HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-09-23, Page 5September ?3rc1, I9I5 ClintonNews-Record G- - it Takes Hullett to Win. Prizes at BFairs. s. T. , Son have been .sending their Clydesdales to the big- ,,,ge;tt I atts'.in the country rind iv,ial- ufing' a large share of the privies'year -after year. Their record for 1915 is as follows, ; ' Toronto s 2nd, 3rd and 4tli for In- ternational, Glenrae; and Lord ]`don- .abd, respectively ;t 2nd for heavy draft • ,brood marc ; 1st for heavy draft foal ; 2nd for peeing niare ; 2nd for :yearling roadster filly, 'London let for 2nd for, Lord Ronald, Championship' for Glen- Ilke, 1st for iiternatronal'iei 3 -year „old class, 1st for Glonrae best horse :and•h t tee colts any age, 3rd^ for heood mare, 2ni1 for yearling filly, .3rd Tor two-year-old filly. Gecage Dale & Son won 3rd tot. 'brood mare at Toronto and at Lon- sdon 1st dor brood mare ,and let for real. Mr. Robert Watt at Toronto t r won let for yearling draft filly and 2nd dor two-year-old draft filly. Goderich. Mr. Stiven and his daughter, !Frances, of Guelph have been visit da town. Mr. I4: J. Hopkirk of Stratford `taken the position of accountant the staff of the Bank of Montre Mr. Soothern having gone to Lond. to train for overseas service, Mrs.' Sutton and Miss Sutton ha arrived home atter a visit of a co .of months with the former's daug ter, Mrs. S. Ward of Medora, Man. Miss Norma' Johnston is spending few weeks ' k, ''t wee 'Toronto friend's, ns, Mrs.Horace Peckenan and lit 'daughter and also her sister, Mi Baker, .of Tdronto have been t ,guests of Mro, Sutton. Miss Ellen Macdonald of Verne B,C., is the guest of -Miss Mab Doty. Mrs. Luscomhe is spending a fa •v ccks with St Thomas friends. Mrs A. E. Christie of Brantford visiting lief mother, Mrs, J. C. Ma tin, who has not been enjoying goo :health, Mrs. John Kennedy - of Moosejaw -Sask., has been visiting for the pas few wceko with her daughter, Mrs Angus McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Naftel return ,eel last week front their honcyi oar trip and have. taken up their rest • dento on Brittania Road. • Mrs. H. I. Strang and Miss Flcle went to Toronto last week, the lat ter going on to New York to resum slier nursing. Mr, and Mrei. Mowat and family Have returned to their home in Phila delphia after spending the summer a their cottage on the lake, Rev, G.H. Holmes, the, new pastor •o•f the Baptist church, and Mrs. Holmes have arrived in town. Mr. Holmes has been in charge of his work for the past couple of Sundays. The tax rate in Goderich this year will he thirty-two_ mills. Mr. R. L. Lloyd was in8,rried oil 'Thursday last to Miss Mary- 1±. Van- ' torso of Colborne.. They will reside in town on their return from their liomeymoon. Mr, and Mrs, Oito and two (laugh- iers of Wolverton and Mr. Lockhart and Miss Otla of New Hamburg have returned to their homes after a stays at Rosedene. Mrs. C. A. Nairn was in Stratford for a taw days last week, having accompanied her daughter, Miss Etliel,.who is taking a Normal course in the Classic City. Miss Emilie Buchanan has gone to spend the winter with. her brother in Cuba, Mrs. T. II. Rothwell of - Toronto was in town for a few days last week, Miss Jennie Ferguson of Saginaw, Mich,, is visiting at her hone Here. In the vestry: of Knox church' on Wednesday of last week Gladys, elder daughter of Mr. W; ,7, MONiven, was married to Mr, Alfred Harvey Hord, son of Mr., Isaac Hord • of ` Mitchell. After a honeymoon trip Mr. and yrs•. -Hord will settle in Wolseley, , . Sark., where the former has a law practise, Mira ors hao on al, on ve upia 11- a tie ss the n, el w is • d w, n Blyth Mrs. Alex, Elder, Mrs. Archie Tay- lor and Mrs. Q. A. Taylor were in