The Clinton News Record, 1915-09-02, Page 5epternber 2fid, 1915 .Clinton News-Reeor4 • ; : . , • ••. ,.,...sitio,60•peo*•mi),!... 40166: G. Harper OU Carbondale, Brother':OfIl3;ev.:•,:, F. C. Harper, ::Clinten, • ; • -(Prom ,04tboridaae:.(Pa) Leaflet.) • While crashing the, :trac'4S of tim t•-•a.leraneachile branch of tIte rrelaWare• fltl Hudson 'railroad at'Teeth:aven14e- •:. at 3,20 e"clecif. Oellin$1 , Jas.. Harper' one of •I the city's proln in- oitIZons and.. leading , prafP8Sioner • Men, WO. fatally injured. When, the an- 'toiesobile'in which he was -Miring, WM- ;teuck by the ,passenger " tied to airriVe" in 1,11"s city - at 5,30 6"Mock, He; • a-peaustajned a riactuae at the base of • "the' skull,•sdrerar,,,traliturod :ribs and Internal ,injuries, death resulting from aehits former in Emergency hosiiital O'Cloak beet night, without relerrn consciousness. Hundreds of sorrowing friends vis- ited the' Harper residence • oh Nottb. • Church street today, to view the re - "mains of the late Dr. .Jamee Cr, 'Har- e Per, whose violent death on a grade ...'•-erosaaga Tuesday afternoon caused a •. shadow of gloom to be oath over this odatimmity. Men in ,all walks ot life .and all Mamma: were represented .among :the number who stood •; hawed head at the bier which cola tabled all that was mortal of the be loved and esteemed townsmau. Such a'. tribute of respect and es teem as Was manitdst at the late home, •,a- Doctor Harper before his remains were removed to be ectisigned to their • .last resting place, is seldom witness- ed in any continuality and Magnified, so to Speak, the feeling of respect -and • .admiratdOn in which he Was held ' in this city and vicinity. Members' of the medical profession in which circle the loss of. Dr. Harper is most keenly felt, the officers anti nurses of Eincr- gency hospital and the methherct of the local lodge of Masons. and at throng •• of' it:Londe were gathered 'at the house at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon at which time the solemn and impressive funeral serviccet were held. Re7. Charles Lee, pester 01 the first Pres- byterian church, officiated. During • the day hundreds of floral pieces Were -delivered at the residence as silent but genuine expressions of respect and many of the offerings were Haan patients of the deceased who were sin - able to pay their retseect in Person. Following the services, the remains were viewed by many more friends who arrived in. time for the services. The remains were taken from the house to the Delaware and Hudson • station and at 3.15 o'clock conveyed by special train to Waymart where private interment was made in the cemetery at that place. The remains were accompanied to their final rest- ing place by the immediate relatiyee, a score, ad personal friends Of the tic- ceased,nembers .of the Carbolulnle • Medical society, of which the deems- , ed was . presiden t , the officers and - • nurses of Emergency hospital and the ;limbers of the 111aSonie Lodge. The services at the grate were in charge of the Knights Templar and were, of a meeelt impressive nature. Probably no event in wars has caus- ed such a shook end wave of sorrow to spread over the city as the death of Dr. James G. Harper. It was the sole topic of conversation ocs the streets last night wherever a group of '"Mt•ktran were gathered. Deep regret was • expxessed and many were the, kindly comments on the We. anti skill of the, kind hearted and large minded man ,who has been called from our midst, For many years Doctor Marler Pas , • been going his busy way: among all our people. His head tice extended in- to every section of the region and :among all classes of people. He Was always the sante to rich or poor and all received from Idat the ver' best that was in hint. He was, a physician and 'surgeon of no mean ability as is attested by the splendid practice which he, enIoped. He always kept abreast •of the progress made by his profession and was an attendant at the gatherings of the National Medi- cal congress and a frectuentt attendant at the discussions of the County Medi- cal society. He took a great interest in the political economy -of the na- tion and while he was a faithful ad - 'hermit of the tenet,' of one party, h • wanted to -know eteey side of a ques- tion. 1 -he was broad ;ganged in every respect and was always temperate in his expression of opinion, We have ;learned by his death that he had many friends. We never knew that he had an enemy , The was always Courteous and helpful to the members , of his profeseion, lie was always. the 'first to welcome a newcomer and give. him Words of eacOuregemeelt • Many 'there arewho today are saying; they •are sorry he has goee. - • Doctor Harper was bora in, Cooks - 'town, Ontario, Canada, MY. years :ago, fie received his early educatien in the sahools of Barrie, thiterio7 lat- er entering Trinity college at, Tbroato 'Where he graduated' With, the degree 'of doctor of medicine,. -1.1e first stall od his practice of medicine in Mitt- . igen and later he located ha Wet:gnat:it; Wayne county, where 'lie built up •a large and profitable practice. He left Waymart to take a .moalagrattuate " ..• course in the Woman's hospital • in New York. Later be began to lime - tier in the metropolis and had charge of one of the smaller hospitals,, until • an impairment in health forced him , • • ; to make a Change, I•fe then moved to -• . California where lee lived for several years and after returnam to the East,: • lie spent a few years in Buffalo end ' then came to tido city where he . sided continuously since. . During his residence here, Dr. Harper • burn ata extensive practice and Was regarded among his follow 'medical Men as one ' of the most skillful alio. Conscientloas . • • , • practatieners. In this section of the • , State. Ile was president of the :gar - bond* Medical, Society and a mem.. bet of the staff of .91mergeney'. hospital, was also a member of the emu -AT, , Stale and American medical societies. had been a resident of this city, about seaenteen years. ;HC was a member 01 the local lodge of Masons, -• Knights Templar and Shriners. theBesides Ms, wife, he is survived by following brothers :and sisters, Mrs. r. L Hart: of Montreal ; Mrs. 0, " . Roes of Barrie, Ont. ; Rev, Frank Harper of Clinton, Ontario; and Beni IT Harper of New York City. "I Am Glad I Am Here to do My Little Bit.'' Gunner Walter Armstrong, Gunner Waller Armstrong, a native - of Clinton, son of Mn and Mrs-. Alex. - Armstrong, writes an follows to a former shopmato whom he, addresses • familiarly .as "Bill" .• • , Belgium, , July 12th, 1915. • I'Dear Bill,—Received your. letter o last February just the ether day and that is why I have, not, written • he -fore. All my mail, teat Winter went , astray. On the 4th of last February I did a John Gilpixe act down the road on a rueaway horse and the re- sult was I was laid up for 11 weeks. Gee but I was mad for the battery went to. France lust four clays after I got hart but just as soon as my . arm got strong enough I got avay with a draft that wan coming and believe Me I was glad to get over here. England is alright but talk about your girls„ there are shoat ten girls to every man. I haven't got the patience to tell you about Eng- land, only one thing 1 would. sooner he here fifty timeover than go through again what I went I hrtittah on Salisbury Plaids. Well Bill have seen mate very anitising and very sad sights since 1 bate been in France and Belgium. 1 mit baele to my old Battery alright and, I tell you it does, one good to get uitek with the boys you joined with. Quite a few have: gone- but still there at a few off the old guard left. '1 veo of the best pain I had on the Plaine got killed in metion and even the horse that run away with me pit his too, of course this happened before I got out here. Well Bill 1 aueos by the looks of things around mire we are going to stay in this pod "lien for Some time that is if the adiman don't chase us out, so I am aoingt ho change my dugout!. Sonic dig down about three feet deeper and put, a different roof on. Gee if I only had some pictures of some of' the girls or fellows 1 knew in the shop it wold,1 be fine. I often sit in the dugout at night and when e erything is quiet., except for the rattle, cf a distant wagon on the cobble stone road; I Close .1»y eyes and it takek me back again to dear old Canada and my mind often wanders sip those old 4n11- iliar stairs again and I am in the action room. 1 can see Babe laming to balance a Sere n1 On his nose, Oscar and Mr. Berner having a small chewing match and I can even see that old familiar ring on Oscar's 'leek and many other old familiar things and I often wondea: if I WM ever get back again to see it in :reality, May- be I won't get the chance etren if I do come bark, but time 'alone will tell., My opinion of Chi's war is It is a long way front being over yet, ca course I hart' he wrong, but I ani Indging by the front we are helding. Well Bill have a Sweet C'aporal cigar- ette. We all just got three hose% apiece sent to us from Canada and I tell you it is a treat to get a good smoke once in 2, while, Many thanks to who eyed sent them. Near where we are is a little village which the, Germans bombard every once in a ahile. Go into a little store the. first thing that strikes your eye is a big hole maybe in the ceiling or in the wall, the \\viten will paint to it and say alliman present. There is not a house in the whole place that has not got a hole through ft. Gee butt, you should hem: them whie, bangs coining:, You can hear them for a mile before they hit, then full should see the brieks and wood flying and see the poor people running in beery direction, to fled a place to Crawl They' should nett be allowed . live in the village at ;all but they admit leave, Well I also see life right up to the trencher. 1 go up for twenty-four hours every week on. duty. I would like to tell you all about it but I oannOtt. A fellow has tp be. very careful of - snipers lien, they are up in nearly every tree be- hind the German lines and it makes onefeel kind or creepy when yint are going up to the trenches; Well IM I ern going, to describe to you how' some of our boy's died at the lest position we were. in, Tide was told to me by one of ,our signalers and ltinow' it to be tame, We hadmade an attack, I Mean the infantry, the night before and took three trenches bet at an atiefifl host. When they bring the wounded in that,. first-aid is applied which we are all supplied with -them, they are taken to the first, cheeping station, whichin* this case .happened t -:b6,-, in an old Estin, meet. It is a Place where they call wine and beer. 'France and. Belgium full of them. You never hear a word spoken, they -arebrought tea- , • FRUIT NEWS PEACHES—season later than anti- peted. The po pri 1 r Crawford type --yellow free stone— Niagara District grown shoot ready. Bart- lett 'Pets -s. Red, Bloe and Gage Plume ready, and housekeepers should place their orders ittonce. arty la, raid on the floor "ins leuug-. reome, that doctors 'examine each one and- you never hear a inurntar, molt of them, knew the' end' Was' drawing near but never a complaintac,ould yeti bear, -then yoti Might' hear a , ,feebre mat for water or ii feeble prayer and you know the curtain was rapidly falling on one of the' lath scenes of this terrible war. Cianada lies ahoy, ed ,the nations of the world' lidw' to light and die and I am glad I. aur here to do My little bit,: Well, Bill,: I was sorry to heal: abenta, ',Frank ,be Ionglit a good fight and lost,. He deserved to lit e, after the fight he put np but 'it ,was not tub be. be., ',Set Sadie and Olive- are hoth married. Well I wish them all thee luck that is. going. Well, Bill, remember inc to all 110 boys and girls in the shop, and if you can get hold-, of any old