HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-05-27, Page 8Clinton. News -Record May 27th, 1215; GRA WARE. THE LARGEST AND BEST YET., On Saturday next we start on ,a Granite Ware Sale that will startle. nose wanting to put in a stock of Granite Were. The prices will be limited to 5e, 10e, 15c acid 25c, nothing higher in price than 25 cents. Some articles in value of $1,00 will be 25 cents. See our big window, it will surprise you—also 5c, 10e, 15e and 25c tables in our stove store— as usual ii, great big stock of Barbed, Wire, Black Wire, Brace Wire, Poultry Netting:and ail Seasonable Goods. BROS. HARLAND STOVES, HARDWARE , AND NOVELTIES. Tub Dresses ! FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN.. Our stock of wash dresses is very complete and pretty and the very best value that your money can buy. We have the little dresses and rompers for the wee:tots at 25c, 35c, and 50c to $2.00. Ladies house dresses to $2,25, See our special value at $1;00. SPECIAL VALUES IN SHOES. - At the present time we are showing some won- derful values in women's and children's patent colt but- ton boots and pumps. These goods are made of the best of stock and will give excellentsatisfaction and at the same time are very moderately priced. We can save you money on your shoe bills. It will pay you to try us. ' Full stock of sandals and tennis shoes now in stock. Plumstee1 Bros. Small Profits — More Business 1 Exceptional Offerings in Furniture. During the quiet times caused by the war the furniture manufacturers have been giving some big discounts on fur- niture. We have been able to take advantage of these dis- counts to stock one store with some of the best values we have ever offered and we invite those who contemplate buying furniture to come in and inspect our stock and get our prices before buying elsewhete. •Ball & Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls. N. BALL Phone 110. J. A. ATKINSON, .jPhone 186 CHS LDRE NSS HOES Every parent knows" that' the ' children's shoes wear out fast and the cost counts up, Good Shoes, for children—our kind—are always the cheapest sort of Shoes to buy. There's nothing ever saved in buying, "Cheap Shoes" or "Bargain Shoes" for children—they are always the most expensive in the end, We've high and low cut shoes for boys and girls in all sizes and widths and in every good style. Box Calf, PatentColt and Kid, Gun Metal Calf, Vici Kid, etc,, etc. Lace and Button' Styles, made on nature shaped lasts, flexible,: durable soles, spring heels and low heels. We've a correct shape for every foot, in a light size and width, 50c, 65c, 85c, $1,00, $1.25 to $2,25 according to size. Give our children's:shoes a trial, and it they do not prove our words true, your money goes back to you without a murmur. FRED. ,JACKSON. The Good Shoes Store. i 82e4.• STANDARD Blouse with Jabots Jumper and Suspender Skirts Draped, Gathered and Tucked Skirts Sleeves in Mitten and Leg -o' -Mutton Style These are new styles, and with many other up-to-date features are shown in the Standard Fashion Sheet for June A free copy awaits you at our Standard Pattern Deportment W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapesb—Always the Best. POPA4 H11a1 lAitwatuaawunIi5 ili dt'tl t .^nunal h.. Werritt of Simcoe was in town Monday. M`ss Jean Ross was up from Seaforth or the week -end. ; Miss Mabel Kerr spent M'onday . with riends at Tavistock. Mr. Harry Darrow, of Bayfield was in town on Sunday. Misses Hattie and Agnes Middleton went to Buffalo for the holiday. Mrs. ,J, :Sclioenhals awl two daughters visited friends in Wingham last week. Mrs. Win. Cooper and Miss Olive spent the week -end and holiday with Galt friends. Miss Minnie Burrell of Chesley, was the guest of Mrs. Jas. Doig, over the holiday. Mrs. Andrew Gin is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. David Steep of Stapleton. Miss Mary Acheson of Exeter was the guest of her cousins, the Misses Bawden, last week. Mrs. D. B. Kennedy left ou Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. C. Chais- queen of Caledonia, who has bees very ill. Mr. Gillis Gilchrist accompanied by his family motored up from Platts- ville to spend over the week -end with his mother and sister. Mrs. Chapman and Miss Florence of Ripley were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walkinshaw over the liolinay7. Mr. and Mrs. John Linder of Toron- to, who have been visiting Mrk. Jas. Doig, returned to their home for a few days. They are expected back some time this week, Mr. and Mrs: R. J. Rainey and fam- ily ,of Port Elgin were guests of Mr. and Mks. S. S. Cooper Sunday and Monday. Mr. Raineyis manag- er of the Bank of ;Hamilton at the Port. Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson 'on Sat- urday attended the funeral of Coun- cillor Robert Bell of Tuckersiiiith which 'took place to Rogerville cem- etery and on Sunday and Monday they visited with Exeter friends. Mr. E. J. Howard of London was the guest of Mr. ,J. W, Moore at the weelr-end. As usual he travelled by .motor cycle and as he rides one of the best wheels' made lie makes fast t.inie on his journeys, if to no desires. Dr. C. W. Thompson, medical health officer for Mullett township, and Dr. J. W. Shaw, the Iocal' officer, left on Monday afternoon for Pet- erboro to attend the annual meet- ing of the M. Ii. O's of Ontario. One of the papers road was by Dr. Shaw. Pte L. W. Manning, ant ng, who has been in training for the and Contingent at Winnipeg has taken a great interest fn Scouting and of a class of four- teen who recently wrote at an exam he stood fourth. He is a Clinton boy, a son `of Mr, and. Mrs..Walter Manning. Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Kemp and their son, George E.; motored up from' London on Saturday and spent until Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. S. Kemp > of town. They ' also- visited the Eason fanc- ily aroily out on the 16th con. 'PIiey were accompanied up and back by Mr, :Joe Cudnioree ' Pte. Walter Armstrongs a Clinton boy, son of Mr. and Mrs: Alex. Armstrong now of Toronto, was un der ' treatment at ;Shornoiiif IIospi;t al, England, for a fractured arm sustained on the eve of Ins regiment" leaving for France, but has, probab,l. ly by this time; joined his brothers-, in-arnes on the battle line.. Mr, Frank Walker, who has: been vis- i.tfng at ithe parental home, that of Mr. Robert Walker, returned just recently from a trip to California; the San Francisco Fair; Los An-: geles anti other points. He had a very enjoyable time and speaks iii the most, flatters -ng terms of the Canadian exhibit at the big Fair which has been the admiration of everyone who has seen it, our Flo#lies This ri If you feel that your clothes—to satisfy you completely must,be made to order. We have a .. made-to=order,department in connection with our Men's Store: You can choose your cloth from many beautiful patterns and fabrics and your clothing will be made to your measure with every detail as you may fancy, They will be finished for delivery when you "Wart them and are guaranteed tosatisfy you in every par- ticular'. The cost of made-to-order clothing is but slightly higher than for a good ready-to=wear. Don't be satisfied with mere stylish looks alone for if the quality of materials and work- manship is not there—good looks will not last very long, BROWN'S MADE TO ORDER CLOTHING is known all over this part of the country for its honest qualities in the hidden details of clothes making—the details on the honesty of which the very life of your clothing depends. Reliable materials -all wool—careful workmanship. Canvas strengthening, silk thread, in fact the dozen and one items which make BROWN'S CLOTHING wear so much longer than any other kind, Don't be fooled by a cheap price. Good materials cost more than cheap ones, and must be sold at a reasonable price. Brown's clothing is not the cheapest on the market. On the other hand it is not high in price considering the extra length of wear it gives whoever buy it. Come in and See Us When You Are Buying Clothes L'his:[Spring. At the Pattern Counter Women's Store THE DELINEATOR FOR A FULL YEAR Regular $1.50 at % Price -75c, This offer expires Saturday, June 12th, 1915. After the before mentioned date subscrip- tions taken to the above mentioned magazine at $1.50 per year only.. Agents for Priestley's Dress Goods. BROWN'S Agents for Butteri ek. Patterns, About People You Know Mr, T. Jacknon was in Montreal this week. Int'. Smith of Dundalk was in town for 'Victoria Day., Mr. Lloyd Wilken event to Owen Sound for the 24th. Miss Caldwell was at her hone at Londesboro over the holiday, Mr. Carl Bast was home from Toron- to for the week -coil and holiday. Miss Johnston of Stratford' visited hierday. sister, Mrs. Byann, over the hol- Mr. Wilmer Wallis of Toronto spent the holiday period at his home in town. Mr. G. S. Fisher of the Molsons Bank staff spent Victoria Day at his home at Drayton. Mrs. Galloway of Ingersoll 'was the guest of her sister, Mrs. K. Chowen, over the holiday, Mrs. Couch, Mrs. Ross and Miss Hel- en spent theholiday at their eat - lege at Bayfield. Mist, Grace Cluff returned to Toronto on Tuesday after a ten days' visit at her home here. Mrs, Walter Morris and daughter, Miss Marion, were with Listowel: friends for Victoria Day. Mr. Harold Ransford, Hamilton, spent over the, week -end at the, parental hone at Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lavis and family of Winghani were the guests of friends here for the holiday. Mrs. Henderson, of Toronto is visiting her daughter, Captain V,. Henderson of tiie S A local corps. Mr. Earl Parlmer' of the Royal Bank staff spent over the week -end 'at 'the sall. I3e ti Parentalhome in Dr. Evorei t Thompson of Hamilton, is spending the week with his uncle, Dr. C, W. Thompson of town. , Mr. George Pollard spent the holiday' at the home of his grandson, Mr. Harry) Pollard of Kincardine. Miss Isabel Glen,daughter of Mr. and Mrs H. Glen of Stanley town- ship, 'who is a student at the Facul- ty, 'Toronto, spent, Sunday in town as the guest of Miss Margaret Ma - h Mr.affy and Mrs. E. J. Jenkins and Mas- ter George of Toronto were guests • at the home of the foriner's father, Mr. Thos. Jenkins, Woodlands Farm, Iluron Road, over theweek-end anti holiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamblyn and little son were in Bownnanville for the week -end and holiday. Mr. Halla blyn returned Tuesday but. Mrs, Hanebiyn and son are making a longer ,visit,,` Dr. Woods of Bayfield was in town Monday, having come over to take the afternoon train for . Peterbor_o to attend the annual meeting of the Provincial Medical Health Officers Association. Mrs; W. T. O'Neil and Miss Jess wore In Toronto for the ,Neok-end and holiday. Miss Jess went down to take her graduation from Varsity, her mother being presetint for the graduation exercises. Mr. Frank Bowden was - in , London with relatives over the 21th. lIrs, J. G. Chowen and Miss Gladys were in Mitchell on Victoria Day. Mr. and Mrs. Luhee Lawson and children spent the 24th with friends ah Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. P. Cantelon and Miss Gladys were in Toronto front Satur- day until Tuesday.' Mrs. A. J. Grigg visited her son, H. B. Grigg who is with the 33rd Bat- talion in London, on Monday. Mr., H. Robinson of Toronto was in town over the week -end as the guest of his -cousin, Mr. J. Cuniughame. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Scott of the Base Line were guests on the 24th of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Treadwell of London. Misses Jean Morris and Edna Was- mann were Holiday guests of the fat- ter'n cousin, Miss Elva Etty of Mitchelil Major McTaggart left on Friday last for the trip across the continent and to visit the big exposition at San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. 'I;: G, McTaggart and Master Mark of Blyth were guests at the week -end of the lady's moth- er, Mrs. Thompson, Albeit street, Dr. Roy Ball who but recently grad - sated in medicine at Toronto Uni- versity, has. offered his services for the Royal Medical Corps at the seat of war. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mahaffy and Miss- es Sadie anti Margaret ware guests.. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sparks, Bronson Linc, Stanley, on Victoria Day. Mrs. T A. Greig was in 'Toronto for a few days visiting her son, who is a member of the. Canahian r:ai;edi- t'ionary Force and who may go im- mediately to France. Miss Motile Foster, only daughter of the late Horace Foster of Bramp- ton, formerly of Clinton, was mar- ried on the 22nd inst. to Mr. W. T. Rayson of Brampton. Mrs. Harry Rutledge of New Liskeard and Mrs. John . Henry of Malby, Sask., arrived :our Tuesday to see their mother, Mrs. A. Ginn who is critically: ill' at the home of her daughter, Mrs. David Steep 'of Stapleton,, Colonel John Gunn of Montreal, ne- phew of Dr. Win. Gunn, Clinton, and president of the big Gunn, Lang- lois Company, landed in England ori Friday last with the Battalion he has the honor to command the 24th, which was recruited at Mon- treal. Mr. James_ Yule of Chicago, who some thirty yearn ago kept a, book store in town and also acted as express agent; liar been renewing, old friendships here during, the past week. MrS.' Yule, Who, ' was former- ly Miss McTavish, will also be re- membered by some of ' the older cit- izens as being one of the sweet 'sing- ers of the day. Mr.Yule finds mew changes in the old town and comparatively, few "Kent" faces, The News From Londesboro. The social given by the W. M. S. on Monday evening was well attended and the program proved to be an ex- cellent one. Vocal numbers were giv- en by Mrs. Brown and Mrs. McElroy and Messrs, Brown and bloody of Blyth anti Mrs. Guest of Granton violin selections by Messrs. Watt anti Kirkby; 'solos by' Misses D.. McCool, Il Roberton and Mrs, E. Adams and a reading by Miss M. Gray, 'Thefloor receipts amounted to nearly twenty:- three wenty-three dollars. ' Mrs. McGee of Auburn spent Tun, day with her sister, Mrs. P. Geddes. Misses Sadie and: Margaret McCool of Toronto were up from Toronto ov- er the week -end at their home here. Miss Jean Mains of London spent the holiday with her parents here. Mr. Frank Brown was a visitor in the village for a few days this week, Miss Esther .Lyon and Mrs. T, Sampson left for Aurora on Wednes- day to attend tin funeral of a- cous- in. Mr. Thos. Brown of Seaforth is loading baled hay at the station here this' week, Mr. Close of Toronto spent Sunday With, friends here, Constance. Mrs. hid.• Britton and Sliss Margar- et Love spent a few days as the guests of their • parents • at Walton. Constance. - Mrs. Robert Lawson was in Toron- to for a few daps last week attend- ing the funeral of her little niece, the daughter of her brother. The fireworks here on the evening of Victoria Day were very good in- deed. . Mr. Joe Riley has sold his team and has purchased another one. Mr. Chas. -Riley has bought a new driver. Mr. Will Hall was here visiting his parents, Mi`, and Mrs. Frank Hall, over the week -end and holiday. Master Frank Riley is still suffering from the. effects of an injury to his finger. The wounded member is not healing as quickly as could be with— ed. , ished.• Hullett Township Mr. and Mrs. WM. Morrison of the Clintan Road spent over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rienhardt at Berlin. -- That 'prize winning mace t•f Mr. Wm. Rinn's has presented him with a fine colt for which he challenges all ,'opt- petitions. Mr. Rinn has been out in- specting other colts got by the same sire and he thinks they will all harm to go to grass, that is as compared with his. Good Morning I Are you a News.- Record Subscriber ? Smart Footwear This season Dame Fashion has decided that smart Footwear shall be a more important feature of the tout ensemble than has 'been the case for many seasons, We know that our wide range of Women's Boots, Oxfords and Pumps will arouse much interest mong women who would dress well. Our lines of coots, Oxfords and Pumps are all new and up to the season's requirements in styles and shapes; in all the different heels. PUMPS AND OXFORDS,IN PATENT, Gllrt METAL OR KID LEATHERS, PRICES RANGE FROM $2.00 to $3.75 BOOTS, IN PATENT, GUN METAL OR KID LEATHERS, BTJTTONED OR LACED STYLES. PRICES RANGE FROM $2.00 to $5.00 H. S. CHAPMAN PHONE ?-0