HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-10-07, Page 1No. i9C 5
any article from our longe assortment of silver
ware, flatware, cot glass, or china, a clock, etc„
for a wedding gift you will be certain to get
t Imething
which is not only of ,good appearancebnt which
has the necessary quality to make it
for all occasions. A wedding gift selected from
our stock is sore to give great pleasure to the
bride for many years.
/meter and Optician - - Clinton
The Royal Bank
Incorporated, 1860.
Capital Authorized 1025,000,000 -
Capital Paid -tip 11,500,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 185,000,000
Total Assets
hes With world wide connection. Interest allowed
880av Brans
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted.
NNING Manager Clinton Branch
R, E. MA
In Huron
��� County
Rev. S. J., Allin Preached., on Sun
day morning last in the absence of
tlie pastor; Mr J. A. Irwintook the.
evening service, The Sunday, school'
resumed its altoinoon sessions on
Sunday, there be n, good turnout
of both sehelars and t aclers, The
pastor willpreach at both services on
Sunday next.
Di: 'Phomas T. McRae of Brussels
was married in Wingham on Wednes-
day of last week to Miss Kato 1.
Smith, daughter of , Mrs. .T., 11,.
Smith, also of Brussels.'
Die McRae Was for a year or so • a
-citizen of Clinton, having begun his •
professieeial ,career .Here in association.
with Dr. ,Gunn, and will be rememe
boredby many. His old friends; lore
waft • .. him.cougrain1e
s and good
wishes for future happiness .•and pros-
pr s -peaty,
Additional subscriptions to • the
maelhine gun fund since the last pub-
lished list
J. G. Medd , ,$ 2.00
N; Sly . . . 2.00
A. J. McMurray . 2.00'
J. R. Middleton; I . 5,00
Herb Jenkins . 2.00
14Trs. W. Laine . 5.00
R. S. Byam . 2.00
D. Prior . , 2.00
Dr. J. S. Frans . . , 5.00
Edward Rathwell . 2.00
St. James' Church Guild
Goderich Tp, . . . 12.00
Ti1 E h10LS01VS E
and Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada.
A General Banking Businees Transacted
Circular Letters of'Credit
Bank Money Orders:
Savings Bank Department.
C. E. Dowding, Manager, Clinton Branch.
READY=rO•WEAR 2 he Morrish ()nDERED
Clothing I
9 l
to acquaint yourself with this store's
magnificent stocks of new
Our boys' garments are built to stand the extreme
me to them and
hard usage that is sure to co they
never disappoint.
youwantyour boys' : clothes to wear better than
formerly, buy his next clothes here,
Suits .50 to $10.00.
Bogs' s$
These • t' ideas
garments exemplifythe:season slates
extremely smart and
clothes. All are e y
in fashionable
are just the
rhe )
exhibit the,finest'' workmanship:y
expect to 'see priced at` $20,00
kind of suits you:would Only p
they onl.
to ��``�2.0o but y y
■ "ADeal for Ever Man.''
Motto . Square Y
Mrs, Wm. C*rigg: has sold her cosy I The Customs eplloctions
at Clinto.l 'Wheat 80c to 85c.
cottage on Station street to Mr. for the sixmouths ending Sept. Oats 35e to 400.'
John,Derry who gets possession at 301,h were 314,540.56, an increase ov- Barley 45o to 50c.
art 'early 'date. The House is well er the corresponding period of last Butter 20c to 21c,
built and located and the purchaser year of $358,83. Eggs 23c to 31e.
got. it at 'a'fair figures Mrs, Grigg Live flogs $0.40
will' make her home evith He son, ' LITTLE rhOCALS.
Mr. A, J Grigg. Phe many friends in town cl Miss
Sewell, who left Ottawa 'a :ha -t Good morning I The label tclle _ the
ONTARIO ST.. CIIURCZI. time ago -with a. party of nurses for i stony. How does yours road ?
li will be bsel:ved as the, front, will be pleased to ' haat: The. han•ost thanksgiving services
Sabbat 1 e
"Thanksgiving' Sunday." Special that her mother, Mrs. 13rlsbowe, rel• in connection \vitli Si, Paul's church
,1 be held on 'Oct. 17Th..
music will be provided especially for' � celled a. Cable from her dated Oct.()ot• w
the evening service., 51h announc ng iter safe - arrival at The Pastime Club intend having a
The. pastor preached on .Sunday Plymouth. dame in their club rooms an the em-
everting, last on 11e Soldier . and ening- of '11nnl.5giving Day.
y „ C.G.I. AT -TIME. the Lesson fey US'. The C11C+[L' ren- Mr, Herb Cas Cls has re -rented for,
d red excellent'mttsic.. "h C':C.I. at -items Was field in the one ,year the ll• Marshall Farm of
. e '• The
175 th'cr' Bayfield road.