photaa of same, of them, send thont to me; I can make use of them. A. fellow gets lonely somehimea rich here, not for the want or work or something to do', but you -know as I told you in this letter, when his mind wanders bapk to dear old Canada. Well I think -I will close. now ,with best respects to P11, your wife and family, remain -yours, Gunner Walter,T. krmstrong, 427'84 9th Battery UFA', .1st Canadian Division, France," - Personals. Miss. Elizabeth Ford' has returned to her sebool at Presque Isle, Grey county. Mrs. T. E. :McKenzie and - Masters Edwin and Willard returned home yesterday after a pleasant month's holiday among friends at Blyth. Mrs. , R. Douglas Muir, after a month's visit with her mother, Mrs. Hessian, left yesterday accompanied by her 031c and daughter, Douglas and Mary, for their home at New Rochelle, New York, Mr. R. Morrison, who for a great many years operated a carding mill at Walkerburn, a 'Hallett ham- let, and who was a Huron pioneer in that inthIstry, vraa in town yak- terday. Mr. Morrieen is now lo- cated near Auburn and is taking life easily. ' Marriages USBAND in New York City on September is -I, Pearl Husband of Ingersoll to Ray Runtball of Clinton. PLUMSTEEL—ROZtEf,L—Ab Clinton on September 1st by Rev. S. J, Alli, Hazel Remelt and Roy Piumsteel. SMITIL—HERDMAN Let Welland Junction on August, 11th, Inure Herdman to Frank Smith, son of Mr, and Mrs, W, R. Smith. of Sea - forth. MA t "I".S V ISH—ST A PLES — At In- gersall on August 25th, Cora L. S triples to Jr hn Mart a ViSh Seafort h. 11085—MURRAY — his Toronto, oa August 2151, Margaret Louise Murray to .1. P. Ross, Seaforth. I orth. SHIELDS—STEELS—At Cinder': h on Auguat 25(11, 1 tarmac Percy Shieldend Irene 1 lam -1 teels, both of A sb field tow'n'ship. MACK INT0811—CL A — ti, St, Helens on August 17 lb, 1,Biaa, daughter of Mr. and Wm, Peter Clark to Rev, William Mackintosh , of Bond Head, , Births WATTS --In Clinton on. August 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watts, a daughter, \\Tinghant on _Aug. 11111,, to Mr. and Mrs. Seed Guest, a daughter. 1Iiel,140D—In Wingham on Aug. 1811r, to Mr. and Mrs, N. K. McLeod, a son. MERRINGTON—In London on July 20th, to Mr. and Sirs, Ernie Mei- rington, formerly of Wingham, daughter, SANDERSON—In Exeter On - AllgUst 132nd, t(.1 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil San- derson, a daughter, BEATTY—At Ernfold, Sask., on August 1.8th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. ('. Beatty (nee Vera Manning for- merly of Benmiller), a son. S TF, RI, NG -1 n T uekerain on Aug. 21st, to Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sterling, a son. AMPHR EY -1n CI oderich, township on -August 12th, to Mr., and Mrs. Herbert Lamphrey, a daughter, Ashfield, on Aag. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Irwin, a daugh Deaths A RCHER--In ("Beloit. on August 20th, William II„Arther, 'aged 64. years, 1 month and 13 days. ELL101"P—ln Hamilton. on. AuguSt 290, Robert Elliott, reeve of finds -rich, aged 66 years, • HOGG-aln • Melt Map on August 24th, Janet Scott, widow of '-Idle late icoles l'Ingg; aged 78 years and 10 Months. • DYMOND—At Winghatn on August 0th, Heebert Niabett, aged 2 •weeke and. 5 days, infant twin' son of Rev. Ernest anti Mrs. Dymond, HAWK --At Parkland, Alta,, on Aug. lath, Waiter S. Hawk, formerly of Turnberry. SOMERVILLE—in Goderich on Aug. 25th, Kate M. Reid, wife al Mr. John Somerville. PREE'TER—At Dashwood on Auguat 20th, Fred. Prete-ter, aged 63 years HAWK. 1NS—Te Ushorne on August, 251h, Olive Edna, , this, infant daughter of Me, and Mrs, Wilson Hawkins, . MeLEAN--In Kippen on August 22nd, Margaret C. McLean, only daugh- ter: of the late John. McLean. tOALEY—Tn Brussels on Ang• K22nd, 'William Oakley, aged 05 years, 6 Months . and 11 days, . • . ARMSTROISG— In 'Morris township on, August '24th, Jennie' McKenzie, wife of Robert Armstrong, in lied: 74th year, SeafOrth. Miss R. M. Woods, after" ,sje tding the holidays at Haliiield, and tSettforth left Saturclay to rirsuine :her teaching duties •at Langford • Miss lyan Woods left on Tuesday for F.:Itrattord • where the is attending the Normal School, MOTORCYCLE FOR:, 'SA.L111. — A single eylinder,. Asboise power "In- dian" motorcyclefor '• kiVe at a hargain.-4A. V. Quigley. , ; • . HOUSE, TO RENT.—A CO1VIFORT- able rurnislied house. at corner of Huron and North streets to, rent for the winter months or longer.— Apply to Mrs, Hessian, —100 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Effeets.—The undersigned Prea re- ceived instructiodAfrom Mrs. R, A. Ciovier to sell by public auction at big late residence, Albert St., on Saturday, Sept. 4th, the Household Enacts of. the late William IL Kr- ' cher, consisting, of one heater, coal or wood, bureau chairs, bedstead. anti . mattress anti springs, trunv, stand, lace curtains, kilichen uten- silk, etc., etc. A quantity of pota- toes will be sold by the bushel or lot. Terms, Cash, Sale at g o'clock.—George H. Elliott, Auc- tioneer. . —100 APPLES WANTED I wilt begin operations in my EVaporator Bayfield on Wednesday • morning, September 8th, and Will Pay the highest market prime for apples—Peeler's and einnS. EDWARD MERNER, Bayfield: FOR SALF.—A SET OF SINGLE Harness and a Light Buggy. Terms to suit—Apply in Wallis and Lang- ford, Ford Dealers, Clinton. —19 FOR S'ALE,—TI1AT WELL SIT' tinted house at the cornet of Rag- lan and Rettenbury streets is offer- ed for sale. Eleetric light, water- works and soft water. Stable. Will be Sold at a bargain to settle up the Briekenden lestate.73spply at Jacob Taylor's office. —99 FOR SALE. -111E UN.DEICS. has a limited quantity of fall wheat for seed. This field was claimed to he the best field of fall wheat be- t wettn Wingliam and London. It is Mead' and free. from sinut.—Fratik Tyndall, 11.14. No, 1, Plaine 2 on 152, •-4/9 FOR SALE. -18.!, ACRES OF LAND more or less, on the_. 1.31.11 con. of Hallett, part of lot 39. There is a good frame house with stone cellar full size.- Bare .3200 with four stalls under, Good young orchard. There are two frame buildings on the place which will be sold with the place or separately. One is 21x36 and the other 10x36.•, -,For further particulars apply to R. Morrithm: RR. No. 1, .Aulturn 0. —39 HOUSE AND LOT ON DUNLOP ST. for sale.—One and ono -half story frame, Seven rooms. Waterworks and 'soft water. Quarter acre land with ems -umber of fruit trees. Stable, The property is in good condition and will be sold at a reasonable Priee.-1-lerb. Alexander, —90. CALVES FOR SALE.—A NUMBER just received—Apply to W. Margins, R, No, 1, Clinton: Thione 1.1 on 00. —86. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.— What is best known as the Robert Marshall farm on the Hayfield Road, two miles south of Clinton is offer- ed for sale or to rent for a term of one or three years, 175 acres in good state of cultivation, good bank barn and fratne house. About six acres of good young, orchard. Possession given middle, of March next, but renter or purchaser can get on to do fall plowing. Apply to F. II. Powell or Wm. Glenn, Ex- ecutors, Clinton P. 0. —97. VOTERS' LIST, 1915, MUNIC!IPAL- ityi of the Township of Stanley, County of I-Itirom—Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all. persons appearing by the last revised Aseees- ment Roll -of the said Municipality to he entitled to vote hi said Municipality at Elections: for :Mem- bers of the -Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections that the said List was first posted up at my office, Lot, Ii, Stanley, on Monday, the 1 fith day of Atugust 1915, and remains there for inspec- tion, And I hereby call npon all vo- tors to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or. omissions Parreated according to latv. Dated this .18511 day of August, 1915.—R. , • toraatmosimereassassataaesamagast• saaasaissausassumpsiassiessemossopassa flot111011 , .90R. SALE, -.-.4 YOUNG DRIVER • e three years past. Well broken and • not. seared el autos, they don't bother liar a bit,—Also oae buggy in good shape,-.Gaerge Ladd, Section roremax, Holmesville. —91. FOR RTSE N'I'.-100-ACRFARM ON the Hayfield Road, 24 miles soutli of Clinton. Well cultivated, good brick house, bank barn and otherbuildings, buildings. Two wells on place. Or- chard. For further particulars aP- Ply to—Mrs. John Wiggiatmn, Cline • ton, P.O. Box 231. —90, . • HENS AND BROILERS WANTED, highest market price will be paid.— W. Marquis, R. R. 1, Clinton, or Phone 14 on 06. —87 SLT,ThIER HOTEL, KNOWN AS TIIE Commercial, situated on LakeTIttr- on, will be sold reasonable as the • proprietor intends to give up the business. For particulars apply to IL Darrow, Hayfield, Ont. —86, HOUSE FOR SALE.—THE PRO- perty of the late Mrs. Thos. East. Frame, 7 rooms, good cellar with cement. floor, wood shed and chicken pen, all in good repair, 11 , fruit trees, apples, plums, Cherries , and pear.—Apply to H. Wiitse, Phone 40. - —86 CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and , at the shortest possible notice. Both Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes, We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr. Grigg's Jewelrjr Store.—Wm. Jago. —55. CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN baying cream to sell write 'to us for cans. We supply two cans free, Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent, with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr - Hall who will deliver iii here. Write for cans and give us a trial. —The Seaforth Creamery, Box 486, Seaforth. 'EA-CI11411 WANTPID FOR, THE Junior room of the Hayfield Public School. State experience and sal- ary, dutiee 'to continence September 1 st.—II. Brehm:in, Secretary, 'Hay- field. -ant Poultry akted Nowthat the poultry fattening season is approaching we are in a Position to handle nil your notary at top market prices, New Laid Eggs We are 'still paying su premium far large clean new laid eggs not over . four days old. it will pay you to take the very best care of your eggs mid sell them to us where you re- ceive city prices for choice quality. Have you tried Gunn's Easifirst Shortening ? Better and cheaper than lard. Now is the time of year to use our cured meats. A fresh sup- ply received weekly. Seed Wheat If you want good seed wheat that will grow—call on us before you buy elsewnete, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm, Jenkins Spice Quality Spice quality will determine the Success of your, pickles and nresetves, The pickling' season' is with us once again, No housewife wants to take chances. on having . her pickles spoiled by poor ingre,diente, , The kind we 'sell can be depended (Melte', is the, feature or ours.. 'Spices and Vinegar. In Indic sluices we have an excellent assortment, including groimd allspice, cloves„ celery seed, muatard seed,' twneric, curry powder, ginger and whole mixed Skiee. Whole pickling spice will be in special demand. We have a ,qtrality articelnt eaptao1k0ageeeseta a: lb5.., arse and 10 o It pickles are to keep. the quality of the Vinegar must be good. It' is false economy to buy poor ; vinegar beemise it is a few cents rose:. , We have •Heinze'a Special pickling vinegar. Don't forget sealers, rings and scal- ing wax. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. Johnson & Co. The Store of Qualtiy. J. lirchaadson Township' Clerk 98 Successorohta torS. rBarrt.i atPtehnandede 111.10 ono o p omp 57, THE STORE. Live and Let Live The Spice ('lakes the Pickles. 0, ye you over observed that some pickles and meat sauces We' dif- ferent flavors Irons others. The cause lies in the spree and vinegar used. OUR MIXED- PICKLING SPICE. as well as, our oilier spices are sel- ected with the utmost care. You can not go wrong in thing them. ALL SPICE. , Cinnamon, whole or ground,' Cloves, whole or ground. Curry 'Powder, Mace Turmeric, Celery Seed, Whole Mixed Pickling Spice, All kinds of good quality vinegars to select from. We have the Pbrfect Seal and Crown Brand Gems, E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND' LET LIVE GROCER Anything You WANT DONE IN THE LINE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGH- ING, PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. CALL AND C1ET OUR PRIC- ES. ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAPEST. BYAM & suITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. Western University, London, Income Doubled—now $75,000. Another Large_ Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine, GREATLY INCREASED ENROL [TENT IN VIEW. Write for particulars to E. E. BRAITHWAITE, M.A., Ph. D. PRESIDENT. • The Clinton Garage Open All Night, ' The season is now on for Gasoline Stoves. Why not buy littered gasoline out of our Bowser pump, which passes the gasoline throubh fine screens and a filter, Prices always the lowest. We keep on hand a stock of Automobile Supplies and Bicy- cle Repairs and do all kinds of repairing promptly and at a reasonable charge, Auto Livery in connection, J. Ii. PAXMAN CEMENT! We have on hand a car- load of Portland Cement and all orders for same' will be filled promptly, . JOHN HUTTON LONDESORO. It is your assurance, of perfect satisfaction in, old or new work, In- sist on getting, Canada Cement, A Dull stock on hand at all times. Hemlock sills cut to order. Shingles xxx and xxxx. Sprace and pine dressed sidings and floorings. Metallic building mate -rials. Lehigh Valley coal, all sizes. Steam coal. Smithing coal. Tile,' all sizes, either in the yard or delivered on the lob. Cedar posts all sixes. 14 -inch slabs, a bargain. Anyone in the Market for au of the above lines will the well to get our prices. JOHN B. MUSTARD Brucefield. Phone 11n 143 1 1 I ° Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch. Small size only lOc. Large size only 25c Try our famous Gem receipt:—To 1 tablespoon shortening add 1 egg, 1 cup milk (sour is but), pinch salt, %i teaspoon soda, 1 tablespoon sugar, cups Roman meal, ii - cups flour, Roman meal also makes a delicious steam pudding and is used in many other ways. O'Neill CHIMNEY TOPS. It's a trade to build a good chim- ney and to repair a roof. It takes more than a sheet of metal, a hot iron and solder, it requires exper- ience. If your chimne,p does not draw well send for us .and we will put it In order ; if your roof leaks we'll mend it. ALL KINDS OF TINNING we do well and reasonably. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 33. ARTISTIC J. G. CRICH, TIIE RELI- ABLE DECORATOR, MAKES A! SPECIALTY OF CHURCHES, LODGE ROOMS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. HIS ADDRESS is 400 DOWNIE St., STRATFORD Monuments! Finest stock in Huron Comi- ty of "Made in Canada" Moa- uments, Best 13titisli and Foreign Granites in up -to -data finish and design, Come and see them. ' Prices right. At Doig's OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE A Granite Base goes with each Mon- ument. —813m A Drop in Kindling A LARGE STOCK ON HAND WILL BE SOLD CHEAP Ti -us MONTH TO CLEAR FOR CASH ONLY. Leave your orders for Fer- tilizer and Potash for your root crop. We will mix it for you at the store, North End Feed Store. Frank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms : Cash. Phone 192. Are You Troubled with Headaches? If so the, cause rata.y be eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and cure. It is worth trying. Come to us and we will make a careful test of your eyes and tell you what is. the matter and what you need. In our Tong experience in the Optical business we have made a great number 'of examinations and it is a source of much pleasure for its to know that our fittings have invariably, given great satisfaction, If your eyes bother poll come to us and learn the reason why. A. „J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses.