HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-10-07, Page 6T1 -1E4 GOLDEN KEY
Or "The Adventures of Ledg4rd."
By the "Author of "Whet He Gest Her."
Ernestine Wendermott travelled
'back to London in much diacomfmt,
being the eleventh occupant of a third -
class carriage n a particularly un-
puneteal and dilatory train. Arrived
at Waterloo, she shook out her Acids
with a little gesture or relief and
started off to walk to the Strand.
Half -way across the bridge she came
face to face with a tall, good-looking
young man who was hurrying in the
opposite direction. He stopped short
as he recognized hr, dropped his
eyeglass, and uttered a little -exclama-
tion of pleasure.
"Ernestine, by all that's delightful!
I am in luck to -day!" '
She smiled slightly -and gave him
her hand, but it was evident that this
meeting was not wholly agreeable to
her. • • '
"I don't see where the luck comes
in," she answered. "I have no time
to waste talking to you now. I am
in a hurry."
"You will allow me," he said hope-
fully, `..gto walk a little way with you?"
"I am not able to prevent it—if you
think it worth while," she answered.
He looked down—he was by her
side now—ill good-humored protest
"Come Ernestine," he said, "you
mustn't bear malice against me. Per-
haps I was a little hasty when I spoke
so strongly about your work. I don't
like your doing it and never 'Shall like
it, but I've said all I want to. :You
won't let it divide us altogether, will
"For the present," she answered,
"it -occupies the whole of mytime,
and the whole of my thoughts."
"To the utter exclusion, I• suppose,"
he remarked, "of me?"
She laughed gaily.
"My dear Cecil! w.hen have I ever
led you to suppoee for a moment that
I have .ever wasted any time thinking
of you?"
Ile was determined ihot to be annoy-
ed, and he ignored both the speech and
the laugh.
"May I inquire how you are get-
ting on?"
"I am getting on," she answered,
"very well indeed. The editor is be-
ginning to say very nice things, to
me, and already the men treat me
just as though I were a comrade! It
is so nice of them!"
"Is it?" he muttered doubtfully.
"I have just finished," she con-
tinued, "the most important piece of
Work they have trusted me with yet,
and I have been awfully lucky. I have
beento interview a millionaire!"
"A man!"
She nodded. "Of course!"
"It isn't fit work for you," he ex-
claimed hastily.
"You will forgive me if I consider
• myself the best judge of that," she
cg,wered coldly. "I am a journalist,
"Md so long as it is honest work my
sex doesn't count. If every one whom
I have to see is as courteous to me as
Mr. Trent has been, I shall consider
myself very lucky indeed."
"As who he cried. •
She looked up at him in surtirise.
They were at the corner of the Strand
– but as thoegh in utter forgetfulness
of their whereabohts, he had suddenly
stopped short and gripped her tight-
ly by the arm. She shook herself free
with a little gesture of annoyance.
• "Whatever is the matter with you,
Cecil? Don't gape at me like that,
and come along at once, unless you
want to be left behind. Yes, we are
very short-handed and the chief let me
--go down to see Mr. Trent. He didn't
• expect for a moment that I should
• get him to talk to me, but I did, and -
he let me sketch the house. I am aw-
fully pleased with myself I can tell
The young.man walked by her side
for a moment in silence. She looked
up at him casually as they crossed the
street -and something in his face sur-
prised her.
"Why, Cecil, what on earth is the
matter with you?" she exclaimed.
He looked down at her with a new
• "I was thinking," he said, "how odd-
• ly things turn out. So you have been
• clown to interview Mr. Searlett Trent
for a newspaper, and he was civil to
"Well, I don't see anything odd
about that," she exclahned impatient-
ly. "Don't be so enigmatical. If you've
anything to say, say it! Don't look at
• me like an owl!"
"I have a good deal to say to yeu,"
he answered gravely. "How long shall
you be at the office?"
"About an hour—perhaps longer."
a • •t f
the proofs are submitted to ne.
Where's the sketch?"
She held it out to him. For a mo-
ment he looked away from his own
work, and took the opportunity to
light a fresh cigarette. Then he nod-
ded, hastily scrawled some dimen-
sions on the margin of the little draw-
ing and settled down again to work.
"It'll do," he said. "Give it to
Smith. Come back at eight to look
at our proofs after I've done with
them. Good interview! Good sketch!
You'll do, Miss Wendermott,"
She Went out laughing softly. This
was quite the longest conversation
she had ever had with the chief. She
made her way to the side of the first
disengaged typist, and sitting in an
easy chair gave down her copy, here
and there adding a little, but leaving
it mainly in the rough .She knew
whose hand, with a few vigorous
touches, would bring the whole thing
into the form which the readers of
the Hour delighted in, and she was
quite content to have it $o. The work
was interesting, and more than an
hour had passed before she rose and
Put on her gloves.
"I am coining back at eight," she
oaid, "but the proofs are to go in tO
Mr. Darrel! Nothing come in for me,
I suppose?"
The girl shookaher head, so Ernest-
ine walked out into the street. Then
she remembered Cecil Davenant and
his strange manner—the story which
he was even now waiting to tela, her.
She looked at her watch and after a
moment's hesitation called a handsom.
81 Cupole Street, she told him.
"This is a little extravagant," she
said to herself as the man wheeled
his horse round, "but to -day I think
that I have earned it."
tile name is
it means irreproachable
q ality and value2
B 75
ed to do it? How could they have
"It was a beastly mistake," he ad- gi
dared to do , . ,
mated. . ABOUT TUE
sweep over her. ' She could. lceep still HOUSEHOLD
no longer. She wanted up and down ?,-sm•-1 m
the little room. Her liana were 4535 iszitc.i..7,
clenched, her eyes flashing.
"To tell me that he was dead --to
let him live out the rest of his poor Dainty Dishes.
life in exile , and alone! Did, they Finnan Haddie -Broiled.—Wash a
think that I didn't care, Cecil?" she thick haddie and cover it, with cold
exelahnecl, suddenly turning and fac-
my water. Put flesh side down fde. hell
ing him. "I have always loved
father! You may think that I was an hour. Dram and cover again with
too young to remember him—I cold water. DraM and cover with
wasn't, I loved him always. When I very hot but not boiling water, and
grew up and they told me of his dis- let stand for half an hour. Drain and
grace I was bitterly sorry, fel: I lov- day. Rub it well with a cut lemon,
ed his memory—but it made no differ- dot with butter and broil for. twenty
ence. And all the time it was a weak, minutes. Place hot on dish, dot with
silly lie! They let him come out, poor
butter again and pour over: it one
father, without a friend to speak to
him, and they hustled him out of the cupful of hot cream. Serve at once
country. And I, whose place was with baked potatoes,
there with him, never knew." „ Bread and Potato Fritters. --Light
"You were only a child, Ernestine. and savory fritters may be made cerns especially the housewife who
It was twelve years ago." . with breadcrumbs and &cited raw does her own cooking. Here, for ex -
"Child! I may have been only a potatoes. Grate two thick slices of ample, is how one woman saves time.
child, but I should have been old bread to fine crumbs, mix with one When she makes pie crust she makes
enough to know .achere my place was.
tablespoon finely minced onion, 'salt double the quantity needed at the mo-
ment, as pie dust rolled in a damp
napkin and put in the refrigerator
will keep perfectlY for several days.
Then she plans in the menus for the
next few days to use that crust. A
dessert or a fruit tart for the first
night, a meat pie for dinner the sec-
ond night, turnovers for luncheon the
following day and if any crust re-
mains it can be used in desserts, meat
patties or cheese straws. By using
the pastry in such a variety of ways
she avoids the impression of same-
ness yet manages to lighten her work
• 1
A whirlwind of scorn seemed to
water for a little while they become
suitable for salad. • s
Do not use scouring powders or
soaps on your bathtub; a cloth dipped
in kerosene oil or turpentine will re-
move all soil, when the tub can be
polished with a little whiting. Any-
thing gritty, it should be remembered,
ruins the enamel of bathtubs.
Save the water' in which the fresh
green peas have been boiled. It
makes an excellent foundation for
soup stock or graaies, It is of such a
delicate flavor that some people like
it served in bouillon cups with salt,
pepper and a bit of butter.
A quick way to clean currants
when making cakes is to put the frit
into a colander with a sprinkling of
flour, and rub round a few times with
your hand. It is surprising how
quickly the stalks are separated and,
come through the small holes.
Get some bitter apple from the
chemist, crush it, .and sprinkle it
amongst the clothes.. You will find
it the finest thieg on record for keep-
ing moths away from everything and
one can use garments at a minute's
notice, as there is no smell left by bit-
ter apple. _
A way te make old carpet's look and
wear like linoleum: Take any old
piece of carpet and tack it, wrong
side up, to the floor where it is to re-
main. Now nix a thick paste of flour
and water, cook it thoroughly and ap-
ply evenly to the wrong side of the
carpet. This paste acts as a filling
"Ernestine," he said gravely, "I am
going to speak to you about your f a -
thee, •
She looked up'at him in swift sur-
prise. •
"Is it necessary?" "
"I think so," he answered. "You
won't like what I am. going to tell
you! You'll think you've been badly,
treated: So you have! I pledged my
'word, in a weak hour, with the others.
To -day I'm going to break it. I think
it best." '
"You've been deceived! You were
told always that your father had died
in prison. He didn't."
Her sharp mi. rang out strangely
into the little room. Already he could
see signs of the coming storm, and
the task which lay before him seemed
,more hateful than ever.
"Listen," he said. "I must tell you
some things which you know in order
know. Your father was a younger wise enough to attempt no sort o half cup of milks If the filling of the
to explain others which you o no
son of extravagant parents, virtually consolation. He leaned 'a little for-;
sanawich is a savory mixture of egg,
penniless and without the least cape- ,ward and laid his own face With the
cheese, meat or fowl, a pinch
city for earning money. I don't palm of his hand. When at last s•he fish,
blame him—who could? I couldn't looked up- her face had cleared and. each of lseliper and salt should be add -
earn money myeelf.' If I hadn't got her tone was less bitten It would • ed to the batter. If, however, the
It I daresay that I should 'go to the h rcl with the Earl of East -
bad as he did."
The girl's lips tightened, and she
drew a little breath through her teeth.
Davenant hesitated.
"You know all a.bout that company
affair. Of course they made your
father the butt of the whole thing,
although he was little more than a
tool. He was sent to prison for
seven years. You were only a child
then and your mother was dead. Well,
when the seven years were up, your
relations and mine too, Ernestine,
conceded what I have always con-
sidered an ill -begotten and miserably
selfish plot. Your father, unfortun-
ately, yielded to them, for your sake.
You were told- that he had died' in
prison. He did not. He lived through
Itis seven years there, and when he
came out he dicl so in another name'
and went abroad on the morning of
the day of his liberation."
"Good Ileavens!" she died. "And
now!" ,
"He is dead," Davenant answered
hastily; "but only just lately. Wait a
minute. You are going to be furious-
ly angry. I know it, and I don't
blame you. Only listen for a moment.
The scheme was hatched up between
my father and your two uncles. I have
always hated it and always protested
against it. Remember that and be
fair to me. This is how they reason-
ed. Your father's health, they said,
was rttined, arid if he lives the seven
years what is there left for hina when
his comes out? He was, a Irian,' as you
know, of aristocratic and fastidious
tastes. He would have the best • of
Miff IliEiWIIITIST.0011E1
outhoulligillimiltimpulutivilltuollillamil tumult%
o N s NO A.,L,IL.11‘.1
Makes pure,delicious, healthful biscuits,
cakes and pastry. It is the only well-
known strictly high class baking powder
made in Canada, selling at a medium mice.
Read the label
7*i0)1000100000001 At
From the Ocean Shore
C. Copeland, of Harvard, containing
a contribution to the Patriotic Fund.
The letter said the contribution was
"for hospital, relief or whatever will
give most aid and comfort to my
friends and neighbors of St. Stephen
in the field—or families left at home.
I wish I could do more. God save
them, and England, and the allies."
Items of Interest From Places The New Glasgow News says a
-apply one finishing coat of paint. Let peddling of limam..
the paste dry thoroughly, then apply
one thick coat of paint, A. light lead •in the Cuctoms returns at St. John,
and make4 a good surface on which to 5100 or three months for the "pocket
Tine saving is one of the chief pro- over August last year.
will not show the dirt.
blems of the busy woman, and it coa- , ' Atlantic.
. Latiped By Waves of the story has come to light of a German
N.B. a gain of more than $90,000
At St. John, N. B., a man was fined
• August showed
Lorenzo Rennison, of Albert Mines,
a decided increase
. i would build with
. sated that lie was a German spy.
posal arid in this way he secured
agent who toured Cape Breton some
time ago, holding up to the manu-
facteTearnsdpictaunrtes of
and ld 'th capital at his dis-
much'valuable information relative to
the resources and present industries
heard tell of no more. It is now
giant indfustries which he
away"Af tersaantdi s f ywi nags
Winnipeg Trying to Get Concrete
Highway for Canada.
Reports from Winnipeg state that
Central Western Canada will Italie a
Federal Highway, if the project be-
ing urged by the Winnipeg Board of
Control is carried out.
This project contemplates the con-
struction of a concrete highway from
Winnipeg to Calgary, to go thorugh
the more thickly settled territory
tapped by the Canadian Pacific Rail-
The thousand nines of highway
through the provinces of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan, and half way into Al-
berta, will be financed by the munici-
palities through vshich the roadway
would pass. Several appropriations
also -will be sought from the provin-
cial Governments. The project has
been received with the greatest en-
thusiasm in a number of the larger
cities along the proposed route.
It has been pointed out by the pro-
moters of the highway plan that the
land values of the prairie provinces
would be greatly enhanced by the
building of a permanent concrete
in the United States.
highway, such as the Lincoln High-
way, which has had such a wonderful
effect upon the general road building
Surplus Royalties, Wedded in Balkans,
Help Fatherland.
Thank God I have done with
people and their disgusting shibbo-
leth of respectability."
• "You are a little violent," he i.e-•
and pepper to taste, and add one cup
boiling milk. While mixture is cool-
ing pare and grate six large potatoes
marked. a and, beat :them into bread crumb mix-
"Pshaw!" She flashed a look of , ture. AM two well -beaten eggs. Drop
scorn upon him. "You don't under- by spoonfuls into frying pan in which
stand! How should you, you .are of ;
there is plenty of boiling fat and dry
their kidney --you're only half a
brown on ot sides. mace hot..
man. Thank God my mother was of b h • S • h
Potato Chowden—Parboil and slice
the people! I'd have died to have gonel
smirking through life with a brick . six fine potatoes; fry half a pound of
for a heart and milk and water in my sweet salt pork (chopped), and when
veins! Of -all the stupid pieces of it begins to crisp add a minced onion
and cook to a light brown. Pack in
brutality I ever beard of, this is the
most callous and the most heart -i layers in a. soup • kettle, sprinkling
said,I each layer. with pepper and minced
breaking." .
"It was a great mistake," he , cover with
"but I believe they did it f or A pint of boiling water and.simmer 30
the paisley. Add the hot fat. 'th
She sat down with a little gesture minutes. Turn into a collander and
best." •
of despair. • . 1 drain the liquor back into the kettle.
