HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-05-13, Page 54M4yi3th, 1915 Bluth, IYII. to B, McCroWan leas in .frnfieId •or a f.w day recently -.ft-Ring Mrs: �Ir,and M s. ) I Plo o M"ster dv and a Norman, who have been seending 'tlie Past couple of years in the West, have returned and 'taken up .their abode -. in -town. Thep are treat:110 g , the resi- ;dence just vacated- by Mrs, , 7loin,as `Woodcock, Mrs, A, Elder has returned from a -visit with her daughter, • Mrs: Mc- Lean of. Hanover. The following officers were elected it a recent meeting of the W.M.Z." of theMethodist church Hon . -President, 'Bill's. Gidle I S ' H. y ,President, Mrs. A, B,,,Qarr , 1st Vice!, Mrs, J, Mains -2nd Vice, ,Mrs. 13. Taylors; Rec.-Sec- retary, Mrs, J. Colclough ; Cor. Sec- rr la1y, Mrs. 11, Wi ltrnai'Presser- ..er, Zrrsr ee, Mrs. C. II. Reese ; Organist, Mrs I, Brown ,' Supt. Systematic Giving, Mrs. Geo. Jewitt. ; Supt. Mission Band, Mrs. M. Young ; Assistant, :Mrs, E. Bender ; Auditors, Mrs. F. 'Haggitt, Mrs. W. 1-L McElroy ; Out - "look and Report Committee, Mrs. r0 rasby,' Mrs.. Burling, The District Meeting of the W.M.S. ,of the Methodist church held a very successful annual tweeting fn Blyth on Tuesday last. Mrs. hick of God - rich was elected = district organizer and IVIES. Andrew of Auburn, 'secre- tary -treasurer, The ladies of the Blyth au'ili a t servedo d tea in the 'church to the visiting ng delegates. . Good Morning ! dear reader. How .docs your sub to The News -Record :stand '?The label tells the story. Hensall- Mrs. Geo, Case is visiting her sister in St. Marys. • Miss Pearl Buchanan, daughter of Dr. Buchanan, .Toronto, has been visiting relatives and friends hare - abouts. Alrs. Dejean went to Kingsville last 'week on account of the death of- her :mother. " Dr. Alex. Moir of Lenore,_ Man., and :Mr. John Moir of Winnipeg, aro -now ,en the old homestead east of the town, where they intend remaining for the summer. Mr. Ben. IIoggarlls, 2, student of the Medical Faculty, London,' is at rpresent quite 111, His' mother was, called to his bedside last week, Mr. Wm. Venus has undertaken the task of herding' the village cows bur- _ing the summer. months, 'While working his land the other .day Mr. Alex, Ingram hada narrow .escape from seriors injury. Some- thing going wrong with the tongue of his roller he went to the horses' heads to adjust it when -they trade a plunge 'forward, throwing him down and "trampling over him, roller and all. 'He received several bruises, a rather .bad cut on his head and was'consid- •erably shaken hut resumed his work, lir. Bean has purchased the resi- •dente on. Soutl'i Richmond street from ;the Troyer estate and will overhaul :anr? eourpletely renovate it. •=Oa,tSaturday .week. Mrs. Douglas Craig; a very well known and esteem- red resident of this village, passed to 'her reward. She was in her eighty- fourth year. Lent year Mrs. Craig, accompanied by For daughter and two sons, visited relatives in Ireland, ]ler native land, spending • about three months - there, and she was , looking `forward to seeing, some relatives from 'the ,Old Land who intend coming • to Hensall in the near future, The fun .eral was, held to 13aird's cemetery on "Tuesday. Zurich' Mr, Roy Geiger of the Toronto Un- iversitye is home for the long , 'vaca- 'tion. Mr. and Vire. J. Bloch have ben Spending a few weeks; with friends in ' Detroit. Mr, A. G. Edighofier has taken possession of the Commercial Hotel and is making extensive improvements -to- it. No less than twenty horses died from the effects of the heat of a couple of weeks ago, eleven of them "being animals belonging to Stephen township farmers, Messrs. T•I:, 'Vnlland, Jr., of the Babylon Line and 0. Zirke of the vicinity of. Blake have purchased 'autos. The Luther League' of the Lutheran church have arranged .to have a tennis :court ,just opposite the church stied and the work of putting it ieito'shape. will be commenced immediately. Dungannon An individual communion -service has been ,presented to the 'Methodist -church here in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Pentland by their family. It was used for the first time at the May ComMunlon.. Mrs. Harry Turner of Nene Jersey, N.Y., is here visiting her parents' and •other friends, Rev. H. R. and Mrs, Williams aro' arranging to visit their old home in 'Wales during the present summer. Miss Clara Sproul has been visiting friends in Goderich, ..+t(The_Women's Institute are asking for a "Red Cross' Shower" articles suitable for hospital supplies, during this month:. Institute T e h a ec • ' ted 1 [f lc ers re - 0 acentlas follows y otlow President, nits. Kirke. Vice, Mrs. McKenzie, See. - Treasurer, Miss Clara Whyard. As sistant, Miss Amelia Bellamy,.. Dirce- tors, Mrs, J. H. Pentland, Mars, L. 'Taylor, MVire., M''etslal , Mrs. Thomas. Stothers. Auditors, ,Mrs. Davidson, Miss Mc0ourt. ", • The funeral of the late Mis. Samuel Rivers, who died at the home of her 'daughter, Mrs, Chas Wake of Owen Sound, took place to. Dungannon cent- Setery on Saturday week. Mrs. RHers was until a few months ago, when -she 'went to her daughter in Ewen (1 4nd, a resident of this 7 u rate and was very well and favorably ; known. Her husband and a family at five sons alld one daughter: survive. Goderich 1VIr, and Mrs William Palmer re - aired word Monday that their only son, Williarn-,had .been killed in bat- tle i to France. The young man was well" knower around town, and ' notch syuipatlly is extended to his mother,. fattier and sister. The death' occurred on Monday at the age of 75 years of George 0, Black, former ; bailiff and a native of Goderich. His wife predeceased him. a number of years, but three sons, Wal, lace,; 'George and Henry, survi:e: Dr, Macklin left on Saturday for the seat of war as a member, of the Medical Corps. Messrs DanWiggins; W gglns; Norman Me - Ivor and Ed.' Beak have returned to town from Pout Burwell, where the have been Yr,u fttti u g up tug are. cenLl i nuchasad b the Doty Engine e Misr: Vera Elliott has been. obliged to resign her position on the ,teaching stall of the Victoria school owing to illness, Miss May Ctameron .of St. Ileletfs, a recent graduate ' of the Hamilton Norneal, has been engaged to fill the position. The funeral o'l Mrs. Dully, formerly Gertrude Doyle, daughter of Mr, and Mrs: Jame:: Doyle of Detroit, former- ly of Goderich, took place irom the home of Mr, J. J, Doyle on Tuesday of last week. The young lady died suddenly of heart failure on the Sun- day, previously. rr.v Y She was in her thl r- tY-seven4lyear, Mrs. Cul E. Schuch and little an of Port Arthur were the guests last week of Mr, and Mrs, •Robt, Fi, .Toha• stun. Mr, and Mrs. Schuck have been visiting for some weeks with the lady's brothers, Messrs. T. 31. and .). Cook of Clinton, but - leave - r holy for the west where Mr. Schoch will resume his engineering work. Mr. James Mitchell was in :Wawa last week getting instructions itt re jard to the work' of his new position in the Archives, Department, • Mrs. Strang has returned . Irmo a visit in Toronto, • Mrs, Wid'ciee and the Misses l\'iildei have returned from Toronto,-. where they sojourned during the winter. ll'Ir. aud•.Mrs. Geo. Howell of sting• sten are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Johnston, Iiuron Road. . Mr. Sheldon 13. Clement Chef En. ginecr and Superintendent of Ontario Government Railwaps, was in town last week visiting friends, Mrs. Chines has returned to her