The Clinton News Record, 1915-08-26, Page 8It •Nke to sit onto,, the porch in a nice .wil- 'low rocker or roomy porch chair, Ev- en in doors such things help to make Boni mermore :comfnrtable, 'gave You seen ow display Pti ;Summer Furniture.? If not, by all means come and look at it. The very sight of it will ;make you think how much cooler your house would be'it furnished with it. There is no season why it shouldn't be. The , price won't stop .you, Ball & Atkinson Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. '3. A. ATKINSON, 1Phone IL.OBA.LL Phone I10, 180 D De .Laval : Cream Separator The World Standard. Ideal Green Feed Silos, Alpha Gasoline Engines, .De Laval Oil and Wendott Cleanzer. Stock of repairs kept at my house 3 doors west of Commercial Hotel and repairing done Saturday afternoons. Also Agent for Newcombe Pianos, W. Hamilton, Phone 207 Clinton. 1 � ATTENTION! We have bought largely and have had goods com- ing in all the year so far and our stock at the present. time is heavy in fact more than we should carry at this season of the year. So in order to reduce ` it as much as possible we will offer special prices for one month,;commencing July 29th. Dress goods for less than many lines could be bought for today. • One lot of fancy colored crepes worth 15d for 10c. Ladies' waists from 35c up; House dresses from 90c to $1,50, 40 pieces of print at 5c while they last. Straw hats at cost, some lines less, 30 children's dresses to clear. Men's suits, odd pants, odd vests. Some lines 'in boots and shoes, only a few of each kind, COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN DO., • Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits More Business +arIM10=110ti IGetting_Down to Facts. P We thirl.k our Shoes take the topmost osition,-in every particular 1 FOR STYLE, FIT, EQUALITY, DURABILITY. We believe our Shoes are generally conceded, even by our competors, to be SHOES OF UNUSUAL EXCELLENCE! The same careful attention is given to the style, fit and dependable quality of our $2,00, $2:50 and $3,00 shoes as is given to our shoes costing .$5,00 and $6.00. Getting down to Facts we believe your shoe money will do better work here than it will at -any other store ! JUST COf1E IEEE ! Shoes for men; for women, for the school boy and girl, for the very little people and for infants, FRED. JACKSON The Good Shoes Store. i NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT filehave, jest received a. carload of the ran a old brand of Portland'Ceruent which has always given you such com- plete satisfaction, it,always fills your requirements. You cannot make a mistake using the National. S. J. ANDREWS, Clinton The News -Record to any address in Canada toend nd of 1915 for 40 cents. 8264 STANDARD Blouse -with Jabots Juniper and Suspender Skirts - Draped,,Gathered and Tucked Skirts Sleeves in Mitten sad Leg -o' -Mutton Style 'These are new styles, and with many other up-to-date features are shown. in the -Standard Fashion Sheet • , for June... rw A free copy awaits you Maur Standard Pattern' Deparlrnens W. D. FAlR CO. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best. iniummausuninsue !li lylisses Etmna and Edna Lavis visited friends in London on Friday. Lieut. Laycock of the S. A. was in Windsor and district last week. Miss Ruby Wise visited �vitlt Dungan- non and Goderioh friends the past week, Captain Moffat of the S. A. was con- fined to her room through illness this week. Mr. G. D. .McTaggart; anti Lieut. George McTaggart were- in Toronto on Tuesday, Mr, Thos, Arohcr spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ' MCBrien of the 4th eon., East Hallett, Miss I'fena Pickett of the postofiice staff is now enjoying the first week of her well-earned vacation, Miss Mae Tinker returned home lion - day alter a Sorttiight's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cameron of Lue now. Mr. Garnet McBrien has returned from Winnipeg and i; visiting at the Homestead on the 4th of Uul- let t, Miss Annice Bhrtliff of the staff of nurses in Victoria ' hospital, London, has returned to enjoy her holidays at home. Mr. Joseph Greene of Hamilton and Mr. Richard Greene of Toronto vis- ited their brother, Rev. J osias Greene, on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Brickenden, after a fortnight'sholiday, at the lake- side, were guests Saturday to Tues- day of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rodaway. Mr. John May left last week to visit his son at Estevan, Man., and Mrs. Map and her daughters, Minnie and Carrie, have been visiting in Exeter. Mrs. W. T. Hawkins and her two little daughters and son, Madelaine and Harriet and Hugh, returned on Saturday last from a three weeks' visit in Hamilton. Mrs. Kearns returned home -on Wed- nesday 'of last week after a very pleasant month's visit with her neice at Buffalo,. and at other points in New York State .and at the Falls. 1VIrs. A. Ginn left on Tuesday after- ' noon for Foam Lake, Sask.,- to make her home with Mr daughter, Mrs, John Henry: She journeyed via Cochrane an the. National Transcontinental. Mr. Wm. G. Smith left by the har- vesters excursion on lueu:lay .to visit his two daughters, at Saska- toon, Saslr. When he left he expect- ed xpected to he away two or three mouths or maybe until the end of the. year. Mr. Wilfrid Dickenson of Hamilton. has been spending the past` week; in. Clinton, the s,frounding towns and a hamlet or so anti was real pleas- ed to be able to say that -of- them all business Seems 'to be the most brisk in Clinton. He was good enough, too, to say that the tan looks to be improving all along the line. Mr, Joshua Cole, who paid his first visit to Clinton over fifty-two years ago ,add who has come back at wide -intervals since, is in town this week calling upon his relatives . the Cooks,, the Cantelons and' the, Coles. On Saturday he will oh - ,serve his .80th birthday and lie .0w:tying tris years very lightly. His home is in Mr. and Mrs. ( W. Rohl?, returned on •T.luursdap.last, the vacation period being now ,just' about:, over. The . 'major part ;of their holiday they spent on the 'fruit ranch of Mrs. -Robb's father at Vinelands, near St. Catharines, and as a wind.up they bad an enjoyable fortnight in Muskoka. Mr. Robb . is Master of Mathematics at the C.C.I. Mr, George Wise of Cleveland, Ohio, Is over on a visit to his brothers, Mr. John Wise of town and Mr. Ed- ward Wise of ifoderi.oli township. 1 -Ie is a contemporary of Tom Jackson and Joe Rettenbury and there is a great recalling, of by- gone events, which might otherwise' have almost passed out of recollec- tion, when the three get 'together on Mr, Wise's almost annual, visits. Clinton News -Record August 26th, 1191 • ri • We are now 'ready with a complete range of new:fallsuitings to take yourorder and make you up a suit that in tit, style and finish will be excelled by zone. All: Men Buying New Clothes Want Their Money's Worth and They Get It At BRO'WN'S. By money's worth we mean the fullest and completest value in fabric, fit and fashion that money can buy Most men's clothing stores that we know of sell pretty good clothing,. - But BROWN'S clothing store holds to a standard in choice of fabrics and in actual detail of making that places our clothing in a class by itself. BROWN'S men's suits, whether high priced orlow priced, -too satisfy us, must be • better and we see to it that they are are better. The "pretty good" kind won't do. Our Men's Cothing Store Keeps It's Customers Right With Fashion. When you order a suit made at BROWN'S you caa depend upon it being thoroughly reliable in every way,7 It is not the material of which a garment is made alone that counts. It is the hundred and one little details in the making and fitting which bring about the effect that only a skilled tailor can produce. We stand behind every garment that leaves our work rooks and will guarantee style, fit and finish that will suit the most fastidious taste. We can give you the suit you are looking for—supposing of course you are looking fol a good suit ; all wool in fabric and correctly tailored, We Also Carry A Full Line of Men's Furnishings. Agents forAgents for Priestley's DressBnowiN7s B u t t e r i c k .Goods, Patterns, ____1 About People You Know Mr. Ed. Foster is in Godericlt. Magistrate Andrews was in. Toronto on Monday. Miss ila Bowden is visiting. at 11- derton and London. Mr. Wilbur Wallis was in Ingersoll and London last Friday. Miss M. Clarke is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ogle Cooper in Collingwood. Miss Edna Pennabakcr is able to be around again after a fortnight's ill- ness. Miss Edna Lavis is visiting for a few days in Brantford, the guest of Miss Bessie Walker. Rev. F. C. Harper filled the pulpit of St. James' church, London, on Sunday, both services. Mr. Win. Robb left on Tuesday for Clifford to visit his son, a druggist in that thriving place. Mrs. J. E. and d Master Billy have been visiting at the ladies par- ental home in Markdale. Misses Marion and Jean Bogie of Goderich are the guests of their aunt, Mrs. H. Pennabakcr. Mr. James Scott, Clinton's efficient postmaster, returned Saturday from a three -weeks' vacation spent at Carleton Place. Mrs. T. J. Elliott, after a couple of weeks' slay. in Clinton, returned on Saturday evening last to her home in Brucefield, Miss Luella Walkinshaw returned on Saturday from a fortnights holi- day at Kincardine and Wingham and has resumed • her duties as stenographer in the Royal Bank. Mr. and 'Mrs. S. C. Andrews and their two children, Colin and Lois, after a• month's visit with the for- mer's •.partatttu, Mr. - and Mrs. S. j, Andrews, lent on Monday to re- turn to their home at Alix, .Alberta. Mr, and Mrs. Will . Plumsteel and family returned on Friday last from a visit of several weeks with Mrs. Plumstcel's parents, Nir. and. Mrs. J. W. Hill of 'Ox'bow, Sask. They all enjoyed- the' trip but are glad to be back in old Clinton again. Mr. John Cowen;- iviio came cast last week -from Wilkie, Sisk., and visite: cd at Mt. H. Bill's and MrRobt, Watkins., lel for the west this week ,accompanied• by his wife Who made `finite an, aktended visit with her sisters, Mrs: Watkins and Mrs. klill„ Mi, E. "Lewis Evans of Louisville; Kentucky, visited- his brother and Si•utei; 'lift frank Evans Anil Miss Evans of town, On 'I`huirsday last, Pressing business though made his stay a voryt short one and lie left on the evening train for Detroit and points south: Mr. Evans likes to get back to. his native town as often as he can, but his duties as manager of the Tobacco Workers' Union do not permit of . any Or - tended ,holiday. It might easily be inferred from his remarks that the noisy Teutonic element which re - 'sotto to dynamite does not by any manner of means represent the best sentiment • in the United States. which is. by a very • large majority in favor of the Allies, Mrs. J. Rati-enbury was in Toronto this week. Dr. Shaw was quite ill dor a few days of the past week, but is now nearly himself again. Mrs. Robert IIanna reterned to her home at Milverton yesterday, Misses Jessie and Bessie McNally of Guelph are guests of Mrs, A. J. Holloway!. Mrs, John Lamb of near Walton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Carbert, this week. Mr. Colin Shaw, accompanied by Miss Madden Shaw; was in Tor- onto last week. Miss Jennie Miller left on Tuesday morning for Moose,jaw, Sask., to visit her sister, Mrs. W. T. Can- telon, and others. Mrs. John Gibbings returned on Friday last from as+v en weeks' ' visit withher n son, bIr, Iiow•ard Grant of Virden, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr and little daughter of Crediton visited last week with Mrs. Kerr's cousin, ; Mrs., Win. Wheatley. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Will Watson and Miss Clete Watson, Blyth, were guests of Mrs. 1). 13: Kennedy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bent. Mcilveea and their two . daughters, - Helen and Jean, of Toronto, have returned to the city after several days visit with .the former's mother, Mrs. F. Mellveeit. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Downsand children, who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. 1 . G, Matthews of Listowel on a Motoring tour through, Huron, Perth and WellingtoncotWive, ar- tiveti home Tuesday evening. Mr. Wesley L., C'ockeriirte, formerlpof Clinton but 110W of Toronto, Famed his • matr,icidatipn examination and purposes entering the, . Law School this fall. 1:-l'.is friends ' hereabouts will be glad to hear of his sueniss, Rev. F. 0. Harper returned this week ;'tont camp near Algonquin Park, Parry Sound _Di'strict,, but left for C'arbondale,.,.Pan on. Wed- nesday on receiving -word that bis eldest brother, Dr. J. CS Harpee, Of that cityhaAl died as result of injuries received in an accident. Mr'. G1'. Jackson, C.P.R. agent, bob'.; - ed the following to western • points nn' Tuesday Miss Jennie Miller to Meesejaw, C. Forbes' to Eidnionton, IL, Bonding, John Flynn, Oweef Reytaoldsi and Finisher - Young to Winnipeg, - W. - Simpson' it Lawson, W. Cf. Smith to Saskatoon, Alex. Morris to Yiscount and Bert Wiltse to Elbow. m ' Dr. Roy Ball, who •is now qualified "to hang out. hip shingle," , but who is adding to lis elrtoieney by taking a year's training as' hease, surgeon in St. Michael's hospital, Toronto,' is. spending a .Portion of his holt-clays as guest of• his aunt, Mrs. F. Mcllvecn, Victoria street. Dr. Roy's, very many Wender in and about.. Clinton are- glad to meet hint again and to see how well he is looking., �d- The News - From Londesboro. Misses i erguson and Geddes and Messrs. J. McCallum spin N. Geddes of Belgrave spent Sunday at the home of l'ls'. I).. Geddes, Miss S. - Gibbs, Messrs. Reuben Gibbs, Harvey Bunking, Ern Lee and James and Fred Crawford left Tues - clay for the west. Master Archie and Miss Gibson of Wroxeter are visiting their aunt, Mrs. James Campbell, Mr.. Chas. and Mrs; Hutton spent a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hutton. Mrs. Frank C#ibtis and Miss -. Sadie of Clinton spent a few days this week with friends here. Orrin Cartwright of London spent tin week -end with his parents, Miss. C'rysler •of Delhi is visiting her sister, firs. J. 0. Lounsbe'y. Mr. Bert Btu sdon left Saturday y of last week to spend a few dales with Ingersoll friends after which; he will leave there for M•oosejaw, Sask. Mr. Wilt. Bell has purchased the farce belonging to 13. Herrington on the 13th con. Matthew Bruce received word of tine death of his brother Robert at Lashburn, Sask., on Sunday. It is just a •little over 'two weeks since Ninit-hew returned from visiting his brother and while he did not expect his 'brother's recovery he did not think he would be taken so soon• Cancer was the cause of death. Mt. J, W. Cartwright 'and famit" 4. spent Monday. at Godericlt. Miss Lowday Young returned Tuesday of 'this week after spending e, few weeks with Brantford, Toronto and Whitby friends. Miss Maude Lyon..left Tuesday of this week to take up her work a'...♦ deaconess at St. John's, Nfld. Mr. Wallace Allen of London stent Sunday with friends here, Miss L. Loon leaves on Tuesday to resume her duties as teacher in East IVawanosli, near Wingham. This is her third year in charge in that sec- tion. At the regular monthly meeting o the Women's Institute to be held on Thursday afternoon next the topic will be : "The moral and physical barns of fault finding." Hullett Township Messrs. John Flynn and Owen Reynolds left on 'Tuesday morning for Portage la Prairie. Miss Florae Jobin of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mr. Thos. Tighe, ,l'Ir, James Medd .has purchases a new auto. Miss Mabadfy of Clinton spent Sun- day with, Misio Kathleen Quigley, Good Morning I Are you a News - Record Subscriber I !stases+. School Shoe. School Days Are Almost Here. We are prepared to meet the requirements of the girls and boys in Schoolooi Shoes, our stock contains all the newshapesin all leathers. Prices to suit every purse, and also that most essential point that School Shoes must have good wearing qualities. Call and see for yourselves. It will be a pleasure to show you what we have, S CHAPMAN PRONE 70