HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-05-27, Page 5May 27th, I9I5 Clinton News -Record 3.0101t*I'Ownshipy'`: Seaforth " rMay . 2 rd, 1877 w a s .icSnarri a e day, 'flVir£ha . D nal l son .v n ito d n e ;se Vand is. Jamen•Saeit :the.Cass maim, , Lucanow cde tiY•eat;tiarfn& place at the home : the Mr. John Lcathorn of Stratton Mr. and Mrs. A. Elebat of spenif'a"`Sew days in town last week Tuc'aersmith thq :Officiating g n inist .r ,., t v ]14i. 7'.-S; Brancl6it _ . .N�a s in 'll ra y?to .RevSeeing who 1onb.1 t w lc attending urtenl stnleo passed0. away. Mr, and, ..Mrs. lids brother -in -lax'. Snell observed tl ver to arae salt's by Mrs. (Rev;) lifted; was in Londe rslleiiding' over the week -end with Mr: last week attending the branch meet , Maine Kelly; of Delaware, whoaro very ing of the .W,M:S.. qld tttends,rMr Kelly -`being one of Mrs. John Schoenhals and twh their;:.auests,at;their••wedding -He inn daughteino'f'Clinton visited last week nQW+far advanced ire yearn, Itis 88`th with the lady's 'brother, Mia"• 'Adana! „asps 'less, anti has been in.poor health : Schaefer; ' lea "some time past. The n -newtons Mrs. Cagricir has returned Bente af- 'friends• of Mr. and Mrs. Snell .wish ter. spending souse. months with 'fri- then. many happy returns of this an- ends at Peelee island and Detroit. niversary. Mr. bred; Morris has gone to Osla. • Me'. —, Vodden has bought an auto-wa where he has accepted a position, mobile front Mr. Bert, Langiort of Mr. Joseph Brad -Win,. a highly es. Clinton.. It is a five-pasa,ugcr end teemed residentof town since sn e 187,0, one of the best snakes. passed away on Friday week after. an The ;football match _between the illness of some duration. His wile ranched men and bachelors, played on., and a family of four sons survive, the farm of Mr. W. J. Miller, the 3rd, The remains were taken to, Pails for eon., on: the 29th, was an interesting, interment. one and was well played 'considering Mrs. Peter Fisher, Tr•, is a guest of the players.were somewhat oat of Mrs. Fisher, Sr,_ practise The store at the end of the Dr, G. H, Ross was in Toronto for game. stood three to one in favor of a few days recently, the single men. The line-up was as Mrs. A. Hunter of 'Brussels was in follows` Married men : Goal, Frank tern for a few days Hist week visit - Clew ; backs, T. Dale, iitobt: jennies ing• her son. ' Sone ; half -backs., Geo. Baker, C. Shep Dr. Stevenson of London was in Pond, Harry Glacier ; forwards, A.' towh one day recently. visiting Dr. Dale; L.' Heard, Ed. Williams, Chad. Kennedy. Glaiv H. Single tnglc men : Goal, Messrs. A. C. Riley and Geos; Po - Wm,' Moore ; backs, •,J. Dale, Theo, cock., were appointeci•'delegates to 'the Dale ; half -backs, H. Giew, John annual •Baptist convention to be held Mann," Percy Glazier ; forwards', Jas, in Forest on the first three days of. Johnston, Orville Dale, Ed. Farqu- June., liar, Wm, Miller, Harold Dale. The. Mr. Simon `�anNorman,Iran been re - referee was John Armstrong of Con- hewing old friendships about town :stance, who gave entire' satisfaction, after spending the winter in Hamil- Quite u a number of spectators were ton. It in his intention to titre a present to watch the game. trip to the west shortly, , Mrs, Andrew Murcliden' and little daughter or Regina are visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. Marsales, and other friends and relatives hereabouts, r: d: n She is Fighting as The Beasts Fight. '(The News.) These are grievous days. The La Post has sounded for so many sple dirt men that the soul aches to thin of them. If blood be the price Empire,. we are indeed nearing it full. Those men who . have gen meant so much to Canada. The 'worn her bone and her muscle; he youth. Others must go, and stn others, that the Empire may ender 'that God's will may be done Lipo the earth. For there is a Divin purpose in all events. If we mists it iii the stress of grievous dunes, been ' unan, we must believe in the caste .--_.'iueoments that His purpose is behin all this blood and suffering. An while we have lost, we have gaine great glory, a glory only less ulna those who fight in Flanders. Th ,Dominion is a new Dominion, achier ing a truer nationality through tin sacrifice of her young manhood, ap preaching a greater destiny througl the Valley of the Shadow of Death. We sing no songs of hate. But a, the days go . by, with their dail •easuality lists, a .grim deterntinetioi 'a—a---strengthens, There must be 'no ens peace, I do not believe that the spin: • it of a nation can he killed, There yre I do not believe • that Germany -Ere be killed, But she has cursed •civilization, She has sinned against 'honor, and against womankind, and against all the things, save courage, that really count for nations. She is fighting as the beasts light, I ;+�have heard <�torics which I can ,wdy suggest. Stories of men whom _' ,a'u know, many of you in Toronto,'' 'and whomI know, stories of men poisoned by deadly gases until their bodies dropped in tlw:+ trenches and -death came to then, wino had no chance of meeting it standing up. it -came; sent by heists, Those beasts must suffer. How greatly the pacificists have err:- 'ed. In their dreams they have laid traps for the righteous, The petit of the Germans whom they trusted is marked by 'the mutilation of children, the rapt and murder of wives and mothers and nuns, the, torture of prisoners, Tney have marched armed -with poison. ']'hey have broken ev- cry law of God and man. They havetaught the stern lesson • that in might, and might alone, lies the .strength of civilization, Internation- al conventions are trope for honorable. oleo nand honorable nations. Germany has broken all laws, st it of in 0, I' , I l e, n e g r d d d n e e S Y N Cursed Germany An Outlaw. (Kincardine Review.) The latent exploit of the German navy, the sinking of the Lusitania, and the drowning of over a thousand ciiv ilians, shows what has often Hen suspected that Germany has cast off every shred of respectability and, like a drunken and desperate; ruffian, is firing at large. Neutral opinion is snouted, The after consequences are 'disregarded. The nation inspired by. :a madman has itself gone mad. -it rook tars world a long time to he' iieve Germany as bad as it is. Al though passengers were warned pea• aonally and by advertisements nub- s :fished ub':fished by the German Embassy, yet no one turned back and, so i•sr as 'we can see; the Cunard people took aro extra precautions. l verybocic thought it a bluff. No one seriously believed Germany woeld sink a ship containing so manycivlliaas, rattly of them neutrals. No one tin, eight Germany capable of acing poisonous gases on the battlefield or of` poison s wells. Butthey s did, - He ce • n b1 �1,f th bet no one think Germany will shrink from anything. There is, nothing too cruel or loathsome for the Mad Mui labs who rule over that country aril- 'atari l y. • Goderich.. Mrs. C. C. Morrison has returned home after, sojourn •of dome months :in Florida,: t m Mrs Sidney Belcher passed away on Saturday""week after an illness' of coins months:. Her dutsband anti• a little ,daughter: of three years survive, The deceased lady was onijt twen'y-seven years of age and her early passing is deeply felt by her relatives. Our Men Don't Get Much Sleep But Do Great Work. Sergt. Wm. Snell. 