HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-04-22, Page 5April 22nd, 1915 Clinton News -Record •'Bluth Viord was received last weekof the death at Portage la 'Prairie 'of Henry ,Gesman, brother of Mr. Thos. Gos. man and a former resident of Mortis and Blyth. Miss Morley of Elmira has talme the position on the Public sehool staff , left vaeant by the resignation of Miss "Welelf. Mr. and. Mee A., P. Carr and, firm fly have gone to Berlin, where they will reside in the Euture. Mr. Cteorge 13erling of town waS married in Toronto on April 7811 to.. Miss Florence iealtel Barnes of that -city. Tim young couple have taken up their residence in Blyth. The Methodist Sunday stool and the ,menthers of the W.M.S. preeented Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Carr, the former with an umbrella and the latter with a piece of silverware as tokens of esteem, prior, to their departure front town. Robert Slater passed away a. his home here after an illness of soma duration. Ile had been a resident of Blyth since 1874. He' leaves a wife and two daughters and elle • Itiother who resides at Mimico. At the vestry meeting held hi con- noetion with the Anglican ciarch • :Messrs. F. Metcalf and A. M. Car-. • thew Were' appointed auditors ;" Dr: J: A. and Ge 3D. Meraggart, wardens; 'P. Metcalf, R. Medd, Sr., and Henry ,Tolinston delegates to the Synod. News -Record Means News -Leader. Kippen The following 'teachers .who • spent -the EaSter vacation in their homes here are beak to .worle again : Miss Margaret Mellis, Vienna ; MiSs Nellie McGregor, Wellesley ; Mr. Wm. SIMI- lie, Burford, and his brother Leonard of Ripley, also Miss May McGregor ,of Stratferd Normal, and 1VIr. Gor- -don: Gould, B.A., of lloronto, who is ' about to leaVe tor the front. He is on sou of the Rev. Mr. - Gould, mis- sionary in Formosa: and a ' grandson .of the late Robert Mellis. • Misa Kate MeDiarmid bas returned Irom a few weeks' visit with friends TorOntei: Last week Mr, and Mrs, Edmund Ildorrison and his sister, IVIIss Emilyi, were in. Hamilton attending the -wedding of their eousin, Mr. W. Morrison, 13.A., principal of Dut- ton High school. • . All wish Mr. Robert Brownlee suc- cess in his new role of merchant in .our midst. Ide bought out Mr. D•. Hay who has catered to the •public for the last fifteen years. Zurich Peter Raudall, formerly of this .vil- lage, who went to the' front with the first contingent, is xeported to be so :badly wounded that he will he per- manently disabled. He is a son, of Mr. Henry) Randall, now of London, 'he.eareings of the Zitrich post, , 'ce fOr the past • year were 41127.80. The salary- CiT the post, .master and other allowances were $623.72. I3esides the local mail three rural routes arc handled at this of. Mr. J. PI:octet shipped fifty tons or Dutcro settsfrom this village dur. Mg; the last fortnight. ' Suckers have begun to leave the lake and are now tio be found in the , small streams leading thereto. The maple sugar 3qe1d this season fell short of expectations. • Andrew Mittelholtz and Wellington Johnston of Zurich have purchased the butcher business of Mr. Petty of Hensall and have already taken pos. -session. • Juvenile baseball is in evidence here .at the present time, A private census of the village was • taken during the week to determine -whether it, had the required popula- tion to become an incorporated vil- 13ge. Six hundred is the . required :number, but the enumerators 'could find but 518. Problems have arisen ;during the incumbeacy of the present • hoard of police trustees that, ender -their limited authority, they are un - ;able to straighten out. . Hensall Agent Case, who has been. quite ill for Sonie tiline, has so far recovered OS to be able to resume his dUties at the depot. Mr,- John Buchanan. was here last week from East Orange, N.J., owing -to the death of Inc brothe-r,. the late George 13uchanan. - Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Nichols of Lon- . don have heti visiting at the home of Mr.I). trquhart. airs. Shereay and Miss Agnes have returned h.ome after ,a stay in Toren - Mr. Edgar McQueen has