HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-09-30, Page 8Clinton News -Record September 30th, 1915 OUR CHOICE LINES OF FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR ARE READY T We invite an inspection of the Season's Newest and Best of Shoes for Men, Women and Children—the Choicest Shoes and the Best Values the Country's Best Maker's produce Come to see what we are showing in Footwear for the Fall and Winter Season It will afford us great pleasure to have an oppol- tunity of showing you the many styles ! Our. expert Shoe Service is always at your com- mand and we solicit your consideration ! FRED. JACKSON The Good Shoes Store. Better School Shoes! Does. Your Boy Need New Shoes? If he does let him try a pair of our boy's heavy solid leather school shoes, They will not disappoint you in wear and are very moderately priced. We are also showing a special line of girl's shoes which cannot be equalled in town. Try a pair, they are the best value your money can buy. Men's and Boy's Clothing. Our stock of ready-to-wear clothing is now very complete. We have men's tweed and worsted suits from $6.50 to $15.00 and black and blue serge suits from $1t) to $1S, Boy's Suits From $2.50 Up. Boy's Pants from 50c to $1.50 per pair. Men's Odd Pants from $1.50 to $4.50 per pair. Having placed our orders for our clothing before there was any decided advance in woollens we have all our clothing at about old prices, Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits -- More Business r�af OUR SPECIALTIES. Singer Sewing Machines. Itis not necessary for us to say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable re a reputation for themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over with us. Ostermoor Mattresses are good mattresses. We will give yon thirty nights free trial and if not satisfied return to us and get your money back. ' The price is $15. Domestic Vacuum Clean:rs. Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner, They will clean your rugs and carpets, thoroughly and if need once or twice a week you will save all your sweeping and dusting. Free trial given, Price $12,50. Columbia Grafonolas. We invite you to come in andhear our Columbia Grafonolas and you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma- chine you have heard. Conte in and ask for any record and we will play it for you. Ball & Atkinson Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. N. BALL Phone 110, 3, A,'ATKINSON, Phone 185 New Fitted Coats which have full flared hips Norfolk and Sports Coats Nipped Waistline in Coats and Dresses Smocked, Shirred,Tucked' and Gathered Dresses Princess Dresses in various styles and Jumper Skirts are the latest up-to-date features, and together with many other beautiful styles will 6e shown in the STANDARD FASHION BOOK For Autumn With each copy you get any Standard Pattern FREE 20 CENTS AT THE PATTERN COUNTER W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest --Always the Best. (4frN4Lj ilii: irrls Mr. D. A. C'antelon of Monsen was in town cci Friday. Mrs. Fred. Mason and little daughter Marjorie 'of London are visiting at Mrs. R. Jennison's. Mr. Will Southcombe of the teaching staff of the Wingham high stool was in town on Saturday. Mrs. Jarnes Cooke and little •stn, Kermit, of Buffalo are visiting the lady's sister, Mrs. W. T. O'Neil. Mr. Lorne Linfoot of London spent a few days visiting at his cousin's, Miss Flossie Pearson of the Six- teenth. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Rutledge left Thursday morning last for South Bend, Ind., where they are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Millington. Mrs, W. J. Hohnes of town and her sister, Mrs. Archibald of Seaforth, left yesterday' for Dunnville to re- side for. a time with the Tatter's son. De Laval Cream Separator The World Standard. Ideal Green Feed Silos, Alpha Gasoline Engines, ' De Laval Oil and Wendott,Cleanzer. Stock of repairs kept at my' house 3 doors west of :Commercial Hotel and repairing done Saturday afternoons.- ' Also. Agent for Newcombe Pianos, D. W. Hamilton Phone 207 Clinton. 1 1 NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT'. We have just received a carload of the 'sari e old brand of Portland Gement which hasalways given you such com- plete satisfaction. 1t always fills your requirements. You Cannot make a mistake using the National, S. J ANDREWS, Clinton Apternommommemomprom The News -Record to any address in Canada to end of 1915 for 25 cents, Mr. James Southcombe Iias been ill the past week, having been confined to bed, but it is hoped' his tcrnm as a shut-in may not lie of long eon- tinuenee. Mr. W. H, Watts, formerly of Clin- ton but more recently of Bolton, now resides in Toronto and occa- sionally takes employment with Mr. Duncan Stevenson, also formerly of this town. Mrs, D. B. Kennedy returned last week from Winghans where she was engaged for a fortnight as profes- sional nurse and on Tuesday she left to wait upon her Sister-in-law who is very ill. Rev, J. E. Ford was in town Mon- day evening on his way to Brum- field to confer with the board of the Methodist church there with regard to a supply for the remainder of the ecauferenoe year. Mr, Harry Twitchell returned home Friday after a visit of a couple of months with' friends at Edmonton, Alta. Ie also visited Calgary and Banff and he looks as if the trip had agreed with him. Mr. Janos Soutlicombe has been verp ill during the past week, an attack of typhoid with other complications malting his, condition serious. Though somewhat anxious concern- ing him his friends are hoping for the best. Mr. anilbirs, F. F, Gullies and baby daughter of Waterloo were guests over the week -end with the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. J. An, drews. Mr. C lilies. returned to Waterloo Monday, but Mrs. Gillies and babe remained for a few days longer. Miss Edith .Hodgens of Toronto has been confined to her room for sev- eral days by nn attack of nervous prbsttation. The very many old friends in and about Clinton will be, glad to hear that she is • now im- proving and they hose her recovery map be rapid and complete. - "Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Allen of Ot- tawa," said an item in a Toronto paper the other day, "who are vis- iting in Toronto,, were the guests of Mr, and Mts, Ranee and of De. and Mrs. Belden to a dinner at a city hotel." T'hes'e are all fa:nier residents of Clutton,, the ladies be- ing sisters of Messrs. W. and 1'. Jackson. Mr, Luxton Hill, president of the B1pt Telephone' Company and Dir. Alex. Elder, • the secretary thereof, were in town,Tuesclay representing. their, Company before the .. Railway Board in the hearing of ' the dis• pate between the Blyth, and McBil lct Conrpaanies re a connection with the. Londesboro station which the McKillop Company desires to, make. Mrs. Frost of Winnipeg, who came east on accoent of the illness of her brother, the late Rev. J. Greene, leaves' today for Toronto and will vitt t friends there, at Cale- donia, Galt anti Onven Sound before returning ,to her hoarse in Winnipeg. Miss Beatrice Greene accompanies her to Toronto and , will spend a few weeks' as the guest of Mr, and Mrs. 1s. J, Jenkins. Hem's Your Guide �o the `nkn�vvn in Uncierwear_ You can tell at a glance whether an Underwear garment is warm ;, whether it is coni-• fortably soft; whether it is well finished. But Its wearing -power remains obscure. So does its resistance to the wash=tub. How are. you going to know—positively-that it will resist the hardest wear you can give it for several seasons P .flow can you be sure that it will not shrink P We answer: Come here and buy a suit of Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear. Care- ful making has given it stamina. And it is guaranteed against shrinkage, ALSO A FULL LINE of MEN'S FURNISHINGS at OUR MEN'S STORE Opposite the Public'Library. Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67, ROWN'S Men's Store Merchant Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103, 11111111.11 About People You Know Dlurdoelf Ross of Bayfield was in i town on Monday. - Mrs. John Willis of Marlette, Mich., is visaing at Mrs. Bawden's. Miss Jessie O'Neil left Friday for Toronto to attend the Faculty, of Education. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Weir left Monday afternoon for their home in Swift Current, Sas'r. Rev. A. Macfarlane, Bayfield, Moder- ator of the iiuron Presbytery, was in Clinton on Friday last. Mrs H. Dixon. and Mrs. Patterson of Kingston are visiting their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. McConnell, Mary street. Mr. Geo, Swots, Mrs. Clara Rum- bali and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rusnball were in Wingham on Tuesday at- tending the funeral of the late J. E. Swarts, Mr. Joe Ratlenbury has so far re- covered teem the ellects of the slight operation which be had a week or so ago that he is able to be about attending to business as usual. Rev. T. J. Snowden of Yarmouth Centre, formerly of 1'I lmesys11c and Varna circuits, was in - toitm and vicinity last week, having coarse up to attend the funeral of the late Rev. J. Greene. Mr. Manley Shipley, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Shipley, went to Tor- onto on Monday to begin his 'Uni- versity eou:rse and to prepare him- self for, the medical profesnion. He is a good student and will no doubt acquit himself well at Varsity. Mr, and Mrs, John Schoonlials, Eddie anti Misses Olive and Frieda and their: guest, Miss Schoenhals, motor- ed to Berlin last Friday afternoon, returning Sunday. Miss Schoenhals, who had visited here for several weeks, remained at her Deme in the city. • Rev. Mark Rumball of Morden, Man., who came east to attend a meet- ing - of a General Conference com- mittee in Toronto, visitad his sir ter, Mrs. J. A. ;Ford of town, also on the homestead at <lloimesvillo over the week -end and assisted in tlic Rallp Day services in the Elol mesville elnneili on Sunday. Mr. ltrlwin Brool•s, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. .T. 1+.. Broo'ts o£ Mitchell and grandson 'of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Cantelon of town, has enlisted for overseas service' and paid a flying farewell visit to Clinton on Tues- day. Mr. Brooks has been uin;aged in the drug store of his uncle, Mr,. W. F. Cantelon of Toronto, for 'Vila past couple of year's. Rev, J. E. Ford of Goderich, - former- ly of town, returned last week from a trip to Sarnia and Port Huron anti while in the latter city was a visitor at the annual confluence of the M. 331. Church of Michigan which meets in the autumn. 