HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-08-05, Page 1Na. 1896 --37th Year
5eod, Watch
Xeep Food Jime
• but sometimes good watches misbehave themselves because they ,•
can't help it,
They often do not get the -care they should, Dirt acetaniu-
lates, the watch gets erratic, perhaps stops altogether,
Now we can turn a watch like that into a useful timepiece
again for very little money,
We would take it apart, clean thoroughly, put. it together
and hand it back to you as good as new.
Try us, satisfaction guaranteed.
Repairs sent by mail Will have our earliest attention. We
will return to yon by mail postage prepaid by sts,
14. Yiellata
meter and Optician - Clinton
The Royal
Incorporated 1869.
Capital Authorized
Capital Paid-up
Reserve and Undivided;Profits
Total Assets
13, 500, 000
380 Branches. With world wide connection. • Interest allowed
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted.
MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch
1 he alorrish
Clothing Co.
Saturday, August 7th,
98c. Straw hat Day
It's Not a Question of Profit ,140y.
We 2bant to clean out our entire Stia2v
Hat stock, regardless profit or cost.
9 ess ofp f
.No goods carried over in an unbreakable
in this store.
Mese prices will pro the truth of our
i Commencing Saturday morning you can
take your pick of any $1,50, $2.00,
$2.25 and $2.50 Straw batfor 98c.
Or any 50c, 60c or 75c Stra2b Hat for 39c.
See Window o�w `7�
d rsplay.
Motto "A Square Deal for Every Man.
whether at home Or abroad
without any exception like to read
Mr. William Earl O'Neil of town,
who had just finished a s acral mili-
tary course at I,ondou has been gaz-
etted a provisional lieutenant ,in the
Huron, Regiment,
Capt. C. L. Dowding skipped a rink
of bowlers from the 33rd Battalion
at the Western Ontario 'Bowling Asso-
ciation tournament in London last
-week, but though putting up a good
game they failed to get into the Et-
ats. London rinks carried off all the
trophies. Clinton did not send a rink
to the tournament this year., .
Rev. Dr. Rutledge preached at the
morning service on Sunday, Rev, E,
G. Powell taking the evening service.
After the morning sermon the Sac-
rament of the Lord's Supper was ad-
ministered, Revs, J. Greene and E.'
G. Powell assisting the pastor. Mrs.,
Hare of Toronto, daughter of a for -
Mei: pastor, Rev, H. 14. Manning, as`
sisted the choir and rendered a solo
very acceptably at each service, Fiss
Thompson, also a visitor from Toron-
to, favored the congregation with a
solo a theevening t ev nin service,
The name of Miss Tennie Marquis
was inadvertently omitted from the
list of successful candidates from the
Clinton Collegiate Iu'dtitute writing
on , the lower school examinations
Miss Marquis passed her examination,
with honors and wan one of the five
candidates in Huron county to obtain
tills highly er•editable standing. The
oiler student of the C.C.I. to obtain
Boner's was Mr, Louis A, Mackay, son
of Principal Mackay of Hensel' Pub-
lic s^Fool. Both these young students
are to be congratulated on their s ic-
ecss which has brought credit to
themselves and their Collegiate.
Mrs, Daniel Shanahan, a wen l,n)Wn
resident of Clinton for many years,
Passed luta the other world on Fri -
(ay Ili a.ning last after being a
er for several months,
The 'deceased, whose maiden name
was Sarah Salvage, was born in Ire-
land and shortly after coining to this
country, thirty-nine years ago, she
was married at Goderich to the late
Mr. Shanahan what died two years
Last winter Him. Shanahan hail the
misfortune to slip on an• icy walk and
sustained a fracture of her hip bone
and she had been confined to bed ever
since. To her the end conte as a hap-
py release. She was of a kindly dispo-
sition, possessing the true Irish large•
ness of heart and had many friends to
whom be:, long period of suffering was
a deep regret, and who will cherish
of her many kindly. memories.
She was an aunt of the Messrs.
James Flynn of town, Dominick, Ow-
en and, Andrew Flynn .of Hallett,
Hugh Flynn of McKillop and Mrs.
Givlin of McKillop,
The funeral took . place, from the
deceased's,late residence, Queen
street, on Monday mo:ning to St.
Joseph's church,' where Rev. Father
Hogan said mass,; thence to the R. C.
cemetery in Ihuilett. The pallbearers
were: Messrs. John Shanahan, D,
Reynolds, P. Quigley, John Cat:lent,
J. McCaughey and P. J. Reynolds,
Six !inks r nks of Exeter howlers carne
up on Thursday last and played a
like flambee of locals on the fine Clin-
ton green. Eighteen ends, were play-
ed and at the conclusion of the round
the, locals Were iforty-four : shots
ahead. It was rattler too bad of diem
to win from their, guests but, the pro-
bability .is ithat when the, return
games are ,played the .Yorkshire town
will "get even," and a little more.
They',re, a gentlemanly bunch of sports
and the Clinton .men find lt a pleas
ure to play with them win or lose.
The following are the rinks and
scores :
Exeter :—Rows, Wambold, Deacon,
skip 4. Clinton :—N, Welsh,: A. H.
'Hovey, L. Kennedy,J. W. Kennedy,
J. W. Ne.liger, skip, -23.
Exeter :-Gauld, ' Biirrell, Stewart,
Snell, skip, .16. Clinton :—R, Rum -
ball, J: Wiseman, T. Jackson, Dr.
Shaw', skip,'21.
Exeter : ,Wilson, Grieves, Dore,
Creech, skip, . 12. Clinton;—II. Pen-
nehaker, ' P. E. liunniford, W. L.
Jo'hnenn, ;Rev. F. •C. Harper, skip, 15,
Exeter ;—Clark, Hurdon, White, Ta -
men, skip, 17, Clinton :—H. E. Paull,
J. Miller, N. Ball, Dr. Axon, skip, 15.
Exeter :-Spackman, May, Lovett,
Clark, skip, 13,.- Clinton :A. J. Hol-
loway, C. I`s Libby, J. Marland, G
D. Roberton, skip, 22.
Exeter :-John Scott, D.. McInnis,
W. J. IIeaman, J. W. Gladman„ skip,
11,` Clinton :-W. Jackson, J, Hunter,
W, Grant,; B. A. Forrester, skip, 21.
On Friday evening a couple of ranks
of Seaforth bowlers ` came up for a
friendly. game and ,as funk would have
it they shared the some late as the
Exeter players. In 'these" friendly
games, however, it does not so much •
matter who wins . as that a pleasant
social hour is spent together and on
this occasion tite end Was accomplish-
ed. The rinks and scores were as
follow, :
Seaforth :-Dr. Argo, R. McMillan,
J. A. Williams J, Me'.t:'acilsh, skip,12.
Clinton N." Welsh J, R. Miller, W.
Grant, L, G.- Pourtice,; skip. 25.
Soaforth -Dr. Grieve, W. Sleimer,
Dr, H. H. Ross, W. D. Bright, ::fp,
10, . Clinton :—D. Holland, W. Jan-
son,: D. A. Forrester, Peray Towne•,
Skil), 16.: '
Wheat $1,00.:.
Oats Gtc,
• Barley` 65c.
Butter 21c to 22c.
Eggs ride to lac.
Live Hogs $8.30.'
Miss Edna Wastnan was the whaler
of 'one oaf the prizes given by Miss
Date Ford instructor in art on the
C.C.I. stall, to tie, 'students making
the most creditable showing iii.. this
branch of study. Miss "Nasnsan won
mite second prize, the first going, to a
student from Heiman.
This pulpit was occupied Sunday
morning by Mr. J. A. Irwin who
no in the alittnoon preached accept-
cre tably
in the -Auburn church. The ev-
ening service 'was taken. by Mr. A, T.
Cooper. -Nest. Sunday Mr. Bell will
be in charge and on the following
Sunday Rev. Mn. Fairfull is expected
to .bc again in charge,
The central committee of the Relief
Work for the victims of the War in
Belgians, Montreal, 'wish it to be
known that for the present they will
not accept donations _ of clothing.
They will continue to accept food-
stuffs, but in carload sbipmente only,
and gifts of money will always he
welcome. Money is greatly needed to'
purchase wheat and flour, both of
winch are urgenttyc required by the
war sufferers in Belgium.
Messrs, J. A. Ford, John Ransford
and D. A, Forrester spent the week-
end as guests of Mr. F. 0. Rumbail
of London at his summer home at
Port Stanley. They also visited the.
London camp on their way home on
Monday, wiimeesed the competition
between the 34th anti 33rd battalions
in which the 33rd, in which Clinton
:eoPle era
par Weider] Y interested,
carried ol
the honors. Ourcitizens
afterwards lunched with its officers.
The Rev. II. W. Dickie, D.D., of
First church, Chatham, will conduot
the services in Willis church next
Sabbath and also on August 15th.
Dr, Diddle is Convener of the Synod's
Committee of Religious Education
and an expert on young people's
The Women's Association are hav-
ing the lecture room of the church
'renovated and during ..the month of
August the praylar meeting and Sun-
day school will be discontinued,
All who are knitting, or sewing for
the Women's Patriotic Society are
requested to said in any finished
work they may have as the supply
committee wish to make a shipment
as soon as possible, The articles
may be sent to any somber of the
committee, Mrs. Munroe, Mrs. Chani•,
or Mrs. C. Ilellyer.
Many friends attended the fort-
nightly tea held last Friday :after-
noon on the ps::tty lawns about the
homes of Mrs. Dowding and Mrs.
Miller, It was warm, !bat not so
warmas to prevent people taking in
a patriotic tea, and all the ladies in
the ward who were unable to come
and work or send supplies for the
tea sent small, donatias of money.
'Phis gave the menbexs
of the W. P,
S. residing in the ward great pleas-
ure for they were able to pay over
to the treasurer as the proceeds the
sum of $67.30. The next tea, on
August 13th, will be 'served by the
women of St. George's. Ward.
The council met on .Monday even -
leg, the fixing of the tax rate for the
year being the most important item
of business.
The town fathers, being -possessed
of a most laudable desire to "keep
clown the taxes," had invited the
members of'the finance committee of
the Model school to meet with them
and confer on the subject of cutting,
somewhat their estimates, they hav-
ing a ':ell los the sum of 85700. The
matter Was discussed at some length,
Chairman Hel1yar . of the , finance
board explaining that they had an
overdraft last pear and unless they
were given the amount asked. the ov-
erdraft would probably be -larger this
year as a Government: grant usually
-received would likely be withheld.
After some discussion it was decided
that the school hoard should receive
whatever -fundswere needed for the
running of 'the school and as that
was just, what the board wanted • the
arrangement . was considered satisfac-
The amount asked for by the county
Ws year is $2138.75, $1454.35' for
general county purposes, and $684,40
for provincial war tax,
The whole_amount to be raised this`
year for county, town, sphool and de-
benture rates in $21,635.48, The tax'.
rate for the year was fixed at 2611.
nulls, same as last year.
Bylaw No. 5, 181.5,, for the exten-.
sion and completion of the Hydro
Electric System, whichwas given its,
first reading at the July meeting of'.
council, 'wasread the second and third
[sed. •I'hast e'
tateand passed. nowo b
validated by the Ontario 'Railway
A letter was read from the I3ydro.
Commission stating that Mr,: Goo. F,
Heideman of Stratford had been ap-
pointed Hydro inspector 'for this dis-
tricts and will in future inspeeli all
Hydro work in town.
The death occurred at 1Vliddleahurch,
Man , on July 29t1sof Agnes, 'Elean-
or, youngest -,daughter ••of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Balderston, -a . bahe of a
year .:and a half. Mrs. Balderston
was l'oruteriy Miss Cree; sister of
Mewsrs. L. slid Itt Cree; and will be
rmucnibered by many in town.
Rev, . J. A, Robinson of Clarksburg
has been appointed by the Bishop as
rector of St. Paul's church., and will
take the sern'iees for the first time, on
September 12111;
Rev.Mr. Robinson has been in his
present charge- at 'Clarksburg for
about. five years. Previous to that
lie "ryas at Norwich and before that
at Markdahe,
Nlrs. Robinson is a sister of Mrs.
J it, Hovey of town and has visited
here on moic, than one occasion.
A casual visitor ,in town on Fl4day
evening last - might easily have
come to the conclusion' that Clinton
was Weber -Nag some rather import-
ant event, so many people werega-
thered on the street, rigs„ inotors,
etc., and theband tern • out
4 being in full
force. Lining up at the town hall
squat•; the, firemen and ball players,
headed by the band and several au-
tomobiles, marched to the baseball
diamond where a moat interesting
game was 'played between Hawkins'
Burtch and the Has-Beens, the follow-
ing being the line -tip
Hawkins'—c.f., Johnson ; 3.1s,, For-
bes ; I,f., Hair ; catcher, Hawkins ;
l.b., Rumbail ; pitcher, McCaughey ;
s.s., Matheson ; 2.b., Johnson ; r.f.,
S tickles.
ilas-Beeas.—c.f., F;n'c ; 3.1i„ J, Do.
berty ; 1.1., M. McFwan ; catcher, E.
Johnson ; 1 b., Dr, Agnew ; pitcher,
D. Tether ; s.s., P. Couch ; 2 b. Mc-
Kinnon ; r.f., .1. I,. Kerr,. Dr. Shaiv
umpired Ile game.
Though at the close of the game
the score stood 3-0 in favor of IIaw-
kins' bunch of huskies the Ban 13con's
put up a pretty good game. It did
seen a shame that they: didn't ha -e
one run to their credit but it was
merely a case of had luck as Fin%
very nearly made a home run, in-
deed, would have got home if "Billy"
Johnson Hadn't caught hint out. Thin
"Riley" Johnson was m advertently
put out on sound, Such a street': of
ill -luck. "l'tvae a great game, howev-
er, and those who a linen ml it got
the worth of their money. The gate
receipts went towards defraying the
expense to the firemen of taking
the Killi band with them to 'Thorold
People You Know.
Miss Josie Jackson le:t for Ottawa
on Tuesday afternoon.
Major Rance was up from the camp
at London over the twee? -end.
Miss Marjorie Cltowen has taken a
position on the postoffice staff.
Mrs. D. H. Watson and ler son, Mr.
Frank Watson, visited friends at
Mitchell this week.
Mr. J. P. Sheppard and Wynn visit-
ed! wills Nile and Dungannon friends
!three days of tins week. -
Rev, W. T. and Mrs. Pcarcy of [tar-
riston, - formerly of Londesboro,
were in town on Sunday. ,
llr. J, C Veitch, ledger keeper at the
Maisons Bank and his wife and
r1y are holidaying near Aylmer.
Mrs, F. C. Harper left yesterda3m for
a visit at Barrie anti at the sum-
mer home of her parents near
Rev, W. B, •Moulton, rector of the
Middleton parish, spent a couple of
days this week at Isis old home: in
Miss Margaret Wiseman returned ' to
Ottawa on Monday after a visit of
several weeks at the parental home
ill town,
Miss Fannie I3ellyar returned on
Friday after a visit of several
weeks` at Toronto, Bowmanville and
Mr. R,, R. Andrews and his li.l Lie soa,
David of Cleveland, Ohio, have bean
Visiting with his sister, Mrs, B. J.
G ibbingu. •-
Dr. Evans and MTs. Evans and fam-
ily spent a day this week at the
home of Mr. win. Evans on the
Sauble Line.
Miss Vanda' Curtain, who has been
spending the past two weeks with
Miss Pattie Greig, 'has left for her
home in Ripley,
Mrs. W. Hyslop and two, children of
Detroit ansa Spending a few weeks
with the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs; Isaac Jackson.
Mr. James Gibson, Miss :Lotus Gibson
and Miss Ina Gibson of West Waw-
anosh visited their cousin, Mrs." E.
McCartney on, Sunday. -
Mrs. J. B. Kennedy and her little
daughter, Doris, of Detroit are .via -
Sting for a couple of week's or so
with Mrs. D, B. Kennedy., '-
Mr. Clarence Kitty has returned from
Detroit and atter the holiday per-
iod'.be expects to taste •a post'.on
on the teaching stall of the Public
Schools, Toronto.
Mrs, A. F. Collyer and liar daughters,
Mar11 and Phyllis oh London -ars
visiting fog: a fortnight or so at
her parental home, that, of Mr. and
Mrs. James Steep.' .
Rey. S. ,J,. ttllin left on Tharsdayfor
his annual holiday hilay w
siet ho will
spend at I ondoti Sarnia and Wind-
sor.. He was joined at Sarnia by
his youngest s'on, Sherwin, whom
success as a student reflects honor
upon the C.C,I.-and who will enjoy
his holidays mole because of passing
the exams. so creditably,
HAVE GONE: w] ,7 , Be served in • South African
The foltonlust people, were -1'akoted War and is now in the
tothe west (,
W. Trenches in France.
Jackson on. Tuesday' Mr, and Mrs.
J, Thompson and Mrs. McDougall
and Mr. I{. leloClinchey of Goderich
township, and Mr, Alex. Sloman of
'town. Mrs. Ke,mrthoru left - for:
,Saelcatocn on Menla3''.
Mr. Edward Carter laid some Bald-
win ainfie$
ald-winahpies on The News -Record table
on Tuesday which were in an excel-
lent state of preserva'ti'on, They had
been grown in Mr. Carter's own or-
chard onJPrincess street and kept in
his cellar Since being harvested last
fall. Surely apples which -will keep,
until August, of the following year
must certainly be termed good keep-
ere_ -
IN CHI:\RGIE 08' C. A. S.
Several boys who were chargel
with breaking into two or three
stores in townwere up before the -
magistrate on Friday evening when
one confessed and - was taken in
charge by tilt Children's -Aid. The
boy is not being removed from -: his
home but will be muter the care
rho Society, whose, aeprest tative
will keep an eye on itim and try to
encourage hint to make better use of
Ms time in future, ...
Mr. C. II, 'Rollatul has oulereci. a
Ford tar. •'
The Kitty' Band will give another
of their enjoyable, open air concerts
on Friday evening of this week,
If The News-Recorn pleases You,
-you will please The Nevus -Record 'bp
recommending 'it to pour friends.
The Firemen and Kitties enjoyed
their: trip to Thorold although - the
had weather interfered somewhat with
the success of the tournament.
Mr. William Armstrong, who was
born in Stanley townshi1 'sixty-five
years ago but who for the past quar-
terof c i ur s resided m
a t tt y ba e ted in the
United Stats,principally tallS
• in fitiehl-
gau, died at Bay City on Friday list.
lie is
survived by his wife, who was
a Miss Tang of Stanley, and their
tn'o children. Four of the six pall-
bearers were brothers of the deceased,
Mr. John Armstrong of Clutton and
Wessrs, Robert, Wilson and George
Armstrong of Stanley,
Clinton Collegiate Institute
For IT. to Form Ii T. :
E. L. Blake,
C. ('antelon.
1T. Cuntelon.
E. R. Carter.
L. Churchill,
Z. Churchill,
C. C. C'ook,
M. H. Ci:oh.
V. W. Crich, .
J. Grainger.
F. Gray.
I,. Hanley.
17, Kaiser,
L. Kentp.
H. -Kitty,
h A. MacKay (hobo
R. Mackenzie.
T. Marquis (honours)
R. McGowan.
II, Morrison,
C. Nediger,
S. Nelson.
E. •Powell,
F). Reid.
F. E. Reynolds.
M. Sehoanals.
H. Stewart,
Faculty Entrance-- Exams.
Successful students of Clinton Col-
legiate Institute ;
1}: C, Beacons, Part II.
R. P. Dewar, Part It.
F. l+ingland, Part I.
N. Garrett, Part II.
E. S. Gray, Part II.
L. O. Harvey, Part II.
D. J. McCliuchey, Part I,
W. MacGregor, Part
E. A. Manning, Pamir I,
H. R. Middleton, .Part II, (with-
out Mod. Histoly.)
P. I Potter, Part I.
C. L. Toll,Part II. ,-
iR. B. Walker, Part. I.
L. J. Wasmann; Fart I.
It Isn't Your Town, It's You.
If you like to live in tite kind of town
Like the kind of a town you like,
You; don't have to slip your clothes
f.n a grip
And start on a long, long hike.
You'llonly duct whatyou, left behinid,
For there's nothing that's really
It's a knelt at yourself when ' you
knock your town
It isn't tihe town—it's you.
Realafraid teaus are nit made of men
Lest body vget and
Wiser everyosomene -ivoriseies soulean;obody
Yoshiu. canksraise' a town f:roat. the
And if, while you ta1.e yourperson-
Tour neighbor can make one, too,
your town will be what 3'ou, want to
It isn't yotir town --it's }'roti,
t -Contributed,.
Tom Fulford of the Royal
Warwicks, son of Mr. Thos.
Fulford of Clinton.
Mr. Thomas, Mulford of town has,
two sons serving the Empire, one in.
France and the outer .in the Dardanel-
les, .
Private Thomas Fulford, the eldest
son, served through the South African. --
war and on his return tool: a position
on tiro postc}llice staff at Birmingham,
England. While the Empire we''s at -
peace he dict Itis share in promoting,
the welfare of his native land by at-
tending to his ditties in connection
with his position, but when war was
declared lie immediately event back to
his old regiment and has been with
the troops in Belgium and France cv-
cr since.
Tile second son, 'red, is also in the
army. i\t th, beginning of the trouble
he was sent to Egypt and is now la
the Dardanelles and will probably be:
onthe ground one of these clays whenen
Constantinople falls into time hands of
the Allies.
'1'ltese young melt were boils born in
England and have. never been in Can-
ada, ,
Dr. Moffat and wife and Walter
Harding of London are guests at the
Mr. W. U. Robinson, wile and child
of London have taken a cottage in
Lake Side Park for the season,
Mr. Wilson, wife and fancily of Sea -
forth are summering in Lake Side
Mrs. A. \\'elsh'C lhd child of Toron-
to are the guests of her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Joint Biggart, Mr, Welsh
came up on Saturday and spent over
Sunday- with Mrs, Welsh,
Miss Alice Tippet of Tbronto is
spending her holidays under the par-
ental roof. - -
Mr. and Mrs. William Rumbail of
Londoc are visiting friends in the -
village this week.
' Miss Lizzie Ferguson of 'Toronto is
visiting tender the parental roof.
Miss Marion Gray of London is the
guest of Miss Florence Edwards chis -o
Wilber Erwin of Berlin is
his holidays under the parentalcal roar'.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones, Sir. and
Miss ldapburn and Miss Banes of
Crediton were the guests of the for-
nser's mu, Rev. J. ,'L. Jones , over -
Sunday. -
Mr. George Fisher, wife and child:
of Waterloo were the guests of Mr..
and Mrs. F, A. Edwards over Suitd y,,•-
Iiarold. Pollock, of Toronto is ,spend-
ing his holidays in the village,
Mrs, Lowe and family of Port Dov-
er are the guests of her aunt, Mrs.
John Toms.
The Bayfield Falt Fair will be held
on Oct, .5th and 6th. -
'Mr, and Mrs. _James Mose, of \\al -
toit spent over , the week -enol will',
their sea -in-law and daughter, Si
and Mrs, Carlf•ie Huston. They were
accompanied by Rev, Richard E.''•
Page and wife and daughter of Brus-
Mr. and ltirs. McLaughlin, and fans-,
thy and Mr. and Mrs. Wigmore and
family of Hamilton and Miss McEw
an of London are a:tending the sum-
mer in Deer Lodge 'Park.
Rev. Mr. Saunders, wife end soa.
Mister Alonzo Sanders,, of Wallace -
burgh, Dr. Woods and wife of Tor-
onto, Miss Hodge had Miss 'Paltmioa
of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wil-
son, Miss Stephens, Mr. and Mrs.
Fooiitt, Sirs, Jack O'Flaherty, - and
daughter, London, Mrs. Young, De-
troit, Mr. such Mrs. Flanders and fam-
ily of Philadelphia,U.S.A.., are guests
at -Miss 'Fergitsan's.
Misses Ruby Yates and Helen Ward'
of I,istow.eil have Ceen tite guests du1•-
ing the past week of Miss Belle Drar• .
Clinton people who were booked toy
the trip up the lakes on the Sir..
"Naronic" were held in Sarnia for
several days owing to tine steamer
stranding, but they] got away- Tues-
day on the "I•Iuronie.'
The Women's Patriotic ,Society
meeting will he held on Friday after
noon of next week on the lawn of
flits. Mel Sr:,, commencing at
three o Tho '.ladies of St,,
George's Ward will serve the, tea,
*, INCORPORATED 1855 ........ ••...... -:
i `N
Reserve $ 8 80�
Capital and �v $ , ,000
96 Branches in Canada.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders.
Savings Bank Department.
C. E. Dowding, Manager, Clinton Branch.
1 he alorrish
Clothing Co.
Saturday, August 7th,
98c. Straw hat Day
It's Not a Question of Profit ,140y.
We 2bant to clean out our entire Stia2v
Hat stock, regardless profit or cost.
9 ess ofp f
.No goods carried over in an unbreakable
in this store.
Mese prices will pro the truth of our
i Commencing Saturday morning you can
take your pick of any $1,50, $2.00,
$2.25 and $2.50 Straw batfor 98c.
Or any 50c, 60c or 75c Stra2b Hat for 39c.
See Window o�w `7�
d rsplay.
Motto "A Square Deal for Every Man.
whether at home Or abroad
without any exception like to read
Mr. William Earl O'Neil of town,
who had just finished a s acral mili-
tary course at I,ondou has been gaz-
etted a provisional lieutenant ,in the
Huron, Regiment,
Capt. C. L. Dowding skipped a rink
of bowlers from the 33rd Battalion
at the Western Ontario 'Bowling Asso-
ciation tournament in London last
-week, but though putting up a good
game they failed to get into the Et-
ats. London rinks carried off all the
trophies. Clinton did not send a rink
to the tournament this year., .
Rev. Dr. Rutledge preached at the
morning service on Sunday, Rev, E,
G. Powell taking the evening service.
After the morning sermon the Sac-
rament of the Lord's Supper was ad-
ministered, Revs, J. Greene and E.'
G. Powell assisting the pastor. Mrs.,
Hare of Toronto, daughter of a for -
Mei: pastor, Rev, H. 14. Manning, as`
sisted the choir and rendered a solo
very acceptably at each service, Fiss
Thompson, also a visitor from Toron-
to, favored the congregation with a
solo a theevening t ev nin service,
The name of Miss Tennie Marquis
was inadvertently omitted from the
list of successful candidates from the
Clinton Collegiate Iu'dtitute writing
on , the lower school examinations
Miss Marquis passed her examination,
with honors and wan one of the five
candidates in Huron county to obtain
tills highly er•editable standing. The
oiler student of the C.C.I. to obtain
Boner's was Mr, Louis A, Mackay, son
of Principal Mackay of Hensel' Pub-
lic s^Fool. Both these young students
are to be congratulated on their s ic-
ecss which has brought credit to
themselves and their Collegiate.
Mrs, Daniel Shanahan, a wen l,n)Wn
resident of Clinton for many years,
Passed luta the other world on Fri -
(ay Ili a.ning last after being a
er for several months,
The 'deceased, whose maiden name
was Sarah Salvage, was born in Ire-
land and shortly after coining to this
country, thirty-nine years ago, she
was married at Goderich to the late
Mr. Shanahan what died two years
Last winter Him. Shanahan hail the
misfortune to slip on an• icy walk and
sustained a fracture of her hip bone
and she had been confined to bed ever
since. To her the end conte as a hap-
py release. She was of a kindly dispo-
sition, possessing the true Irish large•
ness of heart and had many friends to
whom be:, long period of suffering was
a deep regret, and who will cherish
of her many kindly. memories.
She was an aunt of the Messrs.
James Flynn of town, Dominick, Ow-
en and, Andrew Flynn .of Hallett,
Hugh Flynn of McKillop and Mrs.
Givlin of McKillop,
The funeral took . place, from the
deceased's,late residence, Queen
street, on Monday mo:ning to St.
Joseph's church,' where Rev. Father
Hogan said mass,; thence to the R. C.
cemetery in Ihuilett. The pallbearers
were: Messrs. John Shanahan, D,
Reynolds, P. Quigley, John Cat:lent,
J. McCaughey and P. J. Reynolds,
Six !inks r nks of Exeter howlers carne
up on Thursday last and played a
like flambee of locals on the fine Clin-
ton green. Eighteen ends, were play-
ed and at the conclusion of the round
the, locals Were iforty-four : shots
ahead. It was rattler too bad of diem
to win from their, guests but, the pro-
bability .is ithat when the, return
games are ,played the .Yorkshire town
will "get even," and a little more.
They',re, a gentlemanly bunch of sports
and the Clinton .men find lt a pleas
ure to play with them win or lose.
The following are the rinks and
scores :
Exeter :—Rows, Wambold, Deacon,
skip 4. Clinton :—N, Welsh,: A. H.
'Hovey, L. Kennedy,J. W. Kennedy,
J. W. Ne.liger, skip, -23.
Exeter :-Gauld, ' Biirrell, Stewart,
Snell, skip, .16. Clinton :—R, Rum -
ball, J: Wiseman, T. Jackson, Dr.
Shaw', skip,'21.
Exeter : ,Wilson, Grieves, Dore,
Creech, skip, . 12. Clinton;—II. Pen-
nehaker, ' P. E. liunniford, W. L.
Jo'hnenn, ;Rev. F. •C. Harper, skip, 15,
Exeter ;—Clark, Hurdon, White, Ta -
men, skip, 17, Clinton :—H. E. Paull,
J. Miller, N. Ball, Dr. Axon, skip, 15.
Exeter :-Spackman, May, Lovett,
Clark, skip, 13,.- Clinton :A. J. Hol-
loway, C. I`s Libby, J. Marland, G
D. Roberton, skip, 22.
Exeter :-John Scott, D.. McInnis,
W. J. IIeaman, J. W. Gladman„ skip,
11,` Clinton :-W. Jackson, J, Hunter,
W, Grant,; B. A. Forrester, skip, 21.
On Friday evening a couple of ranks
of Seaforth bowlers ` came up for a
friendly. game and ,as funk would have
it they shared the some late as the
Exeter players. In 'these" friendly
games, however, it does not so much •
matter who wins . as that a pleasant
social hour is spent together and on
this occasion tite end Was accomplish-
ed. The rinks and scores were as
follow, :
Seaforth :-Dr. Argo, R. McMillan,
J. A. Williams J, Me'.t:'acilsh, skip,12.
Clinton N." Welsh J, R. Miller, W.
Grant, L, G.- Pourtice,; skip. 25.
Soaforth -Dr. Grieve, W. Sleimer,
Dr, H. H. Ross, W. D. Bright, ::fp,
10, . Clinton :—D. Holland, W. Jan-
son,: D. A. Forrester, Peray Towne•,
Skil), 16.: '
Wheat $1,00.:.
Oats Gtc,
• Barley` 65c.
Butter 21c to 22c.
Eggs ride to lac.
Live Hogs $8.30.'
Miss Edna Wastnan was the whaler
of 'one oaf the prizes given by Miss
Date Ford instructor in art on the
C.C.I. stall, to tie, 'students making
the most creditable showing iii.. this
branch of study. Miss "Nasnsan won
mite second prize, the first going, to a
student from Heiman.
This pulpit was occupied Sunday
morning by Mr. J. A. Irwin who
no in the alittnoon preached accept-
cre tably
in the -Auburn church. The ev-
ening service 'was taken. by Mr. A, T.
Cooper. -Nest. Sunday Mr. Bell will
be in charge and on the following
Sunday Rev. Mn. Fairfull is expected
to .bc again in charge,
The central committee of the Relief
Work for the victims of the War in
Belgians, Montreal, 'wish it to be
known that for the present they will
not accept donations _ of clothing.
They will continue to accept food-
stuffs, but in carload sbipmente only,
and gifts of money will always he
welcome. Money is greatly needed to'
purchase wheat and flour, both of
winch are urgenttyc required by the
war sufferers in Belgium.
Messrs, J. A. Ford, John Ransford
and D. A, Forrester spent the week-
end as guests of Mr. F. 0. Rumbail
of London at his summer home at
Port Stanley. They also visited the.
London camp on their way home on
Monday, wiimeesed the competition
between the 34th anti 33rd battalions
in which the 33rd, in which Clinton
:eoPle era
par Weider] Y interested,
carried ol
the honors. Ourcitizens
afterwards lunched with its officers.
The Rev. II. W. Dickie, D.D., of
First church, Chatham, will conduot
the services in Willis church next
Sabbath and also on August 15th.
Dr, Diddle is Convener of the Synod's
Committee of Religious Education
and an expert on young people's
The Women's Association are hav-
ing the lecture room of the church
'renovated and during ..the month of
August the praylar meeting and Sun-
day school will be discontinued,
All who are knitting, or sewing for
the Women's Patriotic Society are
requested to said in any finished
work they may have as the supply
committee wish to make a shipment
as soon as possible, The articles
may be sent to any somber of the
committee, Mrs. Munroe, Mrs. Chani•,
or Mrs. C. Ilellyer.
Many friends attended the fort-
nightly tea held last Friday :after-
noon on the ps::tty lawns about the
homes of Mrs. Dowding and Mrs.
Miller, It was warm, !bat not so
warmas to prevent people taking in
a patriotic tea, and all the ladies in
the ward who were unable to come
and work or send supplies for the
tea sent small, donatias of money.
'Phis gave the menbexs
of the W. P,
S. residing in the ward great pleas-
ure for they were able to pay over
to the treasurer as the proceeds the
sum of $67.30. The next tea, on
August 13th, will be 'served by the
women of St. George's. Ward.
The council met on .Monday even -
leg, the fixing of the tax rate for the
year being the most important item
of business.
The town fathers, being -possessed
of a most laudable desire to "keep
clown the taxes," had invited the
members of'the finance committee of
the Model school to meet with them
and confer on the subject of cutting,
somewhat their estimates, they hav-
ing a ':ell los the sum of 85700. The
matter Was discussed at some length,
Chairman Hel1yar . of the , finance
board explaining that they had an
overdraft last pear and unless they
were given the amount asked. the ov-
erdraft would probably be -larger this
year as a Government: grant usually
-received would likely be withheld.
After some discussion it was decided
that the school hoard should receive
whatever -fundswere needed for the
running of 'the school and as that
was just, what the board wanted • the
arrangement . was considered satisfac-
The amount asked for by the county
Ws year is $2138.75, $1454.35' for
general county purposes, and $684,40
for provincial war tax,
The whole_amount to be raised this`
year for county, town, sphool and de-
benture rates in $21,635.48, The tax'.
rate for the year was fixed at 2611.
nulls, same as last year.
Bylaw No. 5, 181.5,, for the exten-.
sion and completion of the Hydro
Electric System, whichwas given its,
first reading at the July meeting of'.
council, 'wasread the second and third
[sed. •I'hast e'
tateand passed. nowo b
validated by the Ontario 'Railway
A letter was read from the I3ydro.
Commission stating that Mr,: Goo. F,
Heideman of Stratford had been ap-
pointed Hydro inspector 'for this dis-
tricts and will in future inspeeli all
Hydro work in town.
The death occurred at 1Vliddleahurch,
Man , on July 29t1sof Agnes, 'Elean-
or, youngest -,daughter ••of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Balderston, -a . bahe of a
year .:and a half. Mrs. Balderston
was l'oruteriy Miss Cree; sister of
Mewsrs. L. slid Itt Cree; and will be
rmucnibered by many in town.
Rev, . J. A, Robinson of Clarksburg
has been appointed by the Bishop as
rector of St. Paul's church., and will
take the sern'iees for the first time, on
September 12111;
Rev.Mr. Robinson has been in his
present charge- at 'Clarksburg for
about. five years. Previous to that
lie "ryas at Norwich and before that
at Markdahe,
Nlrs. Robinson is a sister of Mrs.
J it, Hovey of town and has visited
here on moic, than one occasion.
A casual visitor ,in town on Fl4day
evening last - might easily have
come to the conclusion' that Clinton
was Weber -Nag some rather import-
ant event, so many people werega-
thered on the street, rigs„ inotors,
etc., and theband tern • out
4 being in full
force. Lining up at the town hall
squat•; the, firemen and ball players,
headed by the band and several au-
tomobiles, marched to the baseball
diamond where a moat interesting
game was 'played between Hawkins'
Burtch and the Has-Beens, the follow-
ing being the line -tip
Hawkins'—c.f., Johnson ; 3.1s,, For-
bes ; I,f., Hair ; catcher, Hawkins ;
l.b., Rumbail ; pitcher, McCaughey ;
s.s., Matheson ; 2.b., Johnson ; r.f.,
S tickles.
ilas-Beeas.—c.f., F;n'c ; 3.1i„ J, Do.
berty ; 1.1., M. McFwan ; catcher, E.
Johnson ; 1 b., Dr, Agnew ; pitcher,
D. Tether ; s.s., P. Couch ; 2 b. Mc-
Kinnon ; r.f., .1. I,. Kerr,. Dr. Shaiv
umpired Ile game.
Though at the close of the game
the score stood 3-0 in favor of IIaw-
kins' bunch of huskies the Ban 13con's
put up a pretty good game. It did
seen a shame that they: didn't ha -e
one run to their credit but it was
merely a case of had luck as Fin%
very nearly made a home run, in-
deed, would have got home if "Billy"
Johnson Hadn't caught hint out. Thin
"Riley" Johnson was m advertently
put out on sound, Such a street': of
ill -luck. "l'tvae a great game, howev-
er, and those who a linen ml it got
the worth of their money. The gate
receipts went towards defraying the
expense to the firemen of taking
the Killi band with them to 'Thorold
People You Know.
Miss Josie Jackson le:t for Ottawa
on Tuesday afternoon.
Major Rance was up from the camp
at London over the twee? -end.
Miss Marjorie Cltowen has taken a
position on the postoffice staff.
Mrs. D. H. Watson and ler son, Mr.
Frank Watson, visited friends at
Mitchell this week.
Mr. J. P. Sheppard and Wynn visit-
ed! wills Nile and Dungannon friends
!three days of tins week. -
Rev, W. T. and Mrs. Pcarcy of [tar-
riston, - formerly of Londesboro,
were in town on Sunday. ,
llr. J, C Veitch, ledger keeper at the
Maisons Bank and his wife and
r1y are holidaying near Aylmer.
Mrs, F. C. Harper left yesterda3m for
a visit at Barrie anti at the sum-
mer home of her parents near
Rev, W. B, •Moulton, rector of the
Middleton parish, spent a couple of
days this week at Isis old home: in
Miss Margaret Wiseman returned ' to
Ottawa on Monday after a visit of
several weeks at the parental home
ill town,
Miss Fannie I3ellyar returned on
Friday after a visit of several
weeks` at Toronto, Bowmanville and
Mr. R,, R. Andrews and his li.l Lie soa,
David of Cleveland, Ohio, have bean
Visiting with his sister, Mrs, B. J.
G ibbingu. •-
Dr. Evans and MTs. Evans and fam-
ily spent a day this week at the
home of Mr. win. Evans on the
Sauble Line.
Miss Vanda' Curtain, who has been
spending the past two weeks with
Miss Pattie Greig, 'has left for her
home in Ripley,
Mrs. W. Hyslop and two, children of
Detroit ansa Spending a few weeks
with the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs; Isaac Jackson.
Mr. James Gibson, Miss :Lotus Gibson
and Miss Ina Gibson of West Waw-
anosh visited their cousin, Mrs." E.
McCartney on, Sunday. -
Mrs. J. B. Kennedy and her little
daughter, Doris, of Detroit are .via -
Sting for a couple of week's or so
with Mrs. D, B. Kennedy., '-
Mr. Clarence Kitty has returned from
Detroit and atter the holiday per-
iod'.be expects to taste •a post'.on
on the teaching stall of the Public
Schools, Toronto.
Mrs, A. F. Collyer and liar daughters,
Mar11 and Phyllis oh London -ars
visiting fog: a fortnight or so at
her parental home, that, of Mr. and
Mrs. James Steep.' .
Rey. S. ,J,. ttllin left on Tharsdayfor
his annual holiday hilay w
siet ho will
spend at I ondoti Sarnia and Wind-
sor.. He was joined at Sarnia by
his youngest s'on, Sherwin, whom
success as a student reflects honor
upon the C.C,I.-and who will enjoy
his holidays mole because of passing
the exams. so creditably,
HAVE GONE: w] ,7 , Be served in • South African
The foltonlust people, were -1'akoted War and is now in the
tothe west (,
W. Trenches in France.
Jackson on. Tuesday' Mr, and Mrs.
J, Thompson and Mrs. McDougall
and Mr. I{. leloClinchey of Goderich
township, and Mr, Alex. Sloman of
'town. Mrs. Ke,mrthoru left - for:
,Saelcatocn on Menla3''.
Mr. Edward Carter laid some Bald-
win ainfie$
ald-winahpies on The News -Record table
on Tuesday which were in an excel-
lent state of preserva'ti'on, They had
been grown in Mr. Carter's own or-
chard onJPrincess street and kept in
his cellar Since being harvested last
fall. Surely apples which -will keep,
until August, of the following year
must certainly be termed good keep-
ere_ -
IN CHI:\RGIE 08' C. A. S.
Several boys who were chargel
with breaking into two or three
stores in townwere up before the -
magistrate on Friday evening when
one confessed and - was taken in
charge by tilt Children's -Aid. The
boy is not being removed from -: his
home but will be muter the care
rho Society, whose, aeprest tative
will keep an eye on itim and try to
encourage hint to make better use of
Ms time in future, ...
Mr. C. II, 'Rollatul has oulereci. a
Ford tar. •'
The Kitty' Band will give another
of their enjoyable, open air concerts
on Friday evening of this week,
If The News-Recorn pleases You,
-you will please The Nevus -Record 'bp
recommending 'it to pour friends.
The Firemen and Kitties enjoyed
their: trip to Thorold although - the
had weather interfered somewhat with
the success of the tournament.
Mr. William Armstrong, who was
born in Stanley townshi1 'sixty-five
years ago but who for the past quar-
terof c i ur s resided m
a t tt y ba e ted in the
United Stats,principally tallS
• in fitiehl-
gau, died at Bay City on Friday list.
lie is
survived by his wife, who was
a Miss Tang of Stanley, and their
tn'o children. Four of the six pall-
bearers were brothers of the deceased,
Mr. John Armstrong of Clutton and
Wessrs, Robert, Wilson and George
Armstrong of Stanley,
Clinton Collegiate Institute
For IT. to Form Ii T. :
E. L. Blake,
C. ('antelon.
1T. Cuntelon.
E. R. Carter.
L. Churchill,
Z. Churchill,
C. C. C'ook,
M. H. Ci:oh.
V. W. Crich, .
J. Grainger.
F. Gray.
I,. Hanley.
17, Kaiser,
L. Kentp.
H. -Kitty,
h A. MacKay (hobo
R. Mackenzie.
T. Marquis (honours)
R. McGowan.
II, Morrison,
C. Nediger,
S. Nelson.
E. •Powell,
F). Reid.
F. E. Reynolds.
M. Sehoanals.
H. Stewart,
Faculty Entrance-- Exams.
Successful students of Clinton Col-
legiate Institute ;
1}: C, Beacons, Part II.
R. P. Dewar, Part It.
F. l+ingland, Part I.
N. Garrett, Part II.
E. S. Gray, Part II.
L. O. Harvey, Part II.
D. J. McCliuchey, Part I,
W. MacGregor, Part
E. A. Manning, Pamir I,
H. R. Middleton, .Part II, (with-
out Mod. Histoly.)
P. I Potter, Part I.
C. L. Toll,Part II. ,-
iR. B. Walker, Part. I.
L. J. Wasmann; Fart I.
It Isn't Your Town, It's You.
If you like to live in tite kind of town
Like the kind of a town you like,
You; don't have to slip your clothes
f.n a grip
And start on a long, long hike.
You'llonly duct whatyou, left behinid,
For there's nothing that's really
It's a knelt at yourself when ' you
knock your town
It isn't tihe town—it's you.
Realafraid teaus are nit made of men
Lest body vget and
Wiser everyosomene -ivoriseies soulean;obody
Yoshiu. canksraise' a town f:roat. the
And if, while you ta1.e yourperson-
Tour neighbor can make one, too,
your town will be what 3'ou, want to
It isn't yotir town --it's }'roti,
t -Contributed,.
Tom Fulford of the Royal
Warwicks, son of Mr. Thos.
Fulford of Clinton.
Mr. Thomas, Mulford of town has,
two sons serving the Empire, one in.
France and the outer .in the Dardanel-
les, .
Private Thomas Fulford, the eldest
son, served through the South African. --
war and on his return tool: a position
on tiro postc}llice staff at Birmingham,
England. While the Empire we''s at -
peace he dict Itis share in promoting,
the welfare of his native land by at-
tending to his ditties in connection
with his position, but when war was
declared lie immediately event back to
his old regiment and has been with
the troops in Belgium and France cv-
cr since.
Tile second son, 'red, is also in the
army. i\t th, beginning of the trouble
he was sent to Egypt and is now la
the Dardanelles and will probably be:
onthe ground one of these clays whenen
Constantinople falls into time hands of
the Allies.
'1'ltese young melt were boils born in
England and have. never been in Can-
ada, ,
Dr. Moffat and wife and Walter
Harding of London are guests at the
Mr. W. U. Robinson, wile and child
of London have taken a cottage in
Lake Side Park for the season,
Mr. Wilson, wife and fancily of Sea -
forth are summering in Lake Side
Mrs. A. \\'elsh'C lhd child of Toron-
to are the guests of her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Joint Biggart, Mr, Welsh
came up on Saturday and spent over
Sunday- with Mrs, Welsh,
Miss Alice Tippet of Tbronto is
spending her holidays under the par-
ental roof. - -
Mr. and Mrs. William Rumbail of
Londoc are visiting friends in the -
village this week.
' Miss Lizzie Ferguson of 'Toronto is
visiting tender the parental roof.
Miss Marion Gray of London is the
guest of Miss Florence Edwards chis -o
Wilber Erwin of Berlin is
his holidays under the parentalcal roar'.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones, Sir. and
Miss ldapburn and Miss Banes of
Crediton were the guests of the for-
nser's mu, Rev. J. ,'L. Jones , over -
Sunday. -
Mr. George Fisher, wife and child:
of Waterloo were the guests of Mr..
and Mrs. F, A. Edwards over Suitd y,,•-
Iiarold. Pollock, of Toronto is ,spend-
ing his holidays in the village,
Mrs, Lowe and family of Port Dov-
er are the guests of her aunt, Mrs.
John Toms.
The Bayfield Falt Fair will be held
on Oct, .5th and 6th. -
'Mr, and Mrs. _James Mose, of \\al -
toit spent over , the week -enol will',
their sea -in-law and daughter, Si
and Mrs, Carlf•ie Huston. They were
accompanied by Rev, Richard E.''•
Page and wife and daughter of Brus-
Mr. and ltirs. McLaughlin, and fans-,
thy and Mr. and Mrs. Wigmore and
family of Hamilton and Miss McEw
an of London are a:tending the sum-
mer in Deer Lodge 'Park.
Rev. Mr. Saunders, wife end soa.
Mister Alonzo Sanders,, of Wallace -
burgh, Dr. Woods and wife of Tor-
onto, Miss Hodge had Miss 'Paltmioa
of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wil-
son, Miss Stephens, Mr. and Mrs.
Fooiitt, Sirs, Jack O'Flaherty, - and
daughter, London, Mrs. Young, De-
troit, Mr. such Mrs. Flanders and fam-
ily of Philadelphia,U.S.A.., are guests
at -Miss 'Fergitsan's.
Misses Ruby Yates and Helen Ward'
of I,istow.eil have Ceen tite guests du1•-
ing the past week of Miss Belle Drar• .
Clinton people who were booked toy
the trip up the lakes on the Sir..
"Naronic" were held in Sarnia for
several days owing to tine steamer
stranding, but they] got away- Tues-
day on the "I•Iuronie.'
The Women's Patriotic ,Society
meeting will he held on Friday after
noon of next week on the lawn of
flits. Mel Sr:,, commencing at
three o Tho '.ladies of St,,
George's Ward will serve the, tea,