HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-06-24, Page 57,7 June 24th, 1915 and c 'school Ivesk Tapplie oder - Mrs. positi PublM 11 It is .sims Rev. week Mrs. Mr. Synod eongre witnea' alit°81 Mr, tersmit in Det Mrs, gem of • Miss dinelis Mbs. lolida aerator MeLeal locate Miss 1-lamilt night J.W.] Mrs. town I Harry Mrs. Mrs. 11 been II ing at Jas. 13 'Miss1 -girl, 111 loepita 'the ora Lieut nected mow a recently Mrs. friends Mr. /guest nay of on his liayfseld Owin Ing slur assort Mg up ----leen se when g Grand Pc Aux. Sal trance Imre pr 18 runs good ell 'turn an htsel. a "Franke. In. 18 from th where 1, he ere flooded eurroun locality and dal la 18 aite fro foliowosi A canal in the plus w built at so that era and Natut spot fo in, the healthfu the lake aeres, d and lar dollars ing the :rubbish, through and lie P151 35 gond. Co towns There i mails f hotels, tots, cottage In th has bee child. , bathing, dancing P las beg sion in -'P. He fitted u ,of town afto'no ena, Be} ,settled street. Nfr. a Hyrock part in church, centry, Mrs. has bee Percy • Miss at the cert, A week t .miterpri The He go • ---,- ' ' Clinton Necvs-Record • ' . 1(400551 i3uhsrsrioet • • You a Subseribar ? a-, . •Bluth, - ' , . H; A. Thomas motored to Wat- recently to visit his parents lildten. • • • Mimic. Thompson of Ciinten, le,:i jarnae,in\bvears oifn tihoewBlyth .• oy' ePrtibl,i: eld recently. ' I •lettel of town, aa Austrian, I 'for naturalization papers at ' [eh last week, 11: J. M. •Darr has resigned her m as principal of the Blyili School, _ Goderich. • Misses Jean and Anna Lawson • of Detroit are, sPending a vacation at. the bome of their parents, Capt. and Is. awson. • They hate as Du L , , i‘ -mei 'egstlonicitt 01thaDiortrocoitusin, Miss Viola 11i atla Mrs. Jas, Buchanan, Mrs, F. J• Butiand and Masters Frank and Donald Butland took in the Grey - hound excursion -last week, Mrs. J. D. Hayhurst and Mies Elia Platt of Detroit were the guests, last LAWN SOCIAL. . underam5Illeas .°E the .• AlUBURN BAPTIST CHURCH W,EDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE. 30. A good progfain of . Vocal and Instrumental --music, Addeeeeee, Etotc,3, 011.,ceiforclunents served from 6 Admissien 25c. Children 15c, ' ' ' TENDER'S ' PIANO TUNING. YOUR WANTED Sealed tenders, addressed, to the • .. • • undersigned, will be received up to 10,000 Dozen Non. June 26th, 1915 for an addition to the 0 in 'on oi egia e ns n es I. 1, ' a 1, ' .6 I . tit t 1-lertile New Laid . , .1 ,,,, 0 ,.. ,11.. IX l', aaga. Pa'01;t:nnieferal:ItlemNam'oy°:'brie..,liyforl.a.soa''61.11aeryw,hocloeinen•c:tr, E, g.....g07 iLiCli4"1. V V Viri• b,rioic t‘,ork, pto. Contract No. 2-earpentrY, wood PrIeVlen ivalme 'fPoIT Pi LI:: as Sf r(lo 1 n PnlIcietras where there are no mate birds, work, etc. eggs to be not over 1 days old. -IF PIANO is worth anything it is worth tun - ing, I am prepared to fill any or- dins s nt In to my address. lot Pian. Tuning,s. , •cs' • ' ' ' ° lei ingY repairing and action regulating, an estimate given on , seeing instuument. Can waotf.itllOwnlIdilasottoaenhaal:IgueotSocurnt:otibIlYfieb:t,ohrilccile:aersaftirl._IYI . . R. T. Gibbs, Piano tuner, Lon-de98•0• i ' ' Is ' , the ' best 8 / . Package . ' I . Tea , Oontract No. 3 -Plumbing, heating, etc. ' ' l BROILERS AND PAT HENS Contract No. 4-Paintingetc. ; . , Plans, „ , ons Do not hold your poultry un- inaybe ssePeenciants4t tichliels l'Rndoya91.°11, cliett?ainlc;. tit fall when the marlcot is Chn on. and the, priee is etit in tsvo. S ell now While the prices' Treleaven, J W •• J. W.• are high. • • Setratay C. ., , SEED BUCKWHEAT AND MILLET, ,PAPER HANGING. -I AM PREPAR- ed to do Paper Hanging and Pahrt- promptly and at moderate cost. I guarantee my i work to lee satis- faction. Let nte have Your order early before the spring rush be • gins, -Wm. A. Mason, Princess street -74 ' onthe market ! oirc per T • ea is 'Very will be higher. Sterling' Brand • , pare favorably today fdr lb. Although , high and 0 u 1. will com- with wi reg- and Mrs. Wim Sims 1143ed end Preston friende recently. ' neatly 11111Y Years. irlee. 'Mr/ last visited that section. P. FL Farr was- in London, last as attendance at the Synod. . Parr accompanied' him to the Fraink Metcalf attended the as a delegate from the „Blyth gation. Ha also was present to s the ordination of his nephew week of' Mr. j..S..Platt of town.- . Rev. .1, 13. Fotherifighana and judge Holt ware in Lonbon 'last week ate tending the 'meeting of the Synod. • 1VLI:s. (Dr.) Duggan and little (laugh- et o t • f Detroit were 'the guests lett' a week of Mr, bud Mrs Walter Skar- - ' ' ' - man. Miss M. Smeitzer of Detroit a ieited her sister, Mrs. 'Donald' fileNerill, last week. • , Moe. John Cathbertson, who is Don't Forge' t thewANTEn, •ing liatrioticLawn So , . Cial •Clinton.lutted to bc held ae the home ol Mrs. John May,Ragenbury street, on Saturday, 3 1.1710 26th. There will be a sale of hame-made candies and cblicing. Refreehmente eery- ed. I"' admission fee. Everybeily come ,and bring some one: ; We have a good supply- of ular 40c Package Tea buckwheat and millet at teas - HENS AND BROILERS, WANTED, enable Prices. highest market pries will be paid:- Have you tried 01(L Quebec • Mai:glue It. R. 1 Clintr Maple Syrup ? We have only a W. i , Clinton,, Phone 14 on 0 O. _87 few cans left. . A carload of Shorts and THE COAND1 STORE Live and Let Live — ' Try a be convinced, , package and i • he ,elnixela staying with her lather, Mr. J. - E. nraegle of town, recsived last week . , Two SIMMER COTTAGES FOR Seaforth. and Alas, Scott Grieve of Tuck- 1 visited the foriner's brother keen her husband who - is with the Canadian troops in Flanders, a Ger- man- soldier's helmet. ' Mr. George Buggies has enlisted with the 4851 Highlanders and goes . , ,, • rent also good Num Piano for 1 For i . . .t, 1 . sale,. 0:leap. lat,14.1. pm iett tus apply to VA R. Jewett, Box 30, Bayfield. -90 Bran due to arrive, this week, FARM FOR SALE. --SITUATED 1N ARE YOU GOING ...a...............................a...............11 ' r the Township of HayC'ountr of • fOntariok Hur°"' Province o ' "own GUNN LANGLOIS CO. and designated as paat lot No. 10, I • Lake Roat west concession, near l' Dansereau Avenue in the Village of 1 he Up-to=date Firm St. Joseph, Price 83500 with easy CLINTON. ' ter a -Lam ntegue Limited,138 in . o , N.W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins Notre Dante St. W., Montreal, P. N. CAMPING ? The season i8 bere again when we begin to think of lake and Stream and the pleasures that go along with Camping . - Wm T T. ..., 1 ),1 0 N 1,1 rola last week. Roberts of London has been her sister, Mrs. Wm. Smith- town. Kathleen Forrester' of Kilmer- < es been •visiting in town. Arthur Scott of Windsor is in at hi • • • • - g a hoinc at Roxboro. unt Mrs, Holtman of Manitou,Mg residents of town,, have been the leap's' sister, Mrs/. M. Y. a They may decide to again bore.' Helen Beattie has returned to with them to Niagara for training. Mr. Buggins is the proprietor of the Lyric theatre. Many fine trout are being • caught • - u s t now by our local fishermen. Mrs Bert Brophy,• 1 dau laer of West ' andg 'port, Ind., arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, BrOphy, also Mx. and Mrs Fred. Broplii and clauditer of . • ' • - : ` - Winnipeg. Mr Josepl Kidd returned last ' - 1 week from a pleasant trip around thQ Muskoka, lakes with a party of ONTARIO STATUTES 1915 ' .-JIJS- tires of the Peace and others en- , titled to copies of the above stab- utes, are requested be call at my office or to send there for them ; "more' t t 'it t ol 11 convenien , o wu e o Inc for the same with the address- es to which it is desired amp should be sent. Ooderich, 19131) June, 11115.-C. Seeger, Clerk f ° the Peace. -90-21 Q -87 -.a—a- . and Picnicking, If jou are go - . camping, see us regarding your supplies. We are special - •-•--e-e FOR SAI,E.-A .NUMBER OF GOOD Just a Moment f fresh eowe and springers will be sold privateey. Also a few choice PLEASE. calves from 8 to 4 old, per, sonally selec,ted. Axrangements have ' been made to get a limit-. ae number for a week or We wish to call your attea- . izing on this trade. • . . Sandwich Materials Sandwiches, are handy aid appetizing for picnica and lit - tle jaunts that campers frea e•-- esilseer."---' _..%•--i I / , on. alter a visit of a fon,-weeks with her brother, . Mc. 3eattie. Miages:all of Toronto isin dsiting Per daughter, Mrs. Stewart. • in i Ca C.P.R. agents from points n - d and theUnited a a.States, Miss Graham has retuned to toll, a • alter spending the wham with with her nieces in New York. • 1Virs. Thos. M. Davis,formerly Miss Griffith for time NO . a .., , . , TICE -THE, STORE OF MR A . J. C mance, Holeiesville, will close each Wednesday at 5 p. lin. during the summer months. • -89 ' . , two yet. Time will be' givea tion to our Baking e'cawders, quently take. We have cold Meats, Jellied M:eata, Potted - ' • 111•1111111111111M with bankable paper. Apply to -W, Meats, Pett Butter, ,.---'-• 111111111111111111111111111 Thos. Lee and her daughter, a W. Holmes, of Detroit have me timing' the past week viait- the home of Mr. and Mrs. pat tie. Elizabeth -Morrison, a Seaforth IS just graduated from Fergus I, being the t'aledietorian of ss. ' James Dickson, who ja 0011-. with the Army Medical Corps and some matron of the Alexandria Hoepit 1 died o -a ,r1 ,. ..,11 af, ,, uneday incoming, T 10 unmet took' place on Sattitda,y to Maitland min- etery, Mr. 0, L ho has been . • • L. • Doolittle,' • residing in lastowel for some time has .been transferred to the Goderieh' Toronto run on the 0.P.R., and will- ove to town. The family formerly mlived in Goderieh and will be wel- corned back. HOUSE AND THREE ACRES OF Land for Sale on the London. Road, one mile south of Clinton, better • known as the Jackson property, Two story frame house, small bank barn. Small orchard, hard and soft water. Reasonable terins.-Ap- ply to Mrs. Philip Roweliffe, R. R. - No, 5, Clinton. every can guaranteed to be Marquis, R. R. No. 1, Clinton, - -Nut Sat - • 1111•1111•111•11111 Phone 14 on 66. -86 Government standard, We stand behind this line which is mon, Sardines, Olives and Cheese. . 1.1.1filMilig ''' 1111M11111111111111M1-7'.. ' : , a' • ••••."... especially pub up , and 1 named LADIES' TAIL011.-II. IIORN, THE eiolinson's Own ' Baking Pow - Ladies' Tailor from Seafortla will - der,-' For next Saturday onlr . be at Couch's store, Clinton, every Sethi:flay front I 1 a.m. until 5 p.m. we are offering iL at 2 cans _ el. for 05c. We also wish Lite pub- lie to know other lines of Bak- Specials Str.awberries, Oranges, Lem- • 0119,. Bananas, Pine Apples, Ripe 'Tomatoes, Green Onions and Lettuce. ;" Iiia111111111MM11111:' . ; CHIMNEY TOPS. It's a trade to build a good nay and to repair a roof. It more than a sheet of metal, iron and solder, it requires i chime takes a hot exper- ing Powder we .carry in stock, FURNISHED SUMMER COTTAGES such as Forest City, and Best, at Bayfield, Deer Lodge Park. Wide t BakingPowder e c.,s that are verandahs, splendid beach, tennis. Ice and boats included.-Applp to wen IcIlmrn• E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. ienee. If your elainner does not draw well send for us and we will put it in order ; if your roof leaks we'll mend it, ALL KINDS OP TINNING Niagara Camp was in town • ...___a. ' J. H. Broadfoot is visiting in Woodstock, ' J. Atkinson of Detroit was the l his grandmother, Mrs, Cites- town, for a few days recently way to the family cottage.at . „ • . • Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. • Flappenings in Clinton at the , Opening of tho Centel,. — 1:101.'Sre FOR SALE. -THE PRO- peaty of the late Mrs. Thos, East. Frame, 7 moms, good cellar with named (100r, WOOd she8 and chicken pen, all in good repair, 1 1 fruit trees, apples, plums, 'cherries and pear. -Apply to II, Willse, Phone 40. -85 George Rowntree, 00 Stanley St. London. -83-'; • HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER . Anything You we do welt and reasonably. THOS. HAWKINS. CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED AND EGGS, Phone 53. it Taken from the Files of The and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr. Johnson & Co. Grigg's Jewelry Store, -Wm. Jago. -55, The Store of Qualtiy. WANT • HE DONE IN TJANE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGFI- ING, PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. A R T I S T IC J. G. CRICH, THE RELI- ABLE DECORATOR, MAKES A SPECIALTY Ole CHURCHES, Grand Bend. ; to the cold weather prevail- Mg the spring this popular me delayed its formal open- to this time. July 1st has b apart for the opening (tar, ceat attractions are promised, News -Record of the date indicated. — . Clinton, J11116 21at, 1900. Mr. Lack Kennedy is offering his business for sale as lie contempletes• going to Edinoitton. - SUMMER HOTEL, KNOWN AS THE Commercial, situated on Lake Ilur- on, will be sold reasonable as 1'1s proprietor intends to give up the business. For particulars apply to II, Darrow, Barfield, Ont. -80. Successor to S. Barr. Phone 111. CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN "hone orders promptly attended to. having cream to sell write to us for We CALL AND Cl ET OUR PIHC- ES. ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN LODGE 13,0015 AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES, HIS ADDRESS Bend takes its name from a 'hullo cueve in the Riviera Iles north of its original en- into Lake Huron, The 515,01.. wants a 1110St wonderful freak. northward a distance with trent and then takea an abrupt 8 tuns southward paralleling most to the lake at Port 312 Brewster & Po, purehased e Canada Company a mill site he The Huron 13attalion returned on ' Saturdar from Carling Heights, ' Pile C.O.F. band ha e not been ea ing open-air concerts for the reason that three dollars per concert, which is -what the ooliecil granted, is not sufficient remuneration for al ninety- minute concert. Mr, Wm. Coats,' rose garden is a pretty sight these days. There ' IS six hundred bushes. Rev. J. Ie. Parke is attending the SYned Meeting in London this Cow For Sale. I have a good cow, guaran- , ,,,, , teea clue to calve August lst, ' Wiliall T. will sell or exchange for a fresh milk cow. ' ,i0E, RAT'PENDITY ' a . , cans. supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue • CHEAPEST, is 100 DOWNIE St., STRATFORD cheques twice each month, cheques The Clinton Garage payable at par. We pay the high- est market; prices consistent with Open All Night, an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each caa careful- The season is now on for ly weighed, sampled and tested on Gasoline Stoves. Why not buy _ BYAM 81.SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. __________ Seed. Corn . On hand a large stock of arrival and statement returned. filtered gasoline out of our Those in the vicinity of Kinburn Bower pump, which passes the may leave their cream with Mr. gasoline throubh fine screens Hall who will deliver it here. and a filter. Prices always the • Write for cans and give us a trial. lon'est. -The Seaforth Creamery, Box 186, Seaforth. We keep on hand a stock of Automobile Supplies • Western University, London. Income Doubled -now 475,000. . 'Another Largo Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Corn, Mangold and Tuen.ip Seed which will be . sold la the lowest prices., ti — Leave your orders for Fere tilizer and Potash for your root crop. We will mis it for you at the store. • village now stand, and by ;Wan of a niill dant they many hundred acres in the ling townships, but after the had become settled the mill 1 were demolished by force. i8 John Dalziel purchased the n Brewster & Om, and then its preparation for a resort. dias been made from the bend :iver which carries the stna der ewer, a (look: has been A ether impxovements made, boats can land with passeng- week. Mr. John Bell returned on rrhor, day from the, west after an • abaci= of about a month, The Local IVIaxicet Report : Wheat 64e to 65e. , Barley 38c to 40a. Oats 26c to 27c. Peas 57c to 60e. Butter in croak 13c to 1,1a. 5"ttel,,. 1" 8",13,, 14c to 15°' Eggs 8e to '81." Live Hogs 40..10 to 46.25. Gasoline Engine for . Sale. A seven horsa, power gasoline engine for hale at a bargain. Used only for a short time, Further particulars apply, The Jackson Mfg. Co. ,CL.INTON, : ONT. and Biey- de Repairs and do all kinds of " ROUGH ON RATS " CLEARS repairing promptly and at a out Rats, Mice, etc. Don't Die in reasonable charge. the House. 15c and 25c. ab Drug — and Country Stores. -85-0 Auto Livery in conneetton. Arts and Medicine. GREATLY INCREASED ENROL MENT IN VIEW. , , Write for partioulars to E. E. BRAITHWAITE, M,A., Ph. t). — North End Feed Store. Frank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. FOR SERVICE. -I WILL KEEP J. H. PAXMAN PRESIDENT. Terms : Cash. Phone 192; . for the improvement of stock at freight, ' lot 40, con. 9, Goderich township, an Improved "Yorkshire hog, two ' Iva ) years 01(1, pure bred. Came from ,,.:V1, ,. McDerinift's herd, Fingal. Terms, 4#CR 51.00. -Geo. A. Cooper, -84-8 ile. fa•' A '01°Ietres, Monuments ! Finest stock in Huron C01.111- ty of "Made in Canada" Mon- . uments. Horse Routes. • INDEX -Pure Bred i Peacheron.- Monday -Will leave his own stable, 3 has, made 8110 35118 an ideal • the weary to enjoy a rest hiodland that is ever kept 1 by the balmy breezes from i• The area of the park 18 34 Marriages .. 140USTON-MOSE-Ta MeKillop 011 June 16811, . Carlyle, Houston, Stanley ' township, to Martha A GAN 0 --will 11 NioN PICNIC be 11.1d in--- cowry covered with shrubbery m shade 85005. ?lionsande of have been expr3inded in eliectia Ethel, daughter or Mr, and Mrs. James Mose, NICK illop townehip. SAUDER-HAGEY--At Preston on Carbert's Grove, liullett, . We . have /.....a. • on a. hand e a -car- . TENDERS FOR PULPWOOD , LIMIT. Trniders will be received by the ' underaigned up to and including Wed- nesday, the fifteenth day of Septem- her, 1918, for the right to cut . pulp- wood on a certain area siltitated ' north of the Transcontinental Reit- ' war, met' of Lac Seel and south of EnglIS11 River in the Distriet, ot Ken- Best British and Foreign Granites in up-to-dato iinish and design, , Come and see them, Pr iCCS right. At Doig's OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE Gra,nito Base goes veith each Mon- . ument. _843ni Brucefield, and go west to Varna and north to Ben Rathwell's, Goiter - lch township,' far noon, then oe Vest and north to Wm. Currie's, 7th con., for night. Tuesday -North to G.' 0. Steady's for noon, thence West and north to Jas. McMillan's, Gth con., for night. Wednesday -North to Her- on Road and east to Mr. Swantz's for noon, thence east to Holniesville and north to Harry Sweet's for ,grounds of fallen timber and 'thus leaking a ramble this little , forest plea,stuit Itiliful, . ighWaye 'diverging Trom Wo , lied will ' all , the, large ,nd cities in Westeth Ontario. , a Post office with daily :om all points, three large e public hall, two general repair shop and a city or 1 in the' grove. ; way of recreation provision s made for man, woman and 13oating, . fishing, shooting, field games, racing and are among the pastimes. —,...-------..--„,----- Hensall - eek, a Stanley township boy, tin the practise of his profes- . town. He has purchased Mr, iphilr's reellence and has p his office there. • San, who has been a resident for several months past, was married at Bryon on Tuesday n of last week to Mias Set- June 23rd, Elsie Fele, dalghter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bt Hag- cy, to Dr. Clarence Hilliard f>aticier, , , MeCILMNtO,ITAN - BARI301.11t - Fordyce, on June iall, Mary C. Barbour of Fordyce to Benjamin D. MeClIeneghan of N'ttitechureli. RITCHIE-CARR-in Groy township on June OM, Tindall Ritchie, Wingbain, to Mary, daughter of Mr, Robt. Carr, Grey township. DOTY-LE GEAR- At ,Kalama,aoo, lelich,, on June 2nd, Leta Lo Geaa to Fred Doty •of Goderich. NETHERY-Me,CA LLUM---e 1; Wing- ham, on Juno. 101311, • W. elixieto, phot Nethery If East 1Yaavanosh, 'to Margaret McCallum of Wing- , liana Births i KING -In Wingiliarn orni ,•,•;titic '1.3 tet, to • - -• Mx. and Mrs. Frank king, a son. SCLATER-In S i tl J , ea or 1 ,on. una 111311 to Mr. and Moe, Jelin Selat•-• or, ' datiehter. • ' • • , '-a,• . a , e APPLE TON •In Henreid on dune', 15th to mr, and mrs. Thomas, A ) tieton son —on— DOMINION DAV (TEURSDA,1).,. J CILY lat.) 1 , • I ea... , TIII MOST •UNtQU'le EVENT EVER . e4EI,I) IN HULLETT. . 'WWI. . MUSIC', GAMES, DANCING, ' SONGS AND SleleleCITES. . ....1. . , . , rub, KILTY BAND Ole CLINTON .• , „ ..._._, W 1 LL B 1/.., I Heave . . • ...Sae . Tbere will be (told Match, Baby, Popularity, and Other contosts, . • • le.•.... Conveyances will run item Clinton every half hour. . ' • - ADMISSION '1'0 GROUNDS AND ,,, DINNER 25e. . • • • ' • . load of Portland Cement and ora. Tenderers shall otate the amount .......,--,_,_ — . . night, Thursday -By way , of Huron Road to the Graham House, Clinton, all orders for same will be they are prepared to pay as bonus in addition, to the Crown dues of 100. Are You - ' for noon, thence north along the Base Line to: Albert Towashend's for filled. promptly. per cord for spruce and 20c. per cord for otheIc putpwoods, or such other • • Troubled with night. Friday -East along 4th con. to Wm. John McBrien's for noon, . '6'0.. .• .• JOH N.---HUTT ON , 5 ' ' LO NDESORO. •la •,----* rates as may from time to time he fixed by the Lieutenant -Governor in Council. for the, right , to operate to - .1' pulp. nu 1. and. a. papee. milleon or near the area, related to. sueb. tenderers shall bit requixed to erect a ;mai or mills oil or near the • Headaches 9 , .. eehola ' If so the cause may be oyo . strain and in that event a - pair of properly fitted thence east by way of Wroxboro to the Dick House, Seaforth, for night. Saturday -To his own stable.. Where he will remain. until Monday 1 morn', ing.-Wm. Berry, Proprietor and Manager. e ; . PRINCE OF AIKTON-Clydesdale 3, • ' ililliosivrewommismoii,i• tenacity a,nd to manufacture. the ., wood into paper in the Pxovince of glasses will bring relief and cure. It is worth trying. Monday -Will leavo Dominick. .Reya nolds', half mile north of Clinton, 18 'W R ft Th" C 'I/ • e econnien is oa , VVe letiou it's good, it's unusual richness in carbon makes it bum long, evenly , and cOmplete'x. ' ' , - LEHIGH VALLEY - ' ,.._ AN TH RAC I TE , The Coal That Satisfies is always uniform in quality, very free,from slate and other foreign matter. Althoughby much more economical. than • ordinaey coal, it costs you no more. '' Phone us your order for - arnompt delivery. , . Dit JOHN B. AIUSTA 2 • Ontario -the papqr mill to be erected within such time and in such place as the Lieutenant -Governor in. Council shall direct. Parties making tender will be re- spired to deposit with their ,ten.der a marked clieque payable 'to tho Hon- eatable the Treasurer of the Proaince of Ontario, for ten percent. ' of the amount of Meer tender, to be for- felted in the event of their not en- tering, into' an agreement to carry . out the conditions., etc.. Hie highest or any tender not nee, ' essarily accepted. , . , , For particulars as to deseription of . . - - tenatoty, capttal to be Invested, at, apply to the undersigned. N,B.-No unauthorized publication of , this notice wilt be paid for. . . G., II. FERGUSON, • • Minister of Lands: Forests.' and Mines. Toronto June 5th 1915 - - , ' • . ..,-,--.-_: . , Cottle to us and we will make a careful test of your eyes and tell you what i3 the matter and what you ' Toed. — . It our long experience in the optical. business we have made a great number of examinations and it is a somme of much pleasure for tis to know that our fittings have invariably gi yen great satisfaction. -„..— If your eyes bother .rou come to us and learn the • reason why. - ' • _ A .._t R eiG . . • „ ti C I ,..„, , Optician and go north and west to Beat Lobh's for noon, thence by way of the mat- land Con., Colberne, to T. 0, Durstre for night. Tuestlaef-13y way of Bettie Bea - miller te the Huron Road, theece to 7th con, and south to Wm. Patton's for noon, thence south and weat to James 'Sterling's, .6th con., for night. Wednesday-Eaet by way of Barfield Lino to Ben Rathwell'a for noon, thence south by way of Varna and Parr Line to Chas. ' liagan's / for night, Friday-INN:Di to Thos.' Cole - man's for noon, thence 'east and north war of Haniurhey to Huron Road and west to Hub Fowler's for night. Saturday -West ba MeDermitl's Corn- er, thence north to 2nd con., Flullett, .. and west to* Dominick Reynolds' . where ho will temain . until Monday., , raorning.-Wm. and 13rtme 'Berry, pro- prieteas • Dominfok Reynolde IVIana,t- , 1 , , a 1 Mister. They have already . in their home on Richmond, ad Mrs., Milne Rennie, Mrs. and Mr, Wilt McLaren took 'an enteStainmeat all Roy Icellarton, one. , ' evening re- • Lee West of Maud, 111ich., . . n visiting her eieter, Mrs. Viggina: ' Mary 11I; Drysdale, daughter Robert Drysdale, was married home of her sister at Con- lta., on Wednesday of last , Me. Peacy Rilehardson,• • an sing young fernier of 'Alberta. semi friends of the bride ex- , Deatlo COLE -In Clinton on Janie . 16th, may Cole, youngest • daughter cif the late Dr, elate'. 130X' -In. Seaforth eon- June 125±; Cy- titles Oa Dixon, wile of leamest L, Box, aged 20 years. Mut 11 , months. AL, - , BRECI-1 I At hunch on JUlle .15th, •A'afain -Albrecht, aged 77 years. , . CAMPI3ELLe-In Tueltersinah on MaY 3.1st, John Campbell, aged - 7.0 years. „ CUlliIVIINGS--At Nippon 0X1J all/10 letla Agnes 'Cummings, aged .62, ; . • WANTED - , " A bright, Jive, energe tie man of abili by, who ainderetaials farming con- ditions, as general agent, ,to sell and appoint agents in your county for a responsible ,Canadian coiteeen, manu- et • * • • • engines, ensilage OA- fa wang ,gre, ' teis, piesstaa ayate ns, ptunps.,• etc. A , splep(lid propeaitioe fox the right mon„ to establisti himself on a prosperous and permanent basis. In writing, give Nil, particulars as to age, ocettp,atiOn, experience if any,•""k.a." and character refereneest Write .. at once 'lip the Gilson Manufacturing Co., . ruceftelde B ' ri •ar t t k • ' ‘,013'd -inrildig ' l'ire Yea a New- Jeweler and Issuer of Marriao'( ' 0 News-Recorci Meaus News -Leader. Are • ' . 1(400551 i3uhsrsrioet • • You a Subseribar ?