of the sand and lend
that it sent Up was, it is said,, carried
as far as LakeRotemahana, three and
a half miles away. At last accounts,
jets eV steam were isthing from the
many, fissures in the crater wall.
13 76
is conxposed 'of clean, whole young
leave's. Picked right, blended right and
packed right.- It birings the fragrance
• of an Eastern garden to your table.
roacaszElat, 11Dirt '.0-awszuvr
About the •Household
Dainty Dishes.
Green peppers make attractive cupe
for salads. Cut a thin slice from the
top of the pepper and remove the seed
and white pulp. If the cups do not
stand evenly eut a slice from the bot-
tom also.
Creani •Sandiviches.—Beat cream
until it is solid, then beat in several
tablespoonfuls of any' desired jelly --
quince, crabapple or grape. .Spread
the mixture between split lady fingers.
Dried Beef Sandwich.—Put -some
chipped beef through a meat chop-
per and mix it with an equal amount
of minced celery hearts. Flavor with
a little grated onion and moieten with
a little olive oil and vinegar.
Feather Gingerbread.— One-fourth
cup each ofsugar' molasses, melted
lard, sweet milk and sour milk, one
cup' bread flour, one well -beaten egg,
one teaspoon each of soda'cinnamon,
ginger and salt. Sift dry ingredients
together, blend all that remain and
beat in flour mixture. Bake in single
layer cake pan in moderate oven for
about twenty minutes.
Sauce for Puddings.—Cream to-
gether 'a cupful of sifted sugar and
half it cupful of butter; add a tea-
spooriful of ground cinnamon and an
egg well beaten. Boil a teacupful of
milk and turn it, boiling hot, over the
mixture slowly, stirring all the time;
this will cools the egg smoothly. It
may be served hot or cold.
Grapes may be kept for months. Se-
lect perfect bunches anti see that the
fruit is solid on the bunch. Remove
all little spiders and their webs, but
do not wash the fruit. Wrap each
bunch carefully in dark blue tissue
paper, twisting the ends tightly to ex-
clude the air, then vaels the grapes
away in a closely covered box, and
keep the box in a cool, dark, dry place.
Rhubarb Fritters. --Prepare a bunch
of rhubarb for cooking, cutting each
stalk in two or three pieces—the long-
er the better. Have ready a pan of
boiling fat and some batter mixture.
Dip the pieces of rhubarb first in the
batter and then drop them into the
8oiling fat; cook for five or six min-
utes. Take out carefully, pile one on
top of another, sprinkle liberally with
castor sugar mid serve yew hot.
A Fine Egg Dish.—Boll a few more
eggs than you have people to serve'
and when hard, cool and cut the
whites into small pieces. Make a
white sauce from butter and flour,
seasoned with salt and white pepper
and thinned with a cup mid a half to
two dups of hot new milk. Stir into
sauce the cut whites pour upon slices
of hot toast, rub die yolks through
a coarse sieve, spread neatly over the
dish, garnish with parsley and serve.
• Roman Cream.—Six eggs, one (mart
milk, eight tablespoonfuls sugar, one-
half box gelatine, one veineglass wine,
vanilla to taste. Dissolve the gela-
tine in the milk. Beat yolks of eggs
end sugar thoroughly, and add this to
the milk, and mut on to boil in double
boiler. As soon as it boils eemove
from the fire to cool, and heat the
whites of eggs and add them to the
wine and flavoring, and set on ice in
a mold to harden -and turn out of the
mold to serve.
Apple Roll. --Take two cups of flour,
one-half tablespoonful of salt, four
level tea.spoonfule of salt, four level
teaspoonfuls of butter, two-thirds of
a cup of milk, one cup of chopped ap-
ple, three tablespoonfuls of sugar,
one-half tablespoonful of cinnaMon.
Sift flour, salt and baking powdee to-
gether and thoroughly mix in butter
with tips of fingers. Add the milk,
stiering it in with a knife. Roll the
dough out it quarter of an inch thick
and spread with chopped apple sugar
and cinnamon. Roll like jolly roll,,
cut in three-quarter inch slices and
place in buttered pan, flat side down.
