HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-04-29, Page 2A GOOD MEDICINE
00 ,Not Use. Harsh Purgatives
—A Tonic is All You Need
Nob exactly sick—but nob feeling
!quite well, That is the way most
!people feel In the spei.ng. Easily
fired, appetite fickle, leeme.tinese
headaches, and a feeling 01 &Press
Mon. Pinip.]o or eraption's may-
appera•r" ,on the skim, GT tleeme may
, be twinges of libeler:pietism •or near-
algid- Any of them in.clicate that
the blood as out of coder—that the
indoor life of winter has left ite
mark upon you and may ea.silly de -
'mann intomare eeriousi trouble.
Do not dose yo.ureell with pur-
aa K1 many people do, in
the hope that you can put your
blood right, Purgatives- gallop
thro.ugh bhe system and weaken an-
' stead of 'giving strength. Any doc-
tor will tell you this, is true. What
you oust in !spring is ta, tonic that
will make new blood and build up
the nerves, Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills is the only medicine that can
do this speedilsr, safely and merely.
Ilivery doss a this medicine makes
new blood which eleare the skin,
Strengtheee the /appetite and. makes
p. tired, depressed men, w.omeal and
'children Might, active and stroug.
Mos. S. E. Stephena, Ponoka,
'Alta., says: "I suffered severely
trona headaches, end was badly run
down in .health. I had tried evveral
remedies with no benefit, until I
was .advised to try Dr. Williams?
Pink Pille, and 1th/else have fully pe-
stered my health, and I can recom-
mend them witheanfielenoe to all
weak• women."
, Sold by all mediein•e dealers or by
mail at 60 eents a box or six boxes
' for flia.50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Objects for Which it Stands are to
General Adantage of Canada.
Arbour Day is not observed in
Canada to the extern whieh its im-
Ventilation a Froet Protection.
Ventilating poultry 'housiee is eine
of the most cilsoottrageres things
with which the farmer hag to con-
tend. WW1 a ludic:tom use of- car -
tains the most of the frost case
usually ke kept out, but datiog
seyere winter 'it la aknosa
Th.e best authorities advise a
combination of cartains and over
them E01110 kind of anabesieberat
straw oeiling with a flue. To pre-
vent frost on the •wall and ceiling
it is necessary to keep the walls
warm and nob in leo/Meet with the
chilly air of the outer wall or at the
eame temperature as the outer .sdr,
The latter, of .couree, means a 'cold
henhostee, with the therrnonsteter
around zero, If the house is well
planned arnd you haivie. the necessary
number oS windows and mertains
to provide ventilation. It would be
a good p,len to put in a flue, but bo
sure to make it large .enongh so as
to take out enough air. Be, retro
and arrange it so you eau control
the outlet. A flee 14 x 14'or 18 x18
inohes will help in reducing •the
frost. If the flue in.your dairy barn
Le too email, you will find it welt
to have at least one more. You cam
Cee by observing that less frost ool-
lects near the flue. It is bettea to
have another one, instead of one
flute too large.
_ Preserving Eggs at Home.
Many recipes foe preserving,egge
have been tried ,witb, 'more or less
eaccess, but beef results are secur-
ed with two. Neither of these, how..
ever, is as good ea cold storage.
Their chief use lies in their appli-
cation to home oonditions. They
are applicable where eggs are
cheap in the spring but.riee euneid-
erably in price in the fall. Eggs
preserved by them can he steed Inc
all cooking purposes except boiling.
In order to boil them without
cracking the, shells; a needle hole
two may be made in. the ehell to
t the air escape. The quality is
ood provided the eggs 'were freeih
hen put down, and especially so if
ey are not fertile.
The prime requisites for sucmss
keeping eggs by these recipes
re, first, strictly fresh .er dew laid
egs, ,aard second, •a .cool, dark
ace. The eggs may be laid in a
one jar Or e wooden !tub where no
etal is exposed on the inside. Af-
' almost filling the receptacle
th eggs, aselution is Ponied over
bil every egg is completely ,O0V-
d, p ref e rably half kIrt in eh to an
h deep with the solution.
Vaterglase or ailicate of soda is
e preservative that can be *b-
reed of most druggists at 10 to 30
te a pound. It is a eulorlese,
vy liquid which must be diluted
10 porta of pure rain water.
gs in this solution will keep per-
tly for eight to twelve month.
Snothey mixtere of lime is made
using the following proportions
ingredients To each 'poitad of
sh etcfne lime add a half pound
table salt and four quarts of bail -
water. The lime is first slaked
a a little of the water so it will
tale down in. a crumbly mass be-
e the balance of the water is
ed. Water is added in half cup-
s at a time, until the breaking
es is complete ; then the inixtere
tiered until of the consistency of
am, when the balanee of water
•ealt maybe added. Stiering is
ti.nued until the salt is all dis-
lad. This process is done the
ming before the solution is to be
ed. In the snorning after the
iment has settled, the clear
liquid is siphoned off and poured
over the egg.
If it is &steed to sell eggs stored
by either 01 these methods., a price
of about 5 cents lower than the
cumearb Market price can usually
be 'emir eel, -
Healthy Fowls Pay.
Nothiug adds beauty and value
to a home or sehoolhouse morethan
the preseece ef trees; nothing 'adds
more to the eomfort of pedestrians
then. shade trees. T.he way may be
long, and dusty, but ander the cool
shade of the trees relief is found.
IL is to he hoped,' therefore, that
the celebration of Arbour Day will
beeotne more general; that the
planting and are of trees and
Eb rubs easound schoolhouses, homes,
public F•pacea end by roadsides may
have the effecb of developing a
keener appreciation of the valne
and beauty of trees; and that in
thus enlarging the field of Arbour
Day activities, greater interest ena.y
be c re a le d in the piotection of , our
, ennatUal'i rOrO,S1..8..frOlti the reckless
d•esIteezlizm by fire .and the axe with
e bleb they are threatened,
t]iilUTr D 0 CT OR
PrrHuribrd Change of Food Instead
of Drugs.
I, tuk:•3 ,considerable- cormage Inc
a dertoe to deliberately preseribe
Dub fc1. For a despairing patient,
Metered ef resorting to the usual
use of ins,,dieillaS. '
hen te ti uly E,aientific physicians
reeogatiee mai treat conditions alb
they are and Should be treated,'
He res an .instaasee : o
Four yea es ago I was taken with
severe ga.stsitie, and nothing would
stay no my stomach, sao that ratoss
on the verge of etaevatioa. '
"I 'weld a a do.abor waio had a
summer cottage near me --a ape -
cis list—and, tie a last hope, sent
for Sim. '
.f ter he examited ane caleefully'
he a dvase,d me to try a small van-
stita oT C. -Ivrea -Nuts ea obst, then as,
itmy, stumach became stronger td
pat wore. '
"I kept at it and ,gradually -be-
gan to (have mlor in my face, in ,.
ory became dar
e, where before
everything seemed a blank. MT
' Ainslas got stemager anti I could
aaac., So I' Ptiaaar reao,vatest.
"Nowafter a year on Grape-
iNtates I weigh 153 lbs. My 'people
'eerie s•arprieed at gist way 1 Irlew
fleshy and [strong ea this food.
: Name given by Comedian Paestum
..,0o., Windsor, a, it,,,,th ,,,b,.,
, , ,, • '
'Road to Wo .if ni /sieges
4 'There's a Reastine'-
Mver'read. the) atm% letter? fi. new
iiie appears from tbue to eau°. aqua
re amain% ,trua tura full of human
In breeding for eggs, the main
requirement is first-elass, healthy,
vigorous stock, Such fowls, well
managed and properly fe.d eao not
help but produce eggs, We must,
have -vitality and constitutsmoal
vigor in fowls ;that arc to be any
geed as egg maehines or DB breed-
ers. Only first-class stock s.hould
be kept for such purposes.
Charcoal for the Chickens.
Charcoal is a 'health promoter for
the fowle. If you will 'pub some
ears of com im a hot oven anti let
them burn quite black and . feed
when tare grain !gets .00ld enough
you -well perhaps he astonished to
gee how greedily the poultry will
'partake of the charred! corn, Give
such a feed .e.aery two weeks. We
:do- not mean that the fowls should
have to dep.etid mcr thecharrecl
grain for the meal, but ,ass oppor-
tunity to eat what they wish aman
the,eob. "
Horse Wins Recognition.
Human being hold no monopoly
When it comes to winning medals for
feats of , valor in war. A Ruseian
-artillery 'horse won a bronze n3edal
at,Flevna 111 the following manner:
Orders were taken tor seme am-
namition• wagons to be hurried to a
,sPat that meant crossings the enemies
zone of eras All the time shells were
crashing among the horses, bringing
them .dowo in heaps, and frightening
such as ieecaped.' Times without nem
ger dig the itueSian drivers, sparing
neither whip_ nor spar, attempt to
urge the horses forward, but they
'stood cowed and shivering with fright.
Some iveie lalindtolded, but the effect
was tte Same, and only ono horse
,riisoyead any willingnese to go, -
.,Thereupon the driver jumped down
ands ,cutting the taco of the other
.horses, ,deove , the willing, one at fell
gallop 'through the' trie,. Wagon
passed thronglr wi "exploding,
and after the figh'i ttto horse ivasAe-
berated and the driver promoted,.
Thsre isn4 mueli •uge in telling x);,
gfel you mould die !for hea anaeiss
00 ett,T17 DA pretty bersey life in.sur-
--see' • -a—a_ .0
• Are We Downhearted ! !
Certainly not and no one less so
than the British Cha.neellor, Mr.
Lloyd George, judging by the pie-,
tore displayed above.. Mr. Lloyd
Ge•orge is extremely busy providing
"eilvee Millete" for the war; and
just now he is trying to persuade
the people of the Old Clountg that
they, should stop drinkiag intoxi-
cants till the war is over, dreaming
that alcohol is the greatest enemy
the empire has at present.
. Unwise. Diodes of Prinishment.
Years ago a, !little girl, wearing
an old plaid. shawl fdlided comer -
wise offer her shoulderkand a Qua-
ker bonnet with a greenSeilk cape,
left her'home one rainy's. Sunday
morning, for 'Suaday-schopl.
Gawking sobs and a tear -stained
fate marked her as a very 4neehapPy
child. Her appearanee at Sunday -
school in this unusual rig hald been
chosen by her conscientious mo-
ther as the most effectual mode of
punishment at her ooramand for
some, to her mind, grievous offence
of her little daughter. ' Nellie was
an extremely sensitive child, and
her mother reasoned that her dread
of ridicule would cause this wearing
of her oldest clothes on Sunday to
be 0, punishment which sihe would
not soon forget. And herein her
mqther's judgment slid not 'arr; for
years afterwards the memoratear!
that day of torture to hex. eangitive
Spirit would Meet:a-AMU out in all
i ts u n just proportioos 4s:w1menever
ate eaw a child being compelled to
undergo the eame halals anode of
punishment. •
Is it just, or wise, tb. i•nfliet 411011
punishment upon earefree, happy
childthood1 Are there not other
modes of eorrection just as !effective
and at the eamestime less humiliat-
ing? To subject a sensitive person,
especially a child, ±0 ridieule, seems
uncharibablesand unkind, inasnmell
EIS it has a tendency to render such
ri ehild awkward and self-conscious
— traits no thoughtful mother
would ear° to have her little one
take ON fur a ehild once made tu
feel that she is an object of eriti-
eism., ever after may calla about
with her the effect of that one rude
blow to her pride and self-eetean
in a distruatful attitude -towards
every ene, with whom ehe mines it
eon ta et .
It is mot necessary ie mortify
child to make it aware of a fault.
few judiciously chosen WORIS, or
if aao.re striogent methette are
deenied advisable, a withholding
from it of eorne anticipated enjoy-
ment, may often have the tame
salutary results without the atten-
dant mortification of this haesher
mode of punishment.
There is •a certain dignify to
which every young person is en-
titled,- and which it is :often very
difficult for an oversensitive boy or
girl to acquire. One Buell instance
as that Cited in the opening sen-
tence of this. .aatiele may be the
means of robbing such a boy or
girl of a self-possessioit and ease
of meaner very desirable to one of
nattually self-conscious tempera -
In the instance just narrated,
which is an ractual occurence, moth -
Mg was gained by tha over -zealous
mother fia..Ve 'the stirring up of a
rebellions feeling towards heaseSf fit
the heart of that little girl, coupled
ith i certain self-abasement .which
in atter same was e.ure to return, in
all its stinging force whenever
memory rehearsed the scene.
Good -Bp, Old Batkache
Nervilino Will Fix You !
Stiffness is Rubbed Right Out; Every
Sign of Pain Disappears.
Gee whiz—think of it!
No more stomach dosing necessary
to cure your lame back.
Every trace of lameness, every bit
of stiffness, every sign of weakness in
the back's muscles can be rubbed away
Lor all time to come, by good old
No other liniment can do the work
so quickly, can penetrate so deeply,
can bring ease and comfort to the
back -weary sufferer as Nerviline
variably does.
Backache isn't the only malady
Nerviiine i quick to mice. For lum-
bago or sciatica, ydu would go far to
find relief so speedy as Nerviline
gives. For ehroMe rheumatism there
are .paindeetroalng properties in Ner-
viline that give it fast rank. The way
It limbers up a stiff Joint and, takes
soreness out of strained Or rheumatic
muscles is simply a wonder.,
11 you have ari ache or o, pain any-
where, if you have a sore back, a etiff
meek, a stiff joint, a strained muscle—
if you have lumbago, congested chest
or sore throat, just try Nerviline.
Rub it on plentifully—it won't buts -
ter, it can't do anything but cure you
quickly. The large 50e, family size
bottle is the moot economical, of
coarse, but you can, from any dealer,
also get the 25c. small size of Nervi -
line, the king of pain-relieviag re-
To be old enough to know bettet
is merely a figure of speeth,
'Don't Waste all your flowers .oll
the dead.Throw a few ibouquebs
to. the live, ,oneo onee in .a while,
Suffered For More
Than Two Years
Quebec .Man Took His Wile's
yiec and Is Now Enjoying a New,
Lease of Health.
Ste. 1Vlarguatrite Bay Mills, Seg-
ttettray Co., Que., Aprii eoth (Spe-
cial).—"Yes you own tell the public
of the great relief I got from
Dodd's Kidney Nus." late speak-
er was Mr. Joseph Gagne, a well-
known restident of this place, and
he has every reason to be enthusi-
astic over the great Canadian Kid-
ney remedy.
"For more than two years. I suf-
fered from Kitliney dieeme," Mr.
Gagne continued. "It finally de-
veloped into pleurisy and I sates a
yew sick masa arisen my wife per-
saa,det1 nie to give Dodd's Kidney
Pills a trial.
"I took just theee •boxies and they
made me weak"
Dedsre Kidney Tills make their
napes enthueiastie becauee they not
oflly mere the particular ailment
aimed ab but they spread good
health all over the body. They do
this by curing the Kidn•eys. Cured-
Kideseas strain all the itetpuribies,
out of iiloe blood. That me.ans pure
blood and new health all over the
Did you ever see a hen try to
swam 7 Did you ever see one suc-
ceed at it? A hen knows -better than
to try it, that is the reason !why yoa
have to say X10 to those two quea
aims. A duck may •swim all day
long on water with takes of ice
floating around in it, and be none
the worse for the eseperieuce.; bat
a -hen would die in Short oeder if
thrown into such water. The duck
is built for it, the hen is not.
- IS the Lord, Or the forces of na-
ture, or whatever your religion
leads you to call 'the great el-ea/M.1,e
genius of the earth, makes hens to
liye only on the land and the ducks
to live on either the land or the wa-
ter, it is but natural to suppose that
he also.makes some people to be
farmers and others to he doctors,
lawyers, menchants and chiefs. IF
thealoctor tries to be .a lawyer, or
the farmer tries to he a Meethant
or doctur, he is just about as sure
to prove a failure at it aa the hen is
sure to etyma a. Failure at trying to
be a duck
The 'business man—whether doc-
tor, lawyer, or farmer—will find
out what lie is cut out to be, and
.then stick to it through thick and
thin. If he does it with eoncentra-
Lion and coerageous
nese he will win out in the end, anti
be successful. If he tries the thing
be is nob fitted by nature to be, or
loses his courage in doing the thing
he is cut out to be, he will he more
or less of a failure.
If the Lord meant Sur you to be
a farmer, do mot •try to be some-
thing else. If He meant you to be
alawyer or a doctor, do not try to
be a farmer. Stick to your "eall-
ang," it is just as great and just as
honorable as is anything else. In
sticking, there is happiness and
contentment ; isi flying off the
handle there is failure, regret and
lifelong SCIVVONV.
Never known to,
ore fall; acts without
pain ,In 24 hours. IS
Cornssoothing, healing;
takes the sting right
out. No remedy so,
quick, safe and sure as Putnam's Pain-
less Corn Extractor. Sold every-
eeherre-250, per bottle.
In any organization so large as
that of the C.P.R., where under
normal oonditioris over 100,000 em-
ployee.s are on the payroll, one
great problem is that of keetping
see .esaplayees, se, to speak, dyna-
mic, Mort of a living organization
and not of mere machines. Zeal
and ambition must be .kept burn-
ing. Just, as every !soldier .of Na-
poleon carried a field marshal's
baton in his knepatele, so every
office boy ia the Company must feel
he is a poseible pre.sidera, not
merely earn his dollar a day till
Pension day. One 'system intro -
eland on the Western lietee with
This in mind has proved exoe.eding-
by !efficient. Each superintendent
or foreman or head of a dielpart-
ment makes two reports a year on
his staff. Bright snen are -thus ear-
marked :1 or spe.cial promotion. If
any man is criticized the eeport is
Flown to him a.nd initiated by him
before it goes to Winnipeg. He
gets a square deal, fend if h.e has
acy life in him he menclg his way's
s.o that n.o such criticism oar be
made twice. 'Bheat again there ame
independent St011Itri, booking for the
bright teen, the tidy !station nett,
the courteetts trainman, the man
coOl, in au eineTeeney, the inventive
meeleasaic the stenographer who
can run the office when the Chief
is absent. These eeouts are seanoh-
ing for !merit only, not for faults,
. Over the Whole !system .of the
Canadian Pacific ideas and augges-
tiong made by emplciyeee are not
only welcomed, but lead to paa-
motion, They go to the Re.eor.d
Offioe, Wit' so a stateeneart of the
employee' career is attached to
the sugg stiffens befone It is con-
sidered :b . is committee,. If the
ides be adopted the record of the
empfloyieele career le then before
the ,eyee 61 the powers that be, and
recoggetkion, is gure to follow. The
needle Ill the, ?layette,* is easy
gnoutgla tol 13.nd with a magnet, and
there are a dozen magnets looking
out for merit, among the 100,000 em-
ployees of the C.P.R.
ED. 5. ISSUE 18—'15
Wit and Wisdom. •
Of two evils it isn't always sweets-
earY to ,dhcosie either.
Children are WW1 by sweets, -wo-
men by bonnets, Men by etheram.
Teacher --`'What 1 -nm pedes-
trian ?" Country, Pupi.1—``A man
who gar run over 1.3y anez oz.
A cyine lintegesto the throe quick-
egtowlha,PT•be01.e7hTiodna'S in,areltbgl.ele712tett:
Supercilious Youth (to tram
erindactme)—'ile that IsToruh's Ark
.Sulil yet ?" "Yes, all but the mon-
key. Jump le."
"You never kno.ve what erm can
do tili yea try," ,said a writer,
"and then you are generably sum,
you found out 1" 1
An honest Sunday-echool boy hat
explabled ‘`,sufferireg',Ber riglhteous-•
nem eake" as "haying to ocarse
&today, setbooa 1"
Not Alwayst—Papa— 1Yeo, my
-son, if you want to leaen .waything
well you Inuit begin at the bot-
tom.' Little Boy—"How about
evviariming, pa 7" " •
lyIr. Rooks -- ."So yore want tti
marry my daughte•r. Weil, young
mars, what aro your pnos.pects 7"
Young Man—'`Excellent—if yeti
don't spoil them."
A Board Setho.ol teacher,, putting
Ms hand on the shoulder Of a boy ei
doubtful elhantecter, said "I believe
Satan has got hold of you ." "I
believe so, too," was ,the
Gibbs—"I believe in early rising,
don't you 7''- Dibbe—"Well, there'e
no abstract excellence in early ris-
ing eh; all depends upon whet you
do after you rise. It would be bet-
ter' for the world if some people
never got up."
Baby's Own Tablets are an ideal
medicine for little ones. They
regulate!th.e bowels aid stomach
and promptly cure constipation,
indigestion, cold aod eitnple levers,
expel worms, -cure colic, and give
babyhealth and happiness. Con-
cerning them Mrs. Fred VanGoa-
der, Dunnville, Oat, writes: "I
have used Baby's Own Tablets for
my four ehildren a,nd find they al-
ways give perfect satisfaction."
The Tablets are sokl by medicine
d•calers or by mail at 25 cents a
box feom The, Dr. Williams' Medi-
ein.e Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Canadian Red Cross Society
has sent an urgent appeal to Mr. J.
H. Grimm, who is well known in
the maple syrup iadustry, for a
donation of syrup and' segar for
the boys at the frent.
A letter from Colonel Gomel, of
the First Canaclia.n C'ontingeot,
tells of the enthusiastic reception
accorded a recent ease from Can-
ada containing, among other
things, a few calte,s of maple su-
gar. He states, " the men weal:
fairly crazy with delight when it
was given to them."
To is Canadian away from home
it would he difficult to conceive of
a entire acceptable gift in the spring
of tire year than some genuine su-
gar or syrup from "the land of the
There are few fawners who coeld
not spare at least a gallon of serup
in ten pounds of sugar for each a
worthy easel patriotic object. Those
who re.spond,—and it is hoped
them will be many,—are asked to
pack caaefully and express to The
Canadian Red Cross Society, 58
Wellington St., Montreal, Que.
The express companies will carry
such parcelts free if plainly illa,rked
for "The Red Cross,"
Steep Vtinard's Liniment in the house,
Death Nearly Claimed'
New Brunswick Lady
Was Restored to 1 -ler Anxious Fam
ily When Hope Had one,
St. John, N.B., Dee. lith.—At one
thne it wag feared that'Mrs. J. Grant,
of 3 White St. would ouceumb to the
deadly ravages of advaneed kidney
trouble, "My first ;Atmore ot back-
ache •and kidney trouble began years
ago. Foy six years rhat thrII gnawing
pain has been Dr03011t. When I ebe.
drted myself it wan terribly inteneilied.
if I caught cold the pain wag unen-
durable, 3 lewd most everything but
nothing gave that certain grateful re-
lief that came from Dr, Hamilton's
Pills of Mandrake-1)nd Butternutin-
stead of being bowed down with pam,
today I am strong, enjoy enkindle
appetite, Meep eoundly. Lost proper.
tiee have been instilled into my blood
--Meeksare rosy, with color, and 1
thank that day that, I heard of SO grams
a medicine ae Dr. Hamilton's Fill."
Every woman should use these pills
regularly because good health pays,
and it's good, vigorous health that
comes to all who use Dr. Dame:tares
Mandrake and Butternut Ellis.
Go.vern.ess—'Who was •Ohristupher
Wise Willie—He was fhe original
"See America First" advocate. '
itifinard,s Liniment Zuraberman,e Vriend,
A Warning. .
Witen M. Poincare returned to
his house alter this election as Pre-
sident oE the Fgench Re,publie, his
mother, neglecting the official per-
sonages present, kissed her eon in
front of them ail, and then, patting
his cheek, ,remarked :
"I hope, Ray:mond, that you have
not undertaken too diffieult a job
You were never quite so clever as
you thought yourself, you knew !''
Mina,rd's Liniment CO.. L-InlIted.
I was very 51015 with Quinsy and
thought I would strangle, 0twee.
MINARD'S LINIMENT stud it cured me
at once. I nut never withou.r, it now.
Yours gratefully,
NauttlEewaulr. Oct. 21.51.
A. London Joke -
The House Agent—"It is an ideal
sithation, nutcla.mis-oak panelled
rooms, lounge tall electric light,
tennis -court, park, lake, pergola,
stabling, garage , hunting aad
Lieut—"But is there
room to play Bridge in the cellar in
case of bumbardmentr-
oreOranugaleill Eyelids,
Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sun,Dust and Wind
Eyes rylecitkelynit'eedlyie, vecl by Merino
No Smarting.
just Eye COmfOrt. At
Your Druggist's 505 per Bottle. Muria Eye
SaiveinTubes 25c. For Book oVihavereeask
Druggists or Maine Eye 1Remedy Co., Chicago
sidestepping' Them.
at the ball to-night;e you go-
"Both your admirers are going to
"Not me; the one that ean't
dance wants to dance all the time,
and the one that can't talk wants
to talk all the titue."
ittinard's Liniment ufTed by Physicians.
The Dog Doesn't Know Any 'Better.
"De only -time some men ever
coimmaads any reepectfut atten-
tion," said Hack Eben, "is when
(ley whistle to de dog."
124 specially selected and Closernmettt,
inepecte,i. for seed, 'Only 13mitod onatt.t.tY,
Price,: Cmo,Dollize per 'bushel Le.b. Brame.
ion.. Also Connoisseur's Pride nnd NOW • -
"Snow two excellent new ,potatoes,
Two Dollars per huottel, Speelal pr'ees
for larsfe, quantity. Cash .znuat acooln,
patty alt ordore, DOTIVODX1, nro.n.ko.
"sapsnoartaviaansei Mews aria aos -OS,.
flow for salein good Ontario towns. ,
The most lawful and interesting of All
binsinensee.. Bull Information on aoplielt.
Mon to Wilson. PubliShing.. 000intnY, 73
West. Adelaide St., Toronto.
Internal and external, 51514 with-
out pain by our home treatment, Write
us before too late. -Dr. Reitman Medical
Co, Limited, CollIngwood, Ont.
Just a Scratch
ia rilT it needs looking after.
L) Carbolated "Vaseline" will
help -it to heal quickly and prevent
risk of infeetiptt. First aid treat-
meitt with
Nada in Canada
It is a most effective antiseptic
dressing for cuts, bruises, boils,
and slim irritations of all kinds,
such as eczema pgison ivy and
barber's itch. Also good for cores.
AVOW) suusevarres. Irwin on '5010-
1 ,, original packages bearin' die mono.
Consolidated. 10, saki at all eitmisu and
Onsol Stoma.
Free booklet olt rekrett
, Sadly Missed.
Tommy's lkiarama—I hear tittle
Willie Green has moved away. Do
you miss him, any dear 1
Tommy—You bet I do! He w as
the o.ntly lkid in the bleek 1 <rouki
ase for Minatcre and take no other,
,PE1U 14tiON
03 ES
'L"NOW SERVING 2,000,000 HOMES -
Oil Cookstove, for years
manufactured in the United
States, is now made in Canada.
The Perfection Stove Company,
Ltd., at Sarnia, Ont., is manufac-
turing these stoves for distribution
by The Imperial Oil Company,
Ltd., throughout the Dotninion.
the best-known and most -liked oil
stove in the world. Over 2,000,000
are now in use—saving money and
labor for their users and keeping
kitchens clean and comfortable.
brings gas stove conveniences to
the kitchen. . It lights like gas,
cooks like gas. 1, 2,, 3, and. 4
bfittier sizes.
Ask our dealer to show you a
stove—mada at Sarnia, Ont., by
Canadian workmen.. If he can't
supply- you., write direct.