home in London after a visit in town with Mrs, 1-1. C. McFaddyen. Mr. F, R, Hodgins has been ap- pointed secretary of the Board of Trade' to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Mr. Jas. Mitchell. Seaforth. Mrs, John S. Brown returner] last week to her home at Wingharn after a visit here with Mrs. McLellan and• other friends, Mrs, J. 0. Greig, Mrs. Ilihehley and Misses I -I I. Graham, Frances Win - tors and Jessie: Gemmel were the del- egates from the local organizations to the Provincial convention of the Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church held in Hamilton last week. Machinery' for the manufacture of shdls 15 being installed in the Bell Company's factory. Mr. and Mrs, J. (tulles have re- moved to Stratford, where Mr. Gil- lies has secured a position. Dr. Mardis Scott of Berlin will be the preacher of the day at the a21- niversary services in Ulf': Presbyterian church on Sunday next. C. Holmes, ton of Mr„ and stirs. S, T. Holmes, and G. Flolman, son of 1VIr. G. W. }Dolman of Egmondville', are among those chosen to go direct to the front. Dr. Steele, M.P. and Misses Dor- othy and Marjory of Tavistock were in town attending the funeral of the late Mrs, ll McGregor; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Scott, Chica- go, have been visiting Mr, and Mrs, John Stewart of town and also with McKillop friends, Mr. Jack Best, a student at Os- goode I -Tall, Toronto, is home for the long' vacation. Mr, J. Adams 's i spending a law weeks at Dayton; Ohio. • Mr. Chester Oriel: has bone on a lain to the west, Marriages GUEST-BAIRD--In Winghan, May 1st, Fred Guest to Annie Baird, both of lVingliani, Births McCORMICK-At; .Hohnesville, I on May 1211, to Rev. R. J. and Mrs. McCormick, a daughter, CIIALL;NGER-Ab Edgerton, Alta., on April 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Challenger (nee Miss IDdna Hardy) a daughter, ORITTCNDEN-111 Blyth, on April 38t1t, to Mr, and Mrs. D. D. Crit- tenden, a daughter. CIIISII0L1VI-In Gaderieh, on: May 4th, to Mr, and Mrs, Roy Chis- holm, a son, WEALI'NS-1u Godcrich, on May 3rd, to Mr, and Mrs. W'ealins, a daughter, PRIDDLE-10 Goderich, on May 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .Priddle, a,. 500, Deaths WEST -Iii Clinton, on May eth, Al- bert Orville sou'of Mr.: and Mrs, ': J. 0''. West, aged 10 months and ' 12 days, [IESSEL,WOOD-lir Mullett on May 901, Mary A, Rutledge, ` widow of Matthew Ilesselwood, • .aged 87 years and 9 months,. .101INSTO.N.-115 Stonier, on April 25th, Thos. Johnston, Jr., aged, 42 years. ICENNIDY=In' Seaforth, April 28th,' Annie Robinson, wife of the .late Angus Kennedy, in her 86th year. BISSETT-In Exeter, on May 41,11; Annie Margaret, daughter of NEr, and Mrs. Thos. Bissett, aged 122, years, 7'lnonths and 11 days. Happenings' of Fifteen` Years , Ago, Ha enin s in Clinton.' pp g n at , the • Opentn g of the Cetttr . Taken from the Files of . The • News -Record of the date • indicated, May 10th, 1000. Mr. Wes, Moore has broken ground for his new dwelling on the old or- gan factory site, part of which he. has purchased. The truste is of the. Public P b school hoe. have given. Mr, Peterson 'of Kinearr dine the contract of boring an artes• can well: at the school grounds. The Te.at ten tr Y street congregation have purchased the "Burnt Block" on which a new church will be built, Mr. Jas. Stevens of the Base Line sold half a ,dozen cattle last week which had an averages, weight of 1350 pounds., Mr, Gregg Irwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Itt, Irwin of town, sailed from Montreal for. England on Saturday to take a position with the Preston Car Mfg, Co,, of Preston, Eng. The military concerts given last week under the auspices of the officers of the 33rd Battalion netted a hand- soine sum. fui r The + le alh f o the late Rev. Dr. Macdonald, wb0s3 death occurred in Detroit, took place in Clinton on Saturday. Dr, Macdonald was pastor of Willis church froth 1859 until 11389 and was later in' charge of the Presbyterian crhurch, Seafortn, Colborne Township. Mrs, Ray Stamp of. B]issvflloi Mich,, '(neer Miss' Clara Pennington) who came over, to attend the ,funeral of ]ler uncle, the late William Penning- ton, leaves nest week for I3lissville after spending three weeks at the parental home, that of Mr.: Thomas Peening ton. FT 0 It S E STRAYED. -THERE strayed from the premises of the undersigned on the Base Line near Clinton on Sunday evening, May 2nd, a white. spotted broncho marc, Information leading to its recovery will be thankfully received: -Adam Scott, Phone Id on h60, Clinton. 84 FOR SALE. <V NEW PERFECTION three burner Coal oil Stove with Oven, in good repair. Also. ,about sixteen yards of All Wool Carpet, - Mrs. F. McEwen, Isaac street, -84 13AY11T1LU COURT OF Ri visrag, -Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision. of the Assess- ment Roll of the Village of Bay- ileld will be held in the town halt, B1yficld, on the 2tith day of May, 1015, at eleven o'clock in ibe fore- noon for the purpose of hearing and settling any complaints against the said Assessment Roll, Any person having buSilleSF.i with this court are requested to be present al; the said time and 21000 without further no tice.-IJ, W. Erwin, Clerk. Dated at Bayfield this 1111) day rf May, 1915. -81-2 THE CONCERT OF THE SEASON. A Clraud Concert will be given in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON on l rFSJ),A.Y EVP)NING, MAY 18th at• 3 o'clock by the Clinton, Goderich, Wing - ]lam, Seaforth and Exeter Piano and Vocal pupils of Prof, Weaver of London, Splendid p ret pL•ogress bas been made byt these pupils sines studding with Prof, Wearer and a rare treat is M store for those people who wilt l.e pres- rmit at the concert. The recital is being given in order to stim- ulate vocal music especially in the County of Huron, Admission . will be by tickets. Adults 25e., Children 15e. Monti m.ents . ► Finest stock in HuronCoun- ty of "Mate iu ,Canada" Mon- uments, Best British and Foreign Granites in up-to-date finish and design. Cone and see them, Prices right. At Dosg's OPPOSI1'lfiTHE POSTOFFICE. A Granite I3ase goes with: each Mon- ument, 9432 The C lento nqt' Ga ra e Open All Night, 1. The season is• now on for Gasoline Stoves. Why not buy filtered gasoline• out of out .Bowser pump, which passes the, gasoline theoubh Gno• screens and a filter. Prices always the lowest. We keep on hand a -stock .of Automobile -Supplies and Bicy- cle Repairs and do all kinds of tepairing promptly and ab a reasonable charge. Auto Livery in conflation. J. H. PAXMAN Clinton News -Record STANLEY COtJRT OF REVISION, Notice is hereby given that the ,Coirt'bf Re5ision en the Assessmeait Roll'. of the Toiynship .of Stanley will beheld; h d m the ' 4 ' ownp Fshi 1 Ial, Varna, on Mondry, May 31st, 1915; at thio horn of 11 o'clock in the' forenoon for the purpose- of hearing and settling complaints against the said Assessment Roll, All persons having business, at this court will please attend at the said tines and place without further notice. -11, J. Rieharllson„ Clerk, 'Varna, Mays 180, 1915. -84:3. COURT, OF REVISION, TOWN OF Clinton. -Notice is Hereby given that a meeting of 'the Couit of Revision of the • Town of Clinton willHeld e i the b n Council n Chani- ler on Friday, May 28th, 1915, at 8 o'clock p,m ,, for the purpose of hearing and determining ,complaints against the Assessment. Roll of the'. said Town for the year 1015. Per- sons having business at the Court will please attend at the `said time and place. -D. L. Macplierson,, Town Clerk. Clinton, May lith, 1915, -84 IIULLETT COURT OF REVISION, -Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Cotirt of Revi- si f ono the Assesm Assessment Roll for the Township • Mullett t vilT be held in the, township hall on Thursday the 27th May'at'10 a.m. for the .pur- pose at hearing and settling com- plaints against the said Assessment Roll: • Also the Court of Revision for bearing appeals againstthe as- sessments made in the 'McCall Ex- tension" Drainage 13y -Law, No. 1 of 1915, of the Township of Mullett will be held the sahib day and place at 2 p.m. -James Campbell, Clerk. Mullett 5th May, 1915, -83-3 "PENMANSHIP" Let tho School of Connneree aid you to becomeaaggood penman. A special etas in Business and Ornamental Writing now being formed. We give you a" complete Course for 85.00. Call at the Evening Classes be- tween 7.30 and 9.30, Tuesday or Thursday. B, F. Ward, B.A., M. accts. Principal, 2,..0 .:41 FOR 8E11:V'IC'1i.-I 1VILL KEEP Jot thio improvement of stock at lot 40, con. 9, Godcrich township; an Improved Yorkshire hog, two years old, pure bred. Came from McDermid's herd, Fingal, Terris, $1.00. -Gra. A. 0001161, -8.1-8 HOUSE FOR SALE ON QUEEN fit frame, 7 rooms, in good re- pair, tonal water, good cellar, Small orchard of small fruits. Will be sold an reasonable tcrlins.-Apply at News -Record Office. --80 EGGS FOR MATCHING FROM hens that Lay. -Barred Rocks and S., 0. White Leghorns. Settings 50e per 13. One spatial pen of Barred Rocks 75c per 15. Incubator lots a specialty at $3.00 per 100 eggs. Book your orders early as we have a limited number of hens this year. Next year we shall be in a position to meet any quantity of orders. All our poultry are from "Guild strain of bred-to-Iay .stock." -diolnesyille Poultry Yards.-Tre- wartha Bros„ Proprietors, Phone 14 on 153. -73 CALVES FOR SALE, FRESH SUP - ply on hand ab reasonable prices at lot 27, con. 4, Mullett. Arrive by express; • oarcfully handled and will be turned over in good shape. Phone 3 on 200, Clinton, -L, E. Weir. -76, CALVES FOR SALE -THE UNDER - signed has again made arrangements to supply a limited number of calv- es at reasonable prices. These calv- es are all carefully handled and arer in good condition, -W. Marquis, R. R. No, 1, Clinton, Phone 14 on 66. -74. WANTED. - TWO OR THREE boarders or three or four roomers, -Apply at E. E. Hunniford's Groc- ery, Clinton. FURNISHED SUMMER COTTAGES at. Bayfield; Deer Lodge Park. Wide verandahs, splendid beach, tennis. Ice and boats inelu.ded,-Apply, to George Rowntree, 60 Stanley, St., London. 83-7 NEWS -RECORD -NEWS -LEADER, CEUN'T 1 We have on, hand a car- load of Portland °Cement and all orders for same will be filledro p mptly. .11411.6. JOHN HUTT ON LJONDESI3ORo. 5 BABY CHICKS FOR SALE, ---1300I your orders now and 'avoid the rush Barred Plymouth Reeks, Ros Combe Rhode: Island Reds, and Sin leCom g b Brown Leghorns. All from heavy y laying trains: C hicks 15c. • each, eggs.$1.50 per 15, -Frank W. Andrews, Clinton. - -76. PAPER IIANG'ING,--I AM PREPAR-. ed, to do Paper Hanging and Paint,.' fug promptly and at moderate cost. I guarantee my work to give satis- faction. Let me have your, order early, before the spring rush begins. -Wm. A. Mason, Princess street, -74 CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Ladies , and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr, Grigg's Jewelry Store. -Wm. Jago. -55, CREAM WANTED, - DAIRYME'N having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges acrd issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistentwith an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each CM careful- ly. weighed, arei l- ly_weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of ICinburn may leave their cream with Mr, Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. =The Seaforth Creamery, Box 486, Seaforib. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live SEEDS We have a full assortment of Steel -Briggs and Ferry's Garden and Flower Seeds in packages. In bulk we have the following : Sweet Corn, Peas, Was Banns, Sweet Peas, Tail and Dwarf Na- sturtiums, Dutch Setts and Pota- to Onions. FRUITS and GREENS Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Pine Apples, Grape Fruit, Apples. Specials For Saturday Celery, Lettuce, Creen Onions, Radishes, Ripe Tomatoes and Strawberries, E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND . LE'r LIVE GROCER. t♦PNE! S12311,::-.1= IBUITESEINE9 4111.167 We Recomtiend This Coal We knou it's good. It's unusual richness in carbon makes it bum long, evenly and complete y. 1 1 LEHMGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies is always uniform in quality, very Free From slate and other foreign matter. Although much more economical than ordinary coal, it costs you no more. " Phone us your order for prompt delivery, i i 1 JOHN B. MUSTARD Brucefield, Picone 11 on 145. Big Bargains in Gatsu s. Just received a line of Cat - Slip which we can reconunend for quality and equal to any 25c size bottle which we are selling at the low price of 15c or 2 bottles for 25e. Another barrel of Molasses , Soaps which We are selling at 100 per lb. or 3 lbs for 25c, Don't forget we carry the Famous line of Steele Briggs, D, M, Ferry and other limes of Garden Seeds, Also some early seed pota- toes, . 1-ligbest prices for Butter and Eggs. • Johnson & Co. The Store of Qualtiy. Successor to S. Barr, Phone 111. °hone order's promptly, attead•d to. er. RofflalliYIea' Easifirst Shortollillg. We have a full supply of Gunn's Easifirst Shortening in 20 lb, pails and 5 lh tins,'the very best for making pastry. Also a frill line of curets meats -ail government inspect- ed. BABY CFHOK FEED, '1'o keep your small chickens heal- thy you, will require some of our special cl' ckefeed. m Aoth' g better for young chickens. MAPLE SYRUP, Just arrived -a shipment of the best Quebec Maple Syrup, For sale in 84 lb, cans. Price moderate. BROILERS WANTED, Highbst price paid for young chick- ens weighing close to two lbs. each. Always in the market for fat hens. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins. Anything You g WANT DONE IN THE LINE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGH- ING, PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. CALL AND GET OUR PRIC- ES. ALWAYS 13 T, OFTEN CHIEAPEST. BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. Horse Routes. GUINEA GOLD (13020.) Monday, -.Will leave his, own sbable, Kest End Tueicersuutli, and go south to the Mill Road to Ir), Pelilo /1 Sons for noon, t1100 across to the Huron Road and west to Wm. Dale's for night, Tuesday, -1'o Graham house, Clinton, for noon and until the fol- lowing morning. Wednesday, -1'o his own slablc for noon, where he will remain until the following Monday lilomnin -G. 1W'g,. Not b, Owner and Manager, DUNURE GARTi',Y (92+1.) Wednesday, -Will leave Ills own sta- ble at noon on Wednesday and go by way of the London and Hur- on. Roads to Gilbert Mair's for night. Thursday, - 13y Ilolmes- villo and the Maitland con, to Wm. Durst ..0 Son's for noon, Hien by way of Bethel co'nee and Benmiller to Wilmot Haake's, Huron Road, for night, Friday, -By way of Step's corner and T3ayfielc] Road. to James Jackson's, 2nd con., Stanley for noon, then to his own stable where he will remain until the following Wednesday noon. -G. W. Nutt, Owner and Manager. INDEX -Pure Bred Percheron,- Monday-Will leave his+ own stable, Bruccfield, and go west to P'area and north to Ben Rathwell's Goiter in township, for noes, thence west and north to Wm, Currie's, 7th con., for night. Tuesday -North to G. O. Sturdy's for noon, thence west and north to Jas. McMillans, eth con., for night, Wednesday -North to Hur- on Road aad east to Plc, Swantn's for noon, thonec east to Holmesvilie and north to Barry Sweet's for night. Thursday -By way of Huron Road to the Graham House, Clinton, for noon, thrice north along the Base Line to Albert Townshend's for light.' Friday -East along 4th con, to Wni. John NtcBrion's for noon, thence east by Wray of Wroxboro to the Dick I-Iouse, Seaforth, for night, Saturday -To his own stable where. le will remain until Monday morn - ng. -Wm. Berry, Proprietor and Manager. PRINCI4 OF AJKTON-Clydesdale Monday -Will Leave Dominick. Rey - olds', half mile north of Clinton, hid go north and west to Beet Lobb's or ton then way noon, eh la of Maitl- and iValt 1 ] and cn Colborne, o , 0 10r 7te, to J. C Durst's or night. Tuesdat-Dy way of Ben - :Hier to the Huron Road, thence to th con. and south to Wm. •Patton's or noon, thence south and west to Jtunes Sterling's, 6th con„ for night. ednesday-East by way of Baytliold ine to Ben Rathwell's, for noon, ence south by way of Varna awl arr Line 'to Chas. Hagan's foe ight. Friday -North to Thee. Cole nan s••for noun, thence east and north y way of IJarpurlley to Huron Road nd west to Herb Fowler's for night. aturciay-West to McDormid's Corn- , thence' north to lad con,; Mullett,icl west to • Doininiele Reynolds,' hero he will remain until Monday orning.-Wm, and. Bence :Berry, Pro- fekirs ;, Dominick Reynolds, Manag a it 7 W he early Romans' Food. Used in many ways, For Breakfast, F o r Dinner, For Lunch. Holland Rusks are Toast. ed Golden Brown Biscuits. I(ell 0 5 CY O g .�o d Health 13is- 3uita Regulate Digestion, and are Delicious. These are only a kw cf the Newest Breakfast Foods, now in exhib- ition in our South Window. W. T. O'Neill CHIMNEY TOPS. It's a trade to build a good chim- ney and to repair a roof. It takes more than a sheet of metal, a hot iron and solder, it requires exper- ience. If your chimney does not draw well send for us and we will put it in order ; if your roof leaks we'll mend it. ALL KINDS OF TINNING we do well and reasonably. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53, Just Received A FULL LINE OF SEEDS. RCD CLOVER. ALSIKE ALFALFA- TIMOTII7i SEED. TURNIP AND MANGOL SEED ALSO FERTILIZER CAN BE BOUGHT AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. North End Feed Store. Frank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terns : Cash. Phone 192, ARTISTIC J. 0, CRICH, TIDE RELI- ABLE DECORATOR, MAKES A SPECIALTY OF caufte ' I,S, LODGE ROOMS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. HIS ADDRESS is 100 DOWNIE St., STRATFORD Are You Troubled ub1 with Headaches ? 1f so the cause inlay be eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and cure. It is worth trying. Come to us and we • will make a careful test of your eyes and tell you what is thett ma er and what you need. In our long experience in the Optical business wo have made a great number of examinations and it is a source of much pleasure for us to know that our fittings have invariably, given great satisfaction. If your eyes bother you come to us and learn the reason why. A. J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Western University, J London. FORWARD MOVEMENT. Greatly Enlaaged Faculties in Arts and Medicine, Vastly Improved Equip- ment, -library, laboratories, etc, Seven New Scholarships. Record Enrolment, Enquiries Solicited. +s+ E. E. BRAITIIWAPTE, M;A,, Ph, D PRESIDENT. it