Bake 15 minutes in a hot oven and
serve hot with lemon sauce. The
sauce is easily made by boiling three-
quarters of a cup of sugar and one-
half Cup of water five minutes, add-
ing to it two teaspoonfuls of butter
and one teaspoonful of lemon juice
just a dash of nutmeg.
Household flints.
, Soap shredded among stored blan-
kets drives away moths.
Sponges which are slimy should be
steeped in vinegar and water for a
If wooden pails and tubs' are paint-
ed with gl yceri n e they will not
The closet of the guest eharnber
should have in it a slcief-and coat
Spoons stained With egg should be
rubbed with salt before being washed.
Add a few chopnecl dates to the
steved apples and it will improve the
A. strip sewed across the tops of
quilts or comforters saves washing
them so often.
Disinfecting powders or liquids
shoeld be used freely in a bathroom
once a week,
Potatoes boiled with the skins on
will be less soggy than when peeled
before boiling.
Rose cuttings should be *lit one
inch in= the bottom, and a grain of
wheat inserted.
Before cleaning knives warm the
knifeboaed before the fire and the
knives will polish more easily.
Handkerchiefs may be bleached by
soaking over night in water in which
a little cream of tartar has been dis-
When cooking .a piece of bacon
housewives should try the plan of
baking it instead of boiling it in the
usual way. If baked it eats richer.
The tough part of the skin should be
removed the bacon is put into
Drawers that open and shut with
clifficalty are often a severe tax on
both time and temper, and the de-
fect may sometimes be very easily
remedied with beeswax. The runners,
thenarrow strips of wood attached to
the frame work, should be well rub-
bed with a lump of' beeswax, pre-
viously waemed in front of the fire.
Afterwards an occasional application
of furniture polish will keep the nun-
ners smooth. When this simple remedy
fails it is due to some fault in con-
struction. •
Fight on Typhus, • Diabetes and
In the blood-soaked trenches of Eu-
rope millions of men are engaged in
destroying human life. To the deaths
due to bullets and bayonets we must
add the frightful toll caused by dis-
ease, but scignee as well as war has
its trenches, its outposts and its her-
oes, and the microscope, the test tubes,
and other medical appliances have
proved to be the weapons not less
powerful and wonderful to save life
than the 42 -centimetre gun and the
18 -inch torpedo have proved for its
In the past few weeks, public atten-
tion has boon directed to several new
discoveries in regard to the prevention
and treatment of three fatal diseases,
which share with tuberculosis the
gruesome distinction of being amongst
the most formidable enemies of hu-
man life—Typhus Fever, Diabetes and
Dr. David Orr Edson, of New York,
a noted man in the medical line, with
an international reputation, explains
the modus operandi that is the last
word of science on the subject before
The public appears to expect from
medicine a record of miracles, but
scientific medical progress must de-
pend entirely upon a laborious assem-
• bling of carefully observed facts, and
their critical examination. He must
be over cautious, almost skeptical, in
his attitude towards every so-called
"new cure."
'The trained investigator can only
emerge from doubt into certainty, by
eritical observation and analysis.
Diseases, says Dr. Edson, are 'di-
vided into two great classes, those
which are caused by a failure of some
part of the complicated human organ-
ism to perform its functions, and
those which are due to an attack on
this mechanism from 'without. Dia-
betes, for example, is failure Of a
within function, while typhoid fever
is it disease of assault from without.
The former is much more difficult
to treat than the latter, because their
cause lies deeper within the mysteri-
ous zone, where life's forces play most
When the cause of a disease is as-
certained, over half the wait of eure
is accomplished. . • • •
The diseases of assault are much
easier to cope with, as the rnicroscope
tells us that they are all due to the
presence of extremely minute living
orgenisms, known variously as mi-
crobes germs bacteria ete
All diseases ruff a definite course,
and it seerne impodsible to prevent
this, when the disease is once seated.
