HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-06-17, Page 4Clinton News-Recoi d
June I7th, 1915
. Hullett Township
Mr. Michael Morrison, who has, the
contract for building a bridge near
illarloclr, commenced the work this
It is the Spirit That Counts.
(Toronto Star.)
There are, whole Niagaras of energy
waiting to be developed' in tlie stnall-
er towns and villages ofOntario.
There are hundreds of beau•ty spots
to which travellers could.- be drawn.
There is an iinmenfse reservoir of in-
tellectual and, tiioial power which.
only needs to be drawn into channels
where it may do its work. The size
of a community is of comparatively
little importance, It is the spirit
that counts:
Miss Amelia Bellamy was in Goder-
ich last week,
Mr, and Mrs, Ilesson of Stratford
wore guests last week at the. home
of Mr. and Mrs. 5. le. Treleaven.
Misses Hazel and Olive Henry of
Flesherton have been visiting friends
Hereabouts for. some Little time,
Mrs, H. Turner returned last week
to her Thome at Bogota, N.J., after
an extended visit with ,friends here.
Many from here attended the funer-
al of the late • Thos. Treleaven of
Lucknow on Tuesday of •last week.
The deceased was a native of• :1slh-
field and W.
a brother `of Messrs,
Robert, W. A,,and S. N. Treleaven of
ithis' rtllage, Ws wife and one daugh-
ter survive.
St. Helen's
Mr. Wallace Miller accompanied hy,
Misses Luella Shaw and Jidna Woods
spent Sunday at 13eIuevale.
Miss Pritchard is visiting friends
around St. Helens at present.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
Thos. Todd is not keeping as t: ell
as his many ;friends would like tb
The funeral -of Hobert Gordon,' in -
fent son of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. 'Levis,
took ]dace to Bethel cemetery on
Saturday. Much sympathy is felt
for the bereaved parents as this is
the second` ittiliotion inside of six
months. The baby was ten mo'ntbs'
Mr: J. Barbour of Lucknow spent
Sunday at Si. Ielens.
Wedding bells are ringing on the
10th concession.
The funeral of the late Mr, ide-
Roberts took place to Dungannon
cemetery last week. Deceased was
o` ei: eighty years old.
Mr. Ed.- Seekings spent the week-
end at the home of Mrs. Jas, Ram -
Mr. Dave Todd had a Fee last
. lash week raising his barns in pre-
-"" paration -for cement foundations.
When, finished Dave willhave up-to-
date 'buildings.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred SdiaUacomhe and
loIrs, Ellis and slaughter motored to
Goderielh recently to visit friends.
Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Iliancaster and
family from the west have been. visit-
ing •relatives in town and vicinity.
Mrs ,Malloy and her ,sistor, Miss'
Hazel Drakes, are 's:ending a - few
weeks with friends at Buffalo and
Mrs. Robt, Bonth"on has returned',
after a visit, of some length with her
daughters .in I3arrie.
Miss Ethel Clark, daughter of Mr.
Janes Clark, was married on.. Wed-
nesdi+fyi of last week, to' "Mr. John
Mason of .Wawanosh township.
Mr, Percy Wiggins of town was
wedded in London on Wednesday of
last week to Miss,Crace McBride of
that city.
The residents on the south side of
Oxford streetare asking that 'cement
walks be laid and the council will
probably grant their request,
Mrs 'Milligan of London was the
guest last week of Mrs, W, E. South-
gate. •
Dr.' Atkinson and This son, Garnet,
of Detroit visited the former's moth-
er, ;Mrs. M. C. Chesney, prior to the
departure of the latter for the seat..
of war, he being a lieutenant, in the
Canadian Army Dental Carps.
Mr., and Miss Cuthill, wlio lately,
moved here from Brussels,, left last
week with' the former'e son for a
visit at bis borne in limina, Sask.
Mise l'Iarvey, has returned in her
home in London after a visit in town
With her sister, Mrs. (1)r.) Burrows.
Miss Rose Dorsey has gone on an
extended trip to friends -in Duluth
and Virginia.
Mrs. Geo. Shiithers of Toronto,
formerly of town, has been visiting
old friends here,
The members of Britannia; Lodge
A. 8'. and A. M. at a recent meeting
presented. M. Wm. Ballantyne with
an address and a Morris Chair in
recognition' of `his fifty years' con-
nection with the lodge.
On Tuesday of tare',week Miss Mary.
Marcella Nigh of 'ruckcrsnhith `ivies
married ,to Mr, John Joseph Walsh Of
Mrs. Cleo. Clark and -two daughters
of South Dakota have lima visiting
the ladtl',s ..1)rother, Mi'. W. C. Lands -
borough of ri'ucsersmith,.
Mrs. Anderson of Wyoming is spend-
ing a few weeks with her sister,
Mrs. R. IL Peck.
Miss Gertrude Laidlaw of Detroit
has been a guest at the home of Dr.
•and Mts. Hodgins.
Postmaster Williams has-been. vis-
iting friends at Mount Clemens, Mich.
Mrs. McCormick of Minneapolis has
been visiting Mrs. J. C. Greig,
A , D. Strong of Gait. was arrested
last week on a cearge of setting fire
to the building owned by him which
was recently burned here. The build-
ing was heavily insured, it is said.
Judgment was reserved,
Ready- GONH Ogg Dey Goods
To -Wear and Home
Garments Furnishing
Just 8 spring suits left we do
not want to carry these over to next
season. They are up to the minute
in style, The cloth is the best that
has been produced for the sea-
son's wear, colors, black, navy,
grey and copenhagen. Your choice
Of any suit left at exactly %'price,
Special Sale of Ladies'
and Misses' and Childrens'
Just about 15 -coats to clear
all this,season's styles, good qual-
ity cloth, most all sizes, Your
choice IA price.
White .Wash Skirts 95c.
Two dozen white wash skirts I
made of Rep and Indian Head,
some of these are slightly soiled and
mostly small sizes. Not one of#''
there for less than $7„50, some as ,i
high as $2,00. Your choice 95c, i
Overall kitchen and gener-
al purpose .aprons splendid
i quality percale, either loose or
shaped to fit figure, We have
sold over 20 dozen of these
Your choice Saturday 60c.
A town band has been organiicd
the following having been, appointed
officers : President, Rev, T, 11. Farr
Secretary, J. M.,'lianiilton ;' '1'Isasur;-
erl Dr, McTaggart ; Managing Cont
m;ittee Dr. Milne, Neil, Taylor, Dr,
MeTaggart, aggart, 5, H. Gridley, 10. E. Rob-
iuson and Jas. Tiernan. Tho three
latter were appointed to purchase -in-
strumento end before many weeks go
by it M aspected Blyth will have a
full ,ledged, 'hind,
Mt al Mary Milne and Miss. Maggie
.Johnston were visiting in Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Deese and
family motored up front. Berlin re.
Gently and visited the fortner's zbro-
ther, Mr,: C. H. Beese.
Rev. 7'. H. and Mrs. Farr and
children motored over to ' Durham
with Mr: fVfooro recently.
Messrs, Roy hunt and Troy Lumby,
who sailed on the steamer ,"Winona,"
kill the. boat at ' Montreal • and re-
turned to town. The "Winona" has
been .chartered for the Atlantic, trade:
Miss Minnie Harris is spending a
few weeks in Detroit. `
Mr, and Mrs: Robe, Henry, Mr,
Stewart ash Miss Maude 'Henry 'of.
Windsor have arrived in town and
taken up their residence in their sum-
mer home at the lake side. '
Mrs. Wiggins was called to Detroit
last -week owing totheserious illness
of -her . sister.
Mr. II. R. Wigle attended the coun-
cil of 'the College of Pharmacy at
Toronto last week.
C'a•pt. Babb accompanied Inc
Capt. • Chas. Babb, on a trip to Mon-
treal last week.
Castle Griffin Statistics.
From the report of Vie Inspector of
Prisons bhs following figures are tak-
en sheering-'Ibe number of 'commit-
ments shade to the Goderich• gaol for
;drunkenness during the yearn 1.885 to
1914, bbth years inclusive in 1385
there were 3, 1586, 4, in 1887, arose,
in 1888,4, in 1889, 2, in 1890, 6, in
1601, 5, in 1892, 2, in 1893, 3, lir
1894, 3, in. 1895-1896, none, in 1887;
2, in 1698, 1, in 1899, 2, in 1900, 5,
in 1901, 5, in 1902, 1, in 1903, 2, in
1004, 8, in 1085, 14, in 1906, 8, in
1907, 1, in 1908, 3, in 1000, 18, in
1010, 5, in 1911, 8, in 1912, 6, in
1913, 13, in 1011, 6.
The following figures show the num-
ber of persons committed to Goderich
goal durifig the past rear ending
Sept. 30th, 1911t : Males, 65, females,
5, total, 70. Number under 16 years
of ago, male, 1, .female, none, •over 16,
reale, 6h, female, 5. Number corn-
mitted for first time, 45, for Second
time, lie, for the third time, 4, for
more than the third time, 5. Per-
sons of unsound mime, 7, acquitted on
trial and discharged, 8, discharged tin-
der suspended sentence, 0, sentenced
for any period, 46. 4 were, sentenced
for assault, 6 for drunk and disorder-
ly conduct, 1 for obstructing , con-
stable, 2 for indecent assault, 3 for
larceny, 1 for manslaughter, 211 for
vagrancy. 21 of the prisoners were
married, 49 wen unmarried,. 5 could
neither read nor write 30 were tett-
perate, 31 were intemperate, 2 *were
sentenced to goal and afterwards
transferred let central prison, 1 10 Ilhe
Provincial Penitentiary, 43 remained
in gaol mail the expiration of their:
sentence -or the payment of then' fine,
6 were acquitted on trial and dis-
:charged from custody. 12 were found
guilty in the county judge's criminal
court, and 18 elected to be tried by
Joseph C. Griffin is the name of
the Huron County Gaoler. 70 pris-
oners were committed to his care in
the year. The inaintanetee' of '21 of
these was defrayed ,by the Province,
in 40 cases the Municipalities from
which they came defrayed expenses.
475 days was the taunter of, days' cus-
tody of Provincial prisoners, 1911
days being the number of days' cus-
tody for ' municipel prisoner The
cost of fuel, food, and clothing for the
institution amounted to 8791.48, sal-
aries to 91700, total gaol expenses,
$2,461.48. The. average cot per
prisoner for entire gaol expenditure,
835.16; goaler's salary, $750, turn-
key's, .9600, matron's, -$200, - .ser -
goon's, 9150. '
There are 12 cells in the county
gaol, 18 was the greatest number in
custody at one time, the lowest num-
ber being 1.
Winghs m'
Mt:. and 'Mrs. J. H. Chapman, Mrs.
II. P, Chapman and Miss F. A. Chap-
man of Ripley motored over and
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
P. Solomon last week,
Mr., Sid. Scroggs of 'Toronto was
the guest of Mr. W. T. Willis over
a week -end recently,
Mrs. E. Lownsbury and Mrs, J. A,
lCckley of Philadelphia have been vis-
iting their parents, Mr. and . Mrs,
Thos. Scott, ,
Mr. and .Mrs. Dudley Holmes were
in Toronto recently,,
The Passing of Mrs, William
Another of, the old, residents' of God-
erich township, ht tile. person of Min,
Wm, kicks, ppcsed, peiteeftillp away on
the evening of Sunday, June 6131, ah
the residence of icer son William,
Mrs, 1-Iicks has hot enjoyed good
health Inc a number of years.
She was horn Oct, 2nd, 1833, in
Cornwall, England, was niarried in
1855 to the ,late William Hicks', and
cane to Canada in 1857 with her
husband and ;two small children. They
first settled, near Belleville where they
lived sixteen roars and ;' then 'moved
to Goderich township where they
spent their remaining days. Eight
children were born to them. Thomas
and Ann parsed away a number of
years ago and Hart sixteen months
ago. In addition there are left to
mourn the loss of a loving mother :
Guy of the 11th concession, Godcri.ch.
township, Mrs, IIart Udy of Peel
township, William of the old home-
stead and Misses Ronilya and Regina
who lived; with their' mother and were
devoted in their cam of her.
The family were alt present at the
mother's dying bed -side.
The funeral took place to Maitland
cemetery and waslargely attended by
neighbors and old friends.
The Rev, Mr. Jonee•Bateman was
the officiating clergyman at the.ihouse
and graversidc and, the pallbearers
were Mesmr:s. John Rodgers, James
TVill, William Driver, Wilmot Haake,
Alfred Tobhut aid]. George Lamprey.
The sincere symli+atliy .of the whole
community is extended to the bereav-
ed family.
"Farewell, dear mother, you have
Your earthly sufferings o'er,
The friends wbo knew and Moved you,
Will know you here no more.
You have left lonely hearts behind:
And also a.lonely home,
You, with all you love and kindness,
Now, are sleeping in the tomb.
Dearest mother, we will miss you,
Miss your bright and cheerful face,
But We know that,you have left us
For a brightandbetter place.
One . more . place on earth is vacant,
One more place in heaven :filled,
One'nrore, to"join, .the :heavenly chor-
Though on earth her voice is still-
It was hard to lose dear mother,
But .she has only gone before,
For we hope again to meet her,
Then to meet and part no more."
The funeral took place to Dungan-
non cemetery, on Wednesday , of last
week of Mr. Thomas McRoberts, one
of the pioneers of West Wawanosh,
who died near St, Helens, aged eigh-
ty-two years.
Grey Township
Rev. 'Phomas Jackson, fur 55 years
a Methodist minister, died last Fri-
day at his Bone in St. Thomas,. He
had been in tailing health Inc sopne
time, Mr. Jac. sou was born in Ire-
land in 1833 and came with 1nS par-
ents to Canada over sixty years ago.
His people settled: fn Grey township
near Brussels. in his early years he
taught school ho Ilowick, neer Gor-
ric, and in 1860 entered the ministry
of the New Connection 111bthcadist
Chuuir. Ile was ordained with Rev,
T)r, (1 Lindy of this city, and they, spent
the first year of ministerial life to-.
giber in Owen Sound.' In 1876 he was
united in marriage to the present
Mrs. Jackson. Besides a widow he
leans• one son, Rev. George ,Iackson
cif Windsor, and three daughters, '
[Fast Wawanosh
After an illness of several months,
James Netheryu ha,i passed away at
the home of itis daughter, Mrs, Robb.
Owens, con 9, '.Hast Wawanosh rat bis
88rd year. The deceased had been a
sufferer for souse months from gas-
grins and m• spite of all that medical
skill • could do the disease claimed its
victim Mr. Nethery was one of the
pioneers of these parts. A man whose
word was as good as his bond, hon-
orable in the highest sense. i3y dint
of his perseverance he ' acquired . a
comfortable home for his family and
himauelf. He was. a Conservative in
politics and a staunch Orangeman, al-
so a pillar in the Beigravo English
church, being instrumental in assist-
ing to organize the congregation in
the early de yS' and in the building of
the present house of worship.: Mr.
Nethery was born in Ireland and
came , to Canada with his parents
when a youth. He married Mary
none who predeceased hint several
year4 ago, as also,111. a daughter,
Mas. James Nicholl, and two sons in
infancy. There is left to mourn his
departure five daughters, Mrs. J. H.
Vancanp, Mrs. John Wigbtman, Mrs,
Owens, Mrs. Noble and Mrs. Fai'rser-
vice of Hultett. • The ,funeral leas held
from St. P sill's church, Belgrave; to
McCrea's' cemetery,
We can assist you in selecting your furniture i4' you are
going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd
pieces you will find it to your advantage to inspect our
stock and see the bargains we are giving. We also carry a
good line of violins, pianos and organs. -
Our undertaking department ie up-to-date in every 're-
spect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over
28 Phone 28
Mr, John Agnew has gone on a
viarlt to bis sons ill the,State of,
Mr, ,r;penee Currie has accepted a
position at Mansfield, Ohio, and Mit
last week to aniline Iris duties. -.
Mies Dell Mitchell was at St.
'l'htimart last week attending the clos-
lug° eseJ0ieei of Alma Gollegee
Mr, and Mi.s, 1) Tell are speuduig a
few we5118 at, Glravenliurst fol line.
bonen t of the former.'s health.
Miss N. )insley is home from De-
troit and wilt remain for the sum-
Dr. W. J. Roe, who has been in
town for seine time, having been
called home on account of the illness
of his father, the, late John Roe, re-
turned last week to P+hiladelphia:
Miss Hannah Wilson ,hao returned
to resume her: duties at Grace Hos-
pital, Toronto, after a vacation spent
at her home here.
Mr, and Mrs, 'W. J-. Grecs: have been
taking an auto tour. They went first
to Toronto and• have also, visited
several points in the Stale .of ' New
Mr. And Mrs., John Landsborough
of Winnipeg visited friends in Wing -
hem last week.`
Miss Jean McGillvray, da""tighter of
Mr. and Mrs. Arch. MOGillvray of
town, has enlisted With the Chicago
unit of doctors and nurses for ' over-
seas service. They leave immediately.
for the front.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendel 'Smith of the
Closhen Line are spending a week or
so with friends at Alpine, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yunghlut and
family are visiting relatives 'at New
Haven, Mich.
Mr, 11. Well has been in Detroit.
Mr. Ilerman Walter: and Mr. Wm.
Trdinner were in Goderioh last week
serving on the ;fury..
• Miss Celia Hess hasreturned from
a visit with her sister at Goderiuh.
-Mr. and Mrs, D. S. Morrow and
family of 13ee,ton visited the latter's
parents, Mr.•and,Mrs, J. F. Z3eckboll,
Arts Courses' only.
j.- MN and AUGUST:
GTSO. Y. CFUO'VN, Registrar
Your neighbor chives a Ford -why don't you ?
We aro selling more Fords in Canada this year
than ever before -because ,Canadiansdemand
the best in motor cat service at the lowest pos-
sible cost. The "Made in Canada" Ford is a
necessity -not a luxury.
Prices quoted F.O.B. Ford,
Touring Oar $500 ; Town Car price on applica-
tion. All Ford oars are fully equipped, inched
inn electric headlights. No cars sold unequip-
ped, Buyers of Ford cars will share in our
profits if we sell 30,000 cars between August lst,
1914 and. August 1st, 1915.
R .
Clinton, Ont. Phone 183.
De Laval Cream Separator
The World Standard.
Ideal Green Feed Silos,
Alpha Gasoline Engines,
De Laval Oil and
Wendott Cleanzer.
Stock of repairs kept at my house'3
doors west of Commercial Hotel and
repairing done Saturday afternoons.
Also Agent for' Newcombe Pianos.
D. W. Hamilton, Phone 207 Clinton.
We have. just received a carload of the same old brand.
of Portland Cement which has always given you such com-
plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements„ You
cannot snake a mistake using the National.
- Clinton
The Allies :a "lf only that BeibishGovcrnineait had been as
geney, our plans would liave aitcceedecl.
slow as 1 tau, ,Sir Vgiltrid;e see
Incresing Your Prosperity
HE surest way to get rich is to increase the multiplier ; which means for the
merchants o't Clinton -increase your eosto'mers rather than add to the lines you
are selling, or the stock you are carrying.
Adding to the number of the lines
you sell or to the volume of the stock
you carry is not the way surest to pros-
perity. Indeed, this has ruined thou-
sands of men,
The surer way is to multiply custom-
ers. No ,business can prosper or grow
that doesn't add many customers each
Customers must be added by
pu rposeful effort - by seeking them.
Waiting for them to rind you is
folly, Seek them by the news-
paper advertising. This is the
only sure way , to build up num-
To the Merchants of Clinton and Surrounding Villages.
You can multiply your customers through a series of good advertisements
THE NEWS -RECORD, Ask tis about the cost of advertising,
The Nimble Penny Beats the Slow Dollar.