The Clinton News Record, 1915-09-23, Page 81
Style Show
We invite an inspection of the Season's Newest and
Best of Shoes for Men, Women and Children -the
Choicest Shoes and the Best Values the Country's Best
Maker's produce
Come to see what we are showing in Footwear for
the Fall and,Winter Season l
It will afford us great pleasure to have an oppol-.
tunity of showing you the many styles I'
Our expert Shoe Service is always at your com-
mand and we solicit your consideration 1
The Good Shoes Store.
1 Better School Shoes I
Does Your Boy Need New Shoes?
If he does let him try a pair of our boy's heavy
solid leather school shoes, They will not: disappoint
you in wear and` are very moderately priced. ..•
We are also showing a special line cf girl's shoes
which cannot be equalled in town.
Try a pair, they are the best value your money'
can buy.
Men's and Boy's Clothing.
Our stock of ready-to-wear clothing is now very
complete. We have men's tweed and worsted suits
from $6.50 to $15,00 and black and blueserge suits
from $10 to $18;
Boy's Suits From $2,50 Up:
Boy's' Pants from 50e to $1.50 per pair.
Men's Odd .Pants from $1.50 to $4.50 per pair.
Having placed our orders for our clothing before
there was any decided advance in woollens we have all
our clothing at about old prices,
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits
More Business
New Fitted Coats'
which have full flared hips
Norfolk and Sports Coats
Nipped Waistline in Coats and Dresses
Smocked, Shirred, Tucked'
and Gathered Dresses
Princess Dresses in various styles 1
and Jumper Skirts
ate the ; latest up-to•clate features, and
together with many ,other beautiful styles
will be shown in the
For Autumn
With each copy you get any
Standard Pattern FREE
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best.
Singer Sewing Machines.
lit is not necessary for us to say anything about the good quality of
Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for
-themselves. They are without a doubt the hest household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with ns,
Ostermoor Mattresses
are good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will
clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will save all your sweeping and dusting. Free trial given.
Price $12.00.
Columbia Grafonolas.
We invite you to come in and bear our Columbia Grafonolas and
you will say they are the best toned, and the most distinct talking nia-
chine you have heard. Crone in and ask for any record and we will
play it for yon.
Ball & Atkinson
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 10.4.
N. BALL Phone 110,
3, A. ATKINSON, Phone 188
, nmi ea lanaanitlngl
::aamxlt lh.
Clinton News -Record'
Septeml4a23rd, 11915
Mr. Otto Fink and Miss McLeod mot -
tired to London Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. Gaudier and family
are sl:ending a few weeks at Bay -
Mrs. S. 13. Clarke, after a week's vis-
it in town, returned to her hprne
in Hanover on Saturday afternoon
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Plumsteel have
returned from their honeymoon trip
and have taken up their residence in
Miss Vine Stevens is Lome from
Toronto and is spending a three-
-weeks' holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevens, William
Rev. Wm, Moulton was in London
last week attending the HIuron Col-
lege Alumni meeting and also the
Western Fait..
Mrs, C. W, Robb returned Saturday
from Hamilton and Vineland. Her
brother, on account of whose ill-
ness she bad been called to the
former place is improving,
De Laval Cream Separator
The World Standard.
Ideal Green Feed Silos,
Alpha Gasoline Engines,
1)e Laval Oil and
Wendott Cleanzer.
• Stock of repairs kept at my house 8
doors west of Commercial Hotel and
repairing done Saturday afternoons.
Also Agent for Newcombe Pianos.
D. W. Hamilton, ' Phone 207 Clinton,
We have :hist received a carload of the sane old brand
of;Porbland.Cement which bas always given you such cocci-.
plete satisfaction. It always 'fillsyour requirements. You
cannot make a mistake using the National.
