HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-09-16, Page 6\
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i a .'r"t41, pread
' 15 o, Uu;....;r the Bread
` t ''^ with 'Crown Erand' Corn'
Syrupand' the children's
craving for sweets will11 be
a,a ,/' completely satisfied. "
]bead and 'Crown Brand
form a perfectly balanced
Il I I food—rich. in the elements
�"t�Vd�c`tfltC�SbEtI° that go to build up sturdy,
healthy children. ,
`Crown Brand C i9 Syrup
Le it is
the homes of Canada.at millions
of sare eaten every year that
, poundsYY.\\,
Crown Braili]" the children's favorite—is
for and
equally good all cooking purposes -� ��
candy mat mg ,:1IIUmllil
"LTLY WHITE"is apure while Corn ,Syme¢,
nol so pronouncedie flavor as 'Crown Brand'.
• Yoo may prefer il. -
ASK YOUR GROCER -1N 2,e, t0 AND 20 La.. SINS
Manufacturers fames EdwarLimited,
i'he Manu dsb r Brandseal 20
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l Si;G
pp RG
kg 1'ry
4�� C� , y i (k.
111 % -1b .._
Cr "The Adveelfures of Ledgard." -
By the Author of -"What He Cost Her.'"
CHAPTER XT.—Cont'd).
"My dear friend!" Da Souza es -
claimed, depositing his' silk hat upon
the table, "it is a very excellent joke
of yours. You see, we have entered
into the spirit of it—oh, yes, we have
done so, indeed! We have taken a lit-
tle drive before breakfast, but we
have returned. You know, of course,
that we would not dream of leaving
you 'in such a manner. Do you tot
think, my dear friend, that the joke
was carried now far enough`? The
ladies are hungry; will you send word
to the lodge -keeper that he may
open the gate?"
Trent helped himself to coffee, and
leaned back in his chair, stirring it
"You are right, Da Souza," he said.
"It is an excellent joke. The cream of
it is, too, that I am in earnest; neither
you nor any of those ladies whom I
see out there will sit at my table
"You are itot in earnest] You do
not mean it!"
"I can assure you," Trent replied
grinning, "that I do!"
"But do you mean," Da Souza splut-
tered, "that we are to go like this-
to be turned out—the laughing -stock
of your servants, after we have come
back, too, all the way?—oh, it is non-
sense! It's not to be endured!":
"You can go to the devil!! Trent
answered coolly. "There is not one
of you whom I care a fig to see again.
You thought that I was ruined, and
you scuddedlike'rats from a sinking
Ship. Well, -I found you out, and a
jolly good thing too. ° All I have to
say is now, be off, and the quicker the
Then Da Souza cringed no longer,
and there shot from hie black eyes the
venomous twinkle- of the serpent
whose fangs are out. He leaned over
the table, and dropped his voice.
"I speak," be said, "for my wife, my
daughter, and myself, and I assure
you that we decline to go!"
Trent rose up with flashing eyes. Da
Souza shrank back from his out-
stretched hands. The two men stood
facing one another. Da Souza ,' was
afraid, but the ugly look of determin-
ation remained upon his white face.
Trent felt dimly that there was some-
thing which must be explained be-
tween them. There had been hints of
this sort before from Da Souza. It
was time the whole thing was cleared
up. The lion was ready to throw
aside the jackal.
"I give yeti thirty seconds," he said,
"to clear' out. If yon haven't come to
your sensesthen, you'll be sorry for
"Thirty seconds isnot long enough,"
Da Souza ahswered, "for me to tell
you why I decline' to go. Better listen
to the quietly, my friend. It will be
best for you. Afterwards you will
admit it."
"Go ahead," Trent said. "I'm anx-
ious to hear what you've got to say.
Only look'heret I'm a bit short -tem- I
pered this morning, and I shouldn't
advise you to play with your words." I
"This is no, play at all," Da Souza
remarked, 'with a sneer. "I ask you 1
to remember, my friend, our 'first
Trent nodded.
"Never likely to forget it," he an-
"I came down from Elniina to Ileal
with you,". Da Souza continued. "II
had made money trading in Ashanti
for palm-oil and mahogany. 1: had:
money to invest—and you needed it.1
You had land, a concession to work
gold -mines, and build a. road to the
coast. It was 'speculative, but we
did business, I came with you to Eng-
land. 1 found more money."
