The Clinton News Record, 1915-06-03, Page 8Clinton News -Record' .tune 3rd, 191S' 'ECTAL SA On The Following, At Reduced Prices. 1 only lawn mower Regular $5.50 for $4.00 1 only lawn mower 3;50 for 3.25 1 only lawn mower " 5.00 for 4.000 .' 1 only Volmer Washing Machine 7.50 for 6,00 1 only Suction Washing Machihe 10.00 for 5.00 1 only Wheel Barrow 3.50 for 3.00 1 only Wheel Barrow 3.75 for 3,25 1 only Robber Bath • " 6.50 for 8.00 1 only Clothes Myer " 1.25 for .75 lonly Vacuum Washer " 2.50 for 1.25 All Kinds of Brushes—Scrub—Paint—White Wash -Shoe—Stove, etc. As usual a full stock of Coiled Spring Wire—Barbed Wire --Black Wire—Brace Wire. IIeadquarters.for a complete line in all kinds of Hardware, HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. Tub Dresses ! FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Our stock of wash dresses is very complete and pretty and the very best value that your money can buy. We have the little dresses and rompers for the wee:tots at 25c, 35c, and 50c to $2.00. Ladies house dresses to $2,25, See:our special value at $1,00. SPECIAL VALUES IN SHOES.` At the present time we are showing some won- derful values in women's and children's patent colt but- " ton boots and pumps. These goods are made 'of the best of stock and will give excellent satisfaction and at the same time are very moderately priced. We can save you money on your shoe bills. It will pay you to try us, Full stock of sanclala and tennis shoes now in stock. Plumsteel Bros. Small 'Profits More Business Exceptional Offerings in Furniture. During the quiet times caused by the war the furniture manufacturers have been giving some big discounts on fur- niture. We have been able to take advantage of these dis- counts to stock our store with some of the beet values we have ever offered and we invite those who contemplate buying furniture to come in and inspect our stock and get our prices before buying elsewhere. , Ball & Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls. N. BALL Phone 110, 3, A. AT.KINSON, [Phone 186 i Blouse with Jabots Jumper and Suspender Skirts Draped, Gathered and Tucked Skirts Sleeves in Mitten and Leg -o' -Mutton Style These are new styles, and with many other up-to-date features are shown in the Standard Fashion Sheet for June A free copy awaits you at our Standard Pattern Department W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best, The Misses Bell of Blyth were in town yi_sterday. Reeve J. A. Ford is attending the June session of the county council. ftc. Thos. Archer visited over the week -end with, relatives at Paisley. Mrs. W. G. Moffat will receive her friends the second Friday of each month. Miss M. Nichol of Blyth has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter King, Mr. Brown, Montreal, one of the chiefs of the Gurus, Langlois Co., was in town yesterday. Miss Myrtle Tiplady has returned from Glencoe where she has been for the past three months. Mrs. (Dr.),; Hamilton of Vineland has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Robb, during the past week. Mr. Will Morrish, who has been spend- ing nsveral weeks with friends in town, left Tuesday for the west. Firs. Henry Stewart is vieiting her sister, Mrs. A. Ginn, who has been seriouslyt ill for the past couple of weeks. Mrs. D. McPhee and her son, air. Chester McPhee, of the Nile, were guests over the week -end of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Cook, Mr. Fred. Sloman, son of Mr. Jacob Sicilian, has enlisted in the Field Ambulance Section which has, been formed at London. Mrs. P. Archer is rapidly recovering from the, effects of the accident she wet with several weeks ago and is, now able to move about freely on her crutches. Gordon Mannipig, son of Rev. H. M. Manning of Toronto, formerly pas- tor of Wesley church, Clinton, has enlisted for overseas service and is in training at Niagara. &Irs. Andrew Weatherwax and Master Bruce returned on Saturday to their home in Orillia after a fortnight's visit at the lady's parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs. D. Cantelon: Miss Jessie Ford, daughter of Rev. J. E. and Firs. Ford of Goderich, formerly of Clinton, passed with honors her recent exam, in connec- tion with the Toronto College or Music. Mrs, Clrac. Wheaton and babe re• turned to their Mune in Toronto yesterday after a fortnight's visit with the former's aunt, Mrs. H. B, Chant, and with other friends hereabouts. Mrs. W. Lucas returned to Markdale on Saturday after spending a, fort- night with her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Hovey of town. Mrs. hovel+ and Master Billy returned to Markdale with her for a visit. Mr. Richard Morrieen, who met with so severe an accident in a runawa3a last week, has so far recovered as to be able to be removed from the Graham ]:Souse to the„home of his sister, Miss Mary Morrison, IIullott, today. two little sons, R J.and do Mrs. Cowann rof WallaMurray, ce and tr y, Wilkie, Sack., are at present visiting the lady's sister, Mes, Erira,n Hill. They intend retaking a somewhat lengthy visit here and with Mrs. Watkins of Summerhill. Rev. Father Hanlon of London was in town Monday calling on friends of whom he has a- great number in and about Clinton. He was returning from Blyth where on Sunday he as- sisted as arch -priest, the. Rey. Jo- seph Bell, at his first mass, Mr. D. S. Cook left yesterday for Hamilton to attend the financial meeting of the Chosen Friends Grand Council and while away expects to visit Niagara Falls and maybe Tor- onto, Mr. D. Glidden represents the Holmesville Council and Mr. Goldie Newton that of Porter's Hill. Miss Moore of Cromarty, who was 'one of the passengers on the south- bound train which was wrecked near Iiderton on Monday morning, Is a neice of Mrs. 'Chambers' of town. Miss Moore was going "to London for medical treatment. She was more or 'less shaken and had to have the attention of a doctor, i OHILDREN'S_SHOES. - Every parent knows that the children's shoes wear out fast ad m e cost counts up, Good Shoes for children—our kind -are always the cheapest sort of Shoes to buy. There's nothing ever saved in buying "Cheap Shoes" or "Bargain Shoes" for children—they are always the most expensive in the end, We've high and low cut shoes for boys and girls in all sizes and widths and in every good style. Box Calf, PatentColt and Kid, Gun Metal Calf, Vici Kid, etc., etc. Lace and Button Styles, made on nature shaped lasts, flexible, durable soles, spring heels and low heels. We've a correct shape for every foot, in a light size and width. SOc, 65c, 85.c, $1,00, $1,25 to $2;25 according to size: Give our children's:shoes a trial, and;. it they do not prove our words true, your money goes back to you without a murmur. FRED. JACKSON The Good Shoes Store. tia:00.1 We00.ng Vaiuo Your Cloths This. Springy youyoures—to satisfy you completely must be made to order. We have' a If feel that cloth made-to=orderldepartmelnt in connection with our Men's Store. You can choose your cloth from many patterns and fabrics: beautiful and your clothing will be made to your measure with every detail as you may fancy,' They will be finished for -delivery when you want them and are guaranteed to satisfy you in every par- ticular: , The cost of made-to-order clothing is but slightly.higher than fora good ready-to-wear. Don't be satisfied:with mere stylish looks alone for if the quality of materials and work- manship is not there—good looks will not last very long, BROWN'S MADE-TO.ORDER CLOTIHING is known all over this part of the country for its honest qualities in the hidden details of clothes making—the details on the honesty of which the very life of your clothing depends. Reliable materials—all wool—careful workmanship. Canvas strengthening, silk thread, in fact the dozen and one itemswhich make BROWN'S CLOTHING wear so much longer than any other kind. Don't be fooled by a cheap price. Good materials cost more than cheap ones, and must be sold at atreasonable price. Brown's clothing is not the cheapest on the market. On the other hand itis not:high in price considering the extra length of wear it gives whoever buy it. Come in and See Us When You Are Bilging Clothes This Spring. At the Pattern Counter Women's Store THE DELINEATOR FOR A FULL YEAR Regular $1.50 at % Price -75c. This offer expires Saturday, June 12th, 1915. After the before mentioned date subscrip- tions taken to the above mentioned magazine at $1.50 per year only. Agents for Priestley's Dress Goods. 3POWN'B a. Agents for Butteri ck Patterns. People You Know. Mire Lizzie Feshcc has gone to Chatham, Misses Kathleen East and Laura Wil - ken were in Seaforth yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar East and babe visited Rippers friends on Sunday. Miss Roache of Dutton visited her sister of town over the week -end. Rev. Father Dunn, assistant to Rev. Father West, St. Thomas, was in town on Tuesday. Miss Johnston of Blyth was in town this week on her way to visit friends near Bayfield. Misses Edna Pennehaker and Lillian }Fairfull spent the week -end with Miss Marian Bogie, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Watts and Master Albert and baby Frank spent Sun- day with Sheppardton friends. Miss Mary Milne and Miss Maggie Johnson of. Blyth, wore guests of Mrs. T. 1). Johnson this week, Mr. John Torrance, inspector of the House of Refuge; is in attendance at the county council this week, William Carter, son of Mr. James Carter, who has been ill for sonic months, has not of late made much improvement. Rev. J. K. Fairfull and Mrs. Fairfull and Mrs. Pennebaieor• aro attending • the Baptist Association at Mount Forest this week. Rev. S. J. Allis. las been appointed secretary of the stationing eon -unit - tee of the London Conference, suc- ceeding Rev, F. la. Malatt: Mr, Will, Morrison arrived in town last evening front, Chicago, beinie called by the illness of his father, Mr. Richard Morrison, who is now improving nicely, Dr. and Mrs. L, M. Moffat and the forinee's mother, "Mrs. S. Moffat, London ; Mrs., W. Murray, Hamil- ton, and Mrs. J, Moffat, Kippen, motored up on. Sunday and .spent a few hours• at the home of Mrs. Geo. Pickett: of Albert St. Rev. Dr. Dutledge, Rev. .7. Greens, Rev. S. J. Allis and Messrs. H. Wiltse and R. E. Manning are hi St. Mary's this wick attending the annual meeting of the London con- ference, Mr. ARM went down Mon- dap, lie being a member of the sta- tionary eo»annittec. • Mrs. Carl Schuch and little son left on Thursday for ' Toronto where they intended visiting a. short time before going on to Portage de. Fort on the Ottawa River, where Mr.. Schuch 'is engaged in engineering and where they will: spend the suis- mer Goderich. Mrs. J. Hendereon of Detroit visit- ed her parent`s, Mr. and Mrs. George Morrow, last week, Mrs. Lucas of Markdale and, Mrs. Hovey of Clinton visited Mrs. Charles C. Lee for a few days last week, Mrs. Jas, .Craigic is spending a, few dayta with her daughter, Mrs. W. A. -Donee of Stayner. Miss Jean Tont is home from Var- sity for the long vacation, Constance. Miss (hectic Glazier of Kippen spent Sunday' as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. Pollard. Mr. .J. Willman of Seafortit is vis- iting ids sisters and brother, Mr. Rohr. Freeman visited his sis- ter, Mrs. Geo. Riley, recently. Mr. F. B. Hall is busy painting his house and store, which will he great- ly improved by the application of the brush. It is rumoured that one of our bachelors will shortly enter the ranks of the benedicts, On Friday evening last the members of the Methodist church gathered at the home of Mr. W. Clarke' and pre- sented Miss Evelyn with a •purse of twenty-five dollars as a slight token of appreciation of her self-denying work as organist for some time past. Miss Clarke was taken by surprise but replied very fittingly, thanking her friends for the expression of their good will and appreciation. The ev- ening was, then spent in music, gam- es and pleasant social intercourse. 'Good Morning I Are you a`'News- Record Subsoriher I Blyth Mrs. A. M.• Babb and children of 'l'eeswater have been. visiting the. la. ely's mother, Mrs. II. • McQuarrie. . R., M. McKay is in the Victoria Hospital, London, receiving treatment for his eyes. Goderich • Mrs, W. A. Bouen of 'Thief R. Falls Minis left last week after a visit of some days with Mr. and Mrs., Rich- mond Orr. Mr., Fred Bates, who has been sail- ing on the Steamer Kenora, which wintered in tins port, has returned to town the Kenora having sailed from Montreal for England. Mrs. '(Rev,) D. N. McCamus and flies Smith of London were, guests at the home of Mrs. Hick for a few days re - cantly. Mrs. M, C. Moore has' returned home after a visit of some weeks in Strat- ford. . Rev. Father O'Neil of Parlrhtll was in town for a few clays last weak. Mr. and Mrs. M. Robins have ar- rived home from their honeymoon and have taken up their residence in town. Many friends extend congratulations, Des. Taylor, Emmerson and Hunter were at. Peterboro last week attend- ing the convention of the Provincial Medical Health hoard. The Ransford bylaw carried by a large majority, there being but sev- enty-five votes recorded against it. Mrs. Musgrove of Bluevale and Mrs„ Ovens of Newtonvil'le ere guests at the• home of Mr. A. Farrow. Mr. Archie Tom, son of Inspector Toni, who isi with they artillery brigade in Kingston has, baba grafted hie stand- ing at the School of Practical Sci- ence, Toronto, and therefore graduat- es as a B. Sc. The- News From Londesboro. The syndicate started their new separator at Mr. , John Garrett's barn. W. Vodden is in charge of the engine and J. Cook in charge of the separator for the coming seasoh. Mr. B. Roberton left fore Seaforth this week to load . haled Jiay for Thos. Brown. Mrs. J., O. Loensbery is visiting her parents, Mr. and 1'ILs. Crysler of Delhi, • Mrs. Stalker left Monday to visit Gait friends. Miss A. Bell spent the week -end at the parsonage, Thedford. Miss Bertha Brogden of London is spending her holidays at her home here. Miss Minnie Lyon returned home Tuesday after spending a week with London friends. • The W. M. S. have charge of the Sunday -morning service in, the Meth- odist church, and Rev. J. G. Reid will occupy the pulpit in the evening. 'Rev, C., C. Naive and Mr. Wln„ Vod. den are attending -conference at St, Marys this week. Mr. J. Hutton and John Cartwright each unloaded a 'carload of cement this week. Mso Mr. J. Brunsclon a ear of binder twine. Mr, and Mrs. Bloor and children of Mount Forest visited at the home of Mr. W. Brunsdon. Mrs. W., Brunsclon visited her thee, Mr. 13. Mason of B13tth, week, bro- tliis Mr. and Mrs. Skelton and Mr Mills were guests at the parsonage - Monday Mr. and Mrs. F. I3. Johnston auto - ed to , London Sunday with Dr. and Firs. Allison of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Orlin Hooper of Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. A. Wey- mouth motored to London Thursday of last week. The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Albert Weymouth on Thursday afternoon of this week. . Hullett Township Revs. Fattier Bell of Blyth and Father Carey of Detroit called on friends in this neighborhood on Mon- day afternoon. Mr. Thor: Adams of the 7th eon. spent Sunday with his parents in Blyth. Mrs. John Shobhrook and Miss Laura spent a few days with Exeter. friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams Jr. spent last week with Londan friends. The many friends in this township of Mr. Richard Morrison of the 6th con. are indeed glad to hear that he is rapidly recovering from the effects of the accident he met with While returning from Clinton last week. • Good Morning I Are you a News.• Record Subscriber 'I Smart Footwear This season Dame Fashion has decided that smart Footwear shall be a more important feature of the tout ensemble than has been the case for many seasons, We kaow that our wide range of Women's Boots, Oxfords and Pumps will arouse much interest mong women who would dress well. Our lines of aoots, Oxfords and Pumps are all new and up to the season's requirements in styles and shapes, in all the different heels. PUMPS AND OXFORDS, IN PATENT, GUN METAL OR KID LEATHERS, PRICES RANGE FROM $2.00 to $3.75 BOOTS, IN PATENT, GUN METAL OR KID LEATHERS, BTJTTONED OR LACED STYLES. PRICES RICES RANGE FROM ..$2.00 to $5.00 H. S. CIHAPMAN PaoNE 70