7Io .al o vis4 itcd his -daughters, Mrs. (Dr) Lean,. of 'Merton, and Miss Willa Pont'of the teaching staff of _the Lucan High school, Miss M.nTavi'sh spent a few clays last week with Seaforth friends.. Mrs. J. F. Warman is visiting her daughter„ Mrs. J. R. Little of Es- sex. Mrs. Jones of C'hesley is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Irwin. Mr. Tony Laws.:ea was off duty for a few daps at .the week -end owing. to illness. Mr. George Little of Bruce - field helped him crit on in Saturday's business, Rev. Frank C. Harper, who is a mem- ber of the Senate of Knox College; Toronto., was obliged to exercise a' good deal of self-control this weer in remaining in Clinton while the formal opening of the new building and: all the esereises connected there- with were going forward. Tlie fact of there being so many of his par- ishioners ill was one of the strong- est ties keeping' hint at his post of duty while lie would very naturally have much enjoyed the meeting with old classmates and friends and the dedicatio of ole splendid new lioinc of liis Ainaa Mater,' Holmesviille Tlarvest Thanksgiving services were' field in St. John's church, Holmesvil- 1e; on Sunday aftornobn last. There was a splendid congregation and ex- cellent Music under the leadership of Mrs. F. Ford marked the ser+ices, Rev, Wm. • Moulton gave the iiddreei. WHAT SHOULD Bit DONEE ? The town of Goderich at an en• thusastie meeting last weer derided to raise the sum of 515,000 for ' the Patriotic Fund,the taws council .,to contribute 15,000 of the anci:nt, the remainder to be raised by' public s.ab- scription, Mr. ,beim •Toynt of Luenow has subscribed 11,000 yearly to the Patriotic 'Final 05 long as the war lasts. Is Clinton 'doing its whole duty in regard to this natter 7 Those who cannot fight or nurse! Ibo wounded should fetch and carry for those whit do. It is a time when eicryone finest pay -in 501115 way, ' "All at 11, al- ways at it," should .be Canada's mot- to until this war is brought to a successful finish. Summerhill I-Tarvest Thanksgiving seri-ices were held in St. Peter's church, on Sunday evening last and a large ` attendance was present, 'Phe 1nealnbent preach ed. Services will commence next Sun- day evening at 7 o'clock. Tell your neighbor The News -Record • is the News -Leader, The News From Londesboro. Nisi A. S ungbiut spent a few days this week 'in Goderich township with friends. Mr. J. W. Cartwright is preparing for cora-cutting during the neat few weeks. Miss M. Lyon returned Saturday from London, where she spent a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Dewar. Her, J. G. Reid is spending a few days ie Toronto rids week, having gone down to be present at the,form- al- opening of the new Knox College. On his return lie will be aeeompanied by Mrs. Reid and Misses Rosamond and Florence, who are returning front a visit of a couple of months with friends at Brandon, Man. Mrs. F. Youngblut spent a few days this week with Stratford fri- ends. Miss C'ov'entry ccf Wingham was the guest of Mrs. E. Bell Inc a few days.. this week. Mr, Wm. Lee had a stroke of par- alysis on Friday and has been quite ill, We trust he May seedily be- gin to amend. Mt: T. Sampson has .purchased a valuable Jersey' cow. Mr. John E. Taylor is spending a few days with ;Brampton friends. The Misses J. and. E. Steinhoff of Blyth were week -enol guests at the home of Mr. Chas, Watson. Gooch Morning 1 Are yon a News - Record Subscriber 7 Rev, C. 1. Maine will take anniver- sary services on the Whitecli•reh cir- cuit on Sunday next, Rev. ` IVIr. Per, rose taking both morning and even- ing service here, Owing to the unfavorable 'weather on Sundays last Rally Day ser- vices were postponed until Sun'lar' next, when it is hoped there will be • a good turnout, Tho Women's Institute will meet in: the Foresters, hall on Thursday or neat week. The ofTicers invite every- body. Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Finn hare re- turned to their home in Detroit af- ter spending a fortnight's vacation, with friends in town. Mrs. Luseouabe returned last weer from a visit in St. 'i'iaomas. Mr. 5. A, McCaw of 'Winnipeg is visiting the old town at present.• Miss Amelia McLean was the gue.-,t:. of London friencl.s during the past week, , Mr. 151, C1.. Cameron is , billed to speak at Walkerton this weer ea. "The War and Canadian Patriotism." Mr. Geo. Green bas returned after an extended visit with relatives al Pickford, Mich, News -Record Means News Leader.. Are you a suhseriber 7 we are e New Fall Shoes 811°W - mg ing for t h e new season faithfully reproduced all the style features of the highest priced custom made. . We can meet every possible requirement you may have in our line at moderate expense and guarantee thorough satisfaction with every pair. They are refilled styles, made of the best materials and easily take the lead for quality and value, We are showing an especially good line of wom- en's shoes in all leathers, buttoned or laced, at $3.50, These we have received and placed in stock, H. S. CHAPMAN PRONE 70