HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-06-10, Page 5June !(0th, 1915 Goderich. r. Dr. ilmtners n was elected opo , of the: vice- rpesidents of - the Ontario k Medical .Association at the meant t r 1. SeCe'ltl . leeb t n o0 Y i- s enlisted f r to n•• ss t, 0 0 Mr. I,eo 'Eliot 0l ala sues service Mr. and Mrs A Drysdale and fam- ily have one to reside in Hamilton where Mr. Dry: -tale has been employ- ed for some thue. Mrs, Symonds is visiting Mrs, Oli- 'er'Rhymes of Brantford. • Mrs, Carleton left last's week for Detroit whom she intends making an extended villi, 'Lieut.. W. Gordon of the Army ;Den- tal Corps was in town .a few days last week before- leaving lot Ottawa. Mrs. Leonard Dunkeld was in Mt, Forest last week attending the Bap- list Association meeting, Sub also 'visited friends at .Palmerston, Mr. Herbert Maedel of Detroit is -spending his vaoation at the parent- al borne in town. Mr. 1B. H. Townsend has gone. to IF'ergus to engage in business The first conviction of a hotelkeep- er under the Canada Temperance Act was registered on the 2nd inst, against the Bedford Hotel. County Constable Pellow made a search of the Bedford a few da,}'s ago and Se- cured a quantity of beer and the case was settled' by Bedford pleading guil- ty t} before Police • Magistrate Keil} and paying a line of- $75 and costs. These fines are now paid to the corm- ty treasurer and the expenses of en- forcement borne by the county. Dur- ing uring the three }earn the Canada Tem- perance Act was ins force 25 years ago there was over -310,000 collected in fines and the expenses were $5,000 , leaving a balance in the license fund of the comityof$4,000, vi t overwith interest, or" hand to secure the en- forcement of the act, Seaforth. The minstrel concerts recently giv- en in town. Cloejred $270 for the Red Cross and the Field Kitchen Fund. Mr. Ralph L. Cresswell has return- ed home after sending the winter Months in 'California and Honolulu. Mr. Ed. Mole is. suffering from an attack of typhoid fever. Mr. Thos. Grieve has returned from a trip to the west. Mrs. and. Miss Cathill , of Brussels "hare moved to town and taken up their abode in their new residence on James street, • Miss Kate McDougall of Grand Forks,. N. D., is visiting her friends in and about town, Mr, and. Mrs. Kidney Johns have gone to visit friends at - Hamilton, Cleveland and Toledo, They will pro- bably be absent several weeks, Mr. and Mn.sWill C'udmore visited the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Is - real of Wadkerville for a few days re- cently, Mrs. S. T. Holmes and Miss Lyn- ne left' this week lot Calgary to vise it the for'mer's daughter, Mrs. Fred. Beattie. Mrs. Philp, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Murray, has returned to Toronto. files. Murray went to the city with her, Several streets have beet' oiled this season and the council feel that ib Mil work most satisfeeterily. Mrs. Philip Horton and two children .of. Port 1-1011e were gucale lest week of ibe, lady's sister, Mrs. J. C. hili Mrs. Wilson of Minnesota was here last week, having been called borne to attend the funeral of her mother, the' late. Mrs, hitef'ulle, of Lcadbury, Wingham Mr. and Mrs. C. F, YU:ndrick have moved to Listowel. Mie. Alex, -Campbell was in Kingston Mast week as a delegate : front the Maitland Presbytery to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian choreal. Mr. ,James Cloaakey of Morris left last week to visit the San Diego Lx .position, Miss P. Powell has returned from a three month's trip to California, British Columbia and other points in ;the Canadian Wes4•t, Mrs, Win. Atteheson has been irt- formed from Ottawa that her son, Private L. .tftchesou, had been seri- ously wounded in France. Miss Louise Locicridgo of -Lower 'Wiegham was married on Wednesday .of last week to Mr. Wm. L. Hudson , ;of Stratford. Mr. W. F. Van Stone iias been 'mite ill for the past week or so. He un eierwent an operation fat week, Miss Nettie M:,' Inch of Brine Mines visited her sisler, Mrs. 'Campbell, ;las, week, Mr. Thos. Stothers of Dungannon was in town last week, Mrs. ,los. Pugh has been in Brua sels for seine day's and will probab- 7v remain there' for sonic little time. Mr. J, A. Morton was in St. Marys last, week attending' the annual meeting of the London conference, Mr. tar; C'Iowse, who recently came :here froth- Brussels, is preparing to .greet a dwelling on Queen street. Mr. Jelin McLeod, while working fn the Edward street sewer, was twice partially buried by a cave-in. This is talc sate sewer in wino)" Mr. 1 -Jill ;:lost Itis life last fall and seems to be a -particularly dangerous place to work. Hensail airs, C'.r Hoggarth and two little 'sons of Calgary, Alta., are here vis- icing the lady's parents, Miss Ethel Murdock, who had been visiting tier ;an the west, returned home with her. Mr. and Mrs, Wilson of Moorefield Shave been .visiting the latter's par- ents, Mr, and .Mrs, A, Munn. ".: Mr. Pollock of the State of Michi-. -gen has been visiting friends and re- , latives hereabdlits: Miss 011M Iroise; ,Mitchell, daughter of• Mx. and Mrs. John' T. Mitebell, -wss married on Tuesday of last week to Mr. Jarvis Horton Of Tuckersmith, Bluth Mrs. Roy Stone andchildren ofjlar tie are visiting the lady's parents Mt. and Mrs, Wnt. Moore. Miss Gladys Cutt lies gone on an extended< i•io s trip to r ncl in the west- ern provinces.` Rev. Mr. Lang -Med, and Mrs Lang- ford of Listowel hate been treads of 11ev. T. II, and Mrs. Farr. Mr. B. McKay, who has leen in. London having his eyes treated, is improving nicely. 'miss Jeanette Poples'tone, the little daughter of Mr, and. Mrs, S. A, Po- plestone, is improving after:.^ a' very severe illness. Ei'glity-flvd dollars was realised at a garden party given by the Red Gross Circle on Tuesday of fast week. Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the Century. Taken from the Files of The News -Record of the date indicated. Clinton, June 7th, 1900. The c until has givenMr.R . l oto Graham the contract of building gran-- olithic walks at eleven and a half cents per foot. Rev. Mr. Clement has been trans- ferred to Kingsville and Rev. Dr, Gifford ;will be the new pastor • of Ontario street church. Capt. Combs has been junior major of the 33rd battalion and is perform- rnS the duties of senior major at Carling Heights. The lacrosse team wan defeated on Tuesday at Seaforth. Will :Ross was referee, P. Payment, field captain, the following being the players : Bert Deynient, P. . Matheson, H. Shepherd, J. McCoy,) . Kennedy, F. Ker, A. Shephard, R. Holnreo, W. Armstrong, J. Forrester and W. Whitely. The officers and soldiers of the M- eal S. A. Corps are rejoicing over the success of the 5tH -denial 'effort. They were asked to raise set enty dollars,. and the scum subscribed amounted to ninety, - The lluron :Regiment is now under canvas at Carling Heights, London,. nearly three ;thousand men putting in ten days' drill. The. officers are as follows : Lieut. -Col, \'arcoe, Carlow, commanding ; Major Young, Carlow ; adjutant, Capt,. Dunlop ; quartermas- ter, Major Beek, Salt -ford ; paymas- ter, Capt. Hayes, Seaforth ; Surgeon, Lieut. -Col. Holmes, Cioderich ; Chap- lain, Rev, Mr. Hodgins, Seaforth.' Local dealers are paying $6.40 for live hogs to be delivered next week. This is a-" "greater than has beets" price, Mr. John Ransford left on Monday for an extended trip cast. Iie will visit the principal cities of the Mar- itime Provinces and will return by way oh New York, Mr. Fred Broder of Brockville is assisting in i'frTaggarl's Bank during Capt. McTaggart's :tiimom in camp wills the 33rd. The local market report. Wheat 64e, Goose Wheat Ode to 65e. Barley 38e to 40e. Oats 26e to 27e. - Peas 57c to tion„ Butter in mock 1.2e to idle. Butter in tub ii3e to ado. Eggs 10c to ].le. Live Hogs $0.10 to $0.15, Dungannon. Miss Emma Sproul has, been visit- ing friends in Goderich. The rural mail delivery -route No. 1, coruntenced on Monday. Mr, Thos. Elliott in the courier. The Dungann- on-C,oderich route will open about August 1st. - Marriages FREMI.,l-DILLON jlu. Trinity, Anglican church, Sombre, on .June 50, by Rev. Mr. White, ,., Mary Elizabeth -Dillon; to Albert Ed- ward Freed in of Clinton, JIUDSON—LOCI{RJDOJ Al: Wing- ham on June 2nd, William Law- rence Hudson of Stratford'I to Louise Lockridge•. Births EIOLMES—ln Cllitgn on June 5th, to Mr. and Mn.sW., S. R., IIotut- es a daughter, MASON—In Hinton on May 28th, to. Mr. and Mrs. W. it. Mason, a daughter. 13OWLES—In Wingham on June let, to Mr. and Mrs. A. I -Towles, a daughter. NIC'ITOL—In Winghain on June 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Nichol, a daugh- ter„ ' , 1 , Deaths JUDD—In Clinton on Suine 10th, Mrs. Thomas Judd, TOWNE—In Seaforth, on June ith, Mrs. Henry 'Towne, mother of Limit Towne of Clinton, aged 72 years. McCU'LLA:In Meliillop on May 30th; Agnes Grieve, wife of Francis Mc. - Culla, aged 70 years and 6 :months, BUCHANAN-In Goderich, on June 1st, James Buchanan, Sr., in hi 83rd year. In loving memory of William J. mar. shall,, who died June 10th1 He has gone to brighter, regions Safe Irons every, grief and care, We shall Meet him up iii heaven And never more lie parted there, —alis Monter. HOUSE AND THREE ACRES RE,S OF Land for Sale on• tite Condon. Road, , one mite south of Clinton", better known as the Jackson property, Two story frame house, s,nall_;hank bard. Small oiclvcrd, hard and sift water. Reasonable i,ernts,—Ap ply to Mrs. Philip Ro'iveli0'e, R. R. No., 5,- • ,, Cthntoni HENS AND )11ROILERS WANTED, Highest naarlrct pt'ice' will lie' Paid,- W. Marquiu, IT.:li, 1, Clinton, or Phone 14 oil 60.; —87 BAZAAR AND ,PATRIOTIC TEA R A under the auspices of the Girls' Club of Willis church will be giv- en on Dr. Gunn's, lawn on SATURDAY, JUNE 12th; Salts to commence at 2 '.o'clock and will .consist of Homemade Cooking, Homemade Candy anti Aprons. A '(EN CENT TEA will be served during afternoon, the proceeds to be given to the Women's Patriotic Society. TENDERS CARNEGIE ANNEX.' Tenders for Contract _ No. 5 for the Carpenter work will be received up to June '22nd inst. Plans and Seccifcations may be seen at my office, No tender necessarily accept- ed, W. BRYOONlil, Chairman Public Library Board. —87-2 FOR SALE -A NUMBER C C.1t' GOOD fresh covs and springerssin ats will lh p e sold privately. Also a few choice calves front 2 to 4 weeks old, per sonny selected, Arrangements have been made to get a limit- ed number for a wcelr or two yet. Time will be given with bankable parer. Apply to—'W. Marquis,• R. R. No. 1, Clinton. Phone 14 on D0. —80 AUCTION SALT?'. OF BUGGIES, Wagons, and Farm' Innplements — 'l'he undersigned has received in- structions froth Messrs. David El- liott and C. .Cres to sell by Public auction at the Clinton Carriage Shop, 17uron Street, Clinton, at 1.30 o'clock on Saturday, June 12th, the following : Se.cond-Jsand low wagon 3 inch tire, low wagon 2e inch tire, nearly new, second- hand low wagon 2 -Heli tire, 2 light wagons nearly new•, 3 second handl buggies, Mikado •nearly new, Staudhope rubber tire buggy, 3 new McLaughlin buggies, Chatham 10 -hoe drill, Frost ee. Wood mower, L second-hand scuillers, Fleury"' No. 21 walking plough, hay rake, 2 seeoncl-baud dice harrows, gang Plough, Frost Se Wood, 5 Lueknow baghotilcrs, 2 sets of light harness, and oiler articles, all of which will be sold without; reserve. Terms : 0 months credit on approved joint notes or a discount at the rate of 0 percept per annum for cash.—Cl, iI. Elliott, Auctioneer ; D. Elliott and L, C'ree, Proprietors, —87-2 FOR SAL1$+—WINGHAM BUGGY, slightly used, Cream Separator, new, al; less than cost. :Apply to— .Johu Map, Rattetthury ii., East, CI in torn. —86 HD -USE FOR S.1LR,—TLiE PRO - petty of the late Mrs. Thos. East. Frame, 7 roosts, good cellar with cement floor, wood shed and chicken pen, all in good repair, 11 fruit trees, apples, plums, cherries and pear.—Apply to it. Wittse, Phone 4.0. —86 FARM FOR SALE.—SITUATED IN the Township of ITay, County of Huron, Province of Ontario, known and designated as part lot No. 10, Labe Road west concession, near Dansereau Avenue in the Village of St. Joseph. Price $3500 with easy Mho .—Laeuouthole Limited,' 338 Notre Dame Sl, W., Montreal, P. Q. —07 SPEND YOUR DOMINION DAY AT SEAFOPTH AND ATTEND THE 1.6 CII ANNUAL' MEET/NG r)F THE Seaforth Turf Club One of the Best Race Neese in Ontario, ' all. the Best Horses. $2100 in Purses Come to C4th on July 1st and 2nd Band in Attendance, M. Broderick, W. Govenlopir, Secretary. Pp ens i.^.nt. W ANTED A bright, live energetic mimic of ability, who unide'r,itands farming con- ditions, as general agent, :to sell and appoint agents in your county for a responsible Canadian concern, maul factoring gas engines, ensilage cat- ters, pressure systems, pumps, etc. A splendid proposi'hion for the right mman to establish.himself'on • a prosperous and 'pe:maiien Lbasts. In wetting, give full particulars as toage, occupation, experience if any, and ''diameter references. - Write air once to tate, Gilson Mati facturhig.- Co, —88-3. Guelph. Clinton News -Record lonmelelemsnmsi SUMMER, HOTEL, KNOWN AS TI -XE C''itnniea'dial, 'situated on Lake Hur- on, will lie sold reasonable as the proprietor intends to give up the business, For particulars apply to r - 1-I. Darrow, I3• fi•d t a t,l Ont. -80. , Y , LADIES' 'TAILOR.—H. HORN, , THE Ladies' Tailor from Seaforth, will be at .Couch's store, Clinton, every Saturday from 11 'aen. until 5 p.m, -91, BABY CHICKS FOR, SALE.—BOOK your orders now and avoid therush. Barred Plymouth Rocks, Rose Combe Rhode Island Reds, and Sin- gle Comb Brown Leghorns. All from heavy laying strains. Chicks 15e. each, eggs $1.50' per 15.—Frank W. Andrews; Clinton, —76. EGGS FOR IIATCL-IING PROM Hens that Lay,—Barred Rocks and 5, C. White LegRorns. Settings 50e per 13, One special'pen' of Barred Rocks 75'e per 15. Incubator lots a specialty at $3.00 per 100 eggs. Book your orders early as we have a limited- number of hens this year. Nett year we shall be in a position to meet any quantity of orders. All our poultry are from "Guild strain of bred -to -lay .s t ck " —dJolnpesville Poultry Yards.—Tre- wartha Bros., Proprietors, Phone 14 on 153. —73 FURNISHED SUMMER COTTAGES at. Bayfield, Deer Lodge Paric. Wide verandahs, splendid beach, tennis. Ice and boats included.-Applyi - to George Rowntree, 00 Stanley St., London. —83-7 " ROUGH ON RATS " CLEARS out Rats, Mice, etc. Don't Die in the House. 15e and 25e, at Drug and Country Stores. • —85-0 Twitchell Bros. AG INTS FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR SHINGLES LARGE STOCK ON HAND. THE Trusts & Guarantee Co LTD.. TORONTO, : ONTARIO, Assets over $13,000,000,00. Money invested in First afore - gages with highest rate of Interest paid half yearly. • Friuoipal and Interest doubly guaranteed. Call or write for full particu- lars, CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr. Grigg's Jewclrp Store,—Wm. Jago. —55, CREAM WANTED, — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write 'to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each months, cheques payable at par. We paythe high- est market prices consistent with a,n honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. —The Seaforth Creamer, Box 486, Seaforth. FOR SERVICE, -I WILL KEEP for the improvement of stock at lot 40, con, 9, Goderich township, an Improved Yorkshire , hog, two years old, pure bred. Came from McDenupid's herd, Fingal. Terms, $1.00. Geo. A. Cooper, —84-8 The Clinton Garage Open All Night, The season is now on for Gasoline Stones. Why not buy filtered. gasoline, out of: out., Bowser pump, which passes the gasoline threubh fine screens and a filter. Prices always the lowest. We keep on hand a stock. of Automobile Supplies and Bicy- cle Repairs and do all kinds of repairing promptly and at a reasonable charge. Auto Livery in connection, J. H. -PAXMAN CEENT I s+ We have on hand a car- load of Portland Cement and , all orders for .same will "be filled promptly. JOHN HUTTON, LQNDESORO. WANTED D 10,000 n D oxen Non Fertile 1 it e N e w Laid Eggs s Each Week ek We are prepared to pay a Premium for eggs from flocks whore there are no male birds, eggs to be loin over 4 days old, I BROILERS AND FAT HENS WAN'I',L D,', Do not hold your Poultry un- til fall when the market is glutted -and the price is out in two. Sell now while ;the prices` are high. SEfll' BUCICWIIJ'lAT AND MILIaET. We havea good supply of buckwheat and millet at teas- .onable prices. Slave you tried out: Quebec Maple Syrup ? We have only a few cans left. A carload of Shorts and Bran due to arrive this week, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-dateFirm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm, Jenkins Did You Know that vvc. ' Ir v' a a t, see aiv ui mime m rc Cat- sup at - sup that for quality and size it is unequalled at the price and nta;lees a splendid appetizer for the warm weather, 15c per bottle or 2 bottles for 25e. As the temperature mounts and the busy housewife is often hum a quad- darya as to what to prepare for meals we ofiea: the (following sugges- tions which will assist her to solve the problem during the warm months: FOR BREAKF A.ST—oranges, 30e or 40e per doz. Breakfast Foods-- Krumnbles, Grape Nuts, Corn Flakes, Roman Meal, Oat Meal, Shredded Wheat, etc. Easily digested and at popular prices, • FOR MID-DAY MEAL—Canned Veg- etables that are prepared in sanitary factories. We mention peas, Magnolia Brand, will please you, per tin 10e. I'ICIC,LES—To add zest to appetite try our Queen Qualityt Pickles, sweet or mixed, in hulk, sweet, 30e• per qt, D[s'SERT is always an important feature of the mica -clay meal. Try our quick- Tapioca, Jelly Powders in all flavors, Orange Marmalade, Straw- berry and Raspberry Janis, When the day's work is over and the family needs something more sub- stantial, we have a fine assortment of meats—Cooked Ham, Roast Pork, New England Rant, Bologna and Corn I3eef. Johnson & Co. The Store of Qualtiy. Successor to S. Barr. Phone 111, 'hone orders promptly attended to. C9eMO®nub ::,ESES ',047ZEMEIViEnZieia.ii We Retain .end This Coat I We /emu it's good. It's unusual richness in carbon makes it burn long, evenly and complete y. :LEHIGH VpA��ggL�LEY' G3 6TH ACI 0 E The Coat That satisfies is always uniform in quality, very Free From slate and other foreign matter. Although nw:t more economical than ordinary coal, it coils you no more. Phone us your order For prompt delivery JOHN B. MUSTARD Brucefield. Phone 11 on 145. RANO TRUNK RAIL ATTRACTIVE TRIPS Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays Georgian Bay Algonquin l'ar'k French River Kawartha Lakes Maganctawan• River limagaini, etc. Round trip tourist tickets now on sale from certain stations in Onta so at very low fares, with liberal stop- overs. MUSKOKA EXPRESS leaves Toronto 10.15 a.m., daily, .ex- t:ept Sunday, for- Mnskolra \Sharf, Huntsville, Algonquin Park and North Bay, Connections are made at Muskoka Wharf for Muskoka Lakes and at Huntsville for points on Lake of Bays. Parlor -Library -Buffet ear to Algonquin Park ; Parlor -Library -Cafe car and first-class coaches to North flay, Full particulars and tickets on application to agents. CANADIAN PACIFIC --The Idealatlc` ' Va on Route Conveniently Reaching POINT -A U-BAtdIL' ,FRENCH and PICKE:REL RIVERS SEVERN RIVER,. MUSKOKA LANES RIDEAU 'LANES LAKE ONTARIO .RESORTS. Particulars from W. 'Jackson, agent at Clinton, or write N. 0-, Murphy, D.P:A., Toronto. PIANO TUNING: -IF YOUR PIANO, is worth anythte g 'ft is worth tuns Mg. I am' prepared to fill any or- . dens sone in to. my address for Piano Tuning, 'voicing,' repairing • and action on rebulatf ng, an ; estimate of what charges will be cheerfully given on seeing instrument: Can attend to all country work as I will use an automobile this year.— R. T. Gibbs, Piano tuner, Loncles- —90 PAPER TIANGING.—I. ANI PREPAR- ed to do gaper, Hanging and Paint- ing promptly and at moderate cost, I guarantee my work to give satis- faction. Let me have your order early before the spring rush begins. —Wm. A, Mason, Priueees street, —74 THE COONEA STORE Live and Let Live ARE YOU GOING CAMPING? The season Is hero again when we begin to 'think of lake and stream and the pleasures that go along with Camping and Picnicking. if ytatc are go ing camping, see us regarding your supplies. We are special- izing on ibis trade, Sandwich Materials Sandwiches are handy and appetizing for. - picnics and lit- tle jaunts that campers fre- quently take, We have .cold Meats, Jellied Meats, Potted Meats, Yea -Nut Butter, Sal- mon, Sardines, Olives and Cheese, Specials Strawberries, Oranges, Leui- oils, Bananas, Pine. Apples, Ripe Tomatoes, Green Onions and Lettuce. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Anything You n t � g WANT DONE IN TILE LINE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGII- ING, PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. CALL AND Gli'1' OUR PRIC- ES. ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAPEST, - BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers, Phone 7. Western University, London. Iacomc Doubled—now $75,000. Another Largo Addition to Faculty and Equipment iu Arts and Medicine. GREATLY INCREASED ENROL MENT IN VIEW. Write for particulars to +ge+ E. E. BRAITHWAITE, M,A., Ph, D. PRESIDENT. Monuments! Finest stocir in Huron Coun- ty of "Made in Canada" Mon- uments. Best British and Foreign Granites in up-to-date finish and design. Cowie and see them,, Prices right. At Doig's OPPOSITE THE POS'TOFFICE A Granite Base goes with each Mon- ument. . —843m —r x—;-•. Are You Troubled with Headaches . +t• If so the cause may be eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and cum. It is worth trying. Conic to us and we will make a careful test of your oyrrs and tell you what is the natter -and what you need. In our long experience in the Optical business we have made a great number of examinations and it is a source of much pleasure for us to know that our 'fittings have invariably, given great satisfaction. If your eyes bother ,you come tons arid learn the reason why, A. J GRIGG Optician JeWO'er and Issuer of Marria e h. trews -Record Means News -Leader, Aro Licenses. You a Subscribe"' ? inoapples The Last 'Big Week for Pineapples. at 2 for 25 cts. Sunkist Naval Oranges Bananas Straw berries T011eatoeg Cabbage and Cucumbers. W. T. O'Neill CHIMNEY TOPS. It's a trade to build a good chim- ney and to repair a roof. It takes more than a sheet of metal, a Trot iron and solder, it requires expere-,- hence. If your ehtimnep does not draw well send for us and we will put it in order ; if your roof leaks we'll mend. it. ALL KINDS OP TINNING we do well and reasonably. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53, ARTISTIC J. G. ORICH, TI -IE RELI- ABLE DECORATOR, ISIA-KEeteA SPECIALTY OF CHURCHES, LODGE ROOMS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. I -XIS ADDRESS is 400 DOWNIE St., STRATFORD Seed Corn , • On hand a large stock of,1 Corn, Mangold and Turnip Seed which will be sold at the lowest prices., Leave your orders for Fer- tilizer and Potash Ion " yours ., root crop. We will mix it for you at the store. North End Feed Store. Frank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms : Cash. Phone 192. Horse Routes. INDEX—Pure Bred Percheron,— Monday Will leave his own stable, Brucelield, and go west to Varna and north to Ben Rathwell's, Goder- ioh township, for noon, thence west and north to Win. Currie's, 7th con., for night. Tuesday—North to G. O,r` Sturdy's for noon, thence west and north to Jas. Mclitillan's, 6th, con•, for night. Wednesday—North to Hur- on Road and east to Mr. Swanta's for noon, thence east to Iiolmesville and north to Harry Sweet's for night. Thursday—By way of Huron Road to the Graham house, Clinton, for noon, Bence north along the Base Lino to Albert Townshend's for night. Friday—East along 4th con," to Wm.` John M:cBrien's for noon,, thence cast by way of Wroxboro to' the Dick House, Seaforth, for night.. Saturday—To his own stable where he will remain until Monday morn- ing.—Win. Berry, Proprietor and Manager. PRINCE OF AIKTON—Clydesdale Monday—Will leave Dominick Rey- nolds', eyenolds , half mile north of Clinton, and go north and west to Bert Lobb's for noon, thence liy way of the Mait- land con., Colborne, to J. C. Burst's for night. Tuesclaly—By way of Ben miller to the Huron Road, thence to 7th con. and south, to Wm, Patton's forthence o noon,t en o south -.and weal to James Sterling's, 6th coo., for night. Wednesday—East by way of Ea3uol'd. Line to Ben Ratltwehl's for noon, thence south by way 'oh Varna and Parr Line to Chas. Hagan's for night. Friday—North to. Thos. Cole- man's for noon, thence east and north by ways of IIarpurliey to Huron Road and west .to Ilerb Fowler's for night. Saturday—West to McDermid's 'Corn- er, thence north to 2nd .con„ Htillett, and west to Dominick Reynolds' where he will remain milli Monday,. morning,—Win. and Bruce Berry, Pro- prietors, Dominick Reynolds, Manag- er.