HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-06-10, Page 7A FINE COMPLEXION
May. Be Had Through the Rich,
Red Blood Dr.' Williams'
Pink Pills Actually Make.
A igill's,rd'is compliexion, is :something
more than a matter to concern her
vanity. It is an indite -flan of the
state of her health. Pallor in a
growing girl means a ti -sinning of
the blood, Parents should be
watchful' of their daughters' com-
pleaione and should' see to it that
these danger signs are corrected.
When a girl in her teens becomes
pale end sallow, if ;neve ahonve an
inclination to tire easily, its listless
and inattentive to thee world or
studies, the needs Dr. Williams'
pink 'Pills., a tonic wthioh darectliy
a•nd"specifically corrects the condi-
tion from which she ie suffering.
A chemical analysis of the blood of
such la gittl,would show it to he dei-
cientian jest the elements that Dr.
Waldiaanls Pink Pills can supply,
and which restore brightnielss to the
eye, and odor tothe ciheeks. Miss
Deliina ' Ansenault, TJ bainvillie,
is one of the thousands bf
anaemic gelds restored to health try
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
She says; "I mos attacked with
anaemia, and was in snail a nisei,-
aserable condition that I had to consult
a doctor, and was under his caro
for several months, but `witlhoet
getting better. I nags growing
thinner every day, had dark cir-
cles around my eyes. I could hard-
ly sleep at night, but tossed rest
Ieesly and got up in the morning
with black anticipation of the day's
miseries before me, I Woes always
bothered with -headaches and paints
an the back and liMbe. My appe-
tite was poor :and I frequently
vomited what I did -eat. My friends
leered that I wound not recover, I
had often seen Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills advertised, and finally de,
cided to try them. I used ei1Nw-
getdler nine boxes, and they made
me as well ars ever I was in my
life. All the pains and aches dis-
appeared; my appetite returned:
' I could .sleep am -welly at night, and
the oder: returned to my cheeks.
I also gained seventeen pounds in
weight:. lam now always well, and
for this happy condition I have to.
thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills:"
You can get theca Pills from any
dealer in medicine or by mail at
50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2,50 from The Dr.' Williams' Metli-
1 eine Co., Ba'ockvible, Oat.
Not Unanimous.,
Hix — Women era 'suspicious
bream. esI
Win—My experience is to the
contrary. Eta instance, there's
my wife; wire's a woman and trusts
ma, while my grocer, who is a man,
Keep - Minard's Liniment in the house.
Among the regimental !trophies
of the Laucasihire Fusiliers is a
Life. of Marlborough presented to
the regiunent by Napoleon when.
they were guarding him in St.
Who Can `Refuse to Believe Any
Charge Against Germany.
After the torpedoing of tete: Lee!,
termite, without warning even, Who
can reasonably refuse to believe
any charge of brutal atrocity
brought against Germany's conduct
of the war? writes a' correspondent
in the New York Sun, Who can re.
fuse -to 1'bedleve that a ,nation OM: a-
ble of waging a war in, each fash-
ion , was Capable of deliberately
bringing . on the war? Who can
doubt that tali policy of " anything
to win"wdemonstrated ne " evi-
is ev
dence thatt Germany Courted, the
war be pursuance of a policy of jest
s•udlil world domi'natien. as was nab
forth by Bernhardi I
Of What avail is it to- complain of
the breaches of international law
which hitve been committed' by both
sides in tete European conflict? The
fact that American lives wase lost
on a vessel shilling under the Bei,-
tisb flag after the Gelman Govern-
ment had warned them of the risk,
they were running is immaterial.
Germany has furnished: pro -of that
Thier warfare respects no flag, not
even the Stars and Stripes. The
war on Germany'e part is a war
against no nation, but against all
nations. It is a 'Lear against hu-
manity. •
Is it not near that, under itsre-
sent leadsnelhip And the ideia'ls
which control its Kultur, the Gee -
mat nation is a peril to oivilaza-
tion :and- not fit to survive'I What
will the liberties of the world be
worth if Germany emerges victor
from this conduct ,because, through
me cowardly and dreamy love of
peace, nations which have been
neutral hitherto refuse to do their
part in combating the peril of a
pax.Geronanioe with wlndli,civiliza-
tion is threatened?
Unless ;the United States has be-
come ,a country of Chinamen it will
not take this affront lying drown.
Indeed, the Chimes, with all their
weakness, would snake at least a
show of fight against so hideome a
wrong and so dreadful a danger.
Pennsylvania Trainman and Mother
Bring Suits Against Railroad.
"For two incises 'of the left leg, at
$8,3x0 per inch, $16,700," is the bill
that Earl Parsons of Mount Bethel .is
trying y g to collect from the Lehigh and
New England Railroad in a suit for
damages just brought. Employed on
the road as a trainman, his train
crashed into some empty cars, and he
was caught between two of them.
Among his injuries was a double frac•
tare of the left leg. When he left
the hospital, four months later, the
leg was two inches shorter than the
Mrs. Elizabeth Parsons, his mother,
claiming she has been deprived of her
son's support, has also filed an action
against the company and demands
$10,000 damages.
If, when people .are charged with
their faults they were credited
With' , their good intentions,, there
would be more, sstisfaetery neigh-
bors in the world.
Pure- Ice Cream
that Tuberculosis is transmitted
by unpasteurized •Ice Cream.
City Dairy Ice. Cream is Pas-
teurized and therefore safe for
even the youngest child.
The Purity and healthfulness of
City Dairy Ice Cream is guarded
in every way.
The matter of flavoring is an important one --
City Dairy uses no imitations or synthetic
- flavors --we flavor our "Maple Walnut" with pure
maple sugar—we use Pure Fruits in our "Fruit
Ice Creams" and flavor our "Vanilla" with the
Pure Mexican 'Vanilla Bean. The minute specks
in City Dairy Vanilla Ice Cream -are pieces of the
ground bean—"the specks make -the flavor." So
far as we know we are the only manufacturers
in Canada using the Pure vanilla bean,; and no
other make can compare with the delicate flavor
of City Dairy Vanilla Ice Cream—the cost is
about double but the selling price is the same.
Ask for the Ice Cream in which
"the specks make the flavor" ---
City Dairy.
For Salo by discriminating shololtoopers everywhere.
the Sign.
:WO want an agent in every town.
24-1101111 SYSTEM.
Paper Dials Were: Issued in 1886
By the C.P.B.
A souvenir of flee, early days, of
the O.P.R.; in the ,shape of one of
the origin -a -watch dials which the
company got out when it inbr•odheced
24 o'clock time in the West, is in
possession of one of the offleiials.
In 1886 the comipan' determin-
ed Ito introduce the- 244iour
system on the western divisions;
send to gide" emphasis to the
new departure, and, at the samme.
time, help the memory of all con
ce-reed, it :issued- paper dials, with
the whole 24 haute completiing the
day, which were to be worncn•the
watches of the employees, to faint-
Headze them with the new methods.
This sitting up of the new time
standard woes deemed, ,at the time,
a :radical innovation, calculated to
di'stlu:b the all conservative and
timid creatures who dreaded'
change. A certain eensatidsi was
produced, at the time; ' it passed;
the business . went (melts way ; tete
employees became ac-
quainted with the ,new timestand-
ard, and accepted it as a matter of
course; 'but the sight of one of the
old dial platen, which everybody
wins showing as ,a cariosity in 1886,
as something which wast going to
revolutionize the eomani'on like of
the people, recalls the eagerness of
the company to arrest the atten-
tion, though, of Course,, the change
was .advanitageosme in itself.'.
How a Sick, Wo1II011
Call Regain Health
"For years I was' thin and delicate.
I lost color' and was easily tired; a
yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on
my face were not only mortifying to
my feelings, but because I thought my
skin would never look nice again I
grew' despondent. Then my appetite
failed. I grew very weak..Various
remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I
tried without permanent benefit. A
visit to my sister' put into my hands
a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She
placed reliance upon them and now
that they have made me a well woman
I would not be without them whatever
they might cost. I` found Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills by their mild yet searching
action very suitable to the delicate
character of a woman's nature. They
never once griped me, yet they estab-
lished regularity. My appetite grew
keen—my blood red and pure -heavy
rings under my eyes disappeared and
to -day my skin is as clear and mm
wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr.
Hamilton's Pills did it alt"
The above straightforward letter
from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well
known miller in Rogersville, is proof
sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are
a wonderful woman's medicine. Dee
no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c.
per box. All dealers or The Catarrh-
ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario.
Whet's the Ilse?
A dlarkey running a ferry &cross
the Alabama river was accosted by
a poor white stranger who a anted
to cress, but hadn't the wherewith,
Pete scratched his, woolly poll,
perplexedly, then queried "Roan
yo' got no money at ail?"
"No," wee file dejected reply.
"But; it dean' cost yo' but three
cents ter creels," insisted fete.
"I know, but I hain't-got three
After a final inward think. Pete
remarked : "I done tell yo' what; a
man what's -not got three cents ase'
je' as veld off on dis side sib de rib-
ber las on de, odder l"
At the Yarmouth' Y,ri',C.1. Bove' Camp,
hold at J.'eTSket Palls in. August, I found
MINAJ?•D'S :LINIMENT most benefeiai
for sun burn. an immetli,ate relief - for
colic: and toothache.
General 9ee'v
Serafevo, Capital of Bosnia, Losing
Oriental Character.
Serajevo, the unknown Bosnian
town where the spark ignited, that
flamed forth into the greatest war of
the ages, is described by the National
Geographic` society as one of the
beauty spots of the Balkans. It was
the scene of the assassination of the
Archduke Francis'Ferdinand, heir -
apparent to the thrones of Austria and
Hungary, and his wife the Duchess
of Hohenberg.
Serajevo is built upon the river Mil -
jacks, a email tributary of the Bosnia,
and spreads over both slopes of the
narrow valley to the rugged hills.
Partly oriental and wholly set in the
green and emerald of its gardens and
neighboring well -wooded hills, Seta
jevo is frequently called "The Dames
cls of the North," The city lies 122
miles southwest of Belgrade.' With
a growing population of. 50,000 and. a
thriving commerce and industry, Sara-
jevo has been fast losing its eastern
character, reconstructing the old Turk-
ish city to conform to the' purposes of
Western progress.
Its• large bazaar is a favorite mar-
icet place for the peasants of the whole
province, while its commission houses
conduct' the exchange of Bosnian ag-
ricultural and mineral probuots with
the manufactories of other parts• of the
empire. It has potteries, sills mills,
a tobacco factory and a large individ-
ual, or house industry, which produces
fine embroideries, rugs, embossed and
filigree work. .
The society with time long name
should ,find a way to estop the an•nival
sledge race with dogs that is known
as the Great Aeslca Sweepstakes
ie year, as casual the route was
rem None to Caaudle and .return,
se dist,ance of 412 miles, From Norr� e
out and as far as Gold lR,un on tee
way back the 'lieiatling steam made
more than ;six miles an hour ter
nearly thirty-eight hours. The, dogs
are always urged and lashed- to the
last ounce of 'endurance, and the
whole thing, as a disgrace to civili-
He Meant Every
Word He Spoke
lie Hail Sorc Back and 'Other
Symptoms of Kidney Disease and
Got Real • Beitcflt from Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
,ere, Ont.;: June
n. reconumendin
lie as the beet of
:Weaker wars Mr.
J leknownl :resident
o lie,eeft no doubt.
i s lie,area9s 'that, he
he said..
," Mr. ITO con-
tinued, very .tore' back..
1•edict-and I self -
f tits; with it. "I
a n my joints and
esoles land, I felt
lu after meals. My
a. l .and my limbs
w I decided to try:
D Pills. I took Iona
b d great benefit
froms wily I recom-
mendy Pills." •
Ida I-1111's� cysnip-
'his troabtle was
oout is why lee got
Doeld'e Kidney
Pcure all, but
t 'Kidneys, ,anthe
Ii keystone of ]health,
Sixty-Nine Corm
(Speeiail).—"I a
Doidid'-e Kidney Pmt
Medseineis ". The
A. Hill•, a will
ftha -place, p lase, ,and'
n the minds of •hi
miaant every word
"Serie time ago
,ilei, "Ih-ada
It started from a
er,eal for 'six anon
Iso lead stiffness a
ramps in my aim
eiavy and sleepy i
appetite was fitful
are'heavy. Then
oil's Kidney
nests and receive
titans. That'
Dodid,'s Kiln.