moved into the residence which he recently. pur- chased on Queen street. . George Buchanan, sea of Me. A. Buehanan, was killed„by the falling •of a rock while at work operating an • air drill in a tunnel which the C.P.R. is drilling through Mount Robson, 13. C. The young man: was twenty-nine years of ageeand had been in the -wore brought home for intertnent. west for several years. The rentable John Jackson, a well-known resi- • dent, passed away on Sunday week • aged seventy-eight years. A widow and family survive. He had been; , a e • at sufferer for many yeare tribe 1,4• _ • Dungannon erhe fermate, hereabouts have been -plowing during the, past- weefc. Miss IlltM Cam has gone to. Tor- -onto where she has acceptecl a posi- tion as teacher. 13ens01 Case, who has joined. the Foulth Autbelance Corps Tor- outo,. -was heme for a few days last week visiting his parents. Mr. J. Me Roberte Who has been ou the Union • Bank staff, Goderich, for some is --another native born Dungannonite -Who has enlisted fOr' overseas service, , Goderich. Mrs, Anthony McGlynn of Tee:swat- etehas been visiting her sister, Miss Doyle of . town. Prof. Edward Kylie will address the membere 'of the' Canediau Olub next week on, "The- Historical Cause es .OB.- the Great War.'' Dr. Arnold Cowan of Winnipeg, who. had been spending some trine at his old home in Ashlield., was i01 town last week. " Mr.' M. 14.. Cameron on ,Teetritly 05- enipg of last week, after the usual business of 'Maitland Lodge AS. and Goderieh, dceitered an address on "Patriotism" which was very mita appreciated by those who were privileged. to hear it.Mr. Camegon emphasized strongly ?VC' need . of Canadiane.taking. a largo active Part in the struggle now in progress • as the outcome Will mean much to the future of Canada. Ile thought this Dominion should contribgte. at least a quarter of a million men in the, ser- vice at the Eplre at this time. , Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at,the Opening of the Centut. e Taken from the Files of The News -Record of the date indicated. • Clinton, April 26111, 1900 The bowling club has be'en re -organ ized end the following officers elect- ed : President, John Ransford ; Vice John ,Johnston ; Secretary, W. Jack son • Treasurer, J. P. Tisdale ; Com mittee, (2... D. McTaggart, 1). A. For roe -ter, James Fair. . The official board of Rattenbury street church have decided to buy the "Burnt Bloek" on wnich to build their new church, an option for ea month has been obtained and if the congregation agrees the purchase .will be at once made. The members of the board subscribed the amount required for the purchape price. - Mrs. (Dr.), McLennan of Kintail, Miss Robson of Bias: and Bowen Mac- donald of Toronto were here attend- ing the funeral of the late ,Mrs. Mc- Naughton. The former was a' niece and the latter a, brother of the de- ceased lady. Rev. J. Id. and Mrs. Hoover, left yes- terday for their home at Sethton, Mich. Mr, James Fair is in Montreal this week, • Mrs. W. If. Newcombe left a week ago to spend Easter season at her home at Petrone. W. II. joins her on Itursday. It begins to look as it the coining season would see much granolithie, sidewalk laid in Cliaton. A petition was sent in to the council at its last meeting from the ratepayers of High street asking that. it might be so treated. , ' Mr. L. 11. Whitely was registered at the Canadian Lacrosse Association as -the representative of the Clinton Club. Mr. Latornell of 1,15- Molsona Bank stall spent Easter in Loudon. Mr. F. Hovey leaves for Trinity College on Monday. Mr. Robt. Coats of the Globe stag, Toronto, was home for Easter, Mr. It J. Macdonald of Seaforth is taking a course of instruction at the London Military School. Rev. and Mrs. Patterson of Arthur, spent the Easter vacation at the home of the latter's father, Mr, John Leslie. Mrs. Densmore and two children of St. 