SJ. ANDREWS, - 'Clinton
The News -Record to any
address in • Canada to end • o1
1915 for 25 cents:
Squire James Snell and Mrs. Snell
of Hallett expect to leave October
4th for the Pacific coast to visit
the big Fair at San Francisco and
friends at Los Angeles and other
Mr. and hire. George W. Pearson
and babe of Wayne, Mich., returned
home on Saturday after spending a
fortnight at the hone of the form -
ex's patents, Mr. and Mrs. 11.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Downs spent a
few days list week in London, see-
ing the sights at the Fair, Carling
Heights, and also visiting Mr, and.
Mr's. Clif. Downs and Mt. and Mrs.
Chas. Sehlinune.
Dr. and Mrs, A. P. Squire of Rotter-
dam Jct., N.Y,, have been spending
a fortnight visiting the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rathwell of
Princess street, also with friends
and relatives in Goderi'h and
Stanley townships.
Mr. Frank I•li-bhert of Fort Francis
spent a few days of the past week
visiting his mother and sister; Mrs.
Hibbert and Miss Elsie Ribbert,
Albert" street. He visited his bro-
ther in Toronto and friends at
other points before; leaving again.
for the Rainy River nretra-lolis.
Miss Bessie Porter, who has been
visiting her, sister in England for
the past year and who had started
home onthe ill-fated Arabicl, in
teens eoigling hack to Canada next
month. 1-Ier many Clinton friends
will he pleased to welcome ]ler and
will wish her a sate and pleasant
Mr. A. Case and his son, Mr.. Pa;ed.
Case, arrived on Thursday last
from Rose, New York, and have
since been busy getting react}, to
resume operations at the Evapora-
tor, There is not even an average
crop of apples in this district, brei
of what there is Mr. Case is sure
to g,it a big share for in several
years experience the farmers have
found that Ire floes business on the
Mr. John W. Jowett of Watroatl,
Minn.; was in toren for a couple of
hours on Monday. He fa a son of
Mrs. T. R. Jowett of Bayfield and
in his 'student .days, attended' the
CI:CI.I He thus knows' many about
town though it is now quite a
number 6f 'years. +since -he„ located at
Watroad lvhexe he is -head of a
`telephone;,compani' with' a miienge
of two hundred mites, Mr, Jo.vett.
made the • trip over in his car, a
distance of 1600. riles so 'Poet
when ire .gets back home agtln his
speedometer will gay three -two and
two ciphers. In his trip he crowd
four States and Ontario adfl raid
that in Indiana, Illinois and part
of Mtclfigan he found the roads
beastly. In Minnesota, tiny were
fairly good and in , this Province
best of all. The weather in. Fit-ne-
sota has the pant's summer been avid •
and wet. Mr• Jowett looked as ii.
the good things Of life aro corning
his way:
aae Garments..: Furs
All women want to know what the Fall and Winter Fashions are to be. Therefore, all Wom-
en await with considerable interest. for Brown's announcement that the new styles, are in read-
iness. Keeping in touch, as we do, with .the authentic sources of inspiration,the fashions are
always new -and correct. • For months we have been planning, studying, working -on this dis-
play. And now we invite you to enjoy the hospitality of this store, in its gale dress of rich aut-
umn tints and fabrics, and to view_the new styles in all their, freshness and beauty. Are you in-
terested ? Of course you are, and we shall be glad to have you attend this Display.
A `Magnificent Showing of Women's .Tailored Coats.'
That the styles of the new outer garments are already popular, is evidenced by the fact that so many of
our customers have already chosen our new coats,
- And we are sure that, after an inspection of the many models on display, you will agree with us, that the
showing is a most satisfying one, in point of variety, beauty and price.
The New Coats are here in more wonderful variety than ever, Great, cosy coats, of soft, warm fabrics in
autumn colors, many mixtures and softened plaids and over -plaids.
Then there are the handsome coats of plush and fur -fabrics that bid fair to have first place in Fashion fav-
or for the many occasions when a separate coat is the oily garment that meets your need. And no matter what
the material, coats are all on generous lines with flaring skirts, some with pleats, many with broad belts, some
with military touches andnearly all designed to be worn either open or closed at the throat.
One touch of fur transforms the whole costume—adds beauty and style as nothing else can and Fashion
insistently demand furs this season. Therefore our stocks are abundant and unusually well assorted,
Animal effects lead and muffs and neckpieces show varied arrangements of heads, tails and paws. In
neckpieces the stole made from a single akin and worn with the head and tail hanging over the shoulder, promises
to be very fashionable.
The new muffs, are in round, pouch and pillow shapes, all varied in a number of ways.
Long-haired furs—notably, fox and wolf -are extremely fashionable, but not to the exclusive of the ever–
popular Mink, Hudson Sable, etc., some very handsome sets being shown in these.
New Goods That Will Also Add to the Interest of Your Visit.
The New Dress Goods and Silks -'The New Velvets and Trimmings
The New Coatings - The New Waists
The New Rugs and House Furnishings --The. New Smallwares, Etc.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
'House Furnishings
Phone 67, 13
Men's Store
1Vlerchant Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
About People You Know
Mr. James Wiseman of Chicago- vis-
ited last Week with his brother, Mr.
John Wiseman, Collector of Cus-
Miss Mary McCaughey returned home
Tuesday evening after spending the
past few months in Blyth and
Mrs. Cranston and the Misses Tor-
rance have been holidaying at
Breezy Bayfield during the Past
Mr. James Snell was judge of Gallo -
ways and fat cattle and assisted
with the Herefords at the London
Mr. John Ransfeird was in Torontp
last week attending the meting of
the General Synod of •the Anglican
Mr. Jacob Slotnan, ' who . went to
assist in the harvesting and was
engaged at Hartney, was taken ill
and reached home Monday.
Miss Marion Irwin, who has been
spending the Past couple of months
in the mountains with a mission
camp from Montreal, has returned
Mr Jelin Stewart came into town
• from his home in Goderich town-
ship on Saturday and was taken
suddenly i11, and has since been at
the home of his ncice, Mrs. G. 81
Mr. Edward Steep of Pe.rolea, son
of Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Step of
town, leas enlisted for ovetenas ser-
vice and is now in tattling at Lon-
don. Mrs. Steep and children are
staying in Clinton ice: the present..
Mr. M. K. Richardson of Flester:ton.
at; ono' time member for South Grey
in the Dominion Parliament, was in
town yesterday attending the fun-
etal of the late Rev. J. Greene,
the latter having been his pastor
over fort} pars ago and a warns
friendship having been, kepi: 'up be-
tween theut ever: since.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sehoenhals, Mr.
Eddie Schcenhals and Miss Olive
Schoenhals and their guest, Miss
Schoenhals of Berlin, loft on Friday
last' on 'a motoring trip whi'ch took
in a 'score of towns including Mill
Listowel; Durham, ChcsleY
and Hanover. In the last mention-
ed town they. spent Sunday with
t'clatives, returning home that ev-
Mr. Win: Taylor, Chicago, of the
clerical staff of the Illinois 'Central
Railway, with which he has been
connected for several years, spent
a few days in town last week as
the gust of Mt. James Stevens:
Ile motored up. from London wide
his brother, Mr: Israel Taylor of
the Confederation Life insur;ince
Company and one of its Brost sue,
cessfu1 rcprosontatives in ,the big
ground which tete Corapanp covers.
The Mess s l'al'lor spent their
;youth ]fere, retain the most pleas-
ant recollections of the oil town.
aid when they retire front the ne-
tivities of hUsinea's life they will
"both in all probability make their
home fa `Clinton.
r , ,
•81:r. Harry hunt of Galt is spending
a iew days in the old town this
Mrs. A. Cole of. Wal+ne, Mich., sent
a few days last weer: visiting Mrs.
11. Pearson.
Mr, and -Mrs. J. 13. Lavis returned
from London on Saturday last af-
ter spending a few days at the big
Western Fair.
Miss 86ina Middleton spent last week
as the guest of D1r. and Mts. C. G.
Middleton of the Huron Road, just
west of town,
Miss Irene Gould, Burs: -in -training at
11•ingliam hospital, is spending h'er
holidays atthe parental, home, that
of Mr. and Mrs. 1-I, Gc,ald.