Seafgrtfi last week attending the meeting of the Presbyterial, Seaforth. Mrs. J, IV. Jones announces the 'engagement of her daughter, dell Genevieve, to Me. Herbert Lippert of Berlin, the wedding to take place the end of September., , Mr. Rohr, Winters has disposed of ]lis residence on East William street to Mr. J. Ilabkirk. Mrs. M. Broderick left last v,eok Tor Chicago to visit her mother. Misses Lynne and i;va tlolmes have gone to Boston, the former to re - :sumo her nursing and tet latter to take a c0nrse of training as a nurse. Mr. and Mrs. A. 51, Stewart and ' family intend taking up their resi- dence in Montreal shortly. f 5 Official Fruit Bulletin Fruit Branch -Dept, of A ricelture This is an unusual year for fruits, More canning and preserving than usual should he done. Peaches and, plums are of such asplendid quality that they should be used liberally. More fruit and less meat, betters health, less expense and fewer doc- tor's bille, KIM rta and Crawford peaches are perfect now. Smock Peaches and Longhurst will he along in a week, Some (*age Plums ,are still obtainable, Ask Four g•ro J •eer for _late Blue Plums and Prunes. Those who have all they require for family use, should preserve for the, sol lore, The nearest Canadian Club or iced Cross Branch will look after delie in ve y to the bo i+ trenches.y the, (! Happenings "of ' .Fifteen Years. A ' g. FIa e i • p n s in Clinton P n n n at' the Opening of the Century. Taken from the Files of The N s= coh ew ord Re of the date indicated. Clinton, Sept; 201.11, 1900, Messrs. Jas. Ford and, Peter Mc- Neil have bought the butcher-lesinetls Carried on, for some time by Mr. Case of Seafortli, Mr. J. P. Sheppard has purclfased thehouse s 0 e former! p oc�u .led • by Mr.' James Slieplfolid"'and moves in this week, Miss Tena Cooper, daughter of Mtis, Wm. Cooper, was united iu marriage at high noon yesterday to Mr,. Thos. McNeil of town. - Rattenbury street church will hold. the`r anniversary services on the ast Sunday in Septemb)r, Rev. Dr. Carman will be' the preacher of the day, The Local Market, Wheat 65c to (160, Barley 38c. Oats 23e, Butter 15c to 16e. Eggs 110 to 12e. Live Hoge $6.10 to .86.25.. • Many Happy Returns. E. N. Lewis, M. P. Mr. Edward Norman Lewis, the twice -elected member for the old rifl- ing of West Huron, was born in the town of Goderich on September 18tH, 1858. He thus on Saturday last had another birthday anniversary. May he have many more. Marriages 1V4'r1;S-s•ROBIr\SON--1'n Bolton, on September 18th, Ludeila Robh- scn to John Watts, youngest son of Mr. H. W: Watts, formerly df Clinten, PEP PER -C RIC}I-At the home of the bride's parents, Tuckersmitli,` on .September 22ne1, by Rev. S. J. Allin, l:lina May, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. I-Iorbert ("riche to Roy Fairbairn Pepper, of ilio' salve township. BULI, GRAC'I.Y--Jn 1i'ingl'eun en 'Sept, 141:11 A. T. Bull of London to Eva Gracep of Winghain, 6IcDONALD_C,R:II+`l+fN-Ih Goderich, on Sept. 140, Murdock McDonald and Margaret et a g Ann Griffin, both of Goderich township. WILLIAMSON-CARDIFF-In Grey township on 'September 8th, Wal- ter A. Williamson, Brussels, to Laura A., daughter of IVIr, and Mrs, W. J, Cardin of Grey town- ship, MCCARTl:N GOLD'1'I:IOR.PE - At Winnipeg on September 15th, Elia Isabel, sacond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Goldthorpe, Goderich, to Daniel A, McCarten of Winnipeg. IORD McN1VIN-in Goderich on Sept. 1i5tli, Alfred Ilarvey Hord of Wolseley, Sask,, and Gladys Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William J. MCNevin, Goderich. GREGORY-BUCHANAN-.In Wing - ham on Sept. 115±11, 'Claude. ;J, Gregory of London to Eklith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, P. Buchanan