'Thomas are visiting at the lady's parental home, that or Mr.. W. J. Paisley. Mr. Dunmore came up for Easter but returned hotne Monday. Mrs. (IF!ar.) Parke entertained the choir of St. Paul's church and a few friends on Friday evening. The Baseball -Club re -organized the other evening with the following of- ficers : - Hon. -President, W. Doherty. President, Dr. Shaw. Vice, Wes, Moore. Secretary, W. J. Ross. Manager, W. J. Harland. Committee, Manager, Secret/1U, Thos. Wheatley, W. McRae and W. McComell, The Clinton Curling Club held their annual supper at the Rattenbury House -on Friday evening, the presi- dent, Dr. Shaw, presiding. Mr, W. 13rydone, on behalf of the .Club, Pre- sented Mr, C. II. Carter, caretaker, with two handsome chairs,, one for himself and one for his wife. Mr. Frank Powell has Said his butcher business to Mr. R. Fitzsim- ons, who takes posseseion May 7111. The business will be . conduciord by Mr. Fitzsimons' son, Harry, who is now in Galt. Mr. Powell fietends tnoving out to the 13aylield Line - to assist his father-in-law, Mr. .5. 0. Elliott, in farming. - A Tennis Club has heit , organized for the coming mason vvith, the foie lowing officere Pregsident, Capt, McTaggart. Vice, 114iss McMurray.' Sec. -Treasurer, S, Jace:son. Assistant, 1Vliss Bell. AUTO FOR SALE.—THE STUDE. . baker make, 5 passenger, 25 horse- power. Fully equipped and in the very best of repair.- The, car can be. seen and demonstrated -by ing on owner. Price reasonable. -- Marry Twitohell. •=81 BOARDERS AND ROOMERS WAN- ted.—Apply to Mrs. Murphy, Town- send street. • —79 puriNisHED HOUSE -_,rp 1,3ENT.— Furniture and good up-to-date house, heated by Dream, all conveniences ' and everything -in good repair.. Also offickett pen and barn..• Will rent tea- sOnably, by year, to good tenant.— Apply to MIS, MurphY; 'Powneend , street, —79 Marriages , 90—WOODS—In •Goderich town- ship, 'on April lith, by Rev. R. McCormick, Jane E,, .daughter of Mr. John Woods, to Williatn • .1. 'Yee, all of Goderich township. CAMPBELL—POLLEY,-At the home of the bride ie Goderich, en April 21st, by the Rev. ,T. 14. Ford, Mary Polley to William F. Camp- bell of Dungannon. ROSS—kleGEE—On April 2nd, at Seatorth, Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JwilieR 'McGee, to William Sinctlair Ross, Toronto. CORBETT—DICKSON—On April 71,11 at Edmonton, NormaRoberta, youngeet daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel. Dickson, Seaforth, to William Melville Corbett; Fort Saskatchewan,- •Alberta. EDC4A21—D0WSEI—In Wingham on April 7111, 'Arthur H. Edgar of Teeswater to S. A. Mabel Dowse, Wingham. STANBURY—HARDY—At Exeter on April 14th, Elizehelif Jean Mar- cie, daughter of Mr: and Mrs, • S. Hardy, Exeter, to James Gdarge Stuart Steamy, Exeter. Births VODDEN—In Mullett, on APril 1511s, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vodden, a Son. REYNOLDS—In Clinton, on April ,13111, to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds of Mullett 2, son. RANKIN—In Seaforth on April 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. John -Rankin, a daughter. ' HARRISON—At Goderich on April -15111, to Ale. and Mrs. Walter Harrisoh, a son. SMAELACOMBE—In Monsen, on V1)- 511 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. F.. W. Smallacombe, e dafIghter. Deaths. rArtQuHAR—At Stapleton on April 21st; William Henry Farquhar, ag- ed 58 years, 5 months and 23 days. REID—At Varna, en April 19th, Samuel Reid, aged 80 years. ,PHIPPS—At Welwyn, Sask., on Ap- ril 10th, Walter S. Phipps, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Still Phipps, aged 17 years and 10 months. RINN—In Leadbury, on April 1.3th, James Leslie Rinn, eldest son of John Rinn, aged 21 years, 1.1 months and 16 days. MONTGOMERY—In Goderich town- ship, on April 711i, Harry L. Montgomery, aged 51 years. CODY—In Wingham on April 12111, Mary G. Carr, relict of the late Alfred Cody, aged 59 years. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, CLINTON, A. Y. p. A. THE COMIC OPERA THE4...AILORS' TANGLE" will. he presented in the Town Hall on Thursday Evening, Ap- ril 22n13 by the Choir of St. George's Church, Goderich. 32 VoiCeS mid orchestra. Tickets 25c., Reserved Seats 35c, One of the very best entertainments of the season. THE ONTARIO ST, .JUNIOR LEA- GUE WILK GIVE THE PRO - gram at the Senior League Meeting on Monday Ekening, . April 16th, When the C.I. . Girls will give a Dum Bell Drill and Other Good Features. EVER yBODY WELCOME. Achniesion, a pair of old rub- bers or 10 cents. 13N3)EI3, • THE PATRONAGE OF ; THE WOMEN'S PATRIOTIC, SOCIETY OF CLINTON THE CANTA.TA The Court of Queen Truth will be •giVen in the town hall, Clinton, by the Auburn end •Clin- ton Baptist churches on the even- ing of . THURSDAY, APRIL 20th. Forty characters in costume will appear in the Tableau. The Stratford Male Quartette will sing and the Phelan Orches- tra will be in attendance, . 50 pmeent, of- the proceeds to the Patriotic Society. ' Admission •25 cents. go FOR SALE ON FREDERICK ST. -- Dwelling containing six rooms with kitchen, pantry and woodshed, all in good. repair. Hard anct soft wat- er, 1-5 acre of land, also Gtable and driving shed, Will be sold reason- ably. If not disposed of at an early date will be rented to suitable ten- ant.—Alex. Leitch. —811 EGGS FOR SALE.—I HAVE FOR sale settings of White Wyandotte - Eggs at $1.00 pee 13, Good strain. —Melvin Crieh, North End Barber • Shop, •-81 PROPERTY FOR SALE'ee-FRAME house of -eight rooms and -cellar, town water, frame' stable, four acres of land with all kinds -ot fruit trees,. Situated on I-Ititon Read Easit On- • tario street:Apply' to Iddo -MUSE FOR SALE ON 'QUEEN St , 'frame, 7 rooms, .in good re- pair, town water, good cellar. Small orchard of stall fruit's. Will be sold on reasonable terints,--eApplV at News -Record Office. =80 EGGS FOR SALE FROM CHOICE Barred Rocks, White Wyanclottes and White Legliorns, 81 per 15 eggs, 86 Per 100. All -good laying -strains.— John Garrett, Londesboro. —79-3. 'EGGS FOR HATCHING.—BARRED Rock, "Guild strain" good layers. Leave your orders at once at Hell- yar's Jewelry • Store, Clinton, —76. EGGS FOR FIAT cHING PROM Hens that Lay.—Barred Rocks and S, C. White Leghorns. Settings 500 per 13. One spepial pen of Barred Rocks 75c per 15. Ineubator lots a specialty at 83.00 per 100 eggs. • Beek your orders parlp as we have 6/ limited number of hens this year. Next year we shall be in a position to meet any quantity of orders. All our poultry are from "Guild strain of bred -to -lay „stock." —6-Iolingsville Poultry Yards.—Tre- wartha, Bros., Proprietors, Phone . 14 on 153. --73 • FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY Ole 0.A. C., 72 and Regenerated 13anner Seed Oats, grown on new, clean soil. Ap- ply to—Joseph G. Crich, R. R. No. 5, Clinton, Phone 6 On 137.-79-2, PIANO T1JNI13G.IP YOUR PIANq is worth anything it 1(11 worth. tun- ing. I am prepared to fill any or- ders sent in to my address for Piano Tuning, voicing, repairing and action regulating, an estimate of what charges will be cheerfully given on seeing instrument. Can attend to all country work as ' I will use an automobile this year.— R. T. Ctibbs, Plano' tuner, Londes-. bore. —81e-4 CALVES FOR SALE, FRESH SUP - ply on hand at reasonable prices at lot 07, con. 4, Mullett. Arrive by express, carefully handled and will be turned over in good shape. Phone 3 on 206, Clinton.—L. E. Weir, -70.. FOR SALE.—POLLED A NG U S bull 1 year and 8 months old, from pedigreed stock. Apply to—John Hervey, R.R. No. 1, °Baton. Phone 5 on 166. —77 TO THE PUBLIC. I have just received a stock of McLaughlin Buggies -- the, make that aro known _to. the public as The High ---Grade Buggy. I have also for sale several second -nand buggies. Also a few three -spring light wagons and one seeond- hand heavy wagon. DAVID ELLIOTT. CARRIAGE REPAIR SHOP. egenesnx,-.....em zommsescs 1• ' 6 . We Recom lend This Coa 0 I• We knou it's good, It's unusual richness in carbon makes it bum long, evenly end complete y. iLEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies is always uniform in quality, Ivery free From slate and other foreign matter, Although much more economical than ordinary coal, it costs you Ino more-. prompt delivery. - Phone us your order .for . JOHN B. MUSTARD Brucefield, Phone 11 on 145. TENDERS Carnegie Annex., Tenders will be received by me up to April 26th inst. for Con-. tract 3 Ceinent Block and Stonework. and Contract 4 Brickwork, ago.. No Tender necessarily accepted. W.' BRVDONE, chairman Public Library Board. iflllhiwi'-y • We have just received .our new Spring Millinery and will be pleased to have you call and inspect the same, Latest Styles and Prices Right, ' F. Merner Bayfield. • CALVES POR SALE—THE UNDER - signed has again made arrangements to supply a limited number of calv- es at reasonable prices. These calv- es are all carefully handled and are, in good condition.—W. Marquis, R. R. t No. 1, Clinton, Phone 14 on GG. —71. FOR SALE. --BARRED ROCKS, from Guelphwinners. In Barred Rock eggs I have the best value in Canada. To be convinced came and -see for ydurself, visitors welcome. Pen 1.—Headed by Crusader, son of 2n11, Guelph and lst, Detroit eocker- el, eggs' ii13.00 per 15. Pen 2.—Head- ed by prise cockerel valued at $55.- 00, eggs 82.00 per 15. Pen 3.—Pul- let. mating. Customer reports pul- lets laying at 5 months of age, from this pep, eggs 81.50 per. 15. Pen 4—Eiggs $1.00, worth 82.00. Here' iv a chance to get good stock at a reasonable price. 3 eggs froon pen 1 4 each from pens 2, 0, 4, $1.50. Finfertile eggs will be replaced foe of charge.—II. 5, Hovey, Clinton. —77-5. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE.—BOOK your orders now and °mold the rush. 13arred Plymouth Rocks, Rose Combe Rhode Island Reds, and Sin- gle Comb Brown Leghorns.. All from heavy laying strains. Clhicks 15c. each, eggs $1.50 per 15.—Frank W. Andrews, Clinton. —76. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. —A two-story frame residence on Queen street, better known as the Stewart' Plummer house, containing nine rooms, five bedrooms and hall upstairs and four rooms and hall downstairs, summer kitchen and woodshed ; good stone cellar, hard and soft water ; 3 acre of land with apple, plum, cherry and pear trees and raspberries. Small chicken pen and chicken yard. For further par- ticulars apply to—John B. Little, Clinton. —761 WANTED. — TWO OR THREE boarders or three or four roomers. —Apply at E. E. Hunniford's Groc- ery, Clinton. PAPER HANGING.—I PREPAR- ed to do Paper Hanging and Paint- ing promptly and at moderate cost. I guarantee my work to give satis- faction. Let me have your order early before the spring rush begins. —Wm, A. Mason, Princess street, —74 MUSIO.—A MAN'S ABILITY IS his Passport. Prof. Frank Weaver, Concert Pianist, Voice Specialist, London, Ont., teaches all branches of piano and organ playing. Voice culture and artistic singing a spec- ialty. 1.0 years practical experience. Studio at Mrs. Shipley's residence near Wesley church, Clinton, Wed nesday and Thursday of each week. —10 CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to da good work. Room over Mr. Grigg's Jewelry Store.—Wm. ago. —55. CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all exPress charges and issue cheques twice. each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each caa careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned, Those ie the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. —The Seaforth Creamery, Box 486, Seafortb. Blacksmith Business HAS MOVED. I have moved to my new stand between the Hotel Nor- mandie and • Wesley Church Shed and opposite , Livery Darn where I hope to meet all My olil eilStovIers and such new ones as will 'favor me with their patronage. By doing good work, pay- ing close attention -to business, and giving my patrons the square deal I hope my business in my new stand will not only be as large but larger than when in my former shop next tile Rattenbury House Stable. ROBERT JONES HORSE SHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. on the Street to the Station and near the Postoffice. Western University, London. • FORWARD MOVEIVIENT Greatly Enlarged leaeulties in Arts and Medicine. Vastly Improved E,quip- mente—nbrery, laboratories, Seven New Scholardips, Record Enrolment. • Enquiries Solielted, E BRAITT-IWAITE, M.A,, Ph. D. PRESIDENT. M. G. CAMERON, "11.0., BARRIST- er, Solicitor, Conveyancer,'etc, Office on Albert street occupied by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton en every Tlittrs- day, and on any dap for which ap- pointments are made. Cflico hours from 9 a. m. to 6 p,m. A good vainauleperk t loneonenvecertylonw:,etvicith o Hooper will make any anpointinent$ for Mr. Cameroo. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live SEEDS We have- a full assort:mini; of Steel -Briggs and Ferry's Garden, and Flower Seeds in Packages. Ict bulk we have the following : Sweet Corn, Peas, Wax Beans, Sweet Peas, Tall and Dwart Na- sturtiums, Dutch ,Setts and Pota- to Onions. FRUITS and GREENS Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Pine Apples, Grape Fruit, Apples. Specials For Saturday Celery, Lettuce, Green Ortions, Radishes, Ripe Tomatoes,. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. CHOICE Seed Grain New Century and Bumper King seed oats, Manchuria seed barley, all at moderate prices. Will have other varieties on hand in a few days. Seeds Timothy, Red Clover, Alstke Clover and Alfalfa, all government standard. Fertilizer If you want a bumper crop order your supply of Gunns' Shur -gain Fertilizer direct from us. Poultry Wanted Live hens over 6 lbs. 120 per lb., 4 lb. hens 10e per lb. GUNN; LANGLOIS CO. The Up=to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins Anything You WANT DONE IN THE LINE OF ROOFING, EAVETROUGH- ING, PLUMBING, HEATING, LIGHTNING RODS, ETC. CALL AND GET OUR PRIC- ES, ALWAYS BEST, OFTEN CHEAPEST, BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. Start the Day Right Try a Package of Eellegg'S Toasted Corn Plaices made from pure Can- adian goods and put up in Canada for Canadian people. As a Breakfast - Food it is unequalled for the spring or summer breakfast. Can be Paper- ed in a few minutes. We also carry in stock Puffed Wheat, Puffed Rice, Gusto and other lines that make a dainty breakfast.. about your Garden Seeds this year 1 Our seeds are from the well known firms. of D. M. Ferry, Steele, Briggs and other lines. Our Dutch Sate aro of geed quality this year and, we would recommend you to buy earl y, Highest prices for better and eggs. Johnson & Co. The Store of Qualtiy. Suceeesor to S. Barr. , Phone 111. 'none orders promptly, attended to. 111111111111CM01 10 r In order to give you the highest possible price for your eggs we nave made arraugern en ta with Gunn, Langloie & Co., whobe men will gather the eggs as usual, to give you an order on us for groceries, or ir you re- quire dry goods or hoots and shoes, we will exteud the order to other stores, all at the trade price. CHIMNEY TOPS. It's a trade to build a good chim- ney and to repair a roof. It takes more than a sheet of metal, a hot iron and solder, it requires exper- ience. If your chimney does not draw well send for us and we will put it in order ; if your root leaks we'll mend it. ALL KINDS,OF TINNING we do well and reasonably. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. Just Received A PULL LINE OF SEEDS. RED CLOVER. ALSIKE ALFALFA TIMOTHY SEED. TURNIP AND 1VIANGOL SEED ALSO FERTILIZER CAN 13E BOUGHT AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. North End Feed Store. Frank W. Evans A General Delivery Done. Terms : Cash. Phone 192. ARTISTIC J. G. CRICK THE RELI- ABLE DECORATOR,'MAKES V SPECIALTY OF oHuRams, LODGE ROOMS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. HIS ADDRESS IS 42 AVON ST., STRATFORD, Are You Troubled with Headaches? If so the cause may be eye strain and in that event a pair of properly fitted glasses will bring relief and cure. It is worth trying. Come to us and we will make a careful test of your. eyes and tel you what the matter and what yciii need. In our long experience in the Optical business' we have made a great number of examinations and it is a source of rouch pleasure for us to know that our fittings have invariably, given- great satisfaction. If your eyes bother . pou come to ns and learn the reason why. - • A. J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Seafcrth. Tho 13owling Club held its annual meeting one evening last week when the following officcirs were elected President, J. M. Best ; Vice„"liv. Willia ; Sec -Treasurer, .1, 1VieNfIllanq