HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-09-02, Page 8Clinton News -Record
Se ptennber 2n(I, 191
Xt isnotnecessary�
with ns,
are good
not satisfied
clean your
week you
Price 512,50.,
yen. will
chine you
play it
Singer Sewing Machines.
for us to say anything aboutthe good quality of
sewing machines, they have made'en enviable reputation for
They are 'withnut a doubt the best household machine
It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
.Ostermoor Mattresses
mattresses. ' We will give you thirty nights free trial and if
return to us and get your money back. The price is 515.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
house should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner.'They will
rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
will save all your sweeping and dusting. Free trial given,
Columbia Grafonolas:
invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and
say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma-
have heard, Come in and ask for any record and we will
for you.
Ball Sc. Atkinson
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104.
N. BALL Phone ItO. J. A. ATKINSON, Phone 186
mumossinammullmiSimew •
l i!,
De Laval Cream Separator
The World Standard.
Ideal' Green Feed Silos,
Alpha Gasoline Engines,
l tDe Laval Oil and
Wendott Cleanzer.
Stock of repairs kept at my house 3
doors west of Commercial Hotel and
1 repairing done Saturday afternoons.
Also Agent for Newcombe Pianos.
W. Hamilton, Phone 207 Clinton.
We have bought largely and have had goods com-
ing in all the year so far and our stock at the present
time is heavy in fact more than we should carry at
this season of the year. So in order to reduce it as
much as possible we will- offer special prices for one
month,' commencing July 29th.
Dreis goods for less than many lines could be
bought for today.
One lot of fancy colored crepes worth 15c for 10c.
Ladies' waists from 35e up,
House dresses from 90c to $1,50,
40 pieces of print at 5c while they last.
Straw hats at cost, some lines less,
30 children's dresses to clear.
Men's suits, odd pants, odd vests.
Some lines in boots and shoes, only a few of each
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits — More Business
Getting Down to Facts.
We thick ourLShoes take the topmost position in
every particular l
We believe our Shoes are generally conceded, even
by our competors, to be
The same careful attention is given to the style,
fit and dependable quality of our $2,00, $2.50 and $3.00
shoes as is given to our shoes costing $5.00 and $6.00,
Getting down to facts we believe your shoe money will
do better work here than it will at any other store !.
JUST core SEEt
Shoes for men, for women, for the school boy
and girl, for the very little people and for. infants,
The Good Shoes Store.
We have just received a carload of the can e old brand
of Portland Cement which has always given you such com-
plete. satisfaction.
om-plete'satisfaction, It always fills your requirements. You
cannot make a mistake using the National.
S. J. ANDREWS, Clinton
The, News -Record to any
address in Canada to end of
1915 for 35 cents.
New Fitted Coats
which have full flared hips
Norfolk and Sports Coats
Nipped Waistline in Coats and Dresses
Smocked, Shirred, Tucked'
and Gathered Dresses°
Princess Dresses in various styles
and Jumper Skirts
ate the latest up-to-date features, and
together with many other beautiful styles
will be shown in the
For Autumn
With each copy you get any
Standard Pattern FREE
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best.
Oi { im ! prauunan rWgp
:_.• ,•,........ giaiyvmrnd Ii.
Mr. Harry Fitzsimons was in Toron-
to over the week -end.
AIr. and Mrs. S. Kemp and Miss
Nellie visited friends about
grave the the drab of the week,
Miss A. Landsboro of Brucefield spent
several days of last week with her
sister, Mrs. George Stanbur:y.
Misses Violet and Annabelle Petrie of
Brucefteld left last week to resume
their duties as teachers at Sault
Ste. Marie,
It's a little courtesy yces owe your
visitors to have their named ap-
pear in The News -Record's Person-
al Columns,
Dr, %I, Fowler, Mrs. Fowler, Master
Fred and Miss Gertrude went to
Torontq on Saturday to spend a
few slays in the city„
Ire. H. S. Chapman left on Monday,
for his old home at Uollingwooil
where he will remain the whole
week enjoying a well-earned holi-
Mr, Fred. Weir of Swift Current,
Sask., who has been visiting at his
home at Peterboro, 'spent the
week -end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Jennison,
Mr. J, G. Crichthe artist, former-
ly of Tuekersmith but for some
months past of Stratford, bee lo-
cated in 'Toronto as most central
for the practice of his procession,
Mlis. (Dr.) W. J. R. Bowler of Tor-
onto, who came up for her little
daughter, who spent the holiday
period with relative's in town and,
district, returned to the city on
Friday last.
Mr. W. Jackson, C.P.R. agent book-
ed the following to western points
the past week : Thomas, Samuel
and Norman East, John Sterling,.
0. Carter, S, Appleby, Reuben
Johnston, Edward Ma'r'shall, Jam-
es Johnston, 1 Mr. Mrs W. H.
and 1
Mrs. Chas. B. Hale and family re-
turned on Friday last from Nat-
tel's, one of the prettiest points on
the lake shore where they spent
several weeks. Mr. Hale went over
when business would permit and his.
brother, Mr. Win, B, Haley enjoyed
the whole holiday period there.
Mr. said Mrs. S. S. Cooper had as
their guests at the week -end : Mr,
and Mrs. Ti, Hanna, Miss Charlotte
Hanna, Mr. J. Hanna, Master Har-
old Hanna, all of Milverton ; Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Cooper and their
little family, Orei Evelyn and
Helen, Goderich ; Miss Ada Hanna,
Mrs, 115. Fisher and I\ kr D. Welsh,
Miss Violet Sewell, daughter of Mrs.
Bristbwe, returned op S ltuaday
from Kincardine where for several'
weeks she was n'rperintendent of
the hospital, On Tuesday she left.
for Toronto enroute for Ottawa
where she must report today, haw-
ing been accepted as a member of
the Canadian Corps of Nerscs,
They will sail very shortly fop the'
Old Country. Miss Sewell is a
graduate of Victoria hospitaland
as well teak a post graduate in ones '
of the largest hospitals in New
York City, She offered her services
saris tame ago and has been anxious
to go where her skill and exper-
ience map be most profitably utilivr
Ir, and Mrs. Enos Hull of Davidson,
Michigan, have been spending the
past week with the Chief and Mrs..
Wheatley, the latter being a sister
of Mr. Hull. Mr. T-Iull is an old-
time citizen of Clinton. He was
born down near Teeter, lived in
Clinton for about two decades ea
twenty-three years or so ago moved
across, to M•iolsigan. That lie did
well and now enjoys Easy Street
is the result of energetic applica-
tiois to business, Speaking about
the weather, be said that Michigan
has been getting a ninth greater
rainfall than was wanted 'so that
in that respect farming . conditions
are as had, if not a little' worse,
than over here. Mr, Mull •sees very
many changes, all for the better, is
the old town since he moved away.
wAbout That New fall Suit
We are now ready with a complete range of new fall suitings .to take your order and make you up a suit
that in;fit, style and finish will be excelled by none.
All Men Buying New Clothes Want Their Money's Worth
and They Get It At BROWN'S.
By money's worth we mean the fullest and completest value in fabric, fit and fashion that money can buy
Most men's clothing stores that we know of sell pretty good clothing, But BROWN'S clothing store
holds to a standard in choice of fabrics and in actual detail of making that places our clothing in a class by itself.
BROWN'S men's suits, whether high priced or low priced, to satisfy us, must be better and we see to
it that they are are better. The "pretty good" kind won't do.
Our Men's Cothing Store Keeps It's Customers Right With Fashion.
When you order a suit made at BROWN'S you caa depend upon it being thoroughly reliable in every
way. It is not the material of which a garment is made alone that counts. It is the hundred and one little
details in the making and fitting which bring about the effect that only a skilled tailor can produce. We stand
behind every garment that leaves our Work room and will guarantee style, fit and finish that will suit the most
fastidious taste.
We can give you the suit you are looking for—supposing of course you are looking fol a good suit ; all
wool in fabric and correctly tailored,
We Also Carry A Full Line of Men's Furnishings.
Agents for
Priestley'8 Dress
Agents for
Butters ck
About People You Know
Miss Cleta Dunford has been visiting
Captains Dowding, Sloan, Mercer and
Collet motored up from London on
Mrs. J. C;; Henry returned on Satur-
day from London where She spent a
Mr. A. T. Cooper and Master Willis
spent a few slays of the past week
with Toronto friends.
Misses Lthe1 and Rate Goyim, their
holidays being over, returned to
Toronto on Saturday.
Mr. Charles Keller, accompanied by
Charles Junior and Mrs. Springer,
was in Goderich on. Friday.
Mr. S. J. Andrews, P.M.., went to
Toronto on Tuesday to attend a
meeting of the Police Magistrates
ss ciao n.
A o a
Mrs. A. J. Grigg and Miss Helen
have returned home after a
three -
visit with London and St.
Thomas friends.
Miss Mattie Blacker returned last
week from Goderich where she
spent part of the holidays with her
uncle and aunt.
Mrs. Alex, Armstrong, after visiting
Clinton and Goderich friends for a
few weeks, returned to her home in
Toronto on Saturday.
Mrs,. W. Jackson, Mrs. H. E. Paull,
Miss Alice Ranee, Master Harry
Shaw and Master Harry Rance are
spending the week in Toronto.
Mrs. Case and Miss Jessie Case of
Seaforth, Miss Swingler and
Master, Wm. Powell of Philadelphia
spent Thursday with Mrs. Bowden..
Miss Stephenson, the long .vacation
being over, returned last week tot
Port Arthur to resume hex deities
as ti member of the Public 'school
teaching staff. •
Miss E. Louise Holmes, secretary of
the Edmonton Fair Association,
uefce of Mrs. H. B. Chant, is
spending a couple of weeks with
her parents in Toronto.
Miss Cole and Miss Evans returned
this week from Nattel's on the lake
shore where they spent -several
weeks, Mee i's. Cole and Moans
went over for the week -end,
Mr,. George Swartz returned last
week frau Winghain where he spent
several months with his son, Mr,
Ed. ,Swarta, and will lin=e with his
, daughter, Mrs. - Clara Rum:bal'l,
Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Mustard and
family, who spent the long vacation
at 73ayfield and' with the lady's
parents, Mr. .and Mrs.' B. Macdon-
ald of town, 'have returned to Tot
Mr_ and Mrs. Ken Chowen and their
lit,,tle daugieter and Mr, and. Mrs,
will. Collyer, and family returned
on Saturday .last from Bayfield
where they spent the, holiday period
in Jowett's grove.
Mr. W. C Brown, who has been
looking after leis business interests
in Woodstock for, the past people of
months, returned to town on Mon-
day to again' personally diroet af-
fairs in Iris two big stores, dry
goods • and clothing.
Dr, Roy Ball lies been in Exeter the
past week,
Mr. H. Palmer of the Royal gang
atafl is holidaying 'at Detroit,
Mr. Kenneth Pope of Merlin spent
last week with friends in town,
Miss Elsie Farquhar has returned
from Point Patin where she was
Mr. Clarence Shepherd of the Mai-
sons Bank at Iroquois is li;ilidaying
at his honed n town.
Mrs, William Walker is spending
ing the week with her sister, Mrs.
T. Rumball of Elmira.
Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons and' son
Ra;s are spending a houple of weeks
with friends at Mitchell,
SIr., Ray Rumba]] left• on Saturday
for New York City. For the
son whysscunder 'm rria es.
Mr. George McElroy, Ottawa, en-
gaged in erecting ge del c semi eS
towers, is in town this week
Miss J, Broadfoot of Hamilton is
spending a few days wills Mr. and
Mrs. C. G. Middleton, Huron Road.
Mr. and hint. Seeley and Wilfrid and..
Mrs. Ira Johns visited Guelph,
Rockwood and Berlin at the week-
Mr. Nixon' Welsh returned to Toronto
yesterday to resume his duties as a
member cC the .teaching staff of the
Public schools,
Mrs. Bristowc accompanied her
daughter, Miss Sewell, as far as
Toronto and will 'spend a' week or
ten slays in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mellish, Miss
Bessie and Miss M. Cooper spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James
Connolly of Croderieh,
Miss 4ilrins i who 'has been visiting
at the parental home, that of SIr.
and Mrs. Donald Kennedy, leaves
this week to return to Winnipeg.
Mrs. Chau, I". Libby, accompanied by
her: grandsron, Master Emmerson
Libby, leaves tomorrow for a
month or six weeks' stay in Tor:on-
Mrs. Sarah Downs of Iona Station
mist her. daughter, Sirs. C. Pickering
of Ferni.e, B.C., are visitors at the
home of the latler's brother, Mr.
1'd: S. Downs,
Miss Kathleen Crandall of Clifford
who arrived on Saturday to take a
;position with Couch & Co. fox the
mfllinor3' sease:n,'spent the week -end
with Mis's Fannie Hibbs.
Miss. Minnie her and , Miss Hazel
Ker, who spent a portion of the
holidays in town, have returned to
Brantford where berth are members
of the Public school teaching staff,
Mr; 'Harry Bartliff went to Berlin, on
Monday and brought hone a' new
Regal automobile for which he ansi
Mr. Albert Seeley have the agency.
Tile Regal is, e, medium priced carr
and lcoaks,good..
Mrs. Robert Waghoxn and two chit
• dren, Toropnto, and Mrs. 'T. J. Mc-
Michael and her little daughter:,
Evelyn of -near, Cons'tianee have
been spending a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Scott of the
Base Line.'
The News From Londesboro.
J, II. and Mrs. Pipe of Onlerich
spent Sunday at the home of It. J.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Taylor of West-
field spent Sunday at the home of Mr•
Jas. Elsley,
Miss O. F. Brigham left Tuesdap
for Highgate to resume her duties as
Miss B. Campbell of Westfield is
visiting her cousin, Miss J. Elslen',
Rev F. E. and Mrs. Clydesdale
from near ']'eeswater spent Tuesday
at the parsonage.
Mie, Flossie Brown left Tuesday for
Arthtr where she will teach.
Miss L. Young is visiting Blyth
Mr. Jas. Webster, who suffered a
slight stroke last week, is improving.
. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mogridge, Mr.
and Mrs.W. Marsh of Auburn spentt
Sunday at •the home of Mr. Charles
The Syndicate threshers are again
on their rounds and are' booking up, a
big season's operations. So far they
have found the yield good though
much of the straw is discolored but
there is an abundance of it. There is
an energetic bunch in charge of the
machine, that is Wes Vacislen is en-
gineer, Billy Addison separator man
and Jimmy McCool water man,.
News -Record Means News -Leader.
Are you a subscriber ?
Ed. Gray secured the Wink rn
School and left Wednesday to tike.
up his duties,
Mrs. F. Moss, of Westfield spent.
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Wm,.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Shannon of Me
Killop spent Sunday the guests of
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Arras trong.
Mrs. H. Taylor and children. of
>Iarriston spent a week the guests or
tier uncles, Snell Bros.
Mr, and Mrs. John McGregor and
daughter of Walkerton spent a few
slays the guest of this lady's mother,
Mrs. ;VIc t ly , and others.
Theew s c0 to -end of .1015 fu
35 cents. Are you a sitbseriber ?
There was a family gathering at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jain
Mole the other day, Mr. and Mrs.
David Mold and faintly being present -
from Rochester, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs.
Will Mole and family from Dungan-
non, Mr. and Mrs. Esl. Mole from
Seaforth and Mrs. 41+11 Sparks from
Port Elgin. Mrs, Arthur Sparks was
down from Southampton recently.
School Shoes0
School Days Are Almost Here.
We are prepared to meet the requirements
of the girls and boys in School Shoes, our stock
contains all the new shapes in all leathers.
Prices to suit every purse, and also that
most essential point that School Shoes must
have good wearing qualities.
Call and see for yourselves. It will be a
pleasure to show you what we have.