HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1915-04-22, Page 4ecratiniemmummumoneamimile- Clinton News -Record Coder lch Township Death of Samuel Reid, • A pretty home wedding took place' t tier residence of Ml Jelin Woods of e It 1 c orifi sc s h 1 cote, n Wednesday lay. f last t 17 0 e + week, when his second: daughter; Jade Elizabeth, vas united ' in marriage i w1lth Mr.William earn Jasiru Yell, son of A Ir ') ''1 , 11, Vete The arewouy was performed 'by 1tev. le. J . Mot'onnick, Pastor of the BGthetchm•dt, and was w tneseorl by (be OD 11),(1.1a 1amihcis only, A t the conclusion of the cm: molly a sew—times wedding least was partaken of and Mt:. awl Mrs, Yeo' left' the same. evening for their home on 'the ebb concession. Mr. and':hiru, Yeo are both ` welt, - known and popular' young ;people, Mrs, Yeo haling been organist in • 130131101 church for s0lnc time, and prior to her ntaai:iage the congrega- tion presenter! 11100 with a couple of handsome chairs. All join in wishing the young couple many years of ha?- pT harried 'life, Married in Goderich •at ' High Noon Yesterday A. quiet wedding, attended only, • by immediate' relatives, took place in Uodeoich yesterday at high noon when Rev, J,, E. Ford united in the holy bonds of matrimony Mary Poi - ley and William 1 , GampbelI The bride w05 given away by her heathen, OIr. Hugh Polley, Totont4, and the wedding march was player( b' her sister, Miss Annie Polley. . - The ceremony took place in front of a bank of ferns. The bride wile 151 - attended. After the wedding luncheon Sit, and Mrs. Campbell left for 'thole !tome ill West Wawanosh, hear Dungannon, where t'ile groom is a prosperous farmer. A tmeg the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. 1'. 11, Mandl" and Miss Etta, Clinton ; ,Mos. W. 0. Nethety, liolglavc ; Mr; and Mrs. klugh 1 1110y, Toronto, May lee future of \1r, , and Mrs. Campbell, be long, prosperous and hasp} Seaforth. ' Mr, John 12. Archibald has purchas- ed the house recently owned by Mrs. J h o nR aborts Mrs, W. . w: Meredith of 1i'nBaco- burg has been visiting her brother, Mr. J, '1', Reid of town, Dr., Frank Eberharh of Toronto was home last week owing to the death of his father, the late C. .Eberhart, Mies Mildred Jones, who has teen Ill and had undergone an operation for appendicitis has recovered and has resumed her teaching duties at Berlin, DTr, Fred W. Neelin of Pittsburg, Pa., visited his parents, Mr. and. 14trs, F. G. Neelin of town, for a fete days recently, News -Record Means News -Leader, Pioneer of Stanley Another to k t 1 n L e 014pioneers 4 415 0' t ( f Stanley >' ssarl sudden()) tl l a t o i and peace- . 1 sac- hilly tothe great beyond early Mon- day moulting" in the peeso0 of Mr, Mr. Samuel iioid,'. who had been in fatiuiq tte<lth for several years, 31u Ras' born (11 Counuyt', Tyrode;, J[clt nd, in the Seat' of 1834. At' the age of eight years, -rte came`'' to this eonntry in n842' with his per- mits, and locate:1 on lot ,j.1, Bay- field Road, Stanley township, where :lie resided until tete the age .01 twentye nine when he took up farming on his own account on lot, 14, con, l of the sauce township. In 18(18 he was married to Miss Jennet 'Thompson, who predeecased hen twenty—one years ago, To " this ,ensu 110102' born. Six child a'pll, one 5011 and Jive daughters, J. 'i', Reid, Schmidt, ,Sash ; ,lits. John Rathwell, 2n1 con., Stanley Mrs, Mole+ohm Me - Naughton of the hayfield Roach , Mrs. Janice Ie arci ofthe 7 r1 dc an Mrs A. E. Elliott,Victoria, 13 ,0. ' Mrs George Foster, formerly of 'Vic- toria but who w80 present ate las bedside ((11011 the -end caput, all of whom are loft to mourn the loss of a kind and loving father. In religion be was a Presby torten and in polities a Conservative. IIe was a man of s(orling integrity whose porde was as. 400d as a bond and was always ready to give a helping hand to those who needed it. The funeral. took place from Itis irate residence at Varna ycsLrda}- to Barrel's cemetery, the services at the louse and grave being conducted by the Itov. 14Ir. Johnston. • The pallbearers Dere l'es four sen - in -laws and tivo nephews Malcolm Meleaugliton, James. McDonald, Geo, Foster, John Rath well, John John- son and John Reid, Besides his own family the deceased is survived by one brother, r, Mr.. John Reid, on the homestead, hayfield Road, le was Mat a week previous to the passing of this pioneer that his son, John T., after 5'endnig four months' at his home, left for Schmidt, too again take up his lioreetecad dut- ies. Summerhill The following C 4 1 i the 7 1 C 1C 4rt f S.S. g 1 a No12, Goderieh and. Mullett, for the Laster exams So, 4th -Cora Jervis 73 percent,, ,lean Lindsay 72, John Townshend 71. Jr. nth-Mereyn Far- quhar 61, Bessie Lindsay 68. Sr. 3rd -Amy McBrien 73, Mary MCBrien 69, .Nellie Beacon, 08, Hilda Forbes 06, Jean Farquhar 62, Mary Wright 54. Sr, 2nd -Eddie Johnston 65. Jr, 2nd -Noonan Wright 55, Mabel Wright 74, Walter' Forbes 60, Robert John- ston 62. Primer -Russell Jervis, -1'1. Holland, eaelmr. • GODI';R1C'Ii, Mrs, C'. Beck and Miss Ella of Tor- onto were in totvu last week. 17,endyin 00 - TO. wear0 Garments 66 C m Dry mods and lli nse Furnishings 1 I Sitlefadiii !splay ofil ►.:i'. min lshhn so We often hear this remark in our store, 11 you haven't paid some similar compliment it is because you have not yet visited our up-to-date house -furnish- . ing department. Spring shipments are here and on our floors, Housecleaning time is'sure to find you in need of some article in house furnishings. We have it whatever it is and at the price thatwill convince you in our favor. Everything in rugs is here from the cheapest to the best from a 35c'rug to a $35 00 one. Be sure and see our very large display before buying. What Aboiit the Windows? Have you decided wh',t you are going to do about the curtains for the windows ? Now that house-clean- ing isathand it is time you had decided: We are showing a beautiful range of curtain net from 15c a yd to [1..00 a yd lace curtains:by the pair from 50c to $5,50. Our trimmer, Miss Chinas, attended the summer. millinery opening in Toronto Monday and Tuesday of this week and has brought back many pretty, jdea,s .which will be on display this week, Seaforth. Nits; Peter' Dill of Dublin was 111 lowu last week visiting er, n h robe' t Mrs, L. McDonald, Donald Mrs, John Laird went'to Simcoe tact rinele to visit her sister, who is 111, 1 Mrs. Fred Davis of Goder'ich was in . . , ,.. visiting town la,,S',,wee her moth - Mr. Chas, Elerliurt 'Sr passe[, away at his home, here on Monday week after but a few days' illness from _ pileunionaa, Ml. l3borhart in the early days used to driee a stage be- tween Seaforth and.I3ruseels and af- terwards farmed in Hibbert township for a time, Miss Ildith Neelin, who has -peon accepted as a nurse for ocerseah "ser- vice and who has been given the rank of Lieutenant, Was accorded an en- ttnlsia;itic, sand -oil by the citieens, of town on her departure for • 'Ottawa Is a t"ck tvt o was S1 + 1 also r' I presented zitecl with address., sit a read by Mayor Ament, and a purse 0f gold Miss Gertrude McGee, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. James McGee, was married on Wednesday of last week to Mr. W. S. Ross of Toronto. They will reside in Toronto. Another old renicicnt of t'eafortli, passed to her final reward on Settle- dart Setur-d tri week at the 11o1nc of her nephews, Messrs. Alex. and George Lowery of McKillop, in the permit of Mrs. Geo. Hudson. For many years• sere was a respected resident of town, Her husband )redeceas:d her by see oral pears. Miss Norma Roberta Dickson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Dickson of town, \vas married in Edmonton on April NA to Mr. Wm. M. Corbett a barrister of Fort . Sas- katchewan, 4.1ta. Wingham A man who was arrested at Blyth nn suspicion of being the robber who secured 1150 from the office of the (:nand Trunk hers, appeared bolero- Magistrate eforeMagistrate Morton on Monday and 1215 discharged for lack of evidence. The death of Mrs. John R. Millan occuered Monday morning • at the age of 80 y0005, Mrs. Miller eagle here with her husband, ti't3 late: John. Mill- er, when the whole country was a Wilderness, tress. Sic was a member of St;. Andrea's church nearly: all Iter life and was generally well known, Word was received Monday mottling announcing the death in Detroit of Mrs. R. Wilson, a former well-known resident of this place. She was 53 rears, old, Hiss Mary Jane Gill, who was stricken with paralysis on Sunday, died Monday' in {lttr 78th year. She leaves one sister in Winghaln, Messrs, Robt. AIIen, J. W. Dodd, Jas. Hamilton and 11. 11, Elliott were elected by Coin Maitland, ('.0.1". as delegates to the High Court meeting to he held in St. Catharines du ,lute, .Airs, A. J. Alderson is in Toronto visiting her mother, Mrs. 1(. Rure, who wan injured getting off a street car recently, Miss Anna Elliott of \yeodst:me visited at the parent: al home here for t few d71 recently, Mr. A: 11 Wilford was in Toronto lana wove en business. 2'liss Margaret E. Reid, daughter of 1011'.. and Mrs, W. 13, Reid of town, was harried Ias.t week in Stratford to Illi. ;Henry White of Detroit, in which cit) they will reside. Mr. F. Cala' of Toronto was in town last week attending tee funeral of his sister, the late Mtn 0043', Postmaster 00(4111 ri1511(511) able, to be about after a somewhat se ere i(1- 06 ll'Ir. Amen Tipling, 511gllam'5 flax mill man, was appointed a.tnember of the executive of the Canadian Flax Association al its annual meeting re- cently 'held. W. C.T.TJ. On 01521101 day in Michigan ttie sa- loon was banished from 1.4 countees. In Wiseonsin 19 cities and towns went dry, and in ]llinois 14 town- ships 1.1f0(1(1 dry. This ab least closers 265 saloons in Michigan alone, Des Moines, Towa„ has wiped out its more then eighty, licenses. News -Record Means News -Leader, About :War. Stamps The Post ()ince Department leering g give notice a vee or twoao' connection with the ", War I eeenit11 Act., that all letters .011d Postcards amailed-On Canada f or delive tS in(, n- a a Lho 1T 1 'u " L cci States a or lvlex fico, and letters mailed in Canada for de- livery in the 'United Kingdom and British possessions _generally, or wberev40 the two cent rata applied, Should in addition to ordinaryp ost,- age carry a'orie cent stamp as a War tax, and elso halting notified the public than such war: tax, while it should be paid peeferatily. ' bei the postage stamp pmrked "Wel: Tai(," 001114, if such; -stamp were noir avail- able, be paid by an ordinaty, one; cent postage stamp, is now issuing' further notice to the, effect that postage stamps may be Used for the lrrepay- meet of wait duties on hank( cheques, bills of exchange, promissory notes, express nkoney orders, proprietary or patent medicines, pcrIt mei wines of champagne, ae well ll as«por letters and postcards postal notes incl post office moneys orders, the attention be- ing to provide facilities in those por- tions, of the country 101102(5 extiise stamps are not readily availette. This in view of the fact that postage stamps may he • obtained -ate all points over the whole country, in many places where there is co Collec- tor, of Inland Revenue and no Inland Revenue stamps could be obtained, is a dist(net convenience to the publie, and no doubt will be largely taken advantage of. LVERI" BRITON'S I1, 1T, Rew, (''.13., concludes an il- lustrative article on "Food Supplies in leer Pirie," being one of a series of Oxford Pamphlets, after pointing out that Great Britain alight hold out a year if actually blockaded by say- ing : ''Farmers, in my Relief, will prove, in this crisis, not unworn}, to be countrymen of those who are her- oically. defending British homes and hearths ori the fields of Flanders. They will do tlie.ir duty by working their utmost -often under .grave difficulties -to maintain and, it possible, increase the product of their farms, not Le - muse it is, (as in fact it swill b') profitable to do so, but' becansc it is the desire, no less than the duty, of every Briton, each in his own sphere, tohis dopart to help bie counter in the time of her direct need Is not ever)( Canadian a Briton in heart and sympathy, if not by nettle] birth; 13L1"l't1, Mrs. (Rev.) 1C. H. Cooper, former- ly Miss Margaret lelo0dyl of 131yti1, died in London on Thursday last, NOMA*, 4000011•11:000010010000, April 22nd, 1915 East Wawanosh '19ie following is the report of the P 121 ' 0 p off ml examinations i G ens for March of 5-. 5, No. 10, Plast Wawanosl 1. Sr, 4111. -Cora Fear 69.8 percent:, i n ., Hil iear t de' M Crowan 01,$, George son 43,9, Jr. 4th -Total 725, pass' 435--1311a Fear 501, Honors, Sr. 3rd -Total' 725, pass 435 -Lina McGow- an 527, Luella Wilson 451,, John Park - or 435. Jr. 31 it -Total 655, ,pass 393 -Walter 'Patterson 423, 131', 2nd- Total 626,- pass $75 -Clara McGoxvan 487, honors, May i'a4ker 399, Finlay McGowan 377, .Pt. 2nd -Total 375, Pass 225 --Ida McGowan 201. Printer -Earl Caldwell, -E. M, Phillips, 'Poacher. (Sag DATTy,S AT BOTTOM) NEW 1915 1NVENTlOcd RHARNESS, DANGER OR PAIN. COTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. Alt 1gari's new ltna •Ippl(-sons, "1110 Curative" and the (Oratrus are man- ly taking 111e place of leu okida hill( mai trusses peat ted by n4111order. These hew limn Coos are coast rnetrel to issisr nature fu her workof 110,111114,,r1 d re fr a 11'0111 eltly ('ttmtbet Sollle ,estate •(1111 y)l1 possibl \ h l 1'e' bell . ,1111,54.11 (11111 .A1 e time 01. 11110111(5. (00mpieh, read, rt, Del pucetot 1(0 1(1(0c011,01. o 11111 o ,),1,t,',;,-' 1 of lult150, 'Misery em1100 to In end 51 1)2(00 You will enjoy that absolute een11-. [,encu of being able to 110 anything et any oboe or anywhere without the bowel mak. lig (ta es5ap2 outside the abdomen, This 101 ivdlov( yon of Inon0,1 unrest and ro•ry, This will nude yen feel like 1a 0.110 P008011. This kind 0) retention is in- tended to assist nature t0 dose the 5 p 11 - big. Theso uen illventiors ere adapted to 11111urent forms Of hernia to meet the .needs ofeveq,num, W01111111orchild. Stop further experimentingwith foreign ap- pliances and end your rupture troubles at small cost by consulting a 00nadlml rup- ture appliance specialist, Delays may be dangerous; tete' oft coupon now. I THIS FREE RUPTURE COUPON 0 IIw st pK ingn mi,':, tTo Gro nktoi, ga o, ,pv eiiavliis t1111)tmonsneioventitlesbeleer toee con- sultation and examination of urtes. A I. s• 101 notel Wilco for room number. IVoto dntos. ., Clinton, Patt<nbur,y Hotel, S.it:Jrdny (all day and night) 1 day only—April 24th. Goderieh, Bedford hotel, April 27111, Seafor th, Qu en's Rotel, April 2611). Made in Onnnd0, eietteeeemeorierrameten "MADE IN CANADA" Your ne ighbni' delves n 1"or11--w-i1y dont you 1 \V e 11(1 ,oiling move fords in 01111adl01 bio year than ever bol'or0---1)t(ttrse Un nail inns demand tile best (11 111111111• car Service tt tiro lowest tans- sble cost. the "Aiello lei oauae111' FPotd 1.f, It Il OS18011.7.-n141. tt Itlx ply, Touring gar 6500 : `l'oa'n Car price on apllilen- 11,111. All Ford (1 ears are fall)' equip real inrhnl- int; eleotrie headlights. No C1,tra 21(11 tloeryuip- pod. Buyers of Ford ears Will 0111(•0 in OUP pl' irts if' the sell 30,000 ears between August lot, 1014 and August 151, 1015. BERT LANOFORD, Dealer Clinton, Ont. Phone 163. Buy the Mode11. rn Way Direct from Page, (FREIGHT' PAID) You Want the BEST FENCE at the LOWEST PRICE. The Biggest Real Value for Your Money. TI'15N-WHY go to the -dealer i' He doesn't Blake rho feacr lie only sells it. You pay hire a profit --hid, he can't add: ,,cent to the WORTH of your fence. He .only acids to its cost. --.elle 1vt1Y-help to nay the Organizer 92500 year Flo WHY -help to pay te Salesrclanagor's98500 Salary? doesn't make fence, Be Inerelysells it to the Dealer'. He doesn't make the fence. -file merely bosses the. lie gets a. line hiving --by raiedng the•,PRI0p1 (but. Organizer- who sells to th1 Dealer -who finally N07 the Q1JALI:[ Y) 01 your l!eute, sells to_Y01J„ You pay hiin well, 50p.c. to 76; p.c. of all the 11108ey you pay the Dealer for the Fence --goes to thnae (been then, , Yet the 3 together eon'I; add a single day to the 1(111 01 your fence. But they can and do add many ' cents to its price. PRICE LIST IIEAVY FENCE SPECIAL FENCE 'pyx Rin 0i , {. ('el00 h1 041 No. o topp une Uoaton(. Malmo No. te, IOLL' rue(¢ tart 011 Ira Ilnla Untarlu Upv811Le 81,101100 .port, 3/ 22 R, 9, t6 10 (10,21 40 22 ( 7 RI, 9 9. 24 20-bsr, 4R -hack f0,46 40 2 5 '5,4 7 7, 75„ R .26' 20 -kir, 60dnek .Sri 48 22 5,614 74, 9, 10,00 26 42 `22 r 6, s6 6, 6, b ,29.. 8 42 161,<6 6, 4, 6 6, 6,1,, ( .31 PAGlIff;. yourgivet1ALt, your fence'llloney to the 100(1 whocosily 111111:05 rho' 501100' V lm Aute nett rt ALL the QUALITY and V'Af:UIO you pay for there Is otlly ono bniall profit between you aid' us file rest of vont 3•f t: Cato mono,' !illy.' 1i1GH QUALITY 12 -ft. Gate 2.830 and I IIt11,1r\fru SERVICE, 4,35; (0-tt. GatO 4.60 W411'support, the "middle. R 47 Ib 4, 5; 000 '6,-, 1 so f4 -1t. Gate,;e 4,R5: neon 1" Why pay. FADE prices-, Sa 7 R r, 9 9 52 Set toots R.00 1o1 Ponce and nut, half as good e 7 43 22 6, 6, r rr' l;. 6, 6, 6 ,. ,,.,, ,34 2S I6n,.Brnao wkre Vl IIV; give Me deal3rdolIar bills 6, 4, 6, 6 .36 •15 for )0e.t 'l'hlnk this -over) Mall 112 '. 121' i, 4,. f 5c,, 7, (114 7 9i' .34 2K. lbs. Starke ,RO y0nr•. order 01011 '00011, cheek,;: 104 l0 4 t' 4,' l,- 7, 0ya h 9 ,,,, .36 - — money or on.pross odder o' bank - 3 "i S t 514, 7, 7 755, 8. ,3R &ran to Oho nearest. P A G.L+' 10. 52 LS 1,r, 3 d f 4 5t4, 7, R+1 '9,'9 ,38 " tfRDIGrIT PAM ON ORDERS 1:IRANI-At Coot the 13 P S T 11 53 let& r 3, .3, 3, 3, 1, 616, 7, 41, 9, 9 4.1 ort $20,00 OR OVER 7151018 of the L () w ES 1':--. New °mule Prices eo Emelt, 31,0 PULL No. 9 -GAUGE; P13I(35, Freight r paid on 810 PAGE ortiem and over, PAGE WIRE FENCE CO Ltd DE.P', (11:37RinciSW. See. , TORONTO os r1./B e ri5' `87:Ohutelt Sr. WALiele UV[LLB "PAGE FENCES WEAN. BEST" aiamilmaresaneratimaterewelmezitakeemareetessiscar The ti5Garae• Aur ClJi7 V d Accessories. We still have a Few Bicycles, est New e and Second Hand. .A11 Kindsof RubberRepairing, BabCarriage Tires Replaced. ed. J. D. PAXlii. The 'V ew "Castle' Coiffura The Latest Creation in The Art of HAIR DRESSING This style was originated an(1 designed by New York's exclusive set, now worn universally in all cities, it is NEW, ODD, yet simple and be- comiu to all faces. Requires the use of a 24 io 30 inch three separate strand switch, Wo sell the MAIIATTAN LINE of Guaranteed Human Qiair Switch- es, and ear match your Hair perfectly, Our salesladies will gladly show you this style and the arrangements of a 3 -prong switch. SEE OUR DISPLAY Human Hair Switches at all Prices from $1.50 up. COOPER P ' Clinton. ebbed Your Telephone® Behind your Bell Telephone is a little army of carefully trained' workers, each laboring to perform well the task assigned. The sum total of their efforts results in the commodity in which we deal --telephone service. all Telephone service is the standard of the world largely because of the faith- fulness and efficiency of Bell Telephone - employees. Why not enlist these efficient workers in your own service --why not call them to the air•rl of your business? By studying the uses of your telephone, figuring out how you can make it serve the special needs of your business, and by applying both our local and long distance service to those needs, your business can share fully in the benefits of good telephone service. Use your telephone intelligently, sys- tematically, persistently. Every Ref1 7'cicphonc is n Lona invader She lion." The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS Wo can assist you in selecting your furniture 11 you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces you will find it to your advantage to inepect our stock and see the berggins we 1.u'e giving, We ;Pee carry a good line of violins,` pianos and organs; Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re- spect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction, JAS. DUNFORD.. Undertaker and -Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over'. store, 28 Phone 28