"You made your fortune," Trent
said drily. "I had to have the money,
and you ground a share out of me,
which is worth a quarter of a million
to you!"
"Perhaps it is," Da Souza answer-,
ed, perhaps it is not. Perhaps it is
worth nothing at all. Perhaps, in-
stead of being a millionaire, you your-
self are a swindler and an adven-
"If you don't speak out in ,half a
moment," Trent said in a low tone,
I'll twist the tongue ' out of your
"1 am'speaking out," Da Souza an-
swered. It it an ugly thing to have
to say, but you must control your-
The little' black eyes were like the
eyes of a snake. He was showing his
teeth. He forgot to be afraid. •
"You had a partner," he said. "The
concession was made out to him to-
gether with yourself."'
"He died," Trent answered short-
ly. "I took over the lot by arrange-
A very nice arrangement," Da
Souza drawled with a devilish smile.
"He is old and weak. You were with
him up at Bekwando where ,there are
no white men—no one to watch you.
You gave him brandy' to drink --you
watch the fever come, and you write
on the concession if one should die all
goes to the survivor. And you gave
him brandy in the bush where' the
fever is and—behold , you return
alone! Then people know this they
will say, 'Oh, yes, it is the way n 11-
lionaires are made.' "
He stopped, out of breath, for the
veins were standing out upon his
forehead, and he remembered what
the English doctor at Cape Coast
Castle had told him. So he was silent
for a moment, wiping the perspiration
away and struggling against, the fear
which was turning the blood to ice in
his veins. For Trent's face was not
pleasant to look upon.
"Anything else?"
Da Souza pulled himself together.
"Yes," he said; "what I have said is
as' nothing. It is scandalous, and it
would make talk, but it is nothing.
There is something else."
"Well?" •
"You had a partner whom you de-
"It is a lie! 1 carried him on my
back for twenty hours with a pack of
yelling' niggers behind. We were lost,
and I myself was nigh upon a dead
man, Who would have cumbered him-
self with a corpse? Curse you and
your vile hints, you mongrel, you
hanger-on you scurrilous beast! Out,
and spread your stories, before my fin-
gers get on your throat! Out!"
De Souza slunk ` away before the'
fire in Trent's eyes, but he had no
idea : of going. He stood in safety
near the door, and as he leaned for-
ward speaking now in a hoarse whis-
per, she reminded Trent momentarily
of one of those hideous fetish gods in
the sacred grove at Bekwando.
"Your partner was no corpse when
you left him," he hissed out. "You
were a fool and`a bungler not to make
sure of it. The natives from Bek-
wando found him, and carried him
hound to the King, and your English
explorer, Captain Francis, rescued
him: He's alive now!"
Trent stood for a moment like a
man turned .to stone. Alive! Monty
alive! The impossibility of the thing
came like a flash of relief to him. The
man was surely on the threshold of
death when he had left him, and the
age of miracles was past.
"You're talking like a fool, Da
Souza. Do you' mean to take me in
with an old woman's story like that?"
"There's no old woman's story about
what I've told you," Da Souza snarl-
ed. "The` man's alive and I can prove
it a dozen times over. You were a
fool and a bungler,"
Trent thought of the night when he
had crept back into the bush and had
found no trace of Monty, and gradual-
ly there rose up before him a lurid
possibility Da Souza's story was true.
The very thought of it worked like
madness' in his brains. When he
spoke he strove hard to steady his
voice, and even to himself it sounded
like the voice of one speaking a long
way. off.
"Supposing that this wore true," he
said, "what is he doing all this time?
Why does he not come and claim his
Da Souza hesitated. He would have
liked to have invented another reason,
but it was not safe. The truth was
"He is half-witted, and has lost his
memory. He, is working now at one
of the Basle mission -places near
Attra." ,
"And why have you not told me this
Da Souza shrugged his shoulders.
"It was not necessary," he said. "Our
interests were the same, it was better
for you not to know."
"He remembers nothing then?"
Da Souza hesitated. 'iOom Sam,".
he said, "iny half-brother, keeps an
eye on him. Sometimes he gets rest-
less, he talks, but what matter? He
has no money.. Soon he must die. He
is getting an old man!"
"I shall send for him," Trent said
slowly. "He shall have his share!"
It was the one fear which had kept
Da Souza silent. The muscles of his
face twitched, and his finger -nails
were buried in the flesh of his fat,
white hands. Side by side he had
worked with Trent for years without
being able to form any certain esti-
mate of the man or his character.
