HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-10-07, Page 5toher 7th, 1915 :Robert Pearson, Pioneer Passes Into Rest Eternal the Yo 11ow1ngraf,r s 1 `tti e death of- tehe Tat1iez •of Mrs. Wesley : Beacom Mullett , In the de• i' ; ail of Mr. Robert Pearson, which .ocgerred at his home 1 •ci;l the'4tli con,.' on: Sept,' 21st, Grey 'township has lost one ofits oldest and stoat tweeted eesiil'eits; The late Roht. Pearson, son of • Robert • Pearson' and `Catherine Ricliarklsotl 'was born in Queen's County, Ireland, In May k.1818 whets the Lu bject oF thin 'sketch' was but an infantt the, Iamily emigrated to Ohio, Hose they `I;emained for"two years, when they .canto to; Canada, seabling ` first in. ,Goderich': town'shile + In 1855 i ,t1ie• 'family moved to Greer Where. e the 'de- ceased ' ceased resided to the time up of his =death. In 1873 Mr. Pearson. mauled Susanna Musgrove of Turnberry. Th( :young couple began housekeeping on the farbn adjoining that of the father of, the deceased, and .for forty-two years shared all the .ioyts. and sor- esows of life. By industry' and thrift they ware able to, possess a beautiful •home, and at the sante time -rear and ;educate a largo family. For many. years Mr. Pearson was a devoted • member of and an active worker in the Methodist church. In politics lie was a Conservative. Besides hie -1 ber- 'eavedwidow he .lea`ves to mourn ttoie, loss, a brother, :Lames, and a sister, Mrs. Elite, and a family of seven =children : Mrs: Wesley' Beacom, Mul- lett ; Mrs. Wm. Bremner, Grey ; 7lIrs, A. H. Harkness, Vegrevilie, Alta. ; 'Mrs. Emerson Vipond, Elena ; Rev. Robert Pearson B.A.; Calgary, Alta;,; John, on the homestead and Rev, Jas. J. Pearson, The pallbear- ers were Jas. Pearson, brother ; ><ohn and ancsP Pearson, sons ons • ' A. H. Musgrove, MI Dr. P., George Mus- grove M.P.P acid John Musgrove, hrotbers+•in-laW, - Bluth Miss Ashton and Miss Wilson visit- ed at the }ioi nef o the forme): o at at Grrecently. Garde ccentlr Mise Mabel Joli•tston is spending a few weeks with friends in Detroit. •Goderich. Mrs. A, S. Chrystal returned last weekfrom a trip to the, west. She visited relatives in Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba and' was ab- sent several months. Waiter Weston, Suffered-. Much But Is Now' At Rest.. Walter Weston a" .native F . , v o rr Gode '- 'eli toeversliip,"vvho was 'b ore ' ou tha same • farm on which he dieds. i. ed • away i , o at 1uis,liome on tlis'6tH conces- sion on Sunday after ;an illness, ex- tending over : several mouths, Hewas ire his, fifty-fourth year. The late Mr Weston was an 'Angle - can in religion and a Conserivatit•e in polities, He was also, an Orangeman, 4q , being ale Member ba of L. ; O. L No. ',189, 8 and also of the Moen.•Fr' Friends, No. 366, Potter's 51111 .Ho was. a •man of Honest, upright character and Was hold in high 'esteem by those who knew hint. Two daughters, Annie Weston at liome and Mrn, Pte Fr Frank .:' - a DI, survive, also three bro'tliars, •Iohn of Goderich, Flieliaril of Bay- field and Harry of the fill, and two 'sisters, Mrs. These S Ian of Green- ock township, Brtce couaty, and Mrs: John McLellan of the• -6tli. The funeral took ,place from bite! Family resideneo on Tuesday after- noon, being conducted wilder .the aus- pices of the Orangemen and theClios-• en Filends. Rev. Mr, Rickard, rector of Trinity church, Bayfield, conducted the religious 'services. Interment was made in Bayfield cemetery. They Were Married At Egmondville. A quiet but pretty • wedding took place at the home of the bride's fath- er, Mr, G. W. Heiman, in Egmoncl. villa- on September nth, when his younger daughter, Miss Rena, was united in marriage to Mr. William J. Jones of Watford, and formerly of Stewart Br os.R sta Seflta ' o h The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Argo, inatlie presence of a shall company of friends and 'rolatiees of the bride and groom. Mr, Earl Van Egmond played the wedding march. The bride, who 'was unattended, wore a beautiful gown and the usual bridal veil, and looked 'very pretty: After the ceremony m on Y a tisintY 'wedding' b de - jounce jounce was served,. 'following which the young couple were nrptored to Seaforth, where they took tile' after- noon train for Watford,' where a re- ception was held at the homeof the groom's- parents. The bride was be- comingly attired in a black taffeta suit and.. smart, blaok hat. After a Honey',moon trip to *Detroit and other American points tl'iey, will nialce tlisir home in Toronto where the groom. holds a good position as traveller for a ride Mr. Halsey Wiggins of Chicago has' was theadinerepi recipient ofpmnansilk y. beautiful been visiting at his home in town. and costly! presents, arcing the num- ber being a chegge from her brother, Gordon, who is now in the trenchee in France, and also one fro))) her brother, Wilmot, in training at Cann) Sewell, Manitoba, The bests wishes of many friends go with Mr, and Mrs. Jones in their journey down the stream of lite. Misys Jean Lawson has returned to Detroit after a visit of several weeks at her home bore, • Ret!. Jaane''s I1arallton was in Tor- onto last week attending the opening. of the new Knox College. M. John Straiten, who has been quite 111 for some weeks, is now hie - proving but Has decided to take a prolonged holiday in order to recup- • crate. ,His son, .Mr. Watson Stratton, ,is taking his k dos in the meantime in the Elevator Company's office: Mi:, and Mrs, ,Joseph Mere and fam- ily have shoved out to a farm which, 'they- recently purchased in IIullett '' township. Happenings of :Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the Centucy. Taken from the Files of The News- Record of the date indicated. Clinton, Oct. 3rd, 1300. A switch is being built from the 'C{.T.R. track to the Organ Factory. 51een's. John and Stephen Taylor .of Minnedosa, Man., are down fropn the west with a trainload ,of cattle :from. their ranch. Shortly 'after noon on nesda3r a pretty' wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dodd .when their only daughter, Hattie, became the beide 'of Mr. George W. Layton of TuckersOith. Rev. W. C•. Howson performed the ceremcuty. Af- ter a Honeymoon trip including De- troit, Mt, Clemens, Trenton and -other points they will reside on the .groom's falser on tire London Road. Among those who attended the Christian Endeavor >convention at Guelph tills week were: 'Mr. and Mts. A. T. Cooper, the former being .provincial secretary, Miss Florence Cuninghanie, Rev. Dr, Crilford and Miss Turnbull while Miss M. Davis chaperoned the following company of Junior's, who under her direction gat,; a Bible (lysin PearsCantelon, Mary Chant, Annie Cook, Vera Pagers, 'Nellie Holmes, Minnie Coolt, Edna Cooper, Ida Wilken, Carman ' Hall, Walter Bohner, 0pcar Rogers. Rev. Dr. Carman, who conducted the anniversary; SOrviees in Ratten- bury, street church, -was the guest whilein town of Mx. and Mrs, H. E. elorke,- The Local Market•, Wheat 650 to 66e, Barley 38c. Oats 28c. Butter 15c to 16e. Eggs 11e to, 12c. Live hogs ;$6.10 to 80.25.; MakeItKnown .7'c get a .erbwd to your auc- tion Rale you must: ' let it be well known. That ib you must . advertise, The News -Record goes into the groat majority ,of the lroni- en for miles around Clinton. And that is why farmers 'Having esales are making use of its advertetpng eoleenne More ..and .more. " t:.-- Goderich Priv-ate Stevens, who enlisted at Edmonton and win spent the winter in France, being wounded and dis- charged and sailing on the Hesperian for home, is a guest with friends in town. He was among the rescued when the Hesperian was torpedoed and eel:tu'ning to Liverpool he set sail again anti safely reached his native land, Miss Elsie Tye, eldest_ daughter of Mrs. W. D. Tye, was married in St's George's church on Thursday last to Mr, Albert Thoms of Ottawa, After a honeymoon trip they will settle in tl:,e Dominion capital... Rev, W. W. Stoddart of Rocheeter•, N.Y., has been Here on a vieit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Stoddart, Mrs; (Dr.) Strang has returned from a visit with Toronto friends, 74Irs, James Stewart and Mee. Ernest Stewart and little daughter are spending a few weeks with Sarnia friends, MIs Farrel C'. Modus has returned to her home at Sault Ste. Marie af- ter a fortnight's visit with Iter par- ents, Judge and Mrs. Doyle, Rev. Colin Young, euperintenelcnt of missions in northern Saskatche- wan, -was in town last week and preached in Knox church. Mr. Young is a native of this section and has many old friends hereabouts. Messrs: .1.1ex. and Roderick Young of" Carlow are brothers. Marriages CLARK-WHITEHIEAD - In Clinton on bet. stn, by Rev, F. C. Har- per, Melvin J. Clark to Mrs. C. •Whitehead, LIPPERTr-JONES-In Seafortli, on September 28th, Belle Genevieve Jonas' to Herbert' A, Lippert of Berlin. JONES-HdLiVIAN- In Egmondville, on ,September 29511, Rena, laugh, ter of Mr. George, Holmen, tp Win J. Jones of Torcnto. MORAE-SMIT}I-At Wieeghans - on September 29th; Dr, Thos. P , Dee- -Rae, , to e--Rae,',to Kate. Etltrlwyn Smith, both of Brussels, Births BROADI+OOT-At "The MyinsFarm" Tuckersmith, on One 1st, to Mir. and,Mrs. A. Broadfoot, a son. J ACKLIN-J,n Grey townsliup, on' Sept. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs, An • drew Jacklin, a on. I..LLIO'TT-In' S'tauley,' on Sept. 88t11, to Mr. and Mrs, J, W. Elliott, a daughter. Deaths. SOUTIICOMBE-In Clinton, on Oe- tober 1'st,,71. ,lames Soietescombe: IIOWSO,N-In Clinton, on Oot. 3rd, Jane Brown, widow of the late .zanies Howson, in lies 85'We year. W'hISTON-In Cloderfcli; townluhip en Oct. 3rd, Walter Weston, in his 54112 Bear, 111AN10E-Sndclenlyri, in Halifax, on Qat;, 2nd, Charles Carmichael Ranee of Toronto, formcrlp of Clinton, aged 52 years.. !intoe News -Record Zurich, -Miss Dora D a 1 sora Craft 'of DayJewob d Yi •ited here ter a few 'weokn, m a'> an cz g Dunlop : .D n u ( of the Nelsons Bank is al. lido fo o... Y ng fora Inc Weeks: • ' 'Mr, E. J, Hess has gone to: Toron- to to:<e c t alt a curse at the ,School of ?i'ractieel Science, • PLEASE RETURN. ' . --. W 11L. TH1B' person taking an umbrella by'nus take from Dron P's , eliosn s office Friday evening o or Saturday d aY m cn- ing last please retain sante. 05-4 FOR SALE.-10/NPI'v'R 1 r1L OXFORD Range and -an Art SouvenirHeater, -A AAI Y to MSc. limb Alexander. 05 MILLINERY S'1101'. I HAVE[ [Jusal opened out a millinery shop in the store lately owned by .t e late John Whideon,, where I will be prepared to keep in stock' all k.idda of ,millin- ery and also to make wee ladies' and children's hats;. Mrs, i J. W. Merrier, Bayfield, -05 AUCTION SALE 00 FARM STOCK and 'Implements and Household Fur- niture. -Mr, Charles Glew leas in- structed the undersigned to sell by auction at lot 12, Huron Road, Mullett, on Tuesday, Oct, 12t4i, the fallowing •; general purpose mare, fil- ly rising 3 years, gelding rising 2 years, coweto 'freshen in November., cow to freshen in Marcli, cote to freshen in April, 1 polled -Angus heifers, 3 years this winter, averag ing about 1000 pounds, 7 yeeng Cat- tle all ages, Pgsabout 7 weeks old, 2 Pigs averaging, 200 pounds, 2 dozed Rock pidletts, Daisy churn, Melotte cream separator, Maeeey- Barris binder, cents es cut mower, Nbxoe seed drill, hay fork, rope and: pulley; M'eTaggart fanning mill, disc harrow, set iron harrows, Sileeater Plow, nearly new, yea Hareesiur, ,any 1 w g plow, set 6 bob -sleighs, iui wagon, nearly new, dem oe.2p•' t, hos. rake, set single harness, set Double harness, forks, rakes and 111Im5reus other articles. Aleo a number of household aa:ti'cles, Terms All sons of 810 and under, earn ; en over 11 ,e ailment 12 months credit will he given on approved joint rants or a discount of 4 percent. will be gems for cash on credit amounts Sale at 1.30 sliarp•--Chas, Glew, proprietor, T. Brown, Auctioneer. --04-2. AUCTION SALE) 01? FARM STACK and Insplcmente.-Mr. W. J. Miller has instructed Me, 'Thos, Gundry to sell; ;by public auction on Monclayt, Oct. 18, at lot 15, con. 3, IIullet>b, cc,nuneascing at 1 o'clook, the fol- lowing ; H -arses, -1 heaps mare 6 years old suppoied to be in foal to Rio Grande, 1 driving mare aged supposed to ise in foal. to Reel Mc- Kinisey, 1 driving mare 7 years old. 1. driving colt rising 3 years old sir- ed by Iled McKinise 1 diivin McKinney, g colt rising 2 yeasts old sired by Teal 0:, • 1 heavy draught spring colt by Rio Grande, Cattle -1 cow due to fresh- en Jan. 11, 1 caw due to freshen Feb. 14, 1 cow to freshen Feb. 27. 1 cow dee to freshen Mar. 17, 1 cow due to freshen June 11. 1 Joe 'sey colt to freshen May 25, 4 year- ling steers 2 yearling heifers, 11 spring calves, Iinplenrente-2 Mas- sey:Harris cultivators, Massey -al=lay ris binder 5 ft. out, McCormick bin- der 7 ft, crit, nearly new, Deering slower 6 ft. cut, Massey -Harris disc, 2 sets harrows, Massey -Harris drill, famiing mill, Massey -Harris rake, root pulper, Massey Harris grinder, wagon, 2 -furrow plough, 2 walkin4 ploughs, 2 hay racks ,one a stock rack, set scales 3000' pounds capa- city; pair bob sleighs with rack, light democrat, Rumball buggy, Portland cutter, Barry buggy near- ly new, wheel barrow, 2 sats 1,cavji harness, 2 sets , light harness, wood heater, set rubber mounted harness, water tank sine Lined 8 x '1 c 01 ft,. Molotte cream separator, 80 liens, Daisy churn No, 3, sap kettle, Rad- iant Horse coal heater, postBole spoon and crowbar, a quantity of seed oats, other articles too nuniet ors to mention, Terms . -All slums of $10 and under, cash on Vier that amount 12 months credit. will be• given on approved joint notes or a discount of 4 rercent, for cash on credit amounts: Oafs .cash. -W. J. Miller, proprietor. 'T'hanas Crtinilry, alctio'neer, -05. AUCTION U ION S' _y +LII , P OI FARM ti , S'1'0 { I C and Intilenuen4's.-Mr, J. K. Wise has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction ; at lot 20, Huron Road, Teceersmith, on Fri- day, Oen 22nd, the : followinge - eras g n purpose team, cow to freslsen. in January, 2 cows to freshen to February, 4 young Cows witls: calf at foot, 3 steers riling 3 years, 2 steers rising 2 years, 3 suers one year old, 7 spring calves, fat cow 4 years old, ' Massey -Harris, binder, Fest & Wood mower, Deering hay. rake, cultivator,' disc harrow, Sea - ranee harrow, set diamond harr.,ows, riding plow, 2 walking'plown, sma- ller, lumber wagon, platform, spring wagon, set bob sleighs, buggy cut- ter, fanning mill, set double harness 2 ante'single- liarness, Melot'te creams :separator, Daisy churn, set of seal- es 2006 lbs, stock, rack, stone boat, hay fork, car, you:,es and pulleys and numeror 8 other articles,, About,' 15 tans of hay •in barn if not, 50ll b efeee .rile Aleo a quantity :of household" effects.--Teems;-A.11 suras of 810 and under, cash, oyer tact amount 12 months; credit will he given 'on' approved' joint notes or a discount' of 4 percent. for cash on credit amounts, ` Sale at 1 o'clock sharp, -J; K Wise,; proprietor T. Gu,ntlry, euetaoneer. 05, APPLES WANTFID'ALL KINDS I14 eluding evaporates; and .choppers, Will he tem:teesl at the Grand Trunk Station.. .Higheeb market price paid. -D, Oantelon. -04 LOST. -ON; THE ROAD :BETWEEN Clinlson and Londesbo2•o on Septem- ber 9tl; a rey;tweed-overeoa' ti,. The finder vii " e flit l p suitably '' a y rewarded, - Please leave at •C1uff's S Shoo Stora or Elliott's Livery or with E. ` Sa- ville, 5a= ville, Clinton. ` 01.• ,. ]'SOUSE FORi,SALE, ONr ,t .n bILJRON. s teett,-Cornfortalile „• place witia goon cellar, .stable an11 dials gar- den, -Por particulars appl to Ja.,. Y s, Appleby., b pP Y -05 130US1 FOR ,SALE I11 A MOST desirable location corner: of Ring and Joeplf streets. --Apply ,to,. A. J. Grigg. -03 MRS. J. JOHNSTON, WHO NAS taken over the agency for tlio'Spir- ella corcet and who 'has just re- turned from. Toronto where a large school of eor5etiers convened 'fol, four :days, is prepared to meet the needs of all old and new euptorn- ens. The Spirella is "different" a perfect -fitting, flexible, made-to- order corset, allowing every muscle full play. Ca11 and ask Mrs. John. sten 'about corsets and • accessories. -02 FOR SALT, -THE BUILDING FOIL- merly used as a carding mill at Walkerburn, Township of rl:ullett, is offered for sale. Tile frame is a splendid, one, 'two stories, 24 x 36. -R. -"'Morrison, R. R. No 1, Auburn, -02 FOR SALE, -THE UNDERSIGNED has a limited quantity of fall wheat for seed. This field was claimed to be the best field of fall wheat be- tween Wingifam and London. 1t is Clean and free from smut. -Frank 'Tyndall, 1,11. No. 4, i'hone 2 on 162. ---99 Irate DISPERSION SALE OF • HIGH - Class Purebred Shorthorns and Aberdeen Angus Cattle, also Grade Cattle, Horses, 1 area, isn,plements', 1-te., at "Fairview" Stack Farm, Lot 15, Con. 2, West Wawanash, near Dungannon• -I take pleasure in inviting you to my sale of Short, horns and Aberdeen Angus and feel assured the offering will meet with your approval and appreciation. Some young'airinsals bred at "Fair- view" Stock Farm have won h' ors at Cruelph and 'Tomato F Stock Shows. In breeding a quality my hent never was be and will bo presented in good c clition. The sale will be held Thursday, Oct. 1' commencing Is past. sliarp, when the followi will he disposed of : Shorthorn Roan cow, "II ellesiy Blossons," 11 61436, dye to calve Oct. 20th, ro heifer, "Della" 1 year old, le 115041, red heifer, `Pirena", years old, No, 1021)52, duo t cal May 1,7th, red heifer, Missle Girl 1 year, old, No, 1011821, due calve Dee. 25th, roan bull ca "Roast Signet;" 8 months old, N 101321, roan caw, "Roan Ruby," years old, No. 04121,, due to cat Oct, 10515, red Bull, "Easter Jim, 7 mnntb's old, No. 101313, red cow, "Flossie", 3 years old, Na, 102264, due to calve Marsh, 6Isls, reh1lc calf, "Mesita Queen," 6 months old, No, 115043, roan cow, "Jennie,'' 3 years old, No. 101:403, flue to, calve April 7th, buil calf, "Red Chief," 8 months old, No. 101322, roan cow, "Verbena," 8 years old, No. 82082, due to calve March 2801, red cow, "Lady Alice," 6 years old, No. 91.124, due to oalce Dec. 11th, roan heifer, "Ulla," 1 pear old, No, 115042, 11orae,s.-1 horse 5 years old, draft, 1 horse 4 (years rate, 1 foal of 10.15, 1 rade 4 years old, draft, gelding 2 ears old, draft, filly, 2 years old draft, gelding 1 pear old, agrieul ural, 2 -year-old filly, general pur- ose, driving pony 6 years old, riving /nate, quiet for . ladies to rive, thoroughly reliable, Aber- een Angus -Cow, "Clinton Due top the Second," 11 years old, 10. 40504, due to calve June 10th, ow, "Del B" 11 years old, No, 1315, dee June 13th, eon, "E'nvie- nment," 9 years old, i'F4Poeted, o. 4567, Canadian No, 40556, due o calve May 19th, buil calf, "Col- ge Rover," 8 months old, e No. .9200, bull calf, "l'hccnas,'' 8 oaths, No. 3301, Heifer, "Pride," years old, due to calve Nov, 25th, e ufc,i• nue „ Stes s 1 year hi. rade -2 1 0 a e Cattle ., calve, 1 yearling. ecr, 1 yearliMg heifer, 15 steer a 1. Pigs, Etc. -1 Ber1sebire sosv, 1 ar old with 7 pigs at foot, 2 oice Tannwoctii sows, 6 m ntli if, 120 purebred Leghorn 71ens s oc1 laying strain, Also the Farm plements, Terms and Conditions Twelve months credit given on 'nislting satisfactory security ; 1 east. per annrnn - allowed for sli, Ali cows. with calves at feet e proven breeders. As soon as inial, is sold it becomes the pro- erty of put -Wieser, blit good care 11 be taken of them and .well ted on ears for diose wishing on shipped. Certificates of reg- ' ation furnished, Catalogue 'sent request. Everything sold with` t reserve as I have' Tented my ns. -Jos. A. Mallough, Prop,; Genre, Auct. Capt. T. A. Rob. on also expected. -03-3 on - at nd flet on - on at ng s- o. an o. 3 ve to if Ct. 5 ve n y t ll. 1 tl d 1) c 1 0 N t le 2 m 2 11 G st el ye ch 01 go Ire fm pot oa ar all A wi pia th istr on, ou far T. ins v arni,ng r Owing to repeated trespass, ing and stealing of apples we are eon1Pelled to is;rie the Warning tisat in future all Trespastsing on the faros of Major IL T. Ranee will be Prosecuted according ` to law. 13y Otder, Geo. Cordell, Manager. September 20511. FQR 'SALE, --LOUSE•' ANI) • LOT corner Isaac and" 'Dunlop streets Clinton, Two story, frame, ht - el. r 'rooms 'electric light eight r ght 'and , water - weeks, With or without ratable. Will be sold on easy terms, -Oliver Johnson, .Box 403, Godericuj, -93 COURT Ole :REVISION, -NOTICE es lieeeby given' that :a; • court will be held pursuant to the Ohiario Voters' Las• tA ct byHis Honor, hapax, lira1 t luc e F h g o o C u o nt c: Court C rt Y of Huron, in the toyd'ne shthe Count i ship 1i ,all, Marna, on Fr`day, ,the day of October, 1915, ab the Hour of 9 r'eiook in the forenoon to hear a and. dtenue r ' u e . teat 1 in ' P a is f err0 rs" 0 sled omissions in tho voters' list, of the municipality of the township of Stanley for the• year 1915;-R. J. Richardson, Clerk of the Township of Stanley. -03 WANTED. -A DOG, EITHER F111li;P- herd or Collie preferred, not i.r,der one jeer old. Seale price ':1pbiy at News Record office or wish) P. `'0. Box 207, 'Clinton, • -0e FARM FOR SALE' OR TO RENT, - What is best known as the Robert Marshall farm on the Bayfield Road, two miles south of Clinton is offer- ed for sale or to rent for a term of one or three years: 175 acres in DM state of cultivation, good bank barn and frame bone•. About six acres of good young, orchard. Possession given . middle • of March next, but renter or purchaser can get on to do fall plowing. Apply to r FI.Po Powell ,' 0r 4 m. Glenn, Ex- ecutors, Clinton P. 0. -97. FOR SALE. -THAT WELL . SIT- uated house at the corner of Rag- lan and Rattenbury street's is offer- ed for sale, 'Electric light, water- works and soft of v T A1Cr, Stable. Will 1r11 be sold o d at a bargain to settle up the Briokenden Estate. -Apply at Jacob Taylor's office. -99 FOR RENT,' -100 -ACRE FARM ON the Bayfield Road, 2e miles south of Clinton. Well eultivated, good brick house, bank barn and other buildings. Two wells on place. Or- chard. For further particulars ap- ply to -Mrs. John Wigginton, Clin- ton, P.O. Box 231. -96. HENS AND CHICKENS WANTED, highest market price will be paid. - W. Marquis., 11„ R. 1, Clinton, or Phone 14 en 66. -87' Poultry itakted Now that the poultry fattening Season, is approaching we are in a position to handle all your poultry at top market prices. New Laid Eggs We are 'still paying' a premiwn for large clean new laid eggs not over four days old. It will pay you to take the very best care of your eggs and sell these to us where you re- ceive city price's for choice quality, Have you tried Gunn's Easifiest Shortening ? Better and cheaper than lard. Now is the' time of year to use our cured meats, A fresh sup- ple received weekly, Seed Wheat If you want good seed wheat that will grow -call on us before you buy elsewhere. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Upeto-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. J'enkiit,, Once Again TIfe annual fall housecleaning terse is coming on. Are you prepared to meet it with the necessary articles and lielps. We ,parry! a full line of helps and a partial list given below will enable you to sec what you need for the annual campaign: Brooms, Stove' Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Mack's No-Rtib, Laun- dry - Soaps, Botox, Waehing Socia, Ammonia Powder, Ch1or- ida of Lime, Bon'An•e, Sapolia, Bath Brick, We have made arrangements which will enable us to give you satisfac- tion in regard' to quickdelivery, ser leave your orders with the Store of, Quality far quick and prompt attest. tion. Highest Prime Paid for Bartter and Eggs, Johnson & Co. The Store of Quaitiy. Successor to S. Barr. Phone 111. 'hone orders promptly, attended' ;to, YOUR C'LOTH>IS C1,Ql.bN11D, paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible ,notice. Botii Lad- ies' and'Gentlene n s .c e lathes; We guardhtee to do good work. Also having bought a machine I' am' Pre- pared to French Dry Olean Ladies' Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of woolen clouting including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Gtr g'' jewelery ,Store. -Wei. J, Jago. g 5 -55 CREAM WANTED. r- DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write• to us for cans. We two su PAply Ycans Free. g Pay all express char and 4s issue cheques twice each month . cheques Payable at par. We pay the high- est 'market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by 'a competent man. Each caa careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement' returned. Those is the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here, Write for cans and give us a trial, -The. Seaterth Creamery, Box 486, Seafortb. Good Morning 1 Are you a News - Record Subscriber ? THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live rr The Flour That Makes the Tasty Bread. We have the well known brands Sehocnh cls Maple Leaf and North Star, Exeter Family Flour, Five Rases and Purity, Snow Flake for your pastry. FRUITS. Peaches, Orapcs, Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas. VLCIETABLEs. 'Sweet Potatoen, Celery, Spanish Onions, Cooking On- ions, Cabbage, Potatoee, Squash anti Pumpkins. E. E. IIUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER, Anything You g WANT DONE IN 1111 LINE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGH•- ING, PLIUMBI•NG, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC, CALL, AND GIT OUR PRIC- ES, ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAPEST. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. TheI Clinton Garage Open All Night. The season is now on for Gasoline Stoves. Why not buy, filtered gasoline out of our Bowser pump, whiclr passes tfie gasoline tisroubh fine screens and a filter. Prices always the lowest. We keep on hand a stock of Automobile Supplies and Bicy- cle Repairs and do all kinds of repairing r orn Ll and p P d at a Y reasonable charge. Auto Livery in connection. J 11. PAXMAN It is your assurance of perfeet satisfaction in old or new work. In- sist on getting, Canada Censent, A full stock on hand at all times. Heinlack silks cut to order. ,Shingles :ere and xxxx. Space and pine dressed sidings and Ilooringo, Metallic building materials, Lehigh Valley coal, all sires, Steam coal. Emithing coal, i 'file, al's sizes either in the , yarn or delivered' on the job, Cedar posts' all sixes. 14 -inch slabs, a bargain. Anyone in the market for anji of the above lines will do well to 'get our prices: , JOHN B. MUSTARD D Brnpef eld. Pfione 11 on 149, j 510175E FOR SALE UR TO REND :• on Raglan street, Two. 0002 at lease, brick house, electric' 1rgHt .and,' waterworks, stnall stable; -D. C .s felon, an Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes, Celery, Pumpkins, Snow Apples, Grapes, Peaches. W. T.14111 CEE1V 1 We have on hand a car- load of Portland Cement and all orders for same will be filled promptly. JOHN HUTTON, LONDESORO. CTIIMNEY TOPS. It's a trade to build a good chime ney and to repair a roof. It takes more than a sheet of ,petal, a hot iron and solder, it requires exper- ience. If your chimney does not draw' well send for us and we will put it to order ; if your roof leaks we'll mend it. ALL KINDS OF TINNING, we do well and reasonably. THOS. IHAWKINS. Prone 43, A Drop in Kindling 'A LARGE STOCK 0N1 HAND WILL 3E SOLD CHEAP THIS MONTH TO CLEAR FOR CASH ONLY, Leave your orders for Fere tilizer and Potash for your root crop. We will mix it for you at the store, North End Feed Store. Frank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms : Cash, Phone 199, Are You Troubled with Headaches s e ? ♦es If so the cause may be eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and cure. It is worth trying. • Come to us and we will make a careful test of your ' eyes and tell you what is the matter and what you need,: In our long experience In the Optical business we f' have made a great number j: of examinations and it is i( a source of much pleasure for tis to know Mat our fittings have invariably, ,given great satisfsetioe. 1 II your eyes bother poo come to us and learn the reason why. ra A. J. GRIGO Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses,