HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-06-10, Page 8Clinton News -Record
June I0th 1915
Test Our Better Shoes
You'l) find here not only the late models in shoes -the beet of
shoes -the shoes yop'lI like, hut you'll find that buying shoes here is a
pleasure -both for the reason of the execileneo of our shoes and our
sIendid painstaking service in fitting 1
' We spare no pains to see that you are fitted with just the sight
sort of shoes, and that you are
if you{ibley shoes here once, you'll do it again, We've a whole ar-
tily offpatrons that have met with this experience and never think of
Men's Shoo at32.00 $2,50 $3,00 $3,50 to $6.50
Women's Shoes at 1.50 2 00 2.50 to 5.00
13oys' and GMs' Shoes at 1.50 2.00 2.50 to 3 50
Chrldron'e Shoes at .95 .50 .75 to 1.50
There's not` athing new or starting ab nut our prices I You have
seen the same figures quoted time and again and they'll continue to be
quoted for all time to come!
We ask you to come here to see and learn how much better shoe
value your shoe money will secure here than it will if you boy your
shoes "Most Anywhere I"
The Good Sboes Store.
Special Sale on 16e Fo!ioillg
1 only Lawn Mower Regular $5.50 for $4.50
1 only Lawn Mower 5.00 for 4.00
1 only Weimer 7.50 for 0,00
1 only Wheel Barrow 3.75 for 3.00
1 only Wheel Barrow 4.00 for 3.25
1 only Portable Rubber Bath 0.00 for 3.00
1 only Refrigerator 12.00 for 10.00
1 only No. 2 Daisy Churn 6.75 for 0.00
1 only No. 4 Daisy Churn " 6,75 for 8.00
1 only Grind stone tub'l'r steel frame 6,00 for 4.50
3 Hammocks at cost. Cut Glass at a good discount
for balance of this month. Headquarters for a com-
plete line in all kinds of Hardware,.
Tub Dresses!
Our stock of wash dresses is very complete and
pretty and the very best value that your money can
buy. We have the little dresses and rompers for the
wee tots at 25c, 35c, and 50c to $2:00. Ladies house
dresses to $2,25, See our special value at $1,00.
At the present time we are showing some won-
derful values in women's and children's patent colt but-
ton boots and pumps. These goods are made of the
best of stock and will give excellent satisfaction and at
the same time are very moderately priced.
We can save you money on your shoe bills. It
will pay you to try us.
Full stock of sandals and tennis shoes now in
Plumsteel Bros.
ISmall Profits More Business
Exceptional Offerings
in Furniture.
During the quiet times caused by the war the furniture
manufacturers have been giving some big discounts on fur-
niture. We have been able to take advantage of these dis-
counts to stock our store with some of the best values we
have ever offered and we invite those who contemplate
buying furniture to come in and inspect our stock and get
our prices before buying elsewhere.
Ball tFic Atkinson
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110,' J. A,' ATKINSON, {Phone 186
Blouse with Jabots
Jumper and Suspender Skirts
Draped, Gathered and Tucked Skirts
Sleeves in Mitten and Leg -o' -Mutton Style
These are new styles, and with many
other up-to-date features are shown in the
Standard Fashioni Sheet
for Juno
.A free copy awaits you at our Standard Pattern
Often the Cheapest -Always the Best.
Mr. Walter Morris was home from
London over the week -end.
Sir. F. S. Jost is visiting his familit
at their home near Boston.
Mr. Alfred Owen of New York was
in town the latter half of last
hits. N. 1t. Phoenix and Baby R. J.
are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
It is but a little courteey you owe
your visitors to have their names
appear in this column.
Miss Lucy Covell of Toronto has been
the guest during the past week of
Mrs. Couch and Airs. Ross,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Langford were in
London on Tuesday attending the
funeral of a cousin, the late Mel-
ville Ronson.
Messrs. T. Jackson and John Raps -
ford were in Toronto this week
attending the annual meeting of the
Manufacturers' Association,
Messrs. W. C. Brown anti Roy Gra-
hn ) drove to Seafot h yesterday to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Towne,
mother of Lieut. Percy Towne,
Air. Richard Morrison 01 Mullett,
who was so seriously injured in a
runaway accident, a fortnight ago,
is now almost himself again and
was in town on Tuesday.
Mr. A. J, Grigg spent Saturday and
until yesterday with his son, Hugh
B. Grigg of .the Paymaster's stall,
33rd Battalion, London, and in
visiting nian3i old friends in the
Mr. Lack Kennedy of Wingham was
on Thursday last in Clinton where
he has many old-time friends from
whom he always receives a cordial
greeting. He is just as optimistic
as of yore.
Mr. and Mrs. Ligneel and family
have become comfortably settled in
their new home on Victoria' street.
It is hoped they will speedily learn
the language and conte to feel at
home in Canada and Clinton.
Mr. Robin C. Macpherson of Ottawa,
second son of the late D. F. Mac-
pherson of Clinton, recently had to
undergo an operation for appendicit-
is, and is at present in Boston,
where he is said to he recovering,
though slowly.
Mrs. J. Mitchell spent •a few daof
P 3's'
the past week with her daughter,
Mrs. Jos. Guest, Wingham, and is
this week visiting her other daugh-
ter, Mrs. Thos. Kyle, Kipper'. Mrs.
'Kyle, anti Mrs: Mitchell drove tip to
town on Monday.
Messrs, R. J. Miller, John Govett,
John May and G. A. Bradshaw
motored to St, Mary's last week to
attend the London Conference. Mr.
James Stevens also attended, going
over from London where he had
been visiting with Mr. - and Mrs.
Israel Taylor.
Rev. W. Il. McBain, who has just
been elected president of the Ham-
ilton Methodist Conference, is a
former resident of Huron, and
for a time was stationed on Lon-
desboro circuit, Rev, A. E. M.
Thottp,een, elected secretary of
London Conference, is a, native of
Buron, being a son of Mr. Thomp-
son, lumber man of Goderich,
Pte. L. W. Manning, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Walter Manning, who was in
training at Winnipeg with the 28th
Battalion, sailed from Montreal on
the Steamer Northland on May.
28th for'England. H. Ray Can-
telon of the ' McGill'. Ocerscas Co.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. David 'Can-
telon, went by the same boat. The
Northland arrived at Plymouth,
this week,
Miss Jean Dayment went to Toronto
on Friday last to visit for a few
days and on Tuesday was joined by
her mother and together they are
ek n trip toi test
tan a the , vgo
g 1They
direct to Bossevaine., Man., • where
• Mrse i)ayrnent's song J. E. Day-.
cent, resides, but asother'membei:s
of the family reside in the( Millet'
provinces they wilt visit them also,
Miss Dayntent intend, going on to
'Edmonton and the}i; will, he absent
three or four mobilise,
Get Real �Tearing Value
Your Clothes This Spring..
If you feel that your clothes -to satisfy you completely mustbe made to order. We have a
made-to-order department in connection with our Men's Store. You can choose your cloth from many
beautiful patterns and fabrics and your clothing will, be made to your measure with every detail as you may
fancy, They will be finished for delivery when you want them and are guaranteed to satisfy you in every par-
ticular. The cost of made-to-order clothing is but slightly higher than for a good ready -to; -wear.
Don't' be satisfied with mere stylish looks alone for if the quality of materiais and work-
manship is not there -good looks will not last very long.
is known all this part of the country for its honest qualities in the hidden details of clothes
making -the details on the honesty of which the very life of your clothing 'depends. Reliable
materials -all wool -careful workmanship. Canvas strengthening, silk thread, in fact the dozen
and one items which make BROWN'S CLOTHING wear so much longer than any other kind.
Don't be fooled by -a cheap price. Good materials cost more than cheap ones, and must be
sold at a reasonable"price. Brown's clothing is not the cheapest on the market. On the other
hand it is not high in price considering the extra length of wear it gives whoever buy it.
Come in and See Us When You Are Buying Clothes This Spring.
At the Pattern Counter Women's Store
Regular $1.50 at IA Price -75c.
This offer expires Saturday, June 12th, 1915. After the before mentioned date subscrip-
tions taken to the above mentioned magazine at $1.50 per year only.
Agents for
Priest] ey's Dress
Agents for
Butteri ck
About People You Know
Miss II. Y. Bell of London has; been
is town during the past week.
MIr R, E. Manning was in Toronto
last week attending the funeral of
an atilt.
Miss Larene 'Langford returned home
Sunday from a fortnight's visit
with friends at IIcnsail.
Mr. Rees Jenkins of Woodlands Farm,
Huron Road, is in Goderich this
week serving on the jury,
R_ ev. 12. Fulton Irwin, who was at-
tending the conference at St.
Marys, carte up to spend the week-
end with his brother, Mr. J. A.
Irwin of town.
Mr. A. K. Wilson, a member of the
Molsons Bank stall, ahas obtained
leave -of -absence and has gene to
London to take the olricert.r course
in military training.
Mr, C. S. Hawke was in town over
the week -end calling on his, many
friends in town. Be was in, atten-
dance at the Conference, St. Marys,
and cone up to take the servicee
in Ont. St. church,
Mr. and cis, J. W. Treleaven and
Miss Norma were in Lueknow over
the week -end on account of. the ill-
ness anti death of the forma's Wm -
the late Thtnnes Tre-
leaven, who died on Sunday.
for the good old summer
They are not only to give
you comfort and pleasure
but keep you out in the
fresh air, an assistance
for good health.
Come and get first
Prices range from
$1.50 to $6.50.
Cooper Co.
1'Ir, John. Crooks is holidaying in j the
old home town.
Corp. Britton was up from London
spending the week -end with his
Mrs. Case and bliss Jessie Case of
Seaforth spent Sunday with , Mrs.
Messrs, Horton Macdougall and Will
Stone of!llensall were the guests
• over Sunday of their aunt, Mrs. J.
D. Atkinson,
Mins Alena Stone of the School of
Commerce stall visited her home at
Essex during the past week.'
Mrs. A. Marshall and children of
Toronto arc visiting at the .home of
the lady's mother, Mrs, Bristowe.
Mrs. Stringham of Woodstock has
been visiting her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Joseph Wheatley, during the
past week.
Mr. Bert Irwin, who has been teach-
ing, at Alma, has been engaged to
teach; the Constance school!, his
deities to commence after the holi-
Mr, dela Penotiere+spent the week-
end with his family in town prior
to going to Ottawa to join his
corps. Mr. de la Pemotiere has vol-
unteered for overseas service as an
Mr. J. 'P. Henry, late principal of
the Dashwood Public school, who
has been Under medical treatment
for several weeks, hen beim in town
for some days past. His health is
gradaallp improving.
Hullett Township
Mr. Chas. Dexter had his barn on
the Rleiy farm moved home last
week, Air. Wnt, Wheatley of Clinton
had the contract.
Mr. ,Janes Hart had his barn rais-
ing last Friday. Everything went off
snceessfu ll3't
Mr. Will Morrison, Who was called
home by the ilIness, of his father,
Mr., R. Morieson of the 8th sconces•
sion, returned to Chicago 'yesterday.
Miss I$atitleen Quigley, telegraph
operator in Cooper's bookstore, Clin-
ton, is spending ii couple of weeks!
vacation at her home.
' Constance.
Mr. Ben Snell and Mr. David Chap-
man visited friends in Hamilton for
a few days recently,
Mrs. Henry Colcl:ough, s;en't a few
(lays with friends in the vicinity of
Mr. anti Meer. Jas. Dale anti family
spent Saturday anti Sunday with
Mr, Bert Irwin of Alma has bean
engaged to teach here in place of Mr.
Jas, Campbell, who has resigned, his
duties : to commence after the summer
Mr. and Alt's. John Riley of Bruce -
field spent Sunday as the guesth of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Riley.
The News Front Londesboro.
Miss Lizzie Mountain of Buffalo
spent Sunday at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Pipe of Gotler-
kit spent Sunday with Mr. Pipe's
parents in the village and also visit-
ed the lady's parents, Mr. and Mi's.
D. Mountain.
Mrs. Whitley and Dr. Whitley of
Corrie motored over Sunday and
spent, the day with the lady's sister,
Airs. D. Mountain,
Elsie Manning, youngest daughter of
Mr. Chas. H. Manning of the village,
swallowed a two-inch nail on Tuesday
night, the nail lodged in her throat
canning considerable pain. She was
rushed 'to Clinton and upon examina-
tion the doctor found that the nail
hail passed into the child's stomach.
it in to be hoped no serious com-
plications ale experienced.
Airs, McDonald of London spent a
few days last week with her sister,
Mrs. John Lasham.
On 'Tuesday evening a number of
the citizens of the village took rakes
and raked all the loose stones oil
the main streets and Mr. J. W.
Cartwright chew theist away, thus
giving quite a different appearance to
the roads. This is one step in im-
proving the appearance of the vil-
lage. Jet the good work go on.
Rev, C•'. C. Raise returned from St.
Marys on Tuesday evening;
Miss 13. Brogden spent a fete
flays last week with her e!slcr, Mrs.
D. Floody of 13lyth.
0.111.1111111101... MUISOMONI,M11
The Methodist lawn social will he
held June 24th and the Presbytcsiane
will hold their's on July 1st, , Keep
the dates in mind.
Miss Clarke of Clinton is visiting,
at the bionic of Air. Chas. Manning,
A number of the ]?Dung people from
the vicinity attended 'Uncle Tom's
Cabin," given in Blyth Tueet:lay ev-
Hullett Township
Messrs. Robt, Dunlop and Win,
Jamieson left for the west lase
'I'ue'sdap for a visit with friends, there.
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 5 for May : Sr. 4th-Iarjery Mc-
Cool, Mary Jamieson, Florence Cart-
wright (absent' Sr. 4th -Annie Way -
mouth, Grace Vodclen, Jr, 4th -Lie.
fan Cartwright. Sr. 3rd -Rose Gor-
buttt, Percy Gibbings, Wellington Mc-
Cool, Arthur Weymouth. Jr. 3rd
Dora Vodden, Rosalie Crawford, Sr.
2nd -Margaret Brown,,, Jenny Gor.
butt. Sr. 1st -Evelyn Gibbings, Al-
vin Cartwright, Laura Snell (equal),
Edith Gorbutt. Primer c(a)-Charlie
Weymouth, Charlie Brown, Hugh
Radford. (b) -Warren Gibbings, har-
ry Snell, Ilesbie Vodclen, Berta Nott.
The best spellers are : Sr. 4th -111.
Jamieson, Sr. 4th -G.' Vodtden, Sr.
3rt1-R. Gorbutt. .Tr, 3rd -R. Crates
ford. Sr. 211(1-.J, Gorbutt. Sr. lst-
L. Snell, Primer -C. Brown, -D. M.
MacEwan, 'Teacher., II)
Summer Footwear.
KEEPING COOL -We can help you solve
the problem of keeping cool and comfortable
during the warm days of the hot season.
ready for your inspection the newest in light
-summer shoes to suit every need you may
have for street, house or sports,
-In Plain, Two Strap or Colonial Styles,
$1.50 to $2.00 per pais„
of Infant's, Child's, a.od Misses' Slippers and
Pumps from 85c. to $2.25 per pair.
A complete assortment of shoes always in
stock for all the summer sports