HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-04-29, Page 7- I''\ 1I It t 1111111" th n 'aerial raid. It is blionil lib I[ktt's iF Ueima*t ,,u 1, i.,i ening fr•um vel nus sou fees and London curltintic" in on bate ale ,iib thee ucintity of C reab k ritain, d,lt,alt their is of t stabs of erg' elation of .a naval lltxttl't. A BIdill iespatth the m{ssioat nue ,of reconit.als- .lance in eOnncotion w'ith'fl'ee.t tnovt- gives rulluning statement• Losue. by the Uerinan <lttmit,xily: d "The Gcnln•an hl "r. se rs fleet re- really' ha.v 1^arrce lvas turpodos.d .ani( sunk iia the Noe(Itt S�ca 1'r<d'al' by ,a Ceninan E t \ wore killed, whnse'skippeir re- Tr its th(bt ole sol , I., fileld S e on bits, vessel whii'e •engaging in ,reseu- i•114 th.0 Cn'eq' t.h'e / i d I,:: S ' r, of St. Lil.wrem',e,, ilhe O ideas of a Danish steameer I.Tnconfirtmd 1129ur•bs' (rout Blytll which arrived ab Tyne .region tiha,t they encounoercd the N•orwegiam and uther pain t 'un the nurclr-cost ^Oast, L -fling of a Zeppelin ta'uisin,g harquev Nava an.d, Oscar, Vito €naive,, on fire ,and abandoned ii, +' , - D. McTAGOART -_, . 19 ;. A . A2GTAGGART and the l,alt- r ' to lit, s'i nl in candlLiont tacUh its boats -Y_ __ ,. ,o A Nei b Tot tl _I c�r�no di --_` ----� Brit'' 9, S'► o rte , ga d Flour or > , . es y Req �- ed Him'It. ' S I NS USED i0� ., , u� ` T L QD. ,a►- dJ. I" 1�1„ :. - • IcTagar �ro.R ' r, - o ®'” ,�'fof I�feipS Iia ye P1 It t0 - '' a't .;� '`• Y aatld S11aDt, i4itlle. en, oval i'. of Woataded is >reatl ', ' _ �1 jt� (1 h /p �T f Y (M A Hood'a :Bereaparllla a ,8 rf SUl!!'llU,flll1N:G UtIS a, nit Tono'< Medicine, Is Naoascary. ' r„� Kies:. l�ae111tated by Aaltm AnaelDlllaraces; otdi�vs �, I I ­ - -- '. '... Croui the licst Al{Iis at the lotvesf: ,. ” .: L , If you want tohnow wbatC to Pills > `� -�,. '' put u(,b i+orL'es O ve r v Everybody is troubled at' this sea. . ,. r 1tl,lrittd l3 •,•: ,• 'f -' •"'_ BANIiIfRS,^-• Iwss11Dfe pI1CO3 - :.' . ,.,..:, .. wilt: do for'yOn,:'iust d'rop•a l''ine", to'.. ". .'- - Th,e .., _• i. ::. ;. ,' .,.,: .:. , Met D. A. Yorke,, Bellroctc, Otit.' pas t winch motor veitim,,as .L?ie n t ', , i n bol.tvnct {• ': ,'.,. d,n '3Y7t{i 'lea ,. 1�G?:IC ,' .� ,, , :. a of 01!.. , -. Cts 1.;ilire3, 1lzal till • .. : I speed of bhe tracks IIe ti ill ten you What GiilPills dill' : h•ave been play ung un Clue preetint:.Are ca '- t =,i. 1 c e cele , appstite; that tired feelzn or - 6,.,f R'n , gr , , With I k• 1 l :.. . , r ,. , ,; ....:. A GENERALA3ANBING "'BUS1•, m ..' _�. . WE PAY• THE"HIGHEST PRICE for ilio,, alter lie had stitfeted whit wax ila'as b,eten%a s•Gupce d f pride. ase .: Kidney trouble r. „ r '. .. -, .,. .. .I,( tt.§ ;'(Pod • Y out le for l� years, 1lere tte11 as , ke,en in ,e:r( l . Gi G 1)0<1' food, t ebst to Xitatox,usta „( bilious turns, dull headache .. ,. s, ind>-, s. , , • nation A. 1)',e„lp:r,tcli tsoml g' and ,Choi stomaeli troubos l N ' ESS TIiANSAGTED, NOTES'. :.. _:. for OATS, i' I and .BAR e tshtsletter,, q :: In all afe ,or e've''iywihiere. ,The B,rltlst r P ,ts received ,tr•onn th,e: - _., k a my>, 1sulLrea,rorouldtet,ea,4w,th - taen,olies ,tv , n tdidne •F. I ;,Ott ”, From tap. t o broom, has basil ciao- Nether ,pa rraGe c r e1ix-- , . -.rs' , hu.,tdoit �a;,n„ Tile .n, it l <' a _sm. '-d,u•red{ i •: of with zm les and a small skin. P p ,thee atn.,r '¢Lh,e T.tse, ( ' forc'e•s 11 I DISC OUNTI D, ARAFTS ISSITLrD, L + LY, also HAY for 13aftug, could get Y > g ' o ,Wg to hdP rater zh. run want au throit 1, torrized• a,s mit• s • c,83, tllee ., ,tut.;2lne+u,t li , o _ p g cit as p1) lite and as dlwal s been mY bael as,i shodtdc,x ,,,d do,an; _,; ;. , made that tlla•e [lest at em alto C'ana,dvan,,otintnmgsnbs food . , ° nth i,n'B,e1.*j' on the face and , n. tin body, a The reason xa ieas nif, l xtda/, by ,,he osis of al: ' "TJ aPhy),raLl;ng that the blood is im . , INTE ` - . . R1JST, ALLOWED ON I)E . , �_ . tilecaue ofn, •legs, WhenIwooM are of; vs pleuti- 1 3 ie, ,i. Bit down'sor wl,,i , I co,ild not p ovrded tviLh odnsid,e,ra+bl'a ra,iato- fill. T!te aneahanvead bra -ns ort of p_. 9'.." a dhe• 1 Ptkxo and mpov- 1 s nse,,i _n the biim- erxsll - d. » baa.afm,ent , f 1130 POSITS: BALE, ATOTI S nUR i ,, strai Ilene ngn'w unnLY,woutd• •.: :,'il !.:•. " Cline Al'nn''�, , - g, p mubu)e equipzlieib. T tiervi-M Corps, .reitbably : walk a od 0, uioro the pai,,:was an ,:• .. ,: ,:., •,,. p 11 U•, e , :. ti,.rn,e,lleS o£�,t�_t"' . ,� gillesc were t Bonds Sar l (. htl'c'd' w.tt,h 'lvlhinh. Sarsaparilla relieves l'$ t AS>aD,": ; •��++ 1 ®Jl McLeod meat, nue,gbba,u&iso), ;... t,hy can be tfh.aru,ked .far triols sta; , to d e.LplPwts:, zdidsoandstxbo,es The motorization of bite Gtanadtan' affairs. i i'Y ' , division ti !the Inotor bolded, the gases all. Cort e. F t p iced the soldi,ems to Tett •, . these ailments: Ask o -- ie y ul dru est druggist, (Clam, i' ' --- .m•.31ote. its boucnranndahatf army 1s a' "iomliirnon' �, years:,„r.Imdt tard,tgl6.m.. n1 p t f a fighters am th,e'i1!6hch, •' r burls of the development of the es ale able to p the gas zo e ,;n i. •. fir is Tu n. 'c drop h ,clr u this znedleme and get -it today. Lutwan c! t,ho ymw Cla;nad ' Y ""• - • - U. T. 'RANCE - over- hatih;a ,p rt I t no have meat an• gond n „ ;. ,i,oreI •,cl< clic, Ithvti<tafNiLt,g-' scuts fo'pees,-,7thi+ee mlaton ut i; • nt ni,re than 4& aehvnve . ' O', ;. 1'gricall—ebe ,?, e,v<,rnrthdrrve,'•ht; b'olvts albed, I r;F gun battelt es`Ql,ave bieeny . . he ,arn_anic`hs Ilya-ve lie+:,n to eseci ,e' It - p is the old reliable medic` Llys tii,np.4s, P.[te rt n inn that. Cilli re L has stood the test For forty tn,ains inteet, exon cis - : A6.8.,, KIND OF NOTARY PUBLIO, CONVEY- 'ANCER, , -5, , ittgold D._A.voulsta. „ or .are :,-,, kilZecl nine{ a..t at_'et3 of Lr,dsh f+incl z'.• being p3ov-146d for tlhe e t i o yt . p where tit,_ ,, tt.go:rs aha that incites ur•e ,' ��' s 1, ve had to r,e;adju-t bheir - p itch blood -that _„ FINANCIAL RICAL ' ' ESTATE ! COAL,, U I ,Canadian fighter's i¢l:,ih,e stupplied lr,,v lm'sa,na, of. the nl•ot,r t StEtan, Boad,ein, fund car„, �, r s`It Eakin battery s The Imlendid Irrt,e ill or..'e itis d a to canFr.rm tslt•h: bh: ngthens every organ and builds T AND FIRE INSUR- ” 'ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ” N I e ® TILE BRICK - ----_.r tunxts and tale Cibna•- ,di,e+t provude.d , dvan Army Seev ce Corps .al,so lira a has bee'it u meatus of keeping tQvs p v soldiers new refs ioh laic. up the whole s ', • yste n, Itis the alT-- The, the blood ' INC4 14 LIRE IATSURANCi3 a in r g'.' y g wear veha- , good health uai'der try- rt• orbs seem tv indicate t• t ;year-round -purifier and P' li t heal( ", - COMPANIES. }+tacul'a•r, TO ORDER ekes, Wbich are used in, Spec- ing cbndutxom,s•. 