HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-09-16, Page 4Baet fie1 d '< patriotic meeting,will beheld the' town. ball on Friday evening of this week, When Major. 1.'olmie, M. P. P.; 'Windsor , Fimih Glass, M: P., • London, and Mr, A.' IP , Collins, re- centlyreturned from England, • and others will' give addresses on sub - Seats of vital importance at this hoair, All interested,in the ,welfare of the British Empiric are invited to . The •C9 derioh bead and he present. e a slumber of soldiers will be present and there will be liatrietie music, Vocal and instrumental Idr, and Mrs. Janes Sturgeon, *ere in London and Port Stanley for a few days this ,week. The evaporator commenced opera- tions on Tuesday morning with a full staff and will;continue during the season, dr aa long as the apples keep coining. Mrs.visited her ',lies. Gamernn sons in Toronto during ;else past forts might. Judge Doyle was its ' Hayfield on Monday in, connection: with the vot- ers' list, Capt, Dunlop of Goderich was in the village on Friday last, looking up recruits for overseas .service, The following are spending a few 'clays at the London Fain this week : T. J. Marks, Hugh McKay,. wife and 1c 'daughter, Dlls Falconer oucr and dau gh. ter, Mrs, Wm. Weston, Mrs. J. Spack- man and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E Greenslade. Mr. John Tippet spent the week -end fn London on business, Mr.. R.' Penhale left last week for the west: Mrs. Nm, Ferguson and child and Mrs. Will Govenlook of Seafotth spent a few days in the village this week., Port Albert Mr. Otway Hayden spenti last week at the Toronto Fair. Mrs. Walker Murray is visiting friends at Detroit the past tWo weal n. Miss 'Pena. Hawkins returned to St. Thomas last Monday week. Nat t.'tinninghan, sports a new driv- er freelif rem 1{•alkerville. Mr.ir••- of Murray } encs Mrs. W. G. Goderich spent Sunday in the burg. The invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Maud Cunningham of the village to Mr. Roy Alton Lanes, to take place Wrdnesday of this week at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Francis Cunningham. Mrs. Joseph Wilson of Clocicrich spent a fewdays in the village. the past week. The yav}i rain on Sunday will inal.e the harvesting of the, buck - Wheat a trying lob, the land being so soft. There is going to be a, good yield in grain from all appearance at present. Tile hotatoe crop is badly effected by rot in this neighborhood. There would have been a big yield, , Good Morning I Are you a \ew's- Record Subscriber Goderich. Township` Miss 'Help Mid11 tem !9 Mine' from Toronto: Mo. Leslie O'Neilwas jun London on Tuesday attending the Western Fail.. Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Hudie and Miss 'C'rcorginia attended: the London Fair 9n i'Ueudaf. Rey, J. L. Parke, wile has been at Ridgetown for some years and who isoin • to Southampton has been a t $il 6 : n g his sister, M'rs W, II, ldiliott, this week: Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart te- turnecl on Wednesday Of last week •from Toronto where' they had been attending the Exhibition. Miss Flossie Cole and plaster War - win visited one clay last week With Mr. and Mrs. lid. Weld,, pf the. Base Line. Mr. Chas. Wallis of Clinton pur- chased •l Mr, from eUtisect ii fide 'horse ,c ant . f n n A. Welsh for which he paid a good figure, The Unity Club meets on Thursday afternoon of next week at • the home of Mrs. T. Lindsay of the Base Line. The next meeting of L.O.L. No. 189 will be hold on Wednesday of next week instead of Monday as heretofore, it a member, be there, The new louse of Mr. CIarence • d is rap- idly m7 the Huron .Ria p icily approaching coMpletion. •Good work it being done' and when fin- ished finished Mr. -and Mrs. Sturdy will have one of the finest homes on the Huron Road. . It is our sad duty this ween to re- late that the angel 'Of death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gra- ham on Sunday evening and took with hien their beloved little daugh- ter, Florence Beatrice, at the early Age of nine months and twenty-four days, The little one during its short stay on earth had been the life of tile home and the joy and hope of her parents and her sudden illness which only lasted for a day, and her unexpected death has been a sore grief to these and the sympathy of the whole community goes out, to them. The funeral was held nn Tues- day afternoon to Clinton cemetery and was largely attended by sym- pathetic frienil:t and neighbors. The services at house and graveside were conducted by Rev, J. A. Robinson, rector of Si. Paul's church, Clinton, and the pallbearers were Clifford and Milton Holland of Ilolmesville and Cecil and Bettie Rowden. The little white casket was literally covered by. beautiful floral offerings sent by sorrowing .friends, "Sweet litstic darling ; light of the home, Looking for someone ; beckoning, Colne I' Bright: au a sunbeam ; pure as the clew, Anxiously looking, parents, for you." Mr. and Mrs. Graliani wish to ex- press • their Sincere thanks to their friends and neighbors for the kind- ness and sympathy shown in their bereavement. Heady - To -Wear Garments C Dry Goods and House Furnishings Fall Millinery Op.eillg Satlirday, Sept0 11th AFTERNOON AND EVENING. You are invited to be pre- sent at our fall millinery op- ening display and high-class ready-to-wear garments. We want you to feel free to come and go as you please. Make a note of the time Saturday afternoon and evening, Sept. 15th, 1915. Ladies' and misses' fall coats and suits are now on display, choose your suit or coat early while' the stock is at its best, azanaisaMmiermaft Our stock of 'furs is now on display, the best ever shown by the store. SELECT EARLY. Bay fi old; The following is the liinaneial stater i ce Patriotic tie ,5ne1Ct 9r t lent of the a 6 > i Y June 1'st : Balance in treasury F 2,65 Proceeds from an At Eloise. June 25th 43.75 Proceeds' ham bale o f flags 4 ori July 1st 58.20 Prenbyrteaian church collection 28,60 I'robeeds from dance given by Atkinson Proceeds from•; sale of flowers by Misses Specimen, and Beatty Donation lroin Irene Harrison. Proceeds from -dance given by Mrs. McTaggart Membership fees 'r coeds from tea 'and sale l tl of Laking Donation from Mrs. IIeath 5.00 Proceeds from dance given by Mrs. r Jamieson 1.1J . ails on Personal Donation • .90 Total receipts $235.17 Donation by Society to Red Cross Society $90.00 Sundry expenses 14%08 23,00 7.51 1.00 13.70 .50 49.45 Total expenditure I $101.08 Balance in treasury $131.39 The• Society has recently donated fifty-nine pairs socks to the Unieer- city Baas Hospital and fifty-three pairs sooks to the Red Cross So- oicty, Stanley Township Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Stoplienson" Sr, of the. Goshen Lino left on Friday last to visit their: three sone who are, settled around. Virden; Manitoba. h r. Harold Penhale assisted. his cousin, Mr. 'R. Watson, near Bruce - field last week to finish up his har- vest. Mrs. Robt. Nicholson and . sen of Saskatchewan are visiting friends on the Goshen Linc, and other dates and spent over the wee' end with her cousin, Mrs. N'ilsan Atli -'strong, Mr. Harvey Reid Spent Sunday and Monday with friends -fn Seaforth. We arc -sorry to report • that Mr. Richard Penhale of the Brownson Lino is uot enjoying n6 �LY good 0 d Leal th at present, Mr. Penhale is one of the pioneers of Stanley. He lived on the Lake Shore Road for a num- ber- of years, but now lives on the old homestead. Mr. Peculate is a kind neighbor and a good citieen. Mr. David McNaughton had the misfortune to lose a valuable mare ono day last week. • Messrs. Wm. Heard and R•. Watson are Putting in •stabling for - Penhale Bros. in their new barn, Messrs. Penhale, have Metalled water wotrlcs in their stable for their stock and will have an up-to-date stable, Mr. and Mrs, W7u, Foster and Mimi Opal Foster and Miss 0. Ratliweli of Toronto accompanied by Mr. Chas. and bliss Edith Rathwell au'toed -'to Bayfield on Saturday evening last. Mr. Wm... Taylor• shipped a carload of oattic to I'otonlo on Friday last. Mr. and Mr's. Root. Welsh train .Clintorl spent Friday at the ]some of the latia'r'sl brother, Mr. Edward Johnstone of the Goshen Line, hav- ing cone over in their now auto. Mr, Tams Reid and Miss Mary Reid of Bay tield rent Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs. \I', Elliott. irucefileld Mr. William Berry will act as judge of horses al both the Arwood and Tiverton Fairs Long experience arta good common swum c; enables hint to till the position of ,fudge to pretty general acceptance. ' Wingham Mr. C. If, Pugh returned last week to Hamilton to resume his duties all science master on the. Collegiate staff, Miss Lillian. Robinson was Married on 'Tuesday of last week to Mr. N ni. Lamb of Kincardine. Mr. A, B. Alderson of the. 111110n Furniture Factor} has accepted a position with the C 'I', R. at Hamil- ton and is moving to that city. Lieut. Sextss Kent,, who conducted a business here some years ago but who has been in the wet for several years, visited his sister, Mrs. C. P. Smith, last Week prior to going to Ottawa to join his company. Limit. Kent served in the South African war and has nosy' enlisted foe oy'elseas service. Mr, and Mrs. Dunbroolc and daughe ter of Cleveland. have Ibeu visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. J. A, Mills, Mr. Wm. Gamlett is spending,a few weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Richer and babe are visiting the lady's mother in Platteville. Mr, Walter Van. Nidi has bean ap- pointed secretary of the recruiting orrice. Capt. Sinclair is the recruit- ing officer, Mr. John Howe and I'afmly have moved to Lublinow where they intend malting their home. Willie. Illinter•, the six-year-old sass of Mr. H, A. Hunter., fell front the rafters of the Methodist church shed. where a 'isumber of children were playing, 'tire other day and was quite badly hurt. Another: litide lath of only four was hanging on by his arms when tesencrl. Good Morning I News -Record means News -Leader. Are you a subscriber I Tough Luck. "Why so disconsolate?" "I've such a fine formula for getting rid of red ants," pouted the bride. "Well?" - "And I have no red ants to get ridgy of."—Louisville Courier -Journal. I: l nton News -1 eeorsI aaaaasasa.asaasaasasasaaassaasasasao I . IANA�D-i C a GOVERNMENT aa Will a a p sa Remainder of Loans; Will S ggg Be Left Over Until Next Sa sa Year. SE saaiaassaao v 'o° ag ssisgsassaaosaio°v• Honorable Dr, " Roche, Minister of the Interior, whoeDepartmenthas had THB s charge of the distribution • o1 seed grain and relief in Western Canada throughout the past year, and the taking of security' therefor, has had underconsideration the question of collections to be made this fall. . The advances commenced early last winter, and were made neeessary by the extreme .misfortune which Western Canada suffered from the drought in 1914. It was hoped at, the, time that the amount required would not be undulylarge,"as the outbreak pf war was making extraordinary de- mands upon the financial resources of the Dominion. The amount has, how- ever, reached very large limits. These has been advanced up to July 31 for seed grain $8,534,018.37, and for other goods by way of relief and fod- der for animals $4,075,420.89, mak- ing a total of $12,609,439;21. As- sistance was given, of course, by rea- son of a temporary misfortune, and �iF of SEED Often the Case. The Fat Man—What line are yotr in? The Bearded Man -I'm manufact ing a safety razor. What's yours? The. Fat Man -I put up an sireparation:-PhilaJedi$lila .n1' • aaaBaaaaasasseas as a as as a seas Ss s as " airas . NCY S' .o CO�EECC 0 a n n n nrrt NRSS Total 'Amount Paid foil aa Western Relief Is Nearly, o.. Thirteen NLlllion Dollars. $a sa e.o o.o.o.. aoto..o. sauso.o oao� �oioao�iS.p.o.oiSaa.o.ow.o.o.u.wa.o. sS for other, relief (in eases where both relief and seed grain and fodder have been provided) these will not be In- sisted on this year. Where, however, no seed grain or fodder has been pro- vided, but relief only, one half of the amount advanced for relief will be expected to be returned. It must be 'remembered that this seed grain, fodder, ai3d relief distri- bution has been a most extensive and far spread undertaking,. A definite and consistent system of collection must be adopted. It is not an easy matter to work out such a system without entailing too great expense of organization. Consequently, the purchasers of grain have been asked to co-operate in the matter of collec- tions. In this way the organization at their disposal is used and the ne- cessity for heavy expenditure on the part of the Government avoided.. The Minister confidently hopes that all who have received assistance and the people of the West generally, will accept the policy of the reduced amount to be collected this year as fair and equitable, and that all will co-operate and lend their assistance to work out successfully. Financing Crop. Aside from the question of ocean tonnage and exchange there should be no difficulty in moving the Cana- dian crop, although. it may take longer than usual. Certainly there should be no difficulty in financing the movement. The banks are more liquid than they have been for years In addition they have as a reserve their emergency circulation and the facilities afforded under the Finance Act of 1914 by which they can ob- tain advances in Dominion _ notes against grain bills and other securi- ties. eeurities. So far as concerns credits to farmers, two recent amendments to the Bank Act introduced by Aon. W. T. White, are important. Under one a bank may take security upon grain remaining in the farmers' possession, and under the other the bank may take security upon a crop for seed grain advances. The financial legis- lation of the Dominion seems to have provided all possible facilities for the financingcrop of the movement. HON. Die, ROOHE, Minister of Interior. Sketch by McConnell, was, of course, of a temporary nature. Fortunately the Government was not called upon to lend its aid except in the Provinces of Alberta and Saskat- chewan. These are the Provinces that suffered most. It has been a matter for congratul- ation that the policy adopted has been justified not only by the neces- sities of the time, but by subsequent events. This year's crop, particularly in the drought -stricken district, is the best in the history of Western Canada. The bulk of the seed grain was purchased by the Government at a comparatively moderate price, and the farmers got it at the price the Government paid for it Plus expense of handling. A great many demands came in very late, and as these were found on investigation to be tot the most part deserving, some grain had to be bought at the advanced price that prevailed in the spring. But in the main the Government was fortun- ate in making its purchases early. Per many mouths it looked as if an excellent price was to await the marketing of the 1915 crop. This, however, does not now seem so prob- able. The large acreage in other countries, and particularly the excep- tionally good crop prospects in the United States, with the depressed condition of exchange• and shortage of ocean tonnage have had the effect of greatly reducing the quotations for wheat, barley, and oats: The Minister of the Interior has had this consider- ation under review, and it has also been impressed upon him that this year the Western farmers have a great many of last year's obligations still to take care of—last year's in- terest on mortgages, and in many cases indebtedness to local merch- ants. As a consequence even with the present excellent crop conditions it will not be in every ease an 'easy matter to finance unusual obligations this year. Having regard to and hav- ing fully considered all the circum- stances now prevailing, the Minister has decided to ask for payment this year of one-half only of the seed grain and fodder advances together with interest. ` As for the advances 25 Cents will pay a. sub to The News. Record to end of 1915. PREMIER BORDEN BRINGS MESSAGE FROM SOLDIERS At the great welcome accorded Sir c Robert Borden in Montreal on his return from England, he gave to the people of Canada a message from our gallant soldiers at 1 be front. "Even greater than this' said the Premier, "was my privilege of-visit- ing fvisit- ing the convalescent hospitals. There I met our gallant men who had come back from the very valley of the shadow of death. They had gone through as trying ordeals as have ever been recorded in the history of the world, but I' found them all cheerful, and all inspired with the same courageous determination as those others still at the front. It was an inspiration to me, and I telt, when I addressed a thousand convalescent Canadians that it was the noblest audience I had over faced. Altogether I visited 41 hospitals where Cana- dians were, and at these I met men from all parts of the Empire who had fought in France, Belgium, and the Dardanelles—the men who won tame at Ypres, Festurbert, and Givenchy. They were from many lands; but they were all comrades, who had fought and would fight again for the same cause. It was a spectacle- that gave to me a truer sense of the unity of our Empire than. I had ever had be fore, and I come back to you no with a clear message of Empire fro them. "I bring from the front this mea sage from our soldiers: that the have done their duty in the past, are prepared to do it in the future, and that no conclusion of the war will be satisfactory unless it brings to the Empire, for all the sacrifices they have made, the satisfaction of attain- ing the object fought for. Any nation that undertakes to establish the doctrines of spoliation shall go down beneath the might and con- i tempt of the world," MANY CONVALESCENT HOMES ARE OFFERED The following private homes, ou' di the large number which have bee offered, have been accepted as mill Lary convalescent homes, and are in operation or will be in a few days: The home of airs. J. K. L. Ross, Syd ney, N.S.; the home of Mrs. R. B. Dobell, Quebec; the Khaki League Home, Montreal; a home furnished by the Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire, Winnipeg; the home of Mrs. .1, F. Ross, Toronto; the home of Mr. Hugh Macpherson, Kingston, and a home lent by Mrs. Parks at St, John, N.B. The com- mission anticipates receiving consid erable assistance in the operation of the convalescent homes from those who are anxious to sender some ser vice at this juncture. Voluntary aid committees have been established in the divisional area and military dis tricts, and will organize crops of Incal workers. Or if you prolea it, $1.25 i advance wil pay to end o next year. Selteimbec'I6th, lois It is hosirs and 12 The ($intoe over by • 1 rItLSV' n ' A friend wentlt I "I have friend. "I se, wise. down "Doc," get $12 any symptoms The as indigestion. Bill—What kine? Will—He a national Would he cant 'tory t m y t u the intuition to limitthe during which soldiers"Itnn may enter bars tobetween 9 a.m. acid and r limat coannland of the 35th Regiment Foresters) has been taken Lieut. -Col, D, M, Granit, rue The held Sunday erveninie . • responsible submaripes, hunting has Primate. guns campaign the Cross piddle 27th, tercets up News .13 .L G r.. Port Albert' harvest home service o will be in the English Church here ort October .101 h, incoming and The walo of bubbles they leave o is for the loss of so many) Over 2,200 trawlers and for Pirates, badly, d •e A German airshipdl damaged g .descended at Koenigsberg, ,East. It was. at Riga,.' Russian riddled . iii: Port Credit. last evening launched a to make every resident of village a member of the Red Society,. Sir Robert Borden will address a meeting in Tortnto on Sepia., Over $1,000,000 was offered Inter -4 "L Longshoremen t.me o nhy n ' ii they would strike and ties shipping, Good Morning I News -Record means -Leader, Are you a subs'crtier ?. This is the 408th clam that the Empire has been at war with cam any . - Too Mucof a. Luxury, - b 1 s the. °r. of ours tells u A to consult a doctor last we: some queer Pains;' said e'i said - the doctor, iookln _ d "Do you feel a sharp pain to'; on your right side?" • answered our friend, "I onl ' a weeki Don't go lookin' fo ' of appendicitis." . i case was Immediately Magnolia i Man Like Him,nationalrGermani Yog kind of a fellow 10 pp' . can tell you how to adoy , system of currency tea • pay feeff the national debt, Bit raffle the price of his bill. ---Cincinnati Dneuirde rY tV FALL FRIDAY Sept. MILLINERY . OPENING and SATURDAY I7th and I8th.. ' M. ` E. Cantelon Co. r _ l Costume .\ ;:.,N Ttix f i v;; • ft <' �;� 5452—iCc, TRY PICTORIAL, PATTERN q We recommend , ., because they are !Do far in advance any other and never ►'r give complete isfaction. r •' 4''. They save at one-half to of material dress on of the Patented Cutting Construction Guides. l�,. -THEFALL FASHION AND OCTOBER PATTERNS nolo on 1r CLINTON. ONE REVIEW them we know authentic. of pattern fail to sat- least from one yard on each account and BOOK sale, 1 m e €'-, d 11/-i l ., Costume os e1 I p 1 tpg'' e 0110-15c. DUSBANE A Sanitary It's labor Dustbane Dustbane Dustbane,,, Dustbane Sold at Dustbane Ottawa, , of kills , 'Ltd. method sweeping. savingandkills the dust. is°a dust absorber. is a germ killer. floors. brightens carpets. all hardware stores. Manux'ga Co. Canada. FURNITURE,• We can going to furnish RUGS AND LI NOLI UMS if you are want some odd to inspect assist you in selecting your furniture your home, or if you only will find it, to i pieces you your advantage our stock and see the bargains we are giving. We also, carry a good line of violins, pianos and organs. Our undertaking department is up•to•clate in every re- spect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction. _ JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calls answered at ,residence over. store, 28 ( Phone 28