'France, April 28th "We have been -having a terrible battle. I suppose that long ere this you will have heard that the Cana- dians got a. rather bad cutting up and lost considerable men but they have been doing great work, But believe nee it has been real war, a sight 1 shall never forget. We only have about twelve men wounded in the Ammuni- tion Col. One of my drivers got bad- ly hurt tonight by a big shell. Our batteries have lost a lot of horses, We have not had our shoes off for a week and have had very little sleep but as things _seen, to be a little quieter tonight. I atn going to try, and get some rest hut an I am next to go up I, shall probably go before morning, Our horses are having a • tough time of it as we are obliged to keep them in harness all the time." —Wni, Snell, Wingham Miss H. I. Graham has-been visit- ing in Quebec and Montreal, being in the latter city last week attending the Dominion Convention of into W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church. Miss' Bissett was in Exeter last week attending the , funeral of her sister. Dr. Smillie of Galt was in triple last, week. Mrs, Donald MaTntyre has been vis- iting her sister at St. Mary's, Mr. S. Colmar has been transferred from the local to the Montreal branch of the Dominion B3anic. Mrs.Ross, Sr., who has but re- cently recovered Irons ,a very serious illness, has been : visiting Tier daugh- ter, Mrs. Won. Berry of Brucefield. Miss Annie Davis ,has returned from a visit of some weeks with her bro- ther, ,Dr. Davis of Manitoulin Island.. I -Ion, I.. B. and Mrs. Lucas were in town recently, leaving motored up for the day, and were the guests of Miss' Murray of the Collegiate stall, Mrs, Wilson has returned from a visit , with her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. McCuhla of Leadbury, ' Dr. llarburn is, suffering area au attack of typhoid. ,. Mrs.1.t ed Bfrcltall and little son. of Brussels have been visiting Mrs.. J, P. Brine t of town. Mr. and Mrs A.E. L it o an return- ed home last week after an absence of Some weeks in New York anti At- lantic cities. The barn just rccontly vacated by Mr. W. Bryne on Main street was completely destroyed by fire early on Tuesday, morning of last week. The origin of the lire is unknown. The building was owned by Mr. A, D. Strong of Galt. Some buggies and wagons, belonging. to Messes, Tann- bull sa McIntosh and some belonging to private parties which were stored in the 'building were also destroyed. All the windows in tine- Public library across the street wereeraclred and the woodwork scorched. Misses Mary and Maggie Cowan are home from Tor:onto for the vacation. `B'' lgt ha'- . ,•MtssRtry Stalker, .wh0. has .-be en visiting friends. in' •Cas t, no n d n, lia vicmn,* for some, •ti,nie, hasreturned to her liolno at Waslfad'ar Man, • Mrs:, Floody arrived froze , Londojn last week and will make•''hog, home, with her son, Mr.>David ]'foody, Miss • Ella Metcalf is suffering from an attack of typhoid. Miss Spafford is nursing her. Mr. W. Farrow of East Wawanosh has purchased -the property belonging to the 'estate ofthelate Margaret Johnston, Mrs. Roy Stone of Allendale dart- ghter, of sift. and- Mrs. Wm. Moore, underwent a serious operation lately. and is now improving, Miss Lillie M, Carr, who recently:, graduated frotm, the Deaeonness Train- ing School, Toronto, has returned, to the city to take tip leer woke in con- nection with the new Dutierin Street Mission. Mr. J. G. I:ntfgn was in Wingham last week. , Mrs. A. B. Carr was in London last Week attending the" W.M.S. branch meeting of the London conference, Goderich Mrs. J. L. Killoran and daughter Mary have gone to spend the summer with V h rho lady's 'st sister and brother-in- law, ]-Ion. Mr. Justice and Mrs. lylur- phy of Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. ,(Rev) H. ti'. Weight and lit-, tle son and daughter of Anehurstburg are visiting the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs: James Connolly. The barge Ahercorn is being fitted out in readiness r • di ne s for the sinking of the breakwater pontoons as they, are read].. 'arra. Adam Cook"of Toronto is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. R. H. John- ston, Word was received that Dr. Macklin had arrived safely in England on Wed- nesday of last week. Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the Centu*y. Taken from the Files of The . News Record of the date indicated. Clinton May 24th, 1000 Miss Polite Fair has resigned as organist of Willis church, a position site has filled very efficiently for sev- eral years. bliss L. Irwin has been chosen ay her successor. ' Dr; W. T, Holloway has decided to locate in Wingham. Mr. John ]fell has gone on a trip to the west, with a view to locating there. Mr. Edward Howard has gone on a wheeling tour through the State of Ohio, Will Receive Next Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Wheaton will receive with Mrs: Il. B. Chant next Tuesday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, Marriages IJENDERSON—ICINcl — in Wingitain, on May .Mh, Rachel Altera King to George Harvey Henderson, Births CON In Goderich township, on May 20th, to Mr, anal Mrs. Leslie J. Cos, a son, STEWART—in Seaforth, on May lith, to Mr„ and Mrs. Harry Ste- wart, a daughter., :. DRUMMOND—At Winghtam, on May 16th,, to Mr. •end Mrs, Errold Drummond, a daughter. Deaths BELCIIIlR--In G-odericii, on May 15th Minnie Porden, wife of air. Sidney Belcher, aged 27 years. ROBERTSON—In Goderich, May 20611 Alexander Robertson, Colborne tp, in his - 75thi'year. BRADWIN-Ta Wingham, on May 14th Jos. E. llradwin, aged 72 years, 2 months and 23 days, FOR SALE.—A NUMBER, OF GOOD fresh cower+ and springers will he sold privately. Time will be given with bankable paper, Apply to.—W. Marquis, R. R. No. 'l, Clinton. Phone 14 one 66; -86 FOR SALT.',-WINGILAM BUGGY, slightly used, Cream Separator, new, at less than. cost, Apply to ,john Map, Rattenbury, St., East, Clinton. -86 MONEY WANTED, -FIRST MORT- gage security, Good rate of inter- est will be ,paid.—Adclress Bos Clinton, Ont. ,-80 LADLES' TAILOR ',Tl, HORN, THE Ladies' Tailor irons Seaforth, will be at Couch's store, Clinton, every r Saturday r f out JS a.m. until rp,m. —91. HOUSE FOR •' S #i E.—THE PRO' perty of; the late Mrs, 'Thos, East, Frame, 7 rooms, good cellar wvith cement floor wood shed- and elricken pen, all in good repair, 11 fruit, trees, apples,• plums, Cherries and, pear.—Apply : to H. Wi:ltse, Phone 40, —86 SUMMER HOTEL, KNOWN AS THE Conunercial, situated on Lake'Hur on, will be sold reasonable as the proprietor intands to give tip 'tine business. 'For particulars apply tie H. Darrow, Bayfield, Ont., -80. HOUSE- FOR ..SALE '""`:ON" -"QUEEN St:, 'r ' frame, 7moms, in. goodr e- pair,'town. ;tvator, :': good , cellar. Small orchard of small fruits: Will be,,snld en reasonable tarns:—Apply at 'News -Record Office; —80 MEETING OF THE HURON COUN- ty Council-=!hhe •council of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in council 'chamber, in tine - Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the first day' d ',June' next, at the hour of 3 o'clock. All accounts requiting settlement must be placed with the clerk before this date. -W, Lane, Clerk: 'Date'd-.'.at, ,. Godlerch, ' May. 17th, 1015. —85, STANLEY COURT OF REVISION, Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision on the Assessment ,M; Roll •of the Township of Stanley will be held in the Township Hall, Varna, on Monday,' May 31st, 1015, at the hour of Il o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against the said Assessneent. Roll. All persons bailing business at this court will please attend at the said time, and place without further notice.—R. J. Richardson, Cleric, 'Varna; May 13th, 1915, _84-3 EGGS FOR HATCFIING PROM Hens 'that Lay.—Barred Rocks and S. C. White Leghorns. Settings 50c ' per 13. One spesial pen of Barred Rocks 75c per 15. Incubator lots a specialty at $3.00 per 100 eggs. Boot your orders e azl as we have a limited number of hens this. year. Next year we shall be in a positiontomeet any quantity of orders. All our poultry are from "Guild strain of bred -to -lay ,stock," --iliolmesville Poultry Yards: Tre- wartha Bros., Proprietors, Phone 14 on 153. —73 FURNISHED SUMMER COTTAGES at Bayfield, Deer Lodge Park. Wide verandahs, splendid beach, tennis. Ice and boats included,—Apply . to George Rowntree, 00 Stanley St., London. --83-7 "ROUGH ON RATS" CLEARS out Bats, Mice, etc. Don't Die in the House, 15c and 25c. at Drug and Country Stores, —85-6 FOR SERVICE,—I WILL KEEP for the improvement of stock at lot 40, con. 9, Goderich township, an Intprovecl Yorkshire hog, two years old, pure bred. Caine from McDermid's herd, Fingal. Terms; $1.00.—Cleo, A, Cooper. —84-8 Twitchell Bros. AGENTS FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR SHINGLES ; LARGE STOCK ON HAND. THE Trusts Sc. Guarantee Co, LTD„ TORONTO, : ONTARIO, Assets over $13,000,000.00, Money invested in First Mort- gages with highest tato of Interest paid half yearly. Prinoipai and Interest doubly guaranteed. Call or write for full particu- lars. Monuments ! Finest stock in Huron Coun- ty of "Made in Canada" Mon- uments, Best Bkitisli and Foreign Granites in up-to-date finish and design. , Come and see them. Prices right, At Doig's, OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE A Granite Base goes with each Mon- ument. —843m The Clinton Garage;t Open All Night. The season is now oil for Gasoline Stoves: Why not buy filtered gasoline out of our. Bowser pump, which passes the gasoline throttbie fine • screens and a filter. Prices always the lowest. lie keep on hand a stock of Automobile Supplies and Bicy- cle Repairs and do allkinds of repairing promptly and at a reasonable charge. Auto Livery in connection, J. H. PAXMAN CE EN-T.I- We have on hand 'a vac-, load of Portland Cement ' and all orders for samewillbe filled promptly. JOHN •HUTT ONw LONDESBORO :BABY' CTICKS' FOR SAi,I:-Zi00IC": •our y ,grders •now ,and..avoid Ilio, rush. Barred' , Plymouth Rocks, Rose Come. .Rhode Connie d o e ISlatid Reels, and Sin- gle Comb Brown Leghorn's. All from h eavy laying n strains Chicks 15e. each, eggs $1250 per 15.—Frank W. Andrews,, Clinton. • -76. • CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr. Grigg's Jewelry Store. --Wm.. Jago. CREAM WANTED, — DAIRYMEN having cream to• sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable, at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent,... with an honest test. Testing done by a competent .man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned.', Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. —The Seaforth Creamery, Box 486, Seafortb. Easifirst Shortellillg. We have a full supply of Gunn's Easifirst Shortening in 20 lb. pails' and 5 lb. tins, the very best for malting pastry. Alsq nI full line of cured meats -all government inspect- ed. • BABY CHICK FEED. • To keep your snmaIl chickens heal- thy you will require some of our special chicken feed. Nothing better for young chickens. MAPLE SYRUP. Just arrived—a shipment of the best Quebec Maple Syrup. For sale in 83- lb. cans. Price moderate. BROILERS WANTED. Highest price paid for ,young chick- ens weighing close to two lbs. each. Always in -the market for fat liens. aasara GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up=to=date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartba, Wm. Jenkins. War Raises The Prices On Meat. Try our Wellington Salmon at the price, .15c, or 2 cans for 250, We also have the famous Maple Leaf Salmon and other canned 'goods such as Kippered Herring, Sardines, IIaddie, Lobsters, Fray Mentos Corn Beef. - Next week will be Pine 'Apple week, Leave your orders with 'Johnson Ca Co. for your supply. ' Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. Johnson & Co. The Store of Qualtiy. Successor to S. Barr. Phone Iii. *hone orders promptly, attended to. Western University, London. Income Doubled—now $75,000. Another Large Addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts • and Medicine. GREATLY. INCREASED ENROL MENT IN VIEW. c ; Writs• for particulars to lis E. E. BRAITHWAITE, 311, A., Ph. D, PRESIDENT. (Y/Da,ae►°'gym D•OMMIN•i0100 I We R'ecoml send This Coal el We knou it'sg ood, it's unusual richness in .carbon -makes it burn long, evenly and c omf ere P .. Y 'LEHIG-H.VAL _LEY ANTHRACITE The Coat That Satisiles is always uniform in quality, very free from slate and othe' foreign matter,' 'Although much more economical than ordinary coat it costs you no "more.' I Phone your order Os for. ` n o •Pr0P prompt deliver. y JOHN B. MUSTARD Brucefield, ]:'hone 11 on 145. PIANO, • TUNING.—Ila YOUR PaANO is v rt h anything it is worth tt i- ing. I am prepared to fill any- or- ders sent in to nay address for Piano Tuning, voicing, , repairing and action regulating, an estimate of what charges will be 'elieerfuliy given on seeing inatrumont. Can. attend to all country work as I wall use an automobile, this -year.— R. T. Cribbs, Piano turner, Londes' -90 PAPER HANGING. -I aM ,PREPAR- ed to do Paper Hanging and Paints ing promptly and at moderate cost. I guarantee my work' to give satis fattten. -Let me have your order early' before the spring rush begins. —Wm. A. Mason, Princess street_ —74 THE CORNEA - E ' RSTORE RE Live and Let Live Breakfast Foods for Warm Weather. Corn, Flakes lr es Gusto Shredded Wheat Biscuits Grape Nuts Putt Rice Puff Wheat Flake Wheat Krumbles Wheat Biscuits �i Malta, Vito Force Triseuits. NOW FOR QUICK LUNCH. Red Cross Pori; and Beans Jae per tin or 3 for 25c. Clark's large tins Pork and Beans 130 or 2 for 25c. Heins Baked Beans with Chilli Sauce 150 per tin. Small tilts Samoa Beans 5e. • Corn, Peas, Tamatoes 10c, 3 for 25c Salmon loc, 15c, 20e, 25e per tin. Buy your Pine Apples now for preserving. • SPECIAL. Lettuce Green Onions Radishes Strawberries. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER, Anything You WANT DONE IN 'TIIE LINE OF ROOFING, EAVET.ROUGH- ING, PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGI.ITNING RODS, ETC. CALL AND GET OUR PRIC- ES. ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAPEST. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plunnbers, Phone 7. ARTISTI.. J. G. CRICI•I, THE RELI- ABLE DECORATOR, MAKES A SPECIALTY OF CHOR,OlhS, LODGE ROOMS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. HIS ADDRESS is 400 DOWNIE St., STRATFORD Seed Corn ; On hand a large stock of Corn, Mangold and Turnip Seed which will be sold at the lowest prices. Leave your orders for Fer- tilizer and Potash for your . root crop. We will mix it for you at the store. North End Feed Store. Frank 'W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms : Cash. Phone 182. Are You Troubled with Headaches ... IE so the cause may be eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and • cure. It is worth trying. Come 'to us and we ' will make a careful test of your eyes and tell you what is the matter and what ' you need. In our long experience in the Optical business we have made a great' number - of examinations and it is a source of much pleasure for us to know that our fittings have invariably given great satisfaction.. If your eyes bother you come to us and learn the reason why. A. J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of MarriagE Licenses. INIIIIIIIIMININIMmiassosaasommummo Sugar Sugar Sugar One Car Redpath's Granulated Sugar; 100 lb Saclz'. for $7.25 for One Walt, Com men mg May, SIst € Y, , for Cash, Buy Now Before it Ad- vances and Save Money, W. T. O'Neil • CHIMNEY TOPS. It's a trade to build a good chim- ney and to repair a roof. It takes more than a sheet .of metal, a hot iron and solder, it requires exper- ience. If your chimney does not draw well send for us and we will put it in order ; if your roof leaks we'll mend it, ALL KINDS OF TINNING the do well and reasonably. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. Horse Routes. GUINEA GOLD (13020.) Monday, Will leave las, own stable, West End Tuckersinitlt, and go south to the Mill Road to E. Peflle Sons For noon, then across to the ITuron Road and west to Win. Dale's for night. 'Tuesday,—To Graham House, Clinton, for noon and until the fol- lowing morning, Wednesday,—To his own stable for noon, where he will remain until the following Monday, morning. —G. IV. Nott, Owner and Manager. DUNURE GARTI,Y (0221,) Wednesday,—Will leave his elle star hie at noon on Wednesday anci,-go by, way of the London and;, Ilur- on Roads to Gilbert Mair'ts for night. 'Thursday, — By Holmes- ville and the Maitland con, to Wm. Burst a Son's for noon, then by way of Bethel cornier and Benmiller to Wilmot IIaake's, Huron Road, for eight. Friday—By ways of the 0tlt: concession and Porter's Hill to Fred. Piekard's for, noon, they by way, of the seventh, concession to Reuben Grigg's for night. Saturday— By way of Steep's Corner and Bay- field Road to James Jackson's, 2nd concession of Stanley, for noon ; then to his own stable, where he will re- main until the following Wednesday MOM (--G. W. Nott, Owner and Manager. INDEX—Pure Bred , Pereheron Monday --Will leave his own stable, BrucefieId, and go west to Varna aced north to Ben Rathwell's, Gorier- ieln township, fu noon, thence: west and north to Wm. Curries, 7th con.,, for night. Tuesday—North to G. 0. Sturdy's for noon, thence west and north to Jas. McMillan's, 6th con,; for night. Wednesday—North to IIur- on Road and east to Mr. Swants's for noon, thence east to Holmesville and north to Harry Sweet's foe night. Thursday—By way of Huron Road to the Graham House, Clinton, for noon, thence north along the Base. Line to Albert Townshend's for night. Friday—East along 4th conn. to Wm. John ➢IcBrien's for noon„ thence east by way of Wroxboro to the Dick house,- Seaforth, for night;; Satur2'o Inwwe-- Ito 'es'illday—r'etrafn uesntilee Mondaystable nnornherti ng.—Win: Berry, Proprietor and Manager, k: PRSNCL OF AIKTON—Clydesdale Monday—Will leave Dominick. Rey- olds', half tette north of Clinton, net go north and west to Bert Lobb's or noon, thence by way of the Mail- and con., Colborne, to J. C, Dust's' or night. Tuesday—By way of Ben- niller to the Huron Road, thence to tin con. and , south i oto n toWrn . Pt a ton s r noon thence south l and west to Janes Sterling's, 6th con'., for night., cdnesday—East by way of BapeteId ine to Ben Ratlnveil's; for noon, mice south by way of Varna and arr Line to Chas, Ilagan's for girt. Friday -North to Taos. Cole- an's for noon, thence east and north way of Ilarpurhey to Huron Road td west to Herb Fowler's for night., tnrdaywest to MCDeimid's Corn- , thence north to 2nd con,, .Fluiletta d west ' to Dominick Reynolds' here Inc will remain until Monday, ruing,—Win. and Bruce Berry, Pro- ctors ; Dominic]: Reynolds, 14Canag- i n a n 7 fo YV L tl P tri y m Sa en an w mo pre er. Good Morning 1 Arc you a` -Newsy Record Subscriber p,