HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-08-26, Page 1• • ,
• , .• ,
- No. 1899 -37th Year
$1 .25, that's all will pay a subscription anato end of 1916, The. NewsAwRecord
any a,ddress in Cda, to
• 'cod Watch
*eepi Sood gime
but sometimes good watches misbehave themselves because :they
can't help it. -
They, often do ,not get the care they abould. Dirt accumu-
lates, the watch gets erratic, -perhaps otops altogether.
Now we can turn .a watch like -that into a useful timepiece
again ca very little money.
We would take it apart, clean thoroughly, put it together
and hand it back to you as good as new.
Try us, satisfaction guaranteed,
Repairs sent by mail will have our earliest attention, We
will return to you by mail postage prepaid by us.
• 0 • Yi
,fewelet and Optician..- - - Clinton
The Royal Bank
Incorporated 1869.
Capital Authorized
Capital Paid-up
Reserve and Undivided Pratte
Total Assets
, 11,500,000
380 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted,
R, E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch
7 ,_ . . , ._ ,_ __-- - . •
Capital and Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada..
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Circular Letters of Credit .
Bank Money Orders.
Savings Bank Department:
C. E. Dowding, Manager, Clinton Branch.
Jelled Jults
or Suttt.
me &foppish
Clothing Co. 1 CLOTHING
if6 0 q'
We've school
that active school,
to be quiet.
Stylish fabrics
Seams double
Every point
Jelled Jults
or Suttt.
suits built on purpose to hold
boy who was never known
selected for their d urability.
sewed, Seat and kees double,
where strain comes doubly stayed.
8 only bdys'
sizes 25 to 33,
per suit.
12 only boys'
and fawn, sizes
Your choice of
iihe4e are
gwo Jpecials.
two-piece suits, grey flannel,
plain knicker, to clear at $1.75
all wool, Hewston tweed, grey
28 to 83, bloomer knicker.
the lot for $3 60,
Vertairilq a Jnap.
Big range of boys school caps, Sweaters,
shirt waists, stockings, belts, etc.
Motto :
Deal for Every Man."
Anticipating a coming event friends
Of MissHazel Mozell gathered at her
Imam on Tuesday evening and "show-
ered" her with many of those things
which go to Make a home - pleasant
and attractive, That kind of a
"shower" alwaysplace.
Me Matt. Lockhart 'of East Wam a-
nosh, a some timetreeye and county'
councillor arid later chaiyinaa Of the
North Huron License Board, has been:
appointed a police magistrate for .the
North Riding. His honor is an un-
usually well informed man With 'the
courage of 'hie convictions. Every-
body except law ' breakers will ie,
satisfied with hie, appointment.
Pte. Normae Levy,- wile with other
Clinton boys has been in training 'fa
eofee heaths et 8handliffe; 'England,"
quite recently 'wrote to Mr, Fred.
alutele of town saying that 'their
training- perioa was over ' and
that they eapepted the ' call to
move to France errthe Dar-
danelles at asp moment. He
added that the whole Camp was.
not only( lit and ready but eager 'to
get on the firing line. •
The following students of Clinton
Collegiate Institute have been eue-
ee,ssful in securing Matriculation
standing at the June examination
Full Matriculation -Anna M. El-
liott, Mean E. Hoare, Katie Mac-
Gregor, Margaret McTaggart., Jean
Middleton, Janet Smith.
Partial Matriedlation-E. F. Copp,
A. Dewar, V. Evans, H. Holmes, A.
Petrie, N. Radford, E. Sanderson, H.
Shaw, F. Thompson, W. R. Chamen.
honour Matriculation -W. MeNaeghe
ton area W..0., Stewart, ,
Some time ago George MeTaggart,
Jr., second 'son of Mr. and Mrs.. Cr.
D. MeTaggart, °gored his services and
this week he was ordered to report
at the earliest possible date at the
War Office, London, England. He heis
been assigned to the Royal Engineers,
a British Regiment, with the rank of
Lieutenant, With him go twenty-five
other young Canadians who have been
given commissioes in British Regi-
Lieut. George McTaggart received
his education at the Clinton Collegi-
ate, St. Andrew's Ciollego, •Toronto,
and the Royal Military College, King-
ston, He is only nineteen years of
Mr. and Mrs. MeTeggart have thus
given their two sons to the service of
King and Country, their oldest boy,
Limit. Broder MeTaggart, who is on-
ly twenty-three years of age, having
been on the firing line with the •
tillety for several .'months.
The Edmonton Bulletin, referring to
the success of the Exhibition held in
that oity from the 9th to the 14th of
Aug., pays the following compliment
to a former Clintonian, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Holmes of
Toronto : "Just a few words of
commendation for the deserving 'num-
bers of the stall at the exhibition d-
im this year. Theirs is no bed of
roses during the rush of exhibition
time, but they have been civility it-
self all week, in 'spite of rue)), diffi-
culties, and the smiles have remained'
uttermost .:to the' last Miss E.
Louise' Holmes, Secretary to Me,
Stark (Manager) is one. who meet
be seecially mentioned in recording
the efficiency of the exhibition eta.
Before coming to her present posation
in 1912, Miss Holmes had been assis-
tant to Mr. Stark on the staff of
the Canadian Farm, and was, ' there-
fore, fully 'conversant with office
management, and with agricultural
matters in general. ' To say that not
a little of' Edmonton's success with
exhibitions 'is due to Mice Holmes, is
to present a bare 'statement of fact."
The ,Women's Patriotic .Sbeietyr viii
hold their next meeting in , the.
comma chamber on Friday, Sept.
Last Wednesday the following ship,
meat was sent to the Red ()DOSS
150 sheets, 125 pillow slips,' 510
towels, 266 wash cloths, 23; suits
pyjamas, 18 • hospital Shirts, 75
handkerchiefs. To ' • the Canadian
Field Comforts Commieeion was 'sent
135 pairs of socks, 3a docen hand-
aerchiefs, 12 packages Old Chinn to-
ThiS ebipmeirt contained the -fol-
lowing' Soldiers' comforts from the
Women's Institute of Londesboro :
15 pairs socks, 3 docen hmilker-
chiefs, 20 wash Cloths, 18 sheets.
From the 'Unity Club of Godeeieh
township -LI:10a went : .6e doe, hand-
kerchiefs,' 12 pillow .9iiS 1 sheets, 8
wash cloths, 7 pieces or old l '
inen 6
suits of -pyjamas, 3 dozen bath tow -
The Society consider thiu 'shipment
a good showing of the, work accom-
plished during' the vacation months
and appreciate 'to the fullest extent
all the 'work that has been done for
them in the country dieeriete.
The drawing for elie piciare donat-
ed the Society by Miss Graham is to
take place at the Flower Show' on
Wednesday evening next. Tickets for
the picture are on sale at Mr. Pair's
store sad may be obtained there un-
til August, 30th. They may also be
secured at the Flower Show on eith-
er evening.
Mrs. Lock Msec received word, this
week of the death of her eldest, bro-
ther, Robert Bruce, who died on his
homestead at Laghburn, Seek, after
a painful illnesi extending over fever -
al months. lie is survived by his wife
and two' children, a son and daughter
agedetwenty-one 'and nineteen 'ears
After a look over the orchards of
Huron Mr. DaVid Cantelen thought
for a space that his °copal/1bn of
apple buyer would scarcely be worth
following this iseasan, but before fin-
ally deciding to drop out he hiked off
to the counties contiguous to Toren -
to and' also on Georgian Bay where
he found the prespects surprisingly
good. In consequende he believes
there will not only be apples for home
consumption hut a goodly lot for
The home of. NIL and Mrs. George
Stanbury had a narrow escape at an
early hour -on . Wednesday of
week when tae. neighboring Mae° cot-
tage went up in 'smoke so they wish
to expeeei, through' the columns of.
The People's Paper, their hearty ap-
preciation of the strenuous help of
their neighbors and the fire brigade.
'W.thout this assistance, so promptly'
rendered, Mr. and Mrs. Stanbury's
cottage could not -have been saved
'from the lire :fiend. '
The north end livery leas again
changed hands, Mr. Frank Perdue
having diseosred of the husamse to
Me. C. J. Lovett, who took it over
last week. Tile new proprietor has
the Lovett geniality and combined
with his, fondness for a good hem he
has businesg ability so will no doubt
make a success' of his new venture.
Mr. Perdue is as yet somewhat un-
decided as to what he will take up•
and It May be that he .1011 xeturn to
his :first love, farming,
The Public school opens on the first
of September.
Good Morning 1 flow does your
sub to The News-Reooed read ? The
label tells the story.'
The Kilty Band will play out on
Tuesday evening next and on the fol-
lowing Sunday. •
Mn, T. J. MoNell not only makes
sales of musical instruments locally
but at points as distant as St Thom-
as and. Toronto,
Mr. James Steep has perfected a
fur stretching device which is very
favorably spoken of by trappers and
fur dealers and what he purposes
having manufaetured in large quanta -
Rev, R. W. Dicale, D.D., pastor mf
Crescent street Presbyterian church,
Montreal, will take the services in
Willis' church next Srinday. Sirs.
Dial° is a daughter of Rev. Mr.
Macdonald, a long -time -ago pastor .of
Mr. john A. Moore, who was born
at; Clinton forty years age, died in
'Jensen on, Sundsw. For years a
weak heart had given hint trouble,
but the immediate cause of death
was paralysis, The greater, part of
his life wa's spent in Clinton, but a
decade ago he moved to Seaforth and
two years later to Herisoll„ in the
commercial life of that stirring • vil-
lage he took an active part. He
carried on .the foundry business are a
repair shop and subsumeatly a hard-
ware. The letter he sold last May to
go into manniacturing 1n which be
was engaged, in association with his
brother Charles, when, he was stilek-
en down by illaess, The business life
of Hensel' Is the poorer because of
his departure, He was a MethAst
and a Conservative. He was unmar-
ried and 'Is survived by his brother
Charles • and three sisters, Miss
Mooree who lived with him, Mrs,
Robert Sweet, Clinton, and Mrs,
Wee, Johnston, Goderich. The funceal
took place on, Tuesday ' to Ciliate'
cemetery, the services being conduct-
ed by Rev. Mr. Doherty.
Rev. S. J. Allin took for his text
on Sunday evening last , the Words,
''\'ha't Manner of Man is This,"
foundptexin of
themarklasterse ; of 'the 4th
Mr, Be Witt Oceans of London ad-
dressed 'the morning congregatimi on
the Bible and the work of the Bible
Society: On Monday °canine, he also
spoke to a large audience on the
same subject and his address was
followed by a series of lantern views
of the war zone, His many iriende
'were 'pleased to fled him giving prom-
ise of Much ability and 'success.
On irueadayi evening the pastor mid
his wife were "At Heine" to all the
Public and High school teachers iu.
any way identified with Oa tario
street. More than thirty accepted the
invitation, The larger number of
these were young people whose. homes
are here and who teach in, various
parte of the province. Such a re-
union is only possible at this holiday
season and all present expressed their
pleasure at the. opportunity to meet
for a Social hour, Mrs. George H.
King, Soprano soloist:. of Goderich,
was preserit and sang e number ' oi
times to ; the great • delight of all.
Those who assisted Mrs. Allies were,
'Mrs, Treleaven, Mrs, Robb, Mise
I Wiltee, Miss Stevens, Mrs, Bart Lay-
nd Mrs Kerr.
Mr. S. S. Cooper' has appealed
against the decision of Police Magis-
trate Andre:we dismissing his charge
of °assault against Mr. Joshua Cook.
TIM appeal will be heard at the sea;
sion (ef the Division Court to be held
here on Sept. .2nd.
Mr. Harry Baker of the '16th con.
Eloderich township got his fall
wheat housed in good hape and last
Week had it threshed and with the
result hp la ,yery well satisfied, ,the
yield being . forty-four bushels to jthe
acre, The quality too is In keeping
with the quantity.
A New York publishing house re-;
eently carried on a eonteell in Which
handsome prizes were given, the third
being $160 in beta. cases. This was
wore bp Mr, A. T. Cooper of Clinton
who is- what might well be called
"a live wire" and always makes a
goodasataaing in any Mintiest in which
he nifty take part. $150 will comae
in very 'nicely theso tithes.
Miss Bessie Porter, who has been
in England the past year or so and
whose return was delayed by fear of
the German submariees, which tor-
Pedo defenceless passenger vessels as
readily as ships of wet, was a' pas-
senger Oil the steamer Arabic which
was torpedoed on Thareday last. Miss
Porter was among those saved and
on reaching Queenstown cabled to
that effect to Mr. Chas. B. Hale.
The Clinton Collegiate Institute
will re -open for the autumn- term on
Tuesday, Septemlim 7th. Students
intending to enter are urged to be
present on the opening day to facil-
itate reorganization for the term.
During the holidays the Collegiate
Instituto board have lead completed
an addition to the Institute building
which will make a •great improvement
in the accommodations, Owing to
the resignations of Mt Fleming well
Miss Ford, tine board has engaged
Mr. J. G. Adams, MA.,
.as teacher
in time departmen t of Spiel -et and
Agriculture, and Miss E. V. Camp-
bell as teacher of Art and junior
English. Both of these teachers are
experienced and come with high
The Prineipal, Mr. Treieaven, will
be glad to send an announcement to
any prospective atudent in answer l'o
any inquiry. He will also be paeasial
to receive the name's of any. residents
of Clinton who wish to receive sum -
dents as boaxclers or roomers. Phone
34 or address letter to Clinton for
full information.
'Miss Olive Cooper,- was the hostess
at a kitchen shower at her home on
Thursday evening, last for Miss Kate
Ford, who yesterday become the
bride of Dr. Arthur Bean of Ilderton.
Miss Ford hue her sister, -Miss
Jessie, were invited down from..God-
crick to spend the afternoon and ev-
ening at the Cooper home and in the
evening a numbee of the, girl friends
of the bride-to-be came in. After a
blip hour together the eliewer "came
on" and the presentation took Up an-
other happy hour. This was followed
by a dainty lungh and then the whole
company went to the station to see
the guest of the evening and hey pis -
tai off on the late train. As 'the
train was indeed late the time was
gaily 'spent by the girls in showering
eaoh other with time until there was
hardly, enough, left to give the one
for whom it was intended a parting
It was a most enjoyable little gath-
ering and will not won be lorgot(ten
V time central figure.
.alis Ford wan a member of the
Clinton Collegiate Aarl last year,
being instructor ie art, 'and hal made
many friends during her sojourn in
town. She is the second. daughter of
Rev. E. and Mrs'. Ford, formerly
of town.
They Will Be Sorry When
They Hear It.
Rev. J. Greene.
The numerous f deeds of Rev. J',
Greene all over tine province will
regret to learns that his illness is of
such a levers nature that he has
been compelled 'to give up all work.
During iris long life of over fourscore
years Mr. Greene hes enjoyed the best
of health, this being probably the
first severe illness he has ever had.
Clinton Will Buy a
Machine Gun for 33rd Battalion.
Contributions So. Far Received, More to Come.
Dr. Shaw ta
1\11:8, Shaw .
Miss 'Alis Ranee
• Mr's': W: Jackson a .
Mts. H. T. Ranee ,
G., McTaggart
'al. D. 111eTaggart . .
C. J. Wallis .
E. IVIanaing a
Joe Pattenbur,y .
Geo. Bradshaw e s, a
Miss Archibald a a -. •
Dr, B. Fowler; .
lire Rattehlatry a .
Percy Towne
'II. Paul-
Isaac jae•lcson . .
Mrs. Isaac Jackson ..
'W.... Treleaven.
airs. Archibald .
i)r. ,,
Colin C. Shaevta
Wesley Walker e .P.
DNR(c)rn;"Ilo-141111111(111 itbr
II. 13artliff ▪ v
W. 1-I. I-Iellyar , e
W. T. O'Neil • e
W. Bredora,
J. E. Holey . . .
• II. S. Chapman a.
1V. D. Fair
W. J. Mitchell • . .
D.W. Robloleeorsoonn:
Jack)rBa nadwi edren.
Miss 7„ 13aWdeu . .
W. 11. Ford a.. .
Earle O'Neil
C. W. Rowden . .
S. Cr. Fisher a a
Earle Palmer a
.A. Sutter .
Ray Rumball . aI
Frank Watson e , a
ivill Amileey . a 1.00
W. Cl'. Cole . v 1.00
Thosallerman a a 1.00
Gunn., Langlois Co. a: . 2.00
A. '1', Conpr , , . 3.00
H. ,• 2.00
It. Marshall a y • 2.00
Jacob Rands . . . 1.00
W. R. Counter a.. . . 2.00
Clinton Garage , a .. 1,00
Charlie Marks a a e a .50
Ed. Johnson . . .1.00
James Cook a e •y .50
Samuel Barr . . • 1.00
Clarence Johnson Y ; • 1.00
Erne Runaball sa 2.00
A. J. Grigg . 2.00
eV. Robertson . . e 1.00
D, A. Forrester a a. , 5.00
Dr. Axon . a v a v 5.00
AAn't j110.71:1Dirliseviisowa 1.
W. .1. Nie.,ad‘i,giesr v. 05..0000 ,
.1. L. Kerr e . 5.00
Dr. Thompson a a •• • 10.00
a 2.00
Charles Conner , .a . 2.00
John Scruton a v a . 2.00
Bun & Atainson a.. . 5.00-
k. J. Tyndall . a . 5.00
T. flawkin a., . 1.00
R. J. Draper . . . a 1.00
Piano and Organ Company. • •
S. F. Jost ... . .8 5.00
• A. Hewitt v 5.00
T. McNeil, 55..0000
'H. Ia. Rorke . . 5.00
Walter Manning 35..0000
W. G. Mollatt . . 5.00
B. Kerr
T. Managhan va a. 8.00
S. Kemp , . 3.00
T. E. East • . a 3.00
T. Carter , , . 3.00
Chas., , 3.00 Witte
la. F, Jackson, .a 3.00
I -I. Gored • , 2.00
H. II. MeBrien . a 2.00
Geo. Cook • 'a . . a 2.00
('al. Streets • a. . . 2.00
Luke Lawson e 2,00
'W. Biggart . . 2.00
H. Pennehaker v 2.00
Jas. Livermore ▪ a a a 2.00
Harry Feemlin a a a 2.00
FFzemellyiniisiont w.. Y.
, 22..0000
nr:pnel v. .0 22,000
a, IV. Moore a a a e 2.00
'A. Speranzo a a a 2.00
Wm, Butts
0. „Stickles a . . 2,00
CooperFlnelia. 'a A
Job a
. 1.000 0
Willie Gould e a a 1.00
Willie Nickle a e. 1.00
E. 0. Howe's e 1.00'
J. Cl, Cook .' a a. 1.00
Charlie eacCiedee a 1.00
Dan T,ivermore . ; 1.00
-Fred Livermore .• a v v 1.00
Elyiner Finch m a a -e.00
Lucy Cooleer e .a a 1.00
M. Grades
IV. G. Piekett : : :5050
W. Wheatley . . ,50
Ed. Nickle a, a a .50
W. Ca Farquhar . . e .50
.$10.00 ; Frank Watson, . av a 1.00
, 5.00 ' D. N. Wilson , . v 1.00
. 5.00 Fred, Match . a li.04
• 5.00 Edward I -fall . . . 1,00
10,00 W. S. R. Holmes . 5,00
a 10.00 J. I,. Harland a a a 1,00
10.00 Edward Sehoenhals , 1.00
6.00 David Steep a . . . 1,08 •
e 5.00 David Elliott . . . 11,00
. 5.00 John A. Sutter . 1.01
5.00 M. Hanley , , . . 100 ,
10.00 Cl. B. Hanley . . .
10.00 John Noble a . . . 2.00
, 6.00 John Schoenhals a . . 1,01) •
. 5.00 John Bayley • . . . 1.00
• 5.00 Arthur Cantelon . . . 1.00
• 5.00 David Cantelon . . . 5.00 ;
▪ 5.00 Hiram Rill . . . 1.00
10.00 W. J, Falconer . . 1.00 ,
. 5,00 Rev. S. 'J. . . 2.00 '
. 10.00
. 10.00
. 5.00
. 5.00
. 5.00
. 5.00
, 5.00
• 5.00
. 5.00
• 4.00
. 5.00
. 10.00
. 5.00
. 2.00
. 1(1.00
. 2.00
e 2.00
a 2.00
. 1.00
a. 1.00
. 1.00'
Murphy Orange Lodge.
J.. P. ShaPPaea . a a a 2.00
W. L. Johnson a a e a 1.00
Peter Cantelon a.a 1.00
William Walker . e a 2,00
Thomas Graelis a. a. a a 1.00
Thomas Cottle a . 1.00
William Steep a a a, 1,0.0
Harry Glacier a. e a. a 1.00
W. G. Smith a a . . 1.00
Joshua Cook . 1100
Edward Munroe . . a. 1.00
II J. Pingel a a • 1.00
David Beacom a a a • 1.00
1). ha C'oolc . . . 1.011
Thomas Sheppard . a a 1.00
Arthur 'Cook . . . 1.00 •
The Knitting Company.
The Knitting Co. a . .8 5.00
G. B. Harris . a e a 5.00
O. F. Libby . . 1.00 -
bliss Irene Harrison a e 1.04
II. B. Cioinhe
Nathan Harvey . . . . 1.00
Andrew Steele e • • a A00
Thomas Churchill a; a . 1.00
Glen Carter . .. .25
Miss Irene Carter , a. .25
Miss Aunts Nouch . . .50
Mr's. leurniss. . . a .25
Miss Lillie Rands e .25
bliss Else° Finch . .75
Miss Mabel Marshall .
Miss Rao Neilans a. . . .50
Miss Pearl Glazier . . e .50
Miss Violet McGuire . . .50
Miss Maggie Wheatley , .60
Miss Annie Roach . . a. ,511
MissBeatrice Graham .50.
Mrs. McIntyre -----1.00
Mimi B. Cottle e .511
'Vise Agnee Montieth . .
Miss Mamie Biggins . .50
Miss Ruby Oraells . . . .50
Miss Gladys Cook . , .50
Miss Effie Rath . .50
Miss • E, Holtehauer a. e .50
Miss Jean McGuire a a. .50
Miss Elsie Guaelis . a .50
Miss Alma Judd . . .50
Bert Beeves , . 1.00
Mrs, Bramfield . . , '1.00
Miss M. Bramfield . . . .5(1
Mrs. Shrenk . . . 1.00
eleCarthey. . • a a 1.00'
Alex. McIntyre . . . 2.00 •
Russel Britton . . . .50
Gordon IVIeCartney • , a 1.00
Daniel Cook . . a'. 1,25
David Sours . . . . 2.00 '
Morley Counter . a . . I.01!
Jarne's McNeil a . .. 2.01)
Williams kiutch a . • .50
Mansfield Cook . . . . 1.00
The Jackson Manufacturing Co.
Jackson Mfg. Co, . 4/5.00
W. J. Hamblyn. a. . , 2.00
William Carter , . . 1.00
John Mulholland , . .60
Robert Miller a . . . .50
Albert Mild:ell . v 1.00
Miss W. Powell . .50
Miss Lottie Stoman • a .75
William Cochrane a a • .50 -
Miss Nellie Watkins , • .25
Miss .Jeseie Watkins a. a .50
Miss Sadie Watkins a. 1.00
Miss Cora McGuire, . j . .50
Misses Maud and May
Ferguson ' . . , 5,00
Miss Ruth Argent . . .25
eliss Ella Lee . . . . .25
Miss Sadie Riggin . a .25
Miss Susie Hunting e . 1,00
Miss Mabel Lanxon . .50
Mies Nellie Raison . . .60
Miss Si, :White , . , . 5 0,
• Miss Ilene Miller a , a .50
bliss Nellie Hunter a. a .50
Site's Anna Watt' • • 1.00
Mies Flora He -arms . . .511
Miss Mettle Cooper . . .50
Miss Pearl Huller . a 1 .00.
Miss Nellie Brimfield . 1.00
Miss Bessie Smith , 1.00 '
Miss Mayene Churchill . .60
Mrs. Mathews . . .60.
William Kennedy . . .50.
Richard Walton . . . .50
Albert Palmer . . . .50
Miss' Mabel McConnell a
Mrs, Doborne . . . 1..00
Miss Ethel Pielmit . .50
Mise Katie Baxter . . 1.0(1
George Phelan . . . 2.00'
lain lam Collyer . . 3.00
Miss Maud Livernmee 1.00:
R, W, Reed . .10.00
Miss Jean Morris . . . .10
The ammo,' garden party given en-
der the .auspices of the Kilty Banat
will take place onthe Public schoOl
gtoialds tonight- The, Kitties have
been 'Working hard to make the en-
tertainment, a sueeess and there is.
no manner of doubt but that threat"
will succeed.
The Public school hoard has order-
ed a new it with the inteation, it
is no uneleretood, of keeping it fly-
ing every day auxin the continuance
of, the war for upon no. other public
building "is it More -if as much -im-
portant that the national emblem
should be kept aleft. Fay the Flag.
More Locals and Personals
on Pages 5 and 8.