The Clinton News Record, 1915-09-30, Page 4lillsolossislalsollemilagmlislommilmailiwromosieseassameasa
Clinton Mews -Record
September 30th,'. I915
Mr. and Mrs, E, ,Sipple niotorccl
over from Lansin Miele. last week
to visit friends,
Mr, Chas, k'icy of Bad Axe'; 14Mieli,
is Visiting friends leeseaboute.
Cllr, and Mrs, A. Guhr of See -
forth spent a week -end recently with
relatives here,
Miss 111. Tyler of Minneapolis,
Minn., has been the guest of - Mulch
friends rot some lithe time.
a Metal adiri •, n
',While tworl.otrt a o
a rg
1 iter
a Melding at Blake the 'Mee y da'
-Messrs. W. O'Brien- and W, Brown
Were ]furled to the ground by the
scaffold giving way. The latter es-
caped with a sprained }wrist but the
former had his leg very badl}t injured,
Mr, Robt. Bailey of Bayfield was in
town recently. •Mr. E. True!ncier has returned to
his 'home on' the Goshen Line aftel:
spending the summer teaching ,at
Vergeville, Alta.
Mr. 0. Eiiber won .: three first
prilzes for liis 'driver:: at Exeter :Fair,
first for carriage, first for - gentle-
' man's outfit and first for lady driv-
McKillop Towship.
Er. and Mrs. NOlsirn Moore of
;Guelph Have been on a visit to
relatives here. They also intend go-
ing to sec relatives in Brussels and
Blyth before returning home•
Mr. James Martin has been on the
sick list, brought about by over ex-
ertion in the harvest field.
There has not been much fall wheat
sown in this section. This is largely
owing to the hirvest being late and.
partly to 'the present low . price of
Mrs. George Dundee and her moth-
er, Mee." Johnston of Walton, have
gone on a visit 'to relatives in
Cleveland, Ohio. We wish then a
pleasant journey and safe return.
St. Helens
Mr. E. Seekings, Lucknow, s,.ent
the weep -end at the home of Mrs.
Jas. Ramage.
Mr. Earl Cranston and Mr. Arthur
Levis enlisted for the war la'it week,
Mr. Robinsorr Woods had a rais'ng
on Friday putting up e new driving
• Successful anniversary se` g- ,eb '
field at Bethel.i. 1jiiiria), Rev. Me.
McIielvrnngamton . being the
seWeaker for the day.
Quite a number from around here
attended Wingham Show on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid visited at
the home of Mr. Roble Woods the
other day:
Mrs. Hugh McDonald is visiting her
'laughter, Mrs. McPherson of Guelph,
Mr, Frank Todd sports .a new
auto these days,
Mrs. Buchanan is visiting her sin-
ter, Mrs. Clark of Chicago at pres-
ent. Dope she will be much improv-
ed in health wheat site returns.
Mr, ami Mrs. 1). Farrier visited
friends in Huron last Sunday.
Stanley Township
Mr, George Taylor of lot one, eon,
one,purposes editing: fr tfa r
sec on Ogtober ean:teenia will have an
ahetion eale. lWr, . Tayler has .lived
on this place for forty-seven yoars,_'a
few months atter coming out ]roan'
Devonshire, Englanel his native shirr.
He now purposes taking lite easier
but not too easy for that. would
take seine of the rest out of 11101
)a ' Rumor hes; • that r -
1 nit. I2 t las it M
1 B sailed e t of eer has sa is outthe sea
of matrimony. i. tout'. Ne doubt Albert.
will keep his many friends and well-
wishers serntising. He is one of
Stanley's prosperous young fanners,
and has' a good holm.
Mr.- Roble Spackman has seemed a
gasoline traction engine to workhis
bean harvester and to stove it around,
Mr. Favid J. Stephenson was call-
ed to Marlette, Mich„ on Monday of
last week on amount of the death.
of his nephew, Mr. ' J. Stephenson.
Ire reports that a severe wiiicl storm
passed a tract of country between
Port Huron and Marlette, causing a
great deal of damage to bates awl
other huitdings,
Mr.d Mrs. S Reid, an i m. i titd a ec
led by Mr,
) ,and Mrs. ll J Stephen-
son autoed to Seaforth on Saturday
evening last.
Bliss Adria Galbraith visited friends
In Bayfield on Friday last,
Mr, James Rename, wife hae been
assisting Mr, Arch Galbraith with
his farm work for the summer, en
listed to go to the front to fight
for, the Empire. on Monday last, and
bas gone to London to train.
Glad l;o report that " Mrs. Alex.
Mitchell,who was 'somewhat indis-
posed for a short time, is recovering
Mrs. John Stephenson, Sr., who
was called to Marlette Mich., on ac-
count of the death ot her grandson,
has remained there for a short visit.
Mr. Albert Korner, our esteemed
merchant of Varna, spent Sunday af-
ternoon with Mende near Brucefield.
Mr, Andrew McGregor of Bayfield
assisting Mr. Alex, Mitchell to har-
vest h's beans.
Sonny to hear of the illnese, of Mr.
'Vpi. Foote near Brucefield, but Hope
for his speedy recovery.
Mr. Harvey Reid left on Monda)'i
for Toronto to resume his. studh F, este.
the C'ollege oC. DentO',rscSi'"
5.-ialese (ureP ro t that Mr, William
Wiley of the Parr Line is somewhat
indisposed. Bore he will be soon
able to be around again.
The little son of Mr. Chas, Red-
mond was kicked on the head by a
Colt one day recently, and pretty bad-
ly injured, Several stitches had to
he put in his forehead.
IlIr. I . J, D..Cookc, who has been
in Toronto for the past couple of
}'ears, intends reit-trains to resume
Itis practise here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Misdate have
Good Morning 1 News -Record means
News -Leader. Are you a subeeri ler 1
Goderich Township
-'Mn. Keary Snider ani wile of the
16t11 concession, aecom anied by Rev.
R. J. 'McCormick, wile . and children,
nisi -toted over to TroWbridge and back
last Saturday. •
Ebenelizet appointment will ;fold
c n er.
their S;,S. rally : and a nit sacy see -
vice .orb Strndap;' October 10th. Rev.
U. J. Moorehouse ot Trowbridge• will
be the special preacher tor the day,
Mn. W, IIL
bb and wife are ex-
pected ilone from, the, weL this
urday. •
Anniversary servicee were held in
Sharon church on. Stntday at hall past
two and half past seven. The rector,
Rev, Mr. Jones, preached strong and
practical sermons at eaeh service and
the congregations were good consider-
ing the bleariness of the dap.
Harvest services will be Held 'at
St. James' ohur.;lt, Middleton, next
Sunday meriting.
Mr, Dewitt'Cosene, only son of Rev.
'1'• Wesley tosens of London, formerly
pastor f
o Ontario street church, Chine
ton, has been chosen t1
o, a bo en as a suLPyfor
the Brucefield Methodist church for
the remainder of this conference
year. Mr. Cosens, who is a Victoria
student; will eminence his duties at
the beginning of November,
The following rescv':uition was passed
at a meeting of the Official Board of
the Methodist church, Brucefield : We
the members of the Quarlcrly Official
Board of the 13ree,etield circuit, meet
on this occasion to place on record our
deep sense of less, in having recently
to suffer the departure out of th'is-
tife and service, of our esteemed pas-
tor, the Rev. Josias Greene. We
thank God for his faithfulness in all
Ids pulpit and pastoral ministrations,
and mourn hini as a dear friend, a
man of Godand a devout Christian
Rev, C. R. Jones of . I3iliget"wn,
formerly pastor of fat -Baptist church
here, was in tower haat 'Week.
M1•. i',;k,i Ares itt, W. Howell were
ac Windsor last week attending the
funeral of the lady's nephew, the
only son of Mr, and Mrs. R. Misner,
who died a's the result of a fall.
blrs. Harry C'. Morris of Sault
Ste. Mario his been visiting lier par-
ents, Judge and Mrs. Doyle.
Miss Jean Nichois;m, daughter of
Mrs, Alfred Nicholson ot Port Huron,
formerly of Cloilerich, was married on
Satuatlay week at the' hone of t,er
mother at Port 1- unon to Fred, E.
\Vhhto atthat city,
Revs. W. 11. Hager and J. C. Ford
and Messrs, II, 1:. Ilodgens, J, H.
Colborne, R. J. McGaw and. Mrs. J.
Leech were in Clinton last week at-
tending the funeral of the late Rev.
3. Greene,
D7r, F, G. Sperling, who ;vas mak-
ing rapid progress from 15 i -lues,
was last week stricken witli paralysis
and is very low,
Mr. Win tt Ansley left 1a`1 'week
for Regina to take a position on the
teaching stall of tlet Methodist col-
Mr. and Mac. A. W. Vaneveryy and
50n.anti Mrs.' A. E. Moore motored
up front Essex last week to visit the
former lady's brother, Mr. J. A.
1 • JohnIc
Mr.N. Uunaltl f• lr-s+ttaber
was here last .k atiwd
nig {4u
funeral of his brother, the late D.
McDonald. Also Messrs. James and
Dougal McDonald of 'Toronto.
Miss Lilien Doyen, dau_ehiet of
Mr, and Mrs, 'i'. J. Deyeil, wee mar-
ried last ;week to Mr. Ie. T. Earl of
Bowlers, fn which township the, young
couple wilt reside,
Mr, Stewart Scott of Seaforth was
the guest err friends in town for a
few days last week.
Messrs. Item. Murch and Eugene
-McDonald wets in Goderich last weer
acting as jurors.
De, A. J. Fos and family returned
home last week after a fortnight's
stay with Mends on the American
Mre. Hemuith ot Whitby and "iter
daughter were called holna last
week owing to tile severe {Maces of
the former.'s fattier, Mr, F. G.
S erli
n �.
Miss E. G. Hannah of St. John, N.
Be visited Miss L. B. Tsbister last
Mr. and Mrs. Tsaac Modeland
turned last week after a visit in
re -
Dr. Case visited friend's at IIensall
last week.
Miss Clara Stobliens of Coderich
has been visiting relatives here.
Me. and Mr's. Geo Jackman Have
returned from avisit of Sever
weeks t, s with friends inlot. nt
0 0.
Mr. Joseph Ilrailough has, sold his
farm to Mr. Medford Elliott and in-
tends givingap farming hut heyi
retained lbs largo orchard he will
taken up their abode in the residence
recently,, purchased from Mr. "Wan,
his fits time to the .cage ciC tliat,
Miss Vera B. Duran," who was too
ill to take charge of her school at
Sheppardton on the opening of the
school term, was able to take up her
duties last week,: Her sister, -Mrs,
Garrison, supplied during her ab-
Canning and preserving fruits are
almost done—says the Government
Notice to housewife. A few good
Niagara grown peaches still left, Do
as the Government says -Put down
an extra supply (his year—Pions
and grapes far'jam and jelly.
SPlendsd Workrk Done by
o•0 Sir George Foster
ao. C
•oowoo•000000w000000000000cwoo�o•oo 6
H17 work wbicb the Depart-
ment of Trade and Com-
ment of Trade and Com-
under the administration
of Sir George Foster would
have been an immensely valuable
one in, times of peace, and rte re-
suite were, in fact, bringing im-
portant and far-reachingr-reaching ben
fts to
the 'Dominion prior to the outbrealr
of war. But the real value of what
the Minister of Trade and Commerce
has done and is doing bas been
'proven by war conditions. The fact
that Canadian industries and Cana-
dian trade have been able so sue-
cessfully to withstand the paralysing
influences of a trade disruptionthat
has been world wide, is due in no
small degree to the wise, prudent,
and far-sighted policy pursued by the
Minister of Trade and Commeree,
first in equipping the Department to
cope with just such conditions, and
secondly in bringing the improved
service into the closest co-operation
with every branch of Canadian indus
try and trade.
The Department of Trade and. Com-
merce under- ,ai1'- George Foster's
Minister of Trade and Commerce.
Sketch by McConnell.
guidance has taken its rightful place
es a directing factor in the creation,
improvement, and expansion of Cana-
dian trade, The Department in the
last foie' year's bras been brought up
to a point of efficiency and of direct
usefulness which has been of the
most consequence to Canada during
a period of severe commercial strain.
A Riels Felice; mice.
Sir George Foster was able to
bring to this work of reorganization
a rich experience, the fruits of years
of study, and a capacity for work
which has always been the wonder
and admiration of those who have
been brought within its range. As a
seasoned administrator, as one fa-
miliar from close association with the
growth of Canada, recognized inter-
nationally as an authority on com-
mercial and fiscal questions, Sir
George Foster had, in taking charge
of this important branch of the public
service, an unequalled grasp and un
derstanding of those questions with
which he was called upon to deal.
From the outset his administration
has been fruitful,
His first week was to enliven the
existing machinery, to improve it and
to add to it, He oiled the wheels,
and he increased the steam pressure.
The steps which he took were taken
far in advance of the war, yet not far
in advance of the possibility of war.
How far Sir George Foster may have
seen into the future nobody knows
but himself, but the fact remains that
the measures which he took in the
first few months of his administra-
tion could no: have been adopted
more happily had be known the cer-
tainty cE war and the day of its com-
Seeking 'Trade Openings.
He gave his attention from the be-
ginning to the development and
strengthening of the external trade
of the Dominion in existing paths and
to blazing n trails of commerce.
He created a new office: that of Com-
missioner of ommer
a and i
in it a man of wide experience, Mr.
Richard Grigg, until then a British
trade representative in Canada. Mr.
Grigg not long afterwards undertook
an official journey through theOrient
and part of Russia, spying
out new
markets Ittpa is r of the world where
there exist trade possibilities of great
importance to the Dominion.on. Since
the outbrealr of war another agent
has been sent into Russia, 'Mr. C. F.
Just, former Canadian trade agent In
Since the war an agent has alsoo
?leen sent to Oriental and other coun-
ries With a new to discovering il4ar.
25 Cents
will pay a sub
to The News-
Record to end
of 1915.