HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-08-05, Page 5tigusti 5>ih, )[9I5 Plinton ;ewe -Retard mghamConstance: •14I'• s Jl' as .,l , 1• e to P 1 a ate ,, ,• t •c •: M• r. s ce t cSs S,0118'`,1Ia 1 a a 1d \� It 1Ia11 of S. p... F tad a-scbiool near ,Calecloniaa 1 il" Th rias • d Anilierstbucg respectively onithenco duty a8tee the Slimmer va are visiting. at, the, ,<pa,ental 'home a6 +an' 1 • that of M. and'Mts v 1'3 11al1!. 1 � 1 Will 5 It C 01 h outibe df `l'olonto'H,as Ma's. SD, TCinditic ncl little n son ,been engaged as teachav Of oJa,sics were called •l' nee to loeonto on Sat - „and Lisbon} by ii:.e High Sollovl urday; on account of the sadden death beard and Misr': B Re'btlettell as of Mr, KindS; Sr. Ate. ,and Mrs.D. teachereof eonmiereial work "And Itis• Sutherland at'eon ani0d them to the "tori , a- city, Mi., T. R. Willis, who Lias been h . •and Mrs. :Geo, Coates F ;New leader'- of ` bhe Citizens' J3and,for sonic Yorir are visiting 1,11e tarty e s sber, time past,. has •l;ono, to '1'orpnto to MIs, -W. Clarke, and ivihii .other: train for'os0iseas ,'ace ,'ice, frdendss "'hereabouts, a M • fewMrs: Adam Schaeffer iiul5nve n Me s..Duncan eiz' ' rd 0 1 S "MGlrt nt an days with parents, ans. Toro:; o reeen ly. She returnedhomethe past' week- . iYFl• as I lorence' Poco0: has rcturd Good eMorninb ! News -Record •meansnecNevs-Lader:Aro you asubscriber ?gpe,attonin the: General W. Stanley at iol ee7t1e, during lest wcek: much improved in health, irQnt an extended Visit at 'Fo'tdwich. Mr: and Kies. Janes Hamilton at - needed the funeral of the late Capt. Munroe of Southanipt„n last wee:c. Mr: and Mrs. Cleo. McDonagh and cltildi'en oY Winnipeg go” boon v'is i1'ing with Winginam friends. Mrs, ;I'', Buchanan and• Miss Eolith visited in Toropto last Weep. Misses (Nine ancd Clara Deemer <ie .holidaying in Muskoka, Mx... Harold ' 'Uinscltli has enlisted for overseas service and lips gone to Landon to train. Mrs' Swalty, was,- called hcaie Icon Detroit, where n'ie was visiting fri- ends, -on account' of the serials ' i11- afca:iof.hher.:husband'. • ., Mr, and. Mrs. T. J. ' McBride and family- Motored up from ' 3atnilton last weak to visit The fornier's sis tet Mrs. :J, J MoiTatlh?„tr. Mr:. and .Mrs, F. .0FIiaoiletrsar . e 'having a trip,' to Buffalo and other points, Mr.:David Cantpbell=of. Toronto is :holidaying at the home' of his mo- ther, Mrs. Campbell of town, • Zurich Mr. 13, Sheriff of Merlin was in town for a few days last week visiting, friends, Rea-, E. Holtzman of Port Elgin was here lass; week visiting his father; Mr. G. Holleman. Mrs. Wit. Hi 1 of :Toronto awl Mrd A. Thompson of Pino River .-espent.a week -end recently as, the .gttc lts.of Mrs, A: .Finlay of the Tovli'Line. ` Jt7rs, Alexander \ olsin of the Goshen Line,' South; passed away 'oil Mende); week, She is survived by .her huslnd• c and 'ai babe only a few weeks old. AliSs Margaret TTesis• is 'spending a fortnight with'her• sister, Mrs, 131s - •sett of Cioderich. - 1eiiss Diana Maerchet of Berlin hear, been 'Visiting her aunt, Miss Agnes C Kaerchcr of town, Airs. D. Snider and son of 'fails- .e Sea'forth. Mies' :Helen, Larkin has returned franc a holiday s;sent in Bayfield.,. Misses arriet,and Margaret' Wilson ofi London were in .town .last : wee'o for a few days. to shipment, of one hundred agrieul- t'ural:horses. were shipped from here to .England enc day Jost week. -They, were purchased by the British Gov- ernment.andtd ,will replace those taken to. the Print Mr; and Mrs. -lodgens: and fatuity. of Cleveland have been visiting 'Mr and M'rs. J,o!in, Do-dIIS.; Mr; and:Mre Isaac,Modelanrl ieit the beginning• of the .week on a visit to , friends at Tofield .,and , Etlinonton Alta. Misses Agnes and Mary Crosby have returned.from a trip down the Si. Lawtencet' Miss Nellie McNab is holidaying at Feigns and Galt. Mr, • N. A.Crich was. in Toronto last week attending a 'meeting of the Executive of ilio Baker's Association., Mr. Geo Duffield- of New Patterson, N.J., is visiting his brother, Mr. A. Davidson, It was Mr. Duffield who drove the first railway train through Sealcreth ofBrantford some sixty years ago. Hohenzollern Is the Champion Egotist. The llypocritteal references of the Icaiset,to the aid of the Divine ,this. Ingodly war has called forth army humorous and sarcastic reieteaces, a lanal this coupled with recent. articles nl oparing, t:he Kaiser and ex-Presi- lent;Roosevelt has -prompted a1i - .s- onytuQus poet: ro write .the following: K Der aiser of this' Fatherland 1.e two and Gott; you understand, 'lid Roosevelt all dings comm eel -- Myself tool 'ret, took have been visiting at -the 'home of tl,o lad}i's father, Mr. 13, Koehler, Mins Selma R'eaeloli has. returned to •Londoe after spending a vacation . at the parental' hawse Pore, Rev Mr, Strempfer of Elmira Rev, Mr. henncrly and ,Mrs. Kt'unerl}• of Alliance, Ohio, anis Misses Lydia Strcmpfer and Emelin Fisher, ilea- cennesses of the Drexel • Institute, 'w Philadelphia; were visitors stere for sew d•its.last week, • MI Joseph (ase and family of Tore Mao are ,here for the holiday season and are occupying the house of Dr'., Campbell ' while the latter and his `, family are in T'oron'to residing in the Case_ home. Alias Elizabeth Rennie of London in visiting her }lone here. A1r. John Fried and:family 01 Tor- onto onto spent the week -end Os the guests of Mo. C, Fritz. t used .to bo yust Gott end tee, But 4 et he. come to make” itince, l nd. Gott don't count nitieh latterly— Test Int -end Pet; • Yost Inc and Pet mit power divine '1'o keep, the rest. of 0001 in line— In lipase incl vex to gine dor sign— . Ind. sometimes—Gott, AIr self tail Tet der same as peas Der same alit (Iott, if you shall. Meese— Der same in var, der same in beast— Myself mit Tet, ]Ler cistern 'hemisphere for inn, For 'I'ct der one across der sea -- FON Cott der sky, we, 'wilt agree, Myself unit l'et•, A health to -100-a health to 'Cot- Lind. one for Gott already yet— - \'un Holy trinity, you bet— \'e two -and Gott, The Little Colony 0 f Scotchm en Kept the Flame of Rel, ious Life Burning Brightly. Historical Sketch of Bethany Presbyterian Church Go derich Township. The jubilee =anniversary services held besides: the resident ministers of God - last week: in Bethany Presbyterianerfch, Clinton and the surrounding •clfurch mark the 01051 of a period of !parishes, The first'eldrirs chosen were ouch interest and sigmiticancc in the t' James- Torrance, -John' bei lint:, lite of the community. Sometime in the first half of last century a little' colony of Scotchmen settled in that portion of Godericli township sur- rounding what is now known as Por- ter's TIi!1. The names, of these pro terian churches and in the following 00008 MaPhails McDougal's, McDone ..year Bethany was -: joined 1, Bayfiel(t olds, Torrances, Stirlings ,were suliic- and formed into a mission field. For a few ,year's the field was supplied' by students, the first of. these being Mr, 1). IJ." McCrae, now Dr. Mel'ran of London, who conducted the ,Jihi1ce services. In 1878 the first. ordained minister was placed over the charge in -the person of Rev, Nathaniel Pat: arson. Sii years atcr he was suc- ceeded by Rete. -1): -Fe-,:tet" 'Who' re- Maimed five years, 11 was during Mr. 'Forrest`s mainstay : that a .great mis- fortune hetet the congregation. In - 1885 the ';churcli with all records was destroyed by fie. Not'aiig daunt -?1 ed --however, the <00ngrogation set'' about erecting a new Church,' and the next year a solid Krick 'building, which stall stands, had sepiace,d the old ane. in • 1889 Rev, R. I-Ienderson became- minister, Co;lowed in -1895 by Rev. Wm 'Graham,' Atter hien in 1899 came Rev. „John McNeill, . and, in. 1911 thepresent minister, Rev. "Alfred 6laofan:lane was called to; the charge, which by .this, time became self -suer -1 taming. 'Hie elders during this phr iod, in addition to those already, men- tioned were Apehibald McPhail and V,!,n Stirling 'and the hwo who :are still acting, John Torrance and Thee. McDonald, Circumstances .hive, chattg= ed ,much- since theses.early days. The. Population of tate d'istric't has greatly; deceased and nunieaacaIly the congre- gation is weaker today than it, was fifty years' ago. But the num hearty loyal spirit still :persists, and the church is starting foxwa.d With hope A:1ex, ,Stirling and George Stirling, while the praise was led Tor some years bye. Mr. Campbell, teacher at Porter's I1ill, and afterwards for• many years by Peter McDougall. In 1875 Came the Union of the Presby lent to betray to err nationality. They had all the iiqualities of their race, thrift, prudence 'perseverance,-a►nd un-. aderlying all es strong ' foundation of deep religious- fet,ling.' Such a people could not be 'long there without seek- ing to make some provision for the worship of God, and being •Presbyter- ' lan to the core, they naturally sought' 'the form of -worship: to which they, had been accustomed in then:: youth: At that time the one 'Church' building in the neighlborhood was a little log Methodist church. This. was placed' at their disposal on certain ' Sundays, ,and services were held, there hy vari- ous ministers among. w'horin .the name fir Rev. Chas. Fletcher, Goderich; stands out prominent. When nomin- ister was available ,they held prepar- tiieeting services by themselves in .the homes, and thus kept the flame. Qt re- ligious life brightly burning. As the ?, Y g 'years passed however and they became' more prosperous, they resched 110• 'hu'id a church of their own, and in 186:5 their efforts were es.00ymed with success, and the first., Bethany, Presby- terian church was opened for worehip.' i'liis was a neat frame building, and for: twenty years the congregation, ga- thored joyfully within its walls, the church was not attached to ally reg- ular charge, and had no regular: fired pastor, but was served by different Wren. for varying terns.. Among l'lie names which occur.' most, frequently during thisperiodare those of Rev. Chas. Fletcher, Rev. Geo, Janileson, and courage on this new stretch, of Rey': Wm. For est, Rev, A. IVIe'1v111e," iLs oongtegatronal ii•de, 3!nth Miss Anna Whuu tccl Bell, daughter. of 'Mr, Win, 13e11 was 'ost , Wetiiiesilay of';this week. 'unlind iii the holy' bonds f , tart 1 0 11 1s ou i W 1111 A2j;' • T�,r I w of >, dlle .. Y an> Gi]lhan 11110 ceaenlon' tieing er , ] li g p form ed, in 511 Mic1 ae1's church by ,` Rett, .fattier Hogan, The... attending eoulAc. Vere Mr. Hanle ,McCaughey et Clin ton "and Miss Esticr 17011, sister of; the .trick, " A number of the - local to'e;ters 1003(1 0000 tq': ]3elgrare out ..SundaJn week when Rev.. T. Facie ,proaclied a• special Serimen ;loathe lnemi:trs of the So 114i:sioi01)1. Iteliy returner last: ivoefs to .her home In 'Arkansas, 'after bending a week or so hero, having co1510lionie on account of the illness and sub- sequent death of her; father.. Mr, Walter, Taylor of St, 'Thomas is ''s,Pendiug a fortnight with his un- cle and aunt, Mr, ,and; Mrs. T. Gds- 111031, -. Mr, John Mc.Ktn1eon of Toronto ,vas a guest at the 'Inane of his .-sister,, Mrs. (Dr.) Milne, for a few dial's re-' contly. Mrs, . assel of Rif ley Was the guest of, her daughter; "3(trs, Archie Bell; last week. News -Record to end' of }'oar for 50o. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and two child- ren of Cooksyillc s:ant last ' -tvee:c at flit, home of his patents, Mr: and Mrs, T G.osman. • Miss • Stackhouse-has'retu,:ned from a'vlsit.•withfriends'1133a31 Sault Ste, Marie:` s . • _ Mrs. W. Tyndall' has returned to her Home at Carlow alter i'isiting (-,lends here. • Mr.' W. E. Jewett -was up from Tor- onto for a few days visiting at the parental hone, the Aleth.odis;t- parson- age. - IIc is supplying ' during the r'a•; cation season at Wootlgreen Methodist Tabernacle. •. Mfr, avid Mrs. McQuarrie aced family have returned to their hinge in Mani- toba after visiting at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. II.. itle-.. Quarric Good Morning -1 News -Record means News -Leader. Arc you a subs nbcr ? Gaderich. 79:e Doty Engine Company has se- cured a contract for making 10,000 Silty-potnd shells. 'Hie company will be .obliged to install 85,000 worth of new-nlachinet7t but it wi'l he gone on with imnsexliatolp au(t in a few weeks the work of manufacturing shells will be commenced. . .. Mr. J. Fl, . Johnson of the Coiling - wood, Public Schools has been engage ed as - principal of the Victoria. street' school. • Mr. Farrow, collector of customs, bas received his svlperannuatlmi but he is still acting. Mr, 131., W. Robinson, who has been travelling in the west for so,ue weeks, has accepted a Position as 00- ganint of St. John's Baptist church, Moose law, Sask., and leaves Goder- leh about the •end of August. {firs. .1, II, Williams returned last week from 0 visit at Cleveland, Ohl& Mr, Lewis, M.D., Registrar Coats, AA, J. J, Doyle and Dr. llolnion left last week for a motor ,rip to Owen Sound and other points.. north. Mr, Harry (Micas cva1 113193041 last w edc, Dr. and Mrs, (.hats. Lane and twe. children of Detroit are holidaying at the P,7nle of the fn1'n11'r's parents, - C ouuty Clerk and Mrs, Lane, Albs. Bert Iv3ct' cath and little dau- ghter. of Toronto as visiting at Me McCreath home in town, - Rev, ,3. 3'. Marshall and son of. heixisdailc B. C„ and Dr. P. Cl. Mar - 'shall of Dayton, Ohio, have been the guests of 'Mr. and Mrs, .J. I3, Mair.- 51ia11 of town, Mr. NOr,11an Lew15 of Ottawa 'is holidaying at his home in town, that of Mr. and i4Iro, 1' N. Lewis, 14L:. and Mrs '1, T. Leckie and Mas- ter Montle%% are spending a fortnight or so in the Parry Sound district. Miss Mabel Tom of New 'York is Visiting lief home, in town, that of Mr. and Mrs. J, 1,,' Coni. Mr. Mark Wllitet(•+orn has begun the cultivation of Mushrooms and last week made the first shipnsent from Itis keds. He is mtking'preparetions for going extcnsicely into the business next season, • Airs. Clement and Mr. and Mrs, 1f, D. 'Hodgcns were hi Lotion last week attending the wedding of the fortirer's son,' Mr, Benjamin 11, Cie meet, to Miss 'Ethel M.' Weldon, Dungannon Mrs. J. Walkorn has been visiting relatives+ in Mitchell • Miss Stella .Kirke has been 'engaged as teacher in the Whiteolfuroh school. Dr: Bice of Vancouver; formerly of Dungannon, died on .luly 151,11,' lilt. i3, 11. Long, who bas just, re - Signed his • position as grin i1Ia1 of Victoria street school, God rl';li, was in town last week calling on old fri ends: Erskine chu ell held a ver3r suo+es5 . • fUl .lawn • social last: ivdee on the manse lawn- The proceeds! 'amount- ed .to nearly- one hundred and fifty dollars. ; , Merriest1"-lubeat and. David \t?hyard of iiirlitipeg:and Ohas. •tif Windsor. have, returned to their respective homes' `after spending a couple of weeks :at their home here, hawing oomc to be 'present at thefuneral: of 511(111: father, Mrs. Jloden and' little d• suglrte'r ` of 51. Thomas have beta, visiting the•for- l1100's father, Mr,: John Bowers, and alrso onion relatives hero, Miss Laura Irwin has returned from a visit with relatives at Walkerton and Flesherdon. Mrs. 13, R.'an and chilli -mit t 1 ,a Ve re- turned t turned frons a visit wi11h Clinton fri- ends :and was accompanied by her niece,' • Miss Mildred Csobc._' Miss Clara Whyan4,i wasuietl q y, married on Tuesday of last weele to Me, Jolie Smith ,of 100(13' William, They left immediately for 1110 wen!;, (.,co( i;VToaning 1•. Ne\ys R5003d • means News -Leader.. Are you a subeeriher ? r • appen'ings' f o•Fifteen Years'A • . • Happenings in Clinton at the Opening Pen' Centli:y' -• b of the Taken from the' :Tiles fT' o o he',: News -Record of the date indicated. Clinton, Aug, 2nd, 1900, New wheat. was delivered at Fakes Mill bit Frida}t,,I{o tested sixty pounds to the bushel. Miss • May' McMurchie, } youngest dau- ghter of the late Alex. . MoMurohie, was married at one o'clock yesterday to„Mr, W. E. Brydone, barrister, Ar - ter a 'short honeymoon trip Mr, -and. Mrs, Brydone will take up, residence in town, At the home of Mr. ant !12t:>. C:eo. Marra)f, FTuron street i'esterdav a double wedding took plaice when 'Mary L. Murray became the bride in , '1Lr. Thomas, Lindsay, who owns' 0 , fine farm on the,l3aso Line, and her sis- ter, '.Isabella, was married to Dr. John Lindsay of Wheatley. Mr. D. A. l'or:c:ster won the Win- chester rifle at the London lawn bow- ling tournament in a g3eme of s:ogles, Misses Conine,' -Taylor and Eastwood Leave on Thursday on a trip (0100 tite 51. Lawrence, The local market, 'Wheat 68e to 69c. Barley 38e to .40e. 'Peas 57c to 600. ' -Oats 250, Butter 150 to 16o, 'Eggs loo to' ll.e. Lice e gs 86.10 to $0.25. Marriages 34'REEL,AND—JOHN,5 — Ta Goderich oivnship, on July 28th, Ethel Johns of Varna to Stanley Free- land of Toronto. GILLLAN—BELL—In St. Michael's church, 13131,11, on August ilii, by Rev. Father Hogan, Anna Witmi- ir0d, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Win. Bell- of Blyth to Harold Dean Gillean of London. iJARSIIALLi—TIB$5—Lt Wingllam, on July 21st, Margaret Tibbs to Herbert J. Marshall of Blyth, SOMERVJLLII—R11I11—In Hallett, on July 27th; Mary S., daughicr of ,AIr, and Mrs. R. Reid, T•lutlett, to .J, Elliott Somerville, 13, Se., of Edmonton. • , It'ORd3l?;S=Mehl,\/IIsi- rn 1'11'ingharn, On July 19th, Archibald tiorbos, of Dublin, to Jemima McKenzie of' A1'inghani. Births' SCI1OIILILS, — Tn C'linlott, on August`IsI., to Mr. and Mfrs. 1(crb, Schoen;Nhals, a daughter, HOC'Kt\—tu Exeter on. July 281111 to Mr. and Mini George, hockey, a 9011, WEBST LR -1n. McKillop on .1 illy 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne S. Webster, twin daughters. S0O'I l At Allnont F'annn Meliillop, oA July. 25111, to. Mr. and Mrs, Wilinoro Scott, a slaughter, Deaths CLARK—,Al Varna, on July 3011i, iVilliam, Clark; aged 73 yeara and 2 months, S11.A\ 111\-\—ln Clinton, on Judy 300, Sarah Salvage, willow of the late Daniel• Shanahan, aged 77 years. JILLTOT'f—L1 (3odcricll Township on August Srd, Jane. Anti Elliott, daughter of Mr, Thomas Elliott of the 2nd eon, a•RMSTRONG—At Bay City, Mich., on :July 30th William :Arnnstrong, a native of Stanley ,township, Ont.,aged 65 tears, Mac5WLl:NT-In Godericli, on Julys 23rd, Alice Allfn, widow of the late Capt. Robert MacSween, in her 82nd yeas. L U'GTRIII L—ln Godericli, on July 25th, ,lane 13ipwel1, relict of the late. Davis, Luttrell, in her 96th year, News -Record M1aien News -Leader, Are you a stnhseriber'3 1\'AN'I'f D.—GIRL TO UO (11,INL)IML housework ice small family!. Apply to—Ml's. Wen. Murray, E'attenbury street, Clinton. 911-2 FOR RIN1'.-1:00-A CRE FARM ON the Bayfield Road, 2:4 Miles south of Clinton. Well cultia'ated, goon brick houso, bank barn and other buildings. Two wells on place. Or- chard. For further particulars ap- ply to—Mrs, Joann Wigginton, Clio- ton, P.O. Box 2,31. ,_•96. 110351: AND LOT ON D11NLOI' ST. tor .sale.—One and one-half story frame, seven rooms. W, aterworks and 'soft water. Quarter acre land with ,umber of fruit trees, Stable, The property is' ie, good ugpdition" and: will be sold at a reasonable price.-1-lerb: Alexander. —96. FOR SALE A'1' BARGAIN PRICES.; --Largo Clu'ney Range, Singer` Sew - ng, Machine,., Iron, Bed and Mat- tress.—Apply E. D. Holland 102 Princess St. —91 FOR SALIN.' - A YOUNG DRIVER three years ,past. Wali brolren and not scared of autos, they don't bother: her a hit,—Also? one buggy in good shape.—George Ladd; Section Foreman, Tlolnlesvillc. -94, FOR SA',iiJ. A NUMBER OF GOOD fresh cows and 'springers will be sold privately, Time will be given with bankable paper. Apply to—W. Marquis, 111, R. No, 1, Clinton. Phopo 14 on 60. -86 HENS ; AND BROILERS WANTED, ,Highest market price' will be paid,- W. 'Mar, uitn, 11. R, 1, Clinton, ' or Phone 11 on :1110. •-.87 S'JT 1)1331 2IOTEL, KNOWN' AS TII1:, Commercial, situated on Lake Hur- on, on, will be sold reasonable as the proprietor intends to give up the Business, For particulars apply to H. Darrow, . Bayfield, Ont. —86. FARM FOR SALE.--T1-IE JAMES Ross farm on; the London Road, part lot 13, concession 1, Stamle' Tp., 92 acres wilt ba sold at 1J -11P' tion on September 3rd, 1915. For part:talars apply to The 'Canada 'frust Company, London, Ont., or Brydone, Solicitor,, Clinton, Dated this 29th day of June, 1915. —9S ROUSE AND THREE ACRES E 1 � 5 OP Land - for Sale on the London. Road,, one mile south of Clinton, better known as the Jackson property. '1'l'g story frann0' house, enlall bank barn. ' Small orchard, ha'r'd and soft water. Reasonable' tevnes,-Ap-' ply- .to M1a. Philip RowclilTe; 11, 13., No., 5, Clinton.' HOUSE FOR Sc1LE:7MMM' PRO, perby of ,the late Mrs', Thos•, East.. Frame, 7 rooms, good cellar with cement floor, wood shed and chicken` pen, all in 'good -repair, 11 fruit trees, apples, plums, • Cherries and pear.—Apply. to • Ti. •Wiltse, Phone 40. -36 • CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and , Presseid and at the shortest possible, notice. Beth Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr. Grigg's Jewelry Store,—Wm. Jago. -55, CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell -write to us for cans. We supply two pans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the bigh-. gest market prices • consistent with au honest .test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled' and -tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in' the vicinity `of Kinburn may leave ;their cream with ' Mr, Hall who will deliver it here. Write for tans and give us a trial. -The Scaforth Creamery, Box 486, Seaford!.' " ROUGH ON RATS " CLEARS out Rats, Mice, etc. Don't Die in the house. 150 and 250. at. Drug" and Country Stores, —85-6 WANTED 10,000 Dozen Non Fertile New Laid Eggs Each gg Week We are prepared to • pay a pren111111n for eggs from flocks where there are n0 male birds, . eggs' to be not over 4 days old. BROILERS AND PAT iIENS WANTED. Do not hold yen]: poultry ma. Pali when the market is 'glutted and the price is cut in two, Sell now while the prices are high. SLED BUCKWHEAT AND MILLET. \Ve nave a good supply of buckwheat and millet at reas- onable prices. Flave you tried our (Quebec Maple Syrup ? We have only a few cans left. A • carload of Shorts and Bran clue to arrive this week, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N W Trewartha, Wm, Jenkin. • A�Bsi'scnit for Every Taste and Prices Right, With 30 or: 10 vaiaetie's. :.of fancy biscuits t0,ch00se from. 'There is no need heatingup the oven and kitchen during hot weather . ntatking•: calces' and cookies. There is a dainty and wholesome w01100 or Biscuit` - fn our store fon every taste. Tlere are 'a few suggestions, a .,.bargain while they last t Molasses snaps, -ti lbs. for 2503• • , Pine apple sandwiehes, Vanilla Bar .and Lenton biscuits '2 lbs, for 250. And other varieties of dainty ` and delicious. taste. When you are going camping or'pic- nicking look over out window and youwill see our suggestions for. your picnic or camp life. ,Joh.nson ,& .Co. The Store ofualti . Q y. Successor to S, Barr. Phone 111, °bond orders promptly attended to, TO C 0 •° ST Obir Live and Lel Live Why bother with hot t e hiire. SV1 ens you e'anet sueit (15'11010't is g. ar rl: nlournsliiing, cooked 11)0015 ready to. Servo. Now Iltat' the warm weather is- at hand we would urge tltall you Lige More of those wholesome cooked pleats. 411'1 of our meats are of a selected' quality and 'Nee' Dan • confi- dently say tlian you wilt, ba' geeatty pleased with them. ):Acre arc', a few suggestions Cooked Hams -What is ore ii 1 delici- ous than a slice'.of• lt, Veal Loaf --A .creator. appetite .in ;itsol£ for a• warn: day,• p Cooked Specialty—This is a. most appetising cold meat line. Breakfasts Bacon—Tri the• cool of the meriting these, are splendid ,lines to Bologna, Sausage+—Nieely pat erect' and made• by a, reputable find, E. E. HUNNIFORH LIVI1I AND. LET 'UL(Ts G'ROCE'R, Anything 'You .WANT DONE IN 'TFIL LINE OP ROOFI?NG, EAVETROUGI?I+-' ING. PLUMBING-, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. 013L1 13130 GET OUR PR'IC-. ES, ALWAYS ]3EST,, OFTEN CFIEAPEST. BYAM & SUITTER Samitary Piurnbels. • Phone 7. a Western : University , • Y Lona -on. . Income Doubled—nota 875,000. Another Large Addition to Faculty and • lquiphtent' 'fa Arts and Medicine. - GREATLY INCREASED ENROL A'B33T IV VIEW. • Write, for particulars to +•s E. E. B'RAITIIWAITE, M.A., Ph', Ds PRESIDENT. The Clinton .Garage Open All:Night, The season 'IS. now on for Gasoline Stoves, Why"not. buy' filtered gasoline out of our. Bowser pump, 1111011 passes the gasoline throuhh fine screens and a filter. Pr:Ices 'always the lowest. We keep one: ]sand a stock of Automobile Supplies and Bicy- cle Repairs and do all icineds of repairing promptly and at a reasonable charge, Auto Livery in connection, J. H. PAXMAN • CEIE! i We have on hand a car - 'load of Portland Cement and all orders for same will be #1Yed promptly. JOHN HUTTON, LONDE SORO. It is your assurance o1 perfe0t satisfaction in old or new work. In- sist ea getting, Canada C'enlent. A full stock on hand at all tines; FIemlock. sills cut to order. Shingles xixx and xxxx. Spraco and pine dressed. sidings and flooring.% Metallic building materials.' Lehigh Valley coal, all sites. Steam coal, Stet tilting coat. Tile, all aims, ,eithee to the yard or delivered on the job. Cedar posts all sixes. 14 -inch slabs, a bargain, Anyone in the market for any of 'the above lines will do well to get our prices, • JOHN B. MUSTARD Br c fi U e Lela , Phono 11 on 145,, makes the salado the season: Soniething new and pleasing' tathet l7 to .. taste, a te, Wer` chicken i c i➢ c �en just " f t the thing'. f o r summer salads, Ask for Tuna Fish or Chicken, Clc�en, 0 the Sea, only 115,0 per tin, CHIMNEY TOPS. Itrs' a trade to build' a. good ehim-+ ney and to repair a roof. It takes more. than a sheet of metal, a hot iron and solder, it requires exper- ience. If your •cliininoyn• does not draw, well send' for us and we will put it in order ; If your roof leaks we'll mend 1t, ; ALL KINDS OF TINNING we do well and. reasonably. THOS. ' HAWKINS. • Phone 63. • ARTISTIC J. G. CRIC3, TFIE RELI- ABLE DECORATOR, MAKES A' SPECIALTY OF CIiURCL[ES,. LODGE' ROOMS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES.. I -ITS ADDRESS is•4130'DOWNIE St,, STRATFORD Monuments ! Finest stock in. Huron Conn- ty of "Made in Canada" Mon- uments. Best 1301110 aatl Foreign Granites in up-to-daate, finish and design. Come and see then. Prices right. i At Doig's OPPOSITE TILL: POSTOFFICE A Granite Base gods with each Mon-, um0011. - -843r13 A Drop in Kindling A • LARGE- STOCK ON TIAND 4\iLL BC' SOLD CJ•I1AP TSIIS' MONTH TO CLEAR FOR CA5T4 ONLY. Leave your. orders tor Fer-' 'tilizer and Potash for your root crop. We will mix it for you at the store, • North End Feed Store. Frank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms : Cash, Phone 191, Are Y Yo u Troubled oubl d w><th Headaches ? sus I1 so thecause alta be eye Y y strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring 'relief and. cure, It ifs worth trying. Come to us and we will stake a careful test of your eyes ani tell you what is the matter and what you 1 a,. En our long g ex- p- erience . in the Optical business we have made areat number g n b of examinations and, it is a source of much pleasure for us to know. that our fittings have iavaria g by i given r g n g eat -satisfaction. ,i It your eyes bother you Come to us' and learn, the 1 reason why. 1l A. J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses,