HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-09-09, Page 5T'e September 9th, 1915.. A s Clinton News -Record Hensall Mr. Geo. 13caeln, wino has bean a resident of Ilensall, for the past t} 'ee'tiev s, intends remca: iiig to Los Angeles, C'aI, _T Kenneth f the shtil ' I Mr,Popeo c,o -the 111olsons Bank, Merlht, has been. holiday ing with i her 1n other i n town, o Mi•. Cleve Joynt has hem : niaking a bulginess trip to 'reroute and 74 Ton iw cal: , The Publiclie library' 1sbeing d' to , its new quarters in the town.. Nall, Mt. Win, •Craig left lash week to •superintend • the harvesting ofthe 'oral) on his farm near Moose Jaw; Mr, George Trott has gone' to Sask 't nrot to look after some inter - a sits he has there. Zurich Mrs. Chas. Iiey of Bad „ \xe, Miclf,;. :and Mrs Daniel Zinn of Cavalier,. North Dal ora, have been visiting 'friends and relative% Tioteaboiitsa • Mr, and Mrs. W Finkbeiner ; • and daughter- of Milverton were guests at the home of Mr, W. H. Iiollntan for a • few dais last week: Miss Margarets Lamont is spending a few weeks with relatives at- Min-, neapolis Mfrs. C Either. attended the funeral :of a friend in 'Dettoit.last week•' Mrs, 14 ':Racey and children - of. .Stratford were vitiators in. they vidlagc for a fewdays recent+11',. Mr., 13u; Smith of Detroit spent a few days :in town, last week.. Mr. and Mrs. Kelhofer and children :and Mr. and Mrs. S, Brown of Cred- iton visited at the lioute.of +Mr. J. Preeter last' week. Mr. Kelhofer. is a missionary to China and is home on 'furlough Rev. W. C'. iVIi17et and familyleft last week- for Newcastle, Pm, where Mr. Miller has taken a charge and -where they will make their hone, "Dungannon. Mr. Geo. Case left last week for Bobcaygeon, near where he has ac- cepted a school, Miss Margaret Ryan has been vis- iting her sister in New Liskeard, . Mr, S. M. Wickens of the Sterling Bank has been holidaying in Toronto. Rev, I. A. McKinley., Mrs. McKin- ley and Miss Irene have returned front there holiday trip. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Ross have- re- turned from their wedding trip and the former resumed his duties as principal of Clio Public saiool last week. Mr, and Mr;: W. Henry of Flesher- -ban spent a few days here recently. Mr. J. R. McNab spent a few days in Toronto recently. Wingham Miss Viola Tsard 'went down to I eamingtt:n last week to teach sCiiool, Miss Norma Dinsley has returned to Ditroit after stcnding se' eral' weeks at her home in town ' T Miss McKay of Seaforth was the. guest last wick of her sister., Mrs, 1.. Kennedy. Miss :McGill of Toronto has been visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.)' Ilai n- bly. Miss Gladys Sparking of Mcaford .,,,,, has been in town visiting her gaud - mother, Mrs. Mooney. • Mr, Joiin :Alien, son irf Mr. and 11Lrs. Itobt: :Allen, who has been. at. Tilbury foe some little time, hast been appointed .cashier of the local branch of the. Dominion Bank and his old friends,Welcome atm back to town, To the Farmers of Huron Countlj We are iu the market for oats, hucdk- wheai, and barley We want all we can get. Drive right to our ware- house on the south of . the G.T.R. track. We bre always at our house. opposite the Passengerer Station.We e woll be in the market for fall wheat, just as soon as the standards are fix- ed. No mon but a fool would , buy wheat this year without knowing it woatld grade. There is one thing you can, do and must do .if you want the bent prices for 3005 wheat,Y ou must dpi your wheat and to do so the best way is to clean it over with a fanning mill,. then rake it with, a common hand rake, and turn it once or twice and you will then have it so that von can handle it. Of- course the most of you have dry wheat; l and in hopes. to have , the, standard made broad enough to take in what little sprouted wheat there.. is and make it all. go No, 2,but the main thing for you to do,and you can do it is to dry your weat, what few of you have tough wheat.. In old tines. when 1 had five warehouses I dried tnan3i thossandds of bushels but we always bought' it. loam ,enough to Pay the exprr'se ,of drying. I hope to make C'hnian `an old-time market all, kinds of grain in, a .. ,reasonable -time. . With regard to timothy, seed we, have succeeded in .bringing price of of -timothy down at least '$3.00 a bag, notwithstanding the Govern- ment tax has been increased by war tax fully. a $1,00 a bag since' last spring. J. P. Shopped 1C Col sell my timothy at04.00 a bus. also. W. Johnson & Co. We also sell it at the warehouse at $4.50, time in most ,cases if wanted. Bring along your auris, buckwheat and bailey and. will 'soon ihe ready, for, Wheat. W. G. Perrin. Fruit Bulletin., 'rJ Niagara District Peach season 'now in full swing and hest varieties. Peaches, Pears • and Plums a t e ready for preserving or dessert pur- poses, Plousekeepers shoold not • delay, telling their grocers what fruits to ctder for thein, Coderich. Word reached here on Setutaay of the dearth in Hamilton of Joseph J; SSught, one of the hest -known tPsi- dents of Godeticlt rot lover half a esti tury. Mo. Wright wan about 85 rears old. As proprietor of 'I104 Point farm, '0x utiles north on -thelake Short, for a number of years, " ''Joe" Wright was well known tltrou koitt ah Onii ario' and indeed the vole ada: Under" anis' nnainagcoient the Point farm was perhaps one of the best known summer resorts in the province:: The late :Mr.. 'Wright was aotiv'e in the militia at tine time of the.Fenian Raid, and had always been- an advocate of progress in the county military organizations: Ile was ac- tive also in the town's interests, gen- erally, for many years, Later• in life he was proprietor of the Pari:_ house. NIr, yight is survived by a widow and a number of 'sons, in prominent Positions. in various: cities of the Dominion, - • Miss Hattie Miller has returned to' her duties fn Godericli •titer. seending a weekat the home of her parents, Mr. and" Mrs' Janes 'Miller,' - tiuroll' Road. Miss Hattie iS an ever with-, NI worker.andcapable of any Task that is set before her. • Miss Hattie 'Belcher :has returned from a ;visit of sa,ve:al weeks" in Muss koka arid ' fs 11111011 improved in health. Mr:. Leslie Inksber' has returned to Lethbridge to complete lilt With 'the Hudson Bay Conlpariy and in a• month .will return to train for. overseas service. Hie only 'brother Cs in the trenches in b'ranee: Mrs. W.. Cr, Luker _ ' returned . last week to her hotiic to Toronto after a .visit of some weeks with rarer' sister, Mrs..Robt. H. Johnston. Dr, and Mrs. Struthers and .little daughter of Toronto, were the guests of Itir, and Mrs C, J. harper ro centhi. Mrs. Claire Swarts and Miss Lldina are visiting in. Toronto. this week. Mr: 'R. R.'Sallows and Miss Verna havo returned e el 1r n o fa ! t trip Algon- quin o ago quin Par'ik. Mrs. J. C. Greig of Seaforth alas,. in town last week visiting friends. 1VIrs Andrew Porter and little daughter returned last neck from. a two months' visit with the lady's sister, Mrs. (Judge) Nye of Minneso- ta. Rev. Dr. Dickie and family returns ed last week to their hone at Mon- treal after spending the summer at Mennesetung .Park, bit. and Mrs. W. R. Reid have re- turned to their home in Brooklyn, N. Y., after a visit with the lady's fath- er, lir. A. Farrow, Miss Ilelen Strang of Lenox, Mass,, and Miss Margaret Strang of 'Toron- to arrived home last Week to attend the marriage of their sister, Miss Edith Irene Blair, daughter of NIr. and Mrs. W. ,T, Blair of town, was married on Thursday last to Mr. Geo. J. C'urrell of 'Toronto. (10 their return from a wedding' trip they will reside in Cloderich, Mr. Walter Nafttl of the, Star was married on Saturday last • to Miss Cora F. Sinclair of Perth. Seaforth. -Nits K. liroadloot of Hamilton vis- ited her mother, Mr's. J. 11. Broad - foot of town, last week for a few days. Miss Helen Jautieson o1 13roolfl}ia, N.Y., has been the guest of hilus Ethel Beattie. Miss Effie McCloud has returned to Detroit after a visit with her moth- er, Mrs, D. Clark of 'J'3untondi•dlle. Mrs; L. L. McFaul has been visiting her 'son, Dr. .J.,II. McFaul of Toron- to. iMTr. A., E. Fomes left last week for Dunnville where be will make his Bone, having been appointed manager of the Dunnville Engine Company. Dr, Aberhart. of 'Toronto has been visiting his mother, MIS• 1. Aberhart of town, Mr. Cleo. Rankin of Philadelphia has been visiting relatives in 'town and vicinity recently, It is forty-six yearn since Mr, Rankin was last in Seaforth Mr. and Mrs Dan'itl Scott' of Wor- cester, Mass., visited his Cousin, Dr, Scott of town, recently. They made the trip by. auto and have been tak- ing in the Toronto Fair, Mr. and Ma.. 1Jarold Best have re- turned to their home in Regina, ' Mrs, Mervin and son Cyril have .re- turned from a visit in Tbironto and Dermot Mrs, W. E. Kerslake and Miss Dorothy have returned from a visit with friends in Michigan. Hurrah for Judge Klein. (Kincardine Review.) At a public meting, to devise means for purchasing machine guns at Wier- -ton recently,'The Echo rePorls as follows : Judge Klein, whcu happened to be present, gave a most pr;aetioal address. Ile told the audience, that lie, was hrutall3+ frank,; but his -frankness Was, appreciated 'anet he ', was heard with pleasure. He stated that it was ed no purpose to belong to a church unless we did something .practical and it was of no Ilse to ''profess our loy- alty unless we shoved it. Ilis mother was born in Germany, his father in Alsace, and the fast national anthem he: heard was the French. He stated correctly that we pay : too much at- tention to Sport, at this time, base - hall, lacrosse; :;bowling etc: ' The bowling tournament` in a 'town he could mention. this year w•oultl cost $300 and lid thought it should be withdrawn• and the.money s,:ent in purchasing a inaellfnc gun. In 1883 he had gone to the, north-west during the rebellion. Ile belonged . to the, 324• Bruce ands 24.0 men oflet'ed to go in one Week.'There was . no 'pat- riotic fund,no •poclis for the' soldiers,.. he closed his office and left his wife and' child, and at hili own .expeanse. Went those for three 'ioaonths , hould nut lues do the same thing' "iiishv 1 He would not buy from any busuntsn', man who would" not gine to -patriotic Purposes. Bluth Mi, Ed. MelVTillan..lcft last lvoek'foi: a trip 'Lo the west Tie:intends ; go- ing as ;far ao tinortot. ' Miss ;IIugttes rettitned Inst. week to n her home. to Durham after Visiting her sisiLer, Ihirs. 11000, at the. rectory. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. ,Stackhouse were in Toi(fntchist .w eek. '. 'Nr Mark 'Parkhill is the 'new nritici bill of. the ;Pubino `relic rl W' nein 1 . I, r A. opened i on September the first. ' Mrs. • H. (Moan "left last ayeelc for ilet,l10 to in Windsor, Ir James Mee: Dbilds ' has been iu Toronto during the past week, Miss 'Hilda Grieves has returned to her 'holne in London. after: a visit with her aunt,gMrs. James Davis, .Mr. James Meburchie ' and Misses Matt and Jean were in Toronto for a few days, last week, But, Surely it is Different in Clinton. (WinglIam Advance'.)' there 'are two printing offce;a in town and the proprietors of both do their buying at home. Last -week ,a traveller carrying printing as a side- line was in town. He got several or- ders. We would ask those who gave the orders if they are helping the .town by sending their money out. Either , printing office condi have done the work and we can niy that it would have teen done as well and as cheap: -LK ineardine . Reporter, • -That' same traveller was in Wing - ham and left Without an `order ? Well no ! he had a goodly list of them, and "Wingliam, among other industries, boasts of havini'g, two of the best equipped printing offices in Western Ontario. On The Honor Ro11. Walkerton, August 20.—On the door of the English church is a list cd twenty-four navies of young Hien who have enlisted for foreign service from the congregation cul this church. Tine pastor, Rev. R. Perdue, has been yer3' 'Zealous in advising the young men, of his church to enlist and this is the re- sult. Three more of Walkerton's citizens have enlisted 80 far this week. Ev- erett Truax, who recently lost his wife after only one month's marriage; C. P. Nutting, a nnarried man, who leaves a wife- and four children, and Thos. Udell, a yaung mantled man, with one child. Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the C'entttry. Taken from the Files of The News -Record of the date indicated. Clinton, Sept-. 111h, 1000. lllr. Hedge:is, 0.T.11 town agent, sold ono hundred. tickets for Toronto this week and about seventy. were sold at the station. Mr. 1V., T. O'Neil has purchased the grocery business carried. on for some time -by 515 1Tdville and took pos- session 011 '1 ucsday. JMoney McCaughey W011..tine troph3n donated by the. Motor and Cyclo Company in the final race inc), Fri- day eymiing. The following two rinks from Clin- ton are taking part in the big tour- nament in 1Valkerville this week t J. Ps Tisclall, Jas. Fair, D, A. For- rester, G: Simpson, J. ,Johnston, J. W. Shaw, IL, 11. Combe. ' Wheat 03e to 04e. Barley 38e to 40c. Oats 28e. Peas 57c. Butter Ise to 16c. Eggs 11c to 12o, Live hogs $1.10 to 30.25. Marriages III:WSON!-S'I'RANCI—On Sept. 2nd, • at 0oderich, Jessie Motrison, daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Strang, bo Frederick Hamilton Hewson, New Liskeard. MACL[:NNAN iiie,LENNAiN — At Lochalsh on. September 1st, Mary - McLennan, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs,. Mrs. F. R. McLennan cif Goclerlcii, to Alectan- der• Maclennan, Toronto. C!URREI;I—BL.\IR—In Codericdi on e ten of 2udEdith Irene u e •t daughter stet of Mr. and o n da l } es b Mos W. J. Blair, to George Jam es Carrell of Toronto, Births 0ANDIE11—In Clinton, of September 3rd, to Di'. J. C. and Mrs. dan- dier, a daughter. • McT.NTYRE—Int Clinton on Sept. 0111, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Me Intyre,' tt daughter. i'I'.RDUE—In Goderich township, ort' August 30th, to Mr. and 'Vita. John 'Perdue, a son. L1WIS—in Winb9tarn of August 31st to Mr. and Mrs.' A1., Lewis, a son: 1VMASON-1n. Wingliam, on Aug. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mason, a daughter. LIee-1n Iallett on Aa n st 245 to , Mr., and Mrs. Samuel Lee, a daughter. GROVES—hi win1`liam o August S n 6 31st, to Seegt. henry and Mrs, Craves, a daughter. Deaths. CL0FF—in Goder:ich township, mi. Seed. 2nd, John Chili, aged 74 years and 6 months, 14_RIeMLJN—In Clinton on Sept. 1511), Margaret Pe'duc, relict orf• the late "I'lionas 'Freml!n, aged '73 yi.ars, AR,MS'L'RONCt—in Morris township on August 24th, Jennie 'M:c1S.cnzie,. wife • of Robot Armstrong, in her 4.71h year. Goderich Township Ai,,the last ineeti tg of the. • tofn- I slit council 3ieaste. 11. 1C. Revell' P 1 and. Gec . Laittiwaibc 'resented u a 1 petition, of over fifty signature's in-ao4 cordance with the Noxious Wdot'sAct to have council appoint a weed in- spector. The matter was left over until 'the Octob'er me ting when (3unt-, l i c e7 m tens s to, the necessary by- law. In rile meantime council re -- quests that each pa"thniastea: have ilio weeds cut onhis road division as per sbatltte. , Each ratepayer - should be responsible for .the cutting 01 the weeds in, front of his owe prorer y, The taxes which are as follows will be about the same as last ,)rear with the exception of the, additional war tax. : County 2 8-10 mills, 'township 2 4-10, general 'school 2 mills, war tax 1 3-10 mills.—N, W. Trewartba, Clerk, STOVi's`S FOR ;St\Ll];-0N1 COAL heateralmost new and oxo wood cook.—Win, Walker, Iiigh street, -01 PATRIOTIC MEETING ie. the Council C'iianiber at 3 - o'clock on Friday day Afternoon r. C noon This Week An: important meeting. Let the metnbers rally, Re -Opening oL' the Ontario St, l}pworth League on Next Monday Evening MUSICALE AND PHOTO- GRAPTIIC. Come and Guess WVlio's Who. P.S.—Social Committee will serve 3,ou well. YOUR CLOTHES C'LI.ANED, RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Alae having bought a • machine I ant pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, Gent's Suits and all ]buds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, eta :All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Grigg's jewelery Store,—Win. J. Jago, —55 HOUSE TO RENT. --A COMFORT - able furnished house at coiner of Huron and North streets to rent for the • winter months or longer.— Apply to Mrs. Hessian.. —100 510TORC.1. C L11 FOR SA LE. — A single cylinder, :1 -horse power "111- dian" motorcycle for balk- at a - bargaiu.—A. V. Quigley. QUA 1i'CIi14-t(BE LOT FOR SALE on North Street. Stone cellar. Will be sold cheap.—Aptly to Mrs. Mar- tin O'Donnell. —01 ABOUT GRAFTING.—Lang string 1 got an oxpei.tcnced man to put- my Plum trees in order and to show the difference between grafting and Miring, young 'trees. The grafts costs 5 cents,, the new tree from 25 to 35 cents. The former will bear in 1 war, I:he young tree in front 3 to b. One 01 my grafts is already six feet long.—Santos H. 1lcnvs;:n. F013 SIAL 1,.—A SET OF SINGLE Harness and a Light 13ugb3'. Terms to snit.—Apply to Wallis and Lang- ford, Ford Dealers, Clinton. —99 FOR SALE.—THE UNDERSIG NED has a limited quantity of fall wheat for seed. This held was claimed to be the best field of 1411 wheat be- tWeen Wingliam and Leaden it is clean and free from smut. -Frank Tyndall, R.R. No. 4, Pismc 2 on 102. ---99 FOR, SALE. -18L ACRES OF LAND more or less, on the 13111 con. of TTullett, pari of lot 39. There is a good frame house with stone cellar full size. Baht 32x30 witli fou stalls under. Good youngorchard.d. There are ttvo frame buildings on the place which will he sold with the place or separately. • One is 24x'3.6 and the other 10x30.—For further: particulars apply to R. Morrison, R.R. No, 1, Auburn P'. 0. -39 IOUS.E AND LOT ON DUNLOP ST. for sale.—Ono and one-half story frame, seven roolits. Waterworks and 'soft water. Quarter acre land with ,a.number of fruit trees. Stable, - The grope 1434 is in good condition and will be sold at a reasonable price.—herb, Alexander,. -9G. FAltltl .IFOR. SALJG OR TO RENT. What, is hest known as the Robert Marshall farm' on the Bayfield Road, is o miles south of Clinton is offer- ed for sale or to rent, for a terns of. one or three years. 175 acres, in. Pod state of cultivation, good bank barn and frame hoose. About six acres of good young orchard. Possession given middle of .:March next,' 1)101 renter or purchaser can. get on to do fall plowing. Apply to P'• H. Powell or Wen.' Glenn, Ex- ecutors, Clinton P. 0. -07 CALVES FOR. SALE.—A 'NUMBER just received, -:'apply to. W. Marquis, R. 0, No, 1, Clinton. ?Iloilo 14 , on 50, -80. FOR SALP,i—TEAT WELL - SIT noted house at the cornet of Ras - Ian and Rattenbuty street's iS offer- ed 'for sale, Eleatric light,' water- works and "soft water, Stabler Wi11• bo sold at a bargain to settle -up, the Briclkendee Estate.—Apply' at Jacob Taylor's office. -=99 14'O -R SALE: - '4 YOUNG , DRIVER three years past, Well broken and not scared. of autos, they don't bother her a bit.—Also one buggy in good shape.—George 'Ladd, Section Foreman, 1-lolneSville, —94. FOR RENT. -100 -ACRE FARM ON the Bayfield Road, 21.\• miles south of Clinton. Well cultivated, good brick house, bank barn and other buildings. '1'wo wells on place. Or- chard. For further particulars ap- ply to—M,is. John Wiggintoa, Olin- -bon,, P.O., Box 231. -90. HENS AND BROILERS WANTED, highest market price will be paid.- • W. Marquis, R. R. 1, Clinton, or Phone 14 on 60. —87 SVM EE?IOTEL,0KNOWN AS THE Commercial, situated 'on Lake Hur- on, will' he sold reasonable as • the proprietor intends to give up' the business. For particulars apply to H. 'Darrow, Bayfield, Ont, —86. HOUSE FOR SALE.—THE PRO - perry of the late Mrs. Thos, East. Frame, 7 roosts, good cellar with cement floor, wood shed and chicken pen, all in good repair, 11 fruit trees, apples, plums, cherries and pear.—Apply to H. Wiltse, Phone 40. —80 APPLES WANTED ! I will begin operations in my; Evaporator Bayfield •curl Wednesday ' morning, September 8th, and - will pay the highest market price for apples—Peel,er's and Chops, EDWARD MERNER, Hayfield, nitry a ted Now that the poultry fattening season is approaching we are in a position to handle atl1 your poultry at top market prices. New Laid Eggs We are still paying a premium for large clean new laid eggs not over four Clays old, It will pay you to tape the very Lest* care of your eggs and sell them to us where you re- ceive city prices for choice quality. Have you tried Guttn's Easificst Shortening ? Better and cheaper than lard. Now is the time of year to use our cured meats. A fresh sup-. ply received weekly, Seed Wheat If you want good seed wheat that will gtov—call on 115 before you buy elsewhere: GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The lip -to -date Firm. CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins Spioo Qiiality Spice quality will determine the success of your pickles -anti preserves. The pickling season is vvitls us tone again. • No housewife wants to take chances on having her pickles., spoiled by poet ingredients. The kind, we 'sell cad 'be depended • on. C ialits is the feature or ours, ,Spices and Vinegar. $ar. 1n hulk spices we have an excellent assortment, including ground allspice, cloves, celery seed, _ mustard seed, tumeric, curry powder;,, ginger and whole mixed shoe. Whole pickling spice will be in special demand. We have a, quality article at 40 cants a lb,, also. 5 and 10 oent packages. If pickles are to keep tlio qualit'y'of tL•,e' Vinegar must be good. It is false economy to biiy poor vinegar because it 05 a , few a0nts less. We have Ileinze's special Molding ,vinegar. Don't forget settlers, rings and seal- ing 'wax. I -Ii gbest 'Price Paid for Batter. and Eggs. Johnson.*. CO... The Store of Qualtiy. Successor to S. Barr, '. Phone 111. ?atone orders- promptlyn attendbd to, THE CIJ1111Efl STO E R Live and Let Live The Spice flakes the Pickles. Have you ever .alserf 1 that some ` pickles and meat "sauces- have 1111- -'fe,rent flavors from others. The cause lies in the spice a -ed vinegar used,' OUR MIXED' PICKLING!- SPICE. as well as our other spices -are sel- ected with the utmost .circ. You can not go wrong in u'sing therm, ALL SPICE. Cinnamon, whole or ground„ Cloves,, whole or ground. Curry Powder, Mace Turmeric, Celery Seed, Whole „Mixed Pickling Spice, All kinds of good quality vinegars to select from. • We have the. Perfect Seal and Crown Brand C4eli2s. E. E. HUNNIFO D R LIVE AND ., LET LIVE GROCER. Anything You WANT DONE IN THE LINE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGH- ING. PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. CALL AND GIET OUR PRIC- ES. ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAPEST. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. Western University, London. Income Doubled—now $75,000. Another Largo Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and 5Iedicino, GREATLY INCREASEII ENROL MENT IN VIEIV. , Write for particulars to •dem E. E, BRA:ITTIR'AITE, M.A., Ph. D. PRESIDENT. The, Clinton Garage Open All Night, The season is now au for Gasoline Stoves. iVhy not buy filtered gasoline out of our Bowser: pump, which passes the gasoline through fine screens and a filter, Prices always the lowest, SYe keep on hand a stack of Automobile Supplies and Bicy- cle Repairs and do all kinds of repairing promptly and at a reasonable charge. Auto Livery in connection. J. 1-i. PAXMAN CEUNT 1 We have on hand a car- load of Portland Cement and all orders for same will be filled promptly. JOHN HUTTON, LONDESORO. CREAM WAN'T'ED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two"cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques is q s tw t o each month, cheques payable at par. We pay, the high' est market• prices consistent with an honest test. Testing, done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, areful-ly'weighed, sampled and tested oie arrival and 'statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn -may leave their cream with , Mr. ' Halt who will deliver it here. Write for eats and give ue a trial. —The Seaforth. Creamery, Bos 480, Seafortb. Fruit If you will not try Roman. Meal to aid indigestion how about some fruit to increase, your indi- gestion ? . To help you we have all the f r u i t s i ri season: Watch f o r peaches, now special p r ices and especially good quality. W. T. O'Nei1 • CHIMNEY. TOPS. It's a trade to build a good chim- ney anti. to repair a roof. It takes more than a sheet of notal, a hot iron and solder, it requires exper- ience. If your cliintnen does not draw well send for us and we will put it in order ; if your roof leaks we'll mend it. ALL KINDS OF TINNING we do well and reasonably. It is your assurance of perfect satisfaction in old or new welt. In- sist on. getting, Canada C'ertrent, A full stock on hand at all. times. Hemlock silts cut to order. Shingles xxx and xxxx. SI tee° and pine dressed sidings and floorings.. Metallic building materials, Lehigh Valley coal,, all sires. Steam coal. Smitlting coal. Tile, all sizes,' either in the yard or :delivered on the job. Cedar posts all sixes. 14 -inch slabs, a bargain. Anyone in the; market for an31 the above lines will do well to, JOHN B. MUSTARD Bruce el fl d, Phono11,on 149.' THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 63. ARTISTIC J. G. CRICII, THE RELI- ABLE DECORATOR, MAKES A' SPECIALTY OF CHURC1If:S, LODGE ROOMS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. HIS ADDRESS is 400 DOWNIE St., STRATFORD A Drop in Kindling A LARGE STOCK ON HAND. WILL BE SOLD CHEAP 'PHI NT '' C 'PHIS MONTH . '.lo CLEAR R FOR CASH ONLY. Leave your orders for Fer- tilizer and Potash for your root crop. We will mix it for ' you at the store. — I North End 'Feed Store. Frank k W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms: Cash. Phone 197, Are You Troubled with e ieadach s 1; If so the cause rimy y be eye ; - strain and in that event a . pair of properly ' fitted glasses will bring relief and cure. It is worth trying. < " l.i . Come to us and we will make a careful test of your eyes and tell you what is the ;matter and what you need. In our long exeriehco. •rn'' p _ the Optical business • we have made a great .number of examinations and' it is. a source of much pleasure 1 for us: to 1•now that our flutings have invariably, givengreat satisfaction. If "yolk oyes ' bother;; -3100• come to us and'.learn' reason' why,, A. 4.I. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Lieeilses, i .