"I really think • you'd better go Have ready a pint of hot milk into
I's101-1.1 setxrials:1 which has been stirred a tablespoon -
Cmeee itoo sheshorribly.said.
. t ful of butter, rolled in fidur; add to
you or throw something at you soon.'• the liquor, cook one minute, return
Did it for the best! What a miser -1 . . ,
potatoes to the et e an serve.
k tl d
able whine! Poor dear old dad, to' the
think that they should have • donel A novelty sandwich consists in the
this thing." fact that after the sandwich is made
She buried her lace in her handker- it is pressed Closely together and
chief and sobbed for the second time , then dipped in a thin batter made in
was the proportion to one beaten egg to, a
since her childhood. Davenant
chester, however, if he had called to
see his niece just then.
"Well, she said, "I want to know
now why, after keeping silent all this
time, you thought it best to tell me•
the truth this afternoon?"
"Because," he answered, "you told
me that you had just been to see Scar-
lett Trent!" '
"And what on earth had that to do
with it?" • ,
"Because Scarlett Trent was with
your father when he died. They. were
on an excursion somewhere up in the
bush—the very excursion that laid
the foundation of Trent's fortune."
"Go on," she cried. "Tell me all
that You know! this is wonderful!"
• (To be continued.)
,"I'd rather yea didn't. I don't want
with an escort." Now all these were barred against
them to think that I go trailing oboist everything—society, clubs, sport
"Then may I come down to your him. If he had reappeared he could
not have shown his face in Pall Mall,
or on the racecourse, and every mo -
Mont of his life would be full of hu-
miliations and bitterness. Virtually
then, for such a man as he was, life in
flat? •I have something really im-
portant to say to you, Ernestine. It
does net concern myself at all. It is
wholly about you. It is something
which you ought to know." ,
"You are trading upon my curios- England was over. Then there was
ity, for the sake of a tea," she I You. You were a Pretty child; arid the
• laughed. "Very • well, about five Earl had zio &Haven. If your father
e'clock." iwas dead the story would be forgot -
He bowed and walked' back west- , ten, you would marry brilliantly, and
wards with a greaser look than usualan ugly page in the family history
upon his boyish face, for he lied a task ayould be blotted out. That was how
before him which was very little to, they looked at it—it was how they put
his liking. Ernestine swung open thet it to Your father."
entrance (him to'the Hour, and pass- "He• consented?"
ed down the rows of desks until she "Yes, he consented! He saw the
reached the door at the further end , wisdom of it for your sake, for the
marked "Sub -Editor." She knocked ' sake of the family, even for his own
and was admitted at once. 1 sake. 'The Earl settled an income
A thin, dark young man, wearing a upon him and he left Englanrl semetly
• pincenez ansi smoking a cigarette, on the morning of his release. We
looked up from his writing as she en- ' had the news of his death only a•week
terecl. He waved her to a seat, but ; or two ago."
his pen never stopped far a -second. I She stood up, her eyes blaeing, her
"Bach, Miss Wendermott! Very hands clenched together.
good! What did you get?" 1 "I thank God," she said, "that I
"Interview and sketch of the house," have found the courage to beeak away
she aesponded briskly.
"Interview by Jove! That's good!
Was he very. difficult?" '
"Ridiculously easyl Told me every-
thing I asked and a lot more. If I
could have got it all down in his own
language it would have been positive-
ly thrilling."
The sub -editor scribbled in silence
for a moment or two. He had reach-
ed an important point in his own
work. His pen went slower, hesitated
for a moment, and then clashed on
with renewed vigor. .
"Read the first few sentences of
what you've got," he remarked.
Ernestine obeyed. To all appear-
ance the man was engrossed in his
own work, but when she paused he
nodded his head appreciatively.
"It'll do!" he said, "Don't try to
polieli it. Give 11 down, and see that
sandwich has a sweet filling, the bat-
ter should be slightly sweetened and
flavored' with a teaspoonful of sherry.
Cook the moistened sandwich on a hot,
well -greased griddle, browning first
on one side and then on the other: A
shallow iron frying pan will answer
the same purpose, and olive oil will
be found an excellent substitute for
Fowl With Sour Cream Gravy.—
Cut chicken or fowl ae for fricassee
and coak slowly till tender. Do not
add salt until nearly done. When
perfectly tender remove to platter on
which is spread buttered toast or
crisp baking powder biscuits, split,
and make sour cream gravy as fol-
lows: One and one-half cups chicken
broth, three-fourths cup sour cream
and one and one-half tablespoons each
of butter and flour. Rub butter and
flour together, add to broth and let
boil. Thin with sour cream, reheat
and season to taste with salt and pep-
per as needed. Do not let this boil,
as it is liable to separate. • If fried
chicken is desired, dredge rneat with
flour and fry in butter, chicken fat,
or lard until brown. Delicious.
Irish Stews—Free two pounds neck
of lean mutton or veal from fat.
divide into meat cubes of uniform
size, about one inch long, and put on
to cook with enough water to Over.
Let stew Until tender. About an hour
should be enough if meat was reason-
ably tender to begin with. Have
ready in another pot two carrots, cut
into small dice,. and two fair-sized
onions, sliced thin. They should be
cooked ten minutes to take off crude
flavor. Drain and add to meat, with
pepper and salt to taste. Cover and
simmer one-half hour. Then add two
hod -sized potatoes, cut into cubes
British Government Will Cut Down
That the British Government actu-
ally means business in its inaugura-
tion of a natiotal campaign of thift is
proven by the fact that, when, in the
Hou'se of Lords, a resolution ayes
moved in favor of economy in public
expenditure—the Mover, Lord Mid-
dleton, ,sharply criticising many im-
• portant items—the Government, in-
stead of resenting the action, actually
accepted the resolution and made the
vote in its favor unanimous. Lord
Lansdowne, a prominent member of
the Government, while declaring that
the first rush of preparation for war
meant extravagance and loss, yet ad-
mitted frankly that there were ways
in which present expenditures could
be curtailed, and promised that the re-
solution in favor of economy should
bear early fruit in the way of real
economies. It is pointed out by the
Economist, one of the greatest au -
and parboiled, and two stalks of eel-
thorities on financial questions in the
world, that the expenditure of the ery, also diced. Simmer steadily'
Government bas immensely. inereased another halflour, covered. Put one
on many new services, while old ser- tablespoon butter into frying pan 'and
vices, on which economies might be when hot stir in one tablespoon of
expected, fm just as much money flour, cook, but do not let darken,
new expenditure is sharalY questioned ing.
and add to -stew a little before serv-
Take up meat with split spoon,
as ever. The wisdom of much of the
and the use of the pruning knife to lay it neatly in centre of heated plat -
bring the whole tree of public expen- tel. and lay vegetables about it.
diture down to the requirements fixed
• Heasehold Hints.
Cold water, ammonia, and a little
white soap will remove machine
At one of. the military camps some grease.
recruits were being put through the Powdered French chalk sprinkled
riditg test. One man didn't know over stale bread is an excellent clean -
much about horses, but trusted er for wall paper.
luck to get through. • Should fresh paint be upset on the
. He had not properly ,adjueted his floor, pour vinegar over it and wipe
saddle, and on mounting he • swung— ap at once with a soft cloth.
Silk, if burned, giveS off a disagree-
saddle .,and ,g all—right under the
horse's hocly between its laps whvp. able smell, similar to that of burne&
he was suspended for a few sedonds. feathers, whereas cottron or artificial
"Hi, there!" yelled the noncom., slik are practically Odorless.
in derision; "eau.; that ridfng do Do not throw away one bit of the
you'!" - • celery. Wash the uridesie able parts
".0h, no, sergeant," was the in- and boil than with the soup bones. It
will give the'soup a delicious flavor.
stant answer, "that's a iiew trick for
the Dardanelles. Riding under here's If afraid to use poison for rats,
fine protectiet from the sun"—Lon- soak a° rag with kerosene, put a piece
don"Tit-Bite. of camphor gum in it and stuff the
rat hole. Mr. Rat will call at that en -
That of Vienna Cathedral, Cast From
. Turkish Cannon.
N.I3., committed suicide by cutting
his throat. Worry over business
troubles led to the act.
The Patriotic Fund of Fredericton,
N.B., is being spent at the rate of
$2,500 a month. There is only enough
left for one month more.
Lieut. Barry, of the Wireless Gar-
rison at Newcastle, N.B., was shot
and badly injured when a revolver in
his pocket accidentally exploded.
At a meeting held in Fredericton,
N.B., Bishop Richardson and other
leading citizens came out boldly in a
resolution asking for conscription.
C. D. Clayton, Marysville, H.S.,
had his left forearm so badly mangled -
between the cylinders of a card ma-
chine that it rendered amputation of
the limb necessary.
Soseph McVay and Sons, of St.
Stephen, N.B., have been awarded
tbe contract of dismantling the Sus-
pension Bridge over the Reversible
Falls at St. John.
At Gagetown, N.B., the Kincaid
House, an old landmark, was torn
down, after standing for 100 years.
In one of the rooms was found an
old Bible dating back to 1811.
Five cents was all that remained of
a money package containing $500,
which formed part of the registered
contents of the mail bag stolen from
the mailroom in the rest house at the
Union Heald, Moncton, N.B.
At Canterbury Station, N.B., three
young men were charged with steal-
ing liquor from John Murphy. They
were let go for lack of evidence, but
Murphy was then charged with 20
offences against the Scott Act.
At Antigonish, N.S., Lewis Mc-
Lean, an innocent bystander, was
shot at a wedding celebration where
guests were discharging revolvers on
the streets. The bullet went through
the fishy part of his shoulder.
Notwithstanding the financial de-
pression, Amherst, H.S., has added
The great bell of the Cathedral of
St. Stephen, Vienna, cast from cap-
tured Turkish cannons more than two
centuries ago, is to return to war as
an Austrian "skoda," a 42 -centimeter
mortar, big calibre shells, or shrapnel.
The church has given this treasure to
be melted up as part of the war metal
Here is another of the reversions
to former times that the war has dis-
• closed; to the days when he who com-
manded the bell commanded the town,
when the conqueror melted down bells
for amunition or the conquered saw
his cannon cast into bells. Bells have
had a great part in war, they have
summoned soldiers to arms, and they
have rung over triumph and defeat.
The old bells of Chester Cathedral
rang the victory of Trafalgar and the
death of Nelson, "after every peal a
single booming note of grief." An-
other old English bell, cracked under
the strain of Waterloo rejoicing, was
recast and re -inscribed, "I rang the
downfall of Bonaparte and broke."
Some of the famous French bells
were melted down for gun metal in
.the revolution. Many of the bells of
Belgium, renowned as a land of bells
and where the finest products of the
art in its prime, have already met the
fate of the tocsin of St. Stephen. Old
"Roland," the bell of Ghent, that
sounded only victory, and the 600 -
year -old "Horricla," of Antwerp, pro-
claimed neither their eity's danger nor
The Great Growler, "die grosse
Bi•ummerin," of St. Stephen, weighs
only 17 tons, not much wheri it is re-
membered that if Russia, too, was to
melt up her bells she could find in
Moscow one that weighs 180 tons and
another 128 tons. Old St. Stephen's
bell in times past could have made a
small battery of artillery. To -day it
would furnish only a third of the ma-
terial of a 42 -centimeter mortar, and
as the 'shell used in this monster gun
is five feet long and weighs three-
quarters of a ton, it would,,,not even
go far as ammunition. "These shells,"
it is said, "kill everyone within 150
yards and many further off;" rifle bar-
rels melt as if struck by lightning;
men who disappear in such explosions
"are reported as missing, as there is
no proof of their death." The old bell
comes down to woeful business from
the tower where it has so long pealed
only peace.
A Man Need Not Be a Servant All
His Life Long.
from, those people and take a littleo
my life into my own hands. You can
tell them this if you will, Cecil—my
uncle Lord Davenant, your mother,
and whoever had a Oay in this miser-
able affair. Tell them from me that I
know the truth and that they ,are a
pack of cowardly, unnatural old wo-
men. Tell them that so long as I live
I will never willingly speak to one of
them again."
"I was afraid you'd take it like
that," he said. dolefully.
"Take it like that!" she repeated in
fierce scorn. "How else could a wo-
man hear such news? How else do
you suppose ,she could feel to be told
that she had been hoodwinked, and
kept from her duty and a man's
heart very likely broken, to save
the respectability of a worn-out old
family. Oh, how could they have dar-
glowing fur -
by present conditions is strongly re-
It has been pointed out that how-
ever unsatisfactory German diplomacy
may be, as marriage brokers and king
purveyors the Germans are unmatch-
ed. It is especially in the Baikal -1:s
that this Teutonic marriage broking
is seen at its best. The royal families
this year to her already large area of all the Balkan States, except Ser -
of permanent steeets, 16,000 square bia and Montenegro, are German by
feet of conmete streets, 12,000 lineal origin or marriage. The Ring of Ru -
feet of curbing and gutter, and 2,500 mania is a Hohenzollern of the minor
square feet of concrete sidevsalk. branch, the Queen of Greece is •a sis-
W. B. A. Ritchie, KC., has been ter of the Kaiser himself, the King of
appointed chief recruiting officer for Bulgaria comes from the house of
Saxe-Cobourg and Gotha, and the
Queen is a Princess of ReUSS.
The cornering of the marriage mar-
ket is explained by the large number
of princes whom Germany always has
to dispose of, and the fact has not
been without its influence on the pol-
icy of the States concerned, as the
obstinacy of the late King of Rumania
and the self-assertion of the present
Ring of Greece have ahown.
Every year over five million beds trance no more.
ansi eig'ht 'million...meals are provided Cucumbers are cooled under • run -
by the shelters and homes of. the Sal-
vation Army in l3ritain.
the Maritime Provinces with the ian s
and pay of a lieutenant. He will me -
main in Halifax for three months de-
voting himself wholly to the besiness
of stimulating recruiting.
At the Gana annual meeting of the
Medical Society of Nova Scotia,
held recently, the public were warn-
ed that "many patent medicines con,
taining large amounts of alcohol are
neither foods nor stimulants as ad-
vertised." They also recommended
that alcoholic liquors should only be
used under advice.
Premier Clarice, of New Bruns-
wick, received a letter from Prof. T.
I do not believe that the principles
of life have changed in 40 years,
writes John Williams Streeter. I do
not belie.ve that an intelligent, able-
bodied man need be a servant all his
life, or that industry and economy
miss their rewards, or that there is
'any truth in the theory that men can-
not rise out of the rut in which they
happen to find themselves. Tte trou-
ble is with the man, not with the rut.
He spends his time diligently search-
ing for an outlet or in honestly work-
ing his _Way up to it. Heredity and
environment are heavy weights, but
industry and sobriety can carry
heavier ones.. I have sympathy for
weakness of body or mind, and pa-
tience for those over whom inheri-
tance has cast a baleful spell;.,but I
have neither patience nor sympathy
for a strong man who raidsat his con-
dition and makes no determined effout
to better it
Over one-half of all the women in
Frigland between the ages ef fifteen
ning water if they have not been on
ice or if stood stem ',down in iced and forty-five are unmarried.
Not until about six months after
his marriage does a man begin to
realize that courtship may be a pre-
face to hardship.
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