HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-06-17, Page 5ls� .June 17th, 19I5'.." Clinton News -Record. ,Beautiful 'Scenery in Eng haven't. seen Wes Colwell yet nor' heat: I soon Wish Houston, although,, nand Charms Canadian Boys they ate here. - 1 re memberof seeing in the Free The foilowrhg letters, from 'neison Press while at borne that a fellow Mitchell, son of Mrs. T, MitelieDa of by the naive of Gerald Case had en- tc-vn a'nd aMember of the Canadian listed with he engineers at Ottawa. Ambulance corps, will beof interest from Seaforth, I enquired for him. "to ,News -Record .Net Re oral At t vbe;lat- and `hu is here on the grounds. X est; account he was in the great camp Was just wondering if it. was Jerry. at •Shornclilf, but itlia possible that The soldiers get a cut rate on the eon); this the Corps to which he is, railroader, they pay half a Penny) a' attached may have been sent • across mile. to France. We have a wet canteen on the At Sea On Beard • The Northland, ,),ear Mother and Brother,—T• will • try, and give .you an account' of 'tile thapiienings during the week. We came on board a week ago, There are 1700 of as which is' very :much greater than the ship is, sup- Posed, 'to carry but these are war ,tin)ee and every transport is taxed 'to ,,its. utmost capacity., We sleep . on iron bedsteads which :are: about two feet wide and six feet • long and ate surrounded by an iron railing to keep us from falling out as the boat pitches, and ,rocks and we -certainly did have it rough the first 'couple of days out. On Monday morning when I awoke ,eveyhody about ,tae was sick _ and when I sat up I became sick also, You irnoW I never had 'much sickness 'but this sea - sickness- in all they -ol i am forand some oro more.I had it bad Monday, not very much I better Tuesday and it was nob until : Wed- •neselay morning that I got back to seed again, 'rhe next day I felt my- . salt again. ','his Was the_ experience of our whole bunch. It we want anything extra* we have to pay for it. Yesterday I paid a quarter foe six apples the sire of •crabs. • The barber -is connected withthe ship and he certainly is some ton- ,sorial artist. I timed him the other day and he was shaving ,them at the rate of one man in three minutes and he has turned then* out at the :rate of five in as many minutes. The Grampian is a smaller boat than this, ,but is much speedier, on Sunday -night she passed us but was ordered by wireless to -wait for as, so on Fridky at noon 'we sighted her • on -ahead ' waiting -for us, S)nte tlieii we have travelled together not there than, a mile away, somotimes•,onl)) a 'hundreds yards. Yesterday she came -along side, that is a hundred yards away, and their band gave us some Music. They played Tipperary and both ships' men started in to sing. 'It sounded alright, too, Today noon we sighted another boat at our rear, so when ate panic up she was the cruiser "Cumberland," She is certainly bus- iness -like in appearance. She came to ;escort us to the clue of our voyage, When. she carne along side she let down a small boat and brought seal- ed orders aboard to the captain. 1 was 0n 010 rear deck when the small Boat passed under, and there were a ..y. couple.of•men, or at least they look- ed like officers, sitting up a't tete back. One of them was no other than Prince Albert, the King's son, zebu is ••L snidshipnian on tete Cumberland. Before the Grampian and we were •'along side one another, now we are in a straight line, the cruiser leading, then us, and the Grampian bringing tap the rear, dining saloon and there is service go- �' e,„egining saloon and there is service go- ing on. 1 511051(1 ;judge there a.re. about 700 down here, and we have a piano. It is mostly musical, every- one joining in the singing, such old favorites as "Nearer My God to Thee "Onvv-rd Christian Soldiers," "lie Will Take Care of You," We have the 1tlr N. Ambulance from Vancouver, Calgary and Winnipeg, 500 strong: 1'he 5th from 'Toronto 250 strong, 6th from Montreal 250, the Canadian 1ingineeys from Ottawa 600, and ourselves, 84. Wednesday afternoon. -We are still enjoyingfine weather, and my health is good. ' This morning two destropers picked as, up and the cruiser left us to go soniewheoe else on businens, Tho ;destroyers are not very large but they sure are speedy and are a good proteetion against submarines, some of -which -are in thele waters.. Last night the crew hung. all the life boats ouL over the side, and they will be there until we clock, as they are kin t' a chances g no We expect to land tonight and • go elf to our destination toinorrow, We are. busy shining buttons and )1hoes to look respectable whoa we ;land, the. salt air turned then'- a green shade, that is the huttos5 and badges on my coat. Sand{ing Camp Near Iiytthe April 30, 10113- Deal: Mutter and Brother,—We dock- ed at Avonmouth yesterday about 8 a:m , that is one of the ports on the Bristol Channel about six miles from the city of Bristol We left the boat about ].0 o'clock l' were not allowed to Leave stepped right onto Idle train add ave the train until we reached here at 4.30, Then we marched up here to camp, a die - f 'tante of two miles, with full equip- mlent, leaving had nothing to eat since 6 a. in. This is a great day, the weather is just like the 24th of May at home; the sun is bright and it is quite 1 t13arm. 1 enquired about sending a cable- glare) and ware told I could sent one 'frorn a town a distance of 6 tulles, but I was 'so tired I felt like notli ring but sleepy atter seeing' so mucic yesterday as we passed' through l$ug- "land from coast to coast. We int. London about two O'clock 'and saw :quite a lot there from the; aloe. We are a couple of 110105, from the, ••east coast and are quite close to, the following big health; and summer e rt cliff and r s s T ibes.ton She 1 1 .sot o p Si • . , 1 that This, is just a 115W camp, bat there •arei18,000 Canadian' troops at Shorn- chile, about six miles away. We are housed in wooden huts,. atthiety five in a hut, The 18th fl one Lotulon is here . but t grounds, no fire -water,' but ale, stout and beer, 1 was surprised at the beautiful scenery in this country. It is simply grand to go to the edge 'of this camp anti bale across the hills. It sure. is ,just a picture. The. braes are all green and the wild flowers are in bloom The last night on board ship,' all electric lights, were pita out. and you weren't allowed to ev511 light a klatch because German subs had been seen in those waters, A lot . of the boys wouldn't, go to bed, and kept their life beltsin their hands, but I tried to sleep. Tomorrow is. Saturday so I expect to go to Tolbestone, which is quite a large resort about six miles away. You can address me No. 3 Station- ary- hospital, 2nd Canadian Contin- gent, Arany Post Office, London, England. ISLnt both Jane and yourselves' a letter from Ayotrnioiith and I hope you received same o.k. 'If you lose any mail it is because it has to pass through so many hands. I have trusted civilians to post all 11»' mail since I left London. I will bring this to a clean hoping this finds you all in the best of tealth, with heaps of love, from 17ME•R,SON'. Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton. at the •;Opening _of the Centu•ay. Taken from the Files of The News -Record .of the date indicated: ' '• Cliritou, June.44, 1000. Mr. R. J. Macdonald, who is at- tending military school at London, paid a - isit •to Clinton on Friday. Mrs. Armstrong and little son of Ontario, Cal., arrived on Monday on an extended visit to the lady's par- ental home, that of Mts. W. Cooper, Mr. Horace Poster and family lett yesterday for Brampton, whore they. will In future reside. • Clinton has the reputation of being the best painted town in west:•rn On- tario. Two rinks of howlers went to Sea - forth on 'Tuesday last and played twinning games. The rinks were cont - posed of J. Taylor, J. Johnston, J, P. Tisdall, L. Kennedy, J. Leckie, D. A. Forrester and W. Jackson, Mr. J. 13. ,Tooter is in Niagara Falls attending a meeting of the executive of the Woodmen of the World. The, local market : Wheat 62c to 63e, (1005e Wheat 640 to f35e. 13arley 38c to •lOc. Oats 211c to 27e. Butter in crock tae to ide, Butter in tub Ide to 1;50. Eggs 10e to lle. Lime ,logs $6.10 to $6.10,. M arriages WILL;IAl1IS—LOV 13'1"P -1n• Clinton on ,lame 16th, by Rev, J. C. Potts, Mary Ethc•l, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lovett, to Howard 1c. Williams of Clodcrich township. 