of Wingham,. Births MORRISON-In Hallett on Sept, 21st, to Mr, and Mrs, William Morrison, a slaughter, CLARKSOtir_1n Clinton, on Sept. 10±11, to 811•.. and Mrs. Arthur C. Clarkson, a son. MCAMMOND_-At Herschel,Sask., on Sept. 12th, 'to •Me. and Mrs. W. 0. McAmmond, a daughter. BRAMFIELDr-1n Clinton , on Sept. 16th, to Mr, and Mrs. William Bra/of/old, a daughter. SCOrrT-In Morris township on Sep- tember 111t11, to Mr. and. Mrs.Scott, a son. • DOLMAGE-In Hulled, on Septem- ber 151,11, to Mr. and Mrs., Austin Dolmage, a son. SMALL -In VI/Ingham on Rept, 10th, Mr,rand Mrs, A. ,Small, a daughter. PATTISOa\r-7n Winghat1 on Sept. 131:11, to Mr. anti Mrs, Edgar Pattison, a son, Deaths GREENE-In Clinton on September 20th, Rev,.JoSias Greene, in his; 82nd year. SCRU'1'Ol- In Hensel!,' on Sept. 20th, .Alfred Scruton, formerly of Clinton, 'aged 47 years. WANLESS-At Varna,, 011 Se t, 22nd, William Wanless, aged- 75: years, IVISON--At I{ippen on September 12th, William Ivison, aged 90. GARDINER-In Walton, on Septem- her. 18±11, James IC., son of Alex, 11 an Jeaneti .Gardiner, aged 34 years. • RTERI--In Wroxeter, on Septem- ber 1518, I idian ratan Garter, aged 1 year and 1i1' months, CA BJgth Rev, W. 13.: ewittns of Mor , th h i'e as accepted �c a call to the Blyth, Auburn and Belglavve parish and commences hisu d ties the first Sunday in Novelle- Capt. ov°nt Capt. R. R. Sloan + of Londcm spent a low ,days vviili ills parents in town, last week. Mrs, M Rohl, r i NI.s a hall has returned to tee home in East Wawanash after. a visit whir lids sisterat Centralia. HOUSE FOR SALE IN A MOST 'desirable loeation corner' of-' King and Joseph 'streets. -Apply to A J. Grigg, -03 FOR SALE. -HOUSE AND LOT corner Isaac and Dunlop streets, Clinton, Two story, , 'frame, eight rooms, electric light and water- works. With or without stable: Will be sold on easy "terms. -Oliver Johnson, Box 483, Goderich. -03 HOUSE FOR SALAD OR TO RENT , on Raglan street. '1'wo acres" of laird, prick house, electric light and. waterworks, small stable. -D, Can- telon. -03 PEACHES FOR S ALE•, -3 , BLAS- kets for price of 1, Crawfords and- Llbertas,, direct from orchard . to ycci. • Fancy No. 1, largest packed, 6 Targe 11 -quart baskets for $2.70. No. 2, little smaller fruit, same as usually sold, 6 large 11 -quart . bas- kets for 82.10. About sante price for, three ' as you. paid others for. 011e. A11 choice, fresh picked and sound. Satisfaction guaranteed. This is peach year, order quickly, send money by P.O. or Express Or- der. A, W. Smith, ,...Drawer .919, Woodstock, Fruit Grower I and Wholesaler, -03 Warning ! . Owing to repeated trespass - int; and stealing of apples we are compelled to isle the Warning that in future all Trespassing on_the farm of Major H. T. Rance will be prosecuted according to levy. By Order. Geo. Cordell, Manager. September 20111. COURT OF REVISION, -NOT IOE is hereby given tliat a court vviil he held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by His honor, the judge •of .the County 'C'ourt of the County of Huron, in the town- ship hall, Varna, on .:Friday, the 15th day of OOtoher, 1915, at the liour of 9 °clock in the forenoon to hear and determine complaints' of errors and emiSSiOns in the voters' 'list of tl:e Municipality of •'the township of Stanleys for the year. 1915.-R. ,J, Richardsln, Clerk of the '1'owasitip-of Stanley. -93 MRS. J. JOHNSTON, WHO II1S taken over the agency for the •Spir-. elia corcet and who has just re- turners from Toronto, where a large School of corsetiers convener} for four days, is prepared to meet the needs of all old and new euStore-' crs. The Spirclla ,is "different" ; a perfect -fitting, flexible, made-to- order corset, allowing every muscle full play. Call and ask Mrs. John - step about corsets and aecossoric's. -02 WANTED. -A DOG, EITHER 8111:P - herd or Collie preferred, not I rider one year old. State price. .-1pf_iy at News -Record office or wale P. 0. Box 267, Clinton, -02 FOR SALE.-TFIE. BUILDING FOR- mcrly used as a carding mill at Wallcerburn, Township of ,'Iullett, is offered for sale; Tlie frame is a splendid' ono, two stories, 24 x 36. •'9VIorr.ison, " R. R. No. 1, Auburn. -02 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 33, CON. 1, Tuekeranitli, containing 100 acres, frame Boys°, bank barn, 0 acres hardwood bush, well watered, and mostly steeled for pasture. For terms, etc., apply to A F. Johns,. Owner, 111:85 Danforth Ave., To1:on,• to: • 02-2 FOR SALE. -THE UNDERSIGNED has a ]hnited quantity of fall wheat for seed. This field was claime,i to be the best field of fall wheat be- tween Wingitam and London, -,Ib is clean and free from smut. -Frank Tyndall, R.R. No. 4, Plt:nre 2 on 162. -99 HOUSE AND LOT ON DUNLOP ST, for sale. -=Ono and one-half story frame, seven rooms: Waterworks and 'soft water: Quarter acre land with a number of fruit trees Stable. The property( is in . good 'condition and will be sold at a reasonable price. -Herb, Alexander. -96. FARM FOR SALE OR TO 'RENT. - What is, best known as the Robert Marshall farm.on the Bayfield Roars, two miles south of Clinton is offer- ed: for sale or to rent for a term of one or three years. 175 • acres in good state of cultivation, good', bank barn -and frame house. About six acres of good young orchard,. Possession given middle of March next, but renter or puroitaser can get on to do fall plowing. Alpply to C', H. Powell or Wm. Glenn, Ex- Good 'Mornin 1 News -Record means eotitors, Clinton P. 0.; -97, News -Leader. Morning you a subscriber?. nISPERSION SSI L " O F1I Class Purebred • Shorthorns Aberdeen- Angus Cattle, also G Cattle horses Fara , >t Iiilplome Etc., ail,"Fairview" Stuck P• Lot 15, Con, 2, West Wawa dear Dungannon, -1 take pleasur inviting you to my sale of Sh horns and, Aberdeen Angus and •assured the offering will meet i Some approval and appreoialti o e yo ng animals bred at F view Stock Tarin have won ors at Guelph and • Toronto Stock . Shows. In '• breeding quality nr'y herd nervy was bet and will be' presented in good e dition. The sale will be held Thursday, Oct. 14;commencing J1 p.m. sharp, when the follow• will '6o disposed of : • Sliortho7rn Roan cow, "Wellesly Blossom, 61430, dee 'to calve Oct. 20th, ro heifer, "•Belva", 1 year o14, N 115041, red heifer, , "Pirene", years old, No. 102952, due to cal May 1;7th,` zed, heifer, "Misiie Girl 1 year old, No. 106824, due calve Dec. 25th, roan,.bull ca "Roan Signet," 8 months old, N 101324, 'roan cow, "Roan Ruby," years old, No.94421i, due to cal Oct. 19th, red Buil, "Easter Jim, 7 month's cold, No. 101313, red sow, "Flossie", 3 .years. old, Not 102264, due to cali'e Marsh 6th, white'calf, "White Queen," . 6 months old, No. 115043, roan cow, "Jennie," 3 years old, No, 101003, due toe calve April 7th, bull calf, "Red Chief," 8 10051±115 old, No. 101322, roan cow, "Verbena," , 8, years o'd, No, 82082, •due to calla lvlarcli 28th, red COSW, "Lady Alice,". 6 years old, No. 91121, clue to 'calve Dec. 11±11, roan heifer, "ElIa," 1 pear old 1\ .7 4 No. r15Q 2. Horses --1 11 r s r O e J years old, draft, 1 horse 4 • years draft, 1 foal of 1915, 1 mare 4 years old, draft,;gelding 2 years old, draft, filly, 2 years old, draft, gelding 1 ylsar old, agrieul tura!, 2 -year-old filly, general put• p050, driving pony 6 year's old driving mare, quiet for ladies to rive thoroughly tellable, Aber- ecn Aligns -Cove, "Clinton Due rel! the Second," h4 years old, No. 46504, due to calve June 16tH, cove, "Del 0" 9 years old, No, 1315, due June 13±1r, cow, ",Envir- nment," 9 years old, imported, o. 4567', Canadian No. 40556, due o calve May- 119111, bull calf, "Col - go Rover," 8 months old, No, 11290, bull calf, "Thomas," 8 oaths, No. 3304, Heifer, "Pride," years old, due to calve Nov. 25th, eifer, "Duchess,," 1 year old. rade Cattle -2 cows, 1 yearling or, .1 yearling heifer, 11 steer' if, Pigs, Etc. -1 Berkshire sow, 1. 00 old with 7 trigs at foot, 2 oico Tatr(worth sows, 6 months d, 120 purebred Leghorn F1eus od laying strain, Also the Farin nplenlents, Terms and Conditions Twelve months' credit given on lIl '' satisfactory I..htng ,allsfactor'y s0curity ; 4 reent. 000 annum allowed for si. Altseows with caller at- feet e proven breeders. As soots as nkraal is sold it liccoiies the pro - My of purchaser, but good care fl1 he takelt of them °till well aced on oars far tease tvislnhlg sin shiriped. Certificates of reg - ration furnished, Catalogue 'sant. request. 1•)5ery.tlling sold with - t reserve as I have rented my in. -Jos, :1. Mal lough, Prop. Gundry, Auct Capt., T. A. Rob - on also expected. -03-3 GI -I - and rails 11±5, rad, cin, or't- feel vire on. air- on- Fat ir-on-Fat and ter, on - on at Ing 5r -- No. alt o. 3 v0 to 1f, el, 5 cats d rl n 1 0 A .le 2 Itt li G rte ea 50 ch of go Il fit 50 oa ar tl pe' w pl th ist on ou far P,' ills C'LEARINCr AUCTION SALE OF Farn1, l"arnl Stock and Implements, -Mr, Thomas Pennington will sell by public auction on the premises, Lot 19, Maitland Concession, Col- borne, on Monday, Sept. 27±11, 00111- nlencing at 1 o'clock sharp, The farm consists of 90 acres of good land, nearly all in an extra fine state ctt cultivation, with buildings and fences in excellent repair. There is about 4 ores of orchard most of it just commencing to beat., Tire fain will be • sold on very reasonable terms, which will he. aud at me of sale, posses- . sionnnowillncehe gitiven at once• ; also the following stock, implemonts, etc. IIorses-1 draft mare 9 years old, 1 draft gelding 3 years old sired by1 Nott's horse, 1 draft colt 2 pears old by Nott's horse, 1 draft filly 2 years old by Nbtt's horse, 1 driver 4 years old by Mis, Chief, 1colt 4 months old, general purpose. Cattle -3 steers 3 years old, 1 steer 2 years old, 1 fat cow 5 years old, 2 steers 1 year old, 1 heifer 1 year old; 3 lieifer calves, 2 Meer calves. Cows -J. cow 5 years old supposed to he in calf, 1i cow 4 years old, 3 cows 3 years old, Pigs -1 sow sup' posed to be in pig, 1 sow and lit- ter, 11 slips, 70 hens and cihickens. Harness -2 heavy sets of harness, 2 light sets of harness. Implelnents- 1 6 -foot hinder, Massey Harris, nearly new, 1 Deering mower with pea harvester, 1 Deering hay rake 1 steel roller, .1 spring -tooth omit va±cr; 1 riding plow, 1 double -fur row plow, '1 'walking plow, Ii wagon with box, 1 hay and stook rack combined, 2 sets hob, sleighs, 1 sob of harrows, 1 cutter nearly new, 1 top buggy nearly. new, 1 ostiller, 1 rdot drill, 1 Massey FIarris 11 -hoe drill, 1 fanning mill, 1 grind stone, 1 wheel barrow, 1 set of "stock scales 3000 lbs., 1 set 0ccrnter seal; es 240 lbs„ 2 root peApers, 18 cords of wood 16 inches long,, turnips, corn and potatoes, apples sold on trees, hay, seed'' oats, rye, forks, shovels, chains and other articles, I3ousehold Furniture -l' cream sop- arator, 1 Daisy. churn N. 3, 1 coal. or wood range, 1. wood Beater, ' 1 Sugar:jrettle, 1 barrel of vinegar., Everything must lye sold as Pro- prietor is giving up' farming. Terms :-All sums of $10 ;and; un- der, cash ; over that amount six mon±hs''credit will be given on fur- nishing,approved joint notes, A discount , at the rate' of six per cent, per annum 'allowed : for cash; on credit .,,amounts, -Thomas Pen- nington, r' r g , P op ne±or ; Ti Gundry, Auctioneer. -07 MOT,Q:Ii;CYCLE .FOR ' SALE. - A siirgie cylinder, -.4-horse newer "In- than motorcycle for rsu':e at a bargain. --Apply; at the' Commercial H ,tel: -00 POR :SALIN.-THAT WELL SfT dared house at' the corner of Bag- lan and Rattenbury street's is offer- ed for sale, Electric Light, waiter - works and soft water, , Stable. "Will be sold at. a bargain to settle; up. the Brickencfen Estats.=Apply at Jacob. Taylor's oflice. -99 FOR SALE. - A YOUNG DRIVER three gears past. Well broken and • not scared of autos, they don't bother her a bit. -Also' one buggy in good shape. George Ladd, Section Foreman, Fioimesville. -94. FOR RENT. -100 -ACRE FARM ON the Bayfield Road, 2 miles south of 'Clinton. Well cultivated, . good brick house, bank barn and other buildings, Two wells an place. Or °hard., For further particulars ap- ply to -Mrs. john. Wigginton, Clin- ton, P.O. Box 231, -96. FIENS AND BROILERS WANTED, highest market price will be paid. - W. Marquis, R. R. 1, Clinton, or Phone 14 on 66. -"87 SUMMER HOTEL, KNOWN AS THE Commercial, situated on Lake Hur- on, will, be sold reasonable as the proprietor intends to give up the business, For particulars apply to H. Darrow, .Bayfield, Ont, -86. APPLES WANTED I will begin operations in my Evaporator Bayfield eca Wednesday • morning, September 80, and will pay the highest market price for apples -Peeler's and Chops. EDWARD MERNER, Hayfield, I'oulti'y aided Now that the .poultry fattening season is approaohing we am in a position to handle all your poultry at top market prices. New Laid Eggs We are 'still paying a prei1111nn for large c1ea71 new laid eggs not over four days old. It will pay you 'to take the very beat care of .your eggs and sell them to us where you re- ceive city prices for choice quality. Have you tried Gunn's Easiilcst Shortening ? Better and cheaper than lard. Now is the time of year to use our cured pleats. A fresh sup- ply, received weekly, Seed Wheat If you want good seed wheat that will grave -call on us before you buy elsewhere, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO_ The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins. Just a Word About Our Teas. Which we can recommend to ail users of Good `Peas. A trial isconvincing of our "Special Brand" Ten, which is especial'ly9 prepared for 53. Prices from 35c to 45c per 1b.. We also have the otlier well known brands such .as Red Rose, Salada, Lipt'rn:y, etc,, at the popular price,, y,lv have a few stone crocks Fending fiotn 1 to "4 gal- lons, just the mock for packing• butter, eggs, ere. Prices you will find right. Highest Price Paid for Butter and. Egg±. ' ,�ohnon S & Co. The Store of Qualtiy. Successor to S, Barr. : Phone 111. ?hone orders promptly attended AN, YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, iL Paired and Pressed and at the ' shortest possible notice. 13 o Lad- ies' awl` l ' oil@ e d e11t ems n s c tether Wo, guarantee to do good wank. Also having bought a machine I am pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, G'en't'± Suits and all kinds of wooden clothing including Sweat- ers; etc. Ali orders prromp±ly at- tended to. Rooms over Grigg's iewelery Store, -Wm. J. Jago. -55 CREAM WANTED, - DAIRYMgN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply - •two cans free. .. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled' and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity' of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here, Write tor cans and give us a trial. -The Seaforth Creamery, Box 486, Seafortls. Good Morning f Are you a New -- Record Subscriber ? THE : CORNEA STOHE Live and Let Live The Spice flakes the Pickles, - Have you ever observed that some pickles and meat sauces have dif- ferent flavors from others. The cause lies in the spice andvinegar used. OUR MIXED PICKLING SPICE. as well as our other spices are sel- ected with the utmost care. You can not go wrong in using them. ALL SPICE, Cinnamon, whole or ground. Cloves, whole or ground. Curry Powder, Maco Turmeric, Celery, Seed, Whole Mixed Pickling Spice, All kinds of good quality vinegars to select from, Wo have the Perfect Seal and C'rostn Brand Gems. 1E. 113, .BUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Anything You WANT DONE IN T1115 LINE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGH- ING, PLUMBING, IIEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC, CALL AND GET OUR PRIC- ES. ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAPEST. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone r The Clinton Garage Open Ail Night. The season is now on for Gasoline Stoves, Why not buy, filtered gasoline out of our Bowser pump, which passes tlra gasoline throubb fine screens 'and a filter. Prices always the lowest. We keep on hand a stock or Automobile Supplies add Bicy- cle Repairs and do all kinds of repairing promptly and at a reasonable charge. Auto Livery in connection, J, H. PAXMAN` 7, It is your assurance of perfect satisfaction in old or new work. In- sist -on getting ' Canada Cement, A full stook on hand at all 'times. Hemlock sills cut to order. Shingles xxx and xxxx. - Sprace and pine dressed sidings, and flooring.!; Metallic building materials,. Lehigh Valley coal, ail sizes,; Steam coaly Smithing coal. Tile, all sites, either in the or deliveredon the job. Cedar poste all sixes. 14 -inch slabs; a bargain. Anyone in the market for aar of the above lines will do well to got our prices, JOHN NB. - MUSTARD Brnc afield. yard Phone 11 on 140, , "1'I �r Zurich :..Rev. C. 4„J MaassPr Preston, eta t, LI n nt,ras t of p , prd4hched in the i,,ugh- cr'an church op Stanley week, Sda` y[ If you Will wfli' Y not try II Roman Mill to aid indigestion i estf' ol 1 $' how ' about some 'fruit to increase your indi- gestion ? To h e 1<p you we have all the fruits in season. Watch f o r peaches, now special prices and especially good quality. 1. We wO'NeilI C 11 1 We have on hand a car- load of Portland Cement and all orders for same will be filled promptly. JOHN H UTTON, LONDESORO. CHIMNEY TOPS. It's a trade to build a good chitn•o nay and to repair a roof. It takes more tifan a sheet of metal, a hot iron and solder, it requires expel, fence. If your chimney/ does not draw, well send for us and we Nin put it In order ; if your roof leaks we'll mend it.: ALL KINDS OF, TINNING we do well and reasonably, THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 83. A Drop in Kindling • A LARGE STOCK{ ON1 HAND WILL BE SOLD CREAP TIIIS MONTH TO CLEAR FOR CASH ONLY. Leave your orders for Fer- Wiser and Potash for your. root crop. We will mix it for you at the store. North End. Feed Store. Frank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms : Cash, Phone 192, Are You Troubled with Headaches h s ass If so the cause may he eye strain and in that event a pair ' of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and cure. It is worth trying. Come to us and we will make a careful test of your eyes and tell you whatin the matter and what you need. In our long experience in the Optical business we have made a greatt number of .examinations and it 1e a _source of much pleasure for us to know. that ,our frttings . have invariably; given great satisfaction. 1 1• 11 your,eyes bother pea 1 come to us and learn the 11 reason why. ' IT i, F] A.. J. GR IGG Optician Jeweler and issuer of Marriage Licetioes.