Many a time he had asked himself
what Trent would do if heknew-only
the fear of his complete ignorance of
the man had kept him silent all these
years. Now the crisis had come! Ile
had spoken! It might mean ruin.
"Send for him?",Da Souza said.
"Why? His memory has gone—save
for occasional fits of passion in which
he raves'at%you. W'hat.worild people
say ?—that you tried to kill him with
brandy, that, the clause in the con-
cession was a direct incentive for you
Ito get rid of him, and you left him in
the bush only a few miles from: Bucko-
magi to be seized by the natives. Be-
sides,'how:can you pay him half? I'
know pretty well how you stand. On
paper, beyond doubt you are a,miliion-
ane; but what if all claims were sud-
denly presented against you to be paid
in sovereigns? I tell you this, my
friend, Mr, Scarlett Trent, and I am
a man of experience and I know. To -
clay in the City it is true that you
could raise a million pounds in cash,
but let ma whisper a word, one little
wort], and you would be hard pressed
to raise a thousand. It is true there is
the. Syndicate, that great scheme of
yours yesterday from which you were
so careful to exclude me—you are to
get great' monies from them in cash.
Bah! don't you see that Monty's ex-
istence breaks up that Syndicate—
:mashes it into tiny atoms, for you
have sold what was not yours to sell,
and they do not pay for that, eh?
They call it fraud!'
Ile paused, out of breath, and Trent
remained silent; he knew very well
that he was face to face with a great
crisis. Of all things this was the
most fatal which could have happen-
ed to him. Monty alive! He remem-
bered the old man's passionate cry,
for life, for pleasure, to taste once
ore for however short a tte the
joys of wealth, Moityalive, penni
half-witted, the servant of a few
ill -paid missionaries, toiling all day
for a living, perhaps fishing with the
natives, or digging, a slave still, with-
out hope or understanding, with ;the
end of his days well in view! Surely
it were better to risk all things, to.,
have him back at any cost? Then a
thought more terrible yet than any
rose up before him like a spectre,
there was a sudden catch at his heart-
strings, he was .cold with fear. What
would she think of the man who de-
serted his partner, an old man, while
life was yet in him, and safety close
at. hand?. Was it possible that he
could ever escape the everlasting stig-
ma of cowardice—ay, and before him
in great red letters he saw written in
the air that fatal clause in the agree-
ment, to which she and all. others
would point with bitter seorn,indubit-
able, overwhelming evidence against
him. He gasped for breath and walk-
ed restlessly up and down the room.
Other thoughts came crowding in upon
him. He was conscious of a new ele-
ment in himself. • The last few years
had left their mark upon him. With
the handling of great sums of money
and the acquisition of . wealth had
grown something of ,the financier's
fever. He had become a power, solid-
ly and steadfastly he had hewn his
way into a little circle .whose fascina-
tion had begun to tell in his blood.
Was he to fall without a struggle
from amongst the high places, to be
stripped of his wealth; shunned as a
man who was morally, if not in fact,
a murderer, to be looked upon with
never-ending scorn by the woman
whose picture for years had been a
religion to him, and whose appearance
only a few hours ago had been the
most inspiring thing which had enter-
ed into his life? IIe looked across
the lawn into the pine grove with
steadfast eyes and knitted brows, and
Da Souza watched him, ghastly and
nervous, At least he must have time
to decide!
"If you send for him," Da Souza
said slowly, "you will be absolutely
ruined. It will be a triumph for those
whom you have made jealous, who
have measured their wits with yours
and gone under. Ohl but the news-
papers will enjoy it—that is very cer
tain. Our latest millionaire, his rise
and fall! Cannot you see. it in the
placards? And for what? To give
wealth to an old man long past the
enjoyment of it -ay, imbecile already!
You will not be a madman, Trent?"
Trent winced perceptibly. Da Souza
saw it and rejoiced. There was an-
other awkward silence. Trent lit a
cigar and puffed furiously at it.
"1 wilh think it over, at least," he
said in a low tone. "Bring back your
wife and daughter, and leave me alone
for a while."
"I knew," Da Souza murmured,
"that my friend would be reasonable."
"And the young ladies?"
"Send them to—"
"I will send them bask to where they
came from," Da Souza interrupted
(To be continued.)
