HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-09-16, Page 5` etitam , 91 • .0*Muell Will littron - County ToWnabli)s Give? . . ,. co3lingivc,94 Teoffriellip Counell, ctileY Comity, oe Saturday decidedto make • ea Speelal levy of 'three mills'. on title 'c dollar fot lie Canadian Patriotic - and Red' Cross Soreeliy and ale • so te eerelre a spe,iiai ,criavafesof the norierateipayees. ' The leejt and ,eaii.-. • V55 WI11lirceleee $e,000. On ehe seventh day of this men% 'the Township C'euncil cd Ileellace in :Perth Collet), decided to make, a contributioa of $5,0e0 to the patrica .What do ille Town:shills of Heron •eComety pulePose doing Your Home News -Paper. T• here is one stronghold in every. . community that the mail order hong° has not been aide to reach. This is -the home Wawa nevespaper. In the •'face of all kinds of bribery, the home 'newspaper has stood ite grounds foli forty years and steadily refueed' the eadvertising patronage of the mail or- dey :houses. Right now millions are being spent by the "catalogue kings' •'in a continuous attempt to secure ,as an ally ther home town newspaper. But the country editor is standing solid by his home community. He re - juin to "sMI out" to the enemy. He -tures down all kinds of inducements. •-Let us think of this tlie next eime we are tempted to dieker with the ...enemy of oer home ' town. Let us take the stand taken by our news - 'paper. Let as refuse to be bribed by a seeming; bargain. -Exchange, Bluth The newly-oeganized band is making *good progress and has been engaged O. play at the fall (air. Mr, P. f): Henry, who has been Choir leader in St. Andrew's church for some months past, has gone to New York 'City where he intends go- ing into opera work. Mr. Luxton Hill has purchased ai new car, a Maxwell. • Mr: Fred Haggett. and Miss Yvonee have returned from • Pigeon, Miele, where they have been visiting friend's. Mr. Thomas Laidlaw, a highly es- teemed resident of time, Passed away on Saturday week after a year's itt- ness. The "Lairilaws were the seventh family to settle in, Morris township. He had been a, resident of Myth for •fifteen years. Mr. J. G. Moser of Waterloo was a visitor in lelyth on Labor Day, Dungannon. Mr. and. Mrs. I. !Kilpatrick 'of Chi- cago were guests at the home of Mr. David Sproul of West Wawanosh for a few days last week. Miss 011ve Grey of Cloderich town- ship visi ted Mrs, II. Bellamy last week. Mr. Roht. J. NfeMath of Detroit has .been here visiting his sistet. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sanderson Were in Toronto at the Exhibition. . Mrs. 8 R S'anderson i$ visiting friemls in Gait. Mr. Roy- Medd of the Union Bank, e Seederich has hem holidaying at his 2 'hole e here. Mr. Cecil Treleaven had his right 0}13 lid pierced with o pitehtoek at a threshing at Mr. George Irwin's one day recently, lie and his brother Harvey were working in the straw When the latter's fork struck Cecil in the cj'e, but happily it missed the eyeball. • Mr. W. 0, Brown, a pioneer of this section, passed away oa Monday ot laat week at the age of seventy- one years. , Mrs, Jones of Wales, mother of Mrs. (Rev.) 11, R. Williams; was a passenger on the S. S. Hesperian which was teepedoed off the coast of Ireland. MIs. Jonee was coining out to visit her daughter and Mr. Wil - hams intended going to Montreal to meet lice, She was among the sur- vivors at Queenstown and cabled her ,deughter to that effect, though of course she lost everything except 'what she had on at the time. Mr. Ed. Deenin left laet week to take up his duties as principal of the Kincardine High School. ' Mr. Fred Ross has Purchased Mr, 'T. G. Allin's reeidence and will 'take possession very shortly. Mr, L, S. Palmer of Goderiele for- merly proprietor of the Duaganeoa News and step -father of the erasent proprietor, died alter a &hat illnecre on Friday week. The funeral took place to Dungannon cemetery. Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wilson returned to New •e'orlc; last week after a visit with the lads parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate, • Miss Minnie Laidla,ev, eveia has just -returned from a very pleasant trip to the weet, was in toevn reemetly leg naR- on old Stiencle, Mrs. Acheson of Goderich has been. vieiting her daughter, Mrs. • Ji 0. Greig, Mr. and MI'S, John ,Landesboxough left last week for Toronto enrollee lox their home in 'Winnipeg after a visit of some months with 'friends bereaboute. I1 Official Fruit Bulletin Fruit Branch --Dept. of Agriculture Not many days left for securing the best of Peaches and Plums. 00AW- ford and El berta peaches are obtain- • able at moderate prices, but permit action will be neeees to ebose wish- ing a supply of these ,delieioue, healtn giving fruits. Ibis i rn OeSei ble to have too much fruit in our Cana- dian winters, The Red Cross Socie- • ty would be grateful for a few jars • for our boys in France, and ehe Ov- erseas Oluti has promised to l000k after delivery, Every Clanadian Imesewife should put down ale the fruit -especially Peaches and Plume that she can possibly afford; Clinton News -Record • Local News., TIONORED 808 BRANGeRY., Pte. , Verne Gledhill, geandsole ot 'Mt. jeese Gledhill. of , Banmillet, lies been Warded a Distinguilehed See - vice Medel tot IltaserY on tee battle- field. He is thee/list the Can- adians teem this section to be thus ' honored but will peobably 110.44 to the last. Dur Canadian 'boys are not aaeleirig in bravery nor in. Initiative.. Congratulations are in oeder to. Mr. Gledhill and hie 'relatives, NvISIT FROM DEACONIlISS. , Miss MacArthur of the Deaconnese Training School, Toronto, gave a most initerehting address', explaining blie conduct of the echool and als• o sonic .al the work of the geaduatese befoee a meeting of -the Girl's Chili of Willis church on Monday &Waning. BUSS Wihie 0NsiI, president of the Olubs'plealded and Melees Barbara IVIelver and Elsie Farquhar eontribut,. ed to the musical. past of 'Me 'Pro- gram. The was a good turnout of the members and otbers and at the close of the program light refresh- ments wece served, as is the custom at each incinehly meeting of the Club. ENTERTAINED -ST'UDENTS, Wesley church Epwottli League re- commenced its weekly meetings after O summer maces by entertaining the • teachersein-trainieg froth tl:e Model school, and the students of the School of Commerce on Monday ceening. The first part of the evening was taken up by the making of "Home News" budgets from clippings from the eouney etess COT the soldier's at the trent after which e pleasant sobia1. hour was spent, the social coMmilitee serving ice cream and cake. 1VIrs. T. E. East sang' "We'll Never Let the Old Flag Fall," all joining in the chorus, and Miss Rands react a re- cent letter from a soldier wall Grown bo many, Mr, Colville, clueing the ev- ening. The gathering broke, . by the singing of the notional anthem , LITTLE LOCALS, A motor bus load of ladies, mem- bers of the Willis church W.M.S. and; others, went to, ' Seafortli 011 Tuesday to attend the Presbyterial meeting. A large numbee of Clinton citizens .went to London on Teesday to at- tend the Fair. A special train ser- vice was put on for the first part of the week. The Women's InStjtute meets next Thursday afte*noon at the home of Mrs.. 0, H. Holland. A. paper on Women of. the Bible" will be read by las. Fairfull. Music, also. fe PrineiPal of the, Model School lanning for a big patriotic entee- mat by the pupils in the nexti week's, It will probably be held 10 110W rink, oft Morning 1 Dors your eub read date ahead T TO LACROSSE MATCH, SSTS. Paxman, W. L. Johnson, y ('ouch, W. S. R. Holmes, C. 01)e/1 and Andrew Steep motored Ingham 011 Friday and took the there tor Orangeville vliere they seed 1110 laeroshe match between town and Weigh:am. The result