Mrs. .Joseph Lawrence visited her
daughter, Mrs. Shepherd cd Lon-
don, during Fair week, also Mrs.
Cassels of Goderich township.
Mts. Leech of Goderich has been in
town for a few days this iwoek, hav-
ing come to attend the funeral of
Rev. J. Greene, a life-long friend,
Rev. Richard Redmond of Exeter vis-
ited his Deice, Mrs, J. R. Lavis, on
Wednesday. Mr. Redmond came ov-
er to be present at the funeral of
1lis late Rev, Ms.. Greene.
Breeds Prize Winning Sheep.
Squire James• Snell.
Each and crony year for many
years past Squire ,Snil's Leseisters
have, won many prizes at the Toron-
to and London Fairs: At the Fair
just elos,d in Toronto the winnings
were and cn aged ram, and en
sliearliug ram, 4th on ram lamb,
and 3rd on aged ewes, 1st and and
on shearIing ewes, 1st and 3rd on
ewe lambs, and for best 4 ewe lambs,
Championship tot best female, 1st for
the open flock, and ,also the "Govern-
Government prize of $50 for the hest five
steep bred by one ram.
At London the above was repeated;
with the addition of Int for best
flock of five shee,riings and the shear-
ling ram won lst instead of and as..
at Toronto,
The News
From Londesboro..
DIisses Miunie and Els:e Lpoit ' are
visiting London friends.,
Mrs. Strain and 'son of Barley
spent the past week with her hus-
band, who is relieving at the G.T.R.
station here.
Mr. Frank Hibbe:t of Fort Frances
called on Londesboro friends en Sat-
Mr. Wm. Tamblyn spent the past
week with Kincardine frien;ls. }
Pte. Orrin Cartwright of London
Wet the week -end at his home here.
At a congregational meeting in the
Methodist church on Monday evening
it was decided to hold • the usual
fowl supper on the e;•ening of Thanks-
giving Day.
D1r. Win. Bunking has purchased the
farm owned by Mr, Will Longman, he
having purchased Mr. Bruce'S farm on
the 12th concession.
Good Morning 1 News -Record means
News -Leader. Are you a suhsuri rer ?
Mrs. E. J. •Jenkins of Toronto came
up 31:sterday for the funeral of Mr.
Mr, Baker and the Misses Baker, Ful-
lerton, their guest, Miss Forman.,
and Mrs. Campbell of Mitchell mot-
ored up yesterday to attend the
funeral of Mr. Greene.
Mr. and Mrs. 13. 13. Stepheitsoti.
spent a few days recently visaing,
friei>;'s at I;liniville and Exeter,
Miss Vera Colciough `spent a week
with friends in London.
A number from hereabci is visited /
the London Fair Last week.
Mr. Cole of Orillia and Mrs• Adam
Glazier of Clinton spent Monday as
the guest's of their sister, i1Irs. P.
Mrs. Geo, Rilelr and Mrs. Dulmage
spent a few days in London with
their sister and other. friends.
Mr, and Mrs. 1d. Crawford of Lon-
desboro called on Mr, Geo. Riley on
Sunday will be Rally Day in the -
Sunday school.
Miss hate Jamieson, formerly of
Constance was quietly married on
June 16th to Mr. Robt, Gowaalock
of Deloraino, Man. Old friends wait
belated congratulations which are -
none the less hearty for being late.
Wheat 80c to 85c.
Oats 35o
Barley 460 to 50e.
Butter 20e to 23c.
Eggs 21c to 22e.
Live flogs $0.00.
New Fall Footwear.
The New Fall Shoes ingaforsltl e
new season faithfully reproduced'all the style, features
of the highest priced custom made. We can meet
every possible requirement you may have in
our line at. moderate expense and guarantee thorough
satisfaction with every pair.
They are refined styles, made of the best materials
and easily take the lead for quality and valve,
We are showing an especially good line of wom-
en's shoes in all leathers, buttoned or laced, at $3,50
These we have received and placed in stock.,