HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-09-09, Page 8OUR S•PL CIALT`IE , Singer Sewing Machines. it isnotnecessary fop` us to say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made an ,enviable reputation for themselves, They are without a doubt the best household machine made. Ityouuontemplate buying a machine come and talk it over with us, Ostermoor Mattresses are good nciattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if not'satisfied return to us and get your money back, The price, is $18, ^Dourest c Vacuuin:,Cleaners. `.Every houci' should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. ".: Theywill clean your rugs and carpets ,thoroughly and if used once or twice a week you will save all your sweeping- and dusting, Free trial given, Price $12,80. ' Columbia Grafonplas. We invite you to come in and hear, our Oolumbia Grafonolas and You will say they are the beb 'toned and the most distinct talking ma- chine you •have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we will play It for you. Ball' tic- Atkinson Furniture, Dealers and .'Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. N, BALL Phone 110, J. A, ATKINSON, Phone 156 D. W De Laval Cream Separator The World Standard. Ideal Green Feed Silos, Alpha Gasoline Engines, De Laval Oil and Wendott Cleanser. Stock of repairs kept at my house 3 doors west of Commercial Hotel and repairing done Saturday afternoons. Also Agent for Newcombe Pianos. Hamilton, Phone 207 Clinton. i • ATTENTION ! We have bought largely and have had goods com- ing in all the year so far and our stock at the present time is heavy in fact more than we should carry at this season of the year. So in order to reduce it as much as possible we will offer specialprices for one month,'commencing•July 29th. Dress goods for less than many lines could be bought for today. One lot of fancy colored crepes worth 15c for 10c, Ladies' waists from 35c up, House dresses trona 90c to 11,50. 40 pieces of print at 5c while they last. Straw hats at cost, some lines less, 30 children's dresses to clear. Men's suits, odd pants, odd vests. Some lines in boots and shoes, only a few of each kind, COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN DO. Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits More Business New Fitted Coats 5. which have full flared. hips Norfolk and Sports Coats Nipped Waistline in Coats and Dresses 'Smocked, Shirred,Tucked' and Gathered Dresses Princess Dresses in various styles and Jumper Skirts are the latest up-to-date features, and together with many other beautiful styles will be shown in the STANDARD FASHION BOOK For Autumn With each copy you get any Standard Pattern FREE 20 CENTS AT THE PATTERN COUNTER W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best. Getting Down to Facts. We think ourr.Shoes take the topmost position in every particular ! FOR STYLE, FIT,EQ UALITY, DURABILITY. We believe our. Shoes are generally conceded, even by our competors, to be SHOES OF UNUSUAL EXCELLENCE! The same careful attention is given to the style, fit and dependable quality of our $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 shoes as is given to our shoes costing $5,00 and $6.00. Getting down to facts we believe your shoe money will do better work here than it will at any other store JUST COI1E SEE! Shoes for men, for wooer, for the school boy and girt, for the very little people and for infants, FRED. JACKSON The Good Shoes. Store. ide. Robt. A. Downs of Woodstock was in .town over the week -end. Mrs. H. E. Paull has been visiting in Toronto during the past week. Miss Lillian Agnew is boom from Montreal for a fortnighTs holiday. Mr. A. Wilken was •a visitor at they Toronto Exhibition during the past week, Miss Mary Reynolds left last week for 'Starkdale to resume her teaching duties, Miss Delle O'Neil returned to Toron- to last week to resume her result- ing duties.' Mr. H. S. Chapman returned Friday evening alter a visit to his home in Collingwood. Major Rance has been spending a few days at his home in town dur- ing the Past week. Miss Gertrude C'.rich of Seaforth wa's a guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Fowler last week. Mr. and Mrs, McCully and child of Toronto are guests at the haute, of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Robb. Misses Rena and Effie Pickett have been in Toronto during the Just week` taking in the Big Fair, Miss Ross Lavis was in Toronto for the openings and has again taken a position in Seaforth for the season. Miss Hulda Whitely of Brooklyn, N, Y., formerly of town, is a guest at the home of her uncle, Mr. James Snigth, Mr. and Mrs. John Ward and Master Douglas of Woodstock visited at .