1 spec The motor isru,ks of flue mor yet highly I`' the Ceanvans, employilig om-I- 11 -giver. Nothing elso tletslike available sna,n ,clod gu:m; t nt ,till zt; for nothingelse is like, it; 130 I DIVISION FILE __ xnuportan,t,. -kern linn•y tra-ris�port,are ,a.bFe to •caro•y cinty:-namely the ,ta'ansporbin,g OFLoads of dhor e 6,000 lie's a1) from the other Dints uF 'tdie fr^ 1.f sure C, et Fluid' a P e, b, g s• but from"bile luteaioi' CLINTON.OL INI`ON All kinds Of ;Coal on Band. , su of foods ani -munition `ain,d ,Lens, .or poatnids, FOti T%Ean eltlr'in to Chase 'in th'e f at least. The olcl h'rn°,ue-,cl•i',awxt - g tont litres' of Germany itse'If, are mlalringade,sperate.effO:it -- - �----- '' Wo [itt•YDONI. CHESTNUT fiOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL Further, the :Rod, Gross tSocust Ih,as GFL•TtS Ca,tlind t carrY more bham 3;000 •.. Y ... a �� pound's aF load ,e,a,cJt and tole pace found the Imotror .imbalance bo t. encu, e ms alJlcd :liinle, isolate Cilie , a left to the ilorth aavc. thus, i" 1DS 'N0i 1'' ,I'D AUSTRIA,. ; tvin'I t•1) BARRISTTR, SOLICITOR, FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD :indis / ponsabl,e. To drabs, no fewer than of tlhe lather is eomp,arattl u,ly very Lwleilt slow. Mareover, the }lt,i:.,..ea set y -eight rnotOa' ambulances t!heC'ha,rtncl.andCalais. The, liave Y lltauitatznia Iil,(ticcs ➢i'Gra3o1!.l ➢ . ^ i thrown' b"Itnlselves t'niul<,L t6>> f rntd3tilry ,' NOTARY PD$:LIC, ETC. `,, Cir e'il and meed more re or less oat ftrl have been d,on'abed ,For ,aruny mled'i- , • a flet' Tertitbrfsil ➢' Ecrces of 1. r colts, putt S l a'•1,1 L_ . 1)11(:5»tout. " �Oflice- 'Sloan Block-CLINTON 2l in„ 3 in, and 4 in. Tile' of the a cal purpo;5els -by 'Nhle �eo 1,e o tt noon ,almost Co.,,stan t;ly. The p p, f result is thait it :has been Found that' Canada, It is .alnnos't,fmpasstb.le to, i;tum, appalezubiv ullm;ildful of the , A dhe,sPa,tch from ]3,ome say -)t' T cost, ands adreacln' inld tar - observer:; is learned here I o t J t that Lroumania has r• t Best Quality. Q y GOo.abo�,Ofor$2."u0: Soklinthe estimate Cite value of Hhese ifts in one rnotoa ,lo,rl:y clan replace foua tmate g _e are pre•ltaring t•1) receive' of inadle. formal demands tt.•rh Ruts- t -- or five 'horse vehicles; U.S,nutlertltenamc"GTNO"I'i11s, the lnunanitaa+ia•n work tvthidh they Y the battle ,ret lite tear in Cita fait berg•{curial C]71e 91{viTa I'll CHAR{.CS R. BALE, *1 ART@uR EC1lb/��� . Q'`/ldaa Trial treatment if you 200 are d•otn,,." hrytddtuent for a Division.Chi, zon,e.re'st ion+�. Iran yJcania•, exacfixlg a 'reply Conveyancer, Notary Public, Opposite the G. T. R. Station. National Drug & Chemical C For' tie Divisional Supply Col_ of Canada Limited, Toroe�to Training On 'tile Road, Y umm 1):f .am a•rauy division, the glee _ The Germ;a•n miuvement ,fie cti rglll,n .a seasonably shoat Ohne. south vrest•, fublowing the line tutu lirni•t•, however, is, fa,id `F Comanisaioner, Etc. Phone 53. Of bile Whole vec ,nd Canadian oott- An interesting,lpar,b ,of the train- .ia•ilroad{ From P.haurout -to Boesingho, an,d "ct to be fixed. Runm:aati,a's act,' -on REAL ESTATE and INSURAN08"'- tin,gent, tithe following' motor v 1i- _-- -- ing• of the motor deparbment of tale g ell 'Much �etnueoessaly Calle rnn-n ages C,A•S.C., Iles consE+itute' tlhe regulut'equlp- in, came lift, coiitacL wibh L'he 1,', i`$ v,F'blve greabest Significail-1)e; ,ala it lines 'u Roelca, ', 'a lied i-'o,Uviomsl, • ins ine,d L Itab fol: eerie. Sitnulban- S p i " Issuer of Marriage Licenses iHURON (Ilow practice at tlha t sctp from atinyinpnbll• Exhibition b1[litar Cam. is tt ment. Two mobo,r oars, save,n tut,,- ,Some time ago the -misbress of a 1 e toner,cl,es, tlhurty-eight a 3 consl;y another German force'a•ug- lowing Out bice be,r'ins of blie halo' Itr'r'nted Iby ]ioutn:uuian dcFen,s,iv'e a!liauve '' STREET, - CLINTON 6: H� ` �S Your lioldin of exte.nsi rote , 34on lor•ri s g 1 t tours hl' home went the culinary de- mote,, cal far th,e puipase of giving ihre,e tractors, two workshop brucks Funs ,a,ndl,iu,on ap e,gi,e,d Dorn-• heEoro Clue Bt!ti's,h to the �oullr tem,plating sinuu!tane•ati,a' inbe'rven: - ORS. G(li`TN &,,,DANDIER Cutler pmrtment with instruction for r file trite members of 'the S'ervioo Corps a and orae stone truck: For a• Divi- concoction of a new Pudding. And sional Ammunition Park, .whose g' certain amamrrt of cote [n while heal',v fields gens, more read' tion for the realizaLtn OF Vile m';•-' illy 'tman'sportable olving to ,Lille int- 'pl,natIlona�of but" cotrrutries. Dr, W. duty it is -to kee b in order drab you nnay know When it road vtroa,k. 117•any motor veliicbes, P he fighting !units y ,tor lie pr'ocsed roads once a lain shel,!e, Lba,ly two m;onts_hs ago ,d,eman-riled , g d Sprits,, Gunn, L.R.-C.P., L.R. is ddine, L�Torah' said the mistress s , nearly all of which are large tracks, PP d wi'tlt auu!mnnibion, Cha fol- a prampk expla,natiocn ,'F Atrstria'e t exion a ation,s C,S., Edia. Dr, J. C, Gandiar, ' Supply a in Conclusion, lust stick a knife are ifsed in the brigs which occupy 11owtn l,s.,the motor equiprment: uPy Fille motor cars, nine mo,boxcyOl'es, into, it. IF the knife conies out apex{1)d conoe,nta in 7uPltviy'1-' Tile :sit•u•ativn then was that the vami a•• Now Ttal,y furblr•er dem,wids $,A., M.B' • Oflica-Ontario St., Clinton. Night 11 of Dna to four da 'll clean, the g y, six tractors, sir 3 -ton lorries, four pudd n is rent{ to ,fitters of the Oorgs t'ravol at the rryis ' Prend'n -and Bal *ians were A , ho bhe north ,of engaged to know mhetdter, besicte,s the •non•• tale city, wdri,l,e the calls at residence. Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. You know that Jewelry Store Cutler xs out of the com- Y serve,,, , rn'a'am, workshop trucks, and two afore .and responded heath of bhe• Hyiug eolliunn in -tour- Norah. preparing to get on the lob. ing cars .audl bhe privates ride n tool trucks. The rn•otoroycl'es •a•rs o:,ssialls offered to her, ,an • luta" .13ritdslt were in ;acti' S a'n to 'trite 5ou,bh: be offea ed to Ito'antania•. Th-ull; rlmvng 'tribe Tt,ericlt mon class, At least, OURS is, I' T used For nies5engers and emergency And, by the wily, Norah," re- true trades, five to a 'truck. S' Y rF he motor 1?l it w,as noted ofed Austria• will be oumPall-ed to,sa,tisfy ih'e,re were A, 000 rr.ncit blueja,ckvl;,i [he,ambitions ,of both oanntries r DR. J. W. SUAH It carries 'a distinctiveness-- caws are em- marked the mistress. suddenly A unique feature .is dia� the Clod- edcb p 3 l , dtiicers to beep in Pausing at the door like one sod- umn camps at the rotor -side each 'tottdh who had given s"'01 good account Otherwise inte.'rvent[on. is i nevibablc. of ihe,mselves tun?er ccim,lnand d(Ir -OFFICE an airs superiority, that comes from being made with pensona•1 vviNh all parts of denly seized with an afterthought, nig+ht and lives ex,acbly under me- the divisional Front. the tractor• if the knife dues coma out clean, tive service 'conditions. The s of tldritira•1 de R't'rt '. line were • u thus d;,1l.eir d when, 'rhe G•crman's '/ _ . I 1 RA'fTENBURY ST. EAST, ( , the grentost care and ut- most skid from the highest- sahe- liaad heavy •trailers co,ntaininj sup- you .hacl betber stick in all the rest clines ,call for afifty-nitre d -rive each lies aand t:he lorries are used in of Priem." day, which is a long'distance when N transporting macre their first social adv , ,. All 1;cononty. em 1 g ante' P olmg Ole gals-ftllod bo,mbs,, No money, no trunks," the 11 -CLINTON priced materials. 11eavy loads, said whivlr ,,Cade it i'mpu'sstbl•e for men ldi xrate la•ndlard• TF don't pay ! _ - _-' IF yon can nae some of this Cutlery in your home, you bile I� 'tneuclouseffect bite war' i5 !laving un H ,y.ou temltiln in the !tenc'he's asci wlhere yuu,r ,beard b i, we hol•rl your Cruse cr tlud,ecl. At illi, 4ante t[mo finales till 1)u do." I y thc.1 C ,Oft. O. IT. THOMPSOP will be proud of it every 9 ve iB���O k+11e avliule of tht mztlical pruFessiun n , �g and its adrei:a-e d bit flit oittdl snore Splendi•d!" vtid Dedbroke. td recover la t. tdtan <"Chat',lI E PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, E1`O. time you see i't on the fable. Carvers, cased, $3.00 up. del3endlenUs, But, after ill. may not this ire tt Nearly has gr+rood to go 's;tve m; the expense of t'hl,ough, and in 611i's they were un- storage on these things of anine Ila- sttcce: Fu'1' I tJl3CClal attention glean t0 dis- ' ,, Knives. Forks and Spoons, everyone PA3IOU8 IDO(IT01t 11,18 111';li'1911: gaotl thing F,ir the cuunh'y in bhe ripping, tearingheadachea til next seagun. 1Sy•by, uid man l" � eases tiE the' Eye, Ear, Nose, I and Throat.. $1,00 doe, illi. _ at times. Disordev d stotn- 1'.1`'1'1➢,; N ;S IN WAR -11113H 1:. C it d'? "4 itch-stuggishUvor does it. There may, of colu•sa Ala a few Clio., up I hors's the M 1 .., �— _ .- __ ,. ___. __-- ,,. ,. , -"' "' Eyes carefully examined and suit able, glasses and $orka, steel; white handles, $3.00 doe. up. rent —, people who will suffer leat•ly 1 by Stomach and bowdo:tltets, > being unable t, sec a, joettur Ther nut the stnna'h and bbwels,•igia. h','ar' Gf ituvaute Being b OUTtKnives " ! d p' -1� prescribed. IDveaeasrd lust All drugglate. 25c,. or by mall from 9 now but on '1lie'14-e • I d . U 1 fail , there Vince and residence:2 doors west of Lot its [chow you our Cutlery Chambmlafn Medicine Co., Toronto Patients Deville They Cannot must be any nn.niher of .men wlir I —_ ': the Commercial Hotel, Huron Sb; line. Let its tell you more 'have been f+meed ht Cha tsar to For , about °why i.t is the most I ; " `, Afford Treatment, -•_.-- ___ de,sirable that you can put get se,liish fear., and imaginary tiil- �_— your money into. " i you may thindd that, our or nit ulents. OR. F, A. AXON t tear, doctors tt'duld cuntintte to be TF that be sir, th,u5h one can syan- as'busy as usual; that ,people would put-hize, with trhe d{uators, One can - DENTIST -.. W. R COUNTER 1 �j 3 need medicine anis operations --•if lie still niore •thankful F„r tho JEWELER anti ISSUER of �EWS- ECORO S NEW they ever needed diem at alt -as Lhou'ght dint, ' lin'tever else it •has BpecIalist in Crown and .Bridge, MARRIAGE LICENSES. much »ow as in roeace-'tints, diene, the war [las turned timusand', Work. Graduate of O. C.D.B., S But as a matter cif fact, almost . these dlypachundriaeal ,lnck;t., Chicago, and R.C.D.S., To- ..sv CLUBBING RAT �0 tl�� an • doctor --es ecial! n , inito men. tomo. 3 P li n e whose, W.EEBLIre. Patients tutus from the wealthier •-- 'Bayfield ou"lilonda ., from May to N�un•a ,r classes --will tell you Lha.t directly The Charm luvurpfahlt•. "f1i1'11_� M IT{T 1 �l '{�pI ] B1, ja71 etc <t aid Mn,n @, Empire ...:51.60 will, broke Uilt I!1[S , �' DCCemher. The- J,Y ff illop ,LB��tl nal hnlvs.Rcecrd and Globo ... 1.68 patients be�a,tt "Why do all .the W-Oluetl wear euerord and Family Herald anti • to grow fewer, and have gone on their summer straw hats aurin,; the �'l�'� Insurance �1� Weekly -Recd Star .................u. 1.85 decrettsiri in tt.lttn'ber Byer Sit1C0. Fire n !. Yl pant/ News -Record and rm u •:.. 1. BS g ilea!: trintHf.weather T' J News•Record and rarmera' Advocate.. 2.35 It is interesting tU note that )re- t , GEORGE ELLIOTT Newe•Record and Farm h Datry ...1.85 0 1 FIu, that's easy! Su the• tan �Lfecnacd AUCt1o11Cer COC the Conait Nell-isand Canadinn Farm .... 1.05 cisel,y the same thin- happened put on their flu• un:d velvet cines ilr r?c2t1� 0 �¢,. '.�9i?c2 Ori`jl, �ftl`. Neave•Record and. Weekly Witness .... 1.85 'dill'in t:he Grunea anal also dttrinR 1 of 1Huron. DIRECTORY News•Record and Northern Moseenger 1.60 g O bite betnt of July trod August l" Officers: News -Record -mud Free Prean .. . 1.85 the Sonth African Wal, though in _ _ 'Correspondence answered. 'News•Record and -Advertiser .. .., 1.85 neihher. case was i s _ J. B. Mobeen, Seafonth, Prestdcut• T: Con. News-Penord. and' tsuturday I71 ht..3.68 t o no,iicea ile as ,6H 9{I .1'tr1,1(, Immediate arrange menta can Iib Holly, Goderioh, Vioe•President; �Vhoa 1L News -Record and Youths Companion 3.2i it is llu}v• Y made for Sales Dabs at The Ilmyo• Soafort'h, Sec: Treas, News -Record and Fruit Grower and I "That man Jarley is withuut anv I1Tetvs-Record, Clinton, or b Dtrectonst D. F. McGregor, Seaforthl J, Farmer , .............. r.75 Operations :lrvoided. rte'111ng pitons Y3 on 16T, Y G. Grieve, Winthrop. Wan. Rina, Seo- - exception the mus$ tnaccnt:•1te ntatl forth: Hohn.. Bennewote, Dublia: J. Tlva,na, 4LONTILLIES. ,There are three it • ` • I ever knew Sail J' "Tell Itecohmood; A. McEwen, Brucelield; J. B, News -.Record and Canadian sports• tdttt reasons fart i D orison, 1e11' .'Charges moderate and katiafac6ioa McLean, Se.6forth; J. Connolly; Goderleh; man.. - „ 'tlils decrease. - 'ttic, JolleS,' does tie ever •et •int S.. 4 guaranteodl; Robert to FoEd. xar],hle is "I ii 'Ltppt...... nleaa43.z5 Pii•stly, a ,large number drF t•he thing right`{” Agents: Ed. Iltno]aley, Seaforth: W. zinc ` _ Chesney. EglnondviLe: J, W. Yco, Holmes• operabions that are per•fornied are Oil, ves." replied Jones. ' "Any- vm'uth. Anodhagci�h' Clinton; It. S. Jar• DAILIES, tvhab are known. as "operations Of thilig that is left, Jarley will al - News -Record and World ,.53.55 Choiee"-t•hat is say,`athey are not a irys geC right," Clinton j �`xtt +,,,R �®fid Any money to be paid in may. be paid to News -Record and. ti7lobe •..,.3,80 ' _Y av �7 lt-tj w a Morrielt. Clothing Co,,. Clinton, or.at Outt'a News -Record' and Alnil & > mplre.•3.eo of _vital in The pa.tient 1 - Grocery. Goderich. News -Record and. Advertiser ............2.65. would probably ,get well without an Contributory 'Negligellep. + OLINTON, Parties : desirous to effect fnghranee or I s•Record and bforniug Free Press. 3.35 .ONTARIO transact ,Choi business will be pvompttq Nervs•Itecord and Evening Froa"Press. 2,85 Ope1'attUn, t,hollgh probably : not 1VLr•S, f hatptll'1•.a—Pet•cy p..trguolt k attended to on applleation to any_oP the, News•Record and Toronto Star , ., 2.86 gtlibe. Sn gnickly, Inar'r1 Cd `! T;rilden in by a dLS+n'�n i?tg Terms of aubeeriptioo =1 per ea a0 eve officers .addresaod to Choir respect. Nowa Record and Toronto Notva „ 2.85 9 ,fir lve poet-offtcas Losses in9liec ted e. the It what you wont le not In th to ,l tet let When' the putbl ie tnintl is in, it pai'lor maid'{ How sit 1ocking! .l !'n' adVanCe; $1.50 mag be charged. dtreotor who lives, nsarest the speno. us know about iE. t is not supply 9ba'te of nervous eti,ti .ere ' ---- �,- .-.....___._- less than lt. about It, uWecan pep y yon at c t nie'at this- 'iVTrs. Stufdrol-Deserves it, 1 say. if not 80 paid. No paper discon• you to eoud direct, ,tv : e of patient, p ,,„e •• ' '� tinned until all r " In remltting ,tease do so b ,r u• [ L I,Ls h ., .p Caftan: Ought to have,luo,ked up ]lei tetei 'r arrears are paid order y Order ,oras sleds " incl lro,balrl ' b•, - I �h�i°�': i� Postal Note, ddre.ee order or [beg 2 .,.t., along, en'tea Ibe,Fore .he hired tanleae at the option of the poli•'. latmed letter and address, � ;1 t1,5t :a9 well Wltltottt� il%. Pill; It - - �I 'fisher. The da means ' I"t to to which.every }p sit march iess grist to the At.least half a dozen liairlifessing subscription is paid: isdenoted"o` � �� ® qy W'J. MITCHELL , medical mil. asta'bbishments in London emplcv n C In Pliblis. Then there is the patient W - eta•• lady barbers. n` the label. &tel, News-Recsrd t on v 1.be in ve.`xl.need OF. medical attention' --- - __._,.,�_._--... _____ ..- Advertisia'g hates -- Transient'ad• Wbv not prepare for it, by CLiNTON, ONTAR1Q but Wlio fears that the war villi de i vertisements, 10 cents per non• ordering your winter supply -:_-.—_ , 'crease -his income, He -decides that of Lehigh Valley Coal. None he cannot afford to wall in the doe {i pared Lipo for drab insertion node better in the world, toe's or surgeon's aid, wihich•, again 4 cents per line for each anise- rnea•ns a direct loss be the profes- p gcent insertion, Small advertise. House Phone 12. Sion, , meets not to exceed one inch,.I 001ce Phone , 40, Thirdly; there a, re bhose' people THE CHILDREN ` auoh ae "Lost," "Strayed," or why ares ¢,n,tinually in .a state, of, r'S'bolen," etc.,'insert:ed once, for '�. J. ° "0��� /`1� dread in regard to their Iheaftii,, 36 cents3 and each aubsequant in- _ _ _ f � -DA i , who are neves sit ltapp,y as when `�' - - !99771 "under the doctor;" and who are xtertiion 10 cents. - �.�- ---- amio,-ng bite ,best "cust•o,nieT4" ,of i Communications intended for pub. 'CENTRALI • the 6nrgeolt aod) the medical man: lieati011 must as a50 W,1(',just as they are -=in their in• This class:; lmare than any other, isguarantee o!door play, or at,their'outdoor most aifeet_d by any gt at :happen - good faith, `be accompanied by the ' �, Play they are constantly Of. ing suc93 a; 'the ptesenb sire came diE the writer. , g {EiG1 ! FOhID. UNl',' fertng temptation's. for Clic A :Cut(; for "Nerves.' W. J. MITCHELL, h 'Their ildifes aald.patns are sal ely P Ontario's iicst Pratt{aa{ inirigmaty; their continual vtsiLs Editor and Pro rietor. ' Training School. We have to consuRin,, rooms, nursing homes ,-_ ___ �._ 6 and Vile like aro 'promllpbed more by ', thO'rou=h oourseS incl exp' let it keep them'For you a9 lfear and selfishness -than 'by any" xcr¢ ended instructors in each of they,are.now. T rete[ need :For tnediral aaend•iam or s a A fa . fiti rest ecues', anti sO forth, our three departments. Let it keep many other hap• „13th-iv!eS, AdI e` war came iLun,g it I - TIHE TABLE'- lienings that area source of nidi one good ,thin-. It made these ' Commerr,Aia-1, ShorLha,nd and pleasuro'to you. uli,EorhullabO Biopic for e!: bread Trains will arrive at rind ire art Teleg,naphy. Otir graduates P selves, ,an,d forced them, .to realize from CJlinton StAtion as follows: succeed, and you should t BROWNIES, $2 TO `F1' I%hat ti -ere are re be,, a fl ' i•f Ber1i11 Clait�as 91rr t�u�ars6�fi's BIW: 1$cen Crllisi�ig in North Sea—Zoppelin Reconnoitring A die patch ft.cAlr Lunda,ll, says: 1'urcher iudicutions °a rather f{;rn winit elle i.d�e.a ox ,a,n- of cert,tirr liledilme s in idle Nurtli Se;t , veers furGhc, 1111111" th n 'aerial raid. It is blionil lib I[ktt's iF Ueima*t ,,u 1, i.,i ening fr•um vel nus sou fees and London curltintic" in on bate ale ,iib thee ucintity of C reab k ritain, d,lt,alt their is of t stabs of erg' elation of .a naval lltxttl't. A BIdill iespatth the m{ssioat nue ,of reconit.als- .lance in eOnncotion w'ith'fl'ee.t tnovt- gives rulluning statement• Losue. by the Uerinan <lttmit,xily: inents.. 'Plot Crriinsby tr•awle:r SC. T,aw- "The Gcnln•an hl "r. se rs fleet re- really' ha.v 1^arrce lvas turpodos.d .ani( sunk iia the Noe(Itt S�ca 1'r<d'al' by ,a Ceninan etui d re )C'310dl;v in tdue. hutfh Sea, rxdvu.nu[ug' learn Eng- submarine. Tw� ,m•ednbers of Cilie crew fi,dt titers, without etueebing the wore killed, whnse'skippeir re- Tr its th(bt ole sol , I., fileld 11ca forces of Great ]3ritain," So f w there has been no euni- e on bits, vessel whii'e •engaging in ,reseu- i•114 th.0 Cn'eq' t.h'e ntetlt un t:lle tutegudng frum bri- .ish official gn•trtcts, of St. Lil.wrem',e,, ilhe O ideas of a Danish steameer I.Tnconfirtmd 1129ur•bs' (rout Blytll which arrived ab Tyne .region tiha,t they encounoercd the N•orwegiam and uther pain t 'un the nurclr-cost ^Oast, L -fling of a Zeppelin ta'uisin,g harquev Nava an.d, Oscar, Vito €naive,, on fire ,and abandoned ,ver the country, ,a,pa c'onne.eted ,ere uibh Cea'naan nava,! activitlr and the l,alt- r ' to lit, s'i nl in candlLiont tacUh its boats missing krman merchant steamer snni 1 .de,.pat&l ,to .lea. Prep tlI ivn'x, Peru, states that the Brill It steatu_ '1'.110 Fast report received Flom tilts el, Orduma ha, -Fmk a. tleima.l m i Crocut was to t!h,e eefiec't LlJtttt ,)lits ,-hant st air'61 p near ,L3aiuvar, ft ha -d arriv'e'd n ltverpcul 1+'ebf.u1;d•, Is a.l:,� t ,_ed that the ptrt h ,cru 16 lroal Va'1J-ar, ,s'o,, It is palzlsib;te ars I eat n-nd 0,.%alna ba4e ITe,'aivctl that since thelt she haq I,ee,m,aa•m,ed nal from hies flritish ,st alner ,Cg- wt,itd '.ill b�•ck ia:? SOutllt Ameriown eeford aL iliac p rt of Ratuvna, I%abet,,,. ge r -, g a yr to to whieeled 11 Illret>roof;;