11'ALS)`I-771Gr[—Tn S,0aforlh, on , Tuesday, June 85, Mary M. Nigh of '1'uci:ersmii•h„tow Mr. John J. Walsh of Mcl{illop, GLENN—DICKSON— In 'l'uckersmith on June 113th, Maude Dickson to George A, Glenn. MASON—CLARK-111 i ensall. on June. 0th, Ethel Clark to John Mason of Wawanoe'l township. WIGGINS—McBR IDL;—Tn London, on J'1.1110 9tlr, (+race McBride of Lon- don to Percy Wiggins of Hensel]. Births • STEVENS—In [Julien on June 1st, to Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Stevens, a son, HOWAIR.1)-1n. Clinton, on May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Howard, a daughter. SINOL.A.IR—In Wingham on June 1th, to Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Sinclair, a daughter. O'ROURKE—InMIKillop on June 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke, •a son. DA,V1S—In (1-oderich on June 80, to Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Davis, a daughter.' Deaths WATTS -1n Toronto, on June 131311, Mrs, W. 11, Watts of Bolton, for- merly of •Clinton, mo111tee of Mr, 7'homas Watts, HUDSON—In Stratford on Juno .loth, Wilfred Hudson of Mitchell, form- erly of Clinton. ; ARMSTRONG—In Cloderich on June 10th, John H. Arnisteoirg, in. hie 665 year. PILON.—In Wlngham, on June 5th, Paula 'Pilon, daughter of bit. and Mrs. A, J. Pilon, in her 8141 year. NIS'T14ERY—In dilast. Wawauosh, on ,June 3rd, James Nether)f, aged 83 years. Gasoline Engine for Sale. 'A 850e11 11orsD power gasoline engine for sale at a 'bargain.. Used only tora short time. Further particulars apply, The Jackson Mfg. Co. C'LN'COi4, : Oi '1'• TENDER Sealed "tenders, addressed to tt undersigned, gmed, will be recetzei up t 'June 26111, • 1015, fol • an addition t the 'Clinton Collegiate Institute. Tonders may 'b a e f r the o h whole r Y o thework. part of k . 0 Contract No. 1—Masonary, cement, hoick work, etc: Contract No,' 2 -Carpentry, wood work, .etc. Contrai,ot No. 3—Plumbing, heating, .11ENSAND BROILERS WANTED,' highest marketprice will be ,paid,— W, Marquiu, R. R, 1, Clinton, or re Phone 14 on 60, ; • --87 0 PARiI OR P ]^ SAL --,TT S U1TE D IN the Township of HaY C ou t Y of Huron, Province of Ontario, known and' designated as part lob No.. 10, Lake Road west concession, near Dauseroau=A've2r0o in the” Village of e. St. .Joseph. Price $3500 with .:easy terms.—Lamontague Limited, 338. Notre '.Dame St. W., Montreal, P. Q.. —87 Contract No: 4—Painting, etc. Plans, specifications and conditions niay • be seen, at the 'Royal Bank, Clinton. J. W. Treleaven, j Secretary' C. CBS. —89-2 NOTICE.—THE STORE OF MR. :11, •t'ca II. •ll J. Cnut 1 0l lest c will close n t - each Wednesday: at 5 p, M. during the ,summer months, —80 HOL?S11 AND THREE ACRES OF Land for Sale on the London Road, one mile south of Clinton; better known as the Jauksoit property. Two story frame house, small bank barn. Small orchard, hard and soft water. Reasonable Ie tet ns.—A - ply to Mrs. Philip Rowclitfe, 11. R. No. 5, Clinton, • HOUSE FOR SALE.—THE PRO - petty of the late Mrs. 'Thos. East. Frame, 7 rooms, good cellar with cement floor, wood shed and chicken pen, all in good repair, 11 fruit trees, apples, plums, cherries and pear.—Apply to II. Wiltse, Phone 40, —86 SUMIIIJIR HOTEL, KNOWN AS TIIll Comnreocial,situated on Lake Hur- on, will be sold 'reasonable as the • proprietor -intends to give up Me. business;: •'For -particulars apply. to • ` 13. i)urow, Bayfield, Oat. • —86. TE'NDERS'` CARNEGIE ANNEX, Tenders for Contract No. 5 for the Carpenter work will be received up to June 22nd drat. Plans and Specifications may be Seel( at 111y Office. No tender necessarily accept- ed, W. BRYIlONie, Chairman I'ublie Library Board. —87-2 CRANO UNION PICNIC --tt ill 15 *ted in— Carbert's Grove, Hullett, ---err--- DOrlINION DAY ('I'1tl'li5DAY, JULY 111.) a�• THE id074'L' UNIQUE, 16VESN't' EVER 5116 LI) IN 1r11'LLl'1'I"r, se MUST(', (151i'.S, ll1NC11NC1, SONGS AND Sl'1?EC'IIES. THE KTLTi' BAND OF CLINTON WILL 13I7 TiIERE, There will be (]Ohl ;Watch, Baby, i'opularityt and • Other. Contests. •1Ys Conveyances will run frq:n Clinton cvcry .hall hour, tee.• ADMISSION TO 0.R0[ N'DS. AND DINNER 1i .,fie. SPEND YOUR DOMINION DAY AT SEAFOPTH, ANI) ATTEND NI)'TI-us 161':1 ANNUAL MEETING. ')F Seaforth Turf Club One of the Best Race aleeta- in Ontario, all the lust 1 -Torsos, $2100 in Purses Come me to C4th • on July 1st and 2nd Band in Attendance, M. Broderick, W. C.ovenlo3k, Secretary. Presi'l.^.nt. WANTED A bright, 1100, energetic :man of ability, who underetauds farming con- ditions, as general agent, to '5811 and appoint agents in your county for a responsible Canadian conceam, manu- facturing gas engines, 'ensilage cut- ters, pressure ritters,''pressure systems, pumps, olio. iii proposition A" s len r l o site for t P I I o nn the right man to establish 'himself on a prosperous and' permanent basis. In writing, :grt0,11E11 particulars as to age, occ(tpation, experience if airy and character references, Write at Once to the Gilson Manufacturing, Co., : Guelph. FOR SALE; A NUMBER OF GOOD fresh cows and springers will be sold .privately.' Also ar few choice calves •from 2 to 4 weeks old, peri sonatly selected. Arrangements have been made to. get a limit- ed ` number for a week or two •yet. Time will- be given with bankable paper. Apply to—W. Marquis, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. Phone 14 on 06. • —86 LADIES' TAILOR.—FI. 1TCRN, THE, Ladies' Tailor ,from Seafoatlx, will be at Couch's store, Clinton, every Saturday from 11 am, until 5 pen. WANTED• 10,000 - D oze nNon Fertile tale. NewLaid d Eggs .S Each Week We are prepared to pay a premium- for eggs .from 'flocks wheee there are no reale„birds',. ' eggs to be not over 1 days old. I BROILERS AND 10 5 ' HENS WANTED. Do not )old yourpoultry-un- til fall when the market is glutted and the price, is cut 111 two. Sell now while the prices' are high. SEED BUCIKWIIEAT AND MILLET, We have a good supply of, buckwheat and millet at reas- onable prices. have your tried our Quebec Maple Syrup 1 We have only a few cans left. A carload ,of Shorts and Bran clue to arrive this week. -gi GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. FURNISHED SUMMER COTTAGES at Bayfield, Deer Lodge Park. Wide verandahs, splendid beach, tennis. Ice and boats included.-Appl')t to George Rowntree, 60 Stanley St., London. —83-7 Twitchell Bros. , AGENTS FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR SHINGLES , LARGE STOCK ON I•IAN'D, A THE 'Trusts '& Guarantee Co TORONTO, : ONTARIO. Assets over $13,000,000.00. Money invested in First Mort- gages .with highest rate et • Interest paid half yearly. PtInctipal and Interest doubly guaranteed. Call or write for full particu- lar's. - CLOT, -IES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Room over TSr, ,Grigg's Jewclrp Store.—Wm. Jago. —55. CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans tree. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice, each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those im the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream. with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. —The Seaforth Creamery, Box 186, Seaforth. ” ROUGH ON RATS " CLEARS, out Rats, Mice, etc. Don't Die in the House. 15e and 25c. at Doug and Country Stores, —85-6 F01't SERVICE.—I WILL KEEP for the: improvement of stock at lot 40, con. 0, Goderich township, an Improved Yorkshire frog, two years 01d, pure bred, Came from McDertnid's herd, Fingal. Tetuus, $1.00,—Geo. A. Cooper, =81-8 CEIENT We have on hand a ear - load of Portland Cement and all orders for same will be filled promptly. 11.11. JOHN- FIUTTON-, LONDESORO. lrianstridoni leo dime LWe Recommend This Coal ' Ie We knou ,its good. It's unusual richness M carbon makes it burn long, evenly and complete y. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies is always uniform in quality, l' very free from slate and other. foreign matter. Although mu0 l more economical than ordinary coal, it costs you Ino more. ' • Phone us your order !.for deliver prompt Y• JOHN B. MUSTARD Brucefield. " '. Phone 11 on The Upmto. date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins Just a Moment, PLEASE. We wish to call your attelt- bion to our Baking Povvders, every can guaranteed to be Government standard. 11'e stand behind this line which is especially pub up , and 1 named "Johnson's Own' Ilaking Pow- der,' For next Saturday only we are offering it at 2 cans for 25c. We also wish ,the pub- lic to know other lines of Bak- ing Powder we carry in stock, such 'as Forest City, and Best, etc., 130king Powders that are well known. III CHEST P121CIES L'OR BUTTiIR AND LUGS,' Johnson & Co. The Store of Qualtiy. Successor to S. Barr. Phone 111, 'bona orders promptly attended M. The Clinton Garage Open All Night, The season is now on for Gasoline Stoves, Why not buy Filtered gasoline out of Mir 13owser .pump, which passes the gasoline throubh line screens and a filter. Prices always the lowest. We keep on hand a stock of Automobile Supplies and Bicy- cle Repairs and do all kinds of repairing promptly and at a reasonable charge. Auto Livery in connection, .1, H. PAXMAN TENDERS FOR PULPWOOD L1Mi l', 'fenders willbe received pied b the. Y undersigned up to and including Necl- nesday, the fifteenth flay of Septem- ber, 1015, tor tete right to cut pulp- wood on a certain area situated north of the 't'ratiscontinental Rail - Way), west of Lao Soul and 800111 of English diver iti the Dlstrieb of Ken - ora. Tenderers shall state tete amount they are prepared to pay as bonus in addition' to the . Crown dues. of 10e. Per cord for spruce mot 200. per cord for othe1• pulpwoods, or such outer rates as may from time to bine be fixed by;the .Lieutenant -Governor in. Council, for the right to operate a pulpa mill ' and a..:paper• mill on or near the area referred to. Such tenderers shall be required to erect a;Mill or mills on or near the ten:Rory, and to manufacture the wood into paper in the Province 01 Ontario -the; paper mill to be erected wit11111 such time and in such place as the Lieutenant -Governor in Council shall direct. Parties making tender will bo re- quired to deposit with their. tender a marked cheque payable to the Iion- oerable the Treasurer of the Province or Ontario, for ten percent, of the amount of their tender, to be„ for- feited in the event of their not en- tering into an agreement to carry oat theconditions., etc. The highest or any tender not nee- essarily accepted. • For ,particulars as to despription of territory, capital M he iuvented,•ctc,, apply to the undersigned. N.B.—Seo unauthorized- publication. f ,this o nottec, will beo aid for. p . G. H. FERGUSON, IV/Mister of Lanais,-Foresta and Mines.; Toronto, Juno 5111;' 7.015,, Good Morning 1 Are you a News Record }Sabsnriher 7 PIANO TUNING,—T1{ YOUR PIANO is worth anything it is worth tun- ing. I am prepared to, fi1l. any or- ders sant in to my address for Piano Tuning, • voicing, repairing' and' ' action regulating, td ng,an estimate of what charges will be cheerfully given en on seeing instrument. Can attend to all country work as I will, use an automobile this 'year .- 11. T. Gibbs, Piano tuner,, Londes- -00 PAPER HJINGING.—I AM PREPAII- ed to do Paper Hanging and Paint- ing promptly and at Moderate cost, I guarantee my work to give satis- faction. Let me have your order early before the spring rush begins. -Wm. A. Mason, Princess street. -74 THE ORN ER, sroE Live' and Let Live ARE YOU GOING CAMPING? can Tl i season )t. on is here again when we begin to think of lake and stream and the pleasures that go along with Camping and Picnicking. If you are go- ing camping, see us regarding your supplies. 11'e are special- izing on this trade, Sandwich Materials Sandwiches are handy and appetizing for pienics and lit- tle ,l iuuts that campers fre- quently take. We have cold Meats, .Jellied Meats, Potted Meats, Pea -Nut Butter, Sal- uron, Sardines, Olives and . Cheese. Specials Strawberries, Oranges, Lein - 0110, Bananas, Pine Apples, Ripe Tomatoes, Green Onions and- Lettuce, E. E. HUN,NIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Anything You WANT DONE IN TIIE LINE OF R.00?1ING, EAVETROUGH- ING, PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. CALL ANI) (1161' OUR PRIC- ES. ALWAYS 13 MST, OFTEN CHEAPEST. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. Western University, London. Income Doubled—now $75,000. Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment m .Arts and Medicine, GREATLY INCREASED ENROL MENT IN VIEW. Write for particulars to •Ow E. E. BRAITHWAITE, M.A., Ph, • D, PRESIDENT. Monuments! A Finest stock in Huron Coun- ty of "Made in Canada" Mon- uments, Best 13)11isli and Foreign Granites in up-to-date finish and design. n. Come o c and roe them. Prices right, At Doig's OPPOSI'1':E THE POS'I'OFFICE Granite Bas° goes with each Mon- ument. —813111 Are You pd '` TrO� ub1ewith .-. I�eadaches . ? If so the cause may be eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and cure. •It is worth trying. Come to us and we will make a careful test 'of your eyes and tell you what is. the matter and what you need. In our long experience in the Optical business we have made a great number of examinations and it is a source of much pleasure_ for us to,kpow that our fittings have invariably, given great satisfaction. If your eyqs bother rou come to us anda learn the .,, reason 1 a on wh . y A. Jr.. GRiGC Optician Jewe'er and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 'ivaapplas The Last Big Week for Pineapples at 2 for 25cts. Sunkist Naval Oranges Bananas Strawberries 'tomatoes Cabbage and Cucumber's, rx 1 1 W. T. O'NeilI CISIMNEY TOPS. It's a trade to build a good chim- ney and to repair a roof., _It takes more than a sheet of metal, a hot iron and solder, it requires exper- ience. If your chirmiep does not draw well send for us and we will put it in order ; if your roof leaks we'll 'mead 1t. ALL I{INDS 01" TINNINCG ' we do well and reasonably. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. ARTISTIC J, G. CRICII, THE RELI- ABLE DECORATOR, HAKES A SPECIALTY OF CIIURCIi1:S, LODGE 1100MS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. IIIS ADDRESS is 100 DOWNIE St„ STRATFORD Seed Corn • On hand a large stock of Corn, Mangold and Turnip Seed which will be sold at the lowest prices, Leave your orders for Fer- tilizer and Potash for your root crop. We wi1L mix it for y'o11 at the store. North End Feed Store. Frank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms : Cash, Phone 192. Horse Routes. INDEX—Pure Bred 1 Percheron,— Monday—Will leave his own stable, Brucefield, and go west to Varna and north to Ben Rathwell's, Soder- ich township, fof noon, t enae vest 1 . Wm, Currie's•, t eon., and northt Lt 7 h <n. 0 for night, Tuesday—North o n g t to G.• O� Sturdy's for noon, thence -vest and north to Jas. McMillan's, 6bli con., for night. Wednesday—North to Hur- on Road and east to Mr. Swante's for noon, thence east to Iiolmesrille and north to L•Iar:ry Sweet's for night. Thursday—By way of Huron Road to the Graham blouse, Clinton, for noon, thence north along the Base Line to Albert Townshend's for night. Friday: East along: 4th,; con: to Wm, John NlcBrion's for noon, thence east by way of Wroxboro to the Dick House,• Seaforth, for night, Saturday -To his own stable where he will remain until Mondaymorn- ing.—Wm. Berry, Proprietor and. Manager. PR•INC1I) OF ATI%'ION—Clydesdale : Monday—Will leave Dominick Rey- nolds', half mile north of Clinton, and go north and west to Beet Lobb's for noon, thence by way of the Mait- land con., Colborne, to J. C. Durst's for night. Tuesday—By way of Ben - miller to the Huron Road, thence to 7th con. and south to Wm. Patton's for noon, thence south and west to James Sterling's, 6111 con., for night. Wednesday—East by way of Bayrfield Line to 'Ben Rathwell's, for noon, thence south by way of Varna and Parr Line to Chas, Hagan's for. night. Friday -North to Thos: Cole- man's for noon, 1-11enee east and north by way of .Clarpurhey to Huron Road and west to Hen Fowler's for night, Saturday—West to McDermid's Corn - Cr, thence -north to 2nd con., .Hullott), and west to Dominick Reynolds' lire he til where will remain tain u n Monday •rnorning.Wm. and Bruce Berry, Pro- prietors ; Dominick Reynolds, Manage News -Record Means News -Leader, Aro You a Subscriber ?