Every one of M
towe showed that
f the Kidneys.' Tibet
aria benefit froze
ills. They are aur
hey -do ane'. .sick Ii
Kidneys are the laeyst
Even at a bank a man's best col-
lateral is character.
Many young Americans have
listedin the re iawe�ntthat sCanad•s
has •recruited for the war. How
many persons remember that 'sixty-
eight thousand Canadians served in
the Union Army during the Civil
War ?
A Boston woman who finds the
sombre clothes of men very depress-
ing wants them to wear Holland
blues, -snuff 'browns, and shades of
plum oolo'r'. Men used to wear such
colors in the days of Watteau, and
Fragonard, when they had little to
do except to walk through a min''
uet; but in this age a man feels
foolish sifting ashes in a plum -col-
ored coat.
Cattlemen on the Western ranges
would kill every bear, but the sheep
headers protest that the bears keep
the wolves and coyotes in check.
Truck farmers -say that the wolves
and the coyotes save their crops -
from jack rabbits. No one has yet
accepted a retainer for the jack
rabbit, but perhaps he, too, has a
One of"the minor results of the
war in Europe has been to change'
the nationality of the dachshund.
At any rate, JEngla:nd is much re-
lieved to learn from a French sa-
vant that the. dachshund is nob of
German origin, but is a descendant
of the French basset; ,and on ,the
authority of certain English dog
fanciers that he is really an elong-
ated terrier.
hue Boy Scout movement has
travelled round the world, through
Europe, Africa, India, China, and
Japan; but the Hast American In-
dian Boy Scout troop was organized
only a few weeks ago. Its members
are pupils at the Carlisle Indian
School in Pennsylvania. The leader
is a young Blackfoot who :recently
rode his cayuse from Mon tans to
Washinent gton wWilsonith. a Me• sage for
The work op the new Welland
Canal, the sulocessor of the water
way 'between Lake Erie and Lake
Ontario, that has been in use since
1833, will not suffer on account of.
the financial :burden that the war
has imposed on Canada.- It is ex-
pected that the weal will be open-
ed for traffic in 191S, although it
will nob be finished' for at 'least
three years• atter that. Lt will be
25 miles Long, 310 feet wide, and for
the present, 25 feet deep. These
will be seven locks, each 800 feet
long, the .gates- of Which will weigh
1,100 tons—more than the gate,, of
the . Panama Canal locks weigh,
The -cost will be $50,000,000. Being
free to all. chipping, the. canal will
benefit the United :States as well
tee Canada, especially in the east-
ward movement of grain.
The Supply Conics From Food.
If we get power from food, why
not strive to get all the power we
can_ Tih,at is only possible, .by ,se-
lecting food that exactly fits the
requirements of the body.
"Not knowing :how to select the
right food to fit my needs, I suf-
fered grievou:siy for a long time
from stome,cls trouble," writes a
lady tram -a little Western town. •
r"It seemed as if I wound navel'
be able to find out the sort of food
that was b -eel far mil. Hardly any-
thing that I could eat would stay on
my eta:naclh. Every 'attempt gave
me heart -barn and filled my sto-
ma'aih with gas. I got thinner and
thinner until I 'literally became a
living -skeleton and in time was
compelled to keep to- my bed.
"-A fen' months ago I was pee -
ailed to try Grape -Nuts food,
and it had each good effect from
the very beginning that I kept up
its ase. I was surprised at the ease
with which I digested it. It proved
to be jest what I,•nieedied.
"Ali my unpleastuntt syrntptoen,s,
the ;heart -:barn, the inflated feeling
which gave me, I5,0 mnclh, pain, din
appeased. My weight grladually
increased from 98 to 116 lbs., my
age -re rounded out, my strength
came back, send I am now ;able to
cbo . my housework and enjoy it.
Grape -Nuns did Gtr
A ten, capie trneil wilt- slfto`' any-
one some facts about food,
Name given :by Canadian Postun t
Ce.,. Windsor, Out. Read, "The
Road to Well'ille," in pkgs. -
1'Theae',6'a Reason," -.
Ever read • the above letter? A now .
one appears.' from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and full of human
cation.. ED. 6.
ISSUE 24-•-'15.
Lights for Battle I,'elde.
According to the Aran, and Navy
Journal, searchlights :are for ob-
vious reasons kept dark until tette
field artillery ;has .'eased; fixing and
the enemy xs charging, To illumin-
ate a field over whiclhh the enemy
is to . advance, -star bombs and
flares are alai .aged Flares, ,wiiriels
etre merely modified' fireworks, are
livke the •famiiliar rest, white and
blue lights used in Ea.:la h of July
celebrations to illuminate :greets
and p.S ppesrs g+o• out iii
front ofarlis, the titianmhe, with; flares,
which are then.e'oimnccted with the.
headquarters of the officers in com-
mand of the, first Nue,
who by set-
ting them off at intervals through-
out the night can keep the battle
flout eointilnirlly righted. Star
bombs :ase steno adaptations of anod-
ern fireworks. They fare shot froth
mortars into the sky, : where for.
twenty miles they will, give off men;
intense light ower a wide cirojie of
the ,surrounding country. Before
one bomb dies -out another is that
into the air. A Weal of stir 'bomb,
short into the sky :like an ordinary
neck-at:'is used by both Armies for
signalling at tight.
She Wasn't Sure.
A famons baseball player has a
younger :sister who, is -very proud
of hinny although She is not very
familiar with the 'gamie, Having
spoken out 1tini one day to a visitor
she was asked by the latter what
position her }modem playeid.
"Why," she .tom. eyed, ''I—I'm
not sure., but I think :he's a bat
No cutting, no plas-
tors or pads to press
the sore spot,
Putnam's Extractor
mattes the corn go.
without pain. Takes
out the sting over -night. 'Never fails
—leaves no scar. Get a 25c, bottle of
Putnam's Corn Extractor to -day.,
Two Vegetables.
Diner—Isn't there another -vege-
table that goes with this beef, be-
sides potato? '
Walter—Yes, .6e—there's hems -
Gran ai
ul edd§
Y ,
e Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sun, ()Ostend Wind
Eyesquickly relieved by Marine
Eye Remedy. No Smarting.
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Duane Eye
Salve inTuba 25e. For Beard iheEyeFreeask
Druggists or Marine Eye Remedy Ce., Chicago
The official reporter in the
Hoose of Lords receives $2,500 a
Mivard'e Liniment used by Physielene.
The object of the National Ser-
vice League, founded in 1902, is to
promo -be the movement for compul-
sary military service in Great
Pays for UUseff
In Seven Days 1
Teel' ae.
If you have , the consciousness of
genius, do something to show it, The
world Is pretty quick,- nowadays, to
catch the flavor of true originality;
if you write anything remarkable the,
magazines and newspapers will find
you out, as the schoolboys find out
where the ripe apples and pears are..
Produce anything • realy good and an
Intelligent editor wild jump at it.
Don't flatter yourself 'that any article
df yours is rejected because you are
unknown to, fame. Nothing pleases
an editor more than to .get anything
worth having from a new hand.
There is :always a dearth of really
fine articles for a first-rate journal;
for, of a hundred pieces received,
ninety are at or below the sea -level;
some have water enough, butno head;
some head enough, but no water; only
two• or three are from tall reservolre,
high up that hill which is so hard to
' Thousands of mothens say Baby's
Own Tablets are the only medicine
they would give their ]sill. ones.
Among them is Mrs. H,owia,rd' Hod-
gins,, . St. Catharines, Ont., who
says: "I em a user of. Baby's Own
Tablets and think them the heist
medicine in the world for little
ones." Once a smother iias used
the Tablets the will Use no other
medicine because elie feels the Tab-
lets are absolutef.y is -ale a and knows
tlhiay never fail to banish alt the
simple ailments, of little ones.
They are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents. a box Team
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont,
At Any Vaudeville.
"Why do these pipers keep walk-
and dog n while g up v they are
playing I"
"Because it makes, them harder
to hit."
Lee for aeieard'n and 'take no other.
Among the new summer fabrics
is a cotton material known as.
"Joffre," whist. bete new colors in-
elude "battleship grey" and, "Pet -
roved blue."