In an advice circulated throughout
Canada, the Fruit Branch Dept. at
Ottawa suggests as being beet for
preserving purposes, certain brands
of peaches: St. Johns, Eliiertas, Craw-
fords and Smocks, and for plums
Bradshaws, Gages, Lombards, Heine
The advice is timely and to it may
be added that many of the most suc-
cessful makers of preserves have for
years insisted on securing from their
grocers the St. Lawrence Extra Gran-
ulated Sugar (Pure Cane).
It is well known that the slightest
organic impurity in sugar will start
fermentation in the jam, and St. Law-
rence Sugar which tests over 9O%
pure has never failed the housewife.
Grocers everywhere can fill orders
for this sugar. The best way to buy
it is in the original refinery sealed
packages 2 or 5 lbs. cartons, 10, 20,
25, and 100 lbs. bags.
Teutons Now Instructed to Be Careful
of Pens and Paper.
A series of orders have just been
issued by the Berlin municipality to
its employees regarding the necessity
of economy in writing materials.
Beginning with writing paper, the
order says: "The instruction already
given that in petty cash notes and
suchlike communications which can be
put up in single page only half -sheets
of paper are to be used is still often
disregarded. The eases, however, in
which a half, or even a quarter sheet
of paper will suffice can be consider-
ably increased, for example, notices
of meetings. Of course, for taking.
notes, making calculations, and so on,
only scraps of paper are to be used."
Next comes pencils, regarding which
the order reads: "In future, however,
pencil holders are to be given out for
holding short stumps, in which way
the life of pencils can be considerably
Regarding 'envelopes,' the order'
says: "Envelopes, if carefully opened,
can be used again and again. In
suitable cases also they can be turned
inside out and the paper used again.
Sealing wax is only to be used on
communications for outside address-
Care is also enjoined with respect
to ink, which is to be properly pre-
tected against dust and 'evaporation.
Inkpots are always to be covered over
after use, even ,if only With a:sheet of
thick paper.
Special attention is given to steel
pens, which the municipality declares
should be made to last at least a
Why She Was There.
Judge (of divorce count) -Aren't
you attached to your husband?
Plaintiff—Certainly. I came here
to be detached.
"Say, Subbubs, I understand you
have Wombat's rake." "I have."
"If you'll lend it me occasion-
ally I'll let, yell use Dingbat's lawn-
mower whenever you like."
The World's Finest. Tea
Tea out -rivals and out -sells all others,
solely through its delicious flavour
and dowirn-right all-round go •:dness.
About the
Seasonable Dishes. ,
Peach Salad. -Scald and peel large,
ripe fruit. Cool and remove stones,
and fill with blanched almonds, or
stick full of shredded almonds. Cover
with French dressing made with lem-
on, then with whipped 'cream or cream
Steamed .Blueberry Pudding.—One
cupful milk, two eggs, one cupful
blueberries, rolled crackers or sifted
graham bread, one teaspoonful salt,
one-half cupful sugar, two table-
spoonfuls melted butter. Beat eggs
and add milk, with salt and sugar.
Stir in berries and enough crumbs for
drop batter. Steam one hour. Serve
with pudding sauce.About one pound
of broad crumbs will be needed.
Celery and Onion Salad.—Dice crisp
stalks of celery and prix with same
amount of diced Spanish onion (or
loss, depending on which you prefer
uppermost, celery or onion), and toss
lightly in cooked salad dressing, after
seasoning with salt and paprika. Dis-
pose salad portions on crisp lettuce
leaves, tuck a radish rose or two to
one side of celery and onion mixture,
and serve.
Peach Fritters.—Skin three or four
small peaches and cut into small
pieces: Mix and sift one cup flour,
one and one-half teaspoons baking
powder, three tablespoons powdered
sugar and one-fourth teaspoon salt.
Add one-third cup milk gradually,
stirring constantly, and one egg well
beaten; then stir in prepared peaches.
Drop by spoonfuls into hot deep fat
and fry a delicate brown. Drain on
brown paper, sprinkle with powdered
sugar and serve on napkin with lem-
on or vanilla sauce.
Scalloped Tongue. -One cup chop-
ped cold tongue, one and one-half
cups cream sauce, three hard boiled
eggs, one-half cup boiled rice, one
tablespoon melted butter. Butter bak-
ing dish, put in alternate layers of
tongue mixed with cream sauce, chop-
ped eggs and a little rice, seasoning
to taste, Sprinkle bread crumbs and
grated cheese on top and bake until
light browp. Ham may be used to
advantage this way.
Bean Soup.—Wash, pick over and
put beans on to cook over a slow fire +
in about twice as much cold water as
beans. Change water after first five
minutes' boiling, using hot water for
second cooking; add pinch of baking
soda as large as bean and one-half
teaspoon finely chopped onion, and
cook two hours slowly, Add one-
fourth pound sliced bacon to soup and
cook until 'beans aro tender. Skim
bacon out, crisp it in frying pan and
fry one-half cup stale bread cut into
cubes in hot bacon fat, browning them
well. Keep them dry, and hot in oven
until time to serve soup, then place a,
few in each soup plate.
Mutton Stew with Salt Pork.—Buy
one or one and, one-half pounds of
diced salt pork to every four pounds
of shoulder of mutton. Have mutton,
cut in small pieces for stewing, and
roll pieces in flour, Remove fat from
mutton, put salt .pork on to fry, add
mutton and saute until slightly brown
brown. Have ready one onion, peeled
and diced, one green pepper with
seeds removed and diced, two peeled
carrots, sliced' lengthwise, and peeled
potatoes, enough for family's needs.
Add onion, pepper, carrots and one
potato, diced, to contents of pot, sea-
son, cover with boiling water and let
cook slowly until mutton is almost
done; add remaining potatoes and
cook until potatoes are done, adding
more boiling water if necessary, Serve
with mutton heaped in middle of dish,
surrounded by potatoes, carrots and
rim of parsley, and pass gravy in
separate bowl. Those who do not like
mutton will find this way of making
the stew gives new turn to an old
Useful Hints.
The best iron -cleaner is a piece of
wire gauze.
Tinned and bottled fruits should be
kept in the dark.
Fine cotton is better than silk for
mending gloves.
Artificial flowers can be restored by
being held in steam.
Tussore silk should be washed in
bran water, and no soap used.
Suede shoes can be freshened by be-
ing rubbed with sandpaper.
Brown boot polish is excellent for
polish'ng dark varnished doors.
Blue will not streak linen if a little
soda is mixed in the blueing water,
A paste .of chloride of Time and
water will remove ink -stains from sil-
A pan of charcoal in the larder
keeps everything sweet and whole-
A pinch of :carbonate of soda added
to soup will keep it from turning sour.
A warmed knifeboard polishes
knives quicker, better, and with less
Powdered alum added to ordinary
stove -polish increases the latter's
To remove fat from soup, pour the
soup through a clout saturated with
cold water.
A little piece of cotton -wool in
glove -tips prevents holes being rubbed
by the finger -nails.
New tinware will never must if rub
bed with fresh lard and baked in the
oven before use:
All white garments should be
hung in the sunlight; all colored
articles in the shade.
Herbs for drying should be picked
early in the morning, and just before
the buds open. l
Cedarwood scattered on the range
gives a pleasant odor, and nullifies
cooking smells.
For Mothers.
Tea is poison to a baby.
No meat should be given to a child
under four years of age.
Pieces of raw potatoes clean an in-
fant's feeding-bottle
nfant's'feeding-bottle better than any-
thing else.
An insect in"the ear may be floated
out by putting in a few drops of warm
olive -oil.
No child should sleep on the floor,
as all heavy, impure air sinks to the
ROW: level.
Feeding -bottles with long tubes are
so dangerous that in France they may
not be sold or used.
Children should not be hotter than
adults—the temperature should be
from 98.6 to 99 degrees.
Swedish mothers put money into
their child's first bath, believing that
this brings future wealth.
Mothers in Greece, before putting
their children in the cradle, turn round
three times. This is to ward off evil
Green wallpapers should never be
used in a nursery, as some contain ar-
senic. If a piece, on being burnt,
smells of garlic, arsenic is present.
Silence is Golden.
"I think I made a mistake in argu-
ing the question .of expense with my
"What do you mean?"
"She wanted an automobile, and
I inadvertently told her that I couldn't
afford it."
"Now she wants it worse than be-
Up to the Wrong Ears.
Knicker—Is Jones up to his ears
in debt?
Bocker—Worse; it has come to
other people's ears, too.
Caught At It.
"What's become of Bill?"
"Oh, he opened a store." ,
"Doing well?"
"Naw; doin' time."
Also in Debt.
"The beauty of automobiling is
that it keeps one out of doors."
"Not always, It frequently lands
one in jail or the hospital."
It's useless to be good unless you're
good for somehing.
on chang-
and some
level dis-
Ladies' Rome
e in girdle
he skirt is
It cuts inmeasure,
rds of 36-
Many have been the fashion
es this season: Some have been good,
some bad; some permanent, some
ephemeral; some beautiful
ugly. ` A feature of the Autumn
frocks that will be seen largely in
silks and chiffons is a t
arinscye. Ladd
Journal Pattern, No. 0042, above not
only has, this delightful featuro,butit
has a' very smart new skirt opening
in front, and a deep hip yok
style. The lower part of t
extended in cascade effect,
sizes 32 to 42 inches bust
requiring in size 36, 5% ya
inchmaterial, with i,1 yards of 36-
No. 9042.
inch chiffon for sleeves, and 13 yard
24 -inch net.
Patterns, 15 cents each, can be pur-
chased at your local Ladies' Home
Journal Pattern dealer or from The
Home Pattern Company, 183-0. George
Street, Toronto.
The Wise Buyer Is the One Who
Benjamin Franklin, the great
apostle of thrift, was not a mere
penny -saver. Few men have given
their money more generously than ho
gave his, even when each cent he got
was earned only by industry which
even his hard-working. neighbors
thought prodigious. He saved when
saving was necessary, but for that
very reason he had money for his
friends as well as for himself when
the need for money arose. He was
just as strong in advising wise spend-
ing as he was in advocating timely
saving. The wise buyer is the true
economist, for he saves his money by
using it. The storekeeper who knows
his business and has a true regard for
it desires the custom of the thrifty,
His business is to give service, and a
man finds more pleasure in serving
those who can appreciate what be
does than in serving those who have
so little regard for their own interest
that they know not whether they are
served well or 111. The merchant who.
advertised his goods thereby calls up-
on the public to judge his work and
declares his willingness to be reward-
ed strictly according to his merits.
He Knew Her.
Wife—"I threw myself away when
I married you!"
Husband—"Well, Jane, I never
knew you to throw anything away
yet that was worth over a nickel."
What Is Going On in the Highland
and Lowlands of Auld
ir' holidays
for the du-
read In the
nthe Arch-
, and are
the rest.
h with fixed
with the hoe-
d to over
g shops and
of the Cen-
ghter of a
married her
"Tommy," said the Sunday school
teacher who had been giving lessons
on the baptismal covenant, can you
tell me the two things necessary to
baptism?" "Yes'm," said Tommy,
"water and a baby."
On coming home from the office the
father. met Jack and Dick. "What
have you been doing to -day, boys?"
he questioned. "Fightin'," replied
Dick, "Fighting, eh? Who licked?"ma
"Mamdid," answered Jack,
A Londoner who was showing some
country relative the sights of Lon-
don one day recently, and was point-
ing out a magnificent old residence,
built years ago by a famous and ra-
ther unscrupulous lawyer of his time.
"And," the Londoner was asked, "was
he able to build a house like that by
his practice?" "Yes," was the reply,
by his practice and his practices."
Some 6,000. Scottish teachers have
volunteered to spend the
on war work.
Tho roll' of honor of the
University on actiye service now con-
tains 4,007 names.
There are now 570 women acting as
conductors on Glasgow Corporation,
tramway ears or training
An. appeal for men for the armyby
Archbishop Maguire, was
Roman Catholic Church i
diocese of Glasgow. has invest -
The Ayr Parish Council
ed $1,40 in the War Loan
trying to get the sanction of
f to allow them to invest afurther
$5,000 belonging to a beq
The King's Scottish Borderers aro
the only regiments privileged to
march through Edinburg
bayonets. Other regiments are ap-
plying for the right to be equally
The receipts from the flag day held
in Paisley, in connection
pital, Saturday, amounts
$2,860, leaving a balance after all ex-
penses had been paid, of over $2,645.
Proposals to establish canteens in
shipyards and engineerin
docks in the Clyde area were under
discussion at a conference
ural Board of Control, and represen-
tatives of the employers and workmen
in Glasgow.
Cleopatra was the dau
brother and sister, and
younger brother -the custom of the
Ati" rtHA4wg, Ik ViroateNr,i s - ,€o-
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