Measures for the prevention of dis-
ease are generally confined to two
lines,—sanitation and hygiene, and
destroying disease germs or producing
conditions in which they cannot long
survive,—thus preventing their fur-
ther developnrient. -
But recently science has discovered
another and highly effective method
of disease prevention, called immuni-
zation. This method was suggested
by the fact that when a person had
suffered from a germ disease, he or
she was lose' liable to contract it
again than was a person who hacl
nevee suffered frOnl it to contract it
in the first place. The microbe of the
disease seems to have left hi the body
a condition of the blood which in-
creased the power of resistance to a
second infection.
We know that the disease microbes
are killed in all healthy' persons by
the leueocytes, or white corpuscles,
in the blood, thus disclosing a chemi-
cal as well as a 'bacteriological method
a protection. The process of 'increas-
ing leucocytes in the blood is called
leucocytosis, and the chemical action
above described as the creation of
anti -bodies.
Typhus fever, which recently threa-
tened destruction to Serbia's pcipula-
tion, is a disease which -is now hardly
known in the United States, though
there was a time when it figured pro- ;
minently all ovce America.' causing
many deaths. American physicians
have the distinction of rescuing Ser-
bia from obliteration by this scourge.
The first step was to find out exact..
ly how the infection was carried.
Careful observation finally fixed upon
the small parasite known 100 ain louse,
which infested the hair, clothing and
bedding ofethe Serbians. It was then
a simple task of checking the disease
by the sanitary measures of steriliza-
tion of all bedding arid clothing, and
keeping the body files from lice, The
wort( proved successful.
Diabetes is.a very common and fa-
tal disease in people of middle and
advanced age, but presents an entire-
ly different aspect 'from the assault
diseases, It always had baffled re-
search, but we knew it was not the
work of any microbe.
It was first noticed that in examin-
ing the bodies of thoae who had died
from diabetes that the !vain and pan-
creas were diseased, The, blood, it is
well known, always carries a certain
amount of sugar in the form of glu-
cose. This has to be converted into
d extrose,—siMply sugar in another
form,—before it can be tolerated in
the blood. If this process fails f8r
any imason, we have diabetes,—a form
of poisoning. This has led to the dis-
coyeey of it remedy by the Rockefeller
Institute doctors, for it is now known
that the pancreas plays an important
part in converting glucose into dex-
trose. The method of, treatment now
is in supplying artificially the essen-
tial principle of the pancreatic secre-
As to baecer,—the most dreaded of
all diseases,—Dr. Silas P. Beebe, of
the Cornell Medical School, gives us
a new treatment, which, it is asserted,
will cure this terrible disease, or at
least greatly lower the death rate.
Cancer has been the bete noir of the
inedical profession. Dr. Beebe has
discovered an anti-cancer serum, very
effectual in cases of cancer, also show-
ing it to be of microbe origin. We
hail these discoveries with supreme
satisfaction, and look forward to the
day, not far distant, when tuberculo-
sis will prove amenable to medical
Denver, Colo., September,.1915.
hi Mexico Will Fight Off Coyotes or
Other Wild Animate.
In some Parts of Mexico. the wild
hogs, which' the natives call jabalis—
hah-bah-lee—savage beasts in their
natural state, are used as watchdogs.
If they are caught young and brought
up with goats they will go out into the
hills with the herd and fight off coy-
otes or other wild animals; if they are
raised with chickens they. will protect
them, .and eound a ranch -house at
night they are as useful as any dog,
Although fierce by nature, they can
be tamed until they follow theft mas-
ter round Ifice a dog. The landlord of
a hotel in one of the border towns
even keeps one of the wild hogs as a
playmate for his. baby son. .
The jabali is only first cousin, how-
ever, to the domestic pig. Swine are
divided into two main branches • in one
line is the farmer's pig, descended
from the wild hog of Europe, and in
the other is the Abell, which is really
a peccary. But the jabali is quite
"piggy" enough, with his small, flex-
ible snout,- long, mottled bristles and
long, sharp tusks.
They Travel Free on Passenger Boats
In China.
In China begging is in the nature
of an art, and the various sorts of
supplicants have been classified, until
now it is known thet there art at
least thirty classes of travelling men-
The passenger boats know them and
do not attempt to collect passage mo-
ney, for they sleep on the open decic,
and, curiously enough, pay for what-
Stories of Valiant Deeds Done By
• England's Warring
Whatever may be said of his faults
and ambitions, no one has ever ques-
tioned the bravery of Napoleon Bona.
Parte, who was not only the bravest
of his army, but constantly led his
forces in the most dangerous parts
of the battlefield,. At the Battle
Lodi, for instance, he clashed on foo
across the famous bride that had
become an artillery target of the en-
emy, his hand on the colors, the dead
falling by dozens every step of the
To -day kings are not allowed to
fight, but there is no doubt that,
were it possible, they would willing-
ly shoulder a rifle, handle a machine
gun, or lead, a cavalry charge, and
seek to emulate the deeds ofthe
fighting monarchs of the past who
have built up empires.
Great ,Deeds.
Our history books teem with
stories of valiant deeds done by Etig-
land's fighting kings, the boldest of
whom, perhaps, was Richard L, who
loved war for itself alone and was ,
but a poor peace monarch. One of
the most , stirring episodes of his
career was the, story of how, when
fighting the Saladin with the Crusad-
ers, word was brought to him that a
troop of Knights Tempters had been
surrounded. Without waiting. for the
whole of his armor to bo buckled on,
he went to their rescue., "I must go
as I am," he said, when warned of
the risk, "or I should be unworthy of
the name of king did I abandon those
whom I have promised to stand by
and succour in every danger."
And we still thrill at the stories of
the gallantry of Henry V., wile at the
Battle of Agincourt won his greatest
fame. Once he was beset by three
knights together, and, as his immedi-
ate bodyguard WitS se hard preseed
that they could give him no aid, the
king slew one knight with a straight
swoed Dumst, caught his second foe
with the back swing and threw him
to the ground, and, as the third
knight unhorsed him, plunged his
sword into hie last enemy's horse and
brought the knight to earth. There
they fought it out on foot, with
Henry V. es final victor.
France's Royal Heroes..
His deeds recall those of John of
France, who fought the English under
the Black Prince at the Battle of
ever rice they require. This being the Poictiers, where, although he was
case, rather than have any trouble taken prisoner with Philip, after -
with them and gain their enmity, the weeds created Duke of 'Burgundy, and
boatmen allow them free passage. known as "Philip the,Bold," he fought
When they reach the city they put in a manner which won the admiration
up at the beggar hotel near the Big of his foes.
Pagoda and let the beggar headman France had another yaliant mon-
know of their arrival. Soon the regu- arch, King Henry IV., who as Henry
lar allowance is forthcoming and the of Navarre learned. war. According
man spends a few clays in pursuit of to historian's, this monareh came to
pleasure and then moves on to another his first battle a coward. By ,sheer
place to repeat the same prooeeding. force of will he remained on the field
and in after campaigns his sword
was, the most feared by his enemies.
He Knew.
He Was ever in the thickest of the
Teacher in Civics—When we have fight; "his plume," to quote the
everything in common and your busi- cheonicler of the past, "being the tree
ness is everybody's business, what is standard of the French army."
It called?
Observing Student—It is usually The Husband (during, the quarrel)
called gossip. ,—,you are always making bargain.
WaS there ever a time when you .
His Improvement. didn't?" The Wife --"Yes, sir; ..on
"You used to say that you could my wedding day."
never live without me."
"Yes, my dear, but then I didn't
realize what good shape I was in."
When a young man is -sure he can't
live without a certain girl he ought
to, marry her and discover his Mis-
take. ,
Three hundred years ago glass
windows, which were only to be found
in the houses of the Wealthy, were '
considered so precious that when peo-
ple left their houses for a time they
used to take the windows out and put ,
them carefully away.
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