Arts Courses only.
.i1p`ul:tC SUMMER
GEO. Y. MOWN. Registrar,
:e'cre tion
Sold lD
Pall $g.o_d shoe dealers"
Wornloy every awelmber9'ddap ily
Row ilfueh
English Guideth-owin of
interest): "It was in thisig i laces'
this : very
room, sir, that Wellington received
his :first eoamaies-ion I"
A.nterican Tollaeist : "Indeedr
. And
how maces did ,he get i„
Minard's Liniment Lnmbeimtan's Friend
Alaska was bought
g by the United
States Brom Russia for $7,200,000.
,LA specially selected and Government
inspected.. for Beed. Only limited rluantity.
Price, One Dollar per bushel Loh, Bramp..
`ton. Also Oounoleeoure Pride and New
Snow, two excellent new potatoes, Price,
Two 'Dollars per bushel. Special pr'eee
for largo Quantity. Cash must aceom•
Pans, all ordere. B. W. Dawson,. Brame.
Aces for sale in good Ontario towns.
The moat useful and interesting,: of is
busineesee. Pull information on applies,
lion to Wilson Publishing Company, 73
Welt Adelaide St., Toronto,
good standing in every neighbor-
hood of O,ttario -and Quebec Provinces, to
obtain list of relisNle People who are in-
terestedhi satin, money during these
near times on "utchases of staple mar,
chandieo selected from illustrated cata-
logue of established: Montreal Depart-
mental Store. To the right persona- we
offer attractive remuneration. Write im-
anediatel" giving name, reeidenoe, eager.
,hence, with references. 'Character is of
more importance than experience.. Ad. -
dress P. 0. Box 443, Montreal..
.L4 Beautifier, Price 26w. Viodera Com.
many. Ortltia,
internal and external, cured with.
out pain by our home treatment. Writs
us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical
Co.. Limited, Coliingwood. Ont.
"America; eeanderd4 Cyde
ncrrilekwosm6eIronftnDneea.n,.lomn.r Ms.e aseiomnnuMotor,
1 0"ot •°r il,'t'' "8.1
ten�la /til aenonAta 8t1P1os,ir,,.
. m ,nr
son , e nt.
XfAMATN MFC. to. i.e'.tXiroa, MleA.:
Mixing Concrete with this 5918 Model.
HAND MIRER eaves you time, labor and
Money, You get a bettor mlx with lees
gement. Write for catalogues,
Improved Concrete Machinery.
Ipopt. W. Si:adios Ave., Toronto, Onteric.
Ford owners write for
our catalogue.
Speedometer Station.
179 Queen -Street West,
"Okrerstern" V Bottom $554-.
�$ Motor Boat .
.Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in
Ontario. Length 15 Ft., Ream a Ft. 9 Ia•.,1
Depth 1 Pt. s tn. ANY MOTOR PITS.
-Specification No. 2B giving engine prices on request. Get our quotations,
tin -"The Penotang Line" Commercial and Pleasure Lauatches, Row.
boats and Canoes. 1
* em,- z5,1:cs ,
TN ON'T swelter over a hot range this summer. The
NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstove keeps
your kitchen cool and clean and does away with all the
ash -pan, coal -hod drudgery of the coal range.
THE NEW PERFECTION lights like gas, regulates like gas,
and cooks like gas. It is gas stove comfort with kerosene oil.
NEW PERFECTIONS are sold in 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes by
dealers everywhere. If your dealer cannot supply you, write us
O) .d 'OO "+ul ES
Made in
rr et'erborougi
-t G aril 0 AN.
Illt11!4.%*efel.P 0110
,Acle for :boatel with
this -Trade Mark. �"'
Peterborough C -ei n ies
This trade mark on a
tip ./lade esai'/l11�,
I yourrboreuCanoe is
�e 8olvi - ydur assurara nce of the
highedt workmanship nd the
- tl' beat materials that can be :put
trite a ce,noe .or 4kif , printers!gnd
yr easy paddling, ngth
and sofvty,
n painted Basswood, Cedar
bib, cadet' Stip ane Canvas
Catalogue a The Peterborough
C loo Co., Liutited,. Peter-
. tough. Canada.