O match was a szore of 8-10 in of Orangeville. It was a gala for Orangeville alleteetlice. The ow society took advantage of ceasion to 80.11 roseson the ds, a tidy sum being realized, he g01e receipts amoun ted to which was pretty good for a town like Orangeville, and s that lacrosse., Canada's na- game, has still many admirere. O way, an old lacrosse player tin remarked the other day that eason the game had langueshed the past, few yearn was 1)0- 1he present day young 111011 is zy to play it. What say the ming men ? TI is p taint few in tl Go to ri WEN Me Pere Twit to 11 brain -wane , that allis favor day Pa tri the green and t $375, small prove Mena! By th le text the during cause, too la the y THE FOUNTAIN SET UP, Tha 110W fountain has heen set up in !the marlret square. and, the con - hoot -ions being naade is already playing. The fountain is large and imposing looking hub of course it cannot look its best until the square is properly leveled off and sodded oc grassed. When that is done, however, and the library build- ing finiehed few towne of Oenton's size will be able to boaet of so handsome a public square. A visitor enquired not long since "if the town used the market squate for a dump heap, for all aeon -mule - 'Hors of rubbish." Co an outsider, one who looked at the present . and noi - with hopeful ayes into the future as all dor] citizens have been en- deavoring to do all this swifter, suck might easily have been thought to be the ease, But the long -hoped-, foe collies at last and by next sum- mer the square will be a thing ox beauty, and even this fall wehole) to see it tale on an ever-inereasing appearance of neatnes's, WILLIS CI-1URCE. Speciat arrangemente here been made lot another enthusiastic Rani' Day in the Sunday school. on Sept. 201,11, Indications point to a capacity congeegabion in the auditorium of the church thee day as Was the case last year. - The. minister, Ilev. F. 0. I-Ia,reer, reterred in happy terms to the taste- fully redecorated lecture -room of the Miura, effeetively carried out during the vacation by the SPonaen's ASFi)el- ation.. Willie chureh hae a "school- toonl that tor brightness and coo- venience and colouring is one of the beet in, the coillitY• 'ReV, James Argo of ,Egmondville will preach at the mornieg service next Sunctay. 18r. Tiarpet -will speak at the annual thantr-orteeing meeting of the W.M,S„ at Egmoneville in the rearning, and will occupy eis own pulpit at. Willie cheech in the even - A delegation of over thirty from this eltureh attended the annual Pres- byterial of the Women's MisaiollarY Society at Seater% en Tuesday last, •,G0derich. • Miea Mired 'Oanipion' has • eati reed to eler „litene -et 13rafitclerd. Jeerer.' a vieit vvitli Mrs, HeldeulnIV.- Miss Peale Knox has retained frora O visit in Toconto.. , Miss Norma Whitely* liae •letuthed alter a etay wider friende at Roches - Mr, Pl. Dowling •of Leamington formerly of ticievh, was here last wee Mr's. A. Armstrong', returned las week to her 'twine in Terontee after visit with her, son, Mr, II, Arm strong, Misses Jellnie' ancl ' Beatrice 'kelt have retutned from a visit with 1111e1sister in Chicago. - Rev. Dr. C. A. Seeger of Vancouv er has been yieiting • the parenta home in town, having, 001110 east to attend the General. Synod. . The Henry family left ' last week for their home at Windsor after weeding the summet at their resi- dence,, Cottage, They went 110ille by motor. Mr. Ernest Porter of town., who qualified a$ a lieu.tenant but who was tired of waiting for a correnissioe, (10115115(1ae a private the Army Nfecifeal Corps and has gone to Nia- g;ara to train. Mrs, Salk of Chicago, with her daughters, Mary and Ijilian, have been visiting her aunte, the Misses O'Neil of town. - Miss. Clara Leighton of Lansing, Mich., has been the guest of Mrs. 10, W. Doty. - Mrs., J. L. Killoran and babyMary have returned from an ertended visa with friends at Vancouver. Councillor MeClinton has tesigeed Ms seat. Miss Jeanette Ruth, daughter of Mee. W. A, Rhymes, was married last week to Mr. Thomas H. Mitchell, secretary of the Dominion Road Nlacliinery Company. Good Morning ! Are yon a News - Record Subscriber ? ST.• PAUL'S 0 m , ' Tile woee ,of the , of §t •Pael'e chureh ,inejte all, Membere of the ceagregationsto the Owen Mein - oriel Hall NfoedaY evening, to an, in- formal receptiort. to meet the rector and Min. ficertheort, MRS. J. JokaNsToN1,. WHO HieS 1, takee over the agency for the SPir- t 00(0811 and who has Met re-' a turned from Torontci where a large' -• school' of aorsetiesS converted foii four days, is prepared to meet the h eeeds of all old and new custom - r • ere, The Spirella is "different?' ; • a perfect -fitting, ilexible, • made -to- - order 0005111), allowing evety 1115180011 • full PlaY, Cell and ask Mrs. John- ston about; cossets awl accessoriee, -02 Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the Century. Taken from tbe Files of The News -Record of the date indicated. Clinton, Sept. .13th, 1.1400. Mr. John Medd hal °Petted w barbet shop in the Palace Block. Mr, John Tedford has returned from a three -weeks' trip to Manitoba. Mr, Wm. Hale of Chicago has been visiting his sister and brother in town and at the flaledlidout camp at the lakeside. Mies Lucas of Ararkdale is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. L. Pathe at the rectory. Wheat 33e to 114c. Oats 28c. Braley 38c, Butter 15c to 10e. leggs 11.c to .12e. Live Hogs 06.111 to 00.25: arriage W'E I EN'N.Theacte - in Clin ton, on Sept, 1501, by 1101'. 'Ts Phoebe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Richard Jennison, to Fred Weir of Swift tiurrent, Seek, MIT CI-TELL-R[1Y N AS -In Ciodexich oti Sept, 801, J carrel te Ruth, daughter of Mrs. 1Vil1iven Rhynam, 'to Thomas Henry Mitchell, all of Coderiell. KELLEY-PURCELL-At Richmond Hill, on August 23r1, Stella, daughter of 1101, Baines Purcell of Sealottle to William Kelley, LAMB-R013INSON-in Wingham on Sept. 701, Wm. Lamb, to Lily, youngest daughter of Mts. Isabelle Robinson, Births CATZTWRIGFIT-in lfullett, on Sept. 9115, to Mr, and Mrs. James Carte wriggle, a son. SANDERSON-On the Base Line, Goiter:lel' township, on Sept. llth, to Mr. and Mrs. George Sanderson, a daughter., . • WILKINS-In Goderiela on Septem- ber 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkins, a son. JOYN'T-In Feginondville on Sepe, 8th, to iVir. and Mrs, A:P. Joynt, a daughter. CURRIE-In East' Wawanoeh, on Sept. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. David Currie, .a eon. • Deaths HES,SIAN-Tri Clinton, on Sept. 9111, Sarah Foster, WidOW of the lat6 Thomas Hessian, in her .0901 year, G'ISAI-IANI-In Goderich tovveship, on Sept. 12tli, Florence Beatrice Hicks., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 111. 1S. Graham, aged 9 monthe and 24 days, PAIRSERVICE--In Hullett to wn- ship, on Sept. 13t11, Thomas P'air- • Service, Sr, in his 8Ist year. COMBE-Iir Clinton, on Septembet 111111, Agnes IVIlity Barre, 'widow of the. late Janice II. Combo. WALTERS-At 13enmIller oe Sept, 41111, Chailes Walters, aged 81 years and 5 months. NORIVIA.N-in 'least Wawanoeh, on. Sept. let, John teleplay Norman, aged 61 years and, 3 month's. PRETWEL,L-In Wiegliarn on SePt, 3erl, George Fret well, .reged 91. years. , • McKillop pe Sept. 81111, Martha Brow, relict rd the late William Fiogg1 aged 811 years and monehs., A LAWN SOCIAL WILL BE WILD oceincetion with the Baptist Church on the lawn of Me. Chas. Bell, Mary- 'street, on Friday pen,- ing, Sept. 17t11. Tea Will be eirved from, five entil seven e'clOok, A good program has been arranged for the remainder of the evening. Ad- mission, adults 25c, children 160. Peoceeds 01 aid of the Parsonage nine, 02-1 LOST. -ON SATURDAY A TOBAC- CO Pouch containing 08.5e. A liber- al teward will be given for its reeovery,---I-L Carrick, -02 „ WANTED. -A. 'DOG, EITHER SHEP- herd or: Collie preferred, nee 1(10101 one year old. 'State erten. Apeiy at News -Record office 00 write I'. 0. lIoS 267, Clinton, -02 FOR SALE.-TIill BUILDING 1008 1115013 used as a eardiag mill at Walkerbure, d'ownship of, efullett, is offered for sale. The ream 13 a Splendid one, two steriee, 24 x 30. , -R. -Motrison., R. R. Nd, 1, Auburn, -02 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 33, CON. 1, Tuckeesrnielf, containing 100 acres, frame house., bank barn, 6 acres' liatdwood heel), p511 svaterea, mei meetly sexted for pastuin. For terms, etc., apply to A. F. JOiinS, Owner, 1485 DanfortlfeAve., Toron- to. 02-2 10011 SALE—THE 'UNDERSIGNED has a limited quantity of fall wheat for seed. This nehl was claimed to be the hese field. of fall wheat be- tween 1Vingliam. and London. It is clean oral free tepee sraut.-Prank Tyndall, 88. No. 4, • Jennie 2 on 102. -06 HOT_TSE AND LOT ON DUNLOP ST, for sale. -Ono and one-half story frame, 501,011 TOOMS. Waterworks and 'soft water, Quarter acre land with -a 011031)50 01 fruit trees. Stable. The, property is in good condition and will be sold at a reasonable priee.-Herb. Alexander, -90, FARM FOR SALE 011 TO RENT. - What is best known as the Robert Marshall farm On the Bayfichl Road, two miles south of Clinton is offer- ed tor sale or to rent for a term of one or three years. 175 001,5 in good State of cultivation, good bank barn ana fraine'honee, About six acres ot good jelling. orchard. Poseeeelon given micelle of March next, but renter or purchaser can get on to do fall plowing. Apply to le IL Powell or Wm. Glenn, Ex- ecutors, Clinton P. 0. -97. CALVES FOR SALE. ---A. NUMBER just recoil -ed. -Apply to W. Marquis, R. R. No. 3 elibtou. Phone 14 on 60. -80. CLEAR' N CI- AUCTION SALM Farm, Farm. Stock and implemerr -111r. Thotnas .Pertnington will s by public auction on the premise Let 14, Maitland Concession C' bora, on Monday, Sept. 2711i, co menging at 1 o'clock sheep. T farm consists of 90 acces of go land, nearly all ia an extra II state tie cultivation, with buildin and feces hi excellent repel There is 013010 4, acres or oreha most of it just commencing to bea Th0 farm will be sold on vet reasonable terms', which will an.nounced at time ot sale, posse slo11 will be given at mice ; also tl following 0 coolemptemente, etc. Hoesee-j draft mare 9 yeaee 015 1 (holt gelding 3 years all. sired 1 Nott's horse, 1 dealt colt 2 year old by Nett's horse, 1 draft fillY years old by Nott's horse, I. delve 1 years old by Mi. ClIof, ji col 4 menthe old, general puepose Cattle -3 eteers. .3 years all 1, sitee 2 years old, ,1 fat cow 5 years old 2 steers 1 Year all 1 heifer 1 yea old, 3 heifer calves., 2 steer calves .0ows-I cow 5 years old suppose( to be in calf, h cow 4 years old, CpiVS 3 years old. Pigs -1 sow sup posed to be in Pig, .1 sow and lit ter, -11 Slips, 70 honk and chickens I -farness -2 heavy Lute of harness, 2 light sets of harecss, Implements, - 1 6 -foot biridee, Maseey-liarris nearly new, 1 Deeiring mowet 30111 pea harvester, 1 Deering hay rake, 1 steel Toiler, 1 spring -tooth culti- vetor, I riding plow, 1 aouble-fur- row plow, 1 walking plop, Ji wagon With hoe, I hey arid stock rack combined, 2 sets bob Sleighs, 1 sat of harrows, 1 cutter nearly new, 1 top buggy nearly new, 1 sniffier, 1 root drill, 1 Massey-Haryis 11-11ee 1 tanning mill , I grind s tone, 1 wheel harrow, e set of ateek Scales 3000 lbs.; .1 set 'counter seal - es 240 Its., 2 root puipers, 18 cords a weed 1.0 inches lone, turnips, corn and potatoes, applee sad, on trees, hay, seed oats, rye, forks, shovels; ehaine and other articles. Hoeeehold Furniture; -1 cream sep- arator, I Dahty churn No, S, 1 coal or wood range, e Wood heater, 1 jcvita:tyttlirieheilletus ,nl.b hbeertseolkief asI vinegnoor_., pr le tor is giving up , f arm hig, Teems sums ed e10 end un- der, 00(51 1; °See that amount aix months' credit will be given on fur- nishing' approved joint notes, A discount at the rate -of ei51 per emit. pe1 annum aelovVed for cash oil, Credit amOunte,-Thomas Pen- nington, Proprietor ; 0 -unary, Aucticnitiet •• -02 is. ell 01 ol- lia oct ne gs 1. rd 'Y he s- 10 1, 2 • 8 , MOTORCYCLE FOR SALI5. — A elagle cylindee, 4-horso power "11). - dint" motercycle foe saile at a hargain.-Apple at the Counnercial. Hotel. • -013 FOR SA/X.-THAT WELL SIT- uated houee at the corner 01 Rag - Ian and Rattenbury etreet's l offer - ea for sale. Eleatic light, waiter; works and sett water, Stabie. Will be sold at a bargain to settle un the Brielrenden Eska/I.-Apply at Jaeob Taylor's office. -20 FOR SALE. -- e TOTING DRIVER three years pas,t Well broken and not seared of autos, they don't bother her a bit. -Also one buggy in good shapes -George Ladd, Section Foreman, ffolmesville, -91. FOR RENT. -100 -ACRE 10A.RM ON the Hayfield Road, 211 miles south of Clinton. Well milli/rated, good brick house, . bane barn and other buildings. Two wells en place. Or- chard, For further particulars ap- ply to -Mrs, John Wigginton,, Clin- ton, P.O. Box 231, -96. HENS AND BROILERS WANTED, highest_market price will be paid. - W. Marquee, R.11. 1, Clinton, or Phone 11 on 06. • -87 SUMlefEle HOTEL, KNOWN AS THE Commercial, dituated on Lake Hue - on, will be sold reasonable as the proprietor intends to give up the business. For particulars apply to H. Darrow, Hayfield, Ont. -86. APPLES WANTED! I will begin operatioas 311 103 Evaporator Hayfield on Wednesday morning, September 8th, and wilt Pay the highest markee price for applea-Peeler's and Chops. EDWARD MERNER, Hayfield. Poultry ted Now that the poultry fattening season, is approaching we are ia a position to handle all your poultry at top market prices, New Laid Eggs We are etill paying a premium 'for large clean new laid eggs licit evet four Clays old. It will pay you 'to {Ake the very hest care of your eggs and sett them to us whereyou re- ceive eity •prieee.foe choice quality, Have yoli tried Cleinn's Easifiest Shortening ? Better and cheaper than lard. Now is the time of yeac to use our mired meats. A fresh sup- ply received weekly. Seed Wheat If you want good seed wheat that will grow -call on ust before you buy elsewbere, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Tremarthe, Wm. Jenkins. Just a Word - About Our Teas. Which We mill recommend to alt users of Good Teas, A trial is convincing of our "Special Brand" Tea which is especially prepared for us. Prices from 3513 to 4.5e per lb, 111ealto have the other well known brands such as Red Rose, Salada, Lipten'e, eine ab the popular priects,, We lia,ve e few ston0 erode batting from 1 to 4 go] - 31(1111 the crock for packing butter', eggs, etc. Ptices you will find. right, Highest Price Paid fort Buttee and Eggs. ' Johnson & Co. The Store of Qualtiy. Successor to S. Barr. Phone Ilt, Phone orders promptly, attended toi .1111mosistmewersin youE OLOTelES OLEA,NED, RE - Paired and .Preesect aed at the shotteet po'ssible notice.. Both Lad- ies' and flentlernen'e clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Also having botleeit a amehine I am pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suite, (lent's Suite anti all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat - ere, etc. All ordete promptly at- tended to. Rcenne (wee Grigg's iewolery Store -Wen, J, Jago. -55 THE CORNER STLIFIE Live and Let Live The Spice rlakes the Pickles. Haxe you ever obscreed that kiln° pickles and meat sauces lime dif- ferent flavors from others, The eauee lies in the spice and vinegar ueed. OUR MIXED' PICKLING SPICE. as well as °ex other spicee ate sel- ected teal' the utmost care. YOU can not go wrong in Using therm ALL SPICE. Cinnamon, whole or ground, Cloves, whole on ground. Curry Powder, Mace Turmeric, Celery, Seed, Whole Mixed Pickling Spice, All kinds of good quality vinegars to select from, We have the Perfect Seal and Crown Brand Gems, E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Anything You WANT DONE IN THE LINE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGH- ING, PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. 0A11. AND GET OUR pErc- ES. ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAP ,ST, BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers, Phone 7, The Clinton Garage Open All Night, The season is now on for Gasoline Stoves. Why not buy filtered gasoliae out of our Bowser pump, which passes the gasoline throubh fine screens and a filter. Prices always the ' iowest. We keep on hand a stock of Automobile Supplies and 13103 - Ma Repairs and do all kinds of repairing promptly and at a reasonable charge. Auto Livery in connection: J. 11. PAXMAN CEMENT .11. • +8... We have on hand a car- load of Portland Qement and all orders for same will be filled promptly, JOHN HUTTON, LONE) ESORO. It is your assueance, of perfecb satisfaction m old or: new work. In- sist on getting; Canada C'ertmet. A full stock on hand at all times. Heinle& sills cut to order, Shingles erre and xxxx, Sprace and pine dressed sidings and nacirg etallie building materials, Lehinig IVIIsil. Valley coal, all siees, ,Steam coal, Smitbing cord. all sizes, either in the yard or delivered on the iob. Cedar posts all sixes. 14-ineh slabs, a bargain. Any0110 in the market lot amp of the above lines will do evoll to get our priCOS. • ,,JOHN B. MUSTARD Brucefield, Phone 11 on 14.6., CREAM WANTED. - DAirtymtiN having create to Sell write to as for cans, ,We supply two cans free.' Pay all express charges and issue cheques 'twice each month, cheques payable at par, We pay the • high- est market prices consistent 'withl an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each erre careful- • - ly weighed, sampled and tested 00 arrival and statement returned. Those in the yieinity of Kinbura may leave their cream with Mr. Hall evho will deliver it here., Write for cans and give es a trial. -The Seaforth Creamery, Box 480, Seafortia. • If you will not try Roman Meal to aid indigestion how about some fruit to increase your indi- gestion ? •To h e 1 p you we have all the fruits in season. Watch for peaches„ now special prices and especially good quality. W. iir. u iitiill wailllI CIIIIVINEY TOPS. It's a trade to build a good chime ney and to repair a roof. It takes mere than a. sheet of metal, a -hot Iron and solder, it _requires exper- ience. 11 your ehininese does not draw well send for us and WO will' mit it in order ; if your roof leaks we'll mend it. ALL KINDS OF TINNING we do well and reasonably, THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. ARTISTIC J. G. ORICH, THE RELI- ABLE DECORATOR, illafs:ISS SPECIALTY OF Off LIR ()HE'S,. LODGE ROOMS AND PRIVATE , RESIDENCES. HIS ADDRESS is 400 DOWNIE St., STRATFORD A Drop in Kindling A LARGE STOCK ONi HAND WILL BE SOLD CHEAP THIS MONTH TO CLEAR FOR CASH ONLY. Leave your orders for Fer4 ttlizer and Potash for your root; crop. We will mix it for you at the store. North End Feed Store. Frank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Perms: Cash. Phone 192.1 Are You Troubled with Headaches? ••••, If so the cause inlay be eye strain .and in that eveat 'a 1 pair cif properly fitted , 1 glasses will bring relief and cure. It is 'worth trying. , , • , . I Come to us and we • will e make a careful test of youp eyes and tell you what is the matter and what you 1, need. • elf • In our long experience in. the Optical business we have made a great number of examinations and it - is a source of much Pleasure for us to know that our • fittings have invariablyi givi3n great satisfaction. • If your e,yes bother note come to and learn the . • reason why. A. J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage • Licenses. It