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wheatley's last week. Mrs. B. Charlesworth and babe of Port Arthur are visiting at the lady's maternal home, that of Mrs. A McRae. Mr, and Mrs. James B. Reynolds of Guelphs came up Saturday and were guests overr the holiday at the Commercial. Miss Mabel Cantelon and Miss Smith i returned last week from Toronto nt U where they' had been attending the millinery openings, Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley and children of Woodstock were guest's over the holiday with the lady's sister, Mrs. James Doig. Misses Butterfield, who have beets visiting with their cousin, Mrs. Ve!. Wheatley, have returned 'to • their hone at Bay City, Micli, Miss Kate Scott • and Miss Hazel O'Neil returned on Monday from Carleton Place where they have been spending the summsr: Mr. and Mrs, James Southcombe were in Toront'o attending the Big Fair and also visited the lady's Sister, Mrs. Annis of Port Union. Mr. Morris was up Irons the London camp spending a few days at Iiia home last week. Ile also ran down to Oshawa to visit fits mother. Mr. John W. Hessian, New York, and MP: Harry lIessiaa, Toronto, came home last week to see their mother, Mrs, 'P. Hessian, who still contin- ues very ill. Mr. and Mrs, Fred, Treadwell of Lon- don visited Mr. and Mrs, Adam Scott of the Base Line quer: the holiday. Mrs. Treadwell is a sister of Isle Scott, Mr. Will Southcombe, who is a mem- ber of the Winghein High school teaching staff, was a visitor with the, Slisses Southcombe oftown ov- er the week -end: Mr's.- Muir' anti . two ;children, who were in town for several weeks, -'havhig Coale on account of the ser:- iousillness Of the :former's pother, Mrs. Iies',on, have returned to their 'mane at Roellell, N.Y. Mi. Cle C. Grant, a representative of the Canadian Reading Camp AAsso- ciation who spoke in ec+'•iplei of: the churches last Sunday and who will address the Wesley. congrega- tion next°S:unday, was 'the 'guest while in town of Mr. and Mrs, W. T. O'Neil. Mr. Grant graduated from Toronto University in May and has just received the appoint-, ment of secretary of the Student's Council in connection with his 'Alma Mater, xi AL PORTLAND' CEMENT We hleve.'pst:rheeived;a.earload of the ane old'"brand of Portland Cement whieh has always given yeti such Com- : - piete satisfaction, It always fills your.req.uirements. You cannot make a mistake using the National. S. J. ANDREWS;, Clinton The News -Record to any Canada toend address in 0t 1915 for 25 cents. Clinton News -Record' September 9th, :1915, 0261 u Were New fall Suit ;ing We now ready 'with a complete range' of new fall suitings to take your order and make you up a suit` that in lit,•style and 'finish will be excelled by none. All 'Men •Buying Nev':, Clothes Want Their Money's Worth and They Get It At BROWN'S. By money's worth we mean, the fullest and completest value in fabric, fit and fashion that money can buy; Most men's clothing stores that we know'of sell pretty good clothing. But BROWN'S clothing store holds to a standard in choice of fabrics and in 'actual detail of making that places our clothing in a.class by itself. BROWN'S men's suits, whether high priced or low priced, to satisfy us, must be better and we see to it;'that they are are better. The "pretty good" kind won't do. Our Men's Cothing Store Keeps It's Customers Right With Fashion. When you order a suit made at BROWN'S you caa depend upon it being thoroughly reliable in every way, It is not the material of which a garment is made alone that counts. It is the ' hundred and one little details in the making and fitting which bring about the effect that only a skilled tailor can produce. We stand behind every garment that leaves our work roow and will guarantee style, fit and finish that will suit the most fastidious taste. We can give you the suit you are looking for—supposing of course you are looking foi a good suit ; all wool in fabric and correctly tailored, We Also Carry A Full Line of Men's Furnishings. Agents for Priestley's Dress Goods. EROWN'S Agents for Butteri ck Patterns, J About People You Know Miss Lucile Grant is taking in the Big Fair. in Tomato this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. David spent a few days. recently with . Brantford friends. Miss Hughes of I3epwortli isb spending a few weeks with Miss Beatrice Greene. Mr. and Mrs. T. 'P. dliirphp were with Goderich friends on Lab- or Day. Misses Pearl Chairs,: and Sadie I3oltzhauer spent thee holiday in Goderieli. Mr. and Mrs. Perkius of Winnipeg are the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. Pratt. Mrs. R. A. Bell and Miss Jean and Master Willie were its, Goderich on the holiday. Miss Beattie of Galt has taken a Position n in Couch & Cc s millinery department. Nts. Walter <'n g and d little Mist Dorothy Bartliff spent Monday with Blyth friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Levis were in Wingham over the holiday visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lewis. Mr. W. TI. Heilyar took in the Tor- onto Fair, going down Friday and returning yesterday evening. Mrs, Kerr has been visiting her. daughter, Mrs, ' (De,)i Taylor of Goderieb,, during the past week, Mrs, J. A. Ford returned Saturday evening after a fortnight's visit with Rev. and Mrs. Birks at Nia- gara, Mr. Clarence Shepherd of the Mol - sons Bank, Iroquois, has. been spending a vacation at his" la:mte. in town. fwhohas le MeEwan, been Dr, Annabel 1 in Medicine 1 -Tett, Alta., 'for the past •couple of years, is .holidaying at her name in town, , Miss Agnes Middleton' has boon in Toronto attending the Ex., having had several :pieces of Band painted china on exhibition there. Mr, and Mrs.Edgar East. and Master Tad , NL. JJ C'unhighamc and Mr. H. E. Rorke aaul children spent a fens' days over the. week -end camp- ing at B'urk's, Miss Amnia 13artlill' returns tomorrow to resume her duties as nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Len - don, after spending a vacation .at her hoirie in' town. Mr, Chia,s..'Rill, formerly a member of the staff' of the local branch of the Moiscias Bank. who is ,taking, an officer's course in London, was in town for a dale or so the beginning of 'the week. Rev. H. M. Manning of Toronto, was,. in town for a couple of days at thm enol of the week, having come up to me Rev, ;1, Greene. Mr. Man- ning's son, Gordon., is now in ing•, land with the C.P.P. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter King Were in Puckerstnith yeatemrlay attending the wedding of Miss Wilson to Mr Rutledge. This is, ,the fifth daughter of 'MI house -to be married' and the. Kings have been guests at each of the weddings in turn, Mrs. Frost of Winnipeg is in town visiting her brother, Rev, J, Greene. Mr. Geo. Davis has been quite ill during the past week but is now improving. Rev. S. J. Allis left on Tuesday 'l'd attend the marriage of a nice at Bowmanville. Rev. Dr., IJiness of Toronto 'was in town this week visiting his brother- in-law, Rev, J. Greene. Miss Mae Bentley returned Saturday after a fortnight's visit with the Misses Gunnu of London. Mrs. Arnold. Case and little daughter of Seaforth were, the guests of the Misses Bentley on Monday. Mr. and Mrs,. Blanchard of Toronto spent a few days this week with the lady's another, Mrs. Gauge Pickett. Miss T. Crooks attended the millin- ery openings in Toronto and is now filling r former sits at he position Smith's Falls. Mrs. Chas. F. Libby, who ,is under- going medical treatment in 'Poron- to, is improving. Mr, Libby goes down for the week -end. Miss Edna Lavis leaves this week for Toronto intending to' take a Normal ccurpse. The Normal schools do not open until the 16th. Dr. ;l. E. Blacicall I'obanerty of. Clin- ton but more recently of Bothwell,. now resides in Blyth where he has taken. over a hardware business, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Baves of Kincar- dine were guests' of Dr. and Mrs. Fames the past week, leaving yes- terday fur :Detroit, Mrs. Bowen is a is ster of Dr. Evans, Miss MacArthur, adcacctess c' , Tor- onto, onto, will address the Girls' Chub on Monday evening next on the work of the order. While in town Miss MacArthur will be the guest of Miss Winnie O'Neil. Messrs: Edward and'Richard Scsuton Vienna were, were, guests this week of their nephew, lir. Irl Sciiuton, while on their was to visit their: brother, Mr. Alf. Scruton of Ilen-. sa.11, who is critically ill, Mrs. John McKinley and M!ss C,, B. McKinley, B.et,, of Seaforth, .Mrs. Nathan Peck and son Bert of Stan- ley were the gifests of Mr, anti Mrs. J. B. Lavis on Sunday, mak- ing the trip in Mr. Peck's car. Mrs. Goodman of Toronto, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Morrie of tcivyn, , left Monday, for, Listowel, Mrs, Goodm:an'S husband has also enlisted for overseas ser- vice and is now • in training at, Niagara , Mr. W. Ci, Perrin is a remarkable man for his years and at eights fotir he takes as ken an interest is business an he did twenty years agowhen he was 'mown as one of the shrewdest grain dealer's in this part of the province. There 15 noth- ing that waald please this ootogena Arian better than to have Clinton known' as the best place in . these parts fox the farmer do sill Iris grain. The News From Londesboro. R, K. Mor- rellfriends here of Mr.M o rell will be sorry to hear of his bereavement in the death of his voile on August 28th in Hamilton. The in- terment took place in Hamilton on August 30th. Miss Crysler has returned to Delhi after spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs, 'J. 0. Lonsbury. Mr. and Dirs. R. Watters of London spent Sunday with the lady's tooth- er, Mrs W. Riley. We are sorry to report that Mr. Jaynes Webster is mat improving in health, D. Roberton is assinling at the G.T.R. station, Seaforth, for a week or. so. Messrs. J. 0. Lansbury, W, Brig- ham, R, Townshend, tt'. V olden, Jas. Woodman and J. Lasihani are taking in the '1 pronto Fair this week. Mr,and MrsE. Saville of CU n len spent Sunday' at the home. of Mr. J. Webster. The ltonten s Institute held a Red Crone tea on Monday, evening in this Foresters' hall. 'l'ea, ice creast, etc., was served from five o'clock to eight. The tisk pond was also an important feature of the• evening. 'I'lfe proceedei amounted to about 'twenty-five dol- lars. Mr. W. McCall,, of Victoria spent a few days at the home of Mr. J. - 0. Lonsbury. ',Good Morning ! Are you •a New's- Record Subscriber 11Tiss R. Brogden of London spent the week -end with her parents here. Min's Elsie Button of Seaforth spent Sunday with friends here, Mr's. Stalker and Mrs. 13'. Geddes - attended tite funeral of Mr. Laidlaw of Blyth on Monday, Miss L. Lee and Mrs, Chas, Rudder ` spent the holiday With Gowanstowts friends, McKillop Towship. A number finished harvesting last week, but a great many have oats out in the field at time of writing. Min, Bolton, who was ill, has re- covered and is going around as us- ual. Mitchell Brothers are 'running two. threshing outfitshin. Ther this season. s a 4 are good d rhresh r5 and Civil and ob- liging - ]tgitgyoungmen. John .3uchanan is again on the rounds with his threshing machin;. Solomon Bell and wife are in Tor- onto attending the Exhibition. People dere were sorry to. hear: of the death of Win. Oakley of J3rusuels. Mr. Oakley drove the stage' on ' the Gravel Road between Biltssels and Seaforth for: a number of yrears end' was always ready to aeeom.modate" his patrons. - Good Morning I News -Record means (dews -Leader. Are you a. suhs•1rt'er'1 New Fall Footwear. The New Fail Shoes in aforcit by e new season faithfully reproduced all the style features of the highest priced custom made. We can meet every Fossible requirement you may have in our line at moderate expense and guarantee thorough, satisfaction with every pair, They are refined styles, made of the best materials and easilytake the' lead for quality and value, q Y 'We are showing an especially good line of wom- en's shoes in all leathers, buttoned or laced, at $3.50. These we have received and placed in stock. Se CHAPIVLAN PRONE 70