On .Monday evening .. an unusually town frill on. Tuesday evening when acreson
lar b ''e numter attended• tljo "Mizell -
the teachers, students'and ex -students The Senior Bible Class of. Willis
ship and Patriotism" meeting, The ' enjoyed• a very pleasant evening, to. &welt will resume on' Sunday after -
pastor presided,' Mi„ 17dgar Nast gether. Principal 'Treleaven presided' noon. The subject of the lessons
Elmer Beacom gave an .. interesting
'andduring the
program,runwuteri- -con-
will iii hr
"The Kings s and
Rulers of
sang a s leudul Batil tfc song
sisued of solos by Mr. Fred ThomeUnited Israel
talk on ;'Life With, the Boys in, son, the Misses Keller and Miss. Lil 1
C'amp." Mr, J, W. 'Treleaeven anti- Ilan Fairfull and a reading by Me.
Mr., 13.:J..Gibbangs also teak part. :1 hall. Afterwards there were prom- Many old -friends in Clinton - will
Tf111 TOWN. COUNCIL: greatly regret to :Bear of the death
of Miss Annie M. Thompson, wl•,ich
The town• council stet on Monday occurred at Mount Albert, on Sept.
evening.whcn. a Wall' grist of routine 28th, after a long illness, from heart
business was ground through. trouble, She was a sister... of Mr.
Bylaw. No.• 7, 1915, providing - for Robert Thompson and Mrs. Edward
.street watering, was given ito first, Rothwell of ClintonandMrs. Robert
second and final reading and possed, p S McCord -10k of Mount Albert. Two
years ago she revisited the old hone
but found herself failing rn rapidly
she returned to Mount Albert where
since last May she has been a groat
1ed:ter 0 from heart trouble and
Blight's disease. Two of her
nephews, Messrs. harry and Robert
'chomp soil of the 11ifh con. .attended
the funeral which took place on
'1'.hurs:lap afternoon to Cue; nsville
cemetery', where it was melt by a
number of old friends anti 'neighbors
frou. Keswick and Roolic's Point,
Where Miss Thompson lived, 101 over
twenty-seven years. Her sister, Mrs.
Me(. ordick, has be• n -very ill eon
s'nce, and is still confined to her
:4 r,oYar. RESOLUTION..
On Saturday noon wh'le Mr. and 1
Mrs. Wm, Lawson of Mullett. niece !'he following resolution was pass-
* f minis -
meeting U
n t.0
,• d � t the a1 u
l buggy- • 11^ Bank
NI a b
ng the; b at t al
Seth 1
n 'Sy ters and launch held at '•Ilolhncsville
corner with the top all, may, to
start' for hone and their son, me, on 'i'uesday : On motion 0 Rev. S.
Tony Lawson, 111(5 plain a sewing. J. Alain and seconded bye Rev. 11'.
machine in the rig, the horse took K.Mager, "That Alio memibers of this
fright and started with a ,jump and district meeting of the (torieriob Dis-
turn which upset the buggy. For a trice cif the Methodist Cher 11 keenly
few seconds it loo'. ed as if the re- feel the nnturc of the great crisis
stilt might be vera Serious for tie with which our Empir} is face to
horse seemed detterminod to gest face in the mighty struggle for the
away' and a top buggy, ender such honor and peace e'f the worlds as well
circanlrstanees, is not very! easy to as for our own liberty!; 'We appreci-
ate the heroism of the men who have
responded to the call of Ring and
Country, and also the seirit of sac-
rifice and self denial on the part of
parents who have given their sans to
lay down their liter, if need be, in
so glorious a cause ; Ottir plea is that
other men may Ecol it to. be their
ditty to taste their place in defending
our homes and our flag. We also un-
ite- in an urgent appeal to all who
cannot go to, the front that they
sees. to recognize more 'llhan ever
the gleed of such brelp as can be af-
forded in money and gifts of all
hinds. We would encourage, our peo-
ple to make every pos,iblc sacrifice
in the crucial ]:our of the nation's
life and freedom."
'l'hiirsdayi last was a gala day - in
Clinton. A stranger coming into
town early that morning Would have,
been much surprised at the wealth of
patriotic decoration on all the bus-
iness place.);' espeoially alccig this
front street. Flags iloated gaily
from every building. Dozens, yes
hundreds of them, big and little, were
stuck in every available place while.
long streamers of bunting decorated
many of the prominent, places of
business. Some of the decorations
r et
v4'ere quite artistic and all were e
ice -teem Not only the Public:places
of •buninesn but many private. dwell-
ings had been handsomely. decorated
and Union, Jacks and Canadian flags'
floated from many windows.
What was the reason for all tlhis
patriotic dt'play ? Why, on . that
forenoon a detachment of the 33rd
Battalion, in which Clinton is es-
pecially interested fn• teat this town
has supplied' two of its superior of-
ficers and e gonlly number of its
when, spent an hour in town' on their
way to 'Godericli to attend the Fair.
The soldiers came by special train
from London and were stet at the
depot by an enthusiastic crowd of
citizens, the C.C.I. Cadets and the'
hilty band in 11111 uniform. On
alighting from the train the soldiers,
who were in charge of Captain Jew-
ett, formed in order, four abreast,
and headed by several automobiles
carrying .prominent Citizens and the
town council in a body, the band, the
soldiers and the cadets marched up
Albert street to the edge -of the
town and back to the pot - (Ace
square, where the pupils of the Model.
school sang' patriotic airs and brief
r J• ck-
d by, a
speeches 4tetb made by y
son and Mr. john Ransfo:d and re-
plied to by Captain Jowett and
('aptain Dowding,
'Phejy were "then escorted to the
depot and given a good sand Mt
The mien looked fine, "hard and
fit" as one was heard to remark as
they marched by. Healthy -1 looking
young Pillows Most of them, well -set
up and alert. '''heir uniforms seemed
to fit as r•f each man's had been made
to order: and with rifle to shoulder
and -stepping out smartly they were
an•inspilnig 513113. The Dominion and
the Empire will he welt ser.ed by
suds Men as 51(10 company 'which'
par ailed Clinton street's on T1i 1s+ Mae Hat have been here for seeral
day. mouths and Mrs. Leslie has' spent.
the pest fortnight here, while Charles
Lias spent much time at home during
the past couple of years owing to
his mother's failing strenglth.
Mrs, Howson wags a .remarkable
woman. Remarkable for her -unset -
evades etc: ' followed by ice Cream
and cake, followed again by. a t e
[nforinal dance, The gathering broke
tip 10 good timet
Mr. W. IL Lohb, reeve of Ooderieh
township, anti Ii s good wife returned
This bylaw provides for the. watering .borne on Saturda}l last from a trip
of Albert, :Ontario,. Ring,. Mary, through the west extending over sew-
Isaac, Huron and Rattenbuty streets, oral walks. 'fh y event to the Reck-
the. cost of such. watering to be paid. les and covered tile- ground pretty
by those benefitted. Other streets
can be 'watered in the sante way 1t
an order from the street committee.
In .future sect' service is to be paid
for on or before October 15th, other-
wise the amount will be added to
the taxes and so collected. This, was
considered by the council to-. be the
fairest method, when all benefit all
Well north and south over the three
provin.es. Mr: Lobb :gays they
travelled at least 5000 miles by
train and 500 by auto and lie saw
nothing in his whole• trip that world
draw him away from 010 Ontario,
Apart altogether from the state of
efiairs on tie farms Mr. Lobb toys
the condition of affairs in the towns
shorld ray equally. is very deems- ing owing to the car
The mayor was [u . receipt - of a laps' of LIP real estate 'Mont which
comllmunicatioll from the Licit,:pant has the ruin of scores if not hundreds
Governor, Lieut. -Col. Ilendrie, con- of rcopse in its wake,
raining an appeal from 'Lord Lans-
downe regarding Red Cron; work and
asking {hal: a special animal he macre
for funds. A motion was carried
ci �iit- sympathy aihv with
expressing 1 p
Red Croats nioventent and suggesting
that a committee consist'ng of three
members of the council and six others
he appointed to carry' slit a campaign
for the rais'ng of funds fen this
purpose. The mayor will mune the
committee and it will be the part of
all good citizens to fall 111 heartily,
with any scheme worked out by diem.
Like a shock of corn fully ripe get out of. however, scleral citizens
which is garnered at rho end of the who fortunately happened to be close
season, 'so Mrs. Jas, -Howsot's earth-
ly life came to an end on Sunday
morning last.
Mrs. Howson was in her eighty-
fiftlt year and for sonic ,riffle had
A wedding took plane quietly and
under very happy auspices at the •
manse on Wednesday afternoon at
three 0'0100% when Mr. Melvin J,
Clark of the Huron Road ana Mrs, 0.
Whitehead of town, Were married . by
Rev; Prank Ilauper; B,.D,, of Willis
elnirel. A few - immediate friends
were present. Mr. and Mrs. C'l'ans
will reside at Goilericla; -
Next Monday morning, ,,Thantsgiv-
giving Day, at. 11 o'olock the Thanks-
giving service of ;the congregation
will he held. Visitors will be cot -
welcomed 513 this service.
Rev. -:A. M. Boyle of Belo:'are was
heard with fundi pleasure and 'profit
by large congregations last Sabbath.
At the, anniversary of Belgrave
Presbyterian church, the Presbyter-
ians- worshipped 'to-
getherMethodistsand owing to the closing . of the
Methodist church service for the ,day:
The congregations; ware too large for
even the generous Size of the:Presby-
L resby-,
terian c11u3011 and a characteristtically,
Belgrave welcome was given to Rev.
F. C. harper as the anniversary,
Next Sunday will to harvest lion -le
in Willis church. The minister, Rev.
F. C. Harper, B.D , will preach at
both services.. Morning subject : "The
Willow also in the Harvest." Tn'the
evening : "Tile Harvest Already."
at hand managed to hold done the
animal until it was freed froze the
buggy. Mrs. Lawson escaped villi
only a bad shakeup, but her •good
man received cuts and braises which
been in failing health, for the post required dre'iting by tine 'surgeon girl
four months confined to bed, But Tony had Lo lay up for a couple of
though weak in body her mind re-
mained clear and until eery near
the end she was able . to converse
'happily' with her friends'. 11er bodily'.
strength failed but the dauntless
spirit within fended oft the grin
reaper for many , many days.
For many years Mrs. Iloaysoti w4 as
n resident of Clinton. She was born
in Esquising township, Halton torn-
ih 1831,her nlaid-
tv, on January � ,
en name being Jane Brwn. fler
girlhood and early womanhood were
spent in the '01 county and there
site was married to the late Jas, How-
son, but about fifty years ago they
tante to Huron, settling first in cluctecl a business bete for soneeyelrs.
Mullett but later coming into t fan- For 50115 years, too, lie was connect-
ion. She was the mother of a large ed with the Jackson Mfg, Conically,
family of whom four sons-: .lames •being a traveller for them. :\ couple
4nd Charles of town, John and be throe teat's ago lie hem;LA a utile
George of Medicine flat, Alta:; 1+•rt Mol as traveller with the W. R.
one daughter, Anmy, survihe. awn JtairisLol 4Vholesinie Ctoi,hing fu'm in
sisters also surelve: Mrs. Leslie of 'I' . tO and rerno\'ed to that city, it
Georgetown and.'.14Tr 1. Ninon of 1(t! was while a1 ono of lits bus to the
bride, Ra5tern Provinces that cleats over-
toolc hien i.n 111(1 ancient• city olf ITali
fax of Saturday. I -le had Lit • his
home in Toronto on Thursday.
Mr. Rance rs strvitad by ,lits wife,
who was formerly Mis Jac -son, dau-
ghter of the late Thomas Jackson,,
one daughter, Mrs. McKinnon of Cal-
gaty, Alta., and two. sons, Thomas
as one watched these marching Hien,' f and (`larenee bothnl'Poront . Two.
was the thought that they were not iuhness, her strength of character, brotise1's also sureiiie : W'illfanh of
Merely on parade' but • tv0ultl ';loon liar steadiness 01 P1te:peso; clearness Montana and ° Allied, of Toronto,
march away to battle and there .was . of judgment and hes high .courage, "Charlie" Mauro " Was very well
t rr •itu'e tdevoted mother • to her known in Clinton, .1i's nati.e town,
a deep but uns,.o.sen, . 1, at r. , ? Slie was a
every one of then' wko bad thus re- family incl waren old age and, weals- and was very popular anteng his sir -
seceded to the Empire's call. The tress came limy repaid iliac devotion ale et- friends. Be 1080 of a genial
sight of a soldier in uniform has a in kind, Her every wish was disposition, kindly and companionable
deeper meaning to Canadians today gratified anal: