HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-08-26, Page 5ugust 26th, I915,fi Clinton Mews -Record ersonals ' MrI1do 4rteh took: an tee, excursion • to the e is \ w st t veek a Muil•a31 of London ris ted "Mrs, Searle over the week and. MrS. McGuire and Miss Jessie ate yisiting friends in leuttalo. Miss Rota' Wo sell of ,Ga llerich fs•xvis- iting with. Mrs.' J. 11 l: axlnen. Mr, and'Mies Charles N, 'L1hby''spefrt +e - T ton - a fetv'rlay's of last \\ -ak in ., u Mrs, D '0. McKinnon of . 'broulto yeas r thg glregt.:of 1Trh: Olive `Coolie last ek. w e i v l.1I' 3,4l1Howe has 'joined the Office"' shall of the Clinton Motor Com - pang, Rev. W Richardson of Arthur visited .,his cousin, Mrs. W,. Wheatley, laity Week. ,1Vliss Lizzie Burnet spent the. wec.c- end: with friends In Port Huron and Sarnia,. :Mise F10801= Johnson is,visitirig her Cousin, Miss Bessie Crawford in 'Mullett Mrs. J. 13. Kennedy • and her. ;little daughter Doaas retorted -to Detroit la'sl week. Mrs, Tree, Pence of Tee. eromith has eerie visiting her grandmother, • Mrs. John Layton of town. Miss Gertrude O'Neil, daughter of Captain O'Neil of Cleveland, Ohio,. • is visiting at her uncle's, Mr. W. 1O 'Neil's Mr S. Kemp wise in London on l+'ri- dee' last and on his way* hone call- ed on his old f eRev. James Hogan of Lucan. Miss Battie Trick leases on " Wed- ite@:'iay to 'resume het d'at'es as principal of lire' Celar Grove school, Yotk county. Mr. le, T. Cooper took the seevicc fu the Methodist Church, Brumfield, on Sunday owing to the illness of Rev. J. Greene the minister in charge. .:I1rs. W. Jones, with her sols Allan and daughter Dorothy of Hamilton arc guests at the home of the former's cousin, Mrs. W. 'Wheatley. :Mrs. Margaret Cole of Wayne, Mich., is speeding a few weeks with friends in town and also with, her sister, Mrs. Guy Llicke, Goderioh township, Mr. Wm. Webb, .1r., is here from Tofield, Alberta, but lea\ es next week for the west accompanied by his mother who came a couple of months ago. 1VIrs. George Levis and Miss Hattie visited Mr. L. M'. Levis in,Wingham 0u Tuesday. They accompanied Me aril Mrs. W. Jenkins, making the trip by auto. ,Nisi Mart Brownlee, Hamilton, and the Misses Rye, Toronto, all form- er residents of Clinton, are visiting the San Francisco Exposition and points en mate. Mr. Israel Taylor motored up irons London on 'Tuesday and on his re- turn to the city yesterday was ac. companiod by Miss Lucy Stevens and her Utile neice, Dolma Stevens. Fir, ee Way Allin, son of Rev, :4..1. ABM of Ontario St. church, vas successful in a recent examination at Chicago PniVetsity in winning a S hola):'ship of n hundred anri fire. dollars, Itir. Harold Turner, 'son of the Treas- urer of tuckcrsm ith left for Ro- ina, Sas''., 0n 'lue.dav', He was aocou>pamicd by Howard Alien, son of Mr. ,lames Allen of the sante township, Mr, Stewart Paisley and Mr, and _ Mrs. John Moppet: and Miss 'Irene Hopper, '1'orrnlo, visited at thi sc....rarental home of the first menti011- 011, that of Mr. and Mee. W. J'. Pat eley. Mrs. W. J. Paisley returned on Mon- day frOJn a ten days \•flit with her son, 147r. Stewart Paisley . of the Royal Dank, Toronto, het llriethe2 Ja11105 of lh sante city and her sister, Mrs. .unor, Hamilton, .Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 'Treleaven and Miro Norma returned on Saturday from Lucknow where they spent a fortnight. Lucknow is Mr. Tre- leaven's old home town se natural- ly he enjoys visiting it as often as • circumstances will permit. .Mr. A. Seotchmcre has been spending a few da)!i with his daughter, Mrs. Albert Townshend of Mullett and has also been calling upon sone of His Clinton friends. Mr. Scotchrnore spends his time among his children, including a couple of sons in the west but the good old township of Stanley where he lived : for over hall a century, is his real donllcite. THE LOCAL MARKIET. \Sheat 95c. Oats 35c. 'Barley 65e, 'Butter 21c to 240. leges 18c to20c. .. Lite Bogs 18.50. 1VIORI, ;1L 1'024013ILES: Mr. C. L3. Holland re,0e1.5ed his new car last week. and is already quite an expert driver with. somewhat of a tendency.' to skirt along close to "'the 'speed limit. Ile has had several 'very pleasant runs and is looking for many more whenthe oloudbursts cease and, ifils wcathot Steadies down. Sergeant Welsh has also invested and had his first run on Monday, "Joy Riders" would ratther', tees evorthy police officer had stayed with the horse ;tor the ownersltip of a car which permits of quick speedingup• will put a damper on their propene city. FRUIT NEWS Burbanks, Gages and Bradshaw Plums, also Triu,inp'l Peaches are now at thele best for canning. The thrifty lior\se-wife will 9111 up more fruit this yea,- iham 'ever before-- Plums efo e—Plums with their'' numerous v tree-' ties present a. change for table dee sert which is nett passible with any othee varlet Siof fruit.:Pt:aches, are especially havorable'as a house can- ning and preserving : Croit—eesily ' preeeved and delicious when sere-. ed on the table. Grocers ore quite willing to hook orders ahead and householders should see their deal- ers in good time as this year is a home canning if ever there was one, Crop Results .Are Better in Huron Than in the Loer Counties. ';V Xl My brief holiday and atscnce from tenet gest he, first Se all, an'seem:- tlmity of noting how keenly the peo- ple i1 our border towns and 'cities s ' i r r' to�I 1 t- a>,e !feeling n, c„a d 1a 1 os,ib t ekeof harm fi:em o`ur' cnemi1tc Of the. oBier gide'ol,the' line aind flaw r `w1311 it le -to be ,leropared fel' any emer- gency. ' iO- 'evening . !lest 81i a the e g of my t a)1 in ti•w ariiia I, watched a great ilraccs ion hada up of military' men n1 80 ibrrn, followed by people of alt r u�n.s ` on foot, 'or in autos, bearing fines and banneis,'alsoeo,r:e forty or 'fift'y Italians who seemed to be proud to show their colors. After thein Camp the. men of the fire brigade and other oleic bodies, .a11keeping. step to' the Stirring strains of�inartial mu:vc, Then a week afterward enemy ar- rival at Windsor I found the, streetii crowded with people who were out to a set a, newly formed,. , H01itu Ca;usaxd,,, -made hp of all classes a(10-tege were 'marching pant on there way,: from tee armouries to the park for .inspection and .drill.• Hero every largo factory and all public, buildings aro under guard' night and day. In such an atmosphere it has not been difficult to secure recruits foe new re, un nesof.me Willing g e s n \v) tg toy go any where on duty at Home, 0r abroad. . Attending a public service in De- troit on two. different. Sabbath days. T heard on •cath. ,: occasion fervent prayers for peace and fol God's blessing upon tlio soldier , and .upon sad and stricken homes.' Through the good offices of friends connected with the Ford auto works I was permitted to go through 1;hat busy esbablisluneet in company • with one who was able to explain every process connected with, the. construe - tion of the car. More than seleuieen hundred men aro employed in the Canadian fac- tory) and one hundred and sixty cars are turned out every 'day. Every man employed,. that is twenty.two years of age and has leen six months with the company, is paid fifty cents an hour:. The company employ several wren \vl+a devote all their time to looking into the cause of the absence of a workman even for a day, and evert' workman is obliged to keep a bank hook and to Show that he 18 regular- ly. caring a little, at loath, of his wages, The condit1010) for harvesting the crops in Essex are much worse than in I•Iuron. The lands ire low and flat and have been covered with water for weeks, Even crops of corn which are almost always number one in Esser and Kern are ,not nearly so good this year an they are here• in I•luroncoune t"y. One of the mist noticeable things call along the, lines of railway are the splendid second crops of clover. S. J. ALLIN. 'i'1'TEND THE FLOWER SHOW, Do not miss attending the Flower Show on the 01 enings of 'Tuesday and Wecinesda}1 .next in the council cham- ber. '1'1)e prospects are that , there will be a magnificent display of planta and cut flowers. The Women's Patriotic Society will sell candies and light refreslunents in the lobby. of the town hall for the benefit of t•iheir funds on hotly ,even- ings. A11 the cut flowers on display or ill competition will be sold by auction Wednesday night, the procee3ls for the W. P. S. Admission frees -• Personals 1'Iesses. Tom and Norman Malady, James Clary and Pelisses Katie and Margaret Clary ary of near Sealocl;h spent Sunday at Mrs. T. Carhert's. Admires the' Old Town's Patriotic Spirit. 'lb the Citizens of Clintarr;-, 1 take the liberty of writing a few lines to cxpeess my adinirabion 'for the grand and noble spirit in which all of, you have taken in regard to ods boys who have goniato the front to fight, for our Empire. I amt par- ticularly pleased to know, that I live 00 in.. acommunity for , over - thirty. years -that is showing 5)011. a 1101)10 spirit. i l followed p ha\ e }our work with "groat interest as it is published from week to Cheek in 'pile News-Rec'- ord. Yet knowing the citizens of Clin- tonso wells aninot surprised, tot• 1 remember many demonstrations ' 'of the "Patriotic Spirit.'' My rind brings me, back to "Victoria Diamond Jubilee Da}!'" which Clinton can boast. ryas one of the grandest .show- ings. of Padriotisni .that was surpass - cd' by none. Also when we re;'civcd the news ,of General kronen and. his 1)1.2(0 men, making «their escape front Kimberly were captured, our , Cana- dian.'soldier's played a proManent parr, we Celebrated that event . with the greatest enthusiasm, also when we r Ceire11 the nevus of the : "Relief of Ladysmith" 1VIt. Doherty, closed his factory and .two hundred of his teen mar0115(1 up the : town, and. joined in. by all the eitimens and the, day was given. over to rejoicing and celebrating. After South, Africa , was' won and that ;brave noble soldier 113r. Webb arrived hack to his. Old hon30, the 'reception bii'en ,him could .net have been 11015 enthusiastic were, he, a General. Now the time has emigre When our: noble and patriotic spirits will count and it is for 1)5 1,0, play olrr part: ; in as gallant a manner as possible. I admire the very' pt omin:en8 part rat which . the ladies of Clinton h^,re, link en hold of this noble! cause, to help shorten this war. ALIEXAND L13r A.RMSTRO'NG, Toronto. Became Bride of Dr.. Bean, The parsonage of the Victoria street rich 1 0 - ' • ah God war tb MethodistGlc 11 V scene of e, pretty wedging yesterday wheul Kate,, daughter of Rel'. T. L and Mrs. Ford, heoanie the bride . of 1)r, Arthur .Bean of '1leleeton, eon •11 Mrs. 13oan,of Clinton. '. • T110 ceremony •,\v(s performed before 'a baler of pink"aiitl'- wlhiee asters , by Rev,' 1V.. J.'' fi ol'd, brother ' of the bride, assisted by her father who. gaYe het away, The. 'bld0slnaid ...was the bride'el twin sister -.Miss Willa Ford white the groomsmen was, .Mr. Holbert Bean of 'Toledo, Ohio: The wedding 'music was played by Miss Bowlby of Windsor, " Tiie house. decorations were, pink .and white. The bride was drtaned in white (10t trimmed with, satire and seed pearls over white silk-. Only Mimed late r elat>is es were present including : Mr. and Mrs.. ITer'- heft Bean, Toledo ; Miss Marsh of London ;.Miss B wlWindsor, f o o by ,' and, Mr. and Mrs, .W. A. Meadows, '. Port Hope. , • Dr. 'and Mrs, Bean will reside at Milverton. A CIIANO i8 1l' '1'1113 PRINCESS. The princess theatre has- :=changed hands Lee Se Houghton diepoming of their interests to Mr. James Man- ning, who took possession 'on' Mon- day, Mr. Lee who represented 'the firm Isere, its a first-elass picture show man and takingl'over the . business ii'lien it' wee pretty Pell down he converted it into what is"seemiagiy a good proposition, Be purposes going to the Maritime Provinces where there are seed. to be profitable openings in the ''Movy" line. The new proprietor is a son of Mr.. and Mrs; Walter Manning of town, who• though new to catering to the, publio'will no doubt keep the Princess a, popular place of amusement. Mr. Percy Hitchin, the genial operator, will remain for some weeiis, Good Morning ! News -Record means News -Leader. Are you a Sllbeer\ )Cr ? Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the Century..-- Taken from the Files of The News-Reeord of the date indicated. Clinton, Aug, 23rd, 1900. The collection of photographs 'sent to the Paris Exposition by Mn Drank ela01snn of net rie has been awarded a browse medal Mr, .35.01son is an old C'lintcn boy, a son of Citizen John Jac'i: on. A p2ett}: \nodding took plate at high noon yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mies Jacob Miller when their third daughter Ida ll., was united in marriage to Ml , Lewis 7e, 1 idt of Mr. ,ladles ( fir wan 31'o silver trophy put til by Mr. J. 1', 'I'isdali for, competition among the \eterans Of t'i'✓o bowling 811(1). llis final ,game was with 1VIr, John Johnston, one of the most entimeiasLic platers in the club. Mrs. . l7 s . (1) r,) Kay, who has been vie 'tine; the parental bottle; that of Mr. John Gibbings, Iris returned to her home at Attica,Mich,. She was we- cosiparuccl 'bp ht e sister, 151ia A'sic Gibbings, wlho will be her guest for several week,S. • Mr. Chad Howson, eldest soul of Mr. James llo\dson, came home from Chicago the latter part of the' week and left on Monday for South Africa. Mr, P. 13. Crews and Mr. Fred 1'ridlianl of Godetieh left on Tuesday for a ten Clays' outing at Duck Lake. The Local Market : Wheat 83c` to 040. :.Barley 38'e. Oats 28e, Butter 5 utter 1oc to 160• Eggs 100 to 1(0, Lite Flogs 18.10 to 16.25, Marriages BEAN-FORD—In-Godcrich on Aug- ust 25th, by Rev, W. J. Ford and Rev. ,T. le. Feld,. Kato, daughter of Rev. J. E.. and; Mrs, Ford, to Dr, Arthur Bean of ilderten, son of Mr:,. Bean. of Cl in tiotl. OAMOND—WiLLIAMSON- In eVing ham pe August 16t1t, by the Rev. W. 0. Richardson of Arthur; Wil- liam Osmond to M b01 , William- son, botch of I3ayyfield. 9LLIOTT— LL I 1—At Lur ai August 18th, Blair Welsh, daughter of Mr. and eelrs. Mat- thew Welsh, to 'Phonies R. El- liott of .London, son of Mr. and. Mies G. M. Elliott of Goder'icli, SI\'I1'1 I-I-M:ASOI—fn. l+gmendville on August 14111, 'feria Mason, de,ugh ter of 'Mr's. Henry Mason, to. Win. Smith, eldest 5011 of Mr. and IMI:S ; W. R. Smith, of Seafottdt. GREGORY—MASON-7n Winghaln on August 1Obh, George T. Gregory of C eenunl, Alberta, to Mae 1+;,, danghtat of Mr. and Mts. George Mason 61 Wingharo. Births O'RUL'RRE-In McKriThp on, August': 15111; to Mr, and Mrs. Jos- eph O'Rourke, ei daughter. (DROWN -Art Varna on August, Ath, to, Ret A, .90, and Mrs.. Brown, a daughter. Deaths MOORIlI—At Iiensail on Aug. '22nd ,J:b11n Anthony Moore, formerly of • Clinton, aged 31, years',, 7 months and 1.3 days, 13R10E—At Laslrburn, Sask., on Aug- ,tst 221111, ^Rolert Bruce ,i;orinerly of Mullett; aged about 50 years, JANI[b:rSON-111 Tuckersinitle on Aug, 17th, Alex. Jamieson, ' aged 58. ,' years, 4 months end 91 days; • Goclericli,'i'avernslaip . Mrs. George Peerson, and balm : of Wayne, Mrah, V'iSttillg her 005011, Mies Nellie 'Fisons,' Misys Graoc Moore has rettomee 1Uo•' bee -home in Forest after a week ' as the guest of Miss Vera- Trick. M1:. and Mus, W. I1„ LOkrh lease on •1 ue58ay next to :spent a 4aw weeks with 11101r daughters, Mrs.:'? Norman Snider grid Miss Elsie Lobb, at Rad- ieeen Sask rimy, will also visit at 'otter paints This s will be <their first trap to; the west ;in six 'years. 13e813, the little' dao 'hte+ 11H: g 1 of 'and MTs, John 8(11 8110 10th con. had bei leg badly 02051154 on. Sat n:cay by being run over by a water. bank wagon, hart of a 81120sli- rug outfit. . WANTED. --WORK 131"11-1111 DAY, or eueseng of any kindeeeMrs, Pan, ter, Frederick St., oppdsitu Me, T, TI. IIardy's. -90 FOR SALE, A' HORSE AND OUT- fit.—One nice; driving -horse, five years old, thoroughly 'broken and re- liable. Also, a set of s'nglo bar- 11058 and a light bugger. Terms to Suit.—Apply to Wallis and Tang ford, Fiord Dealers, ,Clinton. 09. GOR DALE:—TC-IAT WELL SIT- uatod House at the 508110r. of Rag- lan and Rattenbury street's 18 offer- ed for salt Electric light, water - •Works and soft water. Stable. Will he sold at a bargain to settle, up the Bricicendea Estate.—Apply at Jacob Taylor's office. —99 FOR SALE. --THE UNDERSIGNED bas a limiled,quantity of fall wheat for seed. This Geld was claimed to be the best field of fall wheat be- tween Winghatn and London. It is clean and free from smut,—Frank Tyndall, 83.13, No. 4, Pleme 2 on 102. ---9•0 FOR SALE. -181 ACRES OF LAND more or less, on the 13t11 con. of Mullett, part oe lot 39. 'rheic is a good frame house with stone cellar full size. Bain 32x30 whir fa•)r stalls under. Good young 0rch1re. 1'iterc are two frame buildings on the place which will be sold with the place or separately. One is 24x26 and the otter 16x30.—For further particulars apply to 13. Morrison, R.R. No, 1, ,lubur'n P. 0. —39 DOG LOST. — O 'rI]ERF: STRAYED from the premises of the undersign- ed on the 4111 cancels:au of IMullett on August 12t11 a low set brown collie answering to the imnle of "Mac." Any information Lending to the elog'n rec0:ery will he thankfully received,--llbert Townshend. Phone 15 on 206, (Tinton, —98-1. PIANO, — MRS. Mc1.1.1RD0-SMITIf of the stale of the Loudon Conserve • of Music will resume her class at Hotel \Oru1a'111u, Clinton, the beginning of Sept,—Address laquiele CS to 4.189 591111 11 St„ London, 98-2 HOOSE AND LOT ON DUNLOP ST, for sale.—Ono and one -hall story Beene, seven rooms. Waterworks and 'soft water. Quarter acre land with a number of fruit trees. Stable. The propert.yl is in gond condition and will lie sold at ,t reasonable price.—l-lerb. Alexander, —06. CALVES 1+'013 SALE .—A NUMBER jest received.—Apply to W. Marquis', 11. R. No. 1, Clinton. Phone 14 on 60. —88. a FARM .FOR SALE OR TO RENT.— ' What is best known as the Robert Marshall Y rm a on the Hayfield Road, two utiles south of Clanton is offer- , ed for sale or to rent for a: term of one or three years. 175 acres in good state, of cultivation; good bank, barn and frame House. About six acres of good .young orchard. Possession given middle of March next, but renter or purchaser can get on to do fall plowing. Apply to l+. H. Powell or R'um. Glenn, E e neuters, Clinton P. 0. —97. • VO'T'ERS' 1;1S'I', 1915, MUNICIPAL, it)1 of the 'Township of Stanley., T ()mintyof Ihu on.—N uc� ai t• r yshe (.by given that have transmitted g 1 a hu i to nlittrcl qr:. delivered to the persons mentioned in section 9 01 the Ontario Voters' List. Act the copies of the list mule pursuant to said Ace, of 0111 persons apy.earing by the last revised rho ais- mmnt Roil of the, 'said Municipality: to be entitled to vote in said Municipality at Elections for Mem- hem of the •Legislotfve Assembly, and at Municipal, elleOtione ; and that: tdie said List was fleet posted up at my ofbce, Lot, 11,, 'Stanley,:.. on Monday, the 1fitlr day Of /engine 1915, and remaius there for inspec- tion,. And I hereby call 0p0n all vo- ters to take immediate proceedings ifo have any errors or omissions c,u:rectecd according to law. Dated this 16118- day of August, 1815.-R. J. Rtohardson, Township Clerk, -98. FOR RENT, -100 -ACRE FARM ON the 13ayfield Road, 211 miles south Of Clinton.. 39011 .cultivated, good bricks house, bane ,Darn, and other: buildings. Two welts on place, :De - chard. leer further particulars 043 - ply to -Mrs. John Wigginton, Clin- ton, 'P.O. Box 231.. --06, FOR SALE. — A YOUNG DRIVER three years 'past.. Well lirol,•en and not scared of autos, they don't bother her a bit. -=Also one buggy in good shape,—George Ladd„ Section Foreman, kloimesvfRe,' 94. DD'OR:SAL13i n 1011Aleefl STA13I311, in -good 001101ien, 11 x 20. feet., —A1 iron 1eea15`13 o rt 0Mts. G'..Ia - lpy l to I n le n Robert — o to o e t 4ielstr. 9. 11. y 7 HENS' ANT). BROILERS WANTED; higbesi+ "niar]cet price will be pate.— W. Marquis+, R. R. 1, 0101100, or Phone 14 on 66. —87 SUMMER HOTEL, KNOWN AS '111115 Commercial, situated on Lake Hur - on, will be sole[ reasonable as the >r' p rof utter intends to give tip the business. Par particulars apply to H. narrow; Bayfield, Ont... —86.' FARM FOR SALE.—TIIEJ JAMES Ross farm on the London Road, part lot 13, concession •1, Stanley Tp., 412 acres will be sold. ,at auc- tion • on the premises on the 38d of Sep betnl er, 1915. For. particulars apTly •to The Canada Trust Company, London•, Ont., or W. Brydone, Solicitor, Clinton, Detect. this 29th day of June, 1915, -91 IIOUSE FOR 'SALT;:—THE PRO - 1 arty of the late Mrs, Tiros. East. I came, 7 rooms, good cellar with 'Cement floor, wood 0o shed and chicken pen, all .in good repair, 1.1 ' fruit trees, apples, plunks, Cherries and pear. -Apply to I3. Wlltse, Phone 40.. . —86 CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Ladies and Gentlemen's Clothes. Wo guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr. Grigg's Jewelr3i Store,—Wm. Jago. —55. CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cansWe supply two cans free. Pay all .Ppress charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques Payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of ICinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. —The Seaforth Creamery, Box 488, Seaforth. TEACHER WANTED FOR 'l'[IE Junior room of the Hayfield .Pul:lie School. State exeer10nec and sal- ary), duties to commence September del.—IL Drmhman, Secretary, Hay- field. —93, omtltry WahteV Now that the poultry fattening S0asan 1S approaching \h'e art in a position to handle all your poultry at top market prices. New Laid Egg41 We are 'still paying a premium for large clean new laid eggs 1101 over four days old,- It will pay you to take the very Lest care of your eggs and sell them to us where you re- ceive city prices for choice quality. Have 'you tried Gunn's Easifirst Shortening ? Better and cheaper than lard. Now is the time of year to use our cured pleats. A fresh sup- ply received weekly. Seed Wheat if you want good .secd wheat that ill grow—call on us before you buy, elsewhere. ' GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins Spieo Qllality : Spice quality will determine the success of .your pickle61 and preserves. The pickling season is with us once, again. No housewife wants to take chances on having her pickles skloiled by poor ingredients'. The kind we 'sell can . be depended on. (ihalityr is the feature or ours, 'Spices'and Vinegar. In bulk spices we have an excellent assorttiien1,= including ground allspice, cloves, celery seed, Mustard' seed, tumeric, . curry powder, ginger and whole mixed skiee, Wholo,pickiing spice . wilt be, in special demand. We have a quality artiole at 40 cents a 11).,' also 5 and 10 mut packages. Ifk f rc ]es are t keep,. the p a e, 0 1 le of the. Vinegar nustbe good. I t is false epoeonly, to.. buy, poor, vinegar because' it' is a _few cents le, s. We have IIelnizeee_s'pecial Bidding vinegar. Don't forget acalors, rings and seal- ing wax. Highest Prim Paid fol Butter and Eggs, Johnson & Co. The Store of Qualtiy. Successor to S. Barr, Phone 111. Phone orders promptly attended ,to. THE CORNEA ST ' Live and Let Live The Spice flakes the Pickles. Have you y r ever observed e e Cited thaL'sa some pickles and meat sauces have dif- ere t flavors from others. The cause in lies nGg the spice and vi 'ar f used. 01.111 MIXED 101CCC,L3\Ca SPICE, as well as. our othee spicas are sel ectali with : 111e utmost care. You can not go ,wrong in using them. ALL SPICE, Cinnamon, ; whole or ground. Coves, whale 01 gement. Curry: Powder, Mace Turaneric, Celery Seed, V?hole Mixed Pick ling Spice, A11 kinds of good quality vinegars to. select 'Iron. We have the Perfect Seal and Crown m o t Brand Gems a E. E. IIUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER.. Anything You WANT NT DONE IN TILL LINE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGH- [NG. PLUMBING, IIEATING, LIGIITNING RODS, ETC. CALL AND Ci -ET OUR PRIC- ES. ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAPEST, DYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. Western University, London. Income Doubled—now 975,000. Another Largo Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine. GREATLY INCREASED ENROL 1131JN1' IN VIEW. Write for particulars to . %. E. E. BRAITHWAITII, M.A., Ph. D. PRIISIDEIN'r. The Clinton Garage Open All Night, The season is now on for Gasoline Stoves. Why not buy filtered gasoline out of our Bowser pump, which passes the gasoline 111x0111)11 fine screens and a filter. Prices always the lowest. We keels on hand a stock of 40(017101)110 Supplies and Bicy- cle Repairs and do all kinds of repairing promptly and at, a reasonable charge. Auto Livery in connection. J. H. PAXMAN CEUNII • We have on hand a car- load of Portland Gement and all orders for same will be filled promptly, +16- JOHN JOHN H UTT O ON LONDESORO. Do You Know What This Label Means ? It is 90111: assurance of '.perleot satisfaction in old tie new work. In- sist on getting, Canada Cement. A full stock on hand at all tunes. Hemlock sills cut to order. Shingles xxx and x888. Sprac0 and pine, dressed sidings and floorings. ' Meeallle building materials. Lehigh Valley coal, all sizes. Stearn coal. Smithies coal, Tile, all rises, either in the yard or delivered on t110 ,lob. Cedar posts all sizes, 11 -inch slabs, a bargain. Anyone in the market for an}i of the :above lines Nvill do well bo get our prices. JOHN Bo NIUSTAI D Br c ef>ielda Phone 11, on 148, a 1 ;II 1 1 storninesseessetnesumearesestesto —For Breakfast, teak f t, Dinner, - Lunch. Small size Z only IUC. Large size only 25c. Tryour tT1 farrrous Gem receipt:—To 1 tablespoon shortening add 1 egg, 1 cup milk. (sour is•beat), inch salt, ' 1� teaspoon soda, ' 1 tablespoon sugar, 1i cups Rornan• meal 1iP ., cups flour. Roman meal„ oels makes a delicious steam pudding and is used in many other ways. a T.O'Ne C1:IIMN1Y TOPS. It's a trade to build a good chime ney and to repair a roof. It takes more than a sheet of metal, a hot iron and solder, it requires exper- ience. If your 01inhuep does not draw well send for us and we will put it la order ; If your roof leaks we'll mend it. ALL KINDS OF TINNING wo do well and reasonably. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. TIS T A I J. G. ERICA, • T1IE RELI- ABLE DECORATOR,, MAKES A' SPECIALTY OF CHURCHES, LODGE ROOMS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. HIS ADDRESS i5 400 DOWNIE Sp., STRATFO.RD a®num.ents 9 . Finest stock in Huron Coun- ty of "Made in Canada" Mon- uments. Best 1.31:itis1 and Foreign Granites in 119 -t0 -elate finish and design. Come anti see then. Prices right.' At Doig's OPPOSITE TI1E POSTOFFICE A Cranito Base goes with each Mon-. tenant. —813m A Drop. in Kindling A LARGE STOCK ON HAND WILL BE SOLD CHEAP' THIS MONTH TO CLEAR. FOR CAS1-I ONLY. Leave your orders for Fer- tilizer and Potash for your root crop. We will mix it for you at the store. North End Peed Store. Frank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms : Cash. Phone 192, Are.You ori. Troubled wi na de r He he s nn If s0 the caus0•nxay be eye strain and in that event. a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and cure. It is worth trying. Come to us and we will make a cared test of your eyets and tell you what is the matter and what you need. In our long experience in the Optical business we have made a great number of examinations and it is a source of much pleasure for us to know that our fittings have invariably, given great satisfaction. If your eyes bother conte to, us and, learn